Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1916, Page 5, Image 7

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    TILL. DKE: UAIA1IA, TiiUKSDAV, MARCH 30, 1916.
Buys Northwest Corner of Nine
teenth and Douglas for Site of
Eight-Story Building.
The Omaha Athletic cluo, through
i's board of director, has purchased
the northwest comer of Nineteenth
nil 6. Douglas streets, where a club
house will be. erected at a cost of
$400,000 this year. The property
vas sold by O. C. Redtck. There is
a frontage of eighty-eight feet on
Pcuglas street, and a depth of 132
feet on Nlnteenth street. Considera
tion of the sale was not announced.
V. A. Fraser, president of the
c'ub, Is now in the east, where he Is
lcoking over club houses for con
struction ideas. As soon as he shall
hare returned, the directors will en
gage an architect and proceed with
Gnorge Brnndeis, one of the director of
the Omaha Athletic rlil, made this state
ment relative to this improvement:
"Tho building will be from eight to ten
stories in height and will bo occupied
exclusively by the club. It will be an up-to-date
club In every particular and will
mean much to Omaha. The details of the
building: have not been worked out. but
it may bo said there will be such features
lis swimming; pool, baths, dining rooms
for men and women nnd other facilities
for social and athletic activities. It Is
Intended to make this a club for women
as well ah men and In preparing the plans
the women will be kept In mind. Mer-.-lers
who live at the club will have all
accommodations found in a first-class
The Omaha Athletic club was organized
a few weeks ago. The directors are: W.
A. Frascr. F. W. Judson, George Rriii
dels, George. Haverstick, A. W. Jefferls.
and N'clton Updike.
Lieutenant Allison
Dies of Pneumonia
KT, TASO, Tex , March 19. -Joseph V.
Allison, second lieutenant of the Thir
teenth ISA airy, who m brought back
tn the base hospital at Fort Bliss from
emus (irandes suffering from a cold that
developed Into pneumonia, died today.
UKATtllt-K. Nrh., March 29. Special.)
The directors of the Beatrice Country
club held a meeting last evening and
practically decided to lease the eluhty
acres of V. N. Farlow south of the city
for a period of ten years, with an option
to buy the property within that time.
The club now has seventy-five members
paid up, and expects to double that num
ber within the next few weeks.
Mrs. T. Mlppen, who resides near this
city, yesterday brotiRht suit for a divorce
from Harm 11. Jllppen and was also
granted a restraining order to prevent
her husband from Interfering with the
plaintiff on the farm or to sell off any
of their personal property. Thrj were
married In 1W7 and have two children.
A large force of men is employed on
the new convrete mill dam at Ie Witt.
When the be went out a few weeks ago
In the Who river a portion of the struc
ture was swept away and the proprietors
of the mill decided to construct a con
crete dam. The old structure had been
In use for forty years.
Foot of Wet Snow
Falls Over the Hills
RTURGIS, S. D., March 29. (Special
Telegram.) A severe storm has been In
progress here since last night. About a
foot of wet snow has fallen which Is
much appreciated by farmers of Meade
county. Some of the country telephone
lines ore down. The storm is reported
general throughout the Black Hills.
TKKAMAH. Neb., March (Special.)
The eleventh annual banquet of the
Tekamah Commercial cluo was held last
evening, the menu being served by the
women of the Tresbyterinn church. It
was one of the most successful affair:
of the kind ever given in Tekamah. some
men partaking of the feast. The din
ner was served at 7 o'clock, and after
dinner a committee consisting of the
jounger element of the business men put
on a show that partook of vaudeville and
burlesque entertainments. A mock ses
sion of the city council was held at
which some of the eccentricities of vari
ous townsmen were shown up, and also
some of the needs of the city presented.
Tho entertainment was closed with a
scries of conimercialgrams" thrown on
a screen, being hits on the business men
A most charming bit of vaudeville was
given in soprano solos by Miss Mae
Knott, the Sliver Creek Nightingale, and
Scotch solos by Harry Softer.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. March 29-(Speclal
Telegram.) Iowa rural letter carrier ap-
den, Chester A. Kerschaw; Hlnton. Wil
liam i. j.inasey; Iowa city, Carl A.
