TITC DEK: OMATTA. SATCTPAV. APim. 1. IDIfi. Nobraska OBJECT TO BRYAN IN LIEDERRRANZ HALL Grand Island Society is in Arm Ajainst Action Taken by IU Officer. WILL VOTE ON POINT SUNDAY GRAND TFl.ANP. Msrrli SI - Special. I Will . protest Kgalimt the sr lon of lhe officer of lha Lir-derkrant side In rrvtn It surlltorlum. the "1frt In th city, for the use of W. J. fcryiri on nnt XVednr-ly. prevail, at a peein of the tnnrirwrshlp to be held ' Sunday aftfrnoon? Tlila question l n "1n dtci!Frit mon the members slnre ' protfut h heen made hy on of the society's mombr, Mr. Ueyde, who 1 slsn nildent and manager of the lornl "rewlr.; Kimpinr, and who la Joined hy "some other In the remonstrance. !t l not believed that It will. The society la an organisation all of ihce active members are rltlaena of Oerman hlrth or deacent. but whlrh alao he large ao-lal memherahlp of equally rerponalbl buaineaa and profeaalonal men. It ai dltorlnm aeata 1.1M people and waa built aome yeara ago with th idea of providing a pli' for all public gatherings Liquid refreahmrnta are served to tie memlera only, Juat aa l the rae th aurh orgsnlretlon aa the Kl'rfa. Kaalea, Mooae. etc, and Ita rlul) rooma are open only on evening and Sun day. When Hon. W. H. Thompson, stste chairman, inquired of the aeertar for the teeervatlon. stating la purpoar, the aecretary followed the tiaual line of making no reatrlctlona for anything repu table. The hall haa frequently been uaed for religious gathering, being In no man par connected with the rlub rooma, Oiougli In the aame building. When Mr. Ilrde heard of It and proieated to the secretary, ft la atated that he declared he would ap peal to til a memherahlp at Ita meeting Sunday afternoon to bar the uaa of the hall for aurh purpoaea, the latter belli held Inimical to aome of the society's ctiatoma. The officers. It la aald.' hold that a broader and more liberal view ! alwaya been maintained and that thy will not, without direction of the so ciety's meinherahlp. alter their decision Many other member seem to auppnrt the officer, and. even though upon a former occasion and a lea public queatlon the brewery' Intereala were able to muatcr enough vote In tha aoclety to cany a point. It la not believed that their prea ent point of view will find much sympathy. larse mstorlty and haa not since been an Inane, t'allanay haa been In the dy col umn for the Isat two yeara and the pnd hall were voted out a year sgo. Richards Slate All Fixed Up at Huron MfnON. S. IV, March SI -The confer ence here of republirana. railed by TV O. Ttlehar'ta of Huron. indorsed the fotlow- j Ihg a candidate for nomination In the primarie: Onvertior-It. o P.lrhard, ll'imn Lieutenant flovrrnor F. fl. Ifvrrclt. Re.lfield . . nrrctnrv of (Mate Frank T .1 .Tck aon. halcm. Attortiej Oeneral-If. P. Uronilry. R-d- floid Auditor-.!, f. llandliti. Pturcta Treaurer-1 vl Wlpt. f'arkaton. 'ommlcetoner of School and Public lsnda Amaaa Hoffman, leola. Siinertntrndent Public Instruction Ml Fuslc Ilird. Hclle Fourche. Time, tide and He Want Ada malt for I no man. an opportunity mlaaed I an opportunity lost DIETZ ASSURED OF INDIANS' AID Ak-Snr-Ben Governor in Conference with Cato Sells and T. L. Sloan. PROMISED HELP BY BOTH MEN (From a Staff Corrr.apondent.) WASHINGTON'. March 31. (Spe cial Telegram. Gould Diets, who returned to Washington today from New York with Mrs. Dietz. had an extended conference with Tato Bella, commissioner of Indian affair, with a view of securing the co-operation of the Indian office with the forth coming; celebration of the fiftieth