'nil-: bee. om'aiia, Monday, april 4, vm. Want-Ad Rates lc CASK WXTX OaUDEBl par word eticlt insertion. pcll Kti Farm and Ranch I.am1. to per II"'..-- each Insertion (Cuunt six. worda to lh line.. FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDBR AGENTS OR HKI.I' WANTED C LASaiFlCA T ION 8 ; 2c per word one tlm i',,c per word. . .three conaecutive time C-AftQE KATES I c per line... one tlm Jo per line., ,,. .three consecutive time tCount ill word to the line.) WO AD TAKER TO X.EBS Till A TOTAL 07 BOO OB LESS THAW 100 TTM DAT. CAKD Of THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 10e per line each insertion (Minimum charge 60 cent.) Monthly Rat for tndlng ad fnn change of copy) 1 1 .BO per line (Count six ord to the, tine.) Contract rat oa application TTTB BEE will not tie reponlbl for more llien on Incorrect Insertion of n advertisement ordered for more than on time. ADVERTISERS ehotiM retain receipt lven by Tli Re In payment for Went Ada, no mistake can be rectified without them. VfiK Tim. TrXFPTTnVR if you emnnt conveniently bring nr nd In your d. Ak, for a Winr-Ar" Tnker, and you will receive the anm rood eervlce a when delivering your ad at the office. PHONR TTT,KR 1000. vA VT-AT rnT.T'MNS CTXWHF, trVWSTNV, KOTTIOVK V. sfORNINO EDITIONS :0i) p. M. r MOVIE PROGRAM Current offering of the best Motion Picture Theater In Omaha. (Changed Dally.'i PonnluiTn, KMPKESa." 16TU to DOUGLASS "Romance of a Hollow Tree," a inosl gripping elory of the love of en lu vrnlor of an orolian, a film of today. "Knocking Out Knockout Kelly," screamingly funny farce. "The Strange I 'an tit Mary Vane," fourteenth episode. Mulut Weekly. PftTNCKSS, 1317-19 DO LOLA 8. "HIKED AND PIKED." "WHEN MIGHT IH RIGHT." "FIIEDDY THE FIX Kit." THKAUNAM. 1416 KAKNAM. Tli House of Feature. Plpo Organ end Orchestra Music, Today Present CHARDEX CHERRY la "PAHHBH8 BY." f HK OAR DEN, 1 3 1 ft K A UN AM "The German Wide of (he War," first time shown In Omaha, for 10c, d reels, produced byllie Chicago JTrlbune. Aorta, GUAN'D. 16TII AND BINNEJf. Valeek 8 uis It In "The Soul of Droud wsy, a it-nel Fox feature, and a good comedy. PIPE GROAN DK LUXE GRAND 16T1I AND BINNEY Mry Roland In "The Pile of Happi ness" and a good comedy. PIPE ORGAN DK LUXE LOTIIKOP." 24TH ft LOTH HOP." Resale Rarriecale and Uruce M 'Rae In "Tfie Green Hwamp." Charles Murrey In "HlsJIereafler." toTHKOP. 24Tlf ft L.OTHKOP7 Resale Uarrlscale and Itruca McRa In "The Green Wwamp." Chrle Murray In "HI Hereafter.". BHKRMAN 16TH AND BUltDKTTBi I'lrst Itun First Run First Run 4 T1IE NET" Featuring Marlon ftwayne end Pert tlney, a flv leel Mutual maeterplec of love, mystery and th ea. Also a clever comedy, TERKIN'8 PEACT: PARTY" Six Kplendld Reel In All. Matinee to a .VI. Kvenjnc, 7 to 11, koelh. APOLLO. 224 LE AV KN WORTH. 'A Flock of Hkelntons." Kalem. "Ills Mother Hon." Illogiaph. "A Ho.dal Inception," Kellg. "Mamma Roy," Vim to BOULEVARD. iU lkLven worth; Hunday, coiitlnunu from 1 p. m. F-tnll ahla 1oliin Picture Corn. preaeiita l-Vank Klieridan In ' The Klruaale.' KOHLFF. J66fLEAVKN WORTH WILLIAM EARN I'M 'TI0HTINll"nLOOD." wm MONUOK. 3655 KARNAM, 'The Nina of the Mothers," the N York l,tentog Huns ll.1 pita., film ilratna f.-atoiiha Anita Ptewatt and Varl Williams, VlUnraph I'hte Kilit..ii fealore on Ik BKH.HK, I4TU & N "The Record lion," Kalem. "slinosl a Iteioine." (-la lt .nl.los) "The t1, ilia ti..rvMt and Ilia Man," fell OHIIIEt'M. 24TII ft M i terl of f.Mi pMuiea IIKtH t rilHtl. WllU. t MIHIH.Iji. Mi. I ..I Is g,, V. -( k-i. Part ! I ,i. ,., ai. Mis la-ea tr.i.i a I ,.f ion.ua l'tio4l M o lay I i f ..i r. .. () h m .n r i'ie. i 'ii a ... i.i a. t ,li. 1IKII Itllli I II I M I .11 . I H.f.ll ifiif fi.ie-1 l...e loiwiiii M.-niil Wii.am I , In h'-t t ft.i . i .ai.eral ff. r. it.'n. 4'. t V V, i, ki..ii'tv st J t i f loi'ii ,, t tin tire. ' t' ii i i I i l Mo.Hn, I''e. ' Ii.l., .1. i. i (,, -, . Ii t . , -.- i- i i , . in i a m..,..,'. i ( : i a 4 I I l !.-. i 1 . . I I ' i. I . t , f ,.,k, f-'!... I ... i, (, MlMI'..1 . . I A III! t t, if Ms,e. !..' lM.t. let !" i.,, ai k twa) Uu Ml Hit k i i , Mt M 1 1 ( U ,1 ,' i:, M 'AMI' !. .. . la ..' t e-"4 la . ... t ' 1 . t t a i , y I la ' ' ' a a ,-., Ma, a t .! 4 ! 1. ,a , VI i ... . t . h w. fc. ...... . i tv a , a ' . a ' a " 4 t I i t t 1 l.oii,.., ih ! n i- a I ' a 4 ai. -t -1 1- -.1 , hi STAR FEATURES Special Extra Reel Features now appear ing at the following Theater: APOLU), 204 Ll.AVKNWORTII, "A Flock of Skeletons." HESSE. 24TH AND N STREET. "The Record Run." boulevard, md & lea yen worth. Frank Sheridan In "Tho Struggle." EMPRESS,- " i;tirAND" ItOVAiQiS. "UoniMiice of a Hollow Tree," a most Bitii'iinu story. OR A Ml." lutll AN D HlNNI'.vT Valeskn Kuratt In "The Soul of Broad way. ' it I-rcc Fox feature. Lti.TIIROP. UTH A N I ) LOT! fROI'l licgMlc RHrrlecale snd llruce Mi Rao In "The (irecn Hwmp . MONROi;. ZlZ FA RN Ali. "The Hlns of the Mothers." featuring Anlta htewart ndl'jirJWIMIm. I'HlXCJUfH, J317-1 D0U0LA8, "Hired end Kited" ltOHl.KK, 2il I.KAVKNWORTH Wlillnm Karnum In "KluhtlnK Illood." TIIK HIIKIiMAN," PiTII HI.'RI IKTTB. Mnrlon Hwayne and Hyrt Uelaney In "The Net." Also clover' comedy, "1'ur- klns' lae I'arty." TIIK UARIJICN, KAKNAM. The Herman Hide of the War," the first time shown In Omaha, for Kk-, reels J'rodin ed tiytlm rhjcaito Tr'."."!!L! THK KARNAM 115 FARNAM 8T. Charle Cherry In "rMor By." LOST-FOUNO-REWARDS IK roll ( anftii' sail will 4rtls It ken, r will ir U II to"" er " boo lria. Beeinrlniile r;orlt re kreuiki tirtut efrr lr tsreush ikit rnlum. 