Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Till') JKK: OMAHA, WKDXKSDAV, . APRIL o. 1916.
MISS ELEANOR ARNETT NASH, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edmund S. Nash, well known in eastern and south
ern social circles and a member of the, well known south
ern family for which Nashville is named, was married
April 4 to Culver McWilliam of New York City.
Belgian Relief Work Involves Ques
tion of Desecration of Amer
ican Flag;.
Deaeeratlon of the AmrtcM flag
tit relief for euffering Belgian
Loral plan y the Daughter of
the American Ilevolutlou to ralee
funin for fir-Ida relief on Satur
day, King Atbert'g birthday, came to
a atandatlll Tueadey when memberg
nf Omaha and Major laaae Sadler
diaptera diecorered that the tag to
be nold on that day bora a email
Amerlean flag In una corner, to
gether with the Belgian eolora and a
photograph of the king.
"If ma (Mill the leg downtown or on
Die fret, people will throw them away
ii'liw rimlnately after pun -baaing them
and lite Ameriren flag will he lying In
the gutter or en the efreela whete II
will hetratnitied upon,'' emlalroed Mm
"harl M. AuiU li regent. ' Wa would
lay 0UfelVf (o great rename If
ma Jterrnltted I hie, a I ha Nf bran ka
li lighter have taken a Ihelr work thla
-r prevention ot deari-railon nt tha
llaal rreeMent Vrutratt,
Mr. Aull tted ah lied r'gl(erd her
proleet again! tl.a Jag, whlrh are
being aetd all over th emintry. Mra. Wll
Ham C'ummlng Hlory of New Vwk, na tiiUldMiJ. on wIiom appeal I In
Belgian relief woik ha Wen la ken up
by th laughter, alao ha itot(ed
Mra. A'jil'e (later, Mra. William Thlher
Oiiernaey of Kanaaa,, ftppoaed Mra, Hlory
at tha ,laat election for prealflrnl gen
Mr, Kdr Allen waa atinlher Dangli
!r whi oppoeeij the al ot tha tag on
tha ground that rfeaeurallon of the flag
wnuld reaull
"Mut In ttii- meantime Ilia lie'glau are
atarvlng," inuiarted Mlaa Ida Jolinmon,
a teechar In Ih Omaha ai-hoola. "ur
American flag aland for everything that
I gwid. It wa placed en thla tag aa a
mark ef n)gliin' gratitude la tha
I'nltad gfatea for what w have don for
tt guffarlng people. They ay every
IIHI. Relglan ai'hoot tiy wear Ihe
American flea proudly aa mark of honor
te thla country, guraly no Hwntilun
waa Intended. ghgll wa then refua to
aid thla Buffering people who honor na
highly, labile, J think w are epllt-
ling hair."
rial Pol at la flalaed,
Kitrtieon volunteerrq the tiif;tmHiii I : , Hit. I, I H K. KIRK
that It wuulj be a atraitg atluallun for III. ia.. .i,, ,(,,.,. , rtim,.u
trie i-i;gnier or ina Ameriran Hevoiu- fresioeni Of ArtrentlBa JTeJlfleS at n,.i,hi.. .. ......
i..n oo.rryina in oinnoer. I Ram,,, TTni'w T .... -
Another .uaeeatloa wmm that Ih. fl.a v ""
whlh la In the corner of the tag. he cut 1 criminal Afiairs,
off before they ar placed on eale.
