maha Daily THE WEATHER. Part Cloudy Mil It Tlm Hen. VOL XLV--SO. IMH. OMAHA, MONDAY MOl.Xl.V0, AIM, II, :t, IIMH-TKN' I'AdKS. Oa Train, at Hotel Haw launi, ato, fta SIN'dLi: COI'V TWO CKXTS. Call Tyler 1000 It You Want l Talk U The Hi or lo Anyone ('nitiaii4Ht The 0 .Bee FRENCH CURTAIN OF FIRE CHECKS INFANTRY RUSH Effort of Crown Prince to Follow Vp Suocfiif Earlier In Day t Vaux Reported to Have filled. CHARGE OF FOOT SOLDIERS Gallia Ponltioni Between Avocourt and Malunrourt SubjcctrrJ to Bombardment. STATEMENT BY PARIS OFFICE VAMH, April 2, -Th Herman IwimiiiI hcay attack again today agalnnt .h French poglilon both. l til W't llllll CAnf. of ttlfl Ml'tlga, To the wet tho attack were rrpucd, but in the (, ri the- rieigiiborliootj f V'ori Douaumorif, dm aiiiililug force were he lo penetrile lb Calllefe wood, lying in the nonili, From lli northern part if ibn wooo lhy Wife flluiOKl, Immediately eJeeleA, by French counter attack, J'AllfH. April 2, -There wa no event of import m-A ( night on (he ewlrw ,'remh bun In front, .iy tlm official nfimiuiKMiifnl luei fhl aft ernoon, On the wet bunk of the Meiiwt, north df Verdun, th lr tnn violently bombarded French fiMHif loriM In Avocotrt "noil, but them wa no Jiifniifry attack, HKIU,IN, April 2,- Tha Herman official Kdilciiiciil iifd today nn nouneea (hat Teuton troop bv (loured f ,000 yard of French frewlm norfheant nf Jfaueotirt In ad- rill lii to lh pogltton taken March 10, Inn only mention of fighting round Verdun yefrday tell of tlm reput of g Henib rmiilur til ink after ft terrific artillery bom hard merit near Van, Tb nOrman took 731 prisoner In tola battle. An attempt by tha Herman to fol low up their aiicce In obtaining it foothold In I ti vlllflg of Vmix by an Infantry atfaclt, between Vaux and Fort Dounumoiit bun fulled, Preparation for nn attack wm ini(d by a violent artillery bombard" mrnt. The. French curtain of flra stopped the Infantry gimault, Tart ay, French potdilona between. Avo "ourt ni'd Mliioiirt toetlnue to b auhji'ii.d lo lolen0 bombardment from (in mini gun. , The rtt-roiMOM' rvloui iiefu t ii'ni d icmhii'Ih ihn rri"h line nfifi-i, H't'iiratrtg io J'rl, ty nn M nuiill lht ma rlirh4 by the Kreneh niiinlii nf tun unit lh Itifxniry, and IIumi wr Hl'lrllcd haiiairiiU Hi elM niinriera lirfr Hit crown prlnra'a for' floiilly mttKuUii In prealria part r luio iho vllluaaa, Arlltlrr el. The fifriiiiin liifuniry liut nut mv4 from It n Ic-ru liMi tvi-xl of Hm Mmta lnr lh injure ut Muliiriciiiirt, fnllowil nhiiMly hy the itrixiiici-iniful drive at the Kri-ii.-h ponllliina imrllifiKt of IIIH No. W In I hi mkIi.ii of I u nit Man'a hill. Tim flriii'iii of f. In I ntnlirtiir nt rf'T only lii.hj. i.iiliy to la nK,ilria almwt VVpiI.iii, tiim Iniitjiftf only artillery iluoli tlii'rn ii ii. I In he ramitm wllh other H'ilvlly hy llin hlif anna on the Ahum riitiil mi 'I fiirlhi-r north en I ha Una, A I'.rtileh hiiii't urinnde n 1 1 nk iixitr Ut. I.hil, Hhrii' the I hiinii in reieiilly hint fullln Kruillill, Will i'llllHfilt, The ihilni nf holli nhlea nn the I'lfihiii IIi'IkIiiii finnt have lui'n hny, l''oiir I' M iii h iniirlihii fi ll vli'llma Id ihTiniiii hnlllii iilniMft In Milium n ItHKl'ltll'tlU. ii I liHiiae on On front. After H iirliii i.f hiiil winlhi'l fiahllna Iin hi-in i-iiiii.i on the AuHrii-llitlliin fniiil. ''nr the ninitl inr(. however, the ai'lltlllea are ronnui'l in artillery en d.ii'i in. old mi, hii. h In fi nl r v i lnliri a liat iniiiiT'il luive nut rewulie.) In C lin linen i.f nilhiit t ' I it PI pMlllllllll(i.. I litt I. .nil ( i a h II iiffi-nehe, ii..H iiiuerfiitlv Ml n piUihI iiilll, an harroii nf miM fur l ini.en.r Vtilinla' foil i a , khlle lh liunalHii I .1 i, 1 1 1, Hi,, ( .llllittli'.t , y , I i 1.1 inillll l muff i l (U. hu ll Hi l 411 Hum ll, no Ufiiltl l, iuii ui-ih t-n ifuu. ii on ii.ii mi i4i.4ii .'i nr.lliiu In Ill'lllkJ. ili,l llktl v Ml., I., Ill ma 4,,i.,.,ii,l. i. .11 hy h ttlliiifcliipj f .r . I, iluiUtxil hi l,nw tweii ii an iii.M(' .h'lii. f .alu f'lf lh - 4 41 l f lt,, Tho Weather I ..... .1 if u w.atiirr f..r l u 1 1 i t 1 i4 'r I .1 . I t I'li.U1 i . l. i i t I I tltMI. 