Kr h 1 on If K'nnwllnn i'kB-laB IT - U
ton; Lrfirchwood. Martin Murphy; Larch-
wuuu, rvHipn r,. noitsciaw; .Meintyre,
Malven Horgen; Osford, Murray Yenter;
Remsen, Guy A. Redmon; Rutland, Chris
L. Hohnson.
Nebraska pensions granted: F,mlly
Morris, Kenesaw, Ixrlnda B. Good
rich, Cairo. S12; Zoa Kidder, Fremont. $13.
, Held-Howard.
TABOR, ra.. March 2.-Speclal.) Miss
Hermin. Howard and Rev. Frederick
Held from Clinton, Mass., were married
Tuesday evening at the home of the
bride's brother. Lester Howard. The cer
emony was performed by Rev. Charles
Howard of Tabor, a cousin of the bride.
In the presence of forty-five relatives and
friends. The bride la a young woman
of fine accomplishment She was born,
reared and educated In this community,
having graduated from Tabor college,
after which she taught music for several
years in Redfleld (8. D.) college. Mr.
and Mrs. Held will be at home to their
friends after April 15, at Germantown,
Neb., where Mr. Held Is pastor of the
Congregational church.
GRAND lSUAXP. Neb.. March 19.
(Special. i Mrs. Alexander, wife of the
ITOKbyterlan minister of Grand Island
occupied the pulpit at the home chapel
on Sunday nftriiioon. Her theme wad
rcmixra net,
II. Hansen on Saturday had a fifteen
inile walk ihrouKh the snow. He came
from a furm, wiiere he has been working,
to the hgiiie. where he Is to be employed
wun summer work. His baggage con
aisled of a litcycl. suitcase, hand satchel
aim h heavy overcoat.
Mrs. J'aul Krile las reached the age
reiiuiren liy law in order to be admitted
lo ilie home and has been placed on the
meml.eryhip lint. V.-. mid Mrs. Krile will
draw rations on the outside.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord, in cottage No,
, recently received word from Aurora
Neb., telling of a sad accident that be
fell their little 12-yem-old granddaughter.
The chitd was sevci-ely burned by the
explosion of a kerosene oil stove and Is
In a ctltir-il condition. Mr. and Mrs
isyloid left for Hint place Sunday eve-
n Tin.
Mr. Hammond had all three of his car
at work Sunday nikli'. Hi tends strictly
to his business and has lieen nicknamed
-Old Reliable" hy the home people.
Mr. snd Mrs. Archie Culbertaon were
admitted us members of the home on
Saturday of last week.
Commandant Walsh and Chief F.n-
Kiuecr Cotton went to Lincoln Monday
where they will look after business con
iKcted with the bullions' that are in
Mrs. Wilson was moved from the con
valescent ho.xpltal to the west hospital
Ja. Mrs. M. C. Rail has also taken a
ten-dav furlough to I ork.
day furlouuh. going to Valley Junction
-udj u u(i ki HrfinmH a uuuy- .jjv,
That's the woman's dread when she
gets up In the morning to start liie d;i's
work. "Oh! how mv back acnes.'' GOLD
MKDAI. Haarlem oil Capsuits taken lo
oav cases the backache if tomorrow-
taken crry day ends the back iche for all
lime. Imn't delay. What the use of
surieringT Kegtn taking (lul.l) MKlAl
Haarlem till Capsules lodav and be re
lieved tomorrow. Take three, or foir
every day and I permanently free from
wrencnuig. ut.-it rrssing bark tain. Hut 1
sure to fl (Jil.i MKHAI,. Klnce ltin3
;ul.I MKHAI. Haarlem Oil has been the
National Remedy of Holland, the (iovein
ivirtst of the Netherlands having granted
a special charier authoriring its prepara
tion and sale. The houaewii'n nf Ilnlluii.l
would almost as soon be without bread as
ne would witnout her -Real Hutch
1 irons'" as she uiiaintlv ,.! mil li
MKDAI, Haarlem rill Capailea. This Is
inn one reason w ny you wm rmt the
women and children of Holland so sturdy
and robust,
QOI.Ii MKDAI. are the pure, original
Haarlem Idl Capsules Imported direct
ricm the laboratories In Haarlem, llol
land. Hut be me to get c.ol.U MKHAI
Jck for the name on every lox. Soli
by reliable druantMts in p aled packages
si 2 c. yiic and It. On Money refunded if
inev- do not nt-ip you. Arrest only the
i. in. i JiKMAi. All oilier are imita
So Few Cases Are Now Found that
Serum Concerns Find But
Littl; Sale.
