Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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    TIL-; J5r,E: U.MAHA, .MUMMY, APRIL 17, 191 o.
Want-Ad Rates
"u per word .....entii insertion
Bpeolal -tateai
Farm una Kaoch I-ands.
to per 1 1 each In iiert I on
(Count ilx words tu the lute.)
lo per word. .one time
1 V per word. . .three consecutive tlmea
lo per line oris time
7c per lino three consecutive tlmea
(Count six words lo tli line.)
a total or aoo om .bbb
tbam ioo rem SAT.
10c per line each Insertion
(Minimum charge CO cents.)
Monthly Pate for atandlng ada fnn
change of copy) 41. o per Una
(Count six words to the line.)
CoBtrtot rateg ob application,
TIIW PEE will not ha rcaponalhle for
mora than on Incorrect Inaertlnn of an
advert lacment ordered for mora than
ona time.
AnVTRTIPFUfl ahonlil retain receipts
given by Tha Bee In payment for Want
Ada. aa no mistake cun ha rectified
without them.
rP5 TTIT! TCT.RrTTOVK 1f yon cannot
conveniently bring tr send In your art".
Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and yon will
receive fha earns good service aa when
delivering- your d at tha office.
rrrovR tyi.eti imo.
Answers lb queaUon
"Where to go tonight."
Empress. " urn jTDOUdLABT
Tha lova of a secret service mun and
tha orphan charmingly told In thla
drama of thrill.
Thirteenth Episode
put one more picture to unfold Ihe
Hosiery of thla wonderful diaina.
hungling hill, detective,"
Kim, Laughter, tvlt.
PR1NCKB3. "1317-19 DOl'ULAS.
Ho ft I JCH."
THE OARlliN,"-" 13iIFAflNAM
"Tha Destruction of Carthage," B-rerl,
"Th Champagne Detective," 1-rcel
coined y.
The House of Features, Plpo Organ
and Orohcetia Music,
Today Presents
"Tha Theater Beautiful."
J a no dray
In the special featurei,
In live parts, (
AIo flood Comedy
"Hhe Came, Khe Haw, She Conqiiird'
(Hla llopklna), Kalem,
"Mlaa W arren'a Hrolhar," Vita.
Mnat fiold," Hlo,
Tor Hweet Churlty," Kalem.
)T0T7reVARD71 3 iinrXiiven wortbi
Himday at t p, m , Contlntiou.
Hhubert film Corporation Prcacnla
iioumooic m.TNN in
"Tha I'npardonahla Bin."
V etrlklnit drama of freniled flnnneo
ami New Tork aoolety.
.ii niinerr, pi (i, 'l ooker In
and a comely.
Wr.l ' ' "
"The Nutlon'a peril." tho toplo of the
........ ir, , rrl met cairn and
uata la llala,'" Vlt
illCSSK, '"" ' " 2 4T'irAN'6N;
The Trapplnt of Peeler White.'
Kalem '
Then Thins io Wrnnc." Kalem Vt.
Hie Kpuler Weh," ! Ir
'l'- Picture
tar Features
Theaa are fecial F.itra nl
Ktaturea now aittln at lha
folio ii( Thaatvra;
apoijo, i i,i:avi;nohtii
"cha tie Nti Hh t'onijurred
I JtTit AN It N
Tha hpldt i Vh '
1 i'l I.KVAHIi, AM l.l A KN W Tl
The l'liHird..iiahl Mil '
t ''I'Ht 1 II AMI lull
I I t' the l"V or a i-t e'-
I- ntau I "ni n. ifliiiuiiii j i ,,
111 lllU.. i't tlit.ia
M.n a I Hu A !. ' n
' ' N Hm!' I f ' Ft'.fitti I
. l.. M . . 1 1, .an 1 1 . .. ,
ti-- I i i '
- i t iv .,r I
. I.,-, 4) . -
1 M l-i t . fc, att,
,i . ... ,.!.,.., t tir at t .
(.! . Mi i. ..,.,.. , .( t,.
' "t ' " " . t fa .i.o. t
, H O t . t t,,H MOi
': b ' - ' I .. --
i a i
t t . V I 1 1" c- , v ...
I . ..Mt I '3 iC.-,,
! 4
M l " " "-!- ti ,,!,
wi'i im i i in tiniit
(IP ! 1 i .1
' .4 i, ,. i I . ... ...I
W VOCIomT aiiirthina nl will lrrtle l hai
yea wtit jrir rfN-nvr n If touna tr aa henMi
peraon. HetRarkahl r-ort- ara broutI
txiul erry its? tbrouuli III) roiufna.
Till .AW-I'm-W ! "4 lo irtlclM ir
tatrnto4 In knrminl llwt (be la !
nii t la reiuirinf them u Hk lb oww
Ibrntub flrrttM.mnt n4 mharwlet. n4 ti
a taiiuro (o 4 ee. it ra ca La iara, la-
tolvi etre peniltr
Peraona havliia loet linn article would
do well to call up tho office of tha
Omaha A Courp li Uluffr Htteet Hallway
company to iwitIhIo whether they left
It In the atreet car.
Many article cacn dfiy are tunied In
and the company I anxlou lo reator
theni to the rightful owner. Call
liouir 48.
(H'f tiold" hrooiTT Willi Kaiiiel aet, Kri
diy evefiinn on ll'ih hetween Imdna and
Karnam or on Karnam tietween Hth and
l"th or l.yrlo 1(1(1 KlniJnr pleaae tall
Wehater T?"41, llcwnrd
" .-A HKWAtlll.
Irfiat lonee dhimoml out of rlni lot
hetween Hrandi-la theater and Imndce,
Telephone Alhcrt lvlholin, HoimhmlWJ
""' t.f RKVVAIil).
I.oat tooa d arnmid out of r'n; 1oit
Vat ween Htundda tlieml'T end Oundce
Telcphono Albert Bdttolm, Iioiiflai
I.OHT-One penrl tlk fun, liMiid pulnii"!.
ih gold imriler on eu ou'-Htiriiiio'i.
Kinder plea return to Hea office and
receive reward, no ciueiitlon aeked
I.OHT h-ntlemiitr 7oli iirii anil vicin
ity omaha flub, oil arey i icumna,
CO Wehater SBtt.
jtcST - l.d j'a silver watch and chulu.
4 Ml I Walnut WZ fur reward.
IrurnlniM anil llnnaebold (looil.
FOH luck of room In nw rmldonce
a Vfry fin V'prnls Murtln cablnol
roNtlnx H'nO, an good an nftw, wilt
he ttold at groat aarriflce. Partlna
lotc rented will ploano niako appoint
ment by plionlng forctnoon Ilurney
lioT'N'l'i "t'ttida ' ii'nl'"irTi hr halm, 'tfi:
beautiful I'rlricvaa (Ireeaer, t; verni
Mirllll bed, Mi Kcllpan k" atuve,
refrigerator, !, leiilher touch, J7. Weh
aier I. If',.
rtol.ll) inuiiiigany living room furulliirc,
. ... . ... i .. i ........ n..K .., ,,
OnuiliM Van A. rhoriiaa. Pith and I.euv
enworlh HI, and I'houe Walnut 'dl.'.l.