'l' t'l I 1 !.,., (( 1 t I I, I 1 1 tup, raluirt at Itiuaha ItilmUi t i i i i .. t Ii ! i. ! i i 1 v t tl I eyatatl 1 1 l eat litatar. i i , i , ', ii i't 1 t t i .i -. ii t i m it i, i ii SUPPLIES NEEDED BY ARMY PILING UP AT BORDER Owing; to Carranza's re fusal to allow tho American expeditionary forco to uso the railroads of Mexico, difficulty in being: experienced in getting upplic$ to the American flying columns. The photograph howu great quantities of hay, grain and other supplies piled up awaiting shipment by motor trucks to General Pershing'! forces In Mexico. ,.t A . hm SCHOOL WORK AND SCHOOL CHILDREN SuperlntcnuVnt Sullivan of Adam County WriUi Her Viewi on Fmcnt Statu. ASKING TOO MUCH OF PUTIES IIAKTIN'JK, Neh., Apill 2 fMiierhil.) lli'DKHfiiliiK her erlih'lam Ihtil fiiieailnria aedeil III Hm emir of aiuiti for riirjiil elahili kiiiIh arhooia urn heyoiul the meriliil reai'h of Ihn piiiilla, Mla ("iir rln Hulllviin, auiierhilMiilent of Ailiima niunly aehmila, haa wrlllen the fnlhuHn fj1v Ik a pruleal front the alula euiir lnli ii'h'lil : 'I have your eomin'inh'iiilon ami rllp olii from The fiiniihfi Ilea of MhhIi 23 reisarillii in y rrlilelaiil of the elKhlli ra1 enflnilfmllon iiiellin liaml Miiri tl il-Ul, "In the ftrat pliu'M, let m ilmt my erlthlmu w not Indueeil hy ill loyally li yoiireif or any mi niher f the alal fleparliiienl, nor fiom any link of aripret lilhm of the work you hiive ilofiit arirl are rtolna for lh m hoola of Knliraaka, hut heeauae of my rnnvh'lhin that many of (he (ineeilona imnl In theie eiiimhiHtlonii ara not within Hie coniiire liermlnn of the aveia elahth ararle iiuull and In mo caaea would l tha ailujf, mind, . Too Mneli foe Chtlilrrn. "front a f'exlly numlwr f year of emwrhiiieo In lennhhuj (jfHfrntmr arndea, I reel llinl limy hi tint fllllleij la hv iMiina vlewa a to whut ahmild h reaami nhly expoi'lfi'l of ehlldren of thla nr, and would eerlnlnly fml Mpeet Ihein In anawer InliilllKenlly In an emimlriuthin am h a fiueallon e the one relntliic lu th 'rffrrl, niton rural life of fhi iiutn mohlla, t-loiilwna and rural omll rte livery,' even thiiiixh lie pnlnla rnlulit a menlhinvd hi Hi teniae of almly In una t th lireaent. Ulna, "Of (he pill children In tli inuiity who wrol Ilia itiiliiMtlon, nut more than all or aevan war ahla to t"i the. real nieini- ink of tha fiallon and In KW a rea- aonahly lulelUai'iit anewer. the oilier anawei wera either rhlhuilniia or wide of lh murk. I f-e anre tlnit the i till -dren of Adnnia coimiy are Inlclllnent and aa well liiuaht, on llm wnoie, n thoaa of other eonntlea of Itm etnle, and tha natiinil ronclnaliifi la that tint iiiea tlona are too matura. In D.iniealle Helence, "In fiirllur Iiroof of my aaaertlnna, M . . . . permit me ! rirer yn'l in wneenini 01 tha drnwliuj enamltmtlon miller IJie dale of Wiircli 9: 'Miikn a rtrnwlni almwIiiM how 10 eel the (ahla for otic lieraun with, the fiillowliiK allver and i hlnn: aalad i fnrli, dinner ilta, dinner hlilft, draeerl apmin, rorrne aiinnn, aillll eimnri, iiiiuh t lihiie. Iiread and hulter pint", glaea and napkin.' liven ihniiMh thla la lieiit.