Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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J ( TlUnKlv OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL L'l. 1fin. 7 J
jfeoM -:- Fashions -:- Ifomcm's PForc Household Topics r
fJ Jk . Un.i J A 7'J9 . . . . TV At 77 D 7 7 1
Captured Alive
By Nell Brinkle?j
tt'l'OUhl. Il.
News Vrn
if I s
in Scarlet Fever
n (inn 11 1 i c 11 1 o. m. n.
The early symptoms of scsilct fever
are slim the early symptoms of that com
monest of nil the little fevers, lil
' fl'l or a sore throitl. Thin. however, 1'
no drawback, for from a practical point
of r.v. It makes llttlis or no rilf fere in c
what fever jour (hllil Is comlnc d"vii
wlih, an Inn as you recognize pretiipilt
I'.nt an Infection la romltiK and net ac-
in 1 Irm'y 'Isolate In haato and make
y otir diagnosis at leisure." la the rule
of safety.
The momnit ttia little on show am
(wo or llitrn of these general danger
siuimla nf Infection, or 'olds'' he should
hi pin to rrat at once, in a comfortable
hfil. flat, firm, elastic and with plenty
"t room In It for him to tumble about
iintt roll over, In a unlet, wall-ventllated
room; given a nillil laxative, a hot hath
nml all Ihe p i J r water, lemonade or other
fruit jnfc drinks that ha craves Thru
If be Inrsu't quickly improve, i nil In
ti.e ijoi'tiir and let hlin decide what pur
Ikuliir fever ho Inn wnfl itlve the ni
priiprlal treatment,
hlldren showing any of llicse dungcr
signals ahnnld no more he acn( to arhool,
or to any entertainment, or pnhlie re.
fort, than they should he sent out bare
headed In (i .now storm or bare foot In
tiie sleet or slush. They will get nolh
lh but hiinii from any sort of work
which Ihey attempt to do when In Ihla
condition and be a source of nothing hut
danger to the classmates and playmates
If tha Little I'ever prove to ha acar
let fever, (lie headache become tnurh
mora severe, the fever goes up very rap
Idly, often reaching- Kit degrees lo twenty-four
hours, lh throat becomes very
eor and swallowing so painful lhat It i
la sometimes hard to tell, at thla stage,
whether we urn dealing- with diphtheria
or scarlet fever. ;
On the second or third day a bright, ;
a perk led, crimson or scarlet raah ap- !
pears, wlilrh has given Its nimn to the 1
disease, first upon the neck and tipper j
part of the chest, I'Yom thla It spreads
rapidly all over the body until the little
sufferer la literally as red as a boiled lob
aler from fot ahead to toes.
Fortunately the, worm la soon reached
and paaaed, and by the third to the fifth
day the fevor reaches Us height and be
gin ) deidlne. so that usually within a
week or ten days at the outside, the ac
tive part of tha fever la over. Tha
throat benomea moro comfortable, tho
raah fades and tbfe child beflna to take
noma Interest tn his) surroundings and
Ket bark bla appetite.
The flak of ono of tha moat srlotia
fter-effct of scarlet fover in chtldhravl
la nephritis, or acuta Inflammation of the
kldneya. About tha fourth or fifth day
the examinations show traces of 'albiunjn
In the urine and this persists for several
weeks, hut usually with proper care
clears tip completely and leaves no trao
of permanent trouble In tha kidneys.
If, however, tha proper precautions as
in diet and treatment, to insure a free
flow of urine, are not taken, or still more
If the patient Is allowed to get up too
anon or a-o out and expose himself to the
weather or sjo back to school before the
albumin has entirely from
Ma urine, then the Inflammation may
take on a aerlous form at once. The urine
will be suppressed, severe headache fol
lowed by dropsy will set in and the lit
tle patient will be thrown fnta a very
alarming and dangerous condition. For
tunately, even where thla complication
occurs, proper attention and care will
usually clear up the kidney trouble and
recovery will rea'tlt.
But we are finding; out to our dismay
In recent years that this Is by no means
the last of the danger, hut that the men
find women who develop Brlffht's disease
in middle or later life are often the very
ones who suffered from an attack of in
flammation of the kidneys after scarlet
fever In childhood.