1H l,W- rvl ne (itiil lost nlole ert Itleraated la in,wln that tba lew ll llflrt Is requiring U Ik 0s Ihniuik sdwrtiMieat (o4 eiherwles, ibst a failura lo n en. If ue M sir. Is vn1vM a severe Mnaltr OMAHA A t'llDNril, HI.I.'KI'H HTMBBT RAILWAY (OMJ'ANY. Person havlna rt oma rtlcl would do well to imM i.p the office of lh Omaha Council Rhiff Hlroet Railway company lo certaln whethr they left It In Hi street car. Many article eaon day art turned In and the company la anxious lo reatore them lo lh ritflitfuf owner. Call liotif. 41 ! I8T H-t ween ' Hoiii' b Onmha and Klor ence, Kidd locket with diamond eetlliiK, moiioKrani 11. I-:, I). Reward. Rhone Hiniili j or IIIW. J ,t HT- I'd rse wit h t I'.'.M)' hot ween Kt ii " and loiiltlii and ilili and Alliunl, W'ednea dy n. Wi-hainr 211k. Reward. I.OMT- lilni k I u r colliir on Zllh HI. and lloiilewnd. hclwecn M Ht, Mrs, George park. Houlli wi. Reward, i.OHT-Round hliick onyx pin, edd with gold, pearl In center. Call Hurney tfTXI, Reward. l.OHT-iin KoicmI f.iwn cemetery car, (jold-lieiid d umhrella. with "J. R." lul Hula: reward for finder, Phone II. :nn. 1,1 IMT-Humli of keys; reward. Phone Walnut I'i'lit. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOOS furnllare aaal llouaebold Oiisila. AN OPPORTUNITY To otilaln lilah kradn house furnlsh Iiiks at fn Ices "away hclow" anjllimg on the furniture market, !! Come, let us allow Vol! !! !! 11 us prove m YOC !: II Let us Miive Vol' money !' OI K MOTTO-lllKlieal uualllv gooiik at !oet price, wild hetter avoommo dallcn than elsewhere, Rclo we mention a few piece now on sale, I'.ii llraaii lied Ill -M I 7 Hleel heds 1 1) Hitiiik". all styles.. SM tli celt iiiatlreaaes, roll edge .fi $ 7 Fell comliliiiitlon matlreasee 8. T4 ;C lucaseia, oak or mahogany IS on Iireaaera, all finishes 24. .'41 I.', Period dining laldea. M-lu 'ii 2. I.'t William and Mary tallies, 6 ft.... U.to $Z.i do Id. n oak laliliis 14 W !ii High la, k Charles II diner 2.2i, 1 l ane hack chair.,, , 1 Wood seat illiura 11 Let ua explain our special offer for June brides. We deliver lo all parts of city. Out-of-town mall orders solicited. PHONE Oorcil.AS 1 117. 8TATU FIRNITI-RK CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge 8ts. W ANT Kli-ToselTliii Wgrade furniture. In storage; never been ueed. Will dis pose of all or vnrt at a sacrifice If laken at once. Might consider term to right I'm it v. An opportunity for any one furnlahlng a new home. Colfax lT'll. OMAHA PILLOW CO.- Felt and hair neittreaaca made over In new tick at half th prlco of new onea Phone us for sample, of ticking. Mall order tilled. 1l'7 Cuming Ht. Imoglas 2407 ri'llNITI'IIK and tugs. In excellent con dition; miUahle to five room cottage; owner leaving city.. Tel. Wehaler W'2 u ICK hoxea, 25 aa elovea, flat ruga of all kinds, poultry lra and nrUlng Oi-n till T' i; I'M No. 21th Kt. Ptaaue and Maaleal laslramenl. VIOLIN -Good toned, Imnd-niade Inatru nienl. brought Inlo America from old country (Germany) before war; five rtava' free trial at my expense; easy payment If you wdah, Wrllo Mia lieitle Manilas, Routt- ii, Roscdalf, Kan- an PI A NOH FOIt H I'NT. Cood makes, good condition, 13 M per moniii' new pianos. M (l per month. A, HOKPK (HI, 1M In Piltlgla Ht VP TR'H.A; leaving the city rea snns. Wlm will git" to spot cash? f J. Canan, McCague bldg. A lil TACHAUl l". Cei-llllitn pinnoplayrr. w rolls tf iiioalc. Will sell ui Irade. HsiueV i HIGH lillthi: piano, tl'V Poone W alnot I 14. Jeaselri, lllaaaoaaa, Aaleheay. HkhI'HI AHl' lucky wedding rings" I isih and iH.ugia eia Type" rltrra ear alallea. KKW mi. bint wld lb aama a int; $1 ar nmnlli. Hee US befoie a .HI buy or mil. aiiiil any plai on tn ilav fre trial. Run Ttpewilter r.xi hang. . 14 llh, I llilall Neb T i rw nitrin kM rnii i. r iaii.il linn an Hbvr iyi.riie i iii.oiiiia f r f ivmral Tyi-ewnter t--itiiui. I Fat""! fl h l I NG'I ' 'S M..niil. and k tilih lirinl." Ll fnt , in an w .,! ti. lit. itf-n l i(.'ll'r l I'lnpant, p I'M MINI a. ( iI.Im.ii and CatOoa i't , vpil"f ' ff' ifcMt-e. hde-s-i '. t i' i t Ci! li t ll i4 HI. ii I A M I mi." i A i MH.' I t t"t ' ' I '': Sill, t t'es) l'.-s ttw 4 tittle ritlsi'i K a a a a a a. t..a.-a-.a t- h 4 'I. t- ! ti.oalta A .lt l I lit . at l-i" I'vu I it Ilar4taaae wad laatt. f .a; l.ll a a - I Ml) i a a ( ' t- " ! N t tahl. r, e tas V I kl ' "'a a.:' aa !( It't )-' at SI e4 4 I' !. tl.l .-.in" It, a. llM.v. II 1S! W U 'i I. -a fa :a i,, j '.... .. u t ' ! ' t It , I I.J". w a - ,.. ... ,! ( a ... I 1. f, I l.i, tie f at I- i a 1. .. . ., . .it -I I -a t.al t t. K . a. I . I a aa ,5l I 1 1 M. a . " M .a .at I -t t I ii I . a I I ll I ! t ! t.i it'" ,i ; . I , I a . '.ii' ! i a e4 VI ' I 1 III I 1. I , .1 1 .,, I I lA I I S'.i . .a ' . at .-as aa' t' ai I . a t ' ' t I i li '" I I l l'l l ' . t Vti-t a. tails' ... a i ... , ic i 1 I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS aelaif Macaalae. Sewing Alachines We rent, repair, aell needle and part of all sewing machine. MICKK.LS NKRTIASKA CYCLE CO., JMh and llarnev Hts roug. Milliard and Pocket falile. KOlf SALHNew and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and howling alleys and accessories; send for cata logue; easy payments, The Rmnswb k. Ralke-Cnllenil-rJ'o.. 407-4'H 8. I0th8t. Machinery" anil I'.italne. i7V tJecond-hand motor, dynamo. """ mngnetoa. Le Rron IClectrlO Work. S1S-M 8. 1?h St. Nlranherry Planta. JCver-benrlng irwbeiry plants, home grown. I per hundred. ' oirng a7 Prlnttnaj and Otfle Supplle. 