TIIK BEK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29, 1016, 1 : 4 ! ! I' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE rOUNDF.n BY EDWARD ROSK WATER. VICTOR' ROSE WATER, EDITOR, The Be Publishing Company, Proprietor. PKB Bl IH'INO, FABNAM AND PFVF.NTKKNTU. fnt red St Owitu poytofflce -cond-elaaa mattr TKRM8 OIT SUasCRIPTION. By mall Dally and iundsy Pally without Fundsy.... K.venlng end Punriay Kvenlng without P'lnoay. Kvenlng without Sunday. punday He oni By carrier per month. hie 4c "e S. Dr year. no 4 on .oo i.m ..e 4 00 ..o 1 no Pally and 8unriay Bee, three yeare In advance.. 110.00 Pond notice of chMW of addree or Irregularity la cellvery to utnana n, circulation repsrtment. PKMITTAKCn Tmlt hy draft, evnrese or portal order. Only two. rent atampe received In payment of amall account. Personal checks, except on Omaha and eeatera ex change, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Ba Building. Komh Omsha TW1S N street Council lt!jf fa 14 North Mala Street, ' Lincoln ft Little Building. rnlraa-o Ml Peoples Oaa Building. Naw York Room U". Fifth avenue. Ft Lonia tot New Bank of CommtrM, Washington TV, Fnti rteenth lrwt, N. W. CORRKr-PONDENCtt. Address communlratlona relating to news and edi torial matter to Omaha Boa. Editorial Department! FEBRt'ARY CIKCCLATIO. 54,328 Daily Sunday 50,639 Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of Tho Bee Publishing company, bain duly aworn, aaya that tho everege circulation for tho month of February. 1314. a H.ttn dally and ftft.lit Sunday. DW1GHT WILLIAM, circulation Manager. Subscribed In my preeenre and aworn to before Boe, this Id day of March, 1W tl, BOHEHT HUNTER, Notary Public. Sabecrlbere leaving tbe city (cmporaiily boa Id bare The Bw mailed to thesa. Ad dress will be changed aa ones as rqattl. Iowa's political March breeies point the di rection of the November sweep. AJ1 together, now, for a naw union depot that trill ba a credit to Omaha. Thanks, Brother Lobeck, for tha garden seeds. It may be the last time we can thank you. i There la glory enough for every booeter who helps to land a paaaenger depot worth while. Washington originated the policy of "watchful waiting," but lt true exemplars are the world'a map makers. Ia the average voter Intelligent enough to write a name In the ballot? Just watch Ne braska republicans write In the name of llughea. However, the atreet cleaning department need not wait for "cleanup week" to visit etreels that have not felt the touch pf en of ficial broom alnce winter waa a kid. . The music of tha old-time flddlara ii all that la claimed for It on tha score of aenttment, memories and bygone thrills, but the real try out of musical talent awalta a contest of spring political fiddlers. . , Demand for automobile licensee In Ne braska showa no abatement. One car for every twenty-four persons, a total of 62,000 licenses, indicates speeding up preparedness which mocks the rising price of gas. Tha World Herald says It started toe union depot movement ia January. Good. Still its dense silence about It from January to the end of March would ordinarily be taken to indicate a lapse of enthusiasm. watchdogs or tha national treasury are right on the Job during business hours. A few dogs of war sought to reach tha commissary department of Fort Ethan Allen for six quarts ef milk and four loavea of bread a day, but were promptly chased off tha pork reservation Fleet oess of foot alone saved their hides. The apectacle of Senator Kern leading "Tom", Taggart to the vice president's desk to take tha oath of senator la worthy of a Hooster artist brush. Taggart baa been the political teacher and trainer of Kern and Kern recipro cated aa the megaphone for Taggart. The prea ent scene ia typical of tha apt pupil leading his teacher to the honors of atate, and deserves place among tho historic murals of the capltol Tha water district law still proclaims its "intent and purpose" to be "not only to re move aatd board of director, but Ukewlae tha mpkye f the local water district from the influence of partisan politics." How long la the board going to stand for ita pay-roll era ployea drawing fat salaries devoting the bulk of their time to running for partisan political office in direct violation of the law they have aworn to obeyf Welcome the New Union Depot Recruit. t.reotings to the new L'nlon Depot recruit. Welcome to the World-Herald, at last Join ing The Be In the movement to secure ade ouate passenger accommodations for Omaha from the railroads. It In no way affecta us that the World Herald now tries to make out that It was the "original" t'nlon Depot champion.