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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1916)
12 Bringing Up ROURKES TARE RUN TO MAINTAIN FORM Ail Members of Team Expected Be in Beatrice by Next Tuesday. ITRST CAME WITH CLEANERS BKATKICR. Neh., March SI. - Special Telearam.) Although the weather waa cold and threatening .todny the Rnurkc family look their regular workout but apent moat of their time on the field running ao aa to put tliHr wind In rood bnrxi and get the klnka out of their lega. , Marty Kru Mated today that tho boya would bo In chape to enter the flrt ex hibition game next with the Lincoln Cleaner mid liye Work at top apced. No more playera are expected until next week, and all memhera of the club ara expected to be here for the (tame Tuiday. The playeia yet to report are Pitcher Thompsoti. Outfielder Andcrann and atelier Krueger. The malnatay hackatop fur the team laat year. Catcher Claire and Ppcllman, and 1-Vat Itaacman Schlleher. were In the harneaa today for the flrat time alnca the camp opened and allowed Rood form. Claire waa manager for the Urand Iland baao ball team laat year In the Nebraska! State league and with that team played flrat baae laat aeaaon. 'T" Hourka left today for Omaha to apend Sunday and will return next Mon day to be on the job until the team tiraaka camp on April 14. Mra. R'-urke will accompany him to thla city. Brooklyn Dodgers Defeat Senators WASHINGTON. March .The Brook lyn Nallonala were defeated today, 3 to 1. by the Waalilngton Americana In the firat tame her of the aprlna- Inter-league Harper held the vlaltor hilleas and runleaa for five Innlnm. The flld'n? waa faat. three doublea play belli corded. IIOI STON. Tex.. March 31.-I.ona; hlta. Including home run by Burn, gave the New York National! a 4 to 1 victory over the Houaton. Tex., league team here to- BEAI MONT. Tex..' March Sl.-The Pe trolt Americana accepted every offering i f ti e local pitchers today and hit fifteen tlmea for five runa. while the Ftejiumont. Tey., league playera wri making a alngle ri n. Jtr.MPHia. Tenn., March 31-The New York Americana riled up a aafe lead over tlie C nclnnatl Nnllonnla In the five ln t Imja that 8chncider pltchel for Clncln iiti and won today'a same hoc I to i Cldeona home tun In the fifth with two men on raaea. win reaponrlhle for three of the Yaukcca runa. Pa Rourke Schedules Nine Training Games BKATRTCK. Neh.. March Sl.-peclal.) -f Ituurke of the Omaha ball club laat evening arranged the following echedule 'f exliihlth.ii camea while In aprlng train ing here: April 4-:.-1 nroln Cleaning and Uye Workn team ul Heat i Ire. .. i... i unaiitt and Moux I' lv mi Meal rice. April h- 10- Omaha I' all hurv. and Sioux City at April ll-lMI-omaha and Kiou City at 1 ratrlre. ALL MANAGERS SELECTED FOR WESTERN ASSOCIATION OKLAHOMA C ITY. Okls... March Hl. l'or some time the place as manager ' some of the teams in the Wetern as i la Hon has been un-ertaln, but recently the teams anuoimcd their pilots for the 11 j season a follows: Oklahoma City. Farl Snapp: Muskogee, 'Heinle" Maag McAlei-t r, James llumphrl s; Paris. John 1 lllman; Sherman. Walter Franti; Tulsi. Howaid Price, and Forth (Smith, S I Tlioiius. I HOLDS BOXING BOUTS IN CINCY BASE BALL PARK CINCINNATI. O.. March H -That th boxing game hhs taken on renewed Im I vtua here la evidenced by the fact that Tledland field, thv. home of the Cincin nati Nationals has been contracted for during the months of May, June. July and August, by one of the boning pro rooters here. It is the Intention of the promoter to hold open air bouts durln, the summer. WHITE SOX TO TRAIN AT MINERAL WELLS AGAIN The Chicago American league club la well pleased with results at Mineral Wells and a contract lias been signed by ConiU kty for the While box to return Cure nest spring. GARRY H ERRM ANN BUTTS INTO AUTO RACING GAME August Herrmann Is president and Rob ert H. liaugh vioe president of a company that will build a I'dtMV automobile tpecdasy in Ulrmingham. Ala. VMCHMX I f SM-LADY- f " 'I ' CiK r VV fAVT AOO