TMH MKK: OMAHA. Tlin.'SUAV. API.'II, I!l;. DEMOS WIN CHICAGO; THOMPSON LICKED jori faction Defeated in Ward. Carried by the Republican Party, WOMEN ACTIVEllf BALLOTING CHICAGO, April t.-Democrata !r4 brilr In yrgterday'a alder manlo alactlona in tha thlrty-flva warda of the city. A year ao tha dmorrt earrlcd but aarao ward, and William H. Tbompaon, republican, wai elected major by 147,477 majority, Today the, democrat carried twantr-on ward, th ocgliu on, and tha repuVlleana thirteen, Tbra are thirty-flva hold-ovar alderman, and with th lineup r fined, tb democrata cam within four warda of wrrtlng control of tha city council from their rlal, Of tha republican alacted only thr bora tha Thompson label. The. othera belonged to tha antl-Tliomp Hon faction la th city ball, Tututt Involved wr local or purely political. Involved nu Mj"r Tliorttp- aon'a ambition to ticc4 liny o, Wt a republican national comm Heernm. Th al"tfon for coinmlitearrtan ttlll I held i)t Tu'fiay. bar galnl Mar i.e. Mayor Thnmpaon wo rliargal li til i republican oppririt l'h rithla urg of th apMI gyatem In an attempt n build iif a fronl machln. Th auM1 f fir. Tlilrr H, fi: a, ,' rrgilnt ot th mrl'-an Tiirculol aaerclatlon, and lnfrntf,ni,!y knowija. an xpart on titberculnal, came a a dramatic Incldant of th cl of ill im. palan. it a uaed In full meaatlra by , tha aitl. Trr, Prbi, accruing t hla friend, mm not a politician, Imt dad devoted It'i lif't lo bnlkllna no Ilia Chicago Municipal Tuberculoma aaoltarlimi, nf whi h I a w for yeara lha head, ef(nity an alleged political attatck waa mafia on llm and h rtgnd. Th mayor rfrrd to him aa "lha worat appoint merit I hava mgd.' Sunday morning rr Harli waa f'Mind deail, a, auMla, H left a not to tit public riiJtlng that hla eondurt of tha Inatlttitlon ha Inveatlgaied, and that illmcn ha kept from Irtterferlm with an Inatltnllon devoted to humanity. Sir. Hayha horn a ftuln Jaw, and tho of hla lalth gr aald to hava ghown thlr reaenfment at tho poll today, T Waaifa'i Vol, Th election waa tha flrat tft of Ilia inayor'a atrcnath atn M fl"Mlon a yar ao, Tiia waathar waa clca' and wann and a oa nnuaually hmvy for an off yaar waa polM, Woman who votat wera on tha alert arrywhara. Thy Old not, howavw, vota for thlr ax In the on loatanc whera thov had tha opportunity, Th'.a waa In tha Thlrtlotli Wdtd, hra Mra. Mlnttla Johrnon apparod aa tha roralv ron'ttdat", Of tha 1,0." wom -n who votad, hut thlrty-on aava thlr a frajta to har. In gnr tlia fnnialo oia waa propf,rtlond to that of Hi" ina, Tha pro(trct'aa had candldtlra In onlr flva warda and thy rarav on'y ar'tt lrad votaa, William K, llodrlKU X , c lallat, waa ra-la"td hy a,0s7 vote, com parrd with i.'f fcy hla ncarcut comr-t. tor, a republican, Iaaptto tho acrimony of ti.a raotpain only minor dlt, wcf rcpoifd. Benson Swept by Republicans, Who Win Every Office IVpuhllrana turpi Rtnaon liki an valancha In tha miinlclpal drcilnn Tuaa day. rrd A. ftllv, r(Mihlican cmi. dldata for mayor, lod tha party throiig.i for a awerplna victory with cvry ropnb lican on lha ticket allied by ovaiwlu-lm ln