- All the Omaha newspapers have, at one time or an other, pointed out the need of up-to-date sta tion facilities, but It remained for The Bee to ae that the time waa bow ripe for persistent and affective agitation. Our readers will re member that at the very start of this agitation several weeks ago, we Issued an open Invitation to our contemporarlea to come on In with us, assuring them that the succesa would bring "glory enough for all." We welcome tha World-Herald's acceptance of this invitation, even though tardy, and we renew it for the third newspaper, which we hope will yet wake up to the fact that the demand for a new Union Depot Is real and that the people of Omaha are In earnest about it. To show our good faith, we repeat what the World-Herald says very pointedly In reinforcing The Bee'a argument: Over 1,000,000 passengers pass through Omaha each year, not counting the local travel, and It la certain that tharo la nothing In their flrat glimpse of our terminals to causa anything hut rejoicing In the fact that they don't hava to disembark hare. It la positively up to tha Omaha railroads to dj something and to do It quick! The hard-times allhl which has been found so useful by them for soma years will not answer now they have mora business than they know how to handle. Tha transportation llnea are constantly yelling for fair play, and Omaha will deal with them only on that baaie fair play for the rallrnada, and th same for this city. A now Union Depot to equal anything possessed by any other1 metropolis of the size ia the solution, and there ahould ba no compromise. We repeat alao that If all the factors and fr.rces Interested In the upbuilding of Omaha, take vlgoroas hold for a new Union Depot, the rallroade wilt not be able to stand out very long. More Straws Thirty Years Ago This Day in Omaha Comellee. ttwm Bee rilee. Tha tholr of tua Coneregational church, aaalatad b Nal M. BrlgUam. gave a delightful concert, concluding it aeries. One of tha garoa at tha evening waa a song hy Mrs. Squires, with violin obllgato by Mr. Ints. Tiia funeral of tha lato Bdwln Kmythe took place fiom the riden-e of Mrs. Sophia Lowe, 111 Ffcrnam tteet, and was largely attended. The eervloea were conducted by Rev. A, F. Kherrell. paator of tha Flrat Congregational church, aaalated by Rev. John Will ikine. rector of Ht. Barnabas'. Tha pallbearers, aa ln'Kd from tha fire companies, ware Assistant Chiefs (i.Muim and Baiter. Captain Webb of No. a. Captain Vsaime of hook and ladder. Captain Ore be of No. (, Jainea O'Brien, driver of the hooks; Jamee' ttomell snd Tttojiiae Ituane. The old liard mansion, on tha corner of Twenty ir. i,nd and Webster, la being torn down, having been old by John A. Cratahtoa te contractors, who will On-rxe of the materials at Junk prloea. Tha house, Klitrh has been tUa scene of many dlatlngulahed gath erings, waa built In 14 by Uovernor Isard and waa uc( urkd by Lira during his two yea is" atay la Omaha, afirrwardi becoming part of the Creighton aetata. A (.all for a Third ward republican rally la algned l y r-amuel beattr, ltr J. Williams and John A. fckhU r a the ward committee. Mr and Urs. J. W. Caswell are gueate of Mr. and M s H-nuer. Mr. Caswell Is a son of fcanetor Caswell of Wisconsin and his wife a sister ef Mrs. Beamer. rid Waaarn. forraeily a butcher with Hammond A Co., l vitiied tl) a Oieat market. What We Vote for in Nebraska This Year. It seeme that many Intelligent votere are confused and uncertain as to what the presi dential primary in Nebraska calls for in addition to the usual nominations for state and local offlcaa. When the voter goes Into the booth ibis year, it being the year of a presidential election. he will find hla ballot headed with sub-titles of preference) for president and vice president. He will also be called upon to vote for two presi dential electors-at-large and one presidential elector from his congressional district. He will likewise vote for four delegates-at-large and a Ilka number of alternates to represent bla party in Its national convention. I j will alao vote for one national committeeman for the political party with which he affiliates. These are the offices and positions to be filled at this primary in addition to and distinct from those that appear on the ordinary off-year pri mary ballot. Contrasts in Mexico. Pictures In strong contrast are Just now being shown in Mexico. The people, misunder stood on this and misrepresented on the other side of the border, coming into contact with the soldiers In General Pershing's expedition, are