an niversary of admission of Nebraska Into the union which Ak-Sar-Bcn will celebrate In Otober. Mr. Pella showed a very lively interest In the event and promised every poaalble aid In depleting Indian life and charactei aa part of the historic feature of the celebration. But what Mr. Ilet conaldera more than fortunate waa the meeting he had today with Thomaa I Bloan. an Omaha Indian temporarily realdent tn Washing ton who, a vice president of the Society of American Indians, promised every possible co-operation to make the event one of the most memorable In American history. Mr. Sloan, as a native Nebraskan, agreed to lend hla aid to the governor of Ak-Par-Pen In bringing to Omaha dur ing the week of October 2 a repreaenta tlva number of American Indiana who will diaplay their old and new way of living In order that tha preaent genera tion may have a vlaual drmonatratlon of the changes that have been wrought in the Indian's life and character. Mr. I'leti la greatly encouraged oyer this feature of the coining celebration and bellevea that will add Immeasurably to the historical effect of the pageant. o a o a o D o 0 o D o a o a o D o D o D o a o a o D o D o a o D o D o D Stunning Stylish Spring Togs for Tots and Junior Girls 19 at always rbil- Renaon & COATS FOR TOTS 2 to 6 Yean The best productions of leading juvenile fashion artists, with every tonch and fancy the bright sprinpr season supfrests. The vej-y full skirts that flow from -the shirred semi empire waist lines are particularly good this year. Materials such as black and white check, serge, wool poplin, gabardine and silk moire $350 $450 $575 $850 fm Sotea of l.yone. LYONS. Neb., March :il -Hpc lal. ) Mra. Frank Newlll waa burled In the Lyon cemetery' today, the Rev. James J. Clark preaching the funeral aermon 4 at the rreahyterlan church to a large I audience. Mr. Newlll waa daughter of Mr. and Mra. Brick Andcraon of this I place and wa 21 ear of age. leaving la husband, bavins turn married onlv few months ago. The board of education of thla plate haa. appointed Trof. N. V. Franklin aa principal of the Lyons schools. He la a brother of Superintendent of hoola t-. U lanklln and la f.t present aatlatatl Pi Inclpiil-of the Falrbury, Neb,, achoilr The board also appointed Miaa Wlnlfrel Water aa assistant principal. i i O D " r ATURDAY dren's day Thome always has been and, our stock of cunning clothes be ing larger than ever before, we naturally foresee record business. COATS FOR JUNIOR GIRLS Attractive spring styles, from 7 to 14 years, in soft wool goods, blaCK. and white checks, serges, gabardines and moire watered silks plain colors and mixtures. New and different styles, some having winsome little capes and clover belted, backs. Waist lines are lower, and a very full skirf is a desirable characteristic $050 $y50 $r-75 $060 SlYtf O 1- J O JLVJ Wears Part of Left Leg iu His Nose rilUTKNNE. Wyn, March HI. (Spe cial.) Dr. C. S. Stafford of Kemmrrer, Wyo., arrived here yeaterday from Chi cago, wearing a portion of hla left leg In his nose. While In Chicago lie ub mltted to an operation whereby a piece of bone from his Irg was grafted to the 1 framework of his nose to replace ! j atroyed tissue. The operation was an unqualified su'ce.. old Tahleta Fatal C.lrl. GrUNKELU March 51-(Special. 