TITi: IJKK: OMA1LA. WEDNESDAY, AP1UL t: 191(1 11 HANDED GERARD Amwers to Questions Regarding ouuex ana lour Other Ships Delivered to Embassy, "MINE," SAY8 GREEK OFFICER BERLIN, April. 11. (Via Lon I'.on.) The Gorman government' reply to the American Inquiries re tarding the teamhip Suhspk and four other veaaela which have been link or damaged was de'lvered to f1y to the American emtmnHy. A rtlapatrh 'racalved by th Ovrraea Kney from Athena ny; " trrr nnvai orrirrr who wh on hoard the croaa ichannel ateamer Hiiaaca. when It waa damairerr by an explosion. mane a report , of the occurrence m which eaveral Greek lout their II vam. "The officer aaaerta there ! no reaaon to believe the Bt)m wn torpedoed and declare that tha vect aniat have atruek a mine, poaalbly win of British maka According to thla report, tha fliia Par ried only four llfeboate, which ajrere not enfflclent to accommodate th paaaeniter and craw. "Tho captain of the Stix waa kill ml whan the explnalon occurred, and tn flrat officer, on aendlnff out a wtrcte eall for help, (rave the wron poalilon of tho ehlp, Aa a reanlt of the error, tho arrival of aid waa delayed and tha num aajr of victim waa lncreaaed," Cabinet A walla e. WABHINOTOV, April !1. -President Wllaon and tha cabinet met today with out any new Information on which to act In the aiihmarlna laaue, Secretary Lnlng reported that ha ex ferted to receive aoon a dlapatrh from Amhaaaitdor Oernrd glvlnf tha reaim of fiermany'a Investigation Into the dc eirurtlon of the Buaiei and other caaea. When the cabinet meetln broke up It wna Indicated tha prnaldont and tha cabi net were aflll thinking, not about th destruction of tha flnaaei alone, but of the accumulation of caaoa of deetrnrtlnn of ahlpa alnca Oermany itava Ita I ant aa aurancaa, arid It atlll appeared that what ever the United Mtatea might do would be baaed largely upon that feature. flecretary Ixnalnu aald no dr.rlalon had been reached on which an announcement could be haaed, , Penretary l.anelng wna able to Inform tha president and the cabinet of tha -aentlal polnta of nermany'a contention a a reault of aeveral confidential miiaMUm received from Amhnaeador Oerard. ; nermany'a position la tindoratood to be that none of Ita aubmaiinea attacked the Suaac and that It ta blameloaa (or the attack on tha RnKllahman. Maneheater Finitlnear, Tla-Hl Point and Hcrliidvnlc It la unknown whether Germany ad frfft'a firing torpedo at the Patrin, Big Bryan Meeting for Saturday Night at the Auditorium A Bryan meeting la to be held at the Auditorium Saturday evening, arrange' tiiente for which were mudo at meeting held by apme leading democrat Monday evening. A large reception committee waa named to meet Mr. Bryan and. 'to look after hie welfare while In the city. Lyale I. Abbott la chairman of thla com mittee and he will alao prealde at the meeting at the Auditorium. ' Swedish Salesman Visiting in Omaha Carl D. Johnaon of nakllatun, flwtdon, representing JJnkllatun cream aeparatora, la In Omaha a one point tn hi tour of tha'' oountry, vlnttlng vorloua dlatrict ngsnta of the aeparator company. If a apent th day at tl,a Standard Chemical company pMint, the fitandard being tht agent for Nebraaka, Houth Dakota and northern Kanaaa. A direct eteamahlp line la