Kolt AI.K,-lolderi oak library la bin;
IMfWII Wlia cull . m... .-. ,.w..,Mt
'U'M. ,
OMAIIA' flM.OvV CO.-Kelt "aiid "iialr
lonttree matla over in new ilea mi
half the price of new one Phoua u
for aample of licking. Mnll ordei llllnd,
1i7 Cumin HI. l;ougla Wt
iiOI'NO, gulden onk (lining room table
4 lettiner cntllie, mi' ii' ,,,,,,
i,.,iii,,iiiille :)) H, ititll HI.
FI'HNITI'HK Hod ium, In iniH-lli-nl con
dition; amiable to rivo loom l onnac
owner leaving ctv. Tel. WeP.ler Ml.
& tf.K 'hoxaa, gaa atovea, V i"H 'l
Nil KlIMhl, pollliry wire iiiiu i!,.i.iu..
Open till il p, m, !'! No, Sit It HI.
OSK (lliilna i oom ad for an lo. Apply
Apt. 4, OWIglll Bplirillieilia, .,.! Ull'l
io.i.nli.lon Ave. Ilainev Mini,
FOCH hurner'u "aov, Jnwel, 'XI2
art loom rutr, ecainicee, f. n -,
UAH rnngn heap -3 H, 2ilh Ht
J.aaelrt. Illamii)), Watehea.
ftnOI'KtlAAItlt'H "lucry wcildl'.ig llngt"
at latn nn c'iumhw e.,. .
plaaioa aod Mu.lrnl lafrenl.
(lood make, good onmlltlnn, II M per
month' new piano. M " t'r month
IIOHI'K CO. I M.I-IS liouglaa Ht.
IIS Hlt tNK aaiephoiir with ,.'", ''
anlc. I'hona linugbia M'l nr Walnut 110,
UAH' for nto roiial.le; itoitblu action,
g.iod condition- :"L!.'rl .J. L "
Trnanrlfar "lie; Mppllee.
KKW miichlne aold the am tent.
1.1 per momo, new ue iii.,. .
relit. Hhlpped any place on ten ly
free trial. Hull TypcwrHer fc-attiang.
qui u noli, tniiahn. Neh.
TYI'BWIHTKHM "wild," rented and fe-
palled. Itcnt an uimr ur'i"
month for - Central Typowrller ht'
hnniic. lW, Kartiam.
0A N a practical t K writer. Price 41,
and I0. Write today fT cli
cular. W. Heilriim, Port llope. Mlch,
liKMlNOTONM, Miiiuiich and Minllll
lliglon Typewriter Comiij, p. I4.
HK.1,1 A NCr, Hllinon tnii ihmum ,u,
illT.Ja ..cil fi. S'.'i5 ir.iil Howard HI.
MIOItNlJ HIHH'jN l'A'V"iM 1!"
Office auppiiea, iuugiaa tin.
I'log. ,
tore and Office Flitarea.
Ti'rkM, aafca. m ale. aliowpatM-a. ahniy-
log etc. We luy, will, omana f iu ai
HilPDlv Co.. 41M I H. l.'th, loug. 2.21.
HOI'A fuuntiiln, " feet long, used on
aenaoB, cheap. 1i3 . -itu m., rvuiiii
Blde.e ,
riothln, rnra, Kt.
buy and aell tullor made anlta and
overciiala Kilcdniiiii. IZU Iiougla Hl.
Petrlag; Marlllara.
Sow i UK M ac li i no
Wa rent, repair, aell iie.nlbi and pnrti
of all aewlng inaciiiiiea.
Iftth and llarm'VHia. Pong. 1 J,
Nararry, feed and Plant.
TKKi-:'s'kllltl HH. IIKImik pi, A NTH;
Jitpancee oaitieii, i", iu i nm, i m--
m. Apple iict, rn, oiii iw in
Have agciit'a cnmiiilealon. Klnn in e
atilca gioiind tie;ir poatofftcr. South
1 1. ..aha aalc around. M Ht . Iil'ur piil-
otflcc: Heii.iim giouctU, iil?t ami HIV4.ii
Hts. Hriiaoti-ijuimim .miiwiv, iicorimii.ii
it M HKi:itv-J. w. I no,
l'rlr Ijtige etoi'k of tree. nhruli
eveiureen and ne. ofllce and ailc
aitl, U'4I h and I'liiMiev hi. Nui aeiy
rt of Kiorrnc. I nolle) I' loreln to
nr Wrbater tajn
pAI.CS lii m. I of Hie I. MO City Nur-
i,ti at I.U ixniglaa ht
J II M.niiille, Mr Phone i. '4
'Hit HVl.l K rr-hrai mi elrawPertv
I'l.iiii, inline giuwn. .i per iiuiihitii
Ct.lfai 3-i
J KaTlmM N t Hi:it tl
t-th an.t Ja, fen, to. I'lcoe l..itg i-'T.
M I HI. Hit Nitiv " I Hi and l.Ue
lllfl.r It 11' l'.ifl to.l
Marlarr aad laatae.
! : i.,lt,ng at'-t .-r-iilia- ..l t l."lU. I
lo PM U I- ; ! Irt )ld l ool a t IliUl l
l.l. t-t.ltr.,. ,ill,c 1 MO M
k., a ft,, f lii !,!.,. l I .'(
i Cclr c.11,1 clff I.... li-..,'l "l i
; O .1
il. M.
I I'
t' l' u' i - n-i i.o.l in.-'. i i i.,i' a,
'" oc! a lli.n t IH4
.1 h '! SI 4 mil HI
' ?: i ii . -t ' v.; 1 1 t' .
I I f- - l
Malelt lirilIHIt
i ...'.. . i I . p. il rv ate
fvlHllMg a4 tiling aii.
W f M 4 Il 4 li '. t 1 1 I ' .H,
y 'Hi'': s.'t i , ; " i.; a i ii i
M Isiii'i i'i't il1 lad t,
' I , . t ( I -ui.i.
t, i ! , t - .. I . C : I
f , a 'a l ,a I ' - i v
1 ' - ;1 H i
1i'llll- H . t I (
J Ibi ' a I a .i, . , I - i it
fx i i
li 1 1 i n.'il , i i
I l . i
a 1 "ii " '"i ' . i -ti
a t ..
K I '
t t.
- - "la Ui.
HONi poema wanted; uuiiaual offer; we
cooipo.sii cal'-hy mualc and helt aell to
fellahlo publlalii ra. Hong Writer'
Hcn i. e Huieau. .Merchanta fitntion, Ht,
l,i-ula. Mo. u
New deak. uaod deak. bought, aold
and traded J. c. Heed. W)7 Farnntn.
HAt'lIMAN will pay you more for fur
niture, clothe and ulinc. Wet). i,l III.
