THE BEE: OMAHA. MARCH FOR RENT-ROOMS II ousr keeping Roxifiis. fcUlTE of llVntTtmiSekeeptiiiTfootns with bstli, also private entrance. Just the thins for summer. In private family and on car line. IViuglae 3eo. 2 Sl"lTK3of housekeeping rooms (eft In new spartment to desirable couple; electric light and hot water heat. Har ney f;R7. LlUHT houseKretng roonu, single or ensulte. newly papered, modern. 27. 1 .lackson. Phone Harney TTTTtEH connecting:" modern roonu, for hoiiekeeptnir JrOrirflth2234 Farnam. Fr AN KLIN ST., 4.ti&Koom. with or w I 1 h otit house kee p I n K . Wa .'nut 1 704 H. aiTlr. Sfl J housekeeping ronnn, partly furnished; modcrti,Tylerj:3ft3 JW. liTlI. Jli-Ywo-room hnuselieeiilng suite.. Modern.DoiiglaB64fC. ETTl 5!24TH ST Strictly mod"ern. 4 rooms, furnished $22. Board nil Rooms. NlE, newly furnished connecting suite of front rooms, suitable for couple; wlil serve board, fall Webster 7172. UENT1 KM KN, with or without board, at ri7 So. 12th. Oil Tyler lro-V. Untarnished Rooms. TH RFiTrootrat and kitchenette, modern; must be seen to be appreciated. 281S rnnpl'ton Ave. . THREB moilern unfurnlsneS rooms. 107 Ijothrop. riione Wehster 24,18. Rooms WanteO). TOU PEOPf.E KilO RENT-ROOTmsT CALL THE REE WANT AD DEPT. snd find nut all about the FURNISHED ROOM GLIDE. Its a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartment. I I-R. with built-in bed. :717 Dewey, .NEW, $27 summer; $: winter. HASTINGS & HETDEN. 1S14 Harney St. Tyler.Vj. HOTELS Hotel, sax ford, hotel harlky. lth and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests KAVOT HOTEL, IMhand "jack son Sts7 Clean, modern, comfortable rooms at moderate prices. FOR RENT-HOUSES BUT don't expect too much from a house when you don't know what ts between the walls. 1 don't build all the well built homes, but all I do build are well built. Phona Benson 121. F. Ti ul Unger. FOR RENT A strictly modern nine-room cottage, bungalow style, at 4H North Sutb street. For terms see H. Fischer, 401 City National Bank Bldg., or call Douglas 1. $520 LINCOLN BLVD. 11 -room house, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price $50. Douglas 1818. FOR KENT May" 1, all modem, 7-roora house. 677 9. XXlh. Phona Harney iOi. 523 N. 3STH AVE. H v.. Vbaths,' modern, it. Doily, 2947. Mortal. T-R. 1411 Lothrop, mod.; large yd.; nice home, (27.60. HASTINGS HETDEN. 1814 Harney St. '1 yier 2611 CALDWELL. 6 rooms, partly modern; $14. 2619 Caldwell, 7 rooms, modern ex cepi heat; $20. .Webster ST726." 1515 "GRANT ST. 7-r. "com., modern, tus. T. F. Hall. 488 Ram ge Bldg. Doug. 74i. 6-R. choice mod. cot.; 3704 N. ID; new lighting fixtures; yd.; $22. HASTINGS k HEY DEW, 1614 Harney St. Tyler 60. Sooth 7-R 2431 8. 21, mod. ex. ht.; nicely dec; close to car bams: $18. HASTINGS A HETDBN. 1814 Ha rney St. Tyler 60. 1400 S. 11 Th Nearly new, 5-room mod. house, lot 60x140, walking distance. Berks 4t Muell, uongiaa pwi7. BUNGALOW, 6-room and sun room, new, 5arage, $30 on year lease. 1687 So. 2oth t Red 1881. MODERN eight-room house, H&nsoom park, I JO. Phone Webster 1798. 1814 Park Ave. 7-r. modern brick. H. 6870. M IscellHiieous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PAHTLl MODERN. 4- R. Ifi12 Carter Lake Blvd ...04.M 5- R. 6:tol N. 30th St 18.00 6- R. 714 Hickory .St 16.00 -R. 716 Hickory St 18 00 -R. 1019 S. 2Sth St. (close In) tf.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. a-R. 601 Martha Bt 12 00 6-R 603 Martha Ht 15.00 l-R- 616 N. 17th St. (close In) 20.00 6- R 3uU Charles St 16.00 -R. i S. 6th St 16. 00 7- R. 2819 N. 37th St 16.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 3619 N. 80th St., (new) 36.00 6-R. 1939 S. th fit, (good condition) 25.00 6-R 3121 Corby ttt (new bungalow) 27.60 -R. 4646 N. 40th St 20.00 5-R. 4lloN. 17th 8t 26.00 5- R. 4.-.OT Franklin St 20. 00 6- R. 4334 Ike St 35.00 6- R. 714 N. 4th St. (choice Dun dee bungalow) 46.00 7- R. a: t. nh st ; "-R. 10t6 8. Wth St. (close in).... 37. SO 8- Ft 414 N. 81st St. (choice loca tion) 26.00 8-R-2630 Dewey Ave. (close In).... 3J.50 FLATS. TAriTLY MODERN. 6-R. K13 Reese St 12.00 6-R. 31IT. N. 4 1 li St 12.60 STRICTLY MODERN. 4-R. yw Howard St. (close in).... M.60 6-R L'"3 S. frith St 25.00 T-R.-l:ioi S. isth Ht 27.60 T-R. 13 H. 28th St 26.00 l-R f1!- Harney St., choice 35.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. -R. 2918 Ks r nam fit .00 and 833.00 THE I.KON'E Uth Mason. 6-R Apt. No. 4 132.60 and $17.60 CARI'A I HIA L'4th Mason. I-R Apt. N. 6 $18.00 and $23.00 THE CLYDE ISO Ohio St. 4-R. Apt. No. 1 $15.00 and $30.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SRB OUR COMPLKTU LIST HEFtJRE RENTING. A WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT PORTER & SHOTWELL, Offices With American Security Co., Cor. 17th and Douglas Sts. D. 5013. Modern Hoinos 8-R. 3V4 Davenport St $'fl 00 x-R. 3o23 Harney St J40 ini S Webnter St., Dundee $: 00 w-it. zi'is h-urker St. (colored) $p.u -R 1W9 8. 9th St SL.-o.ot) 6-R 3207 Howard St 125.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT ft R 430 N. 17th St .f, 00 -R. SCil Vinton St !. 5- R Shelby Court cloae in) $17.50 6- R. 2121 Nicholas St $14 00 S R. 3l3i) Leavenworth St $.o.w I-R 361 N. 31st St $ a ml I-R.