11 Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings Tm; TJF.K: ONfAIIA. TIimSpAV. ATMJII, 20. 1010. MOUS ORCHESTRA n v v v m m mTTTi f At m FLAYS AT MB BUYU New York Filharmonic Organiza tion , Sbarei Honori with Omaha'i Own Mist Nash, ' JOSEF STRANSKY IS CONDUCTOR Oil Hf MKMII'MIA 4pH 10. M tha ennrrrl thla evenfna" at thn Hoyl ? Ornnhn nmMv vam hoard tha Now V.-l, 1.1,411, ....M.,.,!,. ...l...,l ih firf Ulna In Omaha anil Mis franca Nath fur Hie tst time fur two araaona. Anliio mm a local favorite', laat af pa ranee tut nntfit tltn to eonta, tha al t rut. of tlio rtillhartnnnl'! orrtiitra naa ViiinpBny la ona af ttm oldeit In the emm ly nirt roanta tlio lilahi-at paid tnlatit in tho nrchialrwl world, amounting- to " mora than fM.M yearly. Mr. Joanf Htriumky, tha cowliKtor, roeiilvea a aalitry of !, ami the orcliatra, playa yearly mora pM aiiniUalotia than any other orgHiilzatlun of Ita hind. It gufta jtoca without anylng. aa no or ihiatra haa ever U'n atippo'''l to inako xpi'tia-, that tha Philharmonic (1iri'l" upon auhaeripl-lbn to curry on lla nil tural etitcrtiUnmi'tit of Ainerlrun andt rncid. In mill of holy week Oumha aoHuty tl at the eom'ert thla evening, f'fl liiK It la more a farni'll Irlliutn thry are paying to a rat artlat and a1mlred f rl nd than an ocaalon of taking or giv ing anleftalnnumt. Tha atiacnca of boa or Una partlna la markrd, but tha audi anca will ba thar In palra and amall It r oup. Tha flllfd box, wtll not be oO cupled aa partlcn, but minly aa adrnlreri of Mlaa Nnali alt ting tnwthnr, With Mra. K. W, Nanh, trin mother of the aololat of tha conrert, Mr. and Mra. Walter Page will alt with Mr. Jamea Jt Wlllard awl Mla Kalherlne farlan. In another box tha Ward iiurgcnf-a will alt wllh tha Iula Naehca. First Preibyterian Affairs. The opening function of tha Flrat I'rea bylarlan parlali houae will . given thla evrrnlnff In tha "i-onKmgatlonal dinner," Willi Vi frueala, Jn tha center of the I'll dining room oriental ruga, ferna and palma will ba arranged, proiiuclng a liv ing room effect. Around tlila flftenn tahlea will tie placed, decorated with Har den lowera. A aoeliil lima will follow tha dlnnor and ati-rward Ilia annual bualiH-an inaetlng will ba bald and all I ho aoi-letloa nt tlw church will read their finundul report for tha year. The chairman ot the dinner commute 1 Mra. t'harlea Ed ward lwk, Aaelatlntf Mra. Rlnck will be; MrndtiTnea MrmlBtnex I'rank W, Judwon. ' harh a (iffutt, :, K. Voat, V. V. Mllrov, Henry .McDonald, A. 1), Pcteis, A. H. 1'arpeiitfr, At tha purUti houaa Saturday from 10 to 6 o'clock, tha worncn'a aodetlea will bold their Kaaler bazar, luncheon will ba alao ae.rveil. Philadelphia Guests. The promlaee of I'iiater week and tha two woek following: were brightened yenterday by the coming: of two K'teat from California enroute to their home ,n riilladclphia, Mlaa ' laanclla Harrlty end Mlaa May JJarrlty. 