-d under the head of dnmexliu a. lenee In the I'liuran of Htndv, I do led feel Unit It la an r... nihil pnrt of a ilrnwlnx e aintiiHll'in nor within the toimh of Ilia mi-inK" elahth urede pnpll a expeilinre I w i 1 1 1 1 1 eerialnh not feel that a rhlld' 4'lahlh amde i1iii allin wa tin nnilelt lieeanxe nf fullnie lit anewer aneh H iplea. Hull rnrii'i llv, and neither would I i on 1 1 m 1 1 Iln.l Ihe ti. la liiipelnaaly rlelh'lenl In h-iii ntiiH- uliiiiild he fall to auawr tj .irailnna I and "f tha aama lint re fiirliiK In Ihe naming; of epe.lriini iiliin, m Ihe wnr.1 'iei Irnin' W laii In 1 1." hw'intfe. i vil ul n.lllll a into 'UII ' iiu ahiihil V l ileal Iiih in leiiHrallMe, ' III Hm hi llliliu II.. i mnh f the UHle i.f Mur h In. ihi ura tl.14 prut'. It nlitlliuid i ll I nai Toe, iVlmiill 'l'hf,e I Dairy FarmwH Run Milk Into DitohtM Till Thoy Get Price t'lHl Vlllt. : l I II. f it. t i . I i 'u t ii, I. Ji IniUv I ' t t ' I' l '" II- .1. i . !, , ie, ,p ,..,..n f t it . ..! ii f. 1 1 . V- ... ' 4i (till f u in, i 1- In t . il..iiii HM . I I . .. In. n' I ft in. i . ' ' I ,,liil Hm tl i t . i w M klo,n al.i.l.t It ta.n.ll 14. 4- In I Hi Initial jll,.l I ' ' It an a n. t . i. a t r.i I. I. I ti, t ii i 1 1 mi (.. i i f - ' tit., i . I .ii-.. , . - . a I . i , t i i; . il -I u.i ii I i I- In t,-,, ... Al M - -i it -i. , . . f .it . , 1 1 . , i , i t , ,, r I ' I II t a I I t tit f " e tl , t.l It a tVi.i 't t- ' a 4' 4 l-mj"TK 51 f i. ".'X'-.i 4. a.- pI . ' wmii an m4mmmnxl, X ',: . i.v. 1'JZZ?'Z2 Funston Calls for More Auto Trucks W A el 1 1 MIT' iN, April S. 11 I'irilKliI llernril Kuiiatnn wired In Hie War de. lailiiixnl a ri'ipieal fur aihllilniiil motor trm lia ii iid limit aupplh., Ilia niinnua" rnniiiinrd tut further Inforiiuillon reniir.l Ida Ihe opeiallipna of 1'irelilliM, end ftR l.iiiinciil ofll'lala look II fur granted h" hud none, BERLIN HAS NO DATA ON WRECKED BOATS Gerard Sttyi IniperiRl Government Hai Nothing: But Prcin Roporti, A WEEK MAY BE REQUIRED WAHII IN'iTON, April 2. Thn fSerinun novernnienl bua Informed AmhuHMitdor Oeiard thut It In with out official Information roncernltiK thn cuploalonN which diiiiumcil the UrtilHh channel aleamer Huhhcx and itiink the llrlllnh liomn ahlp KtiKlliili mini, bolh of which wro carrying American eltlxena. In a illHputih dated Thiimduy and reacblnK the HUN department today Mr, Uarard en Id thafleriima (ovru ment bad only nowapuper report on thn two tttee and wit a ihhIiIiik on Invi'NllKttlJiin which will be concluded within (hrea or four day. The Hr llu foridKn office promliied to Inform Mr. (JeiHrd when the Inquiry la com pleted. It la realized hera that It limy bo a week before all thn German tuhtiiiirlno rommanderM who might limn been concerned havo had op portunity to report. Kipeeta ."law Data. Mranwlilln iho Httite ilepitrtuient'a own Invcallitntlnn Into tha ciieea of thn Huaeet mid the oilier ahlpa, whh'li, while caa'y Iiim Aim rlrnn clllueri recently hiv been overliikmi hy illater, will ha continued. HeoMnry I.analna "ld today he had re ceived ho new illmmtihea of ltnorliiiii'n, hill additional lufnriiinllnn limnly la ex pect, d U'hlle II a Nlliifiiliifi hiIII la a whIHiik una, It la fipi mi ut Unit iimny offlelaU view the aceioiiiihitlon of clre iinialantlnl evi- ilence lie pidlritlii4l nlmiiHt to thn pnlnl of proof tint (lei'iniui aiihmiirlnea have tlolnleil the aiitenni aemu itiicia eUi ti thn t 'tilled h'tntea hy the Ihrlln uiueinmeiit, II admittedly la nil ni. n iin i Inn v.111 .e dune if ll.'rmiitiy flnnlly illtu hilmi eiiy kimwhilmi nl Ihe iitti'l.n 'l Make Hi .lt . HI It 1 I V. April I i Via Wlreleaa In Tin lie rt mi I 't he Herman aovei nun nt nut yet nl, In to iiiiikn a reply i-.