i TIIK HKK: OMAHA. SATUKDAY. AIM?!!. 1, IfMiJ. if I. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET With Good Receipts and Active De mand Cash Wheat is Quoted at Unci, mpcd Trices. COM SHOOTS U? A1F TO CENT OMAHA. March :!, ll. TVhc-at receipt WTf nood todny and the, demand lor thi.a tcrml ia quite ac tive. ."aah wheat ; quoted unchanged. Cash rorn i Riivtig. rttiigliig from lao to lc higher. The demand for corn was very Rood nd the receipt were fair. Yellow corn Mill sella at a premln.n over the white and mixed varieties, bit th sale of all Srnden of corn were heavy. Ths oats market u rather weak, but the demand for thin cerenl was very good nd the sample) were quickly taken up. The demand for rye waa moderate and the market sold at advance. Harley reolpts were unimportant and the market waa quoted unchanged. C'learanor of wheat and flour were equal to "&l.ono bu.; corn, 3l9Q bu.; 1 oats, rru bu. At Uverpiol wheat closed unchanired to l.'d lower; -orn unchanged to Hd lower Primary wtfieat receipts were 1,074.000 bu, and shipments 8 19. 0"0 bu. Holiday laet year. Primary rorn receipt were SS2.00 bu. and shipments 484.OH0 bu. Holiday last year. Primary oats receipts were 7J9.0rtO bu. nd shipments 644,010 bu. Holiday Inst year. CARIiOT IIFX-EIPT8. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 1M 03 Minneapolis 31 Imluth 33 Omaha - T... ft Kansas City 40 Kt. Louis - 77 Winnipeg 701 .VI 4 67 Theae sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: I 1 car. ll.im; 1 car, 11.11". No. 3 hard winter: care, 8 cars, ll.flK; 2 cars, 11.06". 1 car, 31.06. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, llOfi; 1 car. 31.04; 1 car, UB: 7 cars, 11.01. S cars. $1.2S; 3 cars, 31.02; 1 car, 31.01; 3 rar. l.Oo. fnmH hard winter: 1 car. c; 2 cars Wie; 1 car, My; 1 car, SOc. No. 4 spring: 1 car. 31.02. No. 3 mixed; 1 car, l.n. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 31 '..'-; 1 car. fLOf. Rye No. 3: 1 car. 87Hc. No. 4: 1 car, y. Sample: 2-f car. 82c. t'orn No. 2 while: J car, Mc. No, 3 white: 4 cars. 7c; J car. "c. No. 4 whltu: 1 car, 68c; 1 car, 4VVfcc. No. 6 white: 1 .-ar, BV; t car, S.V; I car, 2'e. Sample white: 2-3 car. &'(!. Not S yellow: 1 ear ldr). ftv No. 4 yellow: 1 ear, 67c; 1 car, -"c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 63c; 1-8 car, 61c. No. yellow: 1 car, ft; 1 car, 62c; 1 car, n',e: 3 cars. le. Sample yellow: 1 car, 64c. No. 3 mixed: 3 cars. 65c; 4 cars, l"c. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, 66c; i car, WiVr; 2 cars. -Uc. No. S mixed: 1 car, 6T?c; 3 cars, 3c; 2 cars, 62 V. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, ."; 1 car. 64V.c; 1 car. 4o: 1 car. lc. (Sample mixed' 1 car (ear). 66c; 1 car. One. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 4:H4c; 1 car, Vc. Standard: 2 cars, 42c. No. 3 while: Tl carj, 41V 3-6 car, 4)c. No. 4 while: a cars. 41c; 2 cars. 40". Hample white: 1 car. 37c; 2 cars, Me; 1 car, MVfcc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard. 3I.O7WI.0K: No. X hard, 31 .OTvai.07'4 No. 4 hard, II OUtil A: No. 2 sprtnir. 3I.OOW1.13; No. 3 apt-inn, l7ci&$1.1A; No. 2 durum, SI. 01 l'i.4: No. 3 durum, !cfi31.01. Corn: No. while. 7vriKc: No. 3 white, 6fl'ii7c; No. 4 white, 6Vii6c; No. 6 white, 61&4.4WC; No. white, filvmMc: No. 3 yellow, B7Vd we: ino. yellow, fi&vwji7c: No. 6 yellow, 4iOi4,i6.-lc: No. yellow. nr(,r: No. 2 mixed, aSHflwc: No. 4 mixed. 6Mi4J6c: No. 6 mixed. 61if?f.c: No. mixed. 6otiie. Oats: No. 2 white. 43j4.1Vic; standard. 41V42c; No. 8 white, 410'41V; No. 4 white, 40Hfi41o. Barley: Malting. WM i.ic; No. 1 feed. KtolMc. Bye; No. 3, 80 w1; ro. 3. sitia,. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Ixigan A Bryan, stock and grain broken, S15 South Sixteenth, Omaha: Article! Open. I III! lxw. I Close.TTeiTyT Wheat May. 1 14HW 1 IBS 1 13H 1 1ST.14 1 14SS I 1 1f'i Jiily.lt 13kj' 1 131 1 US, 1 HSI1 "V4 111HH Sept.. 1 J1 I 1 10V 1 10 1 10i 1 ios corn. May. July. 6S$V 74'47474 74SWV4 74S 76'4 74T4, lb1 76 "41 75S Sept. Oats. 7i 747475ffl76V May. July. 44H 41 44S'H!44H4iS:T4ifl'4X 4Zti 43HW Sept. Pork. 40',! 40S40H 40V 40H May. Julv. 12 80-72! 23 ClVil 23 72,: 21 77H 21 82H 22 K J S3 70 I Kii M 22 60 11 IS a 70 Lard. May. July I 11 24j 11 32W 11 11 S7H 11 60-62 11 67-66 11 H 11 40 11 40 Kept. 11 76 I 11 76 11 62H; 11 624 n k Itlbs. May. July, It !HI 1! 