'Die Mlaaea Har rlty will ha tha Riieata of Mlaa Houtrlce foad and Mlaa Irene Coad for aevcral weka. Aa ct nolhlns but a few very Informal affalra hnvo been outlined for I lie Philadelphia Rlrli, who are pleallnf that they tame for a quiet after-Lantcn visit. Mlaa laabelle Harrlty la paying her aeeond vlalt to Omaha. Two yaara ago' aha vlalted the Mlaaea Oiad and waa honor gueat at many lnteraatlnf affair of tha younger aet Excelsior Springs News. Mr. William M. Jeffera. general auper Intendent of the I'nlon Paclflo railroad, arrived laat evening In hla private car to loin Mra. Jeffer and a Jolly party of frlcnda from Omaha who ara reglaU-red at the Klma. Omaha people are here In goodly num ber and are having a aplrndid time. Kxcclator fprlnga Kxehanxe, Concert Party. Mr. and Mra. Herbert Ilogera will give a line party tlila evening at the Philhar monic concert at the lloyd. Thoae prea ent will be; MftNm and Mendnmea llerhi-rl Itoiicia. I.zrii Millard. Miaaea Mlaae I li-li-n .Millard. PBriic Millard. Amateur Musical Club. .Mrs. T J. Ma honey w,i hotea ttila afternonn at the meeting of the Amateur Miialeal eluh Mra. A. I llont, who was to be hoHteeft, la out of tnwn. Unique Birthday Tarty. Mr. W. V. I' rook ent rtiilurd twelve Mile guenia at her borne thla afternoon at a hlrthilay party fur her two dmiiili-, ter, l lolur and t'liyllla. t. and '.' years old, mid both horn on the iftih of .iil II the amvtlD were f. or i eitis old Dinner-Dance at Fontenelle, The i(it nd.iy evening l 'loner I 'in' iiu aeeuia n aniuntf l l ine on n u I l.. n t'li ni:iiiii I fin iiiai 11 1110 i Him h i . given ttatui.bty evriiHig, April .'I, at tti I'onteiiinie. Choir ErfakfHut. Ivan , Tannu W. t. I h Mr I -n tilsnli y, nl'.l una a l.r. m ji,. .ii.i- of Trinity la lii-lnl K'.iirr h'.nlv 1 ) a ig I". on 'lll ly t'ff th n i ! a ..rsin- Tt. i.r il . f i at I'f lloil l4'Vt an I tll In .i,c I- I fl!t J!rhf( Orps Notrs ' l M , I Si, I 4 I f (".! i-iau lt:t ! W.ll l . - 4 J:,tl ! ..!. 1, ji. it. t Mo t .!, a. rr.-.i.t . ,, ; of Mra, t!harlo W. Huaaell for their an mini bimlneaa meeting and election of offlerra. Haturday evening at Mlna ( oopcr'a halt, the Junior I'nltarlan club will give an Informal darning party, Pag-alco Club Dance. The Pagalco cluh will give a oi I il iJhh' Ing arty at l hamberi' acndi my Fri day evening. April !!. Social Gossip. Mr. Frank Moram.in and Mr, l.awrenee Hrlliker have n to Honolulu for lx weeka' trip. Mra, V. (', Rneewater and amall aon, Heth, have returned from California, where 1 hey epent the winter. Mlna i;ilr.abeth Hulen of Franklin, Pa., la the guent of Mlaa Franeea Naah, and Will attend the concert thla evening when Mlaa Nneli appeura a aololat with the New York Philharmonic orrhertra. t'ltiUlUH Tall'h Nutfl, 1 n 9 ' 1 1 1 u 1 1 . ; . t M. I J o At l' Btl y n. Xi,.if UiV if4 Pink-Eye Epidemic Breaks Out in the Field Club District Health Conimlaaloner Council haa'been advincd of 1111 outbreak of pink eye among realdent of the Field club dla- trli t. It la atntcd that alx famlllea are afflicted. The doctor rtoea not view the altuatlnn with any degree of alarm. Pink-eye la d' -n ilbed aa a highly enn tHKloua form f ronluicllvitla, which la an affection of the conjunctiva, the mueoua membrano whtrh