We eould raqueat not to M'ADOO REPRESENTS THE IT. 8.
uiicw ine i on ine n'reei, eni'itea
eaHamM wwiiiMaiw9!HRannM
r-- mya. X.. ."'IjaaBealeiBtii'a-' ' nw i n mi
rj ... t
11 J OS M-LLAMQR. JTKtlEJT HASH FHtnoa Stroma.
Little Bobbie's Pa
"I iiim thla rnllnT tvaa iatltfi4 art Hi
Itauahteia .ou!d aid In fiedlna tha him- Vl'orlno Ue (a 1'laza, iireetdent of
aty and eloihlna the needy,'' declared the republic, opttned today the ton
Mta, w, u Mt.y, "I ihit.k we .houid grena whirh will iav undvr outlaid-
r m, Jan- "l """" UM Uratlon Ihe .inlfl.Htloh of InglHlatlon
j atrf gal. 00 :rl,nln a'falra. Me warmly
Thla wa the of opinion and retl Hie, r preaentve of the
a comptomiae wa effected, Hie women vatioua ronntrlea, who included the
will aeil tha t. but not en tha atresia. American rectetnry of the treasury,
.., it.. f,..,....,J . ,h immL,. VMUIam (J. MeA.loo, and the finance
neighborhood of their hi.mea. mlnlatera of Urar.ll, Chile, Uruguay
In dliKUMalng the deeeratlon of the and Ecuador.
na. proieei waa enierea afain.t ma Xh, varinua American repilbll.a
eard. .Mrther flero.tlon. bearing tha Wr P"1"" la' d-l"8'1-
tied. White and Hlue." whleh are need Hon.
for Klal purpoe and then throwa about The newspaper regret at Hie colnt l-
or frunipled tip.
I deuce of the congi ra with the preaMen-
Mr. Jlarrlet M.rMnrphy pro.e.led , now on 1)Ut , gv
n ag ami 115 iiiw g im m u iiijf j gtf iivng nMiciiraii
fiftict in air hft hd tiol hr r.u-mhrr
Ing nH)fii Atnmilon to. the conunert IhI
rfriTrlia rallttur altatitinn in tUm Irtttu.r.
rfeaerlbeej tha u. of tha Bt.r. and rtpea UBC 0( w.fMn, Mrerlnrnl un ft..
In edvrrtlftlng beer.
AND GETS FORTY-FIVE DAYS """ Am',tn ''iiniy
nomh: queallon.
I .a Itaaon aayc
"The mot linpnrtant thing In thla ron-
After caking K. A, Harrow, 4IID Vnrlh
I'orty-flflh etreet, for dlltia to at
onietlilng to eat f'harle f'nmpton
euati'hert a 11 bill from the hand til' It
waa about to give hlin the price of a
feed. Harrow grappled with Ih "pan
handler' and gave him a good rirulihlng,
but In Ihr acuffle waa
' Thi I a raxe. In every aenae of tli
woul, of having bitten the hHini that
onin , tn ntu. l orly rive nuv. a
iin Judge' titling In the vaae.
Kl lilarlo ;
The prieric of Secretary M, A.J.i i
glvea eaceptinnal Impiirtance to the eon
grp In vb'W of the i ornion tbivilop
mint of the ilihe of the foiled HI a tea. '
tililrra of I'rratileat.
I'rrddent i I t'laa. In tlie count ot
hi peech. id It grailfvlng from
bitten on the ""' vePnt of humanity and civlltra
li'Ui. ai the niiinn tit of the riinriHarutlon
In Kui'ore, towlt. the nieetlns of yn'inu
nation with a view lo mK raaler and "'d Ma
aya that wan he
growa up he will prubly be a grata alat.
man, ed M to Vu laat nit. I arn o
Von do nt need to get netted about
anvlhitig hi leerher ay, aeij Ta. My
leecher ed lht wen J grew Up I wud
bo a trana robber. Of riure," aed Ta, ahe
waa kind of provoked wen he ed It,
but ahe aed It, now look at me, about
a far from a train robber a a man
cud he. . ; -
Vea Indeed, aed Ma.' It talk .a lot of
nerv to rob a train, Iwt'I doanr e
any reaion why Bobble ahuddent b a
tali'Minan, J f , amurt rnuff now to do
better than urn of Ihe atateamen oaver
in Waahlngton, aed M.