getting a better first-hand knowledge of Amer icans. They are beginning to understand the friendly nature of the call, to know that a wide difference exists between the soldiers of the United Statea and the banditti who have mas queraded as soldiers for years in Chihuahua. With thla understanding Is growing up a con fidence that means much for future relations. On the other hand, Carransa by his dilatory methods Is hampering the movement, and is showing a most unfriendly attitude. Pretend ing to preserve his dignity, and the integrity ot his country, which were never threatened, hr Is In fact aiding Villa and his crew of mur derers to make good their escape by haggling over the use of the railroads needed to handle supplies for the American troopa and thus ren der their activity the more efficient. This at titude is characteristic of the man, who has been described as "the most misunderstood man In Mexico;'' misunderstood because Ameri cans are unable to grasp the sweep of his in- gtatltude, the narrowness of bla nature, or the pettiness of his conduct. the marvel will alwaya be how a man of Car rrnxa's quality waa ever able to bam boo tie the president of the United Statea into the miser able intrigue that la now becoming apparent. Some day, perhaps, the agencies that have ao far concealed themselves behind the "first chief" will be forced into the open, and thus clear up what la now a puisle. Water Power and Politics. The streams of the west, and especially those of Nebraska, are at last to be utilised. They are being made to serve the purposes of the politicians, who hope to float Into office on the rippling waters of the rlvera that flow from mountain to sea. This is not a new thing, no tewer than the discovery that running water may be made useful by turning Us energy into power, and transforming that power into light and heat and other forms for man'a uses. These streams have flown across Nebraska for unnumbered ages, but only lately have they be come serviceable to the politician. Now, in lieu ot another Issue, they are being paraded with much pomp and display for the bewilder ment of voters who may be momentarily blinded by the dazzling display of words and imposing array ot flgurea back of which lurk the selfish offlce-aeekera. The economic features ot the problem are entirely Ignored by the schemers who are busy at befooling the people. The water power of Nebraska has been looked Into very carefully by experts, and examined from every angle and to the full extent of Ita possibilities. It does exist, and Is now available, but it has not been developed by private 'capital, for the sole reason that It has not presented a suf ficiently attractive field. The salvation ot Ne braska, happily, doea not depend on the aud denly discovered condition over -which such a pow-wow Is being held. With young mutton bringing fll.Ti on tha hoof, it behooves the March lamb to give pack ing-town the distant salute and save ita hide. 'Hearfcea ame Stirs teaereae. New Tork Times' Wsshlngton Correspondence: i Representative Simeon V. Fesa, an Ohio republican and supporter of ex-Benator Burton for the presi dential nomination. Inadvertently caused a demon stration In tha house today (March 26) by mentioning tha name of Associate Justice Charles K. Hughes of the I'nlted Ktatee supreme court. Many members on tho republican side of the chamber Interrupted tha Ohio congressmen by applauding for neatly a minute. Mr. Pees referred to Juetire Hngnea during the debate on the literacy test provision of tha Burnett Immigration bill. In reply to a speech by Repre sentative O'Bhsughneasy of Rhode Island. Mr. Fesa, who was formerly a college president, spoke of the founding of Brown college, from whloh came Horace Mann, E. Benjamin Andrews, Charles E. Hughes, and other famoua educators and statesmen. As Mr. Fees reached the name of Justice Hughes the applause suddenly swept over the republican side, and the Ohio member stood In rather embarrassed fashion, attempting to proceed. Just at that moment the time of the Ohloan expired. He aaked for one minute additional, which was allotted y Representa tive Burnett, In charge ot the Mil. "Is Justice Hughes now placed In nomination asked Representative Oal!aher of luinote. I will say more about that If he gets to be preel- dent," said Mr. Feas. Again the applause broke out. It was the first time that the name ot tha ex-gov ernor of New York had been mentioned In house de bate since the movement was begun to make htm tha presidential nominee. The republican applause was so loud and persistent that members rushed In