-2U5 Nicholas St $ii iu FLATS. 6-R. 8118 Isenworth, Mod. ex. ht$!O0 $-R. No. !), Shelby Ct., mod. ex. ht $ 7.00 APARTMENTS. 6-R. Georgia. 1H) ticorgia Ave... .$37.50 Peters Trust Company, 1t23 Farnam St. Douglas 8:. SI 18 Decatur St., ;.r., reception hall" strictly modern. $30. ?-' Clark. -r., mod. ex. heat, $15. '. Snenccr, 9-r , all mod. $30 217 Kinniet, 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $17.50. ?.:i) F.mmet, 7-r , all mo,i . $js 2-'13 Clark. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $18 M36 Plnney. 4-r.. part mod., $10 .2611 Charles, 7-r., all mod., in 60 Mj So. th Ave e-r.. all mod.. $26. $30 V'nWOrt m0i- tX "e- W7 Bo. 18th, 4-r., all mod., $22 50 31' Beward. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat! $16 24184 So. 16th, 6-r., mod. ex. heat liiui Will repair any of above. McCagne- Investment Co. 1506 Dodge St. Dong 416. o. FOR BE.VT ,FolL,R- R-Jman- i S. 6th St.; new liiumumi iv tiKino iignt; I A) pep tno, 4 -room flat, modern, 814 N. ith St $ . per month. '' Nire storeroom. 27th and Cuming Su . $lj per month. J. B. ROBINSON. 443 Bee Bldg. Doug. 8097. RE"TS.s A P84WrTmod 1 TJ5 S." 27t"h" $!' 4-r. HI S. 24th. HO: 5. r . s S. .:ul,' t others: homes 1111 rent-il miih nt Mc kit4R L. Co, D. Us. T. ;iw-J. FOR RENT-HOUSES t IsreJIn nensis. ;1 S. KTH AVE., 4-r., first floor, $11. !43 N. 2Vth Ave. to. 4-r.. $10. W6 N. 2Mh Ave. C ). 4-r.. $lo. 1431 N. I9'.h St., 6-r.. $:. S-M N. ?'th St.. 6-r.. $." 517 N. .th St., 6-r . $-,V IHi'7 Purdette St., 6-r.. $25. :uy Maon St.. 7-r.. $.r.. ' THE MYRON REED COMPANY, D.ijRln '7. 213 S. 17th St. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRY. " 6-r.. downtown, colored; $12. Also a 2 and a 1 (like bungalow) and ACRR Onoi'ND, H and $7. Also 6-r.. Call fornla bunsalow and acre, $14. TeL D 21'i7. Evenlnrs. Wal. 2587. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH. SONS CO. 80S REE TtLDO nni'O. t. li1 P. 27th, moilern, 7 rooms, t5. "(it I'nppb'tnn Ave., 5 rs. and bain. $17. JOHN N. FHENZER. Douglas 654. Si D !'! I.AS-8 rooms, modern." $33. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. 5-R. Beautiful terraoes, mod. Jusl com rleted, I'axton Court, closo In. walking dlst.; curtain rods, window shades; gas range, refrigerator furnished; $36. HASTINGS A HEYPRN, K14 Harnev St: Tyler 60. FINK steam-heated apurtment, either 4 or 6 rooms, on West Farnam street. JOHN VLRQBB1NH, 1802 FARNAM ST. 5 ROOMS. 207 8 . 2 Ave. fT-Tose" In; lifaTk Inn dlst.; beautiful apt.; built-in buf fet, $46 yr. round. HASTINGS ft HEYDETN, 114 HarneySt. Tyler 60. 4-HotiM end bath apartment In 1 -in wood, 2."'11 Harney; very choice; east front; 2d floor. Call D. 1472. 2-K. 1C17 Dewey, with hullt-ln bed; close In; NEW; $j4.r sum.: U'7.60 win, HASTINGS HEYDEIN. 1814 Harney St. Tyler fA Wort. FIVE-KOO.M steam heatea apartment, very desirable; the Chula Vista, loth and Poppleton Ave.. $42.50. 823 Brao- dels Theater RJ1; JSIST! . 5-K. ftwv, N. 21, close in; mod. ex. ht; walklnit dlst.; $'J0.60. HASTINGS & HEYDFTN. 1(114 Harnev St. Tyler 60. l.llth. 4-R -Bungalow Terrace! 2418 Hickory, NEW stucco; mod.; x.". HASTINGS & HEYDRN. 114 Hartley t-t. Tl!r!! 6-R. 1317 Park Ae.; good location; choice spt.; $)0 yr. round. HASTINGS & HEYDHN. 1K14 Harney St. Tyler 60. Mlsce'la neons. MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 8-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. except heat; good neiKhborhood: $12.60. D. K. BU:. 912 Omshs Nat. t. 6226. MODERN, steam-heated apartment, near P. O.; $18 upwards. O. P. Stebblns. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; t-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hour; storage. $3 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 4338 and Tyler 230. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE!. Separate, locked rooms, for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80S 8. 16th St. Douglas 41CT. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storsg and mov ing. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas $4 o. Harney 1187. MOVING AND STORAGE, PACKING, SHIPPING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORK. Douglas 7786. OMAHA Track, Van and Storage Co., moving, packing, storage and shipping. Phone Douglas 1496. FIDELITY $$Jici FREE Phone Douglas 28 for complete list ot vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving, lfth and Jackson Sis. T d RF.FTi Express Co. J. Ks. nrjjV paoltnB ,,nd , Moving, torage. 12"T Farnam ft. uougias 146. EERRIN VAN & STORAGE Packing, storage. 15 Cap. Avs. Tyler 12O0. FOR RENT BUSINESS PR'PTY Store. STOREROOMS. Three dandy line storerooms at 24th and Leavenworth; one of the best loca tions lu ilty; rent very reasonable. Calkins & Co., Douglas 1813. City Nat. Bank Bldg, BRAND new up-to-oate storeroom on Capitol Ave.. Just off 16ih street, steam heat, toilet and lavatory, light fixtures In hardwood floors, plate, glaaa win dons. To be ready April 1. Cackley Bros. DESIRABLE small More room 1530 Cass St., $30 rent. Conrad Young, 3iJ Bran ileis Theater BldK. Douglas 1671. STORE KOOMW at 1H09-1811 Farnam St. Thos. F. Hall. 483 Ramge Bldg. D. 740$. STORE, modern, low rent, near post- offlce. G. P. Stebblns, WIO Chicago STORE building, living rooms la rear. 90M N- 20th. Douglas 186L Offices ssd Desk Roots). SMALL office and apartment; low rent; near postofflce. Q. P. Stebblns. EAST front suite of rooms." Wead Bldg. F. D. WEAD. 810 8. 