1Q TI1K KKK; OMAHA, TIH.:i.Sl)AV, MA1M11 IHIfi. Bringing Up Father :-: u. -:- Drawn for The Bee by George McManus i wWT yoi.td)oot j II j2j rrrrvj """"" I mmmiI n? i ruu i UvvTTtJ U y ! rLowp.y, j the. j ALOrVS 1 WUZ" . - - FAIRBURY ALL SET FOR SIOUX OUTFIT Connolly and Francis Are First of Harry Gaspar'i Crew to Report at the Training Camp. Just Before the Big Bout REST TO BLOW IN SATURDAY FAIRBt'RY, Neb.. Varrh . Special Telegram.) Falrbury la all In readiness for the comtn- of Harry Caspar tribe of Bloux City base ball player. The Falr bMT Base Ball association haa put th diamond In excellent condition for the rUotix and (oral fan are looking for ward with pleasureabl anticipation to a number of aood frame with the Omsha- Klotix City nlnea. it la aald that three exhibition games will be played here earh week. Manager I Harry Gpsr of Bloux City ha not ar rived In Falrbury yet, although quarter I have been reserved for him at the Mary- etta hotel. T. F. Connolly of noston. Mas., who I looked after matter around third bane for the 'W ashington team of the American league laiit year, is in the city and Is registered t the Maryetta. He Is all ready for work. I. II. Francis, who played with the Mo- ville, la., team last year and who dealt out the slants from the mound. Is here for a tryout. These are only the only two players to show up so far, although the pitcher and catcher wero to be here Tuesday. The balance of twenty-one playera are to be on deck April -. Among the former Hloux City players expected to arlve In Falr bury this week are Pep Clarke, Hernia Doyle, Spike Kelley, Phil Cooney, Calla han, Whittle llensllng, and last, but not least, Lo Jeune, who think a two-base drive 1 a bunt. Omaha Bowlers Win Prizes in All-Events Olass TOLEDO. O., March .-The final bat tl for the singles championship of the American Bowling congress will be fought bore tonight between Frank Shaw of Chicago, Den Hueaman ot Cincinnati and Pern Schllman of Toronto, Ont. The trio have been tied for first place in the Individual event with scores of 615. Should Shaw win, he will have nailed all four championships of the tourna ment to Chicago's mast. Following are th twenty leading win eis in the all events: Position. Team. Tot. Prise 1 Frank Thorn. Chicago l.l $125 i O.Kallusch, Rochester 1.WS 110 I-K. Harkenrlder, Ft. Wayne.. 1.H74 1 4 A. Wartchow. Omaha 1.874 6 G. Bamburg. Detroit 1, Chas. Hildebrand. Chicago.. .l.H.a usin tMmmiTa''iKmmtmmsuMmmKmimmm i m ' '' Ml MJIi mn H h.imsiaMt i tiHwl . j i n inr iist mm n - -v . . Jiv.4.. mm iwubm 'if M K . ... ..tL-'S -wV r ... .. omJI t. " 0.t,-W1 B " . i : ... -;v, A -Xk '.: i ., : I I , .''v V :-' 1 1 - :.-'.. t ' V :;-"?;';l ' 'J ' 2 V 7 . -;;:. 7i t -:-: gasaamaavy ROLLER ROLLED BY JOE STECHER Seattle Heavyweight Wrestler Is Unable to Stay Over Five and Half Minutes. TO MEET STECHER AT LINCOLN TTnw St.PP.hfir flTlfl SCISSORS MAKES HIM YIELD KANSAS C1TV, March 29.