rrmloritlra, flallay waa alnctayl mayor over J. n a'tarratt, hla damoratlu opponnt, hv n majority of 124. Thrra hun ;n'd and alty two votaa wra cal fi l'ail"y, ft aaalnat U for Hlarrrtt. O. Ilnllaatclla, rrpiililh an, u aa rlertoit city clerk, The voi, fur lloll'atcIN wa M aa aaalnat 1 for Jamc f'ror.a, th democratic aplrant, irlvliii th ri-put,. Ilan a majority of lo, Onaa A. Wolff, republican randldale for illy treaaiiror bail no rippoaillon, H, J, Viola ri-clvnl a:i v,itoa for city nflneer, alvina; Mm a nalorli) of ; nvar y:mll irolub, who wivi-d 'M voir Tha vote for t'onticil aa follovti. nrtwT WAHH U M. Ntrena, fwpiihtican It) J H'klnaon. rtemo-ral Ill HII tiNU HA III , I., 0. M'ik. reixilpipan ,. ... jn lianjamln II. I l.l. li.-i, ihin.Hrti Against the Fee Graft 5 MILLION POUNDS DAILY COST OF WAR Benon, 5eb April 4. To tha Editor of The Bee: I with to com me&d you on the itand yon hare taken with reference to the Me git i mate collection of feei. I have Ion; felt that the salary of the iheriffa office ihonld be aof ficient for any rood citizen. Aa republican candidate for that office I with to itate that I am ab tolutely oppoied to any jail feeding graft nd, if elected, thall be tatii fied with the lalary attached to that office and with the (lory and honor of repreientinr Soarlai county, C. L MATHER, LINCOLN TEAMS OCCUPY ALLEYS Burrougbi Cafe Five Roll Higheit Mark at Lincoln in State Meet. CUMBEL HIGH III SINGLES t.lXmjA', .V April ,.iHpcMl Tela Kimn i t.lntiAn t-m coiitlni'd bowlin lat iilaht in the tta (oiirtiioht- In tha lm event, Hi Hurra ih fe flva rolled the lilli cor of 3,nr;, l'Ain-r Ohio hcl waa hlah In the Individ at event wil l an evrn Kolloalna ' ih imu t of tha nlhfa play; 'tram Kveat. Steelier Throws Fred Bccll Twico In Short Order tU'l.t'TM, Mnn , Am I iH,.in,l Tl lrml J Wirl,.r of lo,l, ,NiU, itciti front r"l tell o( kUmiiM, , her, hi in airlaht (all. Itih fil im at ih and of tii n.ih .tp ivdiiiii, Mrtll iprvd 'UtamiUhf aai l rnnlinia wotk i t li' S', alil.ti nwlirt4 an. ii in i a vuu4t i.ff.H. ea an ll l Hie i ,hin ii pUr ftrl l I ( mlii'il.i tli lorn i. to I lie mat i t. 1 1 fll un l' f , It'll lit K fataakan, lillitia !! . I '.tin l-.i n the a m I ..., ii Uil 11 It HO I l i lt lll UlHipU l I.) (! f,"i ' h, t'-4 l rk It tNxr irn ii., tra'i l ra I t. tahl . tun tin ! il ' I t'n m'-t ' and U.if lc k .-i-'d l 111, tn lit i Imia lit lilt Hcro'a Regular Sea Baltic In Oattegat '! Ml S (Via. I hi, Arnt I ' aaiiii tit t 'n k f M., l. Ml I'm ll!-,l . ,l-l..g l l I .( II I tmi fi -lit K i"n iH , akwt.l it't-.ti li.ii it , h. a '' Ittlf .' m at ltf t tritt t t d if i a ii. nn.n I .. (.i '. ha t f t )ttiikwia, t,,1 .,,..'1 "i .4; J,.7 , ,i 1.0 ,,,,, ? ,,,,, ,,,,, m it 44 411 ,,,,, 'O . 