from the closk rooms snd corridors to seeertaln the cause of the demonstration. Mr. Fess supported the literacy teat provision of the Burnett bill, but when he was allowed an addi tional minute of time Mr. Burnett facetiously re marked : "I am not yielding time to the gentleman to make presidential nomination." "Then I withdraw the nomination." aald Mr. Fees, while the democrata laughed. Jodarsblp w0 le the Way. Bt I.011U Globe-Democrat: People who profess to sea perils to the Judiciary In the acceptance of the presidential nomination by Justice Hughes overlook the ressons for the republican clamor for Hughes. It is not Hughes the Judge hla admirers wtett to nominate, but Hughea the republloan statesman. There Is no decision of his whloh la likely to be an Issue In the coming campaign. There have been times when a supreme Judge and hla attitude were an Issue In politics. Jefferson died without his bit terness against John Ma renal 1 softening. Jackson made one of Marshall's decisions an Issue la his sec ond campaign, saying: "tt the people decide who Is right." Roger B. Taney's personality became in volved In the political controversy ever the Dred Bcott dec ision. Halmon P. Chase waa ready to accept a democratic presidential nomination against Grant. Tha vote of Oeorge Phlras on the Income ts wss a side Issue of tha campaign of IB The dissenting opinion of John M. Harlan as to "the rule of reason" was one of tha features of the last presidential cam paign. Thee have been ttanee and there may be times again when the decislona of the eupreme eourt will be political Issues. Although no Juatloe has ever been nominated for president, there is a possibility that some one may try U and that ha may write opinions to win popular applause. But the people can attend to such a demagogue. If one ever appears. There Is not the slightest element of this m the clamor for Hughes. Hla aloofness from the party fight ot 191!. due to his position and not to polltloal cowardice. Is a great asset. No man big enough for president remained neutral In that struggle. If he waa actively In politics. Even In 111 many , repub licans turned hopeful eyes on Hughes, In the tnld"t of the turmoil. He Is not an unknown, except that, he haa not chattered about our foreign relatione. But his fine sense snd splendid Americanism, manifested during his political career, may be depended upon. The republicans will give their views en all quea tlons proper for treatment In a national platform and there Is no doubt but what they win meet wun the approval of Hughes, whether he becomes a can didate or not. His acta and utteraneee while gov ernor and his marvelous speeches In the 1908 cam paign proved him a thorough republican. Aimed at Omaha Beatrice Express: The Omaha Bee la ot the opin ion that the snakes Crlven out of Ireland by St. Pat rick must hava been reincarnated In Mexico. In which oaaa Uncle Sam will undoubtedly prove a worthy suc cessor of Ireland's Illustrious saint. Aurora Republican: The statement that no official can be elected In Omaha who to not under the con trol of tha liquor Interests Is rather startling espe cially when It comes from a man who himself held an Important publlo tosltlon In that city for a long term of years and la now running for governor aa the only simon-pure Champion of tbe prohibition amendment. Tork Times-News: If Omaha would Just take the advice of the pacifists and prepare for a union depot It would be sure to eome. Hastings Tribune: The Omaha Bee says that Omaha never would have had. the Grain exchange but for forcing the railroads to It. If Omaha succeeded In forcing tho railroads to do anything It certainly must have some force and persuasive power also. Orand Island Independent: What waa only seven years sgo Omaha'e "moat beautiful love match." reaching the climax ot the moat elaborate and bril liant wedding, haa now reached the atate of divorce proceedings. One cannot tell from the wedding days which are the most successful marriages. Newman Grove Reporter: A critic ssya that the picture of Imogen Fontenelle that hangs In the lobby of the Fontenelle hotel In Omaha looks like an east ern woman arrayed In a horse blanket. Omaha folks are making themselves sorter ridiculous la this Fon tenelle business. Nebraska City Press: Reporters on metropolitan newspapers who find delight la poking run at coun try folks are hurting their eommunltlaa, their new- papere and themselves. Tbe reporter on an Omaha newspaper who wrote an article a few days ago about two .unsophisticated farmers arriving at the Union station and taking the police