-h i 1 1 1 1 Ihn elnklinr ,if Hn I'llltali aieatnt i" Kn In and I'tiMllatiti.aii Hhtil hhh lli t 'lllli d ft nlea n' el mm 1. 1 i ni.iiali i till .ni in .. u, hut II atierta nn -it. iUvelt Hint ili riiniiiy ha l ..iiiili,a tu dn ultli in. Ti;i.aiitl ili.jtti Wants Place to Bunk in a Hurry aa Friend Pursues with Razor V ti Hit rt ihU n l., nlr'i f i I 't.i. I(i ' t . l htlt ltt'e net ItM tfvl.'Fw.t Utti l..! i'olitit lttt f) H ,if v.HUrtit"li, h tr titty tiHvti.g (i t. f ( ..ii OUMlW A ! W.thin', 'i,it ;.. M-.' ih ih uiu "' i tai ( t' ( I t .if I! ! n f I 'it Si ' f t 'll .' lit i' a f i ft i , h t t aa ' V t i am ti a 1 1 i ' 4'nwi ,-f t -ea '"Ii a 4 l- '-l Ha o fiine . ,,' ti,-t,,i' t'.a ni-"tH,. I at it t Hi ' a I 4 '' l u n k t y" r lXqy"!, 6w"t o ! ACCUT RtO CROSS AID 41 I, ! I I ! ' I f. 4 ...... I .i . it '- ta ! '- -Mt ( X " I , ., er.H" " V ' . "I .... L...V- ?JL mSt i.'Mi.itP .jU. f All ""'ir'Ti VILLA BANDITS IN MOTION PICTURES Bin ire Ii Set at Riverview Park with State Militia and Motor cycle Crew. BANDITS AND TROOrS IN MIX In a eewk or an n three reel thril ler will bit flmihcd on tho ncrerii nl niovln boiiae nil over the country. The aiiltl thriller will nuialat of nn at tack on a company of entrenched I'nlted Htnle troopa hy n hnnd of Vila biindll who ei't upon thn hnya In blue from niiihuin ndn inul are Juat about to win Ihn buttle when a aquiidron of motorcycle troop come diiithlrtK down a hill to reitciin, Hut thn making of Ihn picture I amethln; clae, iianln. It Wfl innde nt nivervlow park yealerdny after noon with member of the local mllltla playing the United Hinte Iroop and tho reaculng motorcycle 'iiadron and a bunch of two hit I "upe" playing the bandit, And when th motoreylu crew did th reaeua t Ihn Villa handlta had laid aalda their buii arnl were alllln on a nearby bank amohloit Turaiait clanrat' and wntohlng tha hike (tana come dlwn tha hill while th camera man Inrneil Ihe crank at a tibout forty mile an hour fnaler than tha pop-pop wheela war t'dng, It, Ink about four hour In niuk Ihe pli'tnrn. A. number of maneiivera war ala"d flrat. hT infitoreyel crew alarteil Ihlua off by tiiuklna a dnah up a ateep, ungraded Mil to tha waat of !tlvrvlw park, (ma nuirhlnn nmnad to make tha idlmb, hTe reat expired an rout, tint they triad It figiiln, and thla tint all but on or two war uccaafu and reai bed tha tup. r.voli tha M five-ton iiiiiitermnater' Irtn k tnane( (o reach tho anmmtt. Then cam mittt alamil alw-waaalnt. and a tnntorcygl nieaaenaer diiahed ii roil ltd dollverlna dlnliatihe rltftit and left, and nlao tieHlei'tlna to an lulu hi Htiperlor t.fflcera on each, nd every oc caalon. Afler tha maneuver, the entrenched tn'.n ii ml the hiuidlla hud tlnlr aklr m lull, Mr, Villa, all decked out In a llnileii-rowell hut inul n fake mimtache, led thn atliu k. After tha aklniileh Hie motiireyelo crew imim back down tha hill It went up, About l(i,() i tirluiia chlrma ualbered In aa Hie event, nut rnimu ll wneiit aa tl, illling n a when Mewed on the Bi leen, an thill when II wit all over at o chit k. but a acattereil few remained Harold I''. IImkii, nf thn I loiirat lln giaph film aervlc, Ink Ibn plclurea. Big British Liner Sunk; Four Are Lost ,ii.ON. Apill I I In- IHI Uli llinl V.lililia waa anna fildai' I'mn onui .era i.f lla fim ale inlaalug Th lap lain and aluty two ether wanna fniiil tlm atn iliii r hat been lnli.ll 4 'I lie At'htlle WW III Hie ttate b.litei-it AviMtiatlit and I nijliind II waa a v.l f t't; ,fi a't'-4 end i'W!