41 ,,,,, 447 f.iidwia Hroihera I'op ilar 'fe I'l'k iitiir ,., ,,,,,, li'ti roiti 'f Miller f'alo , Hoatrirt :reamery, Iloehle, ,Vf'orinll( Waller , ,,,, hhaoefelt'W ood Arrftdrona t.tao ,,,,,,,,,,,,, AnOeraon Mre ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Xh-rdfnn l,a rob Johi;n-t ariar ialea. T, Klrlekadt ,, ,,,,,,, Mathleaen ,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, luo''n I', t' hlel ,,,,,,,, innihel f'ltffier ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , k I Hainan Hop well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Krench Wovla ,,,,,, ,,,,, .,, ,,,,, Moranzoni Will Conduct the Opera Here Next Week Morenjonl'-f.'hrlatlan nerna fuherto ta a nam tha pwlllc of thl city will not aoon foraat, after tha cnrnlnc tppfrnr of tha ffoaton tlrand Opeia company and tha f'avlow Jmpartal Hellel Hum at the Auditorium, April U and J4, bcau Mornwml t tha flrt trrnlcl conductor of thl orgMiitxallon, and aa tuch on of the, truly dlatlngtilaheyj firure In lha world of opera today, When Moranxoni waa ned avn year aao aa on of tha principal con diictora of th floaton Opera company ha waa only 29 year old, hut ha lid aradnaled wKh hiKheat honora from tha lloy) conervalry of I'eaaro, Iia4 had ffll tnlilon from th cel!,rtd fttro Maacaant 'compoaer of "Havallerla It'ia IIbi. i, hliiKelf, and waa ahlnlng In tha alory of great i-hlevment In condict init In th foremot opera, iotle of Milan, Ttiiin, fioloana, Nplr, Venh and Kloreno., tlia debut In ltolon hroosiit him ttja m reeaniton ac corded him abroad, and when, In th ftntt tioaion aeavon, h nt with that loinpdtiy u I'arl and conducted "l,'Amor rtl Tr Ita" at tha f'bamp i;iea (healer hi triumph waa remark hie, .M'.ihiuoiiI haa all th manetim and ainotlonal warmth resulted for dom Imtlliill mul Ml leaerhlp, and alththaa eiilll reriialnt, poi nd th capacity to 't from hla orcheatra and principal ollig'-l the Ifint oiui'-e of ar''oiiipllhnient. Republicans Win All But One Office In Florence Race Repuhlli an had an cy victory t Klnreiiee Tiieadny. th on eiceptlon, very repnhipan a eleti1. K. H. Tucker, rcpultllf an, waa eaalljr ra cketed over ,!amr KerrU, who ran by petition, and K, M. King, th dmncralc candMale. Tha only republican to loa out K. I,. I'laia, eaiiO'ldHt for cltf tremnrii , tin ile'i-nldl li) Jme I'.rriietimti The i-a ilia o( I lie -i.,ii ae fol- lnw M AVdtl, Tin her I rep i I'll Jam'- l ein ii.v l.. nil. mi , , , , .HH r. M. hin i-l- m. . I I I V I'l l' t'K John llondeaamt irep i No oiipnnM-n I I V I Mi.AMt HI, It .laiiM trriiriuun 'ip in i ..... 'I: li, ),. I "lair i ii-ii i Mi i'ITV I.MHM I.II i'llf'... Ken iirp i No op, iii i h, n 4 nMMellmea. . l i lt .Mill nniu l aiaeii iiUimi . , ,'4 U II Tlmiita il.v pelllp III ,,, ,u (tenia K ) "ep til r, ' 'it 1 1 vt a it l i .tame I, J. .Mia. .11 Hep . , M i lull. A. Una Mum I ,. , Earl Caddock Wins. From Floyd Domer tiMi mil', l A t tt t H,..ii Ti I. lam I I il t dda k f Anita, la, ilk' il.ft.auil H Ml luiii.i at I'i Ih, II , III I a i Illalfhl tall l.i le I -tl -i, 'it al IV iil.i.iihun iin.lar l'i iili i l a l ai lai AU. uliii i I tit IM Ha and lit iitlui ii nit'inci i al l a ne'er In dKi and k, k,iii I iuimr l In Inn I i ti a it n ! m .it In th imi and tin a h i d in IH . iut t 1 1 k. t,i'i,. ill and lunai iki (t"inl hri 11 Chancellor McXenna Eatimatea Eng land Spends Orer Seven Billion Dollan Thii Year, PITTS CHEERFUL FACE UPON IT lo preMtitlng th nw bud ant lo tho Houaa of Common, tha