Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Cluti Doings
Every Day Is Economy Day
In Omaha's
Greatest Retail
ice make in regard to met'
than J tie and prices is con
sercalive. While scarcity It quoted in
many quarters, this store, be
cause of its wonderful fore
sight, and the fact that te are
always ready to buy for cash,
offers to Us vast clientele
of the lest that the market
affords at the smallest prices
Agreeable surprises are every
day occurrences here.
500 New
In the. Basement Millinery Store
Trimmed with flowers, ribbons, fancy feathers, etc. Plenty
Hats thaf would sell regularly at $3.98 these are samples.
Millinery Department.
A Great
Every Sewing Need Is Here Special Prices '
One Big Lot "of Novelty Braids,
Feather Kdgo and Turtle
Braids, all Imported. These
braids are all slightly soiled.
Borne worth to 26c, on sale
Tuesday, bolt ..."THc
Wooden Button, Molds, all
shapes and sites, 3 do, for So
100-Yard Spools Sewing Silk,
each 3'iC
Large pieces Elastic. eaeh..2c
Best Mercerized Rick Rack,
bolt So
Kull Dress Forms, with wire skirts. Each
form collapses and can be put away in small
box when not In use. One box free with
every form. Sixes 32 to 44. These are the
best forms made and can be adjusted to any
height. Regular 5.00 forms, on
sale Tuesday for only
Taffy Day
Fresh, delicious, full-
crearu Angel Food Taffy,
all flavors, ltegular 19c
quality, per pound
Get into
Let This Art Embroidery Store
Suggest Dainty Summer Work
TIIKRK ARE A HOST of sufffcORtions here we have one
of the most complete Art Needlework Store in the middle
west, iind this is not onl.v from our own standpoint, but the
judgment of many women who have traveled the greater
part of the country AND KNOW.
In White, Ecru and Colors.
3 and 6, ball Go II Btzos 30, 40 and 60. ball....lOc
Sizes 10 and 20, ball 8c II Sizes 60, 70 and SO, bull... 12c
Stamped Pillow Cases, on best quality tubing, with large seal- Cf
lops for the new crocheted edges. BpecIaJ Tuesday, pair. ...OUC
Stamped Nightgowns, on extra quality nainsook; all made. Off
ready to embroider, In new neat designs. Regular 69c values. OOC
Stamped and Tinted Centers, Scarfs and Pillows, all to match, In new
designs for cross-stitch and French embroidery. Including the r
Blue Bird design. Each j&OC'
Card TabU 8ets, on fine damask. In table cover with four nap- o f
kins stamped to match. $1.00 values. Tuesday, set .'.30C
Wire Frames for Lamp Shades,
In any new shapes.
22 and 24-Inch frames.". ... .750
Sample Trimmed Hats
not let po by. There are so many different
styles that no matter what your particular
fancy may be, no matter what combination
or colors you may have in mind YOU WILL
They are Sample Hats and made in a manner you
would expect if you wero payinjr much more for
them. Any one of the 500 will be yours on Tueaday for $1.95.
The illustrations show just two of the . smart styles all are extremely
stylish. , , ...
$1.95 Ech
Big Sale of Notions
RIGHT AT THE TIME of the year when most every woman
is thinking of enlarging her wardrobe, comes this sale of Notions.
A most opportune occasion for you to share in.
Wooden Coat Hunger, spe
cial, 3 tor So
Darning Cotton, Tuesday,' 4
spools for SO
Wash Edging, large 10c bolts,
for So
Machine Thread, some Coal's,
per spool 2o
Uood Kngltsn Twilled Tape,
per bolt lo
Gold Eyed Needles, 3 pags.,
for So
Betsy Ross Crochet Cotton,
per ball Go
Sanitary Aprons. each..lSo
Hair Nets, special, each..lo
Good Shell Hairpins, box. So
Best Velvet Grip Hose Sup
porters, pair 120
Soft Face Chamois.
San-Silk, all colors, per
spool 3'0
Pearl Duttons, special, per
card lo
Sewing Machine Needles, 1
Needle Threader free with
each tube, at 80
Good Safely Tins, three cards
for ....So
O. N. T. Crochet Twist. No.
6. ball 7ic
Dress Forms
Black Jersey Covered
to 43. Regular $1.60
All our Regular 8 Sectional Forms that can be adjusted at
neck and bust, length, width at waistline and hips; also to
any height Our regular
sale for one day only
New English Walking Shoes
Stylish Footwear for Girls
English Walking Shoes, for high ichool girls; tan calf or black calf,
with white rubber soles and heels. This is a sample of the shoes
we are selling in the Basement Shoe Department. All J0 QQ
sixes, pair Jaei0
About 600 Pairs ot Women's High Shoes, odds and ends, but practically
all sixes In one style or another. Not a pair worth less than Qijf
$2.00. You can buy them here for , J 4 C
600 Palrsof 'Women's Oxfords and Pumps, odds and ends, but prac
tically all sixes. Worth three times what we are asking for Cfj
them. Tuesday, pair OUC
Girls' Shoes, slses up to 2; dull leather, button style. Worth
$1.60. Will be marked
Basement Shoe
business via the "Business
18-Inch frames 50o
10, 12 and 14-Inch frames.. 25c
Candlestick frames JQq
of Sailors and all good shapes.