patrol wagon in mistake tor a taalcab had a funny story, but he looked at only one aide of the question. The city folks are a great deal more unsophisticated In the oombre. Any man who haa spent hla yeara In a rural oommunHy under- stsnds tha greennese of the city lad or lassie who romee out to spend a few daya with relatives and friends. And the country Journalists have ee far refrained from making unkind comment about it The metropolitan reporters on the metropolitan Omaha newspapers might be taken for alfalfa them aelvee were they te leave Farnam street and spend the week-end In some village. Wsajld RestrwJw War Adreeatea. NEBRASKA CTTT. Neb.. March 2K-TO tha Editor of The Bee: Do the roaseee of Americans want Intervention? Bin Is the cause of the European war. Cove tousneee for more territory, greater wealth or more power are the causes of all ware, which could be avoided. We as people of the Vnlted Wstes hsve a vague Idea of the Intense misery, surfering ana hardships and death caused by this colos sal war. "When we read how large cities are being destroyed with their homes by the tens of thousands, hushsnds and sons gone and very likely dead: women with out any support, food or clothing and their little ones the same, and cast to the four winds of the earth. In the face of all ot thla as undoubted fscts we read constantly of men, who are thinkers, advocating and urging In tervention or war on Mexloo. Our presi dent and his cabinet are taxing their brains to honorably keep out of a strug gle with these people. We greatly question If these 'spark" klndlers of war sincerely hsve the true spirit of patriotism at heart or whether It le the almighty dollar: and H Is a ques tion If these very ones would volunteer, and, If drafted, would hire a substitute at almost any prloe. Do they not see the awful loss of Ufa, misery and pain, be sides the billions of money which must follow? I for one would like to see our congress enact measures of stringent nature to govern these war advocates.' I believe there Is plenty of Justice In the breasts of the American people to de mand war and that In due time. J. U BENTZ. Te et Mr. Cot toe Right. AINS WORTH, Neb., March X.-To the Editor of The Bee: My attention 'has Juat been called to the fact that an Item In The Bee In connection with the Kennedy meeting held here gave me as authority for the statement that Brown county re publics ns were solid for Kennedy. The Item said: "I told Mr. Aldrtch when he waa here some time ago that I wss for Kennedy snd that the whole republican party of Brown county wanted Kennedy nominated." Now, In the first place, Governor Ald tich haa not been la Alnsworth for six years. Hs was then making his first can vass for for governor. I could not hsve said anything like the above then. I have said nothing of that kind ever. I met Mr. Kennedy last week when he was here and found him a pleasant gentleman. I also met a press representative who waa with him, but to neither of these gentle men did I say anything like the above. I did say that Mr. Kennedy had many friends In Brown county, as he has. And I am sura he will get a good vote here. But I did not aay that I was for him. If he la nominated at the primaries I will take great pleasure In voting for him In November, but In the primaries I am for Governor Aldrlch, whom I have known for a much longer time, and who accom plished ao much for the people of this state while In the legislature and in the executive office. Please do ma the favor of making thta correction. JOHN M. COTTON. Prwaipteeaa ts. Delay. OMAHA. South Bide. March t& To ths Editor ef The Bee: Our caption seems ot much importance at thla time, and should be looked at with careful consideration at all times, and especially at critical times In tbe life ef aa Individual, atate or nation. Delay may mean work not weir done. discouragement or disaster. Also, It may mean that a foroed action Is very un satisfactory In ita ending, no results being .obtained. At the beginning ot the present seaston of congrese oertain things were urged upon congress by the executive, and his party agreed that they should take prece dence to all other matters. Three months has now elapsed and oongreas Is about where it atartad on these matters of Im portance. Such la the obstructive ability of a group In congress of a pacifist class who seem to be led by eur Nebraaka friend, the late secretary of atate. This person, while professing the greatest con sideration for his former chief, has done nothing te advanoe legislation alnce leav tng the cabinet, but roams the country