1 Ut. tie Blythe Marie, the -year-old daught'r of Mr. and Mr. 1L ft. Mintle. six niila northeast of this rlly. di-d from catlns some tablota for the cure of colds. An other litile tlilld In the sajne family wa mado verv 111 but la now out of danger. Keel Stnffyf Irritable f Ilao tlaf led f Tour llvor Is the cauae. Clean out your system with Pr. King's New Ufe Tills. Ton will feci fine n-c. All drug glats. Advertisomcnt. MILLINERY TO MATCH OUR COATS "w "We have six to a dozen charming hats to match or tone with every coat in useful or dressy shapes, dainty or plain trims, styled for tots or junior girls ev $195 $250 $395 $500 J Wet Slate at Callaway. - CALLAWAY. Nab.. Man n 31 iSpcclal ) A maaa meeting was held a few nlghta I go and Oeorge II. LaKleur and K.verett ' K. Lewi, both dry men. were nominated for couniilmeii. Kvidently the nomlini tiong went not aatlafactory and a Peti tion waa circulated placing the name of I). P. Young and Kred Maryott on tho ticket tha wet candidates. The quea tlon of saloon or no saloon and pool hall or no pool hall will be voted upon Rcparately. Sunday bae ball was voted upon threee year ago and carried by a NEW MIDDIES In styles that are pleasingly different, including the allover awning striped effects and those with hand-worked polka dot collars. Smocking is prettily introduced in many styles DRESSES for TOTS 2 to 6 years, in French ging ham, Devonshire cloth and chambray. Semi-empire or one-piece effects. Contrasting straps and belts. Neat and pleasing smocking $100 $150 $165 $175 $250 $395 $225 $475 $575 rvnvca SCHOOL DRESSES 7 to 14 years, In French chambray, gingham, linen and madras. Useful styles. New middy blouse and two-pieee coat effects. Contrasting plaids and belt strap effects o. a. o, D! oJ n O: a: D o rj o D o D o D i 8 a S o D! o D c D c D o n D e D o D a o D o D o D 8! D D ! 1 J no CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS Models that embody every change, every, feature and every line that make this season's styles so different in Checks, Gabardines, Serges, Poplins, Taffetas, etc., are ready for your inspection At Beddeo's Fashion Headquarters We could tell you about the Cape Collars, the Bell Sleeves, the full effect throughout, and all the other pronounced departures, but to get the thrill of these smartest conceptions you must see them for yourself. You'll Like Beddeo's Prices, Too, Only $15.75, $18.50, $24.50, $29.75 and $35 And, after you've found the suit just made for you, arrange for our " easy, satisfactory credit terms Thousands of well dressed women owe their appearance to Beddeo's plan. They don't miss the money this way, and it enables them to wear the styles while they are stylish. You Caa Satisfy Your Wish Here (or a COAT Top Onata. Kiort CoU, flare or tolled models. full 53.50. 518.50. $14.50, S1I.50 and 522.50 Big Llue of Mttl rarU' Ooata. DRESS 1 m in e no anaortmrat of dre that delineate Fah ion' latent dictate. APPAREL FOR MEN AXD BOYS The entire aecond floor la filled with newent make of Men's and Young Meti'a suits of the heat materials aud workmanship. Our purrhaaea tn thefte lines have .Iteett enormous this sewon, enabling us to gfve you the advantage of thre marvelous prices: $15. $10, $20 and $22.50 id") zi5 rS LZZ3 lLS 1 1 1417 DOUGLAS STREET 'r V.'s ttl ci Credit 'to Cat-cf-Town People. Write for Our New Spring Style Book. ''iiiiuH-.L'i Mmi il.ih:i..u,i; .tt,;,,, luiiiniiiiiUim.iiiiiii mJ J U;iHihJiii..Umiriui,ili'l.!llIiii.'ii.!iili .rfttui l"t'. t.i:iint.lwi'rtj..J!Hi4li''i"i'i 'i .ih' i- Ji :iur-1 ii,ii,i,ti,r,1: t,,i 1 1 i,-;'VinNl.;!i''i!''i,'"; ir'!Mt"rwni,,r"",ir',tirtr,F .." it.l1i(ini't-,it1iriiMliMiM,4jui:iiwm,l,l mm. ItaW.iittni'iKfH' U fl 1 Irirn mm pOur inexpensive location, low expense and big buying y power make it possible for you to obtain values like these at