-l hv Hit nn ait Htt 4iiihlt t ..inpuin nf hup .. I It atlif t (inul Hudtirt. N W . lain alt 1 f..r la, i,1, n mi, .iin,...l II,,- li,a irf.'K if the hull 1 aH'al Hial I' tuft tVialuwn, alul" It hud llllu'lt .'it In .11 tha, M.)S. IkUreli " Man KiHllaMVhieh Attacked Prize Bull 1 1 1 1 1 . lit,, rt', Ut.tiriwt I) VI i.t tin J I 'I'll . I an 4i.d f ,,a 1 In nt mi..i ..f cm eai li.l- i.. ,o.l I 4 l -I, I If t 14,-1 .1 . tl' ..f tit -- t,-.i . ..,fl t 1 a U'Ca 1 I ! a' t . II,. ,..- ti. l a ...I, f h -1 I I 4' I tl. I .,! J hi - I II I' m ht h 1 ... I .- 1 1. ' ef It " - t 1 a iita 1 ' . ,t .1 , ,1 I ' it 1. '. ti, , 'e I ii la i.,u t-t a I ' BIG CHINESE CITY OF CHANG-CHOW-FU JOINS REBELLION Center of Silk and Iron Iniltintry of Celeitial (lovcrnnient Declare Independence of Yuan Shi Knl, REQUEST FOR U, S, WARSHIP Official nt Anioy Ak American Conmil for Protec tion, MARINES IAN D ED AT SWATOW A MOV, April 2. rhMiK t'hnw I'u, line of tha largewl cllle of Chltut, f ill tt decliired Ha Independence nf (he government of Viinn Chi Knl. Tim official lit Amu)' have ent a rriucaf lo the American conttul alt Ina thui nn Aincrlciiu wuiMhlp ln aritt In Ihl pnrt, ( hang Chow f la a city of about ;i on, ihmi hihahiliiiii in Ko Klen province, 21 tulle north weal, of Aniny, which I II pull, II In a Hint of all It mHiiufiicfurn and Ima e li'todve Iron work In coniiecilnn villi the ni'h'.hliorliiK mine, Vlirloea I, nod Nl italnn, I'UKIXil, April 2, Marine from Ihe In I led Mllile guuholil WllmlriM tun went iialioie today at Hwiilow, where Ihe Chltieae ll'oopa liuvn de cliired ihelr Indcpcndencii of ihe cen tral government. The detachineiit recnnnoltetcd and found Ihn city iiilcl, A Clilneim auiibont alio I an chored off Hwiitnw, wh'ch I a rif purl of Kwann Tuiik province, 120 mile aiMiih uf Amoy, I'rt'alili'ht Vuii Hhl Knl today I Mieil a miinditle, announcing that Ihe lle council nitiat conllnun acting e a li'KlMlnllve. body until parlla I'etit I regularly elected In accord arc with tlm pfuvlnlunnl conMlllu llnn of Die Chlniuin repuhli, Engineer of Second Section Blamed for N. Y, Central Wreck n-KViaANi, ., April t. Jdam for tha New rnik Central wri k at, Ainbaral laat M'ailneailny, In whh h twenly-elbt wera killed and forty Injured, waa plai.'ml on Jlarmoh I", enalueer ef lb frennd aenlnn ef tinlri No, whl'di eraahed Into tli flrat pectlnn while ruiiiilna fifty mile an hour through a denan fn, by 1 1, C, Moon, aeneriil mnnnaer of thn com pany, In an ufflnlal tatmint laaueil to. iilalit, Tha fining of the blafn, anya Mr. Moon, wn detei inliird by Out railroad' own hive allimtlnii and corroborated by the evidence adduced at the heiirliia con ducted by tli litteratitln Commarr com mlaalon and Ihn fdilo t'tllltle comrnla alnll, which ended toiley, Thn Jntnt fideil.ainta Inveal laat Ion bit been coucltiiled, lint Ihelr flntllli will not he iiiiidii public until later. Dr, Waito Confesses The Murder of Peck NICW YotUC, Apill 2,-What purport a to be a forinnl eonri ualoit by I r. Arthur Walt Hint ha murdered Ida father In law, John M. I'ei'k of Htaml Itnplda la pllliteil III III 11101111041 In the New Yolk World. The iiohfeaalon la aald to tuna hm. ii I'iciliiliii d In a letter arlit to the newspaper hy U nil" Aerompiinylna 11 la another letter, aliened by Waller ll" era I "u.d, Wnlle'a roiimiMl, In h he la uunlcd mi aitvlng NSlille ilnnlted to ;,),,, ,, (1t,. " illilnirdcu hit mmM,w,, fr( t. a t load upon j ,. ,, ()1y (,,ig he eotihl do In nli.ln inrtil " OVER SCORE KILLED IN GOTHAM BY CARS IN MARCH S I W VI 'II K Apill 3 Tweniv two I" i amiM ci,. kill., I l y aut.