CAN AN' AJZJ l HLLP" P' XC-lT-l CHANCE TO T ' ' , M ' . , LJJ f y, A,0UME Jt TT " V ill. . Father I I I 'FRISCO LOSES ANOTHER OF ITS STARS. HAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. March 31 -Han Kranclsco la experiencing a deal of trouble retaining tennla atnra who have eatabllahcd national renutationa. Flrat, n. Dudley Murray niovnd to New York to make hta home, and only recently Maurice Mcl.oughlln embarked in the aportlng gooda bualnnaa with Themaa Bundy and took up hla realdence In l48 Angelea. Now cornea word that 'Trek" Griffin, who holda the doublea champlonahlp with William Johnston, la contemplating mak ing hlK home In Honolulu, "Peck" atopped off at Honolulu to Play in tho mld-Pajiflc carnival tourna ment. Ward Dawaon and Hcala Wright, the other playera from the mainland, returned homo a week or ao ago, but Griffin atayei over. It la raid that he likes the country over there and la aerl oualy considering making It hla home. TICKER SERVICE FOR FAIR ONES IN LITTLE ROCK So great Is the Interest In base ball in Little Itock, among women as well as men. that the largest department store in the city haa arranged to Install a ticker service in Its women's) rest room, where all the American, National and Southern league games will be bulletined. HERE'S ANOTHER EVERS WHO PLAYS BASE BALL There Is still another Kvers In the game. Connie Mack la wiving a trial to a youngster hailing from Philadel phia who hears the famous name. He is an Infieliler and tho ann of a poli tician prominent in tho Quaker City. 4 ar Men to Flay . T'wlay at 2 o'clock the Pierce Htreet Railway team will mi-et thi liyrne ft Hammers at Thirty second stieet an I Dewey avenue. Itolh tcnmi nr In II ,o lomi no a Kood game la looked f"r. to ---Cr'r-'-vrX ft" ' .'Xf , . . . : ' iff I . ... v. . f . J ? i . m ; ; fee- CV Individuality In Men's 1 V- thing different" in model, pattern and fit. thia Snrine. THK lUiH: Copyright. Intern! Ni SIOUX WARRIORS COME TRAILING IN Eleven Men Already at Beatrice and Eleven More Arc on the Way. CASPAR HAS HIGH HOPES FA I fine RV, Neh.. March 31. -(Special Telegram.)-Hai ry Uaapar and eleven of hla prospective playera commenced active training at the city park hall diamond today and eleven more players are ex pected to arrive In the city from tho eaa'. before tomorrow. Among (he arrivals of the Rloux City tribe last night were Pat I.lvlngxton of Cleveland, Ohio. Livingston did not play ball last yeHr, but haa donned his uni form and Is In the game to stay this year, lie formerly played with the Ath lotl.H. Al Furschnrr. mho played with the Sioux City team four years ago. .t trying to land a berth with his old love and la here staged out In a uniform. (iporue Naughtou. who pi a veil with Knnna City Inst year, Is trying to get his name on the payroll of tho Slmix He halls from Sloux City. Connie Callls- tcr. Honion. the Slojx City shortstop of luft year, la again on deck. Pitcher Rer- nle lioyle l.i In the city nml getting hla arm In shape. Me registers from Peoria, III. Outfielder Gene t'osgrove showed up last night and will try to land his old po sltlcm In the outfield. C. R. Clark, familiarly known aa "Pep" la another pitcher enrolled with the Ploux at thla point. Meaara. Roy French, T. E. Connley and U M. Fran-is, the trio who have been In the city for several days, are giving t lie other bail players a warm welcome. Manager Harry Gaspar Is decked out In a uniform and took time to say, "I ex pect to put the Pioux Cltl warriors through strenuous practice each day. Y e will work out five and six hours practicing twice a day. "At present we have five holdouts on the club, that Is men who have not signed up at present. "The practice will constat of hatting pitching and different work to fcVvelop the players. We have Rn exhibition game staged for Omaha for a week from yea terday. April . to be played here. Then we will go to Reatrlce for exhibition games on Friday and Saturday. Omaha will como over here Sunday and Monday. "We expect to put in three weeks of good training it