CAKII for f paenner auto. Must be
bargain. Write V'-'-Z. rice
We pay heat prl for old c,,the. P, CU
Heat price paid fur old clothes, I'. 4114
ItltOMKOAAHl) H "l.ttcky Weddlnf
Hlnga" nt ltlth and Imuglaa HI.
1,1 VK outdo,, ra. V. M, C A. Out. Park.
TOdi will bo receind until 1 o'clock
p. m Monday, April 24, i:n, at tha of
ficii of the undeialgiied for the run
at met Inn above tho grade lln" of th
Mcthodlat Kiilacopal church of Teka
nia.h, Nehraaka. Hepatata b'd will ha
rerelvid for Inatalliitlon of heating,
lloinbng and clectilc wiring for an Id
building. Plan and Mecr, Riion : v
be aeon at the of Mm of tlie m dera gn-d,
wild whom bidder muat confer on all
Inalter concerning couatructlon iiml
Mil thereon, Hid nmal be acnu.
panled liy- a ceriied chock for threa
per cent of I he ti mount of the hid a on
evidence of good faith, Hid nmal he
eenlcl and plainly nuiiked on th out.
aide cover, "l 'or t onal ruction," "
lliatlng,'' "Kor Plumbing," or "Kor
l,le iric Wiring," thn cage mny he.
Th right I leaoru'd to reject any and
all bid.
I t.'. COLIC MAN. Tckamah, Neb,
Kor III T'Ualce.
WANTMIW'oiicci'Hii na; week curnlvat
and thrca day' hori rncliiK. luna 2iih
to nh, Aurora, Ni h, Addreaa Chug,
W, Went, Hecretary,
Nearly nil people are om tlina
troubled Willi aweailng feet. Thlt la
ahaolutelv and poalllvaly aloppeil In
avei y cae, If my advlca la taken; wh ch
la rlmpla annltury method. 1 will tell
you why your feet awegt, ihafa, P'h
and nch" In hot went her; you can avoid
all trouble for a reaaonnhle fee, and you
will bti thankful to me, Call or write.
1!I1 fhliago Ht. Omnlia,Neh.
Motor II a pair.
CAM ILL KLKC. CO., He. Hldg. P. Wt,
(oiicrrl Contractor.
fF.MKNT walk and driveway. D. ml.
i arpenfrr anal I iuf rai-lor.
Ieaaard A Hon IU" Capitol Ave. T. 1411
Young, rep'g;., Johblog, acrw-na. Well? ),,U
V.. W, llokaiiaon, 'HC, Lvnwlh. Tyl. 21W-J.
t arprl I loinlng.
KltlCS't'll Cut pet Hiouiing Co, will clean
nd acoiir your carpel on your floor
and guaianlen rfei t aiitlafacllon. Our
price, lixi: rug, X lingo rug In pro
jiorllon. Call Tyler 2,al,
llrraa iniimii u.
Accordion. Hldii. Knlfo, Hog Planting,
Cov, Hutloii. llemaillehiiiK Nnh, pleat
ing A Huiton Co. HI 2 paxloii Hik. U 44
Vita A Klachei, ludlea' talloied garmiuii
for nil oicaalon. 4'iS Itoae Hldg. Ty, I'T.
I'leaaioaklug and plain "wlng; rcaaori
ahle; aallafacilon guaranteed. Weh, 112,
ANNA" HI, AT Kit, drt-eaiiiukar; ldle' allg"
ault n apnclttlty. Houihjw:!. 4.'KM H. l.
CLPKIC'd Ilieaainaklng ciool; gulta,
llreaae, etc, ;'.',.") i illf,.riilu. Doug. 71120.
HY day, work giuirimleeil. Web, WM.
I iieaainak'g at home. It. 7SI9, 2it) Harney,
Ki-laler lilcaai, inking Col, P',2K City Nat,
Tarry I'rcaaoiuk'g coIIk. Otli A Farnntn.
W'OltK guaiaiileed. I honi Walnut l4.
t2"npMlreamBkrwnl day worij. H. Ti'.'A
Oateopalh Pl.y i-tan.
Mr. J. HMnaick. 4U2 Itoae . ni'lg.T)f,2.'!1.
IHI'.Af, llalr Parlora-aOJ Hatrd Rldg.
Marili iiiliig, ni li, facial and violet ray
treatment. Toilet article. ), liH6,
Towel Huuollea.
OMAHA Towel Shipph, Wl H. Ilth, D. 621
llolton Mini I'lraliiig.
" O. 1,1, V A N A UN A M.
Hreaa I'lentliig and Hulion Co.
Phone HotivlB 3HHI. S.iii-7 Pinion Hlk.
Nortbcaat ( orncr JBlh and Karnain Ht.
Accordion, kulfu, aide, paue, bus and
aun-rav plcallng.
Comblnntioii box and aide pleat aklrta
In all laical ilcalgn.
Ilennilllchlng, nlcot edging, pinking,
ru'hliig and Pultoua made to order.
Mall order given prompt and (pedal
allonllon. All work guaranteed.
Hal I leaned and Blocked.
HTKA W, Panama, all kind IiuLh, cleaned
aii'L rehlocked. ir.lillf.2u Harney 1st,
i lea acre auil II) era,
r ATir I)r 'f f!ln g. Co. 1J0 N. JJlhJ).JWTl
i:irraa Cniiipanlre.
TWIN CITY Kxprea Co., i;,22 Caa Rt,
Phone Houglua 1T17. Homy hauling a
lctrrlklaa lur Wuuiaai,
ACt'OltlilON, aide, knife, unburt, bog
phatlug, covered button, all Ua and
atylca, liciiiatliclilng, plcut edging, am
broidery, heading, braiding, cording;
rselet cut woik buttonhole, peununta,
11KI H'lUKhia liliick Houglii ll:itL
A I iV Kit Tie I'l tiiui oinpcrty a tiiouari
you believed It aala or rental to be
liiipoitaiit, .y aeeping II Iih,i In Hi
lug Hoiiae, Huiiiii und Kcal Irjita'.
OninyTin: HI'.IC
E. A. DWOUAK, 0. P. A
4M.i; Haiiign I'ddg. Tel. Ilouglaa 74
A K lV.i.NHl'liltiH'.lt, fi'i'in. II lit tiffs, la.
Tel. Hlu, k 1 1 : ." . Ainlnliiu. Accounting,
lnci)ipiBllnna, Inveatigatlon,
Bath. "'
I'll HI'NPA-fnlp.ii.i, Hieam, Modera
Turklah. Klctilc HMDS hikI MA.4.
A.i; for (in-il iirrtea an. I rlie,,iiiniiaui.
Private apartmrnl for ladle ulth Udjr
atleiidiiuia Una Karnam. I hone H. .. ,.
( uaiMiura,
TMKATIH'MI, guttii. mil die. ii ault. for
rent, ;o N. iTtli M John I'Vhluian.
I'laau laalrartlaa.
Itagtloie piau.i plming p.iauiirly taught
In h,,ii 4 J,, t i.iuiiig Wa.
t Klrii aelora, kiilnal gaaluiral.