18th St. LARGE light basement on So. 16th St. Wright A. Lasbury. D. 152. FOR RENT SUBURBAN 6 ACRES 8' blocks from Council" Bluffs Omaha car line; 5-room house; will rent cheap if taken at once. THOS. L. M GARRY. 428 Keellne Bldg. Red. 4344. WANTED TO RENT Untarnished Houses and Flats. WE have prospective tenants for homes In all parts of the city. F. D. WEAD, 310 )Mh. Wea4 Bldg WANT apartment in good location; 4 or 6 rooms preferred. Could use 6 rooms. Address L 6iil, care Bee. WANT to renL 6 or 8-r 00m house, IrT giiod neighborhood. Address 0-653 care Ilea. W A NT to rent. 6-room cottage. Address M-'.2. care Bee. KsrnUhrd llosiri and Flats. Want to Rent Furnished Apartment within reasonable walking distance to Farnam school. 30th snd Farnam; man, wife and 11-year-old daughter. Can use fnr six weeks and possibly longer Want something good, i'none Harney 27. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Weal. California Street Bargain Near 15th St. Dandy 4-room hoase, oak finish and oak floors; well ar ranged and practical ly new. Lot 4'ut 1;0 ft. Party leaving town want an of- D. V. SIIOLES CO., 915 1ft City Nat. BsnkBldg Doug. 49. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT- New 7-r. modern, oak and birch finish throughout, beam celling and all built in features; pressed brick foundation; south front, olose to car; first-class ma terial and workmanship. A complete home in eery detail. Best buy In oinaua. owner, iiougiae 102. THREE brand new. oak finish, all mod ern bungalows, west, at 85th and Jack son. Can deliver any one of these for $3,450, on terms Call Douglas 3.flf2. NEW bunxalow of five beautiful rooms at S th and Dewey Ave., at a harKalik, Call Tyler luol any day or eieulng. Small payment down. REAL lTVI K Kirn aiifl G. neial lnur an.e it Tliatrher. i 1 7 -1 t i I y .S. lionul Bank Ug. Duugia 0l. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. NKYV 7-rwim home, frsrsge; cathedral, Pemls park district. See owner. Make commission. Harnev 4tU. 74 arts). OWNER FORCED TO SEl. Have to leave Omaha account of chsnges in my business and forced to a quirk sale of my cottage of 6 rooms and bath. A modern, rosy home; corner lot 48x133. near Miller Park and Florence blvd., one block from car line. Few dollars down. PAUL M. MICHAEL8EN. 245$ Hartman Ave Phone Colfax 3781. 356.00CASTT Then $10 per month buys vou a 6-room house at 8308 Maple St. This place Is partially modern, is worth the price asked and you can make money If you buy it. 1310 Ohio 80., Is a food 4-room house with city water and a lars-e south front lot. You can buy it on these easy terms. 1436 Sahler St., Is a 6-room house with well water, that can be made Into good home. This place ran be bought on the same terms. For prioes oall Creiffh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 60S Bee Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One of finest homes In Kountse place, lot 74x124, on corner Boulevard and I.othrop Sts., facing: south; will take less than It cost to build the house alone, or mtRht take small house In exchange; house has I rooms, also billiard room on third floor; will take part cash, balance monthly pay ments; don't overlook this snap; house too lame for me. A. H. olmatead, lf24 Lothrop. Phone Web. 8620. BUY FROM OWNER BELOW COST Five rooms and bath, entirely modern onttsge, excellent condition, storm sash, shsdoe. etc. Close to car and school. Will rent for $25 per month. Can be bought on easy terms. See owner at 2859 Corby St. after (p.m. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath; large lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees. Price $2,350. Located 4107 North 29th St Norris & Norris, 400 Pee Bldg; Phone Douglas 4276. PRAIRIE PARK STUOCOi beauUJuT south front. 8 bedrooms, sleeping poroh and tile bathroom, vestibule, large liv ing room across entire width of house, with hullt-ln bookcase, large dining room with beamed ceiling, brlok foun dation, cemented basement, splendid shade, shrubbery and hedge, paving taxes all paid: $300 rash, balance $40 monthly. B. J. Scannell, 609 Ware Block. I'oug. ci8 or Colfax Soil BEM1S PARk BARGAIN. Seven rooms, strictly modern, located In the center of Bemls Park; oak and pine finish, furnace heat: 2 blocks from ---car line; extra large lot; must be seen to be sppreclated. See us for appoint ment. PAYNE INVKSTMreXNT COMPANY. 6th Fl. . .maha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. o CLOSE IN BUNGALOW. 31st and Lafayette Ave., one 6 and ons 6 room. classiest In city, beamed ceilings, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, plate rail, paneled ceilings and walls, window shades, water meter, everything new and up to date. Call owner and builder. weneter .TfiDa 6-ROOM house, lot 64x182. big barn, hold lng 4 horses and 7 tons of hay and brand new 2-auto garage; must leave on account of sickness and will sell for $2,750 rash. L. J. Parmlee. X06 Mlsml St. Wehster 823. GREAT BARGAIN Well equipped modern eottasTe, full ce ment baaement. beautiful yard. Spe cial inducements for cash, as owner Is l ea vi n gcl t y. Tel. We hater 892. CHOICE Improved acreage, snap, 4 acres, all In fruit, bearing, 1 mile north of Florence on paved road, 6-room house, ' barn. $5,000. R. H. LANDERYOTJ, Tel. D. 6766. 