propagating hla theories, thereby Imped' tng legtalatlon whloh may mean much to the nation. The members of oongreaa who hava allowed themeelves to be led hy the nose as It were' can only be com- Pared to the petty-fogging lawyer, and ahould be relegated te a rear aeat for their perfidy. Promptness to action should have been the watchword, because of the crl'l al position the government has been placed In, and grave consequences may resit if action Is not speedy. In dealing with the Mexican situation. by delay much trouble baa already been experlanoed and It cannot now be esti mated aa to the amount; time can now only tell. The recent raid into United Plates territory by Villa and his bandit force has been met with, promptness by tha executive, and should be prosecuted with vigor and tbe bandit chief be mads to suffer the extreme penalty without reference te the de facto government of Mexico. OUNKER. People and Events Around the Cities Tfusltand Thle la the limit Vnn i, ordered two new dreasee dun t you know ,""" are lurraiiT neaa over esrs In Wife Oh. ves. I know, hut tho Hnu. maker doesn t. Baltimore American. She Teu'd think he'd cut more ice! le a Ann tt (ha Ij.v,tni( - He I know but he married a daughter me resolution. j una. of "So Blank has l"nnn ws'OSft f ft fsvtrin V I gold mine. Has he taken his wife along?'' ne says sne 11 he sure to find the rockets If there are any." Roaton Transcript. Redd He must have become quite an ntertslner since he got his automobile. Greene Whv? They sav he has a blowout nearlv every day. Tonkers Statesman. A woman lawyer recently appeared before aa English court In a wig and gown and threw the Judge Into a fit. It a women thus garbed can be as great a fright aa a man, tha Judge la entitled te an other nt. Philadelphia hotel keepers era getting together on the proposition that serving breed and butter free with erdere spells a lose ef .) a year and they are going te atop It by placing each article la the Jltoey class. Chicago Is having aa art war and ths output of temperamental adjectlvea ma terially swells the volume of ths cele brated lake breese. Sioux City motorists have arranged a personal card, which Is Intended to keep them out ef Jail la case the cope oaten them rupturnlng traffio regulations. The card will guarantee appearance. Police approval is yet to be had. Toungstown. O.. la worrying to the verge of alarm ever the indictment of steel trust magnatea fcr alleged cone pi r acv to regulate wages of unskilled labor. It Is feared tha peved magnatea will abandon the projected new. plant which la to cost Ss.ono.ooe, Eight vesaals have been chartered for a new steamship service between Puget eound ports on the Paoifle eoest of tha United Statea and Vladlvoetols. It Is ex pected that the new service will help re lloce the congestion of freight at Puget' sound. New Tork'a breedllnee have been abol ished. Offerings ef work for men to the breadlinera brought responses from less than a doaen. The rest stood for bread without work. Official InveeUga- tloa showed that thla form of charity haa been grossly abused. Twenty-seven Philadelphia hospital have entered into a rate combine to be applied to patients who come under the compensation act. In a letter te tbe governor. Harry A. Mackey. chairman ef ths workmen's compensation board, otarges ,h hospitals with foaterlng petty graft and doubling ratea to nulc em ployers la aoctdent cases. . LAUGHXJTG LINES. haMR.kBUB, 13 IY NSCCESSArV ME to trt Mf hot wem vmi$ AW sister aacry ? "Doea your wife scold when you get lome iste?" "No. She dictates It to a phonograph ind lets me have It the next day when 'm wide awake." Life. Jerry T have traced mv ancestrv back to an Irish king. rat Bure. that alsy. What chanst haa a dead man to defend himself ? Liverpool jwercury. "Here's a stranae case." said Mrs. Soot ier to her husband. "A man they called the town fool up In New Hamnshlra died and thev welrhed his brain. It waa heavier than the average. " - la that all It saye about him?" "Tee except that he was for manv year entirely dependent on well-to-do relatives." Huh he waa no fool. If tou have well- to-do relatives, why vse your brains?" Judge. THE LOCAL POETS. The Aaawer. T went for a walk on a bleak March dav When the eky waa drear and the earth more dreary; And I said to myself, "Does It pay, does it Mv?' To exist In this work-arday world, ao weary r "When lo. from a tree-too rinatnr clear. A red bird answered. "What, cheer, cheer, cneeri There are bright days coming, dearie." I Went foe a walk on a miA Ifirrli mmn When the aun through tho grey waa reeniy