-(Specal Tel egram.) Joe S'cher, Nebraska's youth ful hravywiijht wrestler, took another rtop townrd the crown worn by Krnn'c Ootch last night In Covington hall when he pinned the shoulders of Dr. R. V. Holler to the mat. In straight falls. The first fall wns won In five m n'ltes and thirty econdn with the H'Iih.m and a half Nrlson, hlle the aocond lnstid only two seconds longer (five mlnu.es, thirty-two seconds), a scissors and bar arm. tumlns; the trick. The farmer boy never was in danger throughout the match. Ho s'nrltd aft-r the veteran like n wild bull nnd the good old doctor wnnn't given a chance to go on the offensive. "1 hnxe hi-Hrrl so much about the h glily touted Tl' Hi i ." ta'd the Ne1 ra l:m bf forc tho match, ' fiat I mil go'n out and tatno him a.i quickly tn post" I hi " An Steiher mnde good his word. Holler is one of the most brilliant mem bers of the head-spinning union. Although defeated ho broke loose from many tight holds during tho eleven minutes of wrestling. It was Sterher's famous scissors, how ever, that caused the Seattle man' do feat. Dr. Holler hushed the crowd and made a curtain speech after the match. "I don't like to detract from the vlc- I tory of Stecher, but I maintain that It ; '---:.;VV . .".V ' . ----5 Ordeman Stack Up fiTF.CHKR. URDEMAS. 23 age 1 .Hf, welgM feet 1 inch hlght....5 feet 11 Inches ' inches reach 7TH Innhes .19 inches chest, normal 42 Inches AA Inrkn, rhflt STOftnrtd 47 InChCSI I 32 inches waist iW Inches 13 Inches ....biceps, relaxed.. 134 Inches 15 Inches biceps, flexed... 15H Inches M Inches forenrm 13Hlnehes i Inches wrist 7H Inches 364 Inches thigh 2A inches 17 Inches ealf B Inches 1114 inche ankle 11 Inche PURDUE'S NEW ARMORY WILL COST $150,000 LAFAYETTE, Jnd.. M"-h ?.-The trustees of Purdue university hava de- clded to build a $l"00D armory to replao the one recently deatroyed by a mysteri ous fire. I lans for the structure will be considered at a meeting of the trusteei April Tt. . Sprains and Bruises 5 8 are so common in every home J? B that it pay to keep good Litii- Q than Sloan's Liniment It stops J Sain, relieves congestion, re- H nces swelling and does it 5 ' ouickly too. Just, apply few 2 drops and the pain disappears. Q Sloan's mm at W aWXIllIIlwIlX M HENRY ORDKMAK. is impossible for any wrestler to make a good showing on this mat. It's got too much rosin on it." The crowd hooted him. Sloan's l.lnlment Kills Pain. Is the greatest pain killer ever discov ered, simply laid on the skin no rubbing required It drive pain away.- 2lc. All druggists. Advertisement. When all Want Ad. other ways fail, try a Bes GOTHIC Arrow Collar Fits the knot of a four-in- hand or bow perfectly. 2 Jot 25c. Cluett, Peabody &Co..Inc, Makers KILLS PAIN 'Keep bottle in your home. Prica tSc SOc. 11.00 H m H Frank Moran, at the left, and Chamri"n Jess Willard, rhotographed In th Ing at Madison Fquar Osrd.n. New York, Just before they started their ten-rounl bout on Faturday night, March .1. Scores of the Local Bowlers 7-K. Hauke. Chicago. S-W. Mctcalf. (Iiluago. K. 14-P. 1-C. 1T-H .1.H4T ...1.K44 ...1.R.T7 ...I.HJfl ...1X3 . 1.R19 from Raydl. Chlcaao... 10 H. tiraf. Chicago Jl W. Froemtng, Chicago.... M H, Heusman. Cincinnati.. 1V-C. Cochran. Omalia l.Hls 14 K. Shepard, Kansas Clty....l.l Brunnelt. Cleveland l.SM K. bala. Columbus I.xi Kossieck. 1'eorla I.su 1-V. F.agara. Chicago 1.814 is w. Anderson. Kenosha l."i4 M K. Shaw, Chicago 1.813 Other prlxea won by hoWasr Omaha are as follows: five-Man Event Kmc Limn;, fifty sixth place lli'ltji. tK Tso-lltn Fvenl Tntnaa anfl Martin. :?Mtli place (1J2UI. tlh. tcule and Corcoran lh piaca (i.lik. Naale and Conrad, nsth place a.uni. Ul; AloCarthy and Warirhow, lBTih pla OVU'tt. AlblM t ltrCpmlara. ALBION, Neb.. March JS.-BpcUl.)