firitlah chancellor of tha axebatjuar atl tut4 (hat tha dlrtn-t war aipfntll tura of Great Ilrltaln for tha prent rear at CI, (00,009,000, tlia total al pondltura am.ruotliif to about l?, 000,000 dally, H provided for now taxation nioiiniln to about iC 009,000 annually and declared that tha covernmaot waa ralaluR over 109,000,009 a year hy tha taxation Impoaad alnca tha he(lnnlo n! lha war. ! rtr Mlllloa Hall, X)S)OS, April 6. Faced by lha problra of flnaoclna for auothur year a war coating (ircat Hritaln 6, 000,009 dally, the chancellor of l ho chao,uar, rtlnald M'Kunna, waa met at tha outaot by two favorahla lrcumincea, namely, that wlri to tho nxpanalva power of Urltlah trado tha rverwjaa for ba year xced'l Hi aallinated reveniia by 22,000,' 000 , wblla tha yuar'a axpendltur haa boon 111,000,099 halo tb eatf mata. Wy boldlna haw taa on amuaemeoia, rallaay tlkta, matene and mineral wa'ar. and talaina a wimber of tha o'd (, In'ludlof thoa on '! tiofp Iri'omea, tiar, cocoa, cofff an I rootoi i.m, tha rhaneellof llmat tht h will b ahla to ralaa ahoiit ,'o,o'o, ahltli la nearly loubl what many pr aont Mlv4 h mold tat by thl mn , 4 haaeellnr'a ttumrr: At tha cloaa of hla aoae'li In f h' Ho of Common, plaining tha ac ' bodaet In tha world a hiatorr, the than- callor wada an Intereailna inmtmr with Carman finance, d'l'li.a thai whlla ffreat Prltaln wa ralina nmi than Afl0,'iO annually by tallon, lb acrtry of tha fearman Imperial tre. tiry, fr, (falffarlch, w annooneina a "doobtMl lncraa ' of awwi, j CANT FIND DANDRUFF j V aa vtaWaaeae . Evary pit of dandruff dlitipr fi''t on or two applleatlon of Jfamlei ltti rubhad ael tnU tha alp a lib lb flnr Up. Oe.t a I6-cent tioltl of Jyu derln at any drii( at or and aav yor hair, Aflar a faw appllcatlona you can't find a prlcla of dandruff or any fall- Inf hair, and tha acalp will never Itch,-AdvartlaemenC Cross, Feverish Child Is Bilious or Constipated Look, Mother! See if tongue ii coated, breath hot or -stomach bout. "California Syrup of Ygu can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. Trf Raaent "Saaiaf Mafaia lUap Kvary mother ralir-, fii fh Ing her Inldren "f'allfornla hjrup of Kia, '' thai Oil la lhlr Ideal lilv, Mi'n'Hf iliey lut It pleaaaul li nd It W'"1 onghly tiiir Hie lender lllll h, llvi r and hum-In without arlnlna, M'hen rio, Irritable, frtrilt, nr hiHalli l,d, lnnii'h oiir l""k at Hi" Higue, mother! If - I l. le a ! poonfill of llil brinli5 li nil lam tit,' and In a fw horn ell Hi fmil. ronallpaied i in bile ml i . . I i gealea t'Htd p OHl of Hie b'tttala and wi'i ht a well, .ltf'i ' liil'l klHlM t,.n lb tlltl iiin I f ill of i. l'l, lhrit aora. h lniii''b .'be tliai rlim i iiit!gnll'irt ioiii: li.'Miili ''i lii- la iliaiialiig' abiiiii.l tiinit If Hit Dial Iraalintiit gltrp if ntiiilitita i,ii lifi. ii!. trip of tlx' liii'l , Hi' . kiiuta a la l ,,.,!,( i In lav a ' a .It i lilld l -i i ) -ii 'li -itk1! f ' a -ti t I. ..Hi,, i.f i a iif'n ma H , ,i i-' f; ' ahull l a .iii II"', fn. 1...1, i, (iil ef a a n. I i..i, j pilhied mi l'i ! I ! ,1 i . . latifll ..ld ! d 'II I t'.i.lnl l .a l .rt i, i.t.fl, li'aita I - i inl 'ii-'i t ) t nt l ii'.i'li i Attempt on Life of Czar is Frustrated flKflMN, April 1-tWlrelc ta Way vlll )-WhJ la hellevad to hava haaa an alfempt on lha Hf of Kmperor Nlchola la rior1d hy tha frvaraaaa Nw mrr, "I'alrograd report officially that a rail road wat'hman nmd rnelv4 a donation from the mparor," tha nw ageocv r Orloy I th watchmin whu noll"d that tha tr. k waa damaged and gave warning to lha emperor' train. "It l uppoed an attempt on tha tlf of th emperor w planned and that It a friialratert l th elevrnth hour by th waichmani dUcovery," ft fake but a mlnuta (if Urn to a dollar when you red Tha flea Want Ad column, IFosr Piiss Tjmxnii File Treatment Ii Ua4 Al Home and Haa Sarad a Vaat H umber from the Honor ttl Operation. Don't parmlt a dangrou nparatlan for pile bolll you hava n what t'yramid I'll Treatment can do fur you in tlia privacy of your owe hum. 4,0 t taaaa aim i4 t. i ft bt f yraaaial Ttr$ fflaa, f'o r can ha called hopalaag a la l'yrmld I'll Tratmnt haa bn tried and h failed letter by th ti mm from paopl who hllvd thotr raaea hopla era In eur fllaa. Thay fairly breath tha Joy of th wrltara. Teat I'vramld I'll Treat man! your. alf. y.llhar gt a & prlca tUo from your drult or maM th i ,,',n tieiow rigkl away for a prf lly fr trial. rittE sAmcLe coupon rtr?AMif fjpt'ci coMPAwr, lm I'yraruld l)Mg Marbali. Mleb. Kindly nd roa a ft mpl f rrre"irillrtaaai,lu plain wrapper. Kama , , trt . "ly at. Grip tnd Pneumonia Prevalent in April Tie mild April wthr oaually bice,; a lrg crop of artp and pneu monia vpilma througli undu b' In llweidliig heavy wrl!! apparel nd lb ri'Kic't of cough and 'old, The f-m, frequently ryn-down from Ih lang atraln of wlnbur, fall ey prey to th dlaa rmia lurk log evcrywhera, To gurd agalnt gilfi and pneiinionlg, you fortify your ytm o It will h abl to rlt and throw off dlaaag $tm: Duffy's Pure Malt WhUkef aerve plndidly In lllna th proper lmllllon of lunii tut that II" lKy gum Jmallh, through propar (1l"i,o, to rlai Oamrerou cingh, etiM. grip and pneumonia. In aid log the aged and Infirm l a altr enjoyment of lire, Huffy cn b ra iled upon. Thai 1 wtiy o raiiy "C.i Diiffr'i and Keep Well" At moat drug ging, itoi ri and dealer, II. If they cmii'i ip-pij- ;r,u, lite lia, refu I oiiwhobl huohl'l fn;n. Th Duffy Malt Oo., Mochtr, ar. y. rw ' ' it ' '' V .... A A Surt Wiiy To r.ntl Dniulruff f ,'.i a T"' a " - " I" 1 " ' i. fai ll i'..".i ! a i ill ti ..r. a',1 llial U It II iliatt tut tiolr ik " . i.llla') t ' '' t l - . i I'. H i tlit i f iiii, i.ii.iui.i. ll .i I a. frm any lr im mu n -i . -i i il tl'. l-l it al ii m 1 1 ! ittoiit i. a n-i i(ii I t I" lini It th a i I It IH g'l'Ht aim i' fill- ', Hi- . in ( If l.- i i I if ia ,i amtf ii k a "'i " 'i neta fP'lll ! 