thla point." lr. Hell's I'lne-Tar-lloney. Honey soothes the Irritation. Pine Tar cuts the phlegm, relieves congestion, soothes the raw spots. &lc. All druggists. Advertisement. GRANDIL SWINGS HEAVIEST BAT IN AMERICAN LEAGUE According to a Cleveland war corre spondent Chick Gandlt swings the heav iest bat used in the American league. His sticks weigh around fifty-six ounces. In the National league 1-arry Ooyle snd Jack Meyers are suld. to uso the heaviest bats. COZY DCLAN SIGNS UP WITH INDIANAPOLIS CLUB Coxy lotin, who "bought" hl own le liose from (he St. Ix-uls Cardinals by i". ceiling a bonus for givlim up his e n tract, has sltned w ith the Indiana p il club of the American asset iitlon. Clothing and Haberdashery "Something different," "Not what eyery one else has." We hear theae remarks almost every day. Thia Store for Men haa for its chief concern the filling of the wanta of auch persons. rr '- l iL.i f - If you have not seen them, you owe it to yourself to do ao. May we show them to you Saturday! Priced $20, $25 and $30. Other high grade Suits Society Brand, $25 and $30-Kenmor Suits, best made for the money, $15 and $20. Hats and Furnishings You will find that individuality in our l?ats and Furnishings that our Clothing pos leuiea In I lata. ItorHalinna have the call Very lisrht and soft. St and $5. Whatever your wants are in Shirts, Un derwear, Neckwear or Hosiery, we will supply them juat to your liking. 411 Soata 161b L J OMAHA. SATl'KDA V, .Willi. 1. ir10. Pcrilce. ENTERS FRENCH STEEDS KENTUCKY DERBY. Clarence Mackay, who has a reputation i as an international sporlBinun, haa en- tered two horses In tho Kentucky Derby. I For the first time In the forty years I history of the great classic, which has been the fenture of the annual racing season on Churchill Downs. Louisville, I Mackay's colors will go to the post. , For a score or ho of year Mr Mackay has been a prominent figure in racing I circles, not only In thla country but In England and France aa well, but particu larly in tho latter. The discontinuance of turf sport In France, however, has caused him to bring across the best of hla product. JOE ENGELWEDS TOWN BELLE AT TRAINING CAMP Here's a romance of a training camp: Pitcher Joe Kngel of the Minneapolis Millers, at Hickman, Ky., was wedded to the town belle, the acquaintance hav ing been formed during the team's stay In ramp, I S3) 8MMS, HI . 1 -II Drawn for The Bee by George McManus VVONDERFUL WINDOWS 1 WEEK TO CONTINUE Wonderful windu ill the retail cliati will he apparent of Oi nulla for full week. The burst of i nl'.iJ.-iarn lit 7 o'cloci luat night not lii" (lone of th. activity by m y in- n n. While the hand played only lh firs niaht, beai tiful window tllHilaD will be M!H i,p for M solid week. Many of the store. contemplate ihwnn Ing their llspln once. In lee or thre Utiles during t liH "Week of Wonderful Windows." others wil1 leave the dixplay Just aa they opened it when the siren whl.itle blew. The postoffiee band, which furnished music, at every Important retail corner luring the opening night, volunteered its service for this occanlon. This was done lursely out of appreciation of whnt tie retailers did for the postoffiee men In the way of giving entertainments an' supporting every movement the postof fiee men made a year aijo In their ef forts to raise money to properly enter tain their National letter Carriers' con vention In Omaha. FOHL MAKES FIRST CUT AND FIRES TWO ROOKIES Manager Foni of the ClevclunJ In dians made hla first cuts when lie re leased Outfielders Kdmondson and Pas chal to the New Orleans Pelicans. Liverpool r-raln Market. UVFKPOO?., March 31. W1IF.AT Spot. No. I Manilolia. l".s Td ; No. 3. 1.1s id: No. red western winter, lis Td; No. '. hard winter, gulf, lis M. COUN Spot American mixed, new. 10s We Announce i The opening of Omaha's newest and most up-to-date Billiard and Pocket Billiard Emporium on Saturday, April 1st 30 New Brunswick Tables Soda Fountain Cigars Candy. You and your lady friends are cordially invited to inspect the largest Billiard and Pocket Billiard Par lor west of Chicago. LOCATED DOWNSTAIRS. Rose Bldg. 16th and Farnam TEL. TYLER 999. E. S. HOLMES. we m mm r mw - mw rm (otninQ Goltz Says Tauscher to Furnish Dynamite to Blow Up the Oanal WASHINGTON. .Miireli " - Hi put t ment of Ju.