The other complication which needs
to be trnardod against in acarlet fever
comes later still, and that is Inflamma
tion of the middle car, with rupture of
the drum and snppuratlon or dlsfhanre
from the ar. Thla dantrer may he best
prevented by careful attention to the
throat and nose In the earlier stance of
the disease by antlaeptlo washes, sprays,
etc., also hy watching the child care
fully to see whether It shows any signs
of earache, either by crying or putting
Its hand up to Its ear, or burying that
side of the head In the pillow.
Even after the inflammation haa
reached the ear prompt puncture of the
drum, to let out the pus, followed by
akllfnl antiaeptio, will both
really diminish the smiertng of the
little one and make th recovery more
rapid and complete. There l no dander
of a permanent hole In the drum and
chronic dlaeharge from the ear after
early puncture, as the drum heula up
very readily 1n children Indeed, our but a mind and a soul. Therefufti, son.
ebiei difficulty is to keep It open long If you wnut In pay a woman the ulit
enoih. to drain aM the pn and germs mate oiiiiiIiiim iiI, the one before will, Ii
i iiinplelelv out of the drum cavity .'she will git down like ilpe wheat In fi.rii
Mranse as it may eern In such e-ilhe l- kle, don't tell hep thul ohu la
' ' e ilingly common ami famllihr diseases.
we tuvo uiiltl Juit reeently .eij utterly
l sff!e, In our tteiii t to divot er "i
erii that r.-oae pitder huaales, ' arlel
.'eter r wlmcpii i mtah. tt..nee we had
in ,'ClneS Or BHlll.nlna t!,.t (hlllt
ii i (a'li n.o and I tr I wrnrH were r.
t-t.le. fr.ll. ai.t al.eit yr mi
' j. i4ila
' wh.mi liis toosi. was ill.. ,,,
I'd r-y a I in. i t,.v tt,,l',.t m l p
lo w st'Ht i" iiormaicg r" i"a i
i, i,t. M a c,l wtlhlrt M,e .'il '
U!;. Ii . ' Iltratd. ha .'r,ri, A tt n
,' ,.on i,' lha -'i. nl ie-arl. fivfrr
I - it s t . 'Ik".! aolK. a I a I K .,,
' 'I, . C r I prrtvnl and : ae'l
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In 'Shoots
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A ND smiling! As
before their swarmed attack.
How to Win a Girl
r nonoTii r nix.
Bon, do you want to know now to make
a hit with tha fair set? Usterj, and I
will whisper the secret to you ariii tell
you t.i one p&rtlcuiur bit of flattery that
no woman, from Mother Eve down, has
over bean ablo to resist.
You think you know It. When you want
to jolly a woman you tell her that her
eyes are like awpphlrea or violets drenched
In dew. You rpeak of lior hair that 1
like spun gold or the black clouds at
midnight. You pra.lae her swan-like neck
or her peaches-and-cream complexion or
wonder why she doean't havo her hand
modeled In marble or you liken her figure
to a willow wand In an April breeze.
And having burned this Incenae to
maiden's pulchritude you mentally pat
yourself on the back aa a hot-air artist
that understands hla business. Of course,
no woman really hates to have her looks
praise, 1 and she's not likely to Interrupt
you so long aa your conversation Is de
voted to extolling her as a living pic
ture, hut that isn't the sort of talk that
really gets her.
'Women expect a man to flatter them
rbont their looks. Every man on earth tells
every woman on earth that he desires lo
pleaae what a prize beauty she la. It's
simply thn usual stuff ami when a
woman hears It It doesn't cause a. a'ngle
thrill of gratified vanity, 1cuh f Hhe's
good-looking he knows it already, and
if she la homely alio rewnts the man
thinking she's fool ennunh lo lie deceived.
Anyway, she knows that every mac
who has been brought tip with nnitinets
of a gentleman feels It just hi Inium
l ent on him to ooiiipllinwiit u woman on
her looks it la to say goo, moriilnit
lo hor
Furthermore, tha thing that a woman
la proudent of pusM sKlng is not a tiortv,
Venua, .t Miu' tva lun t ml am
'lima mil i.s one her peailv teeth
' "" ""' i"d i,f lliim Ihni
f'" ""in let il, I . nuie atncit
' '''Inks and i"t ait lift a IV
Inok at: I ,.'! i ill lit pftotl'e Wlu,ll nl
fh t
' 'r l'"'" v'' ' t!iv
rpm (. iukIp I l.te II . II, in I pi
llilelrnl I )' l. llilia l,r
l.t liitt an. I i ll, ;! ' i a 1
umi laiitit'd if 'Ik' w
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. i. I a Hand i,f
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i. e it
though there was no incomohhh
millinery queatfon he treats her as if she
was a mindless being.