I alway thot I hud have been a
alaleman, aei 'a. I linv gum very claar
A well deflneil Idiea about how thl na
ahtin hud b run.
No doubt about It. ard Ma. It I too
had that you can't peud part of your
tlm oaver In Washington. 1 guea they
ml you dredfully,
I think It will be nice l( w live
to aeo the day Hobble I g tatman,
ed Ala. Then you A I ran run oavr
thar A vlalt our on, alio ril. Think
how proud I ahall be of him. t alwaya
wanted aomn one to ha proud of In tha
fnmbly, aed Ma.
Aint you peoud of me? aed Ta.
Of coure t am proud ot you, aed Ma,
hut oul In a while I have to say aum-
thing to bring you out of the elouda,
Vnu have auch f feck.ihunate fondneaa
for )ouielf, e,l Ma, that ou doant
reelj- need niiirh oula'do boosting, No
wonder you have alrnng arnia, aed Ma.
you have been throwing bokay at your
'lt for an many yeera that It hna dee
veloprd yure Iniimcla treeinendua. t wlali
vnu woinlilrnt h ao roneted, deereat,
t'oiiniv I'niiimleiiloiiera tleat ami l!
l.nid were liefm the ekeculle emu
mil lee of the rommeri lal rl'ih jenirtibiv
talking over mallei of good to.i.U lit
lirneiai and the condition of the a!lnile
tid f'lntla of tha touittt. Thev
lb club of a willmmu-ea to r.lhli,l, a Al", r" eongre. aoke ihe lealn.tey of
mora tnllmale tlu-lr rrnnnmh: ii'luilon.
aa alieady ahown by the I'au Amnrl'an
flimnclal congrea at Washington, held at
ihe auaaeeilon of the axvernniettt of the
I lilted Mate, and the piraenre of re.-i-
tat) MeViluo, Khlih waa tin honnr tu
The mlaemli of modern life, aald tli-
I'lenl.lrnl, nii'le II inni rtHfy to lit. rvaav
ihe ai'UHiv of ludiiativ and einiiner,e.
He erreet Ihe hope thai a aoliitlou
i,l, he found for flux iieeini uiil
meni..t,. d Ihe f t IUi the fit at I'an-
eUer affillaiion with ihe h.,ln,- men In
the mailer of road development. The
mailer of t;te pip,ie load bond
f"r i .e il 4 imt mken up
lr Hrlli loat rloek. Mere,
V, il eprtii toitlv and a am ine Hot
"ii iijh and lu lii!i after Apnl c
f a IrW a rtellvt,,,,! 0 f
I Ve li Ihatilt ua f.u th.. up
ton i ti taate li, ,a i,ttm lo ki, . hu
"d It I Aged aver m month
hat. lili.'i. VV el. i
I utte Ttieee feaia weta uufoiiuileil, h
dei Itire.l, im (he Ainet lean, having cum
mini Idenla and atlililf Ion. P , Wn h it
niit nal. wiiltnut ieieinltiig t,. ridin,h
u lid. iiulional iuw Inr Iheuianh e, that
the nhould itnh-aiiie It hanuolilte the
ill Ot tile I. M Ill-ill In eider In biaUi
Mill i rare and f i lendi'lup
1 am not roneeeled. What you ntlntalk
for inneeei la merely thnro A clear
unilcietauUlim of my powotful and com
pelllng pFraimallty, aed Pa. ! wud be a
awful fool If indent nod ont In a
whllo thai I am a ree.narkahe) man, Pa
Von think beekaua jura father wa
major of yure hoam town that all Ihe
polltiekal hraiua la on yui aide of (lie
faultily, aed Pa. I tiotla lhay dldenl elecg
j him fur a aend term, aed Pa,
j H refued a econd term., aed Ma.
lhli parilea wanted him for another
! lei in. hut he i ih I, lent prglrrk hla I la
uew. Ilia knew hi hlanena wa growing
j lapldly. Ma ed
j I eii.n. he put a lot of eapHal Into
jit uhlie he e tumor, ed Pa.