2H 11 85-1 It 80 11 as n 10 12 07H 12 07-101 13 024H3 Of-07 CHICAGO 43RAIN AND mOVISIO! -. tare, of Tr.dl.. mm ClNl.g Frlcea 01 Bord mt Trwsle. C4ITCAOO, March 81. Assertions of an Improvement In domestic erop condition gave an advance tori 11 y to the bears In wheat and so. too, aid news of Herman success at Verdun. The market rlnwd weak. ViWiC ni l lower, with Mar atllU'i OI.14. and July at 8I.10V4. Corn wound up. a inane to mo nigner; oats ort Hj,o ml provisions down 2V5c to 22 Sc. Illinois olnta were chiefly resnonsllile Tor reports or a betterment In the crop ouiiook. ai 1 nampAign, in., ttie opinion waa ventured that little or no acreime avotild be abandoned, althoueh a month ago It looked as If nearly all winter wheat would have to be plowed no. Such advices tended to cause holders to sell out on an tiara rnota tn the market. Helling that followed the announcement of German progress nesr Verdun appeared to be at variance with reasoning which has heretofore guided wheat speculators. To the hears, however, the logic seemed to be satisfactory, although a bearish In terpretation was also placed on the tlght ' enlng of the blockade In the war sone, Notice of an embargo by the Orand Trunk railroad on grain shipments to the east acted aa morn or lesa of an offset for seaboard sales of I.OOO.UO bushels for export, and especially as most of the total waa ( anadlan grown. Oorn hardened aa a result of receipts Veins' light and In consequence of oi of enlarged export Inquiry. K"or the first time this season, cash corn at Kansas Illy sold at a premium over May. Oata wre depressed by the advices of the rapid progress of seeding. Signs pointed to a good-slsed total crease. Tecllnea In the hoir market weakened provisions. Weakness of cottonseed oil counted alao against the bulls and so too, did predictions that the monthly warehouse statement here would show an Increase tn the stock of lard. Bl'TTRn Higher: creamerv,, SlT)06c POTATOKIlxwer: recent a. 4 cars: Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pakotn white. HOcfrSLuo; Minnesota and lakota Chios. !ft'c. POIXTMY Alive, lower; fowls. 17Hc; pnnga. inc. K4Jt8 Hither: receipts. 16.126 cases: firsts, lV2oc; ordinary firsts. lV0lc; t mark, cases included. ivu ic. JkKW YORK C K . Kit A L M ARKKT ejotatloais of tho Day oat Varloas roasaaodltlrs. NEW TORK. March M. FLOUR Vn- settled. WHKAT Spot market; No. 1 Purum. SI. SI; No. t hard. 81.28; No. 1 northern. atuluth. and No. 1 northern. Maul tohs, St41 f. o. b. New York. Futures nervous. Msy, II n. CORN epot titesdy: No. t yellow. MV ic, e. 1. f. New York. OATS Spot easy; standard. Mn6mc. 11 AY' Firm; No. 1, 118.7481 40; No. J. SI2.41J0; No. S. tl Outfit; shipping, 90 MOPH Kteady; state, common to choice, VI .. 9&r; 1!4. S4J0c; Pacific coast, lWi, ; tr: iin4. Siat 10c. lllDKti-Flrn.; Bogota, W4c; Central Anierlca. 8e. LEATHKR Firm; hemlock firsts. KVtf Mr: seeonos, 39c. PKOVlilONH-Pork. firm; mess, SI4.ra9 z mi: rainiiy, 83 outi 3.00; short clears, IKi'aKi.On. Iteef. firm; mess. S17.lhl8i famiiy. l 00. Lard, weak; middle- west, ! ao? 11 on. TALIXiVV-FIrm; city, fc; country, Sr9 S'c; soeciai, oc. HirTTER Finn; receipts. (884 tubs ' creamery extrsa STSjiSK-; firsts, 3bt 7c; aeconds, 84W4j.x;. I OI'LTltl-Iivt, firm; chickens, aver- ge. i;c; rowls, averase. 9c: turkeys, 21c. lreeaci firm; chickens, I&43JUC; fowls, l.-rtoc: turkeys, 3e tutiH-nnii; receipts. Iijl cases, "ir"'s reruler packert. aMil'e. ClitSSb-r Irm; recelpla. I itu boxes ; an tut make special. liVt17c M'snt Ads never shirk their work they .lll results. If nytblns; will. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Very Light and Steady with Friday Sheep Slow to Ten Lower. HOGS STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER OMAHA. March SI, 191. Keceipts were: Cattle. Hoaa. Bheep. .. 7.W.0 7.97 7.04 .. ,. If.,444 1SM0 .. 41. 1 1 4 1,7r. 14.471 ,. i.&iS 1i,l!2 6.476 .. tot 6.41M 2,614 Official Monday ... Official Tueedav Official Wednesday. Official Thursday..., Estimate Friday,...., Five days this week. 2. 009 43,W fame days Inst week.. 23. UT 6.1.024 39.2i Same days 2 wks a(o.M),429 72.73 82.4S-3 Same days 3 wks. aim ai.l.jl bX.Ki days 4 wks. Ko.2.i,41 .n;(2 4I.S4 rame oays last year. .ZU.Jtt 4. . t. The following table aiiowa tho receipt of cattle, hogs and shtep at the Omaha uve siock market for tho year to oats aa compared with iat year; 1HI ISlf. Inc. Pec battle 2M,ws 1M13 Moga 1.11H4M4 fct;,lA Sheep bfcfi.Usi 71i.2!tl 12,5 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at the Omaha Live Htock market for the last few daya. with com parisons: I'ate. ittlw. l!..ll4."iii. "fSIiiffwll .ili'10. Mar Mar, IS. 16. 27 9 2XV. (4 7 8 671 &! 6 W10 42 fill B 44 651 73; 10 3". r 81 a 70) I ( 67,10 31 6.1 1 S 45 8 74 6 Ml t 62:1I f4 Alar. 17. 2;s lar. 18. liar. J Mar. L0 a 4 8 fal 8 70 6 u I ' 6i 8 6ki 8 ! 6 el W 3 641 8 7W 7 10 4.V10 7 1 20-V alar. 2t 34 Men. . n. J it :) I 6 mi I k s;i 7 ..( 47 lit 4) !3.