202 Neville Block. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 6-room cottage, toilet, gas. water, lo ft, lot. $1,350; terms, $50 cash or Ford car for equity, 8. P. BO8TWIC.T. 800 BEE BLDG. TWO-STORY modern houses, hot water heat; good as new. 2589 Pratt St. Fine location, $3,250. Make offer. Phone Walnut 2233. 6-ROOM house; large lot; beautiful paved street; near churches and schools. Gen uine bargain. PlioneJ.',olfax1734. WILLTVicrlflce my 6-room modern house. witn sleeping porch snd sun reom; nicely decorated a. w bster 1127. FOR SALtO Modern 6-room house, oak finish; 22,36 Sherman Ave.; will sell cheap. Call Web. 7276 after 6:80. oath. Happy Hollow Blvd. New Brick Residence $8,500 Brand new, and one of the best built. most artistic homes in the district. It watt Juat completed when the owner waa transferred away from Omaha. Elsht good-sized rooms, oak floors In every room In the house; beautiful brick fire, place In fact, all the little details that go to make an Ideal home. Fine lot and brick rarage which corresponds In srehitecture with the house. The prloe Is way leas than the actual cost to the owner. BUT IT MUST BE5 BOLD. See us at once. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1586. Keellne Bldg. CHOICEST FART FIELD CLUB Beautiful oak finish, matt brick fire place; the decorations, electrta fixtures, rlumblng and in nil details the very est built for a home. Large light rooms, splendidly arrangtd. all built-in etfecta. You should see this. OSBORNE. 701 OMAHA NATL BANK. D. 1474 A DANDY FIEIJ) CLUB HOME 4 rooms and den, all modem, nice base ment, everything In good oondltlon. ele gant lot, paved street, close to school and car line, splendid neighborhood. Price only $J.6O0 C. G. CARLBERG, tit Brandels Theat'.r Bldg. NEAR IIANSCOM PARK Living room, dining- room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom on first floor; bed room, bath and sun parlor on seoond floor; oak finish; modern; elegant fix tures; full cement basement. Prl'e $8.oQ; $300 down, balance terms. Brand new. Just ready for oooupanoy. C. G. dYIlLBERG, 812 Brandels Theater Bldg, ONE ACRE IMPROVED NEAR BELI.BVUE BOULEVARD! ONLY H BLOCK To CAR; NEW -ROOM BUNGALOW; ELHOTRIC IJGHT. HOT AIR FURNACE. PRICE ONLY $3150; EAY TERMS. PHONB SO UT H 2816. A BNAP s-room hwuse. eleclrlo lights, gas, bath and furnace; permanent side walks, paid; 16 minutes walk of 1m h and Harney Sts. No. 814 8. 27th St.. near Ieavenworth St. Harney 1646. Rob ert Robertson. FIELD CLUB, new home. 1 beautiful rooms. Nothing finer in equipment or finish. Will sell to responsible party on easy t rn le . r mill cnnnider ex 1 hanKc at situs! an.e. for cottage or taiunl lot. $'.. Call Tyler 911. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Xnslh, s-ROOM "modern house st 1185 FarkfAveT for t-'.KM. I .rse lot. 60ni4n. W 11 GATES. 47 Omaha Nat. Rk. HI. In D. 1M. SIX South Omaha lots, $l5i each, $10 down, $5 month; 5V4, per cent; same lots originally cost $.V ami worth $J now. WILLIAM COLFAX. M t seel tnaen ns. HERE S S( )M ETli INTT "" GOOD A five-room cottage, hsvtng larse liv ing room across the front, dining room and kitchen on first floor, 2 goml slued bedrooms and bath on second floor. In fact this place Is modern In every par ticular and very attractive. Is situated on an excellent south front lot, 60x130 ft. Owner is leaving town and Is of fering this property for $8,000. which 1s considerably less than Its actunl worth. The place ran be hotiKht with $500 cash and balance on tnonthlv payments PAYNE & SliATER CO., JJMnsha Nat. Bank. Dnug. 1016. North Sido Bunpnlow Hot Water Heat Isvtnc room across front, dining mom and kitchen on first floor Two bed rooms and white enamel bath on sec ond floor. This bungalow Is lnrated on one of the test streets on the north side on a big south front lot 60128 feet and one block from car line. Price. $4.1.0. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 41611 Keellne Bids Tel. loug. ALL BARGAINS. Hanaoom park, 8-r. modern, hot water heat, oak finish: cheap for cash, or exchange for smaller house. SJsr., modern, good condition; paved street; close In. 2 blocks to cur. Small cash payment; balance like rent. Cedar St., three small rntiaues on one lot, three blocks tn car; onlv $1,260. Blr-r., modern but heat. Van Camp Ave.; bargain. WRIGHT LASBURY. I'M 9. lth 81 Douglas Kd. -ROOM BARGAIN-NEW, S-ROOM. 2 6TORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR A SMAP AT $8,400, REASON A HI. F. PAYMENT BENSON CARMICHAF.U DOUGLAS 1722. 642 I'AXTON BLK. SAFETY FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFm FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE, SEE O'NEJTB R. E. & INS. AO'VCT, 684 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tvler 1494. 8-R. OLD HOUSE LOT 44x131; $200 cash, balance monthly, on paved street; good locstlon; ansp. H. A. WOLF 114 Ware Block. Douglaa 8068. 