-iitoliltea In Net York City elrei la In Mai -b, , cnnllng In a ..iit made pnl II l.i.jiiy I f the Sn IP. nil lllgliwata l'i. l. t.t m.i lih Mm of tln in mil ol d"' Ii i"ii of ei I in a.. i, a er' killed t'l tin'ln) and oik l.y 'ili Huitn Hi" flial ii'iiitif of Ihe yeai ilahlt run weta killed I t tetil i In (iftt .lnl.l 1. 1 a I' llnil.llta alM.'t ll In- li-iilla ant il'iin Iv .k'. .! to ii... Ml ii .1 ii d. r kl'i.d Hiiitt, li t t ie i n REPORT OP tXCtlLENCE AT WALNUT HILL SCHOOL Hi p I t t i t 1 v . I,' 'i I,-' t I - I I t I ' . ) ; . ' it 11 .1 t II. I l... I V n, - l- .11 i... it. VI-... 1-14 i.f ' t - int., I . a . "lira.- I 1 1 a . 1. 1 at i I 'a ' 1 . 1 It ,1 Hit VI ... 1 ,.lu .1 t V In ARGUMINIS CVtR ,00DfN I US WIM) UP H FIGHT v..,. t SIXTEEN ARE KILLED BY ZEPPELIN BOMBS One It ii lulled Pcrion, InjjieJ in friturdny Nifht Raid on Enu; lull Count, EI0HT DWELLlNdS DEMOLISHED I ONOON, pii 2. ,f ,,n tiH'ti pelKiina worn killed uml uhoill lull iiiliera Injured by ihi ctiiiaioi, of liomha ilrnpiieil In moiher r.ilil n 'ppellua nv 'l' the niiri heiai riutnl or Dili.' I ii ml tUiliinley ttUhl, Thn offlclul vcraliin of llio ritlil an ) a . "T n nlrrhlp approif lie l Hie iiorthenal iiihbI K.iiur'liiy Plutit. Oily iiiik cMiaacil Ihe coital, Tint 'ilher turtied hulk, "Kor the pieaettt wn know Unit, ali'een pi raiina were killed and b'ioiiI ,Hiu injured. "Klylil dwelling hniiae were do mnlliihiil m mt ii ai'iloua fire wn rnuaeil In a French pullnhlng hop. Man with Giant Powder and Whisky Scares Train Crow I'lH.U.NM':, Win., April J iHpe. In 1 ) William Make, nit aaid prnapertor, for a f.. mmtilea lhl in. .inln Inul an err Hi" fiilild train and a conxldernbl" ana of Hi I'nloii I'liclflc yiirda to liliit i'ir. following Ihe illanovery liuit ha waa III nieaalotl of a unnvui k i nnliilnliiM laenly Hire alh'k t.f alaut powder and waa oiildlde of a aiiffli'lenl number of drluka I't 1 1 in ti" Ida rurelena In III hand lln of the cilitiinlte, Three ijilnrl nf I.IhIi power whleky, Intendeil for Ihn trade tif dry Colorado by Ilia purveyor li. h ha aeenred II, a I an ronatlluled a Inu l Inn of hi loud llnliea waa In Ihn lot of tnatln Ihn k of lanl powder Into an open fifihl ear, in train bound for llnford, near Ida home, when Im waa nhrvd by a ynid watchman, who demanded hja luialiteaa and lii'pilieil temifdlll lb ron leiiia t.f Ida aaek. Hake nieommodal liiKlv lltrew Ihn wick Inward lha watch men, remarking l but II contained giant powder, Thn wali'hmnn wa going away from there before lb uck alruck tha ground, and quickly apieaii an alarm wlih'h eimaed lha tin III crw and all other pi.raona, rxcapt link cat, lo hav tha vhlnlty, I'huilly watchman waa found with aufflcleiit nerva to bravo tha peril of dynnmlia and a drunken man In com bination, tilt found Hake aaleep In tha cur, with Hi ek of giant beneath Ida hend, 'tlngaily removing th ponder, the watchman awakened Make and de livered hint lo th polb. Th Cnlon I'aelfie in a y bring a chain agalnal the un,p;,eenr nf uliriepfllig U tcaiiap ut an eiplnalv In violation nf the law, Subsea's Shrapnel Sinks British Boat lNHON, April J.