-The city campaign la now on. Two full tickets baia been placed In th field. The randUlatea are as fellows: For mayor, O. K. Plltinger and W. H. Watson; for councilman. First ward, Ueo Lovrenberg and Jjhn Clark; for courcilman Second ward, J. P. Shirley and Thomas Mat thews; for city clerk. Harry llallstead and Vlil ton Krauae; for city treasurer, W. C. Day and Knbert I -arson; for city npineer. F. M. Silllk. Both caucuses voted to hare the q lies'. ton of Ucensini; ksloon submitted as isutl. r. A. lHin P. J. Mullen acd P. M. Weltxel are the candidates for members of the Board of EducaUiq and have no opposition. Boaster l.eaaae. TRACY CROP. PAI.O. 1st. Jd. SI. Tot. Prlmeau ..li 1M KV4 S Hollldny ...14 m 174 (IS Dlngman ...1t7 112 10 .W Kent 203 1 1 17H T2i Schnenman .1M IS t 1 5 rt Kanill sp ... 53 63 hi U Totals fOI 7( S 0 2fl CLARA HB1.I.KH. 1st. Id. St. Tot. Martin ......lM Wl lt MU Terrell 2t IT) 1i'4 trt Fldson 1SI l If) ;,4 I. Jarosh....l7 202 hi Neale 13 174 1.7 6 4 Totals u ?t 7ss rs: 1'OWBLL SUPPLY CO. 1st. id. Id. Tot. Voona I7( In7 174 ;"1 Blip 144 1V4 1f4 4 A'esty M 1(4 1 4! 3rotte in S41 !7 .S "osdy 127 195 157 47Straw Handicap .. M in M 174 Tot Is ' V M 2S9.t CORKY M'KF.NZIK. 1st. 2d. 2d. T t. A. Bower... 171 IK 162 4.1 Doherty ....174 3fi5 14 4 Hlsnd -ZM W 1i 6! Zim nerman 174 11 111 Zl Zarp li 10 18T :i TotaN Ml l! IW I5i; LE13Y BRKWIN'O CO. 1st. 24- Id. Tjt. Maurer .....2(4 J 2.'J 5. Klnnaman .151 147 U4 4J Boyle !' 1" 11 4MI F. Jarosh....l8. 17t 114 Frill Kii 12 ltd ...ir.i Week 141 Potter ITS Handicap .. 15 147 1 38 'M l. 1.7 '4 140 1W 48: 1& li 4i Totals . ..t31 v T72 2401 I ETE 1-OCH 8. 1st. . 21. Sd. Tot. Weekes ....2 U.S inn 5;'3 T al 178 17 36 4 " Kchm VO 1.17 Hi 4 Wsr. huw 171 2 0 ill 5SM off K4 1S3 164 61 Whtn I w.i t Us sf ihrss ywtn. I h4 a srssi mtny torn on my htndi nd left. A friend auts" Ssfisr uiin SVm bolila ef S. S. S vkxunmi from sw roc larus liars, I wst en tirely cih I Keve used S. S. S. si a tnnic for the saii ftfieen yesre, and I wont la like tnil oesorlunsy efmufyint ftl lo lit wonderful merill, ondheortily recommend H. not only to everyone thet it MirTerm from ony blood trouble, but olio to ony one wonting on erTectrvo tonic to butid up a nsvdown lyv wis. It it wonderful medicme end I feel thet everyone sou Id know oboui it. A r. FOSTER. 51 1 S. Levvrence St. MenteooMry, Alo. LI Totals .'.KW S87 SJS 2."-" Tots's KM 8'4 40 MIDLAND Ol.ASS. 1st. id. 3.1. Tot. Johnson ....14 loi 1M j Olson 200 li!) 112 4711 OMAHA VAN. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. CiO Ham'str m .2 4 Iii H2 Ml .'rti'l yoni :. !' IK 5l ilintgton 14 l.'i r.t Tomsn 176 14 173 407 You m 178 201 ISO M Handicap ... 11 II 11 3.1 Totala ...-.'.35 X8I S4 27 7 rVrtV. our Medical Department for Fre Consultation. Are You Aiding Nature to Work to Better Advantage? Unless you lend a helping hand to Nature she will have an unfor tunate end. Why shouldn't Nature keep up its constructive work? When the great strain we put on our systems wrong eatinff wrong drinking wrong hours is considered, the question in stantly clears, and the imposition on Nature is seen. The result blood disorders. . Perhaps Rheumatism appears: or the weakened system contracts Catarrh in a violent form; or one of the many kinds of skin diseases, such as boils, pimples, rashes, eczema, etc., are the signals. , As surely as one of these conditions arises Nature is