In direct lino with tho inevitable
prophecy lttmlo a few years no by
hog breeders and experts in the
porcine stocks in the coin belt, the
hog cholera scrum manufacturing
business h.ts become a survival of
the fittest.
With hop cholera at a very low
ebb a condition that is evident
every decade following a high wave
the disease the serum com
panies in the big packing centers
are running along noticeably bear-
sh lines and quite a number have
shut down entirely, authorities on
the situation aver.
With the introduction of hog scrum a
few years ago and its Joyously wel
comed introductions on the part of hog
breeders In Its success In checking and
eradicating cholera, serum manufactur
ing concerns sprung up like mushroons
all sections of the country, particu
larly In the middle west's great packing
Although hog cholera serum has been
used for about seven years, the exten
sive manufacture of serum did not start
until approximately three years ago. As
the serum and methods of vaccination
became more and more perfected the
wave of cholera steadily receded, with
the result that at the present time the
Flush Kidneys
With Salts If
Back Is Aching
Noted authority says we eat too
much meat, which clogs
Take glass of Salts when Kid
neys hurt or Bladder
bothers you.
No man or woman who eats meat re;t
ularly can make a mistake by flushing
the kidneys occasionally, says a well-
known authority. Meat forms uric acid
which excites the kidneys, they become
overworked from the strain, get sluggish
and fail to filter the waste and poisons
from the blood, then we get nick. Neaily
all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and
urinary disorders come from sluggish
The moment you feel a dull ache In the
kidneys or your back hurts of if the urine
Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, ir
regular of passage or attended by a sen
sation of scalding, stop eating meat and
get about four ounces of Jad Salts from
any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a
glass of water before breakfast and in a
few days your kidneys will act fine. This
famous salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also
to neutralize the acida In urine so It ni
longer causes irritation, thus ending blad
der weakness.
Jad Salts la inexpensive and cannot In
Jure: makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep the kidneys
clean and active and the blood pure,
thereby avoiding serious kidney compll
cations. Advertisement.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Sure Way To Get
Rid Of Dandruff
There la one sure way that never fails
to re rn ov. 5 dandruff completely and that
Is to dissolve It. This destroys It en
tirely. To do this, J ist get about four
ounces of plahii ordinary liquid arvon
apply it at night when retiring; usi
enough to moisteq the acalp and rub it
In gently with the finger tips.
Hy morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
mlve and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it, no matter how much
dandruff you may have.
You will find, too. that all itching an.
digging of the scalp will stop instantly
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous
glossy, silky and oft, and look and fe
a hundred times better.
Yoj can get liquid arvon at any dru
More. It M inexpensive, and four
ounces is all you will need. This simple
remedy has never been known to fall.
Th WorUTt GrnttH
isttrmll Mm dr.
Pain In 8ld,
-Any Local
Intitt Having
disease among porkers Is at practically
Its lowest point.
dnalnrM Fall Off.
As link: hcleis serum manufactur
ing eon, crns have not been " benefited
by the war" many of them, while still
epeiatlng and flniliiiK a fair market for
their product, arc not by any means
doing the "land of Ice" business of a ear
or two a so.
Starting In the " s. according to K.
Itusell, assoclMteil editor of the Twen
tieth I'intiiry Ksrircr, the country his
(experienced a low wae of ho holora
ecty decade. These radical decreases
I In the riuases of the disease, he ex
I pliilncd. had been preceded hy a high
. 11 '.v e of cholei a.
i l'ro ions to the Introduction of ac
j dilation with serum the hogs which re
Icnvcred from the i holeia -about .'0 per
cent were afterwards Immune.
Government statistics sliov that fully
I !T per cent of well hus properly ac
i ciliated recover from cholera Also. .11
j general thing, pigs from Immune sows
j are Immune up till the time they are
; weaned.