6-R mod. house, $20 mo.; $76 caali; full cor. lot, east front, fine location. 2 hlks. to car; exoentlonal value at $2,vA Mc Kltrlok R. B. Co. D. 1482. Ty. 21 40-J. SEVEN rooms, hot water heat, splendid shape, Pd street, excellent neighbor hood. Best reasons for selling, $2.KOO, $300 down. Call evenings. Colfax 4071. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. ACRES, close to ear: hiv farms yrtle Deuel. Colfax 1062. after 10 a. m.' Worth. Come Out f o Minne Lusa and see the wonderful development go ing on mere. Tou will find the best Iota offered In Omaha at $oo0 to $mio. Hewer mains, water mains, walks, grading and seed ing all paid for. Esav terms. CHARLES W. MARTIN CO.. Owners. oat. Garden Lota 1100 TO $200 U DOWN, 60 CENTS PER WEEK. Buy one, two, three or four of them. " They are located on the South Side, near good car line. Make your garden and start your little oottsge at once. SlfULER A CARY, Phone Doug. 4238. 204 Keellne Bldg. WILL RUILP TO SUIT. Have 16 first choloe lots In Les Ten worth Heights Add.; easy terms. Doug. 2981. Carl H. Bolen, 614 Paxton Bldg. FINB lots. Bancroft and 6th streets7. Walking distance) only leGO, easy terms. Mrs. If. U Hawver. 8824 Grand Aye., Colfax 761 MleeeJIaseoas. Improved and Vacant Acreage Near Omaha 10 sores, all In full bearing fruit, I miles i ot nenson; nign and sightly; $7,(i00; bas small house snd other outbuildings. 18 acres on Main 8t., paved road, west of imumni, """11 iruii ana siihiiii; to-room house, barn and other outbuildings. $0,600. Pi acres west of Benson, on Paved street strlotly modern 6-room house, large Mm, cnioaen ana nog nouses, io.ouo. 44 seres In Keystone Park, N. W. of nenson; nign ground, ft-room house, 14.600. "hi acre, oiose to nenson; 4-room, new house; fins for small chickens and gar- oen; ona diock to pavea road. Price, $3,850. 4 seres, fine hrrel land, lust a Mule slope. out nenson way- rrioe, 41.. t-t acres, nearly level land; has running water, some ajraira ana large trees, Price. $8,126. 6 44 sores level land, running water; out Benson way. l'rlce, $:,040. I seres, fine level land, close to a paved roan, j'riee, i,itu. A number of these choice acreage tracts ran be had on the easy payment nlan Now la the time to buy acres, as vmi never will be able to buy them as cheap as you can now. HASTINGS & ITEYDKN, 1614 Harney Bt. VACANT ljCyffC. Corner 10x128 ft., paved St., sewer and water, located In Boulevard Park. Price tl.f-io. Inside lot, 40x115. street to he paved in spring. Locate'l In Boulevard Park. Kilo. Inside lot, 60x180. on 4h, Just north of Ames Ave. Price $3.0 I lots near 18th and Fort Sts. Price $-' each. RASP BROS, POUG. ICT PHONE Patterson. Doug. 2SKT. for llstof lota. I34 and up. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Flat or Apartment Rite We have 110 feet south front on Cali fornia, between Sid and 84th. This la an exceptionally good location for either flats or a small apartment house. Price only $S.0n0. Terms If desired. A. P. Tukey & Ron, Phone Doug. 60 I6Q7-I W. O. W. Bldg $90,000 Close In, downtown corner, fine alts for beautiful block. F. D. WEAD, 210 8 18th St., Wead Bldg REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT! $10.00 down and $10.00 per month: price l.'Ui'V. slse, 6"sl2. located on Locust M between Clark snd fiurnbam: not from school and car line. Geo. 11 Wiigiit. lice ulfite. Omaha. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN DaaSre. One RoM Two Good Buys Left At llio top of the bill. 41th Ave. snd Cuming, beautiful vlem. two blocks of est 1 amain car, we hsve two mlKhty tine hmiKaloua. five and six room each, oak tin noKhout. very tattlly decorated and finlf.ii'i1 with beamed ceillnKs, built-in luiffi 11. kit. hen cabinet, alndow nhados suit window screens- very artis tic likht fixtures; textile sMnsle ronrs with Ions time iclaratttce; paving paid. These are bcautliiil homes and will merit your earliest Inspection. It us hear from you at once before they are gone. Iliatt Fnirfieltl Co., :. Omaha Nat. Bank Rids;. Tel D. VH. DUNDEE $(5..r)00 DIUCK AND STUCCO This Is a J-nwiii completely modern and very attractive home located at 4S21 IVidjee St. Must be sold this week or eff the market. Note the arrange ment: Ijirs-e living room with extra Isrge stone fire piece, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room snd den all on the first floor. Three bedrooms, sleep ing porch end tile bath room on second floor Breakfast room on first floor csn easily be used as maid a room; pav ing taxes paid In full. This Is a bar gain and terms ran be arranged. GI3VER & SPAIN, Douglas 80" 1, l-Eo City National. DUNDF.B. Corner 4th and I sard, graded, side walk, oily water, swer. corner, $J60; Inside lots tfflo to $860. GEO RGB Q. WALLA OF, 634 Keellne. Ft K ATT 1 F 1 ' i . tTTTi k anil stucco homee being built In Evanstnn, south of lodge St.. In Dundee. H. H. Harper 4k Oo. Aereasje Property T BEAUTIFUL ACRT5T 44 Jscksnn. So. Omaha. lsndy bunga low, barn, chicken house; bldga. alone worth the price, tmly $2,000. Ask to see this. GRA11AM-PF.THTRS R10ALTT CO, Phones: Red KS; Evenings. Wal. 1108. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES TTARDWAHE or lumber yard wanted lor good 80-acre farm, well Improved. miles from Deer Park. Wis.; 46 miles Trom St. Paul; nice location, good soil, to trade for hardware or lumber yard of about same value $90 per acre) deal with owners only; jive full particulars In first letter. W. E. Dlngman, Owner, Deer Park, Wis GREAT BIO BARGAIN. 10 sores farm land right elose to town. Prloe $8,600. or will exchange for new house or bungalow In Omaha Ad dress O w. Bee W1UT TfXVlTToU oft do ToTT See us first. Ws may have just what you want. Ws sell or trade everything anywhere. C. J. Smith. Tyler 1591 trades! trades. TTtADias! Fsrms and Omaha property for ex change .1. A. ABROTT. Patterson Blk.. Omaha. 10-ACRrt' grape fruit land", paid up water right $f.00i clear, want Omaha property. ARTHUR CHA.H Bee Bldg.. Omahsv. Neb. SIX houses and farm to exchange Ne farm. Tolsnd 8V Tmmhull Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange anything you hare m oner. j. v snan. ina tfut Ming. REAL ESTATE BUS- PROPTY as FEET, it), st . 8 blks. from viaduct. t6.6oO. McCagne Inv. Co.. MoCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WH HAVE a client who will pay oh for a suitable house nesr Bemls Park. Must be new or nearly new and In good condition. Price la limited to $4.0u5 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMiPANT. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. D. 1781.hi FINANCIAL ea I Ksta taJkoa as,M er t gra sjee. WK r ready at all timet to" make loans on flrit-elaM city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST 00., 112 South 17th St MONET TO LOAN ON Apartment houses, double brlok houses, single houses, business property and farm lands at 6, 6, and t'V. W. H. TiiUMAR, ( $28 KeeMne Bldg. Douglas 148. 6 TO 6 for loans on best class city residences In amounts $1,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 163 Farnam St NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. MONEY to loan on Improved farms snd ranches. We also buy good farm niort- gages. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. OMAHA homes! East Nebraska farms? OKEKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Phone Douglas $716. MONEY TO LOAN, twr 6 years, on Improved properties. SHOPEN CO.. Doug. 4246. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. Nff,',d., $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. P. D. Wead. W'ead BlrigvlKth and Farnam Bta. (or CITY LOANS. C. G. Oerrberg. tie. " 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. CTTY and farm loans, 6. 6H. t per cent J. H. uumont at Co., 41 Keellne Bldf 5 liriNirv HinnmnN m uadthm Omaha Nnt. Bank Bldg. Stoeke and ttoaae. HAVE two 1 1. OKI mortgages ill swing 6 per cent Interest; secured on Tennessee lsnd; due In $ and 4 years; will trade for good automobile, or what have your Address C 616, Omaha Bee. $20.000 " MOlVrVTAGE- bearing 6 per"cent semi snnual: secured hv prriperty val ued S l sr.o. Talmage-Loomla Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg Abstracts of Title. I Inn ran inn Abstract Co. We ran bring IUlHUlt,C0(lwn yOU1. atrct on Short notice. R. V Patterson Itldg. D. 247. Iv KT1? Title "Guarantee and Abstract njjiuv,,, a ln()ern abftract office 106 S.17th St. Tel.J). 6487. REED ABSTRACT Co . "oldest abstract office In Nebraska, yri Brandeis Thsa- REAL ESTATE -TRACKAGE TH ACK A" 1 E - I'llie Hlln on 14. A M.Tx 164 rsn be bought at a bargain. C A. Grlmmcl, 841) Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. FARMLAND RANCH LANDS bins I. amis. 4HA. Iowa liniuoved fariiT! Trice $TS6 per acre. Will lake part In Income propei I and carry balance on land. W. K. CRAIG. 1817 City Nat. Bank B.ilg , Omaha. Neb. Missrials l'MUda. $40 ACRES, 46 lulles "from Asinneapolla,' near two good railroad towns; one half under cultivation, balance use for pasture and hay; can practically all be cutlvaled: good soil, good act of buildings; this land will produce Su bushels of corn per acre; country u Ibu.Uy settled, complete set of ma chinery; 27 head of stock, consisting of H cows, balance 1 and 2-year-olds, 4 good horses, 26 hogs, rhicksns and everything on the farm goes at $ per acre. One-half cash. Immediate pos session can be had. SCHWAB BItOd , 1028 Plymouth Blug Minneapolis. Minn. Missouri Loads. 1 A CHE FA R M In Dent Co.. Missouri, 1 mile to village, 11 miles to Salem; highly improved; good barn and silo; good buildings; 110 acres In cultivation and meadow, win ter wheat goes with place If sold at once, some fine timber, good orchard. Price $30 per acre. W. 8. FRANK, jot Neville Block, Omaha. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down. $5 monthly. nos t aires, good rruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri I'rue only Vl'.t Addiess Box fee, t-x-it'.jiur bpiiiit. Mo. FARM ANDRANCHj.ANDS Colorado Lands. A GOOD fsrm of 100 aoies. located in the Platte valley, nesr luleshurg. Colo. This fsrm Is sll irrigated; a fine proposition for sugar beets and fall and spring wheat. Will sell or trade for farm In Iowa, Nebraska or rood land In South Dakota; Ad.ircssY2 Bee. Mississippi Lands. iVT.A yTTl UI NGS, on" theVircaTTs land of pure delight, where you can hae a self-supporting home on an In come prod ii. in H acreajra on easy terms. Costs nothing to look It over. Free literature W. T. SMITH CO . City National Bank Bldg. e hen W a Lands. High class farm" Containing 212 acres: 67 miles from Omaha, Well improved and ill good state of cultivation: exceptionally rich soli, good alfalfa and corn land; any one wishing first-class grain and stock farm would do well to investigate this. Price, $22,000. terms. Relyen ft Glfford, 818 Kamje Hldg., innaha. Neb. FV'R SA LKi.2Nii-arre stock farm; two sets of buildings; five never falling wells of water; all fenced and cross fenced; good house and large frame barns. Owner prefers to sell farm stock snd maohlnery right together. For further particulars address J. K. Paine, Uandy, lxgan Co, Neb. A NO. 1 quarter, lt miles from lail,Ten," Neb Petklna countv, southwest quar ter 17-10-87; 186 acres broken, balance hay land; must leave on Rconunt of slowness and will sell for $36 per acre cesh. Address L. .1. Parmlee, $109 Mlaml St. Webster 82.T " "saTKdkrs c'OUNTr. 180 scres-$l0O-$16,000; bottom farm; I miles from Memphis; all under cultiva tion; fair buildings, fenced and cross fenced PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY". Ojnaha Nst Bsnk Rldg, Omaha. Neh. F6u"N D fciVacre unclaimed homasteadT good soli; ample rainfall; artesian water; near free timber. Price $.100, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy. Ft Mku g an. Co I v D5 you want a reaT bargain In a good half section of lend close to OgalTala, Keith Co., Nebraska? If you do I oan deliver it. Room 827. Omaha National Of sha. Neh. FOR BaXE) Best targe boiy high grads medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradlsy. Wol bach Neb i 640 acre relinquishment-for sals' ; five miles from R R. town, ten miles from another. Writs Lock Box $43, Val entine, Neb. 160 A., adTointng Hrslisy. all ffiie vaTIey' land, improved. Price $.6X), worth, $36,000. Write P. C. Patteraon. Omaha. 10 A(?Sniay landTlilack aolT, 4 miles north of Overton, Dawson county, Neh., to trade for thnaha income property. P. J. Tebhens. J6 Omaha Nat f Bank 15 ACRES near good town In "Johnson roun peyn county. Will taks Omaha property part Payment. Thos. Campbell, M2 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 482$ Wlyosils l.antrs. tJPPER WISCONSIN Best 'dafry and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 94 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested in fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address I.and and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. If IseeTtaaewe. BUYERS WITH THE MONEY TO INVEST. Farm land ads placed In these col umns reach the kind of people all over the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lends. Quality snd quantity are both found in THE BKE'S country circulation. The subscription rata for The Bee la much higher than any other Omaha newspaper. Naturally The Bee is read by a class of well-to-do farmers. Send In your ad and reach some real buyers. "HAVE YOU A FARM Pon BALKT Writs a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City, la.. Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powsrful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for $2; or 60 words, $4; or 76 words $h. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 260,000 resders dally In four great states. FARMS, acreage and lly property for sale snd exchange. C. R. Combs 808 H rennets Theater Bldg. Doug. 8816. FR"EE LT5ti60 choice Minn.-Wls.DakT choice farms. Borer, 83$ Sea. Bldg., K.. Minneapolis. Minn. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES tiVE brood sows, one full blood, Chester While, and one Poland China for sale. Must be sold st onoe. fall Walnut 14) For" Wale. Notice to Farm i'rh. Bargain for rash while they last. Don't fall to corns this week. Closing out the last of my well matched mares, from 6 to t years old, some In foal, weighing from 1.600 to $.000 lbs. per span; also 6 light business horses. I have sold 148 horses and mules since the first of the year, and as the buyers that have bought them are all well pleased I hope to aes you early and do by you as I have by them sell them under a full guarantee or your money refunded. 1 also havs 46 yearling and two-year-olds on the farm that 1 will sell and ship anywhere In Neb. or Iowa free of charge. Bern In rear, 1$4 8. Mth Bt owner 15nE team of good work horses, weight about 8,800, cheap to rash buyer. Call at 018 Douglas. HAT-$&.60 Ion. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16, $1000.00 to be WON in Dundee The Community Beautiful REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Coo,pll4 en4 furnUhsd br Ksrr Tills OuaiiM an4 AbsUacl conipwij, auutb Mi.uurulli street. WA-RRANTY Cll Christ isnsea and wits la i. Unr. lot I. block I, fstUraoe rsrfc Bdssril Kslsie ta Amis Mssohs, let 1 Ksl- PID PiSOS 1 Jobs McAr41s to Jassph MoAr41 w of nsa or exioe ii-is-it. Wluuls M MuCulloesa to Ttiunut Tomt. lot 4. bIim k rirsi sd4 ts umiii ei. Jossfb Nory ss4 wife to Jfvvh glyBkal. lot I sua tw IMt or loc A. N HlrsM fls.s . . Qulnry Kaaltf Co. ta Hit ot OouM. nJS test o tut t sea ts. blocS 8. curtails Mlcbts 21 yrsna Uemlark sne wlfs la Psseoest Mur- lot blik t. Hlllsdtis faiKoul A MuitlK-k to Prank Sesilak, SSS ot lot I. Mm k is rtoiitk Onisha BuutS linishs lu) t'u. to Fsvel Laaci. lot s, Mock tit. si4 HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Pale. MUST SELL HARNESS. $1,700 worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from reg ulsr price; tl.OX worth of single har ness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNSON DA NFORTH CO.. RN- pt Near Clark St '"A1TKNT10N 4 head of young mares In foal, I bead of geldings weighing $,000 per spsn, 4 and 6 years. Also 4 sets of harness and a wiiKon. No reasonable cssh offer refused. 