I'll l.l HlliiliS, lil ll.,m IlkU H. -Hi
Palmer n. tuml Clad t'l'linuHatl.ill flw
1 r p.dlinabmii, n Craight u 1 1,, n. T i
I' It U.a.d ill Plan TI,, Hldg P alH
ht 1 0 I aaiei,,., t I ilul l.idg 11 tU
fi hi 'TIHC looms cleaning our work ant
pit, a will pi... you ,n ii iinva ti.llll w ii, mil put m uUf
lean 'I i lei '01 J
lie lerll vs.
run. w ii k i,i it, , u A , t w.
,. e illr.t tc I 111 HIMl ,t I uir,( tt :tt.
J Pll.,1 A I I t, ii Nrulie ti.a k t .p
il. ii. a. , .1 h, ,( , , t,, ii .H
I VI N H I t. iv lva A , In.' (, It.,
Il .1, t . let t "Hi. l .,, t, i,i , ,
I airirt4iia.
lo ) I it a In lug n,l 4M.
Jaalltt at k I'aaea,
l It I I to ISM I i p.,i. , in . Had
l4 Nvian p -M , iln.,i.iii..ii i.u.k
f tx I'-. 1. 1. e l it ,u,i HI
, . laa.
I t f V v I' ' . I a I l It II iHtl f
I I ! I.'. I : I i t Cl H;.' V f II
M' m II II CM ('. ni,4
I tlir, aB4 M lia,
llf S.:4 t ,i4 ai I'
Pa'ailea m4 l'airilv.
, n(. 4 ... I ... .. .
'4 1 1 . I a a
H li- a. i... ,. .. i .
" I tK 1
4A 1,1 m i,.tl, c.v . 4,
' - In' i. ,
' 4 nt
l ' la
I .1
4 4 . "'. - 4 .. li t I
t ' . I I . 1 'clisl. ,I1UC
...., ; II I.'. ',.t . , S
I I ,Kit 4la.
C' "'.' k I ....!,.., ,i i..,,,
.1 .. l. S .t ,
4 i t - IP il I !'.a , a
' UaM lri i ..
i 4' 1 ' .ii.'..4 I - f. ... a
' 4 Il .
C. T. fdcklnon 511 Paxton Blk.
D. WM.
tr. Ilradbury. Nopuln. 412 W.O.W. HIdg.
Taft'a He n tJH m a ., J Hoaa'llii i g."lT. 21 4.
Ilaai-lnir traitrmtaa.
DteI,tJXACAIKM Ylll H. lath St.
I'iir:h and Wlnuote kcreeoa.
FRfiM fa- tory to yon. Phona fted 4fi'.'7.
Tailor' Trlmmlasa.
Omaha Tr'nt'g Co., 402 Karbacn Hlk. nriO
I'.lrcirol) ala,
tMo Allender, K.'l llee Illdg. Med SKI
lira a unit lrii ntandrles.
Panlon MHchell Co., nth and ilartha Sta.
Wine and Mnjaor.
RI'Y your ramlly IPpior at Klein
JJipior J Ionian. ;;;2 N. Bl,i, fiougla 14o.
1W) acre farm land. Fall HIVer county,
R. p.; amn.ll houan, fenced, part broke,
running water, good wheat and alfalfa
land, 7 mllea from OelrP b; price, :i,imo;
inorlgage, lami, duo llilli, per cent; title
A-l, Take nolo, lota, aouihern land or
commercial paper. Colfax 41M. F, i.
Hewrd, Omaha. 142 Hatiler Ht
HAVIC brand new ( of .Mackry'""Hia
torv of Freemasonry,' In eyan beu
1 1 fully hound volume; regilar price 16.
Will exciianga for good ndltop deak or
will acll at a Imrualn for caah. Phone
Harney 27:7 or flddrew K 1'1,'t, Hue. '
i-Ylt.-OLIi Iioi'bm, good condlllon. gentle;
wt., l.oi; alao hmiica and top buggy,
good aa new, Will trade for touring
car, Kurd preferred. Addre H. C,
1172, Hoc.
LATIC dale OHvi r Vlibf typewriter "in
perfect condition, to awap for While
Leghorn chicken or iiiiv other perai nal
properly owner can uae. What have
yotiT H. C. ?4'i, lice.
II A VIC very good con) range and one
gaaolltia range, lo awap fur good type
wilier, rollion deak or what have ion?
Addrea r), C, UVi, llee,
FTLMR M5VKrOI'KP FTIKP! when '"pr ntt
are ordarrd, Knlaiginenta from any
J!,'fn!',v" Htuilio, th and Harney.
FOIt HA LIC- ICxceptlonally flnn Irlah
water Huanbil pup, al mopih old.
VVm. Iilaieihoraf. Leahar. Neb,
"Ht cotXilHCli 'lithograph, la22, to "awap
for paint or houae palming, or what
have youT 8. V, M.
V.WiC.V TIYMICN -A raw" lltsnbirroiighi
adding machine for 110 worth of grocar-
le. Addreaa Y ,'M, Ilea,
TWi I -eg Molura lot for uedcr or
what have youf Itapldly lucrealnir In
alua. ( 1if,7, lie.
ONIC It P, A." motor, newTTiaraiTrn
price. 7 He Hldg. Pouglag 3H7I,
ThiN'T yiitr'tiaiit Ibl 2'Jl-acre fiirm.'cloa
In? Tola nd A Trumbull. Hougln f,70".
HAVIC :;;o eipiily u (wo'dola al'Mlh
and Hickory; will ecu or trade. A,
0f.2. Her,
$:'.00 COT and miigaine" to'trada ' for
hen, or what have you',' Addrea 8. (,',
1 1 7H. Hce.
LATIC model L. C. Hniiiiito57ado"" for
adding machine, Addre H, C, j 1 77,
WILL liade Jewefry for Ford ' Koadater
nr any other make. Addic H C, HT.'i
OOOP HeminglonNo7 4 for Vtaater car
burelor, P4-lnch. Addrea HTH, Hee,
IIAVK new dreaaer to aw p for Icebox";
muat ha while enamel Inwlde. H. C, 1ho.
M-KiO" Incubator, value 44 (fi, to awap
for wheelliBrrow, H. (', k'H, Ilea.
CIOOP, genlle' horae to trud fof""coo(i
milk cow, H, C. 1174, Haa.
VoHK. hoiae for" trado for aT'lmrifTarT
H. C. Ki, Hee
11 HAT market 7oT properly-'ii :hB7
Acccsfiory Jitisinoss.
Kaeii bualncaa man nr alemnn mav
aecur one half Inlereat III ealnbllahcl
anlo geceaaorv buHiiea. controlling ex
clualve dlalrlhutlve right to faaleat
gelling Una on market, pnalrable that
applicant, ninuage bualneaa or net a
alarnan. .hi.iii reipilred and several
Hiouaand dcalrable to atock good mote
heavily, llefereiica exchanged. Phone
or call Itoom HMD, Fnntincl Hotel,
Monday all day and evening.