'C()MMKlU IAL''DuiiIliatlng Co., (Hrcular letter. Public sleno, Addressing en velopes or raids, etc. Call I. ;'il W Paxton Rlk.' OKT OCR prices on Job printing, ( AMPAIGN CARDS A 8PKI J A LTT . V. 8, PTG. CO., HKK RLOG. I). 11". WATFHM-H A il.N 11 A RT Ptg Co.', qTiallty printing Tel Dong. Jl! 624S.lth Bt. MtseeJIaneiiD. MYTiigii ""standard of quality will b malnlalned; 4 guarls of Old Kontenelle whisky, g.1 2.'; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock mall order house, Doug. 7162. 122-124 N. Kith 8I ALEX " JKTTES 'i7fQU0RT.0USK.' Thirteenth and Dougla. Hot tied III bond whisky, 8oc. (1.00, l.2.'i, full 'jua t. flolden West Whisky, 4 full iiuarls bottled In bund, prepaid. Cacklcv Rros., Omaha. KOH 8ALK -Pialrle hayrWrlt Watioii Hay Co., Inmiin. Nob. CHOICM pure Vermont maple syrup at tl.lo per gallon; augar try h or I" 10, pall l l .c per lh . and In l-lli. brick at lko tier lb, Jnv T. 8mltb, Rupert, Vermont. FOR 8 A LK 2 natuial hair swlVches; one gray, one brown. Friedman, IMI Doug las. WANTED TO BUY M'A NT h D-.l I Ig'if Via iirveyor' transit, an Inalriunent that Is dealgned for gen eral laud surveying as well as drainage work, Pile must b right. Address V B e. JJIOHKS, DESKS "DESKS"' New deak. used desk, bought, (old nd traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farniun. W ANTIOD-lloys' good second-hand bl cyi li HI or IS In. frame. Writ O. C Hpiague, ITay Center, Neb, RACIIMAN will pay you niore' for fur niture clothes anil shoes Web. i.HD. Highest price paid for 2d-lmnd clothes, iK.es, ti unks, 'iltcacs. I , ifcsi or D. OLD TTHi:8! OLI 8HOK8!" W pay highest price. Wehaler 1724. We pay best pints for old clothes. TT. tVKlT Real prices paid for old vludie. D, 4714 ATTRACTIONS WA XTKl'v- Poriiihie " skating ""rink nd other coticeaslon for FJeotrle park and Capital Hcach, (live full details first letter, F. I). Kager, Lincoln, Nob, CITY "OK HI'PKKIOK, Neb., "will cele brate July 4th. Clean, first .hiss, and responsible conecesarle. Write to J. I,, Gnlhreth, Chairman. 8unrlor. Neb, ANNOUNCEMENTS B U O I ) KG A A H H 8 "Lucky Weddlnt Ring" at Hth and Douglaa S. f.l VM outdoors Y. M. C. A. Out Park? I, a ' n in ti at era. CALLED for and delivered. Re'alr work. guaranteed. Haw filing. Dougla "2s La winnowers sharpened. Harney 6070. Motor Hepalr. CAITILL KLKC. CO,. Re Rldg. D. VCt. nrrasniHlalng. Accordion, Side. Knlfo, Rox Pleating. Cov, Hultons, Ileiimtltehlng, Neb, Pleat- ln Rtittnn Co. 4.11 -2 Paxton Rllt. R.4!42. Vila A Flic her, lailles' tailored garment for all oicanlon, 4( Rose RldgTy. 2,I7; in . -ssm a kins und plain ew lng: reuson- ble; satisfaction guaranteed. Web. 112. ANNA HI.ATF.lt. dreHsmaker; iadles' sllk ault a specialfy. 8ouih m;H. 4' 8. 22d. RY day. work guaranteed. Web. r. Kelster Dressmaking Col. K.2S City Nat. Terry Dreasmak'f college. JOiti A Parnank VuRK guaranie'ed. I hone Walnut Hot, ( uncrrte ( aatrnctor. CF.MF.NT walk and driveway. D. 7t Carpenter and Contractor, lard & Hon ! Capitol Ave. T. 14U Youtif, rep'f , Jobbing, screen Wcb.178;. Cl' W. Mokaiiaoii, 2fs06 'vnwtli. TylMW-JT Oaleopalla Piiyslclan. Mrs.JIVJIiislck. VJ Roae ll.Jty.t llalrdrraslna. IPKAL Hair Parlor-201 Balrd' Bldg. Manicuring, acalp, facial and violet ray treatment. Toilet articles. D. 61Ki. Tosvrl kail piles. OMAHA Towel Bupily, Wl 8. 11th. p. Ml Mine Hrpnlrlna. . Hhoe rep'r'g. hat cl ng. l.v,'l Far. Red JiSHl. " liultima autl I'laatlaaj. O. U. VAN ARNAM. Dreea I leallng and Rutlon Co. Phone Doug'aa Pxlon Blk. Northeast Corner Kith and Farnam Ht. Accordion, knife, side, space, bog and liin-' pleating. Combination box and ilde pleat aklrta I In all laiest design. riemsuienillg, I'leui enain. pinaina, rii'hln and button made In order. Mall orders given prompt and spaclal attention. All work guaranteed. Hals Iranrit anil ftlitrkrn. 8TRAW, Panam.i, all kind hats, cleaned and reblocked. I..K1-Iu2'l Harney Kt. ALL KIM'S of hats olesned and blocked. I,'..l Farnam 8t. Phone lied tikfcJl. I leaner sail lifers STATI-. DRY l l.KAMMI CO., ID N. r.'Hla.8t. 1 1. C'.'" Ha iirea Com pa ale. TWIN C1TV al-'.x press I o. 1,2.; Cass 8t. Douglas 1'iiT. Heavy hauling a specially. le 1"pree Co , 2. Ill Farnam. liar. t'K, ICeraiataa 'f vsatataea ACCuUDinN, sloe, knife, unbiirt, bog pieatliiK. entered eult. .ns, all site ami at y lea, hrmsUtchlng, po ot edging. ein broidery, beading. In siding, cording, el!( cut work tiuttcntiolr. peuiiauta 1 1 ' I . A 1 , llt'TTtiN AN D PI. FATING CO, Jia) Dousla Ploek tiotigla 1Sj4 tri'naalasla, E. a: nWORAK, C. P. A M4.7 Rami Rldg Tel. IKiuglag 7au talk. tn . RF.NDs, Nulpimi, Htesm. Modera "lurkiali. Me. ti MATH- ami M l. HAiit. .r lud neite and rheumatism. I'rlta' at'trlt'irnl f r ia.pe with la If eiteiidaiit l" Farnam I n. oa i.. M Xhiata anli, BUIV. nw catda, nil i i'ii, tjub-k nii n..r I atl oi Ida tlndit, Rio nil D '. I irlllklaa fate tkllilreis. It T VI I maae s'l Hull if ilnlhes f..e t t.li.llan I .til W a-staler IVk. t Mtetate. flit t l''i l. a "a, pill dieaa SOU, faf lent TU N t ti l J,.iia vi.lit.aa flaaa lasieaetiaa. I.sail o. i I-.... . ' i. 'y la i,kt tw .i bse i. I , . t it !. 