THE BKK: OMAHA. TIITHSDAV. MARCH .. Look at Child's Tongue, if Sick, , Cross, Feverish Hurry, Mother! Remove poi sons from little stomach, liver, bowels. OMMERCIAL CLUB FOR ARBITRATION Adviie Railroads and Trainmen that They Do All Possible to Avoid Strike. PASSED SUCH A RESOLUTION Give "California Syrup Figs" at once if bilious or constipated. of T.nk at the tnnmia, mother! If coatrd, It is a sure sign that your little one's tnmsrh, Hvrr and bnirrla nred a grntlr, thorough clwtnsln at one. When prrrvlnh. croaa, listless, pais, rton't W'ep. doesn't eat or art naturally, or 1 fverlh, Momiirh aour, breath bad; haa atomach-ache, nor throat, diarrhoea, full of rold, alT a tpoonf ill of 'Cali fornia "Syrup of Figs." and In a few hours all the foul constipated maste, unril;ted food and aour bllo grntW mores out of the little bowels without ciiplng, and you have a writ,' playful f h lid ataln. Tou needen't coax licit children to taka thla harmless "fruit laxative;" they love ita delirious (ante, and It always makes thm fevl aplondld. - - Auk your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of -California Pjrrtip of Figs," which haa direction! for bablea, children of all acea and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Hewara of counterfrlta aold 'here. To ba ur you get tba genuine, aak to tea that It la mad by "California Fig Pyrup Com pany." riefuae any other kind with con tempt. Ad vertlaement. Following the appearance of Bal- rd Dunn, apodal representative of he railroad, before the executive committee of the Commercial club Tuesday noon. the committee adopted the following resolution touching on the Impending strike of englnemen and trainmen through out the country: "Whereaa. The c'nmm-rcUt Huh of Omaha Is convinced that the dlfferenrea now Impending between the railroads of hla country and certain of their employes f not speedily adluated will result rerl- ously and may bring about an Interrup- mn to railroad transportation; and. "Whereas, A railroad strike, even of temporary duration, would be a calamity far-reaching In Its effect, and bringing a loss to the public far more serious than he loss to the railroad companies and their employes: and, Whereas. Arbitrary action on either side without the questions In dlxpute lw- ng submitted to a careful and unbiased nveatigatlon would bring ahnut a grave condition, threatening the welfare of the public: therefore, be It "Resolved. That It is the sense of the Commercial club of Omaha. If the parties to the controversy do not reach an early agreement through direct negotiation, hat both parties to the controversy should submit their differences to an Im- partlsl board of arbitration for the ad- ustment of all causes of difference be- ween them, with due regard to the In terests of the public." -QUICK RELIEF! HO BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting". MURTEROLK la a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. It doea all'' the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaater doea It better and does not blister. You do not have to bother with a cloth. . Tou alroply rub It on ind usually the pain is gone! Doctors and nuraea uce MUSTBROLB and recommend It to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief It gives from Bore Throat, Bronchitis. Croup. Miff Neck, Asthma, Nenralgia, Conges tion. Pleurisy. Rheumatism, Lumbago, f'alna and Achea of the Pack or Joints, ftpralna. Wore Musrlea. Bruises. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the Cheat (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your, druggtat a In lie and Mc Jars, and a special large hospital alie for -'. He aura you get the genuine Ml'STF.R OLE. Refuse Imitations get what you tsk for. .The Musterole Company, Cleve- inil. Ohio. gllf BETTER THAU CALOMEL ThonMtnda Have Dl-coverex! Dr. Kd wards' Olive Tablet are a llarmlewa Substitute. Dr. Edwards' Ollva TableU-the sub stitute for calomel are a mild but sure laxative, and tlislr effect on the liver im almost instantaneous. They are - e result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. Hla effort to banish It brought out tneae little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets t th good that calomel doea, but have bo bad after effects. They don't intura ih uk Ilka strong liquids or calomel. They tak noiq ci ine trouble and quickly correct u. ny cure the liver at the expent 01 me teem? caiomei sometime plays havoc with tb gums. 60 do strong liquids. It is eieat not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets tak Its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and mat laxy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. " Taka Dr. Kd wards Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy" and 'heavy. rtota how they "clear" clouded brain and bqw they "perk up" the spirits. At 10c and Ko per box. All drug gists. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus. Ohio. RUPTURE Rupture, without reporting to a ilnful are the only reputable puysicians w wi,i i 1 smvii vuv ufrrwii guaramaa . Ma., I. a U' . S 1 .. i 1 . ua,v. tutrl luure than twenty year to Hie ciuntte treatment of Kuplura, and rav perfected th. beat treatment In l-UD lousy. e aa not inject pa fine or wax. aa it Is dangerous. Tha 1 . 1. 1 uf nur treatment r. M 1 ot tl'no. No detention from bu,iu. No danger from chloroform, shock and l , . A l-.t . . uimw yw.wH w u ww Me M J tu a no Jllal. A Few of Oar Rat Uf led Pal Ion. Ur. Peter Hlsh. Harvard. Neb.; Arno Pirn, .iinui, rwo.; w. M tieaallng rturr, rweo.; j. b. juaa, avocs. la.- j, H. Dsver, Blair. Neb.: C. M liarrU M veru. Is.. Urrin Keed. Ogaialla Ve Ant.m i'axla'n. Oakland. Ni . t r. Neb.; John Coe. Floux City, a-: Daa ...... . . I 1 1 . la.w u. . , . sil o, wrlu Xrs. WtiT a aCATXXsTT, suo miaw-m wasaaa. sfsa. for We ho te d. 1 ex we i ax araf ad- oas J. Helphand Clothing Co. WiliKELP Yoa Save Money 314-316 North 16th St. Postoffice Sleuth Finds Error Which Nets jLS, Thirty Thirty dollarn la the price the Wilson team Roller comnanv. Twentieth mH Center streets, had to pay for being un familiar with the postoffice law aovern. Ing third Claaa matter Three thousand conies of a circular let. ter were mailed by the company. Such lettera. unsealed, so at the 1-cent Postsge rate, provided that hev are Identical (except for th name of the ad dressee) and that they are "reproductions or Imitations of handwriting end type writing obtained by mean of the print ing press, neoatvle. multlarsnb nm almll.. mechanical process." Into each letter the wnrrt. "pn.i... stamp Is enclosed" had been written by Pen, this having been forgotten when the letters were printed. These four words cost $.10. Kor when Pat" McOovern. th celebrated mall sleuth of the postoffice, opened some of in circuisr letters he discovered the writing. And he called up John L. Mc. ague, Jr., th secretary of tha comnanv and he read th postal law to him and he pointed out that th Insertion of these four words by pen made each letter a personsl letter and subject to first-clans pottage. If the four words had been Inaeriarf K.. rubber atsmp. tha 1-cent postage would nave been all right. So uncle Ham Is 110 richer. Moorhead Will Not Remove Names from the Primary Ballot Unless he receives aoeclal notice tmm Secretary of Utate Pool. Elect ion ('Am mlsaloner Moorhead will not remove namea from the primary ballot aa re quested by candidates whose frigid pedal rxtremltlea bid them withdraw. Moorhead asserts he cannot remove a name after the filings have closed, though severs) candidates have requested him to do so. Secretary of State Pool, Moorneau s superior, has removed the nsmevf Vice President Marshall. Federal Grand Jury Called for April 10 A federal grand Jury was drawn to re port at Omaha, Monday. April 10. at a p. m. The Jurors are as follows: Chauncey Abbott, sr.. Schuyler: N. A. Allen, rilger; William Aaeenhelmer, Al ton; Charles Antrim, Dakota City; Wil liam Bowker, Hartlngton: John D. Has tell. Wakefield: Carl Mennke. Grand Is land; J. II. llolllngshead. Arcadia: C. J. Kulac. Norfolk; John H. Jones. Rushvllle; Owen Kane. Wlaner; W. J. Kierstead. Omaha: John H. Koenig, Petersburg: Charles E. Und. Central fitv: Arthn II. Logan. Pom a; William Miller. Benson A. P.. Modiaett. Ruehvllle; J. A. Peter son. Arlington; W. K. Powers, Pierce; W, 8 Hatterlee. iliadron; O. B. Fplere, Columbua; J. W. Thomas. Omaha; Henri B. Taylor. Blair. Syracuse About Ruined by War Correspondence of The Associated Press ) STRACISK. Islsnd of filclly. March 17. The war. enriching so many ship- TELEPHONE COMPANY CLUB HOLDS BANQUET The Nebraska Telephone Romlin ciob, an organixatlon of einulnves nf th.- Nebraska Telephone company, helda iti laat meeting of the year Tnerdiy even Ing with a banquet at Hotel Loyal snt an Orpheum theater party. The memberi are A. K. McAdama. fl n Moore k k- Haldeman. P. E. Lincoln. A. H. Morgan F. H. JJutt, Carl Eastham. E. E. Wilson J. M. DiHy. E. C Kelso, A. A. May. W T Currv. J. t Peteiann C I. rl 11. E. Rtctor. W. L. Robinson. Gail Johnaon T. II. Person, l. J. Mooney. L rpencer, C. F. Lambert. F. Q. Ilartie I'. A. Hughes. Robert Mauiy, Harry i tings and W. R. Phllps. il MRS. NORTON ENR0UTE HOME FROM A TRIP TO PARIS Charles II. Norton of Omaha, the old est conductor In yeara of service In the employ of the Northwestern on the lines est of the Missouri river, started for New York, mhrre he will meet Mra. Norton, who la an Incoming passenger from Franca on th steamer Espange, Mra. Norton haa been la France a year, visiting her brother, who conducts private achol for girls In one of th suburbs of Paris. Hew t are twlds. Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat right Tak Dr. King s New lUioveiy It kills owners and seaports of the Mediterra nean, his all but completed the ruin of Syracuse, once the world's richest port and the cfnter of Its commerce. So bard liss the war hit this port that It t'e ame an Important event recently when the six mn of the crew of the little Amerl an schooner Albania got up her creaking anchor, broke out the stars and stripes and sailed away homeward. With the departure of this ship seemed to fade the last hope of the 2a,"no people who live here, a paltry hsndful left from the fnonon who once v.ere proud to date theli prosperity from H C. While the war has brought activity to other ports of these seas, made Corfu, Brlndisl. Tarante, Salonlkl. the two Oal llpolls. supply stations for coloasal fleets of wse vessels snd their sccompanylng transports, brought them and their In habitants wealth, filled their hotels to overflowing, made beds worth far more than during contention time in Chicago. wrousht tha prosper ty of market gar dener" snd t'-ncrs. It has not only Psd by Syracuse but has taken aay what little business It had. .even (lalla The contrsts of seven members of the Iia Mobile Onlls have been received by Manaser Schmidt. The Week of Wonderful Win dows Begins on Thursday, March 30. y GROWING WITH GROWING OMAHA . ... . . ., . ;.emw i-f.j-.- y. nrf-irTTt in iii-i fill t" .'.----jA.lm.SMj.4s.. tZ-fnf- jsSjA Chocolate Day Thursday Delicious Pompeian Bit ter Sweets, pure, rich flavor: creamy chocolate, crushed fruit and nut centers; at all other times, 40c; for Thursday 25c : UIT AT 00 T O a n.1 IN e west opring otyies lzla us O NOTHING THAT WE can do or say could better prove our incontestable right to the title of the Specialty Shop for Woman's Apparel. These Fashionseal Suits at $25.00 express the latest dictate of Fashion. It is a standard at $25.00 that this store stands back of with the guarantee that it is the best value anywhere --To see the sign "Fashionseal" is to know that the gar ments are right-up-to-the-minute in every respect! Fashionseal Suits, $25.00 i New arrivals of these .wonderful Suits show some of the recent new fabrics and embrace every one of the smartest and most up-to- date models now being shown in the smart dress centers. The new taffetas and silk poplins, rich gabar dines, mannish serges, velour checks, mixtures, etc. "Women's and