I ,lim what d lu meanf aed M.
Thai i (.only a llnet Joak of mine.
h v Wt)iMt,.a. ' 1 I. i... t i l i . , i.
, I !iiff. irtei,,! ) , (nt (,
I. let, II . S.i' M . . . I, .,,,
in M'Uf at tfi.tlt aad ti..-,:a a'te.i
! ''. e, Ih (,. ,..Y Mkiii
! lb iia.d W iliam aim
a ami4 f l .ting In law g, ,..
leg ! Mia !.( (, I t l (''! ,-J.,H , . t i
4 aa f 4 a.i I . . a
',.!-.... iv a I -,i . i U i a . ,i unt
I ' ' a J i ' a t ae .i. I I . i.
I t. e. .!.. a I 4 II I- it -a g I ..ii.i
( ,h h ! n at t,.i a ..
,N -.a.v f.-. an ,. ..
) 1 ) tt Me Ml t fc g
t,,'e,l;a Um' l"l ' V t he- -,!tl fri'i
' aa M iia loiititva,
1 ' ' . 'I !i t I ',,- f?f
' a. t (- in-, !.,. :t I ik
t i I I lli.(. i- ,H . .... .(. ,.ft,t IHim
' '"" 1 '"'- at a
H ' I tsft- I, i'l 1 ," . . , 1 . 4
4iai . "
tmerlea'a llealtnt N Ifcrralrned, : aed l a lleie la laenly d 'llar. Pa d
linitniia at ihia ii4ileimg," he i mi. kind o( tpih a I made torly dollar eeay
In. ,td. 'it .n a a I1 .eli I ' li.l.'ii In day A I ard In mvaelf, twenty of thla
i. a lo a on ... i in. a ..,.e i onfn iiuna m jilt for my Intel wtfa.
inner le. il.ia Ili4t A'i.''. gitwi deatniy ' on . a (tailing d Ma, and I lt
"'tl Hue itei.rd he lUnget a, I lit inn o.i wild be a grant mayor
t l I I y ) -.'i o ' I ..d will
l i M vi ail in v vf Mm IV leral He
t" l'. a ' , i, t I im Mr M V 1 in a
naum iru i in it. .i ..hi. i.t a h
v t el I . t a -i a . a-t i--.u.i-4 t
tin .. t-f . !, . , ti o ,i e
-i I i ft I I I. M,e V,..,..,.
I . 1 1 a it-eli a t e i I. in I t. I 1 1
a ' I I" 'I ' . i. a I ".a g r ,t n
(.5 hi r. a I iii t1 v U t. at
ii . ii iixrkei waa hM In an nf
Ih ea lie, tt ii i a .u utai I a. a tea of
M. I ho ago fl. ii. ft
Text of Pastoral Note Which Called
Forth Threat from German
Governor of Belgium.
LONDON', April 4. Cardinal Mer
ecr'a pastoral letter whirh evoked a
runonatraoca from Governor General
Von Waning laat month, haa Juat
ben received here. After expreaalng
Joy at being tgrg among hla fellow
oiin:rymeo and. atatlng that bla
Jf-uiney to Rome had been blegged
beyond what he had dared to hope,
the Belgian cardinal, turning to the
poaltlon of Belgium gay;
"Let ua even uproe that lh flnl.h
or the laau of tlln giaanlle war now be
trig fought In Kurope and In Al Mlnoi
hould b uncertain, one fa-1 la already
eatahllahed In Mvlllaallon and hlatory
tha moral triumph of Megum, jn lm.
on with ymir king nd government, ou
have made lmmen aarrlfle for your
country. People abroad tiiirterainiid
your aplrft of aerlflee; .mi ara dmhd
and your generation ha t-iken II place
glorlonaly In hlaloty. la not that eon., my brethren? Are vou not tha
moat glorloua of conrnjeror?