'H I ' ' '! It ana vntlnUr 'n .' i a a ''! and ! l It k'i oitii ! w i. h 4a4rvff H- htar k t Kill find i lt'.lii A '.t I f ka . i ta" i '- iMtt.'i'i aitd m klr iil V t'fr lwaiiin, gl.aar ir gad "'t aat and tWI km 4td i' drtrttitl WII.I.HM MtlMil IT. Vuio for Mayor Win, Madactt, Ho piitilli Hii 1'ninliiliitit fur iinvriir, anil mnit'ii l ho lultlliitl unit I'M money ni.ii iilnea mrana ilnan ftim ru men! atl'l a ti.ttlng (if limui'V I .link Up hi lii util it Mnli.r nf lliiatlrma I itl in tUo fur liinf inur, r lrt in ni'i.e out fur iilnli' NS.a I'mlilbi (lull giul fun i I he i.llifi laliiltilati in Ml, a Kl in I nil tlia ll'i'i'ir t i r Unit llin i j inl I.I ii I ii wImi api li.l, ii tttall I .mu III l''l'l"g In lali'I'illl'l an I t nut iiit li r i''iiriinii In (m Im ,il iii Iiiiiph mIi'I .(' i a. I llili r rl ' Mi' h'ltn t a nd Id at n lliem a . im I. In liiitiMKii " M)nr Mad gel) t a (mint nf tha rniiituitn i.ii.,. gpit 11. urlng li'i ii til l h H'titnl lhlr liiilit muni 'a lha Mir an I i In il III i a It n i at (i lit.. Ill npi niilnu I an l' llce l In 11 iltitit of l l I ii h i-ra, liu gnu titer latti'til inwlrnl him S nte fni t g it 'I ill a i f 4 fur all rlli.n hn tr lir, ;i.i,. .'g li.ilnf git. I 1'i.l' ion. It "In 1 1 Ulr .Hi , l H HUt N, f.i M, Hi Mill Milt III ft li III N I MMM1I! Milt MVa MIMilt UItat I l'Mi e HtlMi MVNl.lll H lit Mil. IHM. UMU Ii lii'lVn in ,ul. MHI ( II Mill t lilt) N lull tniV t HMUlf Ml ilil IIIISH IHtVW i. Mi it lUf W M- Ml Kl . 111! nlliilMilM III - 11.(1 MIM. 4 VI l Mlt ciil ItMUlf Wo Jo of yasi Should Not Go to lfaaO 0 OUIS On April Iflth lha dmocrutn of NVbrnnkn nlit ftmr fM-ftiicmt-hrgn ftnd two (hhp;aifn from ftvb "fibfl nt corifrrfBKional 1ik trieta to rffrti!frit tb Nnbnu'ka damfHTory nt, tbo fit, Ixmin conven tion. W, J. Uryan is a ennilidntfl for ox. of tbn foiiT icU'!j;U'n-t.-Inrfr.c, In wpliffiliriK to Ibo dornofralH to elwt hun a tMfiRiito b rlniifiM to bo a friend of lbo frrtwidont altboiifrb admitting tbat bo di! not aweo with Jiiru, What Are the Facts in the Case? 'Y deitjofi'jicy of Xebrimka n unittoJ in xiipfiort of J'rKwb'iit Wil hun find in lipoid with bix tMilicimt. Mr. I try an i not in Hfconl with Uio voHftit mid doe riot n'frwnt (ho flfinofriiey of thin atntt, Hy bin own iK tion.H Mr. JJryan bai forMM bin rirht to itjK'iik for tlm fletfiocrMlk if Xfbl'HHka. After fift ejilin tb bip;h offif of docrotary of ntftfo in rrfnidtit. WiImuiV fiiliiiiet, Mr, Uryiin t-nibfirrimfed (ho jinVidenl and Jowrrfd (be tligliity ;f hie Jionilion by lw:i,etinKf"'ttkiflgf'liiKeilifntn in wliiHi ho, ii)rHitred on tlx wiino rojrrn;ri with yodlnrn, vaudovillo erforinerk, tU: I Jo ilid thin under tbo plea that bo tii!d not livo on $120) V.' venr iiiiI eoiitifiiied it until driven from it by (bo pron of tho romi- -try, HE DID IT FOR MONEY, After a bimtfleiioimf enretT in xerretfl ry of tato ho rom'gnod iimler fire ami it a time when it would cnibarraf the pn-Mideiit tho moht and yorioukjy hamper bin huwmU riegotuition wiUi foroin fiowcrn, 11ii net wa widely commented on lift littlft fchort of trenon. llin career ninee bift r en iiation ban lieon onfl of innidioii tritieiiim and boi-tile jiropaanda aiuwi I'rehidcnt WjImoii iuhI Mm fKiliedoa, Tbo preMdeiit put forwnnl a modefnt mid conneryntivrt pnfiardneio ftrofrijini. Tbix wan inimedinti'ly brandol by WV. Jiryan tw "MILI. TARISM," He nttaokod tbo pnident'n progTam in bin flonimonor and kept it up