-tiee aiiiiounced to day that two uri":cil eon.ipitators with Captain llaiiH Tail:4" her In tile ploot to Mow up the YVcllaud canal wete under arrest in New York, that a third was under surveillance in New England and that they expected to a'test a fourth In a few days. Among the additional arrests annouueod today was that 'of a man w ho gave the name of Tucker. He was taken into custody in Fl Pnso two weeks' auo and later taken to New Vol. The a'leged conspirators are said to have planned an invasion of Canada to be made at a point west of the Great Lakes. According to the story told department airents by llorst von der Gnltx. the al leged German py brought to New Y'ork oy Scotland Yard detectives lnl Tuesday, the plan to blow up the Welland canal was known to Captuin von Pipcu. the withdrawn German mi'ltary ittaihe, wlir. furnlslierl nion y for the work. Yon der Golt7. was ifuoted as sayltu that Von Pnpen had endorsed the Wel land Canal proposal after it had been decided that it would he Impossible to lead a large armed cxprdiUon Into Can ada from the I'nlted States. Von le4 Goltz had sought to enlist Germans in Baltimore, Hohoken and New York and department agents say lie declared he was aetinii with the knowledge ol Von Papen. Von der Goltz fame to the I'nlted States I in July. 1!M. from Mexico, where he had been m General Villa's staff, and re ported to Von F a pen. The plan to Invade Canada, he told department agents, had ijeen I is. not Von Papen's. Alter a time. Von der Goltz said, the plan was abandoned. The Intended point of inH.-li.i), officials paid, was "west of the Great Lakes." The force which Von der Goltz wanted to raise for the expe dition was to he sufficiently large to engage the attention of the troops which Canada was training to send to Europe. llvniiornlPil Apples find Dried Frolts NI'W YORK. March 31.F.VAP-tiRTI-:r AI'PI.KS Dul and nominal: fancy. T'isije; choice, ri7''J',.c; prime. .",i;.1,c. IiKIKH FUl'ITS Prunes, firm: Califor. i.ias 17 ll'4c; Oregon. 7ViJz9c. Apricots, firm: choice, M-ij-JiJiV: extra choice, Wtj lf'4c; fancy, llii lLV. Peaches, uulet: choice, .".'ic: extra choice, fic: fancy. HSr. Raisin, steady: lose muscatels. 6'i7c; choice to fancy seeded. T'iifii'sc; seed less. i r(if. RMT Farewell Recital ...of. Prince Lea Lani Saturday Night at 8:15 My re-arrangement of his roiirert lHxikinKN, we Iiavc liecn able to secure this wonderful Huwaiian Artist for Just ONE more Ouicert, to be rendered Saturday Evening at 8:15 Thin is n free treat that you should not miss, and is His-'tively his FAUICWKI.i, ap-lieiii-Hiire. i: KMVdNK Vi:KtX)MK. MickeFs Neb. Cycle Co. 15th and Harney Douglas 1662 ITCHING ECZEMA IS A CONSTANT BLOOD CRY The Blood Reaches Every Part of the Body Every Twelve Seconds. Thrra ir apfroxlmatrly T0,0-ie,() pera In the akin of a human body. Theae con nect with the blood channrla by meant of llttln ranala. These canala are aoroe timea filled with poiaona and the akin s'alei and bliatera, net a red and raw and become like ao much tissue fir. Salvea )r not reach the aourca of the trouble. To make the blood pure la the only acientlflc method of relief. H. S. (v ia the preateat blo.xl purifier hecauae it i a natural one. There la lif. mineral f any sort in it. It ia pureh i Kt'ia i'ie. So airm t is the fame of 8. s. g. that ....... ,rii ainng ln varioua ae.iiona of the inuntry. Thev all aooner nr lHt-r ilie a natural death ft a a builila ui, weak and acidy biood" aire prompt r hf to alnioet every rase at "''' winter tetter and other akin nialaJi.a. Ion on. your.vlf tha djiv if trviiu a bottle of S. S. s. Take 2o Zuh ..ituie. Wiite for our free bS5S on ISm . onriden.i.l I. ,ter. re,Zd 2 by our Medical expert Write Bwtrt Bn. ufic Co.. ;aniiicut.33. AUattlC tiaf I .... . .., ,, ' .: 1 , , I