CAKIC and rooming house lor ala, duubl
room rafe-rilnliig room and counter. He
modeled four month go, everything In
flrt-clng ahape. Klxturc. ilght and
furnlturn are all good. Heat cafe In
state except mini of the hotel cafn.
(food reputation, heal claaa of trad In
city. Uuaianten t IdO-bualiieae, and over
dally. Over ll.Omi atock now on hand.
Hunt, seventy i',0) monthly. Hoornlng
house of ten 1IO1 rooms opposite cafe.
Modoi n except beat. Good furniture
and light and everything O. K. Itent
twenty dullai rtjni monthly. Oppor
tunlly for a live man. Iteaaon for bell
ing t alcknea. Addrea Y 332?. Hee.
Atiproxlmn'ely twenty-five thoiieanl
dollar will buy the controlling intereai
and management by man competent to
manege a, high clime well-CHtabllahed
automobile biiMlnea In Ixia Angela
Preaent owner and manager hn other
bualneaa Intereai reiUirlng all of hi
attention. Addreaa Jf 10 H. He
Our Nebiaaka "fariti
mnrlgages are not af
fected by European war
or Pnlm. Amounts fell
to We collect all
Intereat and principal
free of char; A, yeara
in the Nehraaka faint
field without a loaa Is our record.
1 Omaha Nat. Hank Hldg., Omaha. Neb.
P A T E liTS
Bend kat(h or model for scared,
lllghrst reference. Het reaulla.
Prompine ired.
WnLsou E. ( 'uTomnn, ffixrl
rt F Ht . S. W . WASiHN ifoN. ! t
l vUii kjiiU.1 I'liitiDM! Htr In
If .
b) ! M'U f . lr jetttel rum .
hml Untk i 4k 1 if n it J ivPAhiii.. .4i,(
", Ml 111.44 J ,144 Nt , ,1a r t4' t' tl
1 '1414(11 4 hi I t 4 (l S A4 I, k '1(1414 lf
A tut 'W4lr4T 444 f ' 1 1 M 4 k
tUIIpl'l Mj(r f i ,i 4 fil'tt! V
h -" 1 ' 1 t a 1 icu
' . ( l' I H 4 1 I .-4
L', k 4 M.!4i I v I ,,14,
I'l'M'n l t(t M M U 'l i
AN I iTU'M tlftt H4H ,u I ' !
' malalBJ 1 4l 44 14 fill) ( (4 44 44j
1 ' A i I" t 14 K) Ihl'S I 4 ' t ' "
aA' i H ) t M,rf f ,MU
I H 4. . IV I Hut I ,, ;i I 4 4 i4,
t I v . )H I I I t W fj
i " l i I, ' 4 )) I I Ifj , I Kcj
(. i'K Vt' IU i .'(i i'i ( t;f.'l H -.itt.
"'''f 1 t .. i ' ' 1 . hi."i,
. I I- ( .v t t en 4 S
I 4 4' Hi 1 4 ' - A- 441 I l,
,(U. 14 ''4"W ' 4'"-4 kt'4 .,l-(
9 ... .' 4e . v; I 1 h r
! i1 t
In -4 t.p
! 'll-f at, r '. 4 ..(a.
t. ! ' 4 : 4, At t' 4
"'' IHttth'l i ' - 1 ' 44'l 4
4-44 ItW T H I 1 - '.. .. (v .
t1 t ' f 4.4 4 A( ,
at 4 ' 'i-: Ml K k: 4 . 1 14
A -. Mt-..a -. t 1 I
t ',-..' ' "-I t t 4 II 4. - 4T 4
4 41 " ' " .
1 ( ! A AfH liM 4 4J
H-f lt 4 Iy. .i) .. i4A
I M M It
ON account of 111 health 1 have to sol!
my restaurant In Waco, Neb., good bua
lneaa. running a year, only res
taurant in town. Fixtures at will
Invoice stuck. Phone or call at once.
CAWI. P. P. Tinker.
JJOVINi; Picture Theaters, real bargains;
niaihlne. repairs, supplle, accessorlea,
tie iv and second-hand. Be us.
Palrd Hlng Pm,5i.,,?,'
Foil H A i-IC Cretor popcorn inacnTne. lo
t'slud In a good cltv. doing .good bul
iicib; rcaaon for snlllrg. have other
bualneaa. .1. R. Polk. Hlienandoflh, la.
Foil' HAI.IC Oniy'daify" niornliig new
piper, illy m.iaTO ; well equipped
idniit; aland every Intesligatlun. Ad
dreaa V .im, Hce. v
POOL " IIALL-Clne b third 'tabfe and
four pool tablog for al. Town of l.i'Oi
Monev inaker; must II on account
poor higlth. Will take 41,100 caah If add
at once. Addreaa Y V Pee.
it'lC ClUCAM cone, aoft drlnka. randy,
box I all sllejs. Ice rrerim. cigar, res
taurant, lunch aland concelons at
Krng park for al. Tel, Harney 162J.
FOTl SALFflood stock of gent' ""fur
nishing good. Only store of this kind
In a town of l,f, and good country
to draw on, Addre Y 441, Bee.
Toil BALK Good, clean stock of Hard"
ware; live town central Nebraska,
flood reason for selling. Ue quick. Ad
dre. Y 27. Bee - t
LIST your "business or income, for aala
or trade with me. 1 know how,
tiowd Rale and Auction Co.. utmhtt, have
closed out more mda. stock than any
other firm in P. H. Write for term.
THKATICHH -lluy", jeaae or "aell your the-"
ater, machine and supplies through
Theater K.s. Co., 11 Karnam. P. Ii7.
WILLI AMM, ealabilahed years." To buy
or sell bualmaa ee him. 411 M 'Cague
Hldg. Iteference V. B. Nat, Bank.
New and rebuilt bsrgalns. supplies,
Omaha Kllnn 1 ICxchange K H. 14th Ht.
OKKICK fur r-ii atiii or inaurance;
Mini floor aa lie orflce; 13x21 feet; H9.
The Hee Illdg Office Itoom lJ.
TO HKLL or buy a busineaa call on
nii'-h Horghoff. franaer Hlk. P, 331.
HAK1CHY wlih c.omidele e'pilpments, ea
I aid: shed trade. 3l2SIrfiavenworth Ht.
Tf 41 i;t in or out of bualneaa cali on
OA N'IKHTA P, 422 Hee Hldg. Poug. M77,
l-'fill RA LK-2-chair" barber shop, up-to-dste.
Call Poug. S74. Ask for Ed.
dsy work or business ada regulsr rates.
il lines one week ,,...j
t lines one week 4ial
each extra line 16c per week.
ilKKINICP, capable woman wants poal
II011 lu a good home a companion or
to asalat In the home, Handy at sew
ing, buying or overseeing; lovca chil
dren, Han ford hotel, Itoom 2.
HITI'ATION-Hy Japamae." Wairts poaP
tion s chauffeur, took or gncr,il
houaework In nice prlvete family. Ad
drea Harry Ward, Vii I' Ht, i.lnciln,
Neb. .