now open between Sweden and the frilled Statea, ao that little difficulty la ut present en countered In getting theee products from Hweden. Thla evening Mr. Kakllatiin la to be the treat of J. W, Oemble at the dinner of the aalea manrnfera' club of Omaha at the Paxton hotel. JACKSONIAN CLUB WILL HOLD A LARGE BANQUET Thc?ror ' Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Mary" Pictures by Essanay Pure Pemocrary will he the aubject ul the nddreane which are on tlie program fur the .Ucka.onl.in banquet at the Paxton h'iel tfil evcnlnit at tl :H Kuna-t-i (i M, Hitchcock, Arthur Mullen. V H nlilhem, Jidae tioiichi I'nme, , H t I., J yulnby mid A T. Mtinohmi m a'hedu!rd to aprnk. . ' l'i- oi.il, ,-ienrv of the crib. I.i "iHMliii the li mntlimi f.r Ihe tiuti inct evere oltl ul'kli tired. On liecem I 1 hn.l vrry ever i nr attack ef ttie gtit n It may bp d waa H' h: ) tl ,n l k in be.l," h rlti-a .1, Aielcalf. eath-rbc, M ,mibl a l-t.'U- I'haiut erlnln'ii ( uuli t: "till It i i ly a few dcta i n I a cm), t.lv tfili.if, t.i litalih ft' ii, iv bHe iSel 'lii,tH-rain'a :i,h ''.-ic. - une ,,f the I x it . i .i ui r li '.iv" what In il I I t l i t il'irr ! I ' t it i, . r . , -a i . 1 1 i"i i'ht FLDEfUL GRAMQ JURY TO CCNSIDEH FIFTY CASES The Caat of Chareoter for THE 8TSAMOB CABS OT MABT Thillt, liiiKiliHi u,rn fur rturinlfl,, til Un ellti Mty ... ..Hnniv WaIiimM Mary Itielrlf tl itur. KLuutt4 of mimltT V1ne MJi ! r'tllm li. puriiiftr vt Jrtirji. Ilii man he I a('t-iiid of muiiici'liiii h-iiii Alnwrth K. II IHnim thi-alilol in.n.r Ilerrv I unh ineiMi PrOMKuttnx Attonier Jol-n M n.,ir ih l'a, rf fihr ... Kienii Opytoii Xii. I'uxii. Mnia mutlii'r . . ... ... ....... FtHiiliie Itiymniit Mr lirindnn. ,. , R-linuiiil I' I 'oMi letectiv r'lanii Hamllti'ii Mr. Hti)e, 1'nllnrli tiunlitPM aMU'Uiii , Aithur llt,' A la hniiil Hn ci,ur).,. Wlllllim l'hmiii,r I'.uik I'ullu. k, (' alMer , 1'rHiHiea tlKneillrl Amr. Ait ai'trnf Marun Hurrar Marr'a mai4 ., MIh Vaill Mr. Vtrooa II", MrlKiDcil.lt ' ght her v.opift. Mnrv Page, tirlr-on ' n'enerd nf the murder of liavld Pullock. nod la defended by her Inver, PhlUii Laiiatlou Pnllu k wne liitonlcNli'd Mnr Irlnl hn ad mile Mhi (mil b revolver, tier nmld teeilflcn that Mnrv tlirenleiiei Pollock wllh It prevlouals, anil Mary'a liiidliiK man Impllcntea Langdon, How Mary dla eiitieHii.il Irnm tne ei.i-on of Ihe criiiw ie e inyeliiv linindnti lelln of a atrenge hand print that he wiw on Mury'e ahoul der. f'urther evidence eliowa llml horror of drink produce teinpurary Inaanlty In Merv. Ihe defence le "creeeed I'AV rnoala." wltni wea d' acrlbed Mary'a f from h-i inimniited tuiher mid father' ai .clde, Nuree Walton deacrlbea the kldiuiiiliiH of Mnrv by Pollock ami Amy Harton tell of Mary triigKle to he'ome mi nctreAa rind Pfillock'a pureiitt of her end of another occaelon when the anixll of lliiior ill im Mary Ineiitie. There I evidence that M .'in i-la. Mai v ma uinor. threatened Pollock. Mary fnlnta on the atnud and arnlu K',e Ineaiio hn n pollceninii offer her wlileMv. IwntcU teatirina thai Pnllock threetnti'd to kll Mitry and l.iiurdiin and nctually i templed to kill IJiimilon. Two 1 1 lie-. d'acrlti Mnry'a fillit tn the elreet rr,u(i Ihn hotel and her abduction by nien fr. ni a gambling nlaoe