Then comes along sometimes the
preacher, who explores tha realm of lli
soul with her, or the doctor, who must
understand the psychology of the woman
to treat her properly, eswcally If site's
Inclined to he neurotic, or the long-halrmd
poet or philosopher, who talks the Inner
meaning of things with her, and we have
another case of soul mates and affinities
It's the first time the poor woman baa
ever had a man talk to her ss If she was
an intelllKent human being and the flat
tery has gone to her head like strong
drink and made her do foolish thlnus.
Any woman will lell you that there la
no other compliment In the World that
she values so hlKhly aa for a man to
treat her aa If she was another man, to
discuss with her questions of general Inter-eat,
thereby Implying lhat he thinks)
that he la Just aa cm untile of understand
ing what she rendu and hints aa he is
and of forming as lucid an opinion. And
when a man actually risks a woman for
her view on a matter of real Importance
or aeeka her advli o she Is ready to hurst
with pride and vainglory.
Ucllive me, son, the moat potent lolly
In the world with a woman Is Inai to
make her feel that ahe lias gut a perfectly
marvelous mind, full of M.ranga, fascin
ating treasure hoiiaea, whose doors you
unlock with tiemhllng wonder as to what
Ihev may contain,
Just iiuike n w, mum feel that you ran
never lire nf lla'eiilot: to her cnineraa
lion ami toute not nil ihe other iluhe
wlm tol, I her that she whs a Irli lhols
and dollar hes'ilv left at the ist
Wid when you nisrrv, son. If you wmit
a wire who will lie a helpniele ami an
economist, who l ai rape the very
potato parings to an t-e. uw talk to ymir
wife nhunt w.ur l.ininn, ,4, commit her
shout ,,lii tliuealliienta anil lit her feel
tint .,o trti.M roe la a w.rt of feminine
wiiiit.l i.f tinanie Tie wifa who la fed
on thai kind of finitely ,.t h. ia an
I. iml Unit in, 1,1,,1'rr wtiai ami , ,
Ihi. an, I she a renllv set she belh-ves he's
tt a lnatitni.mal .i., nf II, i,i,ltr
Advice to Lovelorn
lift Itvntricf Fairfax,
llata kaHhla Ti. l MUD tllm
I " nut I a 11 Ii t
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.f Mill
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grief overwhelming her heart hvcame die has strayed Into thai very inyy.teriom land of the vr'ful
Girl Workers Who Win
The Clerk and Her Reward
Any day seems long lo one who works
and Is not ktllHflcd Work briny con
toiitment only to tlii girl who Is nulla
fled and feels that she la nctuully liv
ing. After Mil It Is rather a thankless
task to measure off lengths of shimmer
ing silk for girls whu had no other
thought save to wour lis soft richness.
Gertrude lived in a hoarding house
Hhe had a lumpy cot bed, a dresser and
a triangular piece of glaas i.ur Ha
golden oak top, and thn privilege of any
hot water that she mlKht find after the
other hoarders had finished. Hhe. washed
her handkerchiefa In a wash bowl and
covered Ihe entire area of the dubious
window with her clear white squares,
her shirt, walsta wero treated to a similar
bath once a week, and ail the satlhfnctlnn
lhat she had from life was the Baaiir
anc that she earned lo r own living. Oh,
yes. she did that,
Kbit lived, If living meant l-eeplng tlie
fires of life alive, no mailer what fuel
was used for the piirpo-n Win longed to
wear the aoftneas of the njlln that mIio j
measured off for other aula her own age
And dally she -.. iirin. il her ,,n fentnic
IB the trlangulai' piece of gUs.4 aid
found them passim; li.n A aofi , hin,
cleft with an luipuili-iit fluupie. brown
tyea and a mop i f blown, wavy hi !i
that alwna lniike.1 jilt I urea-jue
(mm n fellow eleik hud told her llci
site na linod'Uiiii, ii, I fiioirinh' h.i'i
tleaaurtd l!,e Wnplii ilreiin , I ! ..I
tha lime alien he ii.'kI.i ii., ro'lci, ,
nine h it I-, a ' ." u anna o i-i u
.','iinler In m,.ii,l e. I ,i , n ln,,,ia
It wanli'l thai alo- OiiUIKitl it.,' a ..,'
sho did .ilallke uklu.i for pi ople ,
el, i.ii.'iiiik, lo ,i i.f i tie !, t t'ni l,i'
did her work i ,,na. i, iiitou:'! , m l w ;l
I 'a t nf li r iliy ai 1 1 s
in o ' i a 1 1. If vt : 1 ! c.,ltt !