misses' sizes. Silk Afternoon Frocks, $18.75 A beautiful lot of smart, dressy frocks for afternoon and dinner occasions, made in the smart est of dressy fashions, with the new Russian bod ices, new flared and tunic skirts. Dainty and practical silk fabrics of crepe meteor, crepe de chine, French taffetas, all georgette crepes and com binations of georgette and silks. Colors are in the soft tones of rose, Copenhagen. Belgian, bayleaf, silver and "peace gray, navy, wistaria and black. Women's and misses' sizes. Silk Dresses, $11.75 A lot of 80 beautiful Silk Frocks, many samples, some worth to $17.50. Every one new and up-to-the-minute. Every good color and style. All sizes. Top Coats for Every Wear A Top Coat is necessarily essential for the com ing cool days and evenings, and there is hardly an occasion but what a wrap of some, kind will be needed. Auto Coats, Sport Coats, Street Coats, Dress Coats . Made of beautiful velours, in plain and checks, nobby plaids, effective combinations in gabardines, . poplins, silk taffetas, silk poplin, etc. $15.00, $19.00, $25.00 and to $59.00 Special Top Coat Offer at $10.00 A pretty and practical lot of smart Top Coats, in a great variety of good materials, smart colors and combinations; silk lined gabardines and pop lins; pretty Sport Coats in golf ine, checks and plaids. Dressy long serge and practical mixtures. The lot haa been grouped from sev eral different priced lots, and for to morrow's selling are offered at $10.00. Misses' and women's sizes. Silk Petticoats, $5.00 Specially selected for Thursday selling la' a lot of pretty and practical ailk petticoats,' in a variety of designs; good taffetas, silk Jerseys, mescalines, etc. Every color de sired for the new spring suit or frock Is to be found here. ran ni 3i!iEi 111 mm Tba HaMtlfat CaMnai. 'Nat aTa th treadla Ttalbla. r i a o i En laDinei dewing macnine AND YOUR SPRING and summer sewing problems will disappear. The "Free" is a jight running, easy-to-operate Sewing Ma chine. It cuts labor and exertion down to a minimum and makes the dressmaking and home sewing a pleasure instead of a task. THE FACT THAT we offer our unqualified guarantee with tha Kree is proof of Us goodness. Ws allow you $12.00 on your old Machlns when you begin to make paymants on the "Frea" Cabinet modal. An Initial payment of $100 and then $1.00 a week until full amount has bean paid. 8 pec la 1 for Thursday: Brandeis "0," four-drawer, $24.00. Brandeia "B," four-drawer, $20.00. "Our Special," four-drawer, $11.99. Buy a FREE Machine Today Third rUor. Nw Blldln. Women's Red Cross Pumps In a New Style All patent leather or dull kid, with the cutout straps; four button style. Leather Louis heels, band turned soles. These pumps are fitted with the fa mous Red Cross soles, made for comfort and durability. o Qf" All sites and widths.... pj UD Colored Kid Shoes $7.60 a Pair Ail sixes in stock. In gray, either dark or light shade; Ivory, aand color or white. Lace style, light turned soles, cov- 07 tZl ered Louis beels. Pr J iuU Sample Shoes and Pumps from the famous factory of Wright & Peters, Rochester, N. Y. These Shoes are in sizes 3 to 4V. A and B widths. All new styles, strictly up to date; shoes that are worth in the reg ular way from $5 to )7 a pair priced $2.85, $3.95 We Are Again Starting Our Annual Dressmaking Classes On Monday, April 3rd Madame Coates of New York & Paris will return to the Brandeis Stores and begin a coarse of lectures and lessons on sewing and dressmaking. Class A Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Class B Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. In order to familiarise women with the course, Madame Coates will dell Ter free lectures, beginning at 1:30 p. m., when she will briefly outline her plana. All those who desire to enter tha classes may register lmma dlately at the Superintendent's Office. A registration fee la neo essary to secure a place In either of the classes. It waa Impossible to accommodate all who desired to partici pate in the classes last year, therefore Ye request that yoa make your registration early. Madame Coates corers every phase of dressmaking and house hold sewing, accurate and economical cutting, perfect fitting and altering and the construction of women's, misses', children's and infants' wear. She will be pleased also to advise upon any aew ing problem that you may have. Tickets For the Entire Course of Fifteen Lessons. 