(a 61l8f7 9 610 41 lar. 23 Mar. 24 Mar. '. v h I i trii h t.i a ' ton 8 377, 6 44 8 64, 8 KJ 7 0 6 ft, 10 M 1 6 47 8 4i, S 84 7 16i 1 10 t 7 42 I It r.m 8 at I 8 Mil 8 371 6 M 9 3H'4I 8 411 I 8 84 1 7 4 6 4! 10 70 9 2.'4i 6 fill I 8 86: 7 fcil 6 3; 1' il 0 0; 8 4 I 7 71 6 2I0 6t n. 8 78 I 6 211: HI u7 Mar. 26. mar. Z7. Mar. 28 Mar. 'en. Mar. 80. Mar. Hl.i Sunday. CATTI.K Hec elnl were veiy slow this mornlnk, only fourteen cars bchiK re ported in. Kor Ilie week lecelpta amount to iW.fttf head. Hie laiKtst since two weeks aso. and almost H.uou head larger than year aco. I rlces on killers sre 2.Vu4uc lower, while Blockers and feeders are K.Vhjih- lower, common trashy fccdi is showlnu the moat decline. Uuotatlona on cattle: flood to choice beeves. IX.i.Viift.lttJ; fair to ood beeves. K 781 frj S.75 ; common to fair beeves, 37.2.i4lt..TO; 8oo4l to choice heifers, 7.i'ftK2i; wood to holes cows, S6.7ii4ri7.7D; fair to nood cows, 36,oiii(jt.7S; common to fair cows, 34.6K(j 8.181; Kood to choice feeders, 87.7.7i8.4; fair to Kood feeders. liTHKil 1.16; common to fair feeders, $M.5o'(t7.;i0; Kood to choice Blockers. 7.;yn8.2.; stock heirers, SH.7(4.6 7.75; stock cows, Sl.2i'ii7.2r: stock calves, S7.0lir8,Sii; veal calves, 37.0O'i 10. il; bulls, ulnnr. etc., tii.btrul.M. HUilS The slinrn declines of the last few days evidently Rhut off receipts pretty effectively, for today's run wa.i the smallest In some time, only seventy seven loiiils. or i,4I9 head. bclnsT reported in. Supply for the week lo date Is iV..7 head, belli 7,0o0 short of last week, 17,000 IlKhtir than two weeks axo anil a fall- Iiik off of 1,000 as compared with the same ditjs last year. other markets, particularly nicaKo, reported fresh declines today, and while local shipper buyers were not very ac tive early the short local run proven; to be a bullish factor and bulk of the hoss sold on a strong to Dc higher hiisls. I'.arly lilils were fully steaiiy, out ix-rore ninny bona sold packers raised their hands a little and put up the his end of their droves on a strong to 6c h in her basis, many sales show Inn a flat uc advance. Hhlppera s;ot In to a limited extent after packers started the trade. As a general thing movement was fairly active, and fair clearance was made before 10 o'clock. 1'ackera as well as shippers showed a preference for the good light and butcher weight hogs, and holders of choice heavies had some difficulty In get ting higher prices for them, although they were finally cleaned up on about the same basis as other grades. Hulk of the day a sales was made at r.t.mvntf.ao. with a sprinkling or common light and mixed stuff on down, and a fair showing of best butchers and heavies up to IH.80. the top, K!lKKf The sheep and lamn run was less than half aa largo as on most re cent Fridays, ten rars or 2.014 head mak ing up the days uuota. rive days supplies foot up to 43.M6 head, being 4,000 larger than last week, and ll.UiO heavier than two weeks ago, but smaller than for the same period last year by b.ti nead. Instead of raising their hands yester day. packers If anything trimmed early bids a little, and what sales were made In the afternoon were about a quarter lower than tho previous day. Kven at that, however, packers came nowhere near to cleaning them up, and upwards ot a nnxen cars, all i t iambs, wers forwsrded. Today with nothing held over, and only four doubles and a single of lambs In the receipts, there were hardly enough here to make a market. The tendency waa, however, easier. Nothing choice was offered, and there was little chance tn makn accurate comparisons, but the feeling wss In the neighborhood of 10o lower than yesterdays close. One load of good light fed western lamhs was cashed st SH.TO, while three loads of unfinished stuff went for shearing pur poses at 110 85 with 100 head nut. Traders tirof eased lKnorance as tn where choice emha would sell, but ventured the opin ion met iii.ai would stop even pest Mexican, as comparod with the high time Monday choice lamha are around 60c lower with weighty grades showing a K!iitics fiecnne, wnne pest nanflywelghts are a.MMtv under last week a close, and other grades ftoc or possibly a little more down. Towards the last end of the week, buyers of shearing lamha Were bout the onlv ones who would touch anything weighty. Old muttons made up over half the total receipts, and while owing to scarcity or supplies all week demand was fair, the market was late, sellers being un willing to make the 10c reductions asked by packers. Buyers, however, refused to budge from the first offers, and when holdings were finally cashed It was at a oime necitne. nest ewes sold to tx.M some being another cut of the same stuff that aoia at x.u yesterday. Two cars of good yearlings made 810 2V. as against 310.30 for their mates yesterday. As com- pared with last week a dose aged sheep show almost no decline, current values being only n quarter under the high time Monday. uuotatlona on sheep anil lamhs: Ijunr.s good to choice handy. 