ner by, rurlher evi dence aeciii to mi rlinliiBin I 'mil' la Daniel winced. "Thal'a what I camo to aee you about," be aald huaklly. "I iidnill I didn't toll everythlua llml I might have on tha aland. What 1 hell poi.n M ai, tiiu in imMj. VOTE FOR back may have nothing to do with thla cue. 1 held it buck," lie added nlKiil flcantly. "for aeveral rcaaona, aonie of hlch you may knnw." "W ht I know or d ui t know, ha noth ing to do with Ihn mutter," retorted IjiiihiIoii, hut with a i limine of tuna. ' Von haven t anewered my iiietlon yet " ' tin not going to auaner t," n, 1'iinleU after a long paue "Maybe I'll have to later on, but not now, Only, e her, Ijiiigiloii, I've got to know one thing, line Mary gut the gluint of i i hiiiice in nm off lio you think that hl -ll-lmltie peyehoal will get her iiul of prlaoii ' I n III' I gol weak tier vol i r niiyl'iinu; hut I don't mind euyli.g Ihut Hit thing tin got my goal, Kor a while I didn't read the aiera, hut yealeHay I MM mid 1 found Mint Hint thing didn't look a bright fur the little girl aa I had Imagined It look, In feet, aa If h wa up iiKiilnat It hard. A If imle-n goiiirlhlng U dono he'l go lo the chair." And he calmly puffed hi cigar. "No' No1" cried langdon with a ahud der, ''Never that, It won't pome to that, t con promlne ynu They an't prove her guilty, hut there are lot of different degree of murder, and ecti. Ing the chair doesn't mean setiimi her fr')." Ttie two men sat elleot tor h long lime, fHclog each other aero the desk, an laKimldllc. ve linked by eome thought Hint neliher would put Inlo wnrd Al laxt !anlel vpnke. "I'm no nltchei," he wtld hoaraely, ' I don t believe In telling all you know and atlrrln' up a lot "f mud when you ain't uee It will du any gnoil. Hut I'd do a lot fin Mary rgc, Hhc on th level. Che didn't ahoul Have Pollock I'm dend aure of that. And I won't re her harmed if 1 ' hii tnp It. no matter whl Ihe price i " "ThiinU Mill." culil I.miKdim, hut Pan lell frowned. Von v gol no oauee to Ihnnk ni," he eeld ' I iut wunied you to khw. I biiI lo he kept oeteil I don't waul In tell entitling thai ln'l nceary, hul If the ort come to the rnirnl, by Ood, I'll tell II All " i that vour priuiilae?" "Ye," Abruptly Panicle put on h'n hilt, and Hltliout a word nf partlim marched out of Ihe dnor leaving I.hiik dun atailug Ihrough narrowed lld. after hi retreating form, he irilied for Ihe telephone, lie In I e gelling lulo cnurt, bill whatever eonfllcting emotion the prom le made by I'anlela had mined In him were hidden by lb anillliig mak of con fidence and ee Willi which h i-ea-mired not only Mary but Ihe apectatura. "(To" lie f'onllniied Tomorrow.) Kiceptlonal Piano bnrgiilna till week at A, I leap Co., fr V, llroadaay-Ad erllnienl, 4HVIH1 iiim; I'lll.l I II l, (IIU II I IIIMi, IMH I'I ll'AI, A ; ; ' ,,, v? e, . JfcV, H. 0. WULFF Oaodldat for th apubiioaa Hon for Vooilaa THXBO DISTBZOT r Km Asua apkil lerx McKelvie For Governor Good Record In Pnhllc Life Men's records In public llfo uminlly serve to promote or cmbnrniHH them. In the Instance of S. It, McKolvlo the former la true. Ho Horvcd hiic rcHlvely In tho h I n c o 1 n City ('ounoll, the Hlnto Leg Ih I at u re and aa Metitcnunt flovernor, imd In each liiMlinice hla rrroril waH rood. Among tlKiae