1' I klrttataelwr, katlaal 4 I t aneal. pit til Itll.ifc.V . ..aat It.. I al, Pali .r e t, ... t I a ..t.tatli-s treat I r n Ilia, team, l Cvwi a I ts. K 1 If J C I ''. a I Pal., I I. I, (I a, Hewaxeleatelag. I i Tit I.' ). a t iasi.it s a .,tk a tail l. aa I l U te tt a )..r ai..... , .i,.a i4 r 'a S. .wat.4 ti .i ait i Italaetlaas, ('Hit. t IM h i t A Mi'tii - it -.i ii t a Jiuu til N J ! i i. ii Mt .1. . a- . ad 'a. t l .wi 'I n-t li'aa IV I NaM I - ' ll 4 , I as kv I. .f ( .. '( ' t fefi . nlui at lakaaat I I ' -it a s. a i .... ta e. . a ' I ill it a 4 Haw 4 t s4t I . la. 4 a t ' . U a .. ...... a a I t a i r t, a si i . (. I ' n t . s i o I k Iff.aai4te. a I I'ul 4 11 f W.4 at, Jaat.nw si ISa ra.a I II II !' . I . t ' ...t I IS . Ke4 I 1 4 s I . .1- e- l i t a X t IM, 1 t I .1 a. link ANNOUNCEMENTS Palntloa; and Pa perl mt. Omaha Paste Co. 71 8. 1.1th. Dougla tmn. Vacaam Cleaner. CLEAN Q! ICM.Y and THOROTiOHLT WITH ECLIP8B EI.KCTRIC: UKNT tl AND Ilia) PER DAY. DoUGLAH 2760, Flit ores aad Wiring. nTTT?T IW Electric whln maohln, LUiUliXel(.(.tr(0 ,rulJ1 and rea(ing lamp. 2223 Caming 8t. Doug.2Sl. Tailoring. H. M ARCf'B, tailor and cleaner, prelng and repairing. 320 N. lth 8t. p. fcau WHO will niake'ma a spring ult7 Lind- ouisi. us ration ma HaLarlra. CAKF.S. pastry and fsney bakery good gupplled lo partlr. lodge and nte'taln ment. Z. 11. Reeder, ltv. N. Isth. W. MS.. Furnaces and Tlaarar. ROOFING, furnace and general tlnwork. 8. Abram, la si N. 21th HI. Web. 5448. ilAttBHttTHoH,' 4(126 Hamilton! i'Wl. .JVC Wall Paver tlraalngj. Wallpaper cleaning by room or hour. Reasonable. Doug, 6is. Geo. Rumple. WALL PAPF.R clegned, "ll.'jO '"per room. Phone Rod .:Oi. Advertising .Niiveltlee. M.P. Shafer 4t Co., 12' h-Karnam. D. 7474. W edding 'Stationery. WEDDINil announcement and printing. pOCOLAH Printing Co. Tel. Jloiiggll. Attorney. C. T. Dickinson 611 Paxton Rlk. l. Wi. - - 0Bt,,., rr. Bradbury. No train. IH2 ! W.O.W. Rldg. Taf't 'fcDent7 ft ins,, SON Rose Kiiig'. f. " Itaoelna Academies, DBJ.UX ACADKMY. Ill 8. lktli St. Porch and Wlnuotv kcreen. FROM fa tory to yon. Phona Red 4fi27. Tailor' Trimmings. OmhA Tfm's Co., Vri liarbacn Rlk. P22i Latvyvr. FRANCIS MORGAN. 513 f le. D. 4ft. ICIeirll. " " Ulna Allender, :4 Itee Hldg. Red S0.1S. flraee null Iron Fouuilrlr. Paxtnn-Mltcliell Co., 2ith and .Martha 81. Wine and l.iuuor. RI'Y your family ll'iuors at Klein Llijuor Home. i2Z S. Kith. Douglas 1WW. SWAPPERS' COLUMN TWO" NF,V RI NG LOW 8 (room, one lloor, finely dacorated, oak and birch finish, quarter sawed oak floori; morlern. Also Mb acres Houth ' Jrukola farm hind. 8wap for l.s1 acres or more, uheap dear aoutnerii luuo. Want lo ralso stock: or will Inidi; lor clear Omaha lids. Frank G. Howard, 1K24 8nhler, Oinali. Colfax 4W. KDI80N Home pbonogriipli and record to wap fot small automatic revolver, a shotgun or good leather suitcase. 1 also have u winnower, nearly new, and oil heater. Will trade for good leather suitcase or gun. Address 8. C. 110, lice, ALMOiriT new Mnjeatlci range and aome best Jewelry, barltonn brass horn; want to swap for painting tin K-room bunga low must be a good workman and ready to go to work st on''e. Address 8. C, K4, Hee. HAVK "t2.Wl.QU worth of Irrigating- stock fsharesi to trade for good aulomohlle or Omaha property. Also have second hand car to trade. Whet huve you? 8. C, IIMii, pee. K(ft 8ALK or trad, lady7 14-k, oiid gold watch, IB-Jewel movement; cost $Vi; and ,31 Bmlth A Wesson revolver. Friedman, 'EM Douglas. WILL ll, or what have you to trade for a good delivery truck In flrst-claa running order? New tlrea and newly overhauled. Address 8. C. 114 Ree. HAVF, brand new set of Mackey' "His tory or freemasonry," In seven Ireau tlfully bound volumes: regular price IXi. Will exchange for good roll-top desk. Addreas 8C. 1IHI, Ree, WILL take new BUtomoble for farm iii North Dakota. H. 1 Lyon, Olenwood, la. trA KOi)AiCcase, portrait Ion, tripod anq neveioping tank lo trade ror a R-flat comet, or what? Addre Y 375, Re. BlNGLK-ryllnder magneto motocycle. In good condition, to trade ror small rew eultlng lathe. Mnx 1K1 Red Cloud, Neb. FILMS DBVELOPED FRKK when'pr .ht are ordered. Enlargmenta from any negative. Kase Hludlo. Kl'h and Harney. tMOTOIl boats and atilos to swop. Iowa Host nd l'.ncln Works, Sfttli ht. and Ave. J, Council Bluff. la. I MONTHS old hi Indie hull pop to wap ror nreies cooker, or what liav you. Address8. C. .U,p,ee ADDINGm"aciilne. Will exchange for typewriter, office furniture, automobile, or what hav you? Addrea 8. C. 1183 Ree. trtk-poCND safe to trade for a kodak, post card site. Address 8. C. Iltw. Rf. 1'ON'T you want this 220-acra farm,"c1os In7 Toland Trumbull. Dougla 6707. ONE Mason truck for good horse, harne' and wagon. Address g. c. tsi, Hee, A I 'TO tires or accessorlo for adding ma chine, Address 8, C. 11(50. Ree. Ml INCCRATOft "to" "" exchange for chickens. Bee 8. C. 8S3. BUSINESS CHANCES OR I '.AT HARGAIN In a large lows tovvm grocery, riour, teml and coal huslness; rent of store, barn und coal anl ): per month; 4year lease; about ll.fioo will buy all fixtures, wagon scale, siock nn hand: have an agency for PillaJiury flour that pay big; also have cream agency: all go In wlih the busluesM. The present owners, after paying all expenses of conducting the businesH, all family expense and every exiiense, ac tually save fl.iirt) a year net. Owner will prove all of the above. Don't offer trade; If vou hate the cash see WIIJ.1AMB. Room 411 MeCaguo Tlldg., ldth and Dodge fts., Omaha lit IT EL "CA FK- The "Vafii In "oni of Omaha' best hotel to rent furnished, rent fit) ier month, all taken In meal ticket; nil the new party will have to buv la linens, rilahe ami silver, about .: Good chance lo get Into a money making business for small investment, he WMLLIAMH, 411 Mit "ague Rldg., I.dh and Dodtre Sts. TRUSTEES' AUCTION SALE. The tm k and fixtures of th Paipietta Cash Market and Grocery, .V.ti Pearl Ht . Hliiut t (y. la., will he old at publlo ii. I Ion un tbu premises at J p. m on Tuesday, lh 1th of April. Th stuck Invtd -t. l 4.1? and Ilia fixture Involve IJ.W4. Th build in ran be leased al a iiio.erle rental The location I excellent, Ibeie .t n.it a better known litaiket In HI..UX t lit The sl.'re Is rapalde of d.diia and b dune, Iflween ll nl and I; ' a wrg The lorti will he i pen f . r Iliac 1 1.. n on Ihe day of sale, I'm! I mis inn sale This Is ll ' eptleli! Cl p H t'inlly fur ..o KF.NNKTH 1, 8ILI.IMAN, THIS TKK, HOI mi. 