"WANTKlJob aa bookkeeper or all
anl In ome country bank; I ysara' ex
perience In bank and 6 years as deputy
county treseurer; good reference. An
ton Wolff. VVeat Point, Ncb.
A lw'0-llilider, who has had S year' ex
perience as a printer-pressman, wants
poalilon at once. Will work for resaon
shle wages. P. M. Heckler, t20 N, 14lh
Ht., Omaha,Neb.
VOl'.SU mm or women who warn good
roaltlon should advortlsa In Tha He,
t la the paper big bualness men read,
Im 11I1 en, broker, retail and wholesale
W AXTKP-Pimltlon aa asltsnt manager
or secretary to large firm by man with
long experience. Heat of references,
Addreaa P liatSHee, .
'COUJllICP man and'wlfe want work s't
living wage. Call Webster 4022, or lilt
N. IKth.
PI I A RM ACIHT llelief woik at nights,
registered, four ycar' experience. Lake,
Hurney till'.
kXPKKiENCF.lT driver deafir'ea position
driving for private famltyj references.
o Hz, rsee.
ai lai-r Iim nna,
FAriMICItf-Wbeti you want help write
nr cull Kmplre Ijibor Agency, 20 A.
IJth. Phone Poug, 10.
iCX PKRHC.VCICP man for general house,
work, painting, waxing floors. Clifton
Hoyd. Harney 640, ,
HOt HKCLEANINO wanted . by experl
i need man; tuga leaten, floors pilisliel,
,Web, 47,11, .
VifNl'ioWrt wahcd, tug beaten, screen
repaired, whitewashing. Walnut 212".
Wanted!loue-cleatilng: alao wall paper
cleaning. jCnrunnerI)i7JW;Ty. 227-W.
PAINT1NO and screen repairing. Han
sen. Tv. J6I-W.
IIAUf!N(i aa"b"es and rubbish Web. WW.
ItKLIAHLE housekeeper wants position;
can do plain cooking, family sewing or
care for Invalid. Address 200S Ave. C,
Council Hluffs, laloneJRcd 4215.
THK HEK charge for ""Hit nation ad'a'
la lower than any other form of adver-tlalng-not
enough lo cover cost of
Ulltl, with experience on swltchbosrd
would like position on P. B. X. board;
feel confident could operate. Hartley
W ANTICP - Position as chauffeur Pan
do own repair work. Have 4 years' ex
perlctice. Phone Poug. &t.C. F. Mayer.
M IPI'I.I'-AiiKIi lady wanta position a
housekeeper for a priest or nice gentle
mnn. Mrs, It. Hhulter. 45H 8. Ith Ht.
ORPHAN' girl" would" like" prl'Hlon" at
houekeeper In homelike plsce. Doug-
Ih tiM.
TVMJ colored alatcr. as rook and seoonil
girl, would like plaoe.TjderJHriJ,
'.VANTKIpnltlon by young lady ste
nographer. Phone Colfax
t.aanary aae pay Ware.
HOI'HK CLEANIN07 wlndowclaaningl
rug lieatlna. fh at claaj city refeienc.
1IKI.I4HI.K colored woman wanla laun-
diy w Bailing, day work, cleaning. Poug-
In L'4i'g.
WANTI'li--lay or nTgiit uiiralng by
,-..), iied graduate liuiae Call. W ell, Sain
IH'NPI.K wlilng, piece woik, lac cur
tain, work guaranteed. l?l N, 241h Ht.
1 Kt; YV.K l.l'NIMtY, P0i "iallf"rula.
Hand woik called for and dellterwd.
til tlMAN woman want w uk wasti ng or
houae leaning J.VJ l.eavenwntth,
0 il l'f. 11 V V c.ilored woman want day
work WePaler 4M7.
1 M'Kllll M'l l laun"iia wnt"d4y
won, Well A 41
1 M l Itll'M'l l laundreaa ' ' niea'a
' I, ta Par fi I
Wmi VV wanta 'ea wh placaa
f.oilll ?il
H M'l f ahing, lotltpalent U.lllrr. !
Weh 4.11
1 '..oklng nr day it : Ii4 I Talari
I I It a f . ' 1,1 ( iltt w.. k 41 4a4!
I lpoii.ea.,4 I -n lr ; i laan og WrH H4
Was'iog an I la iinrl ai .bu s Tv. IU4
tl tkl f. -.i I n t'e .lo l 4 )i
t' aah.i t n. 1 ai I i I ai
I 4 iin.ii aa. 4tk wink J, 44' ttl
Cieaaoi la ay and day a -ik (I. '
J At M'ttf, eeaMig. tar w-'ia W, 4.
Ill ll a !... flV 4 ' W I'll flull
1-41 Mlt 4i4t dt -tk. Ittft 11,
1, 1 VIP Wiii.aa w in' day k W..k :4
iioki and (ilMrea
!' k I'll tteeiof i4 l -nii 4-i
I Si . II- m ... r ,1,11 I .Wl, 1
1 n i it 11. 1 Ji t 4 -, a, a ,
I v S ' 'i ...a ii., . .a t i
a 4 ' Sil t -Hate I a
t t 4. 4lP4 tlHtattwaeiii ... .. 4 '
ti . .,. ' I... 1 , 4- n
l Vl Is ,,n,i.,i.i,ii I m
111. . It I 4 ,t S 4 v I-. a lc ls
r 4 !. B,4 'l
1I.1..4, , 4 l.itt.H It I It! I a 1 I
I I. a ft'". 14 H la ....
, . ..1.1 f, 1.. - . I ! . ,i
!.. al 1 lt .1 a . .-a : ' ai.
In am .a. I i i , I a
t 'I IV'4 4
'" Salt 4 I.. ' I .a
I , a 1 a, . . a 4 i. , .,.-. 41
im it 11 1 r Iif-a, a 1
I ii a
Prnleiil! a ad Traitea,
WANTKP Couple of good machinist,
four molder and a young paturo
maker. .Make application In writing ant
state experience. Qulrin Wire 4 Iron
Works, Hoone. ,1a.. ..
WANTMD Man .with family to run lla'k-
smitn anop on r.ta own account, noon
P ace for a good man. Wrt e fi r Induce
ment. H. F. Willie, Wllke, Is.
WANTKD Young man of good habl'a,
experienced in dry cleaning, pressing,
and general tsllor repair work. Ad
dress T w), Pea.
skk i';S ivHTTilpicii johh.
Established Ten Vent.
i!6-l4Cltv Nationitl,
ANTE I iEgpert Hu-Mi and toll opera
tor, Nebraska town; permanent posi
tion for capable operator. Address Y
S'4, Be. i
COM PET K NT brooi n ma k sr. H eady
work. Addiea Pen H. Pike Hroorn Co.,
f)etivr. Colo.
WANTED- Experienced nlgtit cierit, Han
ford Hotel,
W A N T ED - A pa I in t e r b t Jojj Fr a n k 1 1 n .