-Th rtrltlah ateamer A etiti 1 1 rf oil hit been aunk hy liraiuud ahella flrid liy a Oerman autunarlna. Hv member of thn crew have been taken to a. hoapllal, Tim veaael, anrordlng to tha Ktchatigii Telegraph company, wa not armed, Tli Ailiburton anlled from New 7ea- bind, Kehrmiry W, for Ionr!on and wa liat reported aa leaving Montevideo, t'riigiiny, March 1, Th veaael waa 4,W5 loua groaa and waa built In IMK for th Auatiallnd HO'amahlp eompitny nf Ixm- don. It waa 3IC feet long, fitly feet beam nml twenty al feet rlp. Wagon Wheel Tracks Point Way to Villa CAMI' lite TIIK COMMAN'fMN'O HITV r.HA.1, AT TIIK KXTItK-MR KIIO.NT, A clt !ilty Aenuditne to I'b Id llead .iiiirtera and by Wlreleaa In Ciilumhu. N. M.I He pea of Hie Amerban eatalry meii under Colonel tleoige A. I 'odd on flit. ling l lniirlM. n lii finmng lb allow chid alnpea uf the coiiHnenliil divide rt haei mi Ihe itlacoverv today o' tho It, k ef carrlngH hrnla III a timiin laliinna Krtr mer hire. Tin, It la b, lleved, nmv hav ban luuile hv Hh. t ebb-In wldeb earrle.1 away Ihe In end h adi r Vlllu 1 1 i h Ulaiippenri d In way, w lib ti, e-tia di-rlng lb n It nl t'anea of th iiieiiiiui puiauti neuia mvaii-rlnna Th,. A iiii-rli en ttnnpa hitva nnl enc iiiiili r-a inn II'll.-- tt hi Will en II n, Inilt I tu- in Vf ' ll V III Gas Bombs Dropped By Zeppelin Airships l.'lMi' . f ll., I M ui rl.a 1 il 1 ,.j,p ni t, I.I 1 A 44 lol t ttil I 4ii ...Mill t III .a- a IH 11 11 1 I it- ' Int. . "ii Ii I i I 1 mi t, -1 tt piilinU 11 1.. acait tin a -tu 1 .if f .i vt altot 1 d Ii" .1 I'tit . i U t . Ii: - I l.d li,..r, iniltia m I'". 11 thiii In p v la'i"d -'I I . 1 4 I f 1 at a 1, ' Mil. if 1-4' I'.. t I 4 1 1 4 I Itl 14. anil tl . I lt a t t la i.i tSiiltlSH OIL STt AVER sunk near ptNWNct 1 .1' I t II I- 1 .4 I t , it a nfc a.i.,1 tit t.. 4 l ' ttl.l It 4.14 I .j'Ntllll i. i. .4 lint-, at It'-tt- It I a tl n I .1.4 If-at i a VILLA LOSES LEG AS A RESULT OF SERIOUS WOUND Bandit Lender So Badly Hurt in Guerrero Attack that Amputa tion of Limb Bccomex Neceiary, ..ORDER IIEAR3 OF HIS CAPTURE 2umor from Chihunhua City 6ayi Outlaw Chief Hai Been Taken in Minnrn, THIS STORY NOT CONFIRMED QriCHKTAltO, Mcxlci), April 2, Villa Im a loaf a bg, according to a dlnpatrh received by Ihe Wr depart ment from thn municipal president of Iho (own of Temoauchlc, Chlhua hua, who report that Villa wa no badly wounded In the aurprlna attack recently made on the contlttitlonnl lt garrlaon at (Juerrero that amputa. tlon of the Hrnh wa neceanry, The War department alo ha re ceived a report, of the engagement between the fnlted State cavalry nd Ihe Villi bandit at fhni (leron lino, Thn official report confirm rrevlnu advice Unit the bandit lout thirty killed and that the American loaae were neallglhle, Oeiteral Pablo liirla, military eom mander of Ihe atnla of Jillo, rcKirta lutllle bandit and rotiNillullonal lt foreeg under Colonel Hnlvndor Drll t Kl tlrlllo and J Canoaa. Thn hnndll were ilefeated, leaving aevenleen dead oil Ilia field, among them being Ihelr leader, Imliirloiia outlaw known Under tho nick littmii of "llola Neal." till l.oaea Nitty Men. fAN ANTONIO, Ten,, April i Villa' loaa In dead In Ihe battle at Ouerrer't YVedncaday waa plaeeil at imy by fboi eral I'nrahlng today In a report lo Ocn eral Kutialon, The bodle wern found In houaea at flnerinrn and catlere4 In th undurliriiah for mile along Iho mmm taken by thn fleeing Meilean. Villa hlmaelf wa believed lo Im northeaat ef Muerrero, hut Oeneral I'erahlng txprraaed tha opliibm that there wa tlllln chama of hi eaciipe, f,,r iletaebmenla from four regiment of cavalry Jiml hiim pUpn4 In audi a manner that the dlatrht wher lia had bean reported waa practically aurroundeii and every point of aacapa oarefully guarded. tlenar! I'erahlng' report wa Haled "March 31-April I," rgiirdng army officer hern to believa It waa written ywaierdav, but not filed until today, Vnr I anoaratnrm. Additional dnlulla of lha fighting abm.t 'luerinru war not given by Oeneral IVrahlng, but he aald yialnnlay Ihptt auowatortn wonlng over th Han Heron. Imo rHfih, a region of high lavtlon, had niarta tha operation of tha troop mora iliffleuit and exceedingly uncom fortable for the troopa, who wr mov ing with light eiiulpment. Knun Ciiaiimi Collaoior Colib at Kl I'aao, Oeneral Kiinatoii received a com. muiilcallon avlng tint n Amorlcitn from Mealru had reported to him that Villa men hail killed a Herman named Illniikanalilp and two American, whouci name b ilhl not know, on Mlarth 27, a few mile from Ouerrero, t'rrabluii'a llepiirt Heeelvi-a, WAHHINHTON, April 2.