llnea tha Inner urfang of the eyellda. Tha ailment la annoying, but dnea not deter tha patient from attending to hla everyday dutlea, Jir, Connell explained that the dlaeaae waa cauaed by a form of cold. PEGG ADVISES THE GOOD HOUSEWIFE TO BUY SCALES Chief Jnapector Pegg of the city welghta and tneaaorce department advlaea all houaewlveg to buy a'alea for hoiiaehold ue, J In rcr'omtncnrla acnlea of not lea than aeventy-fhe pounda capacity, and be gdda that Ilia awi;iK" liouaewlfe can aave enough Iri one month to pay for her auilea, ( I , Mr, Pegg Id lining up Ilia Icemen at thla lime, requiring that they carry azalea approved by the city. Ha gug geata that hnitxeboldvr ro-operata with hla department by weighing their b;e and reporting ahortaa'ia. "It la well to weigh poiafoe and other commodities," addi.d Mr. J'egg. MAYOR DAHLMAN ISSUES GOOD FRIDAY PROCLAMATION Mayor Dahlmon hag taaund a proclama tion, addreaaod to the cltlxna of Omaha, declaring the houra between K o'clock, noon, and I o'elo' k In the afternoon on Krldny to bo ohaerved aa a public holiday In recognition of the day, commonly known aa Good Friday, on which a death of Jean Chrlat oocurred. fean Tancock, one of thnae moat In tereated in promoting the feeling for a proper recognition of the day, haa e curcd tlio co-operation of many place of biialncaa. Home of the merchant are planning lo cloae their atorea for at leaat part of the day. Easter Is Ours Othor holldavu may be symbolized by other IIiIiikh, but for Kaator, Hnwcni arc th only PxprcHaioa. The celebration of ihtt EitHtur St-a-non la older than the Chrlatmaii sra Itaolf and haa from time Immemor ial exproHHod ltaelf In offerlnga of II10 earth'g flneHt treasures I MIWIJtH. Our rtock of LILIES, HYACINTHS, J0KQUILS, DAFFODILS, ROSES AND BLOOMING PLANTS of all kinda, l complete, If. 111 bti a joy for you to aon our Km li-r Pluplay. It will be. a plea rt for iih to welcome you aa uaual (wlthnul obllKallon I to our a li I ti lt loit. John H. Bath "The Careful Florist." 18C4 Fornam St., Omaha. Phono Doug:, 3000. rr rn I. i V L ....a'":!!!,,. Hnnl ir,a. HOTEL LOYAL i lata aa C.i-u. l. !. pa, . . ptaaaat. Stati Tr jdi Specially Invited lilllHH, tl IHI Vl Wul( li.nti. l ,Mi an, ? Cafo tho Very Dett l'iiuUr I'tbea t I IMi. U. 1 ASK FOR "18-92" Purr Spun AKiiuinum CH)Kitg Utensil Ciii u iHtln' I li' 1M W it V mi A m ht wi J .an i ji EX-MAYOR OF KANSAS CITY TO SPEAK AT "YM LUNCHEON Henry M. Itoardatey, a farmer mayor of Kanaa City, will be the principal apnnker at a cornpllnientary lutirheon to be given at the Commercial club Krldny nnmi un der the nuaplec of lh" Young Men 1'hrletliin aanoi'lallmi. The lovlliitluni (o the afnlr y Hint tha "purpoaa of thin meeting la lo acnunlnt you with the work of One of (Imaha'a greatcat lnntl-tutlnna," Welfare Board Moves Into New Quarters The Welfare board la now ellillhil In an ehgnnt awltn of roonia at the eiiat end of the balcony floor of the city renin, ell chaml'cr, Tho cntrntwe i n atnlrway near thn caat door of the co'inrll oliumber Half of tha balcony wna partitloiied off j and lli