311 .omn 11 2.".; lamhs fair to good handy, Jio svn 11 .no; lambs, fair to choice heavy. 310. Wvu 10.66; lamhs fall clipped. 00iiS.7f.: lambs, fresh clipped. Jt .; :K(iO ?.7; rarlinga. fair to choice light. V 2'irlo 20: yearlings, fair to choice heavy. t.:.01itt.:(i; wethers, rsir to cnolce 38 0iV(i8.7S; ewes, good to choice. 33. 15 8.60; ewes, fair to good. 7.aor(f.i.y fIIICAG IIVR STOCK MARK ET (atlle Wrak Hon t rona Mheep Weak. C1IICA;i. March SI. CATTLK He celpts, 1.00 head; market weak: native heef steers. S7.fiiH ,mi; western steers, 87.50 4i : Blockers and feeders. Si.w"ii. ,5. IftMlS-Kerelpts. 3U.4M hesd; market Strong at 10(il"i decline: bulk of sales, Su l.VuS Sa: light. S.s7Stl.S5: mined. I1 .f W; heavy, SS.C4j9.4; rough, S8.Kti9.IO, Digs. S 711H18.40. SHKKI' AMI IA M MS- iteceapts. e.iw head; market, weak; wethers. tS.k(T9.10 ears. K'W u; lamts, t9..4tu.i). Kaaiaa llty Live Slork Market. KANSAS CITY. March 81.-CATTLK RfH-eipts. 30" head: market, steaulv; prime re1 Hteera, ..r4Ht.no; dresaerl lieef steers ST. 7641 9. 141; weatem steers, ti.ju-ii9.16; stock ers and feeders. te..djyta; bulls, Sa.7o ,ift: caivea, rrl 10 no MCMiM-Kecelpts. S.M head: market strong: bulk o( sales. Sus:,.: heavy to 1,'hJiw 40: pai kers and hutchers. t f.y: iisnt. 311: pics. HH KKP AMI I.AM Hrt Receipts, none market, nomlnallv steadv; lambs. t0rn a 11.35; yearlings, n :anilt).44i; wethers. IS tlV.Ul); ewes, 8. iliui.w. Bloom ty Live Klerk Market. SIOUX CITY. Is.. March 81. CATTLE Re-ellt. V head: market, steadv: 11a tlve steers. t7. .'(, ik: butchers, ii.juolM bulls, stags, etc.. lhomi ,. IHMiti llecelpts. 4.i head: market loc lower; heavy. W l.n'oy.s,.; mixed. tK 'e Itt; light. I7,,ioii: bulk of sales. tir, l. r-H K I A1 l.tMUh- Itecelpts. It head. M I a at ra pelts 4.ral Market. MINKAP4U :S. March 11- WHKAT May, ll.li-.ril l 'S to l liir-: Jul. SI 10' icssm. ro. 1 haia. 81 Jvn: No. I northern tl liTtl 1S'. .No. : iiuilhrrn. tl Estil l NEW YORKTOCK MARKET Professional Selling Factor of Con siderable Importance at Irregular Session. MOVEMENT IS DEPRESSED Tv F7W TORK, March, 11. Professional Selling, which concentrated around som of the leading railroad Issues wss a factor of considerable Importance In to day's Irregular and sluggish market. The movement against rails began at midday, New Haven being depressed 2 points to !, Its lowest price of the current year and was followed by unusually heavy or feiinaa of New Vork Central, that sto' making; an extreme decline of IS ti l'3'4. Reading, Kouthern Pacific anil other active stocks of that division ala suffered more moderately. Trading prior to the drive against 'n vestment issues wss distinguished for greater activity In the fopoers, particu larly Kennerott, which with Miami, In spiration and Anaconda, averaged gains of a point or better. Kennecott'a activity featured the Intermediate sesxlon. Its rl-e. of W to hcln accomplished on sc . of more than a score of lniil I lua.1 Io'j ranging from l.ono to 3.000 slisres. Declines In Kennecott overshadowed rll other stocks for the day, with a total of 8".oo shares for that Issue. Aside fr.irn reiterations of rumors of an Increasing demand for the metal, Kb. necolt's ad vame was connecte-1 with statements of a character favorable lo one of Its chl"f s insula rlcs. Munitions and affiliated Industrials and equipments followed their usual errat 0. com so, showing strength In the main, t'ruclhle Steel was the feature of tin: rnal hour, rising 474 to M on publication of a statement Indicating record earnings for March. I'nlted States Steel was again hack ward In point of activity, but displays I marked firmness In the later deal ngs or Its rise to 84'. Ilethlehem Hteel covered some of lis former animation and effaced mill h of Its recent setback by an advanc of 29 to 414. Mercantile merino preferred was In demand, responding to signs of an agreement between opposing Interests. Tot .1 1 sales of stocks nmuunte 1 to 4V.,"m shnifs. All the markets for International ex change were stronger. Including marksi and llres, Ihn latter hardening on the le- ief of more satisfactory financial rtin- ns bctwe'ii I ondon and Home, Honda were Irregular, but the New anadlans and the Anglo-French lasuert were again active and strong, the latter making their beat quotation for loim eeks at ?' Total sales of bonds, par value, were 1'nlled Hates bonds were unchanged on call. i umber of sales and leading quotations on stocks wero as follows: Hslet. Hlh. Iiw. Cloi AtAAka UoM Alllfl-I'halmiirt mo Hk IH 19Vt Line 9.70O so.x I 7J M4 27i 2! 