"t know that you weep, that th hearn
of niolhrr and wive ie bioken, thai
live gee being ot on the banka of the
Vaer. The linprlaoninent of o ,r nutlon
on our oan aoll la aaillv molona.d
VV ahall win, l. I w r not l !
Ih end of our aufferlnaa. Kr am e. l leaal
Hrltaln and 11 inula have pledged them-
elve It, make no peace until Helgluin
haa recovered h entire Independeni-e
aiid been laigply Indemnified, llaly In
turn h adhered lo Ihl pledge, our
fuiure la not In doubt, le t we muat he
prepared for It."
'three I of V in Rlaalng,
tin Mandi ;a loiter, a.hii a.t il t.e ti..e.
emor Oeneraf von ftlealhg to Cardinal
Ml icier III connection with the luiior'a
paaloral teller wa published, Tha letter
aald in pari:
'Your eminence, In peroral lelieia. In.
dulge In political aiatenienl. agnliml
which I decidedly proteat, it la ijnli
ineacueabl that your eminence ahould
rala un.uatlfl-d hope regardlna tha
laau of the war. Tin, for inatance
your emlnencg ha mentioned Inareuraia
utlerancea of peivon who are not In
toueh with event and who cartalnly
cannot be nailed egpert. Yon apeak of
ma poaalhlllty that a declalon guch
you dealrg could ba eaoeeled by h.
preadlng of dlaegea.
'Hy aucb arbldarlnea you eauae
among a creduloua population noxlou
eicllcment and Induie thern to oppoae
thg admlnlatratlon work of thoae who
re In occupation of th country. .
peelally Inadmlaaihle In a paatoral let
ter la a hint at mene to tn religion
liberty of the peopla of the occupied ter
ritory. In theaa elroumaiancea I
aha.ll henceforth gternly proaeoute any
political activity and any atlrrln up of
hoatlla aentlment agalnat the authority
of th occupying power, which authority
I legitimate, according to tntnrnatlongl
law. I warn your eminence to
dealet from political activity,"
A requeat publlahed In Herlln regard
ing Cardinal Mercler'g paatoral letter
aid that, according; to gdvlcag from
German official In ftruaaela, the car-
dlnal elated 1u II tiit If lie once doubted
th final victory hi faith had now been
restored a a rult of hi converaton
with North American and Kouth Ameri
cana, who had Inaplred him wllh tin
rhakabla confidence In Helglum'g victory,
Th Koelnlaha Zellung announced on
March SI accoidlng to a IIva dlapat'h
from Werna. that the printer who printed
. i. . ,1 1 . I W . . . . - .. I ..,. I . J
j Mi'Jiiini i -1 1, r i m i.n..i. m i el i , na o
been ntenced to a jear Imprlaomnent,
Will Kaufman and lir Mate t,f
i'olumbu hav been mtchd tn ghoot
for th Comb' trophy during th rag
laiered tournament, which will ba held
at Columhii May t and 4. The trophy
match will he th laat 1U0 target on
the program of May 4. Ute I th
pieaent holder of th cup.
Schwab Opposes
Government Plan
for Armor Plate
NBWArtK, N. J April 4.-Charie ...
Itchwab, chairman of the Bethlehem flteel
ooroporatlon, told Ih elocaiiolder nt
their annual meeting her today that 'I
tha government build It propoaod grin.T
plant the corporation' Investment of
V.Wi.W In an armor plant "will ba rend
ered practically valuele." In ordar ' i.i
v a much- a pnaalhl'' of thh) In
veatment h ald, the corporation h
"taken atep lo bring to the attention 'f
congreaa a frankly, openly and a vlg
oronely" aa It could, "th conalderatlon
which w feel ahould prevail" In a re
jection of th government' plan, "I dealt
to aata In th moat unequivocal term." n
edded, "that no repreaentallv of the
lleflileheui fleel (jorporatlon I aeeklnu
nor ha aought to Influence leglalatlon a
to the alxe of naval or military eapendl
tnrea.'' ,
thla evening. Two big tiig-n.-war
nd n number of nthi eienia wift be
hald, The trlnclp put. Ing match will be
between th Nonpareil team and (Hi
tract car company crew. Th chah
wlahee It underatood that ladlea ara In
vltad to attend their entertainment.