telling you that your vital life fluid is needing help. Fortunately you can turn to that wonderful blood remedy S.S.S, as hav thousands of other sufferers, and find Nature's greatest aid ready to give you health again. S.S.S. accomplishes for you what no other medi cine can, because its ingredients are purely vegetable, extracted from native herbs, roots and barks. It has been known and recommended for over fitly years, a. a. a. goes oireciiy 10 the blood and assist " " work. Oet a. a. a. at your oruggui. I' Tstjtnrr vuwx 03 y. eon i h i rrta JlrWlSsrtte Jfc rel Mi) ;y SHre. SITS SerSMtle. :ft S II s tmmtim. if;' T!SmSTOinCCQ 4TUUrvZssaauV The Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Georgia UtotMnnMWmtxMUMmumu "OLD KENTUCKY" CHEW THAT SATISFIES Full of Flavor That Lasts " As Long As they Chew Lasts SWEET AND WHOLESOME You have noticed, of . course, that every kind of loose tobacco dries up, and loses its flavor and fragrance. It is only the hard-pressed plug, like Old Kentucky, that retains the juice, and preserves the flavor, for a long period. A chew of Old Kentucky car ries straight to your tongue, where you get the full good of it, the sweet, wholesome, appetizing digestion-aiding juice of the leaf. Old Kentucky makes a specially healthful and satisfying chew be cause it is made of ripe, selected, hand-stemmed Burley leaf, press-' ed into plug in a bright, clean fac tory, under the most rigid sanitary conditions. If you haven't tried Old Ken tucky you should do so right away. You'll say you never sup posed a tobacco could be so fruity sweet, delicious and refreshing. In IOC plugs. Advertisement. Sreia 4ota from Farwrll. K.VRWKLU Nb.. Msrrh !.-t nrcH .) - Harry Uvdalfk, son of Vrrorgt Kviialik. was dangerously Injured In an :iutc acrl-d-iit hrra today worn h lost control of his msuhlu and crastl Into anothr-i car. Hr tn throan bodfj lhronh Ihr- wind sliitld Jin-l badly rut villi class Hi' s l:urrl.-r: to 8L Tai'I, icr his Irijurlos wr drejM. Tt iticui on boih crn Mill rniountt o ?H. Tvo cases ot dt)ilal'oils rr dis-ov-i r. d at thr Frank SlrJJi-tki tiome todsy end tliu family was Immediately qiiar- iniinrd. Tba school bean' w Jl close th Kbool for about ten day. Tiror ataa t.i brsera. 'iKXKVA, Neb.. Marcn S (uclal V I'br'r ire a numhr; nf sirallpox cssrs n town of a vr.ry m'ld fjirm. Strb't quRr- BIltilH-. Ala .-ood roads convrnilon hld In ly"? lrdr"tdant Order of Odd Ki lions' hall r-tidy sficmoon and rvtnlnii a tn 'I'ft was mvrn by th Hiisini-sa Men aaaoclstlon, served by the (.'onsrwea tlonal ladlm. Many farmers wrre In at tendanct. (iovunor More head, 1'rofs. Wood and has of the flat univeitily rc hers arid (eve addrtstc. it m Maltless Alcoholfree A tannew everae fEVERAGt JvellaJae.iallK far Ik Omaha Beverage Co. OMAHA , N I a HA KA Making an entirely new and novel Beverage from the choicest Ameri can cereals, without malt, without fermentation, without sugar, not brewed, containing no alcohol, being tax-free; not a "beer.," "near beer" or "temperance beer," with a flavor and taste of its own and being in a class of its own. For sale at all drug stores, hotels, restaurants, soda foun tains and soft drink establishments. Family Trade Supplied by WILLIAM JETTER 2502 N Street Phone Douglas 4231 Omaha Beverage Company 6002 to 6016 South 30th Street South Side Station OMAHA, NEB Phone South 1267 r J A