JfiJf wore snaps, "tilis. knwist. Itee Hldg,
alramm and awllviiura.
Klrt-claM salesman or solicitor, ab
solutely clean and a producer for fat
eat selling auto encrsanry Una on mar
ket by strong, established dealer, Como
prepared to start work Immediately
o'clock, Monday., No. iwA Farnam
WANTED-Highly rieomri.ended, sub
atnntlal man to represent a Urge farm
tractor company In Nehrsika and west
ern lows. Not necessary to open an
Omnha office, but muat bo In position
to actually sell farm tractors lo dealers
In the territory. Tha right man will
be backed wild plenty of good fnrm
paper advertising. filve references,
past experience, elo. Address E 101., Hea.
Sa LEHMAN to "travef hi Neb"-Htaiidard
Hee, andjnv. f'o., 1017 W. O. WHIdg.
W A RtKD Specialty salesman "to cali on
bottlers snd Jobber only, Kansas, Ne
hraaka, Iowa, and western Allaaourl.
Must Iiavs ability; no ntiicra need ap
ply. Keferencr re'Uted, I(et cider
line In this country. Hoi VUl, Mamphis,
Tenn. '
AI.ESMEV'for Nsbrs'ska andnfowaTto"
handle tha fastest selling patent on
tha market: If you' can earn M to 4100
weekly, we want .to hear from you,
1201 W. O, W. jM '
INTELLI'JENT and persistant advertla
Ing will "sail" any salable real estate,
end the largest number of prospective
buyers can te reached through the
Ileal Estate and Want-Ad flulde to all
of Oreater Omaha-THK 44KB1.
"WANTED Agenta "Tor an iipit-to-daT
health and aocldint Insurance company.
Federal Ins. Co.. Ilncoln, Neb. Ira E.
Atkinson, (!en, Mar.
BALKHMEN to" sell autorriohir ap-claltv
In Nebraska, Iowa, Mouth Dakota and
Kansas good aide Hue. iM Hee Hldg.
IF Y01'"bave"sellliig ahilliy-'aee Htand
srd Hee Inv. Co., 1017 W. O. W.,
Hldg., Omaha.
iOMETIIINt exfili goodrblg money" for
the salesman who I a bualneas getter.
1017 W, O. Wr,
BELL euvertlalng pipes; sample and par
tlculsrs free. Japencse Novelty Co.,
Clinton, la, . -as
Hetrla and lirsraarant.
TVANTK,iDy derrTmut "begooif aTi
around man; , best of references re
quired. Addre Mrs, J. .Beverly, Ox
riard Hotel, Norfolk, Neb.
RELIABLE employment agency iglO
Davenport Bt., headnuarfate for hotei
help; spec, stnntloii todlUince ordra.
x Beye. 1
WANTKD 2 or 3 boys! must be 14 yrsT
old or over; steady work, good pay.
Omaha Box Co., East Omaha,
Trade Sctiool.
lis moved from 2403, Leavenworth Bt.
lo 2024 24 Farnam Bt. ,'
Men wsnted, to. learn the trsds. We
have originated ' a' plan to teach It
quickly and earn back tuition while
learning. Toola Included. Open to every
one, Write for catalogue, HO Bo. 14th
St., Omaha, Neb.
to learn auto work for the big sprlng
ruari, Fine training work on autoa and
electric tai'thrg gygtema.
2063 Karnam Ht. Omaha Neb.
LKARX barber-trade, -more than make
your tuition while learning. Het of toola
included. Job guaranteed. Call or write
for catalogue. 1402 Podge.
MEN wanted to-learn the barber trade.
Tuition 4i'S. I Ca Ht., Omaha.
WANTED. Able-bodied unmarried men
between agea of 1 and ; cltlxens of
United Btnto. of good character and
temperate habit, who can (peak, road,
end write the Kngth language. For in
formation apply to Recruiting Officer,
Army Hldg., lot ti and Dodge His.,
Omaha. Neb,; 207 Bith Ave,, Pea
Molnea, la.; 427 Fourth Ht., Bloux City,
la,; 19D NTenth Ht., LlncolnNeb.
WANTK.D-100 young men, 14 to 24 years
of an, for election day. Tuesday, April
IS; good pay. Apply at once to M. J.
tSreevy. I'Jlmaha'allnn! Hank JPldg
474 MONTH. Get government lobe Men
and women wanted List of positions
olitslnahle free. Franklin Jnalltule,
I"pt. J-.'l-O, Rochester, N Y.
FIREMEN, brakemen. 41 monthly, Ex
perience unnecessary, Hallway, Y 14,
At'E of heart Hiermlnt gum; aall to
storekeeper Illg profit. Write for
territory todsv. Ace of Hearts Oum
Co. Ilnclmiatl.
WAN'TKP-.Vame of ainhltloii men. It
to 4j, wlaiilug to Pe. iiiiie Omaha mall
t airirr Ciunmeui 4 : month, Addlea
V ai l, Hee .
WAVTKP-A aeci.nd man In luiuli-r
vanl; tt.tec-tsrd loan, isntral Net
Address M I'll. liar.
U4HT!4lPr; llli'V Itl T gnP 4.
etl lan aaiar At pniUdalplii. Pa
i.arlalila linn II il ilia la uiara
Sitiil and lopvr glil i. ai,. in tha t
l a'aiti (iffi. fn- irnn mat. Ink
M ftil iinaaht alalca In in l ll.
leg ,i Hi. l. , s-iod r'll t'lg )
g ilmili we.i Ik ena'iiai. I
luk", ha t ln.'tnno. an. i
tHfiaii rr to!", en'i'iiig sol wsli.g
an niifwuft I nk
l.AtPir. i a ..' i no lil ial- 'a:i la,.
ia---ll'4'i - a 1 g -'4 t till and lit
I I e .'iKlii.- a ll- lit I' Mn l.nae ,',,
rimat ,.l.,.,,f imf'iii ii.em. 4 4o
I- 41 hi lill. O tHH(i'
,,. i i l aa lfi' Ho. iJ4 r- , vK
t lHa 1" rt 'l' t t ft I 1.. aa
n Kii' . "4 I j 'i Pen
't44fft4lt 4i'i' a itw
yi.i.a, i w i 4 " timli .,
4 i. a) I ' at. I la'U
lb n as, pi . 44 1. -.: ..liana,
Kftft 4 14. M.t
l4tHf !ilii.. )i)fl4B., 41
ii re alft t- Sft 4ft..
-iatal. In aa
4ni M 4t .".( . I in i.,i
, 1 m 1 a - a H, 1 r , . ft
a i4 k.' fcuitag 4 k 1111
t a 4 A 4 I alft 4 Bi-. ,, f 4. mlft-
I.e. Si . 4 '.
,4 .".4 VIA !' ki; ! ar.4a4t .
4 as'-'at --a la. a'1 . 1 . .a 1-, tat
tt ! I-. -( .