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Amu Hv it
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tiling in the world to be aide to buy II.
I'.'verytliiiig was the sumo down at the
store, hut she stifled the sigh lhat rose
lo her lips at Ihn prospect uf Die long
duy, and went lo work with a will.
And then, out of a clear sky. as It al
ways docs come, came her chance. Will
ing and deft, with her ready smile and her
slim, buay fingers, she madn a tremeti
dous sale, Hhn measured riff yard after
yard of expennlva silk, and patiently, siul
discriminatingly offered her advice. The
customer asked for her name, and Ocr
triido gavo i wonderlnglv, And then
Inter In the day, (lie manager came down
i aisle and asked for Mlas Gertrude
Itrowri. Utrlrude flushed to the tins of
her eats, but she stepped forward tlni
Idly, fearful that ahe might have to pay
a forfeit.
"Your efforts have been noticed, MSsa
Brown," said thn man smilingly, "and
today a customer lhat we value spoke
of your efficiency. Hereafter you will
report in the suit deparlnicnl, and your
salary will be $12 to start
We need will-
liuf girls llko you In our business '
he lefl Ocrlrude, fliiahed and ecatnllc
. i, ,.,.. ,i. ,i..u, .' I
i,H Mouse blotting out even Ihe greater j
i thought lhat she had actually mad,-
W 'I 1 I I 1 . ill!: ! I 1 1 hi I .1 , 1; 1 1 . . "H ,H h i M i' hi.,!.! ' ! I Ml ' I'M
i.:v. fry viiii ii i
" 4 a V. L 3 C XaZ
el ' I ' 1
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" I I II V VTew k.
1 i.w v.a:unvixvx
Do You Know That
Th largest oiniue grove In tha woiM, i
roveiliiij an area uf Wi.floo aires. Is In ',
It la believed lo be no rare .i 'uinnc.
for a condor to soar lo s height of four I
nrar.llliiii cocoaiiut palms are believe I
to live from liOli to 7 rft veara. an, I the ,ln' . !
from am to 'M) years
floclnlnglsl mlltniite ht among etert
MX) ba'helnrs there are thirty-right crim
inals, win reus irart led men produce only
eighteen per l.o"0,
It Is eallmatel Hint one seeil of cotton,
given the ap' licatlou nf all pne!!du care
Slid skill, would produce forty thousand
million seeds In six years.
John Wycllffo completed Ihe transla
tion of the whole Hlhle for the first time I
Into the language of the Kngllgh people.
He wsa born near ftichmond. In York ;
shire, about ll2t, ;
In order to sacetlain the time of ,ny,
the Apache Indians used a go.trd on
which tlie stars of heaven were marked.
As the constellation roae the Indian ,.,u!,i
h0"r hv referring to hla gourd.
"lr"'rl gourd round he could
lei the order In which the crinaieluii,,., j
' mlghl be expected to appear.
' if I nin (i iiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi'MiniiiiifiiiiiiiiiMitiiiiiMiiiihii H 1 1
I I I 1 I I I I ' I I I I'l l I ! ii! 11! I
the easy way to
heal sick skins
I 1 at
Liltiput Dans and fallen
residents of Nebraska
registered at Hotel
Astor during the past
Sing! Room, without bath,
' i.OO to f0
Double fj-oo to 4 oo
Single Rooms, with bath,
3.00 to 6,oo
Double to $yjo9
Parlor, Bedroom and bath,
f 10.00 to 14 00 j
At Broadway, 44th to 41th Street"
tlie renter of New York ' lorul and
buJinets act iviiies. In done proximity to
all railway trrminsli.
Hot' Wnnt At Hoo.t IiiiHinos,.
iiiaaii .ew.
HI 1 1!
" any u.,r ,mu it. hmf ,,...
tins i.i 4 kranil ll...i,.i.i at,.
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the o free tainplc i
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