'i Til I M RLK lii.Dii. ai'to riu)Nr. at:u. HltU-X t M Y. H)WA, t f nt, f. i r iiuti. i 4mi 4tf 4luotnt mt r ul' t i.li fSnr nt'tu' f , s f i? mi A M ffri vUm aikxm l 4lM) (i.4 fuattt fS i'vl 14 Vf at t 4t)4 .-,44l (If (IK h ""J ,' (H4 t4Hl4fttliH W f 4S xf If V tr ri'r iiut-' ftMij ufi hi i ta it t I. H lvlr, ttsil J Mi.Hii.i U:Mf;t(M t,,f tn t. . 4 i-ii i-4l i .(s"tt .,! Kl 'I f Vfl,4( , U I .Kx H. l'4l K ' nt 4 4M t i ' it ''H 'Hi'v.i f $ f'.l 4 Uv . I tU t ,j is (,.,ttf.v, If iv V r ati;:; ts t ii a r r n v i t o i p u h ki I r ruH fh I b !- ; t -sM.vrV Jiigii, fgn lHHt Wnt.M'ii EJ'oti UHtR, HI il.N W W 't' ,ri"4 l t VV ll l "'I- ' -.' Is) a .ai i "44 1-1 ' ' 1 . ' I 4 -a.al ,., ., at ' ' '! ' a l I I. - I 1114 M. I . v -1 I t i a aa ' ' a. . .. te it ai v ", -.i -v. -ill V-a i -i t I.- a I ' . We. . ,1 t ' al - a .. t a t. ., t y I ii hi 4 r t ,,.-a 4-....tat..a.e '!.! 4 (..t a- a -; - - i )n. a e a. t. a - I ' 1 I'll i .at I, I t I . .lI ,' t r,a.,aa ; a t . - ii Mt.- a - I a t t . , , . In.iii i - l : ... , ..a a BUSINESS CHANCES ONLY PANTOIUI'M AND TAILOR 8HOP IN (H.TOD LIVE IOWA TOW'N (IF WW) MI'ST RE SOLD AT ONC h; A 8XAP; :iA CASH; W ILL INVOICE WRITE F. D. 6NOOK. KSriifc.lt VII. LE, IOWA FOR" SALE-Hestaurant and confection ery In town of koO; up-to-date fixture ' and nice clean stock; good location and doing good business. Price ). If you want a good rninineas, hert It 1. Ad dress Y .i;4. Ree. WA NTKD Man to Invest $4.ni in good paving business; double your money this year. For Information call Room 11.'. Harney lintel, 11th and Harney, beiwen 1 und n. m W ILL tin y ciiah for dry goods, clothing, shoes or general stock: must be cheap, oiilek anion: give particular In first let ir. ddrcss Lock Uox IB, Winter net, Iowa. A-NICE cfaaii, up-to-date hardware stock In one of t.la beat Wisconsin towns; Inventories about l,jo'; no trades considered. W, E. Webstar, Hud son. Wla. ONLY drug "ftiid jewelry store In a thriv ing north Nebraska town for aale nl a sacrifice. Owner retiring Write F. u. Koesler. Rrunswlck. Nel. iiOVING Plctur I'beatei. real bargain; niaihlncs, repair, jpplle. accessoile. new and ecoiid-har.d. Be u OMAHA THEATER SCPHLT CO. Balrd Hhig . !". .. $4, Our STOCK of ready-to-wear dry good and noveltle. In an Iowa town of u.OM; good opportunity tor experienced mer chant. Adrlres Y f"OR BAI.E Gootl." clean" Vtock of Hard ware; live town central N'x aaka. Good reason for selling. II qulca. Ada dress. Y 7. Re tmwd Bale "and Auction Co., 'inalia, hav closed nut more nidso. stock than any other firm In U. 8. Write for turms. TH EATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplle through Theater Ex, Co., Hot) Farnam. D. 1M7. :i MONTHLY buy poultry ranch and everbearing strawberry acreage: Imme diate possession. Addree E lMi. Ree. WILLIAMS. caiabliMhed 2 yourx To buy or sell buslnis see him. 411 M''Cague Rldg. Reference V. 8, Nat. Bank, KA'TORY making .'i,W yearly," "for i:i,'i. JIM WHAY. Sioux rilv. la. MOTION PICTCRE MACHINES" " New and rebuilt bargains, supplies Omaha FilmKxchane. 0 8. 14lh 8t. MUST sell on"account of sickness, small mel market, good lo'nllon. pay well. lulX W. Rrosilwav, Co, Rluffs, Iowa. 6FFICE for r:.iiestaio or insurance; nnio floor a Ree office; 12x21 feet; IM. The Ree Rldg., Office Room 103. TO SELL or buy a" business, call on riuc)i 4 Borghoff. Frenier Rlk. D. 3318. TO GI'T in or out of business call on OANOKHTAD. 425 Ree(ld. Doug 3477. to dulckly sell or "buy a busines write .1 1 M W R A Y, Sioux fit y. la, llooinlna llioe. 9 ROOMS',' all modern; f uriilturaf6r aalei $:W). Harney HOiil. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLT RATE. 16c PER LINE. day work or bualneis ad regular rate. 2 line on week m t line one week 4o each extra line lfic per week. ) Mat. THOROUGHLY capable and xperieneed young hotel man and wire of highest Character and standing, want position as day clerk and housekeeper In high. clas hotel. Best relrencea, Addnst Y .170, Km. AiiVBRTIKi.Ni man whose record- I one of aucre, desires lo connect wllh some concern whose product are sold through drug tore; unquestionable reference a to ability. Addrea K. 1 145, Ree. POSITION wanted by an experienced man, M years, strong and well, stranger In oily, as hotel clerk or manager; ref erence. Address Hotel De Moine, 1,1th and Howard Kt., Room 7. OmahaL Neh. YOI'NG men or woman who want good roslllona sliould ndvortlse In Th Re, t 1 the paper big business men read, banker, broker, retail and wholeialo merchant. WANTED-Position a bookkeeper, nf fbe, ledger or chipping clerk; 13 year' experience In government accounting; best of reference. Addres E 1"99, Ree, Vol. NO mai) want position a book keeper or clerk; familiar with almost all lines of book; will accept modest salaiy at start. AddreaKIW, Ree. YOUNG man desires position driving car after school hour for room and board; experienced; can furnish reference. Address O, loMJlee. EMFUJYMENT' wanted by a ober, steady man a fireman, painter or all around man; can give good references Address A J HO, Ree. GOOD cleaner, presaur and spotter wants position at 115 per week. Write C. M. Koonse Clarlnda, la. WELL experienced houseman wants work In town or out of town; wall ex perienced, private family man. Call Weh. 147h COLORED nian and wife""want work at living wages. Call Webster 1629. 