The Nonpareil Athletic club. Twenty-
fourth hd VII. ton lrel. will (lata a
big athletic program at it a el.ih room
T --iir-inf,ifr-f rfai n ag. ,L'-j A t i liiViif "t
sv. : jm,V'.n' MTr.ttM jmwi.i . a I u
Today And A
Generation (lenco
Tha flight of tlmo make til think tA
tli future. 1 ho baby of today relloclj
what great n may rxl
actjulrod whan ha
niw uti. And any
fiiflueneg that bring
relief to the expectant:
mother la the flrat and,
greatoat of obligation.
There I a eptendlif
remedy known a
Mutlwrg Krlnd"th6
ba been A aafegnarif,
helpful dally l.iflu
cdcc, lo a hot cf
wmien. Applied inter
nally tn Ilia muarln
tliey taicom Dllanf.
Ihey gtretch without Ondu pln, ther I n
lawnce of dlatrea. Hi nerve ar annthad,
by taking away tie biffdea Of fearing ail to
Juat natural tonilltlona.
Ttier I In "Mollier' Friend" the 4frrf
and Immediate help that all aipectant moth
id remilr. I'aed by their own hand, guide 1
by tlielr own mlnda, tliey learn at one th
blaaaed relief from morning airline' reaull
ing from undue gtretchlng. Tber aiparlanfo
dally calm and nightly rt. It la lndel
Motlier Friend." (let a bottle today of
any dnigxlt. Then write Brad Held Ragulator
Co., 410 f.atiar llldg., Atlanta, la for one)
of the moat antertalnlog and valuable little
book tr prusutad. Jt 1 Wui tli .writing
it' i -..t.e a x 3--. jt-.. t a
H "gTfcll t t t .
urn gooa incnas wun
13 VELVET an you'll be
better friends with yourself
an the world.
1 ! ! ttf'i lateia'a. k: W( f narieX'V-A n',.: ',.
w ,yrafa, i f.r aa -f .;, " .n v y ar ;yy ;t ,
By Edgar Rle Durroagha
Th etonderM gnc-iataa In
mora thrilling adeanturea
Did you ever follow
Situation to
ical Conclusion?
Its Log-
I ,v-" "i-7 '
' ? -l 1 1 "l1 I '11 I I I ' '!!' V
. f , . . . , i '
- V " ,'
- V 'o '.
: r v-l ;-,
t -
l H. ..tea , .... .'
i y ev .
J :
Lj .
HAVK you i-vor tried to put yourself in the W. E. FOSHIER, President.
loftitioii of u bi HUttinobilo distributor.
xtoai of tlwiiJiriK which car to buy try to deoidp which 0110 lo hack with
many thou.and dollars.
I''ir.t of all, the retailor of automobihs niUHt find an automobile which not
only meet the requirements of his community, so far as (icrformaiiee i con
cerned, but he tletermine whether the price is absolutely ripht.
Some cars are peculiarly adapted to certain localities. Others lack assur
ance that the manufacturers are ht'-oiig onoiij?h financially to back up their
car and keep the quality of production the same. Others tire produced in small
quantities, and spasmodically, thus giving buyer no assurance as to deliveries.
In this day and age when a man who is recognized as a large automobile,
dealer contracts for a large number of automobiles and backs his faith with
good money you can as a rule depend upon the car he is selling:.
I as asked by numerous manufacturers to sell their cars, but after a thor
ough investigation I decided on the Dort. Why?