-A report from Oeneral I'erahlng reaching tha War de partment lata tonight an Id alxty of Villa' follower had boen killed In tha. fight Wndneadny with Colufiel IiodiTa cavalry. I'revloua report had pbtcetj th killed at bout thirty. Tho dlapnlcti niado no mentlnn ef American caaunltle, and said thn number of villa, wounded wa un known, (lenoral IVrahlng' dlapatch, forwarded liy Heneral H'imatoii. wit dateel yeater day and aald; Tho column wa break ing up Into mall delachmenta, which wern aprnadln In varloua direction. He parlmeiit offlcbila Ibought the refertueti wn lo tha American troopa and took lha itliiiiiuiic..miut In inrfiii Hint He pinh. ably wern convinced Ihiit lllii allll wa In Ihe lieluhhnt hiiiid of tiui'irero and wer taking yuli U atcpa to throw a ni t about hlin. I'reaa dlvpatcbra telling of a report from t'lilhiinhtia that Ilia bad been rap tured at .Mln. a utily a fw tutu- iiit of I Ineirtro, wera linciuifli ined by nf fi llet reia.iia, but them m aa po illi.nd. Unit to ta-lltlle It llnlti Heneral ''uti. I. .il and hi eiiiff anl.i they would nnt he etirpilnt'd If It wera true. They tAire runt f lha liutli uf a ,., poll Ilmt Villa wa badly wiiiimb'd prhir tn Hie fight at Hutitarii, uml It wa b llimd llinl hi eeaim wa how highly hnpitbable. Vre Itltllngi Heaperalrly, I'tH.I MIIt ft. N M, Arrll J Hiding iin i -Hi (v, eat Aiuii. an inn..4u i,n,tr I i limit U.-.n,. A. tl-Md ai lliakliin i1p, pi iatti rflinia In . .,.tnm pr t Iptt mt H e l l illun t.f lialult .1 V Ili4 t trg rt iiluillitn.l Will, ti tu ,l,f, ,, ( m tll 'nr.. till, in u t,,. atttnul data i i, i tt.lduiaj In tnnat' F v irU .ia-pl!g mat III.. I- T.l. I tK 'tin. t:j, mil t,,t 4 It nlit.,t,. aa Wtt", lit, b in p li'iit a Mm, n ) ,, -It ata.i a.t.ii.iii.a t ,,, , i,,, lli la 't itiai l.i.4 lini n g inu) ! f. . t aald. ...4 i;, f,.,,,, . a ni i i , 1 1, t nt, tv., ti,,i , '' H' '".l 4l, .4. , lv, . '" '-' If' '-! t4...1t t ...4 ll ,(.t ,n ii lata I H I W a I 1 lu'eo More Nuutral Ships Go to Bottom I nv i.. a vt ,,i j vii t it ii-n5 k ! t I .4.... -t t i .t tt 41 tin t;,.i,-,t tltt .( I4 t,..-Ht hit t ! I4 .t ,t K fi- t' I'ai H.ea I 1 l It -, I a I r 4 tt t a 1 't 4.t. ta t a) ji4ti.., Ii i.. ti.., It ta tl .-4. IGAN IS MRST 10 FILE FOR GOVERNOR IN DAKOTA ' i A I b ii. 1' I 1. it m c - -. It ' 4 a- ,1 -'4t I ,,, (I ll II 14 4 - 4 -t la t l a i ,,,' I - I O H . I. ,t . I I I ,4 I , ( ( a a ..-l ,-, al , ti . I -t.a It l. t I , . . I. f ' r - ;t lit I Hit. f ! I ' I - -4 tn li, 1 1 I. ita m ..4g V t 4 ..I ' l in '"ll t t. I tit .ail. at a t v ' i' I. oil . I' ii, i t i . ' I 44 4 ' I I t ' 41 11 . i. -I t..a i. .. it i ..I i i'S v-tt ii tt V -. ' it, a, ., , t , a.-.-g i t la - . al.4'.tta I I It , t V I 1 ti. I, ...!. I- : . 1, t. I I-., 'I I, . I . I tea I !'.-, 4 4 I " I an It V4 4 - I , . I 1 , 4 , In t e-n I ! t t. l-v , -n it? i- t i ., I t,. ft , I . 4 ' - i . in,. ..f a 1,1 i ait '. t il. , ' I'. i I t It. at i it I i fc I It ,, .Hit I t e 't'.i t .1. t O i' I I' - .44 ait is a.. 4 l- Vjiii4t I'- I'., r H ilwi , ( t I t i t t 1. 1-.' I t i at kmt a .! fin, Tit turn wtt tt4'.l ''. I - I a I 1 1 1 t ' I 4 t. .at l t I '. - i.t- t