2429 Lake St. MAN wants place as bookkeeper as be ginner. Can furnlah good reference. Address G 1UR8. Ree. "WaNTED-SoiiiV kind of light w7ork until fall. Address J 10S9. Ree. WANTED .lob as porier or janitor. James N.sblt, 4IS tilth St. Red 3."48. HijoKS kept for email concerns during snare time. Phone Web. "4.'.3. si'ARKH-Rent handy man In city; house, vard and garden. Harney 2W. Mlacrlinnrtine. FARMERS- Vt rieu yoiTant help writ nr call Empire Irfibor Agency, 209 A 11th, Phone Doug. lOnB. liXPKRIENCBD man for general house, work, painting, waxing floors, Clifton Rnyd, llarnev ;V.4(. L.XWNS raked and seeded, gardening; rues peat, winilova vt ashed. Call W eb. hler 'Ttl.'. HOI'SKCLEANING" wanted" by "evperl- need man; itiga tat n, floor pdiahal. Velt. 4731. W ANTED - I Inusee leaning by the il.v, -y reliable colored man, t'all Webster 2ia,i WIMmiWH w ashed, rugs beaten." cTaeiA repelred. whliew ashing. Waliut 1.'7, Wanted House cleaning , ls,t wal paper cleaning C Rrunrter D 7ns, Ty. 2.,.i-W, PAINTING and screen repairing. Han sen. Isaugls H4t'I.ING Khra and ruhhlan " Web UM Feiatnle. IlKFIVI D. cap Me wnmm wanta isl Hon. In g.Hi. limite m.iie thn wsa'es, as coui anion or to aiit lit hnme; Sandy al aettlng hut In or iverat-etng, bvescliil.lr. n lloxm ft. enf,.ri Hotel TMrC IIFB crisis f.i- "8iinallnn 4 la lower lhan anr o!tr f-ntit of ivee twin not siio'.gn iij cottr mil of l"o ring Yiii Nil It.). ku-nkWeeper an, sien .gr. prier wautA p.aii (.. . sei-r?il (tare ex prnattre tras Sl", Peat WlVfr i I ncM.i aa be'iai kvii ht t..-ilt tt ..... a., all a. nail ... isfe -... a a ti A sll I: , W IM'I 1 1 p..a ll,.., aa a . i. r W..I ,tter or l.a." elil, IPll t. (UI ul I ,ie a i'K e..a t. I'M; : t- ') ! ae..itil. Jealfe : it . i 1 1. .1 i i I i i .('. . ... k Villi I ) t..fl . i, ma i I,,. at ",. 1.. .i III .Hi I I e.a tl I 4 ll- I'- I M I I '. I I ... ill? i. H if a i'h. t i.i a 4. ! ana ! x ., Ill' f ll. i.MN t. k..'. i le.ta .. I a - - ' tt 1 1 I II...IM. t I'l l ' Oi till I I r I ii, V it If.' a .: 4. a . a ni via at ... X . a4-..i I la t at Vt (Ml lot. til . i.i . i.i .a I. i i 1 1 . e. .. I . . i a. t i 'V it Hi i'l '..! I ik la a t-..s tar at i a -a J s. . N ,t si tstaaltt a4 Watt,. 1 i t t . i a - n V Ik . , if . .j, I I ' ' a ' I e- - a e. I X 1 1. 1 . I , ...La ta A M.aa til I ' a i- f it 1 a ... i a I t tt t it 11 .'''' t'.. : 4 , t i H I i I 1 t a. ti - r a. .a I ..a J.. ll I itl . e 4 la I. ' t . . W .S W a I l a via aa I ... 1 a I iVn' e ... ' . . a . . I 4 1.... a a i. I-a In i "t l 11. l',l, .... it .it W, i fl -1 ' 4 4 11 SITUATIONS WANTED laundry and Hny Worla.. C4)7P. woman"wantiiday work." 'Web. 1S. "Practical "nurse, Tyler .SS2-V "1711 Burt Family washing: bundle wash. bL 471 llNDRY""and"day "work." Web. 3401. HELP WANTED MALE HI ores nail Offices. 8TENO, 40.00; two girl for music dept., Vai.un; gteno and bookkeeper, 115.00. We can place competent stenographer and comptometers. See us at once. Co-operative Reference Co. (Established 10 yrs.. JOIo-le; City Natl. Rk. STENl'i. (private sec") .,100.00 STENO. (out of town) 70.00 THE CANO AGENCY. (VIO BEE BLIjG, Profeaslans anil Trndra. ULoVE and milten makers experienced on power machine make good wage; piece work; steady employment; state age, experience and present employment in first letter. Young Mfg. Co., Shen andoah, la. " HUE 18 WiR'DRt'O JOR8. , CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. Established Ten Year. 1015-IM'lty National WANTED Two tnilnra, one cout maker and one all around nian. Steady work. H. Marx, Lincoln, Neb. PRINTING house em iHoy'7Fiee Em ployment Bureau, 12:15 W. O. W. Bldg. Harry L. Toatevinr Hec'y: EXPERIENCED" helper for " i'u'lieli eoiinter.eha.Ioftman, 1324 Howard. Drug store snaps. joIih. Kneisi. Hee lililg. galesiila. nntl a,ttl la Ultra. WANTED -CREW ' MANAGERS AND SOLICITORS The sale manager of the most successfully demonstrated spe cially ever offered to farmer will b In this city within a few day to make Arrangement for the thorough canvas of western Iowa and eastern Nebraska former, ifhd will consider application and personally Interview experienced crew manager and solicitors of exw. Hence amongst farmers. Men capable of handling territory will be given pref erence. Applicant must give full par ticulars regarding nge, experience, etc, Confidential. Addres "Sale Manager," Y. 373 Ree. I W ANTED-Tliree live salesmen who hav sales ablllli, good appearance, and willing lo work six hour a day, for from t'-'D to M per week. Only live ones need ripply. F. D. Browning, 312 Riilrd building. SALESMAN WANTED Large Nebraska Institution has per mnnenl offer to make to a man who has hud experience III selling securi ties. You will find Ibis is it real op portunity for the right man. Give phoDu number and all parlicit lars possible. In first letter, which wlil he held III the strictest confidence. Ad dress H 107(1. Ree. WANTED SALESMAN "" Have Nebraska territory now open for a high-grade salesman. One with Insurance experience: preferred. Lib eral drawing account and commission, but. should be capable of earning from l:m to '.e0 a month. Give all Informa tion possible in first letter. Address C ion. Re.. 8ALESM AN-Resldeiit of Nebraska, to represent lace Importer, popular price line. One acipiHlntcd among ill v good merchants and general merchandise SI ores in small and tinge towns. Com mission basis. No objei lion to side line. Addreiig Postofflci. Uox K7, Madison Sun re. New York "-PIANO SALESMEN ' W A NTED ti. For factory lo home special sales work. Only sober men need apply and v.ho are capable of earning from I71i.ni) to $l2j.