V. P, and Gen. lr.
I ' r I, a I ' I'M l.l ' I In IjifKli
I . i .. t . t ( It '- ! -I ! la t ii ii. iiti ff !!. I i. I'li.. I
t i . I It, I ' l I a il It I .! em: ,
I ' a i im t tl a I , it,. .,
ii '. . i. i i it l a v l.. t.t
,i . i i 1 1 t ;. .it- . g an I I-. i .
n.a I lit t I ii i.i
Mel lirnalar llara Maee. 1
it .' a I and im l.iU't a and li,i
at K b l a"i and kave a it .f
II I. .ttdli ttma Mew aeitl In buiiw
V m J "ai.iu ta tt'UII I'tt at
f.. m l'.ii,'a i i
No Tfoultl to Urinnve
Supeifiuoui lUIr
I I t II I- I I til V - t
t. . ,,.,., I .. . iii a In..
I. I . . a-4 I, it
i.M i I . . I a. -i ,( .-a
tl I l-e-a I.,.ii, I . n .
.1,., ;., I.,.. ( Il I ...
It. lift l.f.
, Ii a a. ) i ur la t laa aMn
..i... . ii......i i I a v f. a Il ).
! I a I. i'. aa vile, g pi iii ..,..,
' w,,tei a-'J a ninw t"-t'l 4.ti,.,
i air, i hn 1 1 .ttaa a. t la I I
i m m.iie i'i.i 'f waat i-.a ( ao t ta
! ! (! ttt i.!-.t 4 1.41111,
! tl. Iliai'l M plllr. iv (
' 'i it- .k"i I I it a i. I ,1 -
', ' 1 ' tatlfl't ' ' !! tl- I I
' ' . t. , i, nt
BCCOUSC " ,"pn,,' ennairtirtlon i
Fipfmixn far'alg (te in ila man-mtutiJt-
ufarture ara (he brut fr n,o
RpffltMP ,h0 rr ' l"U,l""ly adapted tn
atiuwai- .rlvitu ovit illy und rnuntry
run ii, atii and litlU, (an eviellent i,n'tiblna
Hun for tlii aa'itiiin of th innntry.i
Ftrcmise " ,,,natrm linn hue been a
proved by many prominent'
I nited Hiaieg engitierr.
Ihe urn rtu fail n rer have bean
rauliliphi'd a a Known o,uantlty
for thirty yearn and have a reputation and a
biialneaa gfiod will tn irote t
r I Knitr irmtor riirn
anil I know
Ihe liort ia aa ginxl or a
better iliiiTaT for dollar value Ihan any rar on
the market.
liCC nilSC wll ,r !, t,,rt i n ar prop
erly aei forth. Any tr tmilt iiUin the
honriit iTliuiplrg tan nut fall to Hit).
Wc arc Willing to Back ihe Dort with Our Judgment and Money
We lutvii ju't reeeivt'd n ehipiuent of (lit mw model and t lty fur Mirpa.-s our m'ctation,
They bijrjjftr, belter, wider and itroiiaTer. The new etu me Four Door inodfU and itn'ltnb
many refitietueuU which were not included in the former nudel-,
lite IVrt U wlmolutely tip to tin minute in every detail. The long cantilever pring u-ed
in the ns.unufftetiirv of lirt cura take them right out of the light ear ehe in uty riding iputlitif.
Sit often light Cars do not tide evy, but the lo't has nvereotntj tide druwbui'k by the tine. of CItr
oxg cantilever pringv
IfWim h w hetcUute, streamline IhhI)-, left tlrive, center euutrvd, 4 cylinder,
.'Si horsepower, Weetingltuisn i unit alatrting (lU-udil automatic- drive,
nd lighting gtem with tVnneetKtit ignitiun, ott'ninch full cuntilever
n'ttr gfutug, "i floating rear v, .'tOi.l' .. tloawlyeur tirv, fBja ftjatVp!
12th .nd Firnrm Streets. Omahn.