71 71 H 14 41 7i 7 merU'Bll Pert Sugar Amirt-ti 1 in Amarlcaa lH?omellv ... American H. H Am S. A It. iM Am. HiiKar Iterltilng Amertran Tl. f Tel American Tobacco J.IK10 lei' 1S 100 'A !,( Hi", 11: n: 200 no'4 ioh 1"" 70 VJ m 127(4 4l) l7i 1! 1I.K) 87'i U'b 1,1 no 1"8 m' Wt nacnmla Copper Ali'hlaen llaldwln IHomiitlvs 4,400 KH 104' 101'i Ilalllmiire a Ohio Ilelhlehem Hleel Iltnnhlrn Itaplrt Tr l.noo n 1,W0 4D4 '"iti 'nii ',00 147 4:,2 404 Si lfilil, W7 allfnrnts Patrolaum .... sna'llan Pacific antral feather 400 H hrjtapeake S Clhlo coo 'iiioe '"soA 5.40(1 an 41.l 2, ton 8.IW0 100 41 414k ''ji '17" M'i 4'a 14' 1M 121 4.1't ioj" lS 47S 11014 'Mraso Q. W ... n US' 1ST, r.4' li. 48' H 1IMI l;i ; 1' 47H 110a itilcaso, M A St. P lilraso w hlcasrt, It. I. A P. Ry., ..... M4 4?. n jn 47H 3"i Itlno I'opper ouirnito kui a. iron..., rui'ilila Rlael 1envar S R. t. ptd luallllera' (lecurltlea Erie Oanerat Rlai'trlc ,17S (ireat Northern pt1 fl 121 4 tsreat No. Oro rlta usxenheim Bvploratlon. Illlnola Central Intertmroiixh Coo Corp. mo ion no mv Inaplrallrm Copper 1U.4MI 41 lularnattrtnal Harvealar... SO lloUj Kanasa l ltr enuihern. . . . 400 26 854 lhlh Valley 7H liulavllle A Naahrllle. 1M Matlcan Petrolanm .... Miami Coppar Mlaaoiirl, K. A T. pfd. Mlaaourl Paclfle National lllacult National lul Nevada Copper New York iVitral ,00 11 1110 '4i W 101 107S, 10714 ITJ, ail. 10V4 10 4'. 121 H , Mi' 4 400 171, 17, IIS 13,1 lOIHi 10JH 101S 8,700 . 4SS MUj no liov lu isms N T. N. II. H Norfolk A Weatarn rthern Pacific 1,000 ll', lt!i. Ptelfle Mall r.nn.yhanla 1.(00 MS IUS Pullman I'alace Car l"l liar Con, Coppar 7.200 !4H 23 4 Itearllng I.we US M HemiMie Iron A Btsel... T.J'e 0Ti 80S s MS 7S Bnuthera Taririe 1,00 7S MT4 southern Kallwar oi MS a BiuilaiMker Company .... t.WM HIS Tenneaaae Coppar 4O0 RIS rl', Tetas company 1,10 Irli 1W 10 S 14"S IMS liiJS ninn caririo nlte4 Slain, meal.. M.tot IIS I. so ms ,500 ?s 1 son ws i0 4S MS 4S S. Ktael M Il Inraer tern t'lilon 1iS ns II a S2 IS 1H 44S 4S Waallnrhouae Klentrlc 4)enera Motors 4W1 Waheah 11 pM 1400 1nterna4lnnat Marine pfd. 18S00 27S I7S KHS S 70S US Kinnitl I'.ifipar k.imi 57 Total sales for tha 4ar. 441.000 aharea. Dl'JI'S RKVIKW OF THtllH Conservatism lnereasln Instead of nimlolshlnaT. NEW TORK, March 30.-Duns review tomorrow will say: It la reassuring st a lime of unnreea dented business activity that conserva tism ts Increasing rather than diminish ing. Confidence la widespread In the coiitlnunnre of record-breaking achieve ments In production and distribution, but there Is now a more general disposition to avoid speculative excesses and to guard MiiultiHt overexertion In any quar ter. This spirit of caution Is mani fested In the effort to check the rapid rise of prices In the steel Industry as well aa In the textile markets, and other leaning lines. Evidence sppesrs that iiuntationa have outrun the views of some buyers, who proceed more slowly In msklng forward commitments; yet. In the main, demands still seem Insatiable and manufacturers have of necessity turned numerous contracts away. Al most without exception mills, shops and rariories are crowded to their utmost capacity and overtime la In force wher ever jWBSliile. but In many rases opera tions continue to he hampered hv the scarcity of raw materials, by labor troirtilea, and by a shortage of skilled nanus. Weekly bank clearings, t3.t,M.473,574 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March S1 The ni.rl.l for coffee futures a as very quiet today nun prices easing orr under small offer lug In the shsence of support. Other ague rumors that France and other allied governments would pi ''itoit all tm ports or merchandise not ne. ded for national defense between the first Jay of May and the first day of September, may pnsaiiuv nsve helped to restrict demand but were not confirmed and evidently failed to create any material settling pres sure. The market opened unchanged to points lower snd sold off to S?lc for July snd S.SfV for September with the closing showing s net loss of SUMO points. Hales. 7.. '.no hags. Quotations: April. 8.P.V; May. lie- June. 8. Hie; Julv, S.30c; Aagust, ...: neptemtier a. ..; iictoner. ( 34c; No vember. 8.S7c: December, K 4V: January 8.4'.c: February. 