. 141' , U, 4. ,4 Ii . t-t 4 , iii
A V tri'. o nil ! .
ai, k .4. ... -I ftia-'ia'ti-a . 4 f , ,. , ,
44Hlf 1 1- -4' M1.I t 4 aill ..14. 4 li,4,
tla-l i(4 V - 4" .44.. In.'lllun
,i,S(4 4u 1, a ' U ' t.i.
4 ,.,4 tt -4 ti '. it la. t a
r t ti ,,. a 1 t v t ,. 4 4 '1.
I'rof eealona a 00 t rtdea.
WANTEI.1 'tjc'veral "youn women, 1 2
years of age, wtlh at least a grammar
school education, to tlo up local and
long distance telephone work, Per
manent employment. Halarlo above
average lire pnlil at start; steady
vancement. Every attention paid to
welfare. Apply 9 to It a. m. or 3:30 to
4 p. m. at 1417 Douglas Ht,
C. F. LAMBERT, District Traffic Chief,
Nebraska Telephone Company.
MACHINE girl a-we nl ed T g notf pa yTVx
perienred preferred. Hcolt Omaha
P'J L" n 1. A" 1 k ' o , ,! 1 021 a rn e y H l .
TWENTY girls experienced on cotton
flnnrp mittens, Payno Glove Factory,
11,1 M Ht Lincoln.
WANTED Firei-classiiiachinTt. 10 .
L ? a id re slngaThiT"6i
Saleswomen and JKollrltars.
FIVE bright, cansbie ladles to "trayel"
demonstrate and sell dealers; 2S to 4M
rer week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich
rug Company. Dept. 4o4.Omaha, Neb.
WANTEij-PhotcT aolleltora. " Call Doug
las JW. ,
fADY agent a ws tied. ?4 Pro ndnTsli1 g.
llooaehold and l;omrilo,
EXPERIENCED "girt for generarhomM
work In family of three grown peraon;
refnrencea rciiulred, Call Mr. B. V.
Baker, 1'fi 8. ith HMarney 417.
WANTED Coin)M-tnt maid "for general
hnpeework; tl In family; no washing,
good wages;, rcferoncca ro'julred. Jlai-
liny 1737.
"WANTED MldilTn-aged ihousekeepsr
five days each week; can $u home
night. Hcference ro'tulred, Addre
J. IOi'4. ' n
WXPICHIEN"rKD whit girl for general
housework; two In family; good wages.
W. H, Wheeler Harney m,
EXPERIENCIJI)" girl for"ienerTTimiaa
work; no laundiy work, i.lli Hurt Ht.
Telephone Harney 1024.
W A NTICD filrl for" genaral' lioiiaewoiT,'
ni waahlug; good wage. Harney i'UI.
li:l H, ',tliAv.
WANTED A girl for general houaework;
must be good cook ; no washing. 127 N.
IBd Ave.Hirney 4W7.
WANTED-iood giri for general house
work; small family, Mra. Harry Car
pettier. M N. 41st. Walnut Kl.
WANTED t'ompeleiit'mlddle sgeiThouse
keeper In all modern house, 222 N, 20th.
Douglas 76-IB,
HELP for general housework on farm,
wage m. Mra. John 4). Johnson, Un
derwood, la,
WANTBP-llellabla white girl for gen
eral house work: one who can go home
night; no washing. Wal, 44. nit No.
42T Ht.
IcXCKPTITicTaL chance for girl who I
looking for a good home; rile room,
good anlary. Call 120 Bo. 3ith BL, or
phona Harney 2:l.
WHITE girl wanted for general nTuea
work In small family; good place for
good glrl Webster 22-A 3f,l N. lllth.
"W-ANTED "Experienced klrl for "genersi
houseworki (.'ti per month. Phone Jlar
ney a2G.
Ol Illy For general houaework. Mra. W."
H. Tagg, 8711. Ho.26th. Telephone HoJS4.
"W AN T E DV hit girlfor" geiierafiiouse
work, stnull family, 8022 l'aclflc. Har
ney a.
lil A it 1 1 1 KD lady to work for h"ii halJiTJ
board and room In boarding house. 211.
Dnugla Ht.
WANTEIwiTrl for generol r"oi'iwork ;
no washing. C. ii. Iiowol, 210 Case Bt.
Wal. 42.
WANTICP-An experience!-' second maid"
Call lr.Fred Jlnmllon, Harney 315
WANTED-"Experienced cwikj whltepre-
ferred. Mrs. Arthur Metg. Jfsrney 44,
WANTKD Girl for'general houseweTrk;
Apply morning. I'hon Ifsrney (lino.
WANTED A cook. Refere'nrea"equirej.'
Mra. A. L. Reed, Phone Bnnonl4.
WHITE lrl for generaJTiouworkT
small fsrilly.JlarTiey 2lo.Tr Ho.
COMPETENT giri" for" gener"aTToue
work; nowhlng. Mil Jckon Bt.
"vtrANTEi) Colored "woman for-general
housework. Phone Walnut. 423.
WANTED At once, competent inald for
general housework. VA& Dodge,
GIRL for generarhousework. Lau"rul7e'
kept: 47 per week, 3x;. Cass.
WANTED Competent girl " for genera"
housework, Harney lWl.
WANTED A giri for second work at tit'
N. 'SthJHt
TV ANT IC"D-A cook. Call Harney 1143.
Hotels and lleafanranle.
WANTICD-Lady cook." middle" a g'epT:
ferred; room furnished. Give rcferenoe.
JLock box, 1M, Creaton, Nob.
WANTED Woman with 1209 to Invajit lii
small laundry and take entire flhargw at
once, A gooq opporiunity. Thg Vao-
uum iunury, wepater cur, la.
For sale with good reaanria for aell-
Ing, a variety of courae In a reliable
Business School, on of the leading bul
ne colleges of Omaha. Will be sold
very reaaonable away below regular
price. If you are considering taking a
course Investigate thla at once, alnca
Spring Term begins soon. Call office,
Omaha Bee.
Every day Is enrollment day. Wooga.
keeping, Shorthand, Htenotjpe, Type
writing, Telegraphy. Civil Service--all
Commercial and English branches. Cat
alogue free.
14th. and Hsrney His.
Tel. Douglas lMo.
Pay HchiMil lor Young Women.
Ft uilng Bchool for Young Men and
4 omen,
HaiuiUay morning caa In typewriting,
lone C. Duffy, Owner and ,Mngr.
Jed H mil bt. Omaha.
II A HP - Humour tenn offer to lui1anis
beginning i"d IV l'rp furiualied
J..i l.yrlc Hldg Inilll Hludt'i,
pAXTMNItik Hi bold of lettering and art
teach bating trade piltaiel. It 411 -I'all'li'
in neOeia llftufialia. Well, 4
ff, V II, T" ri pit, f 4t a
gad athar racial la4 attkaut aurgt.
el i'll.ia ( ue guJat.l aa4 aa
aoHr 4a aaitl e r4 V r4 fur
en I Ul dlae eta laa li 'aii.
4 K T 4 Kilt. P"e U ,
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