all p e a e 3 times at this store, and, of course, your own terms will do. Note these l BG SAUKD)AY SPECBALSi N THIS MASSIVE DUOFOLD DAVENPORT $22.50 rXA"T,Y I.IKK THK TI,I-fS-TRATIOX and ronntructiMl of nolld oak, with quarter nawe 1 arm, top rrona plrre and front jnH. Tlieae nr-s splendidly rontruriel davenports, viphol utered In fabrlcold leather, of epeclnl wenr reeltln(t final ity, Ruaranteed to neither crark or peal. They are eaatly ionverted Into a full size com fortable bed, with heavy and durable spring. Sell regularly at 135.00. Terms t 93.88 Cash, ta Mosvhij. S 85 CASK, ta KORUT, BsaMBaHSHMBMSMHBaMMnHsBaaHaBBaaBMsMMMa 1 mMitiimm I : In Sr zaarT sat or thb MAJICX liXE. BIO s .n i irw xi ii sii ii slim i ri ii - as i n n 0 1516.18-20 FarnAm Street iaaoaoaQaooononoaonoaoaoaon'aoDOEioaooODoaoa.oqononoaonp! tyi mum mm mm I PEAMLKSS WILTON VELVET RUOS- These are splendid hiR-h-arade, Wilton Velvet Rugs, full seanilrsn, and are 9x12 ft. In size. They sre of extra heavy quality and most of them are In email figures. In beautiful de sign. We positively guarani.ee this rug to give you excellent service, sal Ujev are of a high uuallty. Tlwy Cllai are worth $3100, but to- dtfa3lJ morrow the price Is only... ACME SEWING MACHINES These are splendid, fully guaranteed sewing ma chines with urop-head attach ments, so that when not In ue the working head Is out of sight. All parts are heavily black enameled with nickel trimmings. Coine complete with a full set of patented nickel plated sew ing machine attachments, enabling you to no your areas making and sewing with the greatest rapidity. Special sale price. Terms: 60o Weekly. $17.50 f GOODS SOLD OUT OT TOWS OBT IA8T PA-nCEIfTB. TBEIOKT PAID 800 SCH.ES. sTo freight allowed oa specials. J -N l Three Room Home Outfits, $4.00 Monthly $69 Buy Your Easter Clothes Now ,5 X-' One Dollar a Week Will Do I Select them from our greatly enlarged Clothing Dept. for Men and Women. Open Saturday night till nine. No charge for alterations. Just use your Credit-It's good Ladies' Spring Suits, in poplin," sero, taf feta and combination $J75 2 Ladies' Spring Dresses, in all materials and stylos $"750 . $0050 from I 10 ) Indies' Spring White Chinchilla nr Coats and fancy mixtures, at. . . .pOaID We are showing a large and beautiful lino of plain and fancy' $J50 l $t A50 skirts, from.......... 10 1T" Piaster Hats in the new- $ 95 i $1 (00 est styles, from I"lO !) See our Spring line of Men's Suits, in all the new weaves, $j n00 r from, 1U10 aCi7" Boys' Easter Suits. The nobby and wear ing kind $O00. $"750 from j.t. lO I Men's ITats and Shoes at Bottom Irices. S 1 fi H i -3 5i i i ti , l( "7 I! rl ii i ' Tula haadsoma Oolambta Oraf.aola a ad la latest as osteal elaeUoaa, all for $78?. BAIT TEBM. . SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY OF GARDEN TOOLS BIG MONEY SAVERS Garden Rake twelve-tlne kind, long handles worth 30c, sale price-. 19c Garden IT o e s with reinforced Bteel blade a worth SOc. -JAg sale price. . wB padlnK Forks, the four-prong kind, worth 7 5c Bale price . . 49c Clothes Hamp er b Ig and roomy, worth fl.85 sale pr . . 89c Folding Ironing Boards big size, worth $1.50, sale price, at. .. . 98c Step J-addwn the five-foot size, worth 75c, Eft- F5 M U- R E 1 U Ulp "Mt Upholstered Dla. ! to 11 7 IS Boom Chairs I .ike i,- Q n a I hiBlrallun. huill of snlxl v.- B M E B oak. Ufituilsterri in fart- Hi H It lr-Hthtr mlth f 4 ( ::: H 1 fx'l "P seat dl.D3 f- f ' worth 50. sale prT " ,w' t i V M i w. m . -wj saie price. -5 f "People's Store." ' Opposite Hotel Rome, t;