who hiivp nerved with lilm ho la known na iiksi'cii alvc. frank, u J"4 Hijunrc fiKhter, Ujaw,liM'vii4 and a Rood liiaer. W hen l.leuleiiunt Governor ho ue atilcd ovpr the eenaie, and fillcil Ihe poeltlon with dlKUlty, nhlllly and f.lntea. A a parllnan he ha alwgv been a rejtultir Uepiibllcan, and hna no wie tiilini liernuaii of fuclliinnl allluiicea within the partv Hi nomlniUhm would lint be offenalv'B elllier to the ("oneervatlve o l'rnKrelve tnT of the lriy. Hence In looking fur a man of iron. quallrVitttnn l lead the party tn vb-tory, II la no' ai,r i h lii that f,ir i rcleg l inbli an refer In McKelvie he einrlle ( andlilitle. I I I I I Theodore E. Nordgren Candidate for Lieutenant-Governor In Republican. Primaries Mr. Nordgren la na tive Ncbrukkan, 37 yar of age, who ha devoted hi life to the hiiHlneas of funning. Ho la well In formed on all public qu ca tion and a man of un queNtloned Inttigrlly. He represented Hamilton county In the leglalaturo of 1911 and supported all proftreMHtve meaaurea In troduced In (hat ai'HHlon, Including Ihn Initlnihe and reforeiidum act under which Ihe people vote (II rectly on aiich queallona aa woman auffragn and prohibition. Ilia honii paper,. The Aurora Re publican, aays of him; ''Mr, NoidKrcn'. strength Is composed principally of these (dements: He Is honest, courageous and well-informed; he has hud previous legislative experience and Is thoroughly familiar with parliamentary procedure; he Is youriK, vigorous and a native Nebrsskan; he Is morally clean and politically sound, His standing at home Is such that he can go before the people of the state serenely confident that no attack will bo made upon him from the rear, And there are thousands of his neighbors ready to pledge their sacred honor that If 'Tod' Nordgron Is entrusted with the office of lieutenant-governor, or any other post of responsibility within the gift of the people, It will be administered faith fully, properly and in a manner to reflect credit upon bis constituents," The lieutenant-governor should be capable of filling the office of governor if necessary. Theodore Nordgren is such a man, and he will appreciate your support. r I I: i , , ' 'n i a I ' I a' I l " M ,t i il l ,,( . , 1 ,'-, ' a hr, ' , 1 A "' ' ' ' ' Mr ,,a luabliir Hw la Ma. "I"-! ".I .'f i i i, i , I . , ; "1 1 1 'M I , . ' . I, ' il I a II I. , I i- . ' ' t - ' I ' I ,4 ,,. a a I i,- n n . v . n 1 1 .) J CO CS TO INS r;."altw I F!H THUCKS ASSEMOUO; a ti .9 , t - ) m 9 -." r 4- --m', ft ',bik, , ' t ! "I ' If I ft f - r, - M . K 4 ' , t f f ! v f it ! h " ' ' f v JiJmJl.lhriie's John B. Barnes Candidate For Justice of the Supreme Court HOW KEITH NEVILLE WAS "REPUDIATED" licadera of the lry l-'orroa in North Ilnlle Hcaont St lieme of Bryana to Mix Him up In That Conical, XKVILLK WAH (H T CAMIM UiM (. NOHTH 1'I.ATTK, Neb., April ll.-'fti. fnllowiiiK In a Irnc copy of a alined atnt" Iniiiit by tlie leader of I lie dry fun e n IliU elli, which ni'liilu lleclf It alan expiuliM tn hal deaiieral.' adults ihe oppuni nls nf Keith Neillle lilUr gulil,. In preli'llillllS III (lie Milera Ihut the rcauli nf the wet and drv con tcNI here u week ukh wh u Mlnp at Mi Neville, w'mi. aa niBlter of Iniih, la and (tax neen f,n a lonoiti nil ini'ciink Ihe di, iiim nil ef Ni niaekn Tu WHOM II' MAY ruS.'VltV V e, Hi, ulnli rnlkl i d. cllUi'lia liu.l ,i,i liilmiuiiiMia, . Iili-tli In-ill ,iin iiIhI in tn, Imneinuiil wiueh baa i el Nnrth I'UHn i,i lla aulunua, nml pl.n.J ef It. iarinlv nielil I tip rffurli nf Hie o'I,iient i.f icir feline l,i lialiiuli, Keith .Veilllc. Ii ll.akn pcllll. ul ii,.'