(XI per week. Territory, Okla homa, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. This conned you with one of the largest factories In the 1'niled Slates and put you In lino for rapid promo tion. If you can quality, write Y 972, Hee. WANTED-Highly 1 1 commended. ub apintlal man to represent a large farm tractor company In Nebraska und west ern low. Not neceesary to open n " Omaha office, but moat bo In position to actually sell farm tractor to dealera In the territory, The right man will be backed with plenty of good f irm paper advertising. Olve reference, past experience, etc. Add-? K 'Old, Heo. aALEh.'alEN for Nehiasks and Iowa, to handle the fastest selling pstcnt on the market; If you can earn t."0 to tlOu weekly, we want to hear from you. i2oi w. rivr. WANTED two young Itiiigle" men tc travel with manager a almen; al. ai'v and expenses. See J. E. Morgan, Castle Hotel, 8aturdtty9to 10. R BP RES K N T A 1 1 V E" for t he" itataTof Ne braska; must have at least llflo. Call In person. H. A. llus.sman, 1!)21 Cass. SALESMEN (o sell automobile specialty In Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Kansas; good side line. 2n Hee Rldg. TRAVELING salesman for 'kansa "at once." Co-operative Reference Co., 101i 10 City Natl. Rk. IF YOU havo aelling aidllty sec Stand ard Sec. & Inv. Co.. 1017 W. O. W., Rldg. Omaha. 60METH1NO extra good, bigmoney for the salesman who 1 a business (Tetter. 1017 W. O. W. SALF.SMANto travel In Neb. Standard" Sec. and Inv. Co.. 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. SELL advertising I'lpes: sample and par ticular free. Japanese Novelty Co.. Clinton. la. o WANTED Agents for an upp-to-date health and accldint Insurance company. Federal Ins. Co.. Lincoln, Net), Ira E. Atkinson. Gen. Mgr. WANTED Hlith class salesman. Drum" mond .Motor Co., 2' ih and J-'aniiiniS:.'i! Trade gelaoot. HOLER'S DARBER COLLEGE Men wanted to lea.n th trad. We have originated plan to tench It quickly and earn back tuition wbll learning. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue. 110 So. I4lh St., Omaha. Neb. ( a GOOD MEN WANTED, to lern auto work for tn big spring rush. Floe training work on auto and electric starting systems. AMERICAN ALTO COLLEGE. ?nM Fariiam St '"naha Neb ..FAUN hiiher traue, mora man mak vuur tuition while learning Set of tool included Joh guaranteed. Call or wrll for eatalogue I4n.' 1 idg TRIi IIV R4RHKR i 'til. LEGE. 1F.N wanted ! leain the barber triad TulHioi "i I Cass 81.. iimsna. CM All A M4.MKKR iTOI.LBGB llativl aa4 Kt'staarant. IH-LHI'M KM PI .4 1, MUST' VGKNi'V. it. Lo I i,e eop-irl Iitiuglss Iva. He iiblii'ii l i for hotel help, lat. 4Ti'( T b.-t I.. Irani lis le ( ltattttiiti.it ll.iti WerXa, llh and Jaias'.it u XI t seal I a at r at at a, W IVTH' Vsinea o( anil.i'i.na men It ,i i la lii lit t aw'.tfne llniah Ins'l t arrtera i ..tiin.ai.ca ,' tto'iillt 4ldlea ,i I )We A I MY CIO. I Vi'!.PruM MI'S HaVrit' X.! It., lied .-rin'rl malt le' s aa" "' " s'"1 1 . t-na ..' I i..nj nsii. ul '.4 vdaisi sr ..I let. trial ha''il (i' t r sp'oatM, a,i, aiiila C. I- ! U' ant.' F .f lit t i t i,;t iu is... ",iii. i;!.i-, A. Ii I ' '', att-l kt...l H i Hi., aha S" ?l'"t !' M ii. I .: 'i nd . a n tn, I,, t V Te't ft, l.i.i. I. Sal , n i ) M 1 ata.t i ll.ltirl .'..! ( t O ll...; .,..,-l.fa al l a it g ,kll ...t 4 4" f 'C . ,-,,., a f .1 . , t n tl ... I "Vt - .tl i. . 1 1.. ,i .in. 111 .-f r m, is ni o.t t Vi .S ril Git a "."- ft 1 ti, a I at a.i.l t ai .( e-.i . eta I at . isle:- a . I I a I .am ait I ... . "' it II , ti.,!,, S 1 . t.tt.i a i a i I a " " l tl I S I ' .a "i i". tf u ' t It 1" at a . r. ' a.iiit i c j Y S W I V k'a . I' a- r). .nit . a t I i. ii t t a ti.. i . (tin t "I I 1 .4 I kill. 1 l J IH XL I af ,t ' W H x I :.t t ,,.t,.tv pt T'lr rt tj I II . a. ... tn) It,,, a a " ' I'1 a . a I tat ' ' ta i - a .a t t a '.a i t a l ;fc k-t a . I ti'iii .-. 4 " "- -ni I - I ti at j I.',',, alt-.- ,-ia ,.,,1 I,, ii i . a i , . . a- a !..., m ug AGENTS AND CANVASSERS OARTSIDE'S IRON RUST SOAP CHJ., j.im t....i,, Ave Philadelphia. Pa. UarUlde Iron Rust Soap itradn-mark. tirint anH ,-nnvr(i.hr teslstered in the L. S. Patent office) removes iron rust. Ink, and all unwashable main from clotty Inc. ninrtile etc inod seller, big m" gin, agents wanted: the original, 2.c tube; bewar of Infringements and tha penalty for roaking, gelling and using; an Infringed article. LARGE"maiiulacturcr will establish rep resentative of good address and ability in profitable business In home town;con- ronlal outdoor employment; loO.OO lo lixi.00 per month; experience unneces ary; all or epure time; can establish, valuable trade; for particulars address, ParkerMllls, 2764 .V. 121 h St., Phlla., Pa. A 12.60 PREMIUM with" every ,1.9k isle snd 70 cents profit for you mean BIG DAILY PROFITS. D. W. trong, 72S T.oga n Bt.. A-10. Denver. AGENTS Our good are ued In a mll llon home: every houekeeper buv and keep buying; sells at 10c: cost you 4c. Addres Y, Bpencer, 221 Frank- - " Buffalo, N. . AN opportunity for live agent to handl our household speclaltle; very family want them; end for particular. Txea Merchandising Co,, Box 148, Oalvton, Texas. AGENTS Men, women, sell new Una household specialties, great Ubor aav er. Mlncke Co., Alharnhra. Cal. PANiTARY kitchen apron of "rubber cloih; ngent wanted. E, U C, 23 Colum bia St.. Hoston. Mass. -; J- - - - tiatnwaiia HELP WANTEDFEMALE Storra nad Offloe. , Mri NO FILING FEE. Why pay a F,ng i,e7 jf you ari) efficient or experienced In commercial work, see u at once. Roger Reference r . ro Pn x t on Block. 