They had been In New York and were
returning home when the wreck occurred.
Turn old furniture, household good an1
rlothlng Into rash with a I'ea Want Ad
Lower ;we Hate for I'rrmnnt.
ITKMONT. Nrh. March S. -(Special
An oidlnanec pi o hIhim lor Jl 1f ess was
passed b the cit Cornell st the regular
nie.-tiin Tncsdny exciting. The vote wss
unanimous. The l-'ieiuonl tlas eomciin.
a lohcily property, lias been eliarning
$l.o a thousand leet (or sis with a re
ductlon of : 1 cuts If the bill Is paid by
the tenth of the month. There wss no
opine Itlon to the passage of the measure.
up ja m 'wjM'jfif 11,11 j f rm wikmam
Many Splendid Values Vet at
10 to 59 Saving on
7S SilLE $mii
O.M I'rllnna llritli-aloin.
SUM X FA 1.1.8. S. I. March '.".. -1 Spe- 1
clal Tclesi am P hi Fellows from Msd-j
Ison. i:nn, Went worth, l-'landreaii. Trent.
lell Faplds and ISaltir gat Ik red bote t- ,
day to assist the local Odd Fellows in 1
dedicating a new IJ.".0ih temple building j
w.iich was recently completed. The ib-dl-1
cation exercises wo?e conducted by
Grand Master S. V. ltowley of Mitchell,
assisted hy prominent officers of the
order from Sioux Falls and elsewhere J
In the state.
Irmnnlrr on WrreVed train.
FHKMONT. Neb., Ylirrh Jl. (Special. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler and sun 1
James, well known Fremonters. were j
passengers on the New York Twentieth
Century Limited trsln which was wrerked j
near I'leveland Wednesday morning.
1 They escaped Injury, according to a mos
I sage received st Mr. Fow ler's office.
Keep Your
Stomach VJcll
It's the Secret
of Good Health
The Stomach is the con
trolling power in all mat
ters pertaininjr to health
nnd it must be kept strong
and active. At the first
pijrn of weakness, try
Stomach Bitters
Central Furniture
But each day sees a large amount
of choice merchandise being deliv
ered from our sales lloor.
We are rapidly closing out this
stock to make room fcr the large
number of pieces arriving daily.
Buy today and we will deliver later
if you wish. Remember you make
your own terms.
Small Mrnlina
l'lxppnM? Snvp
You Money.
A Safe
Place to
that yu,,' jri ?T vouDK w " 10
Ahead of the Times
See Our Wonderful Windows
AS a man who takes pride in his appearance
and who strives to be well groomed, you will
be interested to know that we have completed
our new store front and fixtures making our
store the most modern of its kind in the city.
We have also added a $20.00 line to our already
well known $16.50' and $25 prices, making cur
range within the reach of all.
We are doing away with the old idea of Special
Sales hereafter we will have no more sales but
instead, will increase the values in the different
prices knowing that you will not be able to
equal the values we will show the year around
at $16.50, $20.00 and $25.00.
Maker of
i Baltimore, Mar. 10, 19H.
Wilcox A Allen.
Omaha, Neb.,
Your steadily growing business la due, we belie,
to the care, you take in aelectlng your alock and the
aervice you give your customer.. We do not know
of anyone who gives such excellent values as you
offer In "Perfect Fit Clothes."
We congratulate you on the new store.
Yours Sincerely,
AWK I MR M. Stein & Co.
a. Mkera
Oi. : " A'Jen. 'its
to,, .1 ' .
Olani, or youn M'raffor "n PDrnt.
' you. e,y "aier nJt the u." re.e ,
or ...'"' noirt,
Makers of
Rochester, N, Y Keb. 29, 1916.
Messrs. Wilcox t Allen,
Omaha, Neb.,
The firm that gives the most for the least money is sure of suc
cess. This, In our opinion, has been the secret of your steady growth,
and made your new store necessary. We know that. In selling Roches
ter Quality Clothes at your prices you are bound to succeed.
We congratulate you.
Yours Slncerelv,
Sec Our
Wonderful Windows
Thursday Night
"Wilcox & All en
203 South 15th, Near Douglas
Uoni. Advertisement.