snowing And I said. "To what use, pray, was 1 born, was I born?" That fact Is a fact it were well worth knowing. Then a chorus of voices beside tho stream. That had struggled free of the Ice that bound it. Divulged the secret thereof to me, Ana tne reason Tor living? Well, I've found it. Omaha. BATOLL NE TRELE. Khaki." (From a Soldier "Somewhere In France.") Here s to my pals In the land of the Free. greet you Herewith with a piece of khaki. It Is not a choice card, or a sweet soented pacxet. But a piece that la torn from my old cartv- paign Jacket. It has sheltered me long through the storm and the calm (Though danger were many I've eome to no harm). May the time not be long ere I recroea . the sea. When I know you will welcome. Tour pal In khaki. BAM L. MORRIS. HATES CHICKENS AIIDCOWS TOO Woman's Story Will Hold In terest for Thousands of People Everywhere. "I hate the cows snd chickens," said Mrs. Kttle Edwards, of 10 Mill street, Lockland, O.. In paraphrase ot a popu lar song of the cabarets. "I have lived on eggs snd milk for so long that I Just can't look at a hen or a cow with friendly eyes," she explained laughingly. "When one's diet Is restricted to ths products of our friends of the barn yard for weeks and then months; It Is like suddenly stepping Into a little para dise of content to find all of the good things of former days bsck on your own bill of fare" Mrs. Edwards' story will hold Interest for thousands of men and women who would welcome, as she did, freedom from a diet. "I have long been a sufferer from stom ach trouble," she explained. "I paid In pain for every meal I ate. There waa the dally headache that appeared soon after breakfast, and stayed for lunch and sup per. My sleep, after the houra ot suffer ing, wss broken and gave me no real rest I had no energy, was tired all the time, and life waa Just long daya of dis content. "In the hope of Improving I began the diet of boiled milk and boiled eggs. And I was faithful. For weeks I kept this diet and I did Improve some under It, but I waa not being cured, I realised. "Now my stomach la a great deal bet ter. I can eat almost anything without 111 effects. I am too thankful to depart from plainly cooked food yet, however. But my appetite Is good, my sleep is sound and refreshing, and my housework Is no longer an Irritating, difficult task. "The reason? I have taken Teniae, the Master Medicine. So why should I hesitate to recommend It to anyone or everyone who suffers aa I did?" Throughout the country there are more than 1,000,000 people who will say, ss does Mrs. Edwards, thst there Is no medicine that acts so favorably on ail ments of the stomach, liver and kidneys or oatarrhal affections, or Is so good a tonic, appetiser and lnvlgorant as Tan lac, which la now being Introduced in Omaha at Sherman ee McConnell Drug Co., lftth and Dodge streets. Tanlac may be obtained In Benson at the Kchiller-Beattle Drug Store; Spring-' field, H. Flegenbatim; Weeping Water, Meyer Drug Co.; Nebraska City, Henry Schwake & Co.: Auburn, E. H. Dort; Aeh land, II. II. Cone; Mai mo, P. B. Fitch; Fremont, Brown-FYederlckson Drug Store; Oakland, W. O. Harding & Son; Clarkson, E. H. Koss; Columbus, Purity Drug Store; Monroe, Hill's Pharmacy! Madleon, E. E. Burris; Nlckerson, Toung Murrle: Fullerton, Griffin Bros.; Broken Bow, S. R. Lee. Advertisement. nUMTEB IRON in or eases strength of delicate, nervous, rundown people 100 per, cent In ten days in many Inatanoea. flflO forfait If It falls as per full ex planation In large article soon to ap pear In this paper. Ask your doctor or druggist about It. Sherman a- McConnell Drug Co. Stores alwaya carry it in stock. Ill mm TECH SPEC DAL TRADN. To Lincoln, Friday, March 31st GOING Leave Omaha 6:30 p. m., leave South Omaha 6.45 p. m., arrive Lincoln 7:50 p. m. RETURNING The return special will leave Lincoln Station approximately one hour after the conclusion of the match. Announcement will be made in the -Lincoln Auditorium of the exact leaving time of the return special to Omaha and South Omaha. ADMISSION TICKETS AT MERCHANTS HOTEL. Railroad Tickets, Information, Etc., at City Ticket Office or Depot Ticket Office. Telephone Douglas 3580. HOTELS AKD RESORTS. White Sulphur Springs Wt Virginia OPE.V ALL THE YEAR tm GREENBRIER EUROPKAJf ILAN Finaat Bath Eatabliahment in America, Connected Directly with the Hotel Saufxaim mnd mil principal hatha ot Europoan Health Kortt are fiver) in tha Bath Houta by tkilUd attendant rain iTiaiT t. m. gioctrn Maaaerlsg Dureetor Jteeidsni aCarZ iww; K Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. nge-gsJ