8 50c; March, 8..W. Spot corree, steady; mo 7s. wsc: f-antos 4s. War. No chsnge wss reported in the cost and freight markets. The official cables reported an advance of 76 re Is in the Kto market and of 13-d In the rate of Ilio exchange en London with 8antna tin changed. Santos cleared 60,aK bags for New tors. OH ao4 ttosto. SAVANNAH, Ga.. March Sl.-TCU Pl'.NTlNH Hull; Bales, none: receipts, . carrels: snipments, us- oarreis; stock 7.S." barrels. KOSlN-qulct; sales. barrels; re celpts, 412 barrels; shipments. S47 bar rels: stocks. 73.K33 barrels. Quotation A. R. M M: C. l, B, 64 K; F. t4.: 1 M ir; H. S4 : I. K. tvoo: M. to 15; N li.VO; WU. ts.tt: WW, t6.6;ii. . Joseoh I.Ito Itsek Market. ST. JOSEPH. March Sl.-CATTLB Re eel ins. o head; market steadv; steers, t8.ki9 i; coas and heifers, H 7tj9 ;5 calves. ,.wos... IKKiH Receipts. I..al0 head: market lower: top, til 40; hulk of sales. S3 a1.V.. e-IIEKP AMI I .A M MS Keceipts. I.UW head, market dun; lamba. I10.;..g 11 Ji. Dry t.ooda Markel. VK-W ViiItK. March SI. PRY tlt)OIS 4'ottun iioiMl.t were firm and more uuic loiitiv. Lea i -to-wear trade was nitive Wool maikeis were cull. DESCRIBES CROWN PRINGESADYANCE Associated Press Correspondent Tells of Viewing Burning City, of Verdun from Teuton Line. GERMAN PROGRESS CONTINUAL IIEADQUAIITKUS OF THE ARMY OF THE GERMAN CROWN PRINCE, before Verdun. March 31, (Via Ixindon and Borlln.) Ger man artillery Is playing heavily on the north front of Verdun. Vast clouds of smoke mark the site of the burning; suburb behind Forts Relle- llle and Kroldeeterre, net afire by the bombardment of these two fort, which bar Ingress to the city along the east bank of the Meuse. Eight miles westward, across the river, a mass of smoke columns. foatlng like a hazy forest of cypress above Dethincourt, Malancourt and Hill No. 304, testifies to the hall of high calibred shells which Is falling on this northwestern outpost of the Fn.nch positions. Which of Two Ittarkrd question. Which of these two points will be the scene of the next phase of the !erman offensive Is a question which doubtless puxzling the mind of tieneral Joffrc and General I'etaln. The Associated Press correspondent has made an Inspection of the ground gained by the Germans on the Verdun front In the fortnight since the last previous visit of the correspondent. On the prev ious occasion the tlernmns had advanced their lines east of the river to the center girdle of forts and had carried Pouau- mont and the adjoining redoubts. The French then retained the west bank of the river for a distance of three miles north of the line of pouaumont and were maintaining a harassing artillery fire from the heights on this bank against the German flank and rear. French Cleared from Itrtlon, It wss necessary to clear the French from this region before the German attack against the fortress could proceed. This has been accomplished. Of tho old positions the French now hold only a nar row tongue of land between Pead Man's hill and Avocourt wood. This position naturally stronu. with 1II1I No. 304 as the backbone and the two fortified lllages of Malancourt and Uethlncourt at the end. But from the Intense artil lery flro falling upon It today from three sides It appeared that the French retain only by race of the Germans and must abandon It whenever an earnest attack Is delivered. French l.aanrra Active. French guns are no less active than the Germans, although their fire Is more scattered. This Is because the task of tho French gunners is to search out German batteries hidden over the entire landscape and restrict their activity as much an possible. The French gunners seem to be per forming their task well. They know the position of many batteries and shoot with uncomfortable accuracy, as the cor respondent experienced recently when a shell dropped squarely in the battery by which ha was standing. An officer from the headquarters of the crown prince explained to the corre spondent the operations leading to tho occupation of the region west of the river. The French positions here, from which the German operations on the east bank had been subjected to a flanking flro were on Goose Mill and in Cumleres wood, with strongly fortified supporting points for infantry in tho villages of Regnlevllle and Bethlncourt. Every house had been converted into a minia ture fortress by walling the cellars with masonry and cement and providing em brasures for machine guns and rifles. ISI3-I8IS WftfV HOWARD ST. Will v You Money Thto A Reason It rays To Get Their IMces ltefore Vou liuy. - Mattresses and Box Springs make up the wonderful win dows at Raymond's. More than one hundred mat tresses and box springs, in ac tual nines, sre shown now in our windows and our large sales room. We show you the) felt that your niattreM is to be made of. Look over these prices and