!!,! i,, t II,, i i, a ,''a of leil l' ,,U. a i in. at in IliU I i i v ilvaaldlita nf Mi Nfil'ln eie,ii iiI,v9 iii thai i ,'iii, tn tl mtel n,n ; i l.nm haie kr.v i, n ,t In in., (e : aiid Ii., n: hi i lit II )e I gmeiit "lf Ii ! In, I I in I .) . a eh- ll 'li am M n ', f.. ill- ii.i lirtl re, ttiii 'H eur t l itjii Of Caur.n' Wti Will Vote for GEORGE A. ECKLES , i , i.. .. ,'.. I. I. V i l of a (i i' i ; i la ainyli, ii a ..;' I,l I,, ,li, . it 1 1 e u,,e i n.a if i . u . ' ll it V ..ill i , 1 .i. . Mil '? " 1 I, ' I l,,t H;lui II,,., I " ' " ' 11 I f 1 1 a I . v., ii -allont M. l.n I .l.tm.A aia ; a lee ! ,. ... t 'i.na a a i, I , Ii Ii il it .. .' i - '' i, i i i . t I' " i I! ,) I ' '., , : I a . . WALTER KICCHtL UrtFlf ! t It I .! tl C ' 1 uf tw(ital ut tt Ai.tMaUU4 lUsuuif W 'in Ihn New MusiHip 4 Court liurtl tghl Etnll A. Erlcson i e etuat roH larKtuNrAiivt j THT. OMAHA BRU lla ai ,1 l t.. ' IlikU 1 VI IHiSHI.I'. ,i. i i .i .,, a U H . t H, i , n.ua m n irt. . ft i - 1 M I H M aali . 1 t s I'M mt. r 1 1 W II WilISlt, M t.i .1- t-r, M.4hMi I. Hea lV iii.M HH W. a,wi, n.t r I. w.aifcmt, ..! IVakt i irtniUV tatmiiiaa Ita4e I na la I tl 'lt MlltWMu tu.nn i. aiivKii riaiM,. IMII.ITK a I, All VI )H Tlal M.. -ll,iriltl, AIVKHTISIJ. Judge Albert J. Cornish Candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court Is IIIIW MTYilJ ll i M 'Jlt vt'iir its Juilgti ul' tin' ) trict Court uf 1.jimi'iisi'' ( 'oiinl v. lit in Pair, Alert nml Human. llin Imiih' people have limen wniiteil Iiim o lie tlioir .ludgti, I ' ' "ev. ,.r.-,, t t 1, 4. r r a : '. I 't t'",-taitlli.u, . ( ' 3, t i ,t , ... eT. lev --'- f - Here )? liat. tlie newn ) lli"I (if liih' lloMie town tliinl; nf Iiim : ".liolati I'm ni'l l ee- 'iaT0l'l "V I, ib neiKiilim a ax ti lenity In man an, I id.,) Imlii" llml IT the vote a mn I "Kii.K f',r Hint iin,l of k iii lie H e atiil'ein'. belli h ibey Ilea l eeeii lin full lu-i N el't a 'V a Slate .IiiiiiiihI. "Im l,u been iimii in (llatilcl l,ni I- nf llila cinliilv lor mo'e ban meniv i no a III ,,,,,n luive ainod far bM"t I'aii IMmn nf nioal )inlea, the iii nf Hie hiiir ii iiiunal." I.ln i"lri l'll Xihi. "''Ail ineoiber of ao nreine eonrl of .VelniiaH. ba a II In- one of i:,e iihleat man flial bill ever been aeleelr to !oltlterhlfl In lb hlrheat conn of tn a'ate,' - l.iii' nln Trade I'.evlew. JUDGE CORNISH HAS ONE OF THE BEST RECOUPS EVER MADE BY A DISTRICT JUDGE IN NEBRASKA FOR DECISIONS AFFIRMED BY THE SUPREME COURT '. ' ; ' rX V . ? "h ::'vA : j Sidney 1. Smith Republican Candidate for bounty Attorney If elected I will Prosecute all violations of the law. Persecute no person or class. Evade no responsibility which the law imposes on the office. Grow With Nebraska "A. IS ' .' - v.f !-'' M . It : Si ' r J Villi jLi. Omaha Candidate for the Republican Nomination for United States Senator Get iplt luiiinc via the 'iHttr,f Chinv't' H ;' a r a ni t 1 in, i . Tlii. nov.: rAVrn