for M-vcral Shhiioh. Jlin brother in Untviln Bont out thoii franrls of circular h-iU'rn attackiiiK tbo prenidenfM poliey and axkinp; fxolo to Heml in elubn of tuibneriptioiiH to Uio paper fo tiiat it euld carry on the fitfht with greater i-ffeet. Tlierio attarkn Itccnirifl no per nidoiift that it wan neeoiary for tbo prenident of tbo United St a (on to take bin eaxe directly to the people, which bo did with marked mic cefifl. Anyone who ha read the president' fpeecbea lina no doubt a to wboM utterances bo wiik refuting or nllnding t-o, lx pre of the country, democrat1, ami rojaiblicari alike, reca-)eiii7ii that Jiryan wnj fighting tlie yrvMont. ' i U are all familiar with bin taut 'fiasco in rongroH. Hi reported conference with Senator (lore of Oklahoma and tho appoaranco of the Ciore re.'iolutiou in tho wmato and tbo Mcfcinoro resolution in tho bonce, llin trip from Miami to Washington at the timo tbia agitation wa at-it height and bis dinner with member friendly to hi propa ganda in eongrcM- in regard is tbo armed chip eontrovemy. IVih un patriotic action ami interference with tho president' plan became no acute that i'rehideiit Vibon bad to put tbo matter up a a clean cut iehiie and informed oongreM that tho resolution must bo tabled or tho whole fabric of his foreign polity would bn dcdrycd. Patriotio democrat ami republican in congro rallietl to tbo proBilent' up pftrt and Woodrow WilMon was aiMairiod. II im fair to aumo tbat if Mr. liryan i frnt to St. Ioni be will coiitiinid to fight the xili'ieK of the preMdeiit and uU uvtii' to incor porale iluiikM in Dm platform that will in effect be a repudiation of the president. Mr, Urvan nbould not be permitted to lo tbi and will not be pi rmittt d to do it UNLESS THE DEMOCRATS ELECT HIM. , a Mr, I'.ryan h now on one of hi annual or biennial vints to the ntate. lie i-lit'if to further the Klitieal prer-tige of biiiiM'lf and hi brtilli' f, althifiigh ontemilily atlvo'-itling another iHiie, lie lias bi own hand picked candidate for delegate at large and diatnt't ib'legate running with him. TIicho men are expected to do (ho Mrynn bidding; or they would not be eleeted by him. aa There are. however, four candidates for dejcgatn-a!. huge w ho are mil hand picked and who will support PreMdeiit Wilwoti uinpialifiedly ami unree-crvcdly reganllen of Mr. Pr)'". Thene eantlidatoa aro: W. D. OLDHAM of Kearney j W. B. PRICE of Lincoln DOUGLAS CONES of Pierce LOUIS PIATTI of Omnhft There are alfi eaulidnU'H for dintlict delegate? who ar not in tb Mran list. Tliefte men are: Firtt Diitrict W. F. Mornn, Nebraska City; II. E. Gooch, Lincoln. Second Diitrict Frank T. Ransom and J. A. C. Kennedy. Third District F. H. Morrow and George G. Hayha. Fourth District E. E. Placck. Fifth District Jotin L. Cleary and Wm. M. Peehler. Sixth Diitrict I). II. Moulds and Charles II. Tully. A vote for th.n rum will bn ft vol for an unnuiUiflmt ivn.i vnto lutt Piidonemrnt of I'rrslilent Wilson and Ms rolioir-s without rrvav tion. VOTE TOR THTSE MEN ON TRIMARV DAY AND BTANI) hy the (fin gj. ...... at 14 41 H t ;, f4t ( 5 f.(. fa, I...1. V,