come to the store and Nee I ho mat trvasrs. Make your selec tions and see your mattress made In our windows next werk OUR PRICES Our Combination Felt Top and Kottom, felt roll edge. 45 lbs., Art ticking, . at $3.65 Our All Cotton, felt sides and It Kides and $5.75 roll edge, 4 5 lbs. Art ticking Our "layer Felt," 45-lb. mat tress, high-grade ticking, full 4 -Inch box $6.75 Our Prime Felt Mattress 45 lbs.. 11 layers ( K felt, at J iJU IU KprinK built ti your order at $9.75 $10.50 $13.75 $15.00 American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Iollitrg rr niar will b M on Saturdays April IS. UK. to stockholder of ieoor-1 at the c lone of hulnts on I'rldav, Munli SI, 191. O. 1. MII.NK. Treasurer. The position fsi-ed north snd the flank was protected by the flooded water., Deride on Klank Attack. A frontal attack would have entailed heavy losses In charging up steep slopes of the (loose Ridge and Dead Man's hill, so the German leaders determined to at tempt s flank attack. A surprise crossing was completely successful. Several col umns were thrown across the river and Goone Hill was rsrrled. Regnlevllle was surrounded and the French garrison sur rendered several days later. The first heavy resistance was encount ered in the ravine and In Cumleres wood. The resistance was finally broken and the defenders, whoso escape was pre vented by a curtain of fire of shrapnel behind the wood, were killed or captured almost to a man, fighting desperately to the last. The French counter attack aa delivered to hurriedly, only three batta lions participating, instead of a brigade as ordered by General Petaln. The Germans then carried Pead Man's hill. The attack here then ceased and was transferred to Avocourt wood. This attack succeeded in the first rush. The French now hold only the sack-like po sitions two and a half miles wide and about the same depth, containing Hill No. .KM. The contents of the suck are ex pected to pass Into German possession when the artillery operation has ended. Interviews Captives. Inning the day the correspondent had an oppottunlty of Interviewing a large number of French prisoners captured In Avocourt wood. They were surprised by the German tactics, which were based on artillery of such precision that the Ger mans were nble to start their charge while the artillery was still playing on the French trenches, and to cover the greater part of the intervening ground before the guns shifted their range farther bck from the comandlng height near the bank of the Meuse. The Associated Press representative was able today to survey the whole battle front north of Verdun. The background of the panorama was the burning city of Verdun with Its squatty cathedral tower standing out amid the smoke. Two bar racks and other prominent buildings were easily descernlble to the naked eye, as the distance was only ten" milts. The city has been buring for several days and tho fire apparently had almost burned Itself out. Shells were dropping with ominous regularity In the vicinity of Fort Belle ville on the extreme left of the picture. "lands Ont Against Sky. Thence the view, swept around, tak ing In the ridge crowned by Forts Marre and Hois Hourrus, which stood out plainly against the sky line, and the black masses of Mourrus forest, Goose itidgc, C'orlieaux Wood, Dead Man's hill and the villages of Forges and Cumleres, to Forges Wood and Montfancon. Bourrus forest, which probably con tains many French artillery positions, was receiving considerable attention from the German heavy guns on the ac count. Pillars of black smoke spouted up continually like geysers from its Women models, Serges, A high art garments worth to $25.00 FKATUKK PRICE. . . Women's Coats all the newest motleln, chic and Jaunty. Worth $10 to 15 FKATIRE PRICES. . . 214-216 THE H. 16th 149 It has been ft..." -a. ' S- SI (Ms. I tff I MP? cally operate its trains. 1 V, .s. -T-L riitier lAAalt 1 1' tnat when depths, as the Hermans dropped shell after shell among the trees In their attempt to locate and silence the French cannon. The fire was still more intense In the region of III1I No. 4. half hidden be hind Dead Man's hill, although even here It had not yet attained the scale of "drum fire," which Is the usual pre liminary to an axf-ault. Work of Small t.ans. The Frenchmen oddly enough are' more impressed with the work the Ger man fifteen-centimeter guns, which pelt the trenches with a nijilens hall of shell than with the effect of the big niortar.T whose missiles come at much greater intervals. Prisoners who had had a few ; days to recover from the dninorrtlizinz effect of the bombardment were In ood spirits snd professed