50c a now on sale at the Superintendent's Office. Enroll early or yon may be disappointed. Be sure to attend the free lectures. Corsets for Comfort as Well as Style Warner Models at Modest Prices Your first thought should ba a corset be fore you make up your mind what any other part of your wardrobe is going to be. With I'uKtor anrvrnarliinir raniillv. vnn cannot afford "i t ' i . -i. i a- i . n wail mucn longer iu oujr yuur bjmuik '(ioin. No matter how good the dress or Ruit is, how much you pay for it, or how weM it is made if your Corset doesn't fit right you cannot pre sent a stylish appearance. Expert corset leres always in attendance here, and the service we render is not only to fit the Corset correctly, but to suggest to you the best model for your figure. Wh yon b punhtwd tha roraat that U bat suited to your ftfura ao that tt moulds your form, ths matter of selvcttnc your kparl to simply a question or tssts snct prtfsremo. Ths bl(ist and mast Important part of your apparel aesemblaie Is In ths pur naee ot ins coreei. The makers of Warner Corsets exercise the greatest care In the selec tion of the material and in the construction of every model they put upon the market. Warner Corsets sre guaranteed not to tear, break or rust. Mother and daughter can each be fitted with a Warner Corset, for we carry a stock so complete that everyone mill find that we have a perfect fit for all figures. Warnsr Corsets for stout figures made of good quality coutil, extra wide front' steel with abdominal band attached; also six heavy web garters Misses' and Girls' Corsets in fancy material, lace front, low top; flexible boning with free hip aec- 2 QQ $2.00 Slender and Medium Figure Models, made of batiste; low top, f n ff long skirt apl.UU Other models from fl.00 to $3.00 Warner Corsets will wear well and give ease, comfort and style. French Lamb Gloves at $1 a Pair It would I a rrvl aiene of -news if we were simply to announce that we had a complete 6tock of tVee Glwei, tout when, in addition to that remarkable fact, we quote a price of $1.03 a pair, it is very easy to make a prediction that this lot won't last very long. "Corona" lamb glove, bought from Perrln's. Most every woman will find they are held at a prem ium In many establishments; light and medium weights, in black and white, and a limited amount of col ors. Also "Odette" gloves. Examples of our pre paredness are in evidence all through the Store but in no department is it more apparent than in this (Jlove Store. Although we have a liberal Quan tity for Thursday's selling, this may be the last time that we ahall offer them at anything like this price. A word to the wise Is sufficient. Complete stocka of every good kind of Gloves enable us to cater to your every want just at the beginning of the spring season. Wall PapersInteresting Offerings A lart-e assortment of good quality pa pers, in light and dark colors, suitable for bedrooms and spare rooms; wide and narrow borders to match. Reg ular price 5c; sale price, roll. 3c Our Bedroom Papers are of the most stunning designs in the city. All colors, in the newest stripes and allovers. with cut-out borders to match. Including several black and white papers which are now In vogue. Val ues to 15c. Roll 8V2c SPECIAL Although Plain Oatmeal Papers have advanced In price, and are difficult to procure from the manufacturers, we will place on sale for Thursday only our most popular shades In domestic oatmeal plain papers, shown with cut- r U out borders of every description. Regular 15c values, roll and deatroa the cold trims. All drug gins. Advertisement.