20. 8. 26th. Call bam In rea r. Wanted. single sound horse not over 8 years old; weiiflrt about 1.300 Ihs.: must stand a few dnys' trial. Tyler i.t". 1414 en. in n. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MONEY In chickens: vnie tot Johnson's free catalogue. Pou.try Know-How, about the ly-for-ltself old Trusty In cubator. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter, Neb. PIGEON'S psy Tar'better Irian cnlcCTtis"; always penned up; little space needed to start; free book explains all. Majestic Squab Co., Dept. 01, Add, la, LAST shipment of thTs season: Imported Japanese fsntsll goldfish. 6"o each. Max tlelsler Bird Co., 1617 Psrnam St. EGGS from fine Anconas and Houdens; also from besutlfiil Silver Camplnea. Itlue Ribbon winners. Renson 18.1-J. "'ARK OF irFBTCHlckS," a""new"fco7ik free for stamp. Geo. H. Ie Co., 1115 Harney St., Omaha. OTA R A NTEEP fertile Buff Orpington ergs, $6 00 per bO. 881$ Farnam St. Hsrney 12.t F"R SALE Thoroughbred Scotch oollle rnip, well marked. Z768 P 8t, Llnooln. R, i. IlEli eggs. 6a esoh delivered. Te tlllty guaranteed. Walnut 126$ evenings. EGGS Barred Bocks, Indian Runner' ducks. 6 rents each Tel. Douglas t$0. yxrglnTlTjo'Tbs.. $1.76. WageT?.it' AUTOM0BILES-F0R SALE USED OARS slightly used Maxwell tour,. leju r.utrr w wm. equipw. 0-JpaS..I iiO 6 Good Fords from $226 to I too I 118 v ena so 11918 Crow oar at a bargain..... 1111$ Overland t-psasenger .$ .$226 $t0 $300 v IH18. n-pass) Htuoeoaker. 1 Chalmers-Detroit roadster, extra 1 lHnternational. gonA shape jano 1 l!o $-oyl. Maxwell roadster fioo 11818 Flanders 10, 6-pees $226 C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., SZ16 Farnam. Phona Doug. $i8. AUf6CLi TTsT:' t2o Farnam St. Tel. Doug. $810. . 1918 Chalmers roadster, run 400 miles, sacrlflo. 1818 Cadlllao touting, elso. equip $75 1818 Btevens-Duryea touring, sis cyl.. Mxi TtTfTATTtO i sTfOP-"8erVrce First." 1601-t Jaokaon. Tyler 886, Auto repairing and gen. blacksmlthlng, auto springs made and repaired. BB1GE8T VARIETY OF FtRD CARS IN THE CITT. QKNERAL Motor Company truck, two ton rapacity, good condition. Can be bou ght rig ht. Ca II Dougla s $884. REdAL touring car, electrio light and .starter, splendid condition, $476. T. G. Northwalf Co., Douglas 1707. Used gar ba'rg'aTns aT MURPHT O BR1EN AUTO CO., isi4-ia-is farnam Bt. WHERE can I get a good used cart Industrial Garage Co.. 20th and liar ney Sts. Aatotnohlles Wanted. WANTED to buy. 181& or '16 Ford. Doug, las $07. Anto Repalrlnar nnd Palntlaa. NKB. Auto Radiator Repair nervlce, and prices right. $18 8. Wh St. D. 78HO. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair.' "olls repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th. JOE MURPHY Auto repalHng, 112 8. 17th WtJTyleiSOT.JilghtRed 671. Omaha Itadlat or Rep. Co. 8026 Far. P. 2001.' Asto Tires alTd gopplles. TIRES at cut prices. Ws oarry The' largest stock of standard makes, at cut prioes. In the west Modern tire repair plant. Skilled labor employed. Repair all makes. DUPLEX TTRTfl CO, Jf 18 Farnam St. TV 478. BEND for free sample a? WSSosi EVERLOC. SELV' Vulcanising Fabrlo Patch, for blowouts and puncture: Crantee1 to hold. Jos. Brlnkhaus, I6H Chicago Bt, Omaha. AUTO TIRES ' REBUILT $2 00 TO $8 00, DTJQ TIRE CO.. 1611 Chicago Bt lertrlcAatoiuoTTl. Walter Anderson, sxp't rep'g eletrlo A . ostterles. Storage. 8230 Fsrnam. D. 4317. AUTOMOBILE 1NSURANCTC Fire. Theft, Liability and Property Damage st Lowest Rates. KILLT. ELLIS THOMPSON. tlt-14 City Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 881. M OTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES Barley Davidson jcTORcYcLEa; Bargain In used machines. Vlotor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 2701 Leaven wort a P g. MiOulrs. rofrs. to Madss K. Buurns. lot a. tick I. Rmour's tod till P. It. ahnsj' sud wits to t'hsrlss bslsa- Ios lots lit, I JO. 121. Iti Itxlmsu's sms LTlsloa see Alms K'.ienlipibruests sod husband ts Cbsrles A. HUbey. tola 7 ssd 4. Marietta risoe U.80S Orvl'S M. MrKllrli-k to Arthur 8. HunllDg. too I. It, blu. k I. Draka's dd Jobsnn B'Hsl Slid wlfs to Henrietta baser, lot 11 klotk 4. Ciimsan Pl a 44 Homestead I o. to rtkulra A. Kailjr. lot 141. Molueatead sdd ) Huniaatrad 'o- to Mare Ksllr. lou Sal. Ml and :, N'OnttlHl Slid 4M Chaklni A. Howeisme sad wlfs So Past Soworwlns. a't ef lots 10 ssd 11. slook A. Hllrn.n.1'1 rtra sad 1 Prarle lrf Btawll ana siubaad to Clhaftas VI Irouiiusii. lot 7 Min k t. MIIIultj s44 1 Qt'ir rist rKa gebse-s Rahsnatis st si. te Piroa Itsssssa tut sf 1st . . n. asteie Csaaaia ae i