apace divided Into three rnonin ' wllh a hallway. Wnpci Inlcndi nt fchrciber nccuple the front office and Attorney Mcflulre will have the next room. Thla arrangement will permit the bnnnl to rarry out Ita varloii artlvltlc In a more experilttoua nianner. JOHN H. BEXTON PREACHES AT HOLY WEEK SERVICES John II Heaton preurticd the aermon for Hip holy wn k acrvli'ra at I '11 Me morial Methodic! church. Tenth and I'lereu attciTa, Tucadny evening. Tha goapel team, conalatlng of W, Whodyard, W. H. flldcnn, . I. Jeter and H. II. Watma, will be In cbarg of the program thla evening. NINE NEW SCARLET FEVER CASES ARE REPORTED New acarlet fever nine reported. W Inlrred Avery, Child Having Inatltuie. Itulh Holicri., UM l.tifuvulte. ,lmk I'off. 21 1 7 Uiciiat. Jiiinc Ctilemaii, .".HI Hoiith Hlxteenth Hauler, Wl Norih Twenty-third. Hlatfnrd, SiIS Kherman avenue. Margaret ptotta, XVi Fowler avenue. L,lntner, 1410 .lonea. Harold Lynatnd. 2IHJ Uhlo, POSTOFFICE CLERKS MEET AT HASTINGS rAVin C1TT. Neh., April 19. i Special ) -The ninth annual convention of the Nebraaka alate branch, t'nlted National Aaaoclatlon of IViatorflre Clerka, will con van at lfaitlnga, Neh., Saturday, April n, inm. Silk HoBlery Coraplet Stockj UROWINa WITH GROWING OMAHA" THE NEW HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX. Veiling In Great Variety StiinniiigStylesinlaniifacturers'SampleDresses At Prices That Are Simply Astounding And Just Before Easter Sunday WHAT T8 THE USE of n king to ' make nmazrinont more arnizinp; it would he like trying to eolor the raipbow to attempt to make tbeflo values more real than they are by adding a eoM tyjee argnment'to'thc Dresses themselves. The fftft that w ,wrrfl fortunate to otitftin from a mwnufiicturrr fit thiti timfl of tho yrnr fiamplrg of th Wry I'ent Styleg hIioiiM rniikf every wornsn who n-ada tlii (Mid hut her Kahtcr ut''ln hh yet uimatinfipd) hurry t . a i. . a mi .. i . : t 'L.i .... J ... I lo mis wmc on ifinrgaay inoniinif, Drijjtii hiki riiny, ' f t, ThfHfl DroHHp rn from one of tlif hcht nnthtTK in at. w j . J .. m Ta, v New York (hi i Von Vntirc Spring lirifl) fnit he, will not tvitiwnt to have hiH nninc tiNcd will obtain fx-re on JliiirwJfly, jmtKgcg inat wrmid pohi you aimom twice i tho priced wc ak if 'tlio Mabel of the maker wan m-wcil info I hern., N'ow k read tho doworiptiorm ancl the priccg. High Grade Silk Frocks At About Half Their Value Thoro aro HroHH4 for vcry occasion in the lot, and' in hut, a few in nUncf are there Any duplicates; almoM, every one an exchiHtve model. rw. m - - ) i -f l ii - ' ' j i sum J r ri iff m im. vv, jr. . . .if r . w i i . irVif jt i v i i iv. ....iff 1 s ii ' t 1 :c ill it t - i t tit u i n i i ill wtl .. -.gr r - ' t j ,;. t. ,tL "i L.. l .i - I ( .: , , . Ml tfwP Beautiful Evening Gowns Afternoon Dresses Pretty Dancing Dresses Bridge Frocks Dainty Party Frocks Sport Dresses, Etc, Materials Fine LnreH, Chiffon, Georgette, Taffeta, (Vepe Afcteor, Crepe de Chino, (iron do Londre, etc. Every dainty pretty evening antl party ahade, and soft, practical colors for street and afternoon wear. Prices will vary as to the grado of the garments shown, ss tho line was a very large and complete one, including about 100 gar ments. $35.00 Dresses, at $19.00 $45.00 Dresses, at $22.50 $49.00 Dresses, at $25.00 $59.00 Dresses, at $29.00 $65.00 Dresses, at $35.00 $75.00 Dresses, at $39.00 A Big Sale of Boys' 'Easter Suits 900 in All$4.25 a Suit YOU CAN OUTFIT tho boy in a jiffy Thursday in this nlore. There nr -t.