'rofeMlon. Bim Jl rnrte. WA NTED Several young women, iTtl year of age, wtlh at leat a grammar chool education, to take up local and long dlitance telephon work, Per manent employment. Salarle above average are paid at tart; teady d vncement. Every attention paid to Welfare. Apply 9 tm 11 a. m. or 3:29 to" P. m. at 1817 Dougla St. C. V. LAMBERT, DUtrlct Trafflo Chlf, Nebraska Telephone Compny. NI'RHliS for sanitarium. Requirements' good character, high school graduate, college education preferred; no hospital experience required. Have own train ing school. Wages, twenty dollar per month al trt; Increased as rapidly a qualified. Board and room furnished. all. Room 312 Neville biock. K. E. E, Rldgway. M A( 'I1INK girl "wa'iitcdlgood "twyTrx perlenced preferred. Scott Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 1)02 Harney HL WANTIID-Glrls to ..rt " waste pa'pii,' Apply Omnha Paper Stock Co., lMh and Munyjm. W A N TB I )-Gir"ls""ln"f 'la twl)"rTrpT Aii ply Evan .Model Laundry, llth and Douglas. W A N T 10 D(l i 1 1 a t o w"i a p a niila be lbu t -ter. Harding Cream !., nth and Har ney His. Phone Douglris 1)7, LEA RN halrdresaiiiV ni i ne "oppTnMinv" kales tv nine ii and Nollcltor. W ANTED-I'-till time; salory IW.Or, soiling" guaranteed hosiery to wearer; 2.V an hour spare time; permanent; experience unnecessary, Wearproof Hooery, Noi tlstown. Pa. FIVE bright, canabio ladles to travel demonsliule and sell dealer: to 11 p;ir week; railroad fare paid, Goodrich Drug l.onipany. Dept. , 4M. Omaha, Nen. RKI' INBD Indie to demonstrate Nu-Boii corsets; must lake special training be fore beginning work. 304 Webster- Sunderlsnd Rldg. Honseholtl nnd lioinrstln. EXCEPTIONAL chance "for "glrTwho' appreciate good home, nb o room, good wages, no washing; must be good cool, hoiisecleanlng done. 3505 Hawthorn. i Ave. Walnut, 24t4. Ri:LlAHLB girl for goneral housework ... aim iiuuaa llliui Kepi; room, good wage. Hot No. 3Sth Walnut 3V,2. nl. i. WA.TED-Olrl or nmldle-sgedomsn for general housework; no washing or cooking: good wages; small family . 615 K. 2!Mi Ht; . ' W. NTKIWA tviriteTgTrT Xir mlddlcTageil wniiiRit to assist with housework' gorl home lo right pmy; good wages. Col la x PIS.. YOUNG girl lo assist with i genVrnl I oua a' work. Mr. G. N. Hjtso, ol 19 ( as i ai -ney JB2J. WA NTED Experienced w hle "gir' for' generiil housework; no washing; goo 1 wages. Mrs. C. G. Powell, i2i la-, tiu I'hono Walnut 82. WANTED an experienced" second giri n i conning, no wanning: it a week John L, Kennedy. Tel. Walnut f,:3 Mrs. EXPERll'INCKD white "glrf "f0"r general' housework In family of 3, good wages Mrs. W; J. llynes. Harney HW. GOOD girl for general housework, good" home, good wages, mi other need apply only 2 in family. 2319 So. 32nd. Phone Harney 27'3. "GOOD colored-glVT" "for ""general nouse work: small family: referencea required 1.103 So. Hf.th Jit. Harney avw. "I,eu' W A N T E D A w iil te " gl rl" f or "genera I housework; no cooking or washing Call nf once. Harney 4,"i72. W a NT k I ) A n- ex perlenred "girPfor' gen -eral housework ; no washing, atno i)ey Ave. Phone Harney in. WANT ED" AT 4 )NlTi"HiTToTTiTiT5ral liousework, small fiimlly. Tel. llarnev 74l. .1304 S. ICiih St. ' EXPEKIKNC'ED girl for gene7aT"hou7 work; best of wages. 4HK Daveiuiort Kt. Walnut 2479. EXf'F.RItlNCFli giii f'o'r "general housit." work: best of wages. Dins Davenport St. Walnut :T4. WANTBIsv-tilrl for general housework' no washing. '. G, Powell, 'I0 I'm' Ml. Walnut ?. WANTI'.I) Olri for general liousewlif k lit washing; good wagea. Harney 3" 1I?(I 8. V.th Ave. '' M 1 1 iDLK-Ai i ED lady" fo" TtiiiiaeTiTepfns no Hashing Sunday or after 4 o'clock' Walnut 2!i;i. WANTED A sli'l to aaaist 'with geneiaT house..rk Mi. Nelson, Prairie 'rk l olf.ix ;,'.,'i COMPETENT girl for " general" Vitus.: w.trk: beai ef wages, i;; ti Jjitli llarnev ! 5 WANTf.ll Maid Mr llgllt h.iii. bousecli-aiilng dene. 4vq Do,e , Mil sn ' Mi4 . W!- WHITE gl'l f..r iierr httue"w,,r, " " i" ""', reiereuct1 h.,lue Walnut g.M.il -a -j W W' ( It While lii f.tr eii.rrit blluae tt.ir small tannvv, '.J Pacifut nt ' Dar W TI H at en e. a ..e, i, ff gru .isl I... i.. is, ... k. f.n l'.v.. tit v iTt:u M. di. .. u.lv tA I'M I e. ( ..Its x :it in .It ..use "'t ait's:, i limit i an iiamev W TM GtMiiaii alii (, Hi? a-..r I hi fanipt W . it ,, (Sr-'i W I'll. i .a.k 11 taniPv l a I , a ,ell lit t i), WAST -. "k H.f..r. ..a t.( ue i V' A it Be, I I h Hit nian t Vt Vf I 1 r i. t. e.l .....k. -t t. a , . f ri I Mt A(h r M IUn.,1 n EDUCATIONAL lU tslN n C OlMCOi ITl'DEMi lVR MONK T ON C0ci. r i I a a l t It ,.r. -a t t .. atta ",!'l, tt tai.: -i '4 v I''! Itl in. k - a ., ,. r . ta M a '!- la .a i,, , ' ''' t it , -a ' t I i, ' ' " taa . , i . a ' 't T' . a I" , a a a'. "a a . 4 I'll H t 'I '11 I t I I - lit , i . V -n . a I I . " '' "lit ) a . ' ' " 'l T, I I i s, ..a. . .a I 1 1 ' l .. i ... ttl fa I I i .. wi ,.,.aa, i. ,. , ' In I lit I 'tl 1 1 l !.' t Mliati a, 1 ! I - I,, 1 , I