the utmont confi dence. They armed to be devoted to their new commander. General Petaln. and ( hold him In high regard. As Is ao fre quently the case with prisoners, they declared the losses of their opponents were the heaviest, b -jt the correspondent I saw no evidence that the German casual- , ties were excessive, nlthnuuh undoubt edly they are now heavier than during the earlier phases of the Verlun oper- , u'ions. Further to the front was a "hi' bertha." one of the Jealously guarded i mortars on which the eyes of a neutral ' were permitted to rest for the first time, j Every part of the gun was snathed and ' shrouded in tarpaulin, but Its massive proportions betrayed plainly the manner of Instrument hidden beneath. This trip represented war correspond- , encc de luxe, the party of correspond- j ents traveling In a special sleeper to a j KEEP LOOKING YOUNG Its Kasy If Vou Know lr. wards' Olive Tablets. i:d- The secret of keeping young Is to feel young to do this you must natch your ! liver and bowels there's no need of hav- ; Ing s sallow complexion dark rings un- j der your eyes pimples a bilious look In i your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per ' cent of all sickness comes from Inactive I bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician In Ohii, perftctcd a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his pa tients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, ore gentle in their ac tion, yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clcuringthe system of Impurities. You will know Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tab lets by their olive color. 10c and 23o per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, To Appreciate Values You Must See the Garments THE NEW NOVELTY CO. are now showing. Never in past his tory of the old firm has such wonderful styles been featured or the high grade wearing apparel for women been sold. And for spring 1916 we are showing a collection of COATS, SUITS and DRESSES that eclipse any former effort, and which has earned for us the well-deserved reputation of showing the best values in existence. 's Suits in the newest Checks, Poplins, blue, Copen, tan, green, icuu, g i ecu, $15 $5.48 AND $7.50 NEW NOVELTY CO. 214-216 OTTDEm IW MS.HAOEMXKT. BERNSTEIN & KRASNE, Successors. iZ2 Mountain Torrents Harnessed to Electrify a Great Railway In the fastnesses of the western mountains millions of tons of water have plunged wastefully away for ages. Meanwhile, to haul the country's traffic over the vast ramparts of the Rockies by steam traction has meant the consumption of an enormous quantity of the nation's coal supply and high operating expenses. reserved for "The operation) passing Milwaukee Road" to change all this to abandon steam as a motive power in the mountains, and to uee the limitless energy of the harnessed streams to electri- over the Great Continental Div ide, marks a new era in railroad ing and erects another mile stone in the world's progress. It means the conservation of re sources more efficient and economical operation better maintenance of schedules the prac tical elimination of vexatious delays due to bad weather and a notable increase in travel delights. 1 he electrification of 440 miles of main line between Harlowton. Mont., and Avery. Idaho. (115 miles - between Three Forks and ;JDeer Lodge, Mont., now in " Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Thia line, pre-eminent in scenery and service, is now also the most eiten sively electrified road in the world, affording the traveler a smokeless. .V.. . . J . . . . t k r. h. ,L. I tf .1.. H-1. L1 . L . . I Koot Mountains. Mam wen me acivamagr 01 inr arranging your next tnp 10 tne racinc Norm laast fiaoLJar- gtlmg full p.itkulan fTfm Mlwukt't" Ucfr&cmttn m4 tit aaWilafal can is aacsival a (Aa aWatraat iaJaw. TiciM Office: 1317 Farsaa St.. Osaka EUCENE DUVAL. Oral Aft. llnt behind Hie figlitlnu line, w In n 1 automobiles piloted by one who Is f1 drcssed as serene highness, conveyed the Associated lYess correspon Icrt i' the advanced positions. OMAHA LINCOLN AUTO ROUTE VIA Plattsmouth, Union and the "0" St. Road 50fr Discount on $5.00 and $10.00 Commutation Books. Good Any Time, and Transferable. White Poles All the Way Via T. H. Pollock Bridge Plattsmouth, Neb. O .JT. R1AT 'I Women's Suits in combination Silk, Taffeta, Checks, blue, tan, Copen, black, Poplins, not one worth less than ,$30.00- FKATVRE PRICE . $1 72 Women's Silk, Poilln, Tub Silk and Taffeta Dresses: all colon -Worth V12.no to $25 FEATURE PRICES. . . $6.98 TO $15 n. 16th 3 ism Vi mile -high ju iwaufe ' so you will ZJts 1 n"i: r J J J e J