- ' I'inch Harks, that make such smart stylos for the younger -x ie?ir nit ion. .Mnnv if I n t' nun ids n mi t h.it ;ii innLn in. 7 "t , Ktnnt aiiiK al to the buys who want their clothes to be "dif- forent." mi MO mm urn m mi WlliV Jy AH Have Two Pair of Pants JlitV-y '''he Miijirtt'st, riiiapitie.st pnttorns vui will see this soa Iti. ...... ...i .... ii. .i .' 1 1 ii iJ.t u"' nn iii'"iri, i in n an an ino now ones-- J Pinch bark stylo, half bolt stylos mid different pirated styles, l'atrh iMirkofs mi all. thrrr-liirre dotaelmblr belts on nianv, Two pair of pants with each, cut bin and roomy, with belt loop, watrh porkt tj just what every boy want.' Illiie st iox. tweetls, oassi inerrs and cheviots, in beauti ful liiht uiixturcx, niediuiii slutdiiis or dark effects. I It-lit v of overv sir, ," to 17 Veal's. One Price.-$4.25 SHOES IN SPLENDID ARRAY Just the Styles for Enstcr UM1H SHOPS AN I.OW Mt):S .Maipmrs fm m.i(i,i,. h.tetit ,atber and Pull 1 dtlier. Turned mid welled snles; enmbinaliou ei!ort; fiir.- some what broken, but all si, i hi tho lt. Worth f I N pair. At $2,85 n Pair White Calf Pumps, Yor,Ue pattern, Welted "iiIi h, l.niiiH 1 1 . t l At $3.05 n Pair i i X-." : : NLA At $2,85 a Pair fJ llu'h Heel Wrt.habl. r:L lv.i , White, I ink nu.! : P'.ht Oiav, Putty aiu! Ujit Oiay, Putty mul fMlHJ - At $7.50 a PAir Easter Millinery, Charming Styles $5.00 TO HAVE JUST the right Hats M juat. tlio right time and at junt the rijflit prifc in tho iroi fortune of thin Millinery Store, Thursday's offering will he weleonietl by the woman who has delayed the purchane of her Ras ter lint until now. At $5 they are the heat IFata we have shown thin M'HHOII. Many Hlark in the lot. ofhem trinini.'d with flower nml fintht r. The f,yle and qualify re i way dliove tin' prire, $5,00. Wash Kid Gloves for Easter $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.65 Kvery i-dir of Hh-m. WhuIi Uloyr i ieeompanie, with mir wntleii kfuarnuiee, aaiurinij (.(. luta antiafaetion, Thrae are the nmat r.-i, al tllnve fr tltia aoii of (he jrar They f t ..rfeetly an. are very aniart looking. The i-oli.M lire JVarl White, Vnr Cray, Ivory, I'uHy and fnry, S. me aelf rml.roidem.l and ioine !!. k t mhroide red hek. Thee .'eml j rh r f..e Th'iradity $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.65 Newest Ideas in Hair Goods n ir rnUrrfe j hrui rl..r r diapUving the !alet and fn..l f,Miioinl.le ntoilern tur eretio at .(venal t!i.e Hi j'f.e Natural Wavy tUtf Swil.h. .' it. he ,.n( 0, r x x WeitfM .1 i.ei.. tU) v.l.t-, , pO.UU '.'i tti.'H Natural Wavv Hwtt. h. W..rth " Thu i a rr.oark!.!- nffirt-t in fc,tr god ApjuHal lean! hy K,. $5.00