Millinery Department.
Burson Stocking Feet, spe
cial, pair................ So
12-Yard Bolts ot Bias Tape,
bolt i.-So
Steel Crochet Hooks, sizes 3
to J 4. each 4c
Girls' and Ladles' Combs and
Barretes, worth to 25c, on
sale 8 for 25c; eacb.....lOc
M. A K. and Dorcas Knitting
Cotton, ball... 3c
Middy Laces, all colors, pure
wash silk So
Sanitary Napkins, special, a
doien 100
' West Electric Hair Curlers,
6 on card for 19c
Good Dressing Plna, 3 papers
for So
Best Rust Proof Dress Clasps,
3 cards for So
Men's Collar Bands, slses 13
to 18, each 2o
Good 10c Tatting Shuttle,
each 2 Vic
One Big Lot of Rubber Dress
Ing Combs, some worth to
6tc, on sale, each 10c
Sew-On Hose Supporters, at,
pair Go
Bust Forms, all sixes
values; sale price...
112. 50 forms. On
Jut Minneapolis, Claiming Social
Pre-Eminence, Does About as
It Pleaiei.
1r MIlM.irif I March 27, 191.
For wimi) reason or mother, 1 was
possessi d with th curiosity thin morn
UK to see ahst our commercial rival,
eCsrrss City, wan doing, or was not do
ti". during Irnt.
Their calendar, I must admit,' ool:s
very highbrow an! pntpei lectures, mu
sics.! sffa'.rs and an occasional tea or
On the contrary, , Minneapolis, which
claims sm lal :-e-entlnence in the middle
west and tins got awsy alth It In the
east-Is very active, one thing follow
ing another and no sack cloth and ashes
ilcut the em son whatever.
It ell brings ha"k Ihe old quandary
does It pay to be good?
Here are Omslia and Kansas City,
nt reooKnlsed at Newport, conducting
hemrrlvea with the strictest l.enten da
ocrim; on the other hand, Minneapolis,
entered In the 'very Almnnsk de Ootha
of smartness, doing Just about as it
pleases. ' ,
For Former Omahan. "
' Mrs. Frances Ford of Chicago, for
merly of Omaha, was entertained this
afternoon at the Fontenelle at luncheon
by the Omaha Woman's Press club. The
tsble win decorated with yellow spring
flowers ' and the hostesses of the occa
sion were the officers of the club, Mrs.
Harriet MncMurphy. honorary president;
MIks Faith Ie lloel. president; Miss Ella
Fleishman, vice president, and Miss
Kllzaheth Kern, secretary and treasurer.
The guests of the club were:
Mesdnmes Mesdames
Francis Kurd of lrnpcr Hmlth.
rhleano, Ma M. Unnchett.
Rdward M. Hyfert, H. B. W'httehouse,
U. r . Mci une of I'aul Wlckhara.
John J. Mahonry,
Les Amies Clnb Notes.
Mrs. H. M. Harr was hostess at her
home Saturday afternoon to Les Amies
Whist club. Prises were won by Mrs.
Barr and Mrs. J. M. Gerhard. The club
will meet next . Saturday afternoon,
April S. with Miss May Rasmusaen.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Isaac Humphrey of Rapid City,
H. I .. ia the guest of Miss Mary Scott
and Miss Agnes Hrott at the Colonial.
, Me. J. W. Greene, who has been seri
ously 111 with grippe. Is recovering.
. .
Returned from California. 1
Mrs. Oeorge It. Ieler and children and
Mrs. M. R.' Murphy and Miss Helen Mur
phy returned home from bong Beach,
Cal., this morning.
On the Calendar.
Mrs. Daniel Webster Ferguson of Chi
cago, house guest of Mrs. Frank W.
Bacon and Miss Luclle Bacon, will be
entertained at two home bridge-lunch-eans
this week. Mrs. Arthur Pinto will
be hostess Thursday afternoon and Mrs.
Howard II. Baldrlge hostess Friday after
ioon In Mrs. Ferguson's honor.
era Loses Extra
Night to Drys, Who
Hold Auditorium
The following wire waa receive, from
the New York office of the Boston
Opera company-Pavlowa Ballet organisa
tion by Local Manager Pry or:
"Delighted with advance sal and ap
parent interest. Think we have probably
underestimated Omaha. Rent Auditorium
for Saturday night. April IS. 'will give
gala 'performance. Including first act
from 'Pagllacl.' second act from 'Car
men' and ballet from fourth aot, Gluck'a
'Orpheum,' making really sensational
program. Duplicate half page In papers
next 8unday. Arrange everything accord
ingly. Regards. MA KAblNOFF."
Mr. Pryor rushed over to Manager
Franks of the Auditorium and flnda that
he has not only rented the Auditorium
for Saturday night for soma sort of a
"dry" meeting, but that the promoters
of this meeting have already paid down
$25 and received their receipt. So Omaha
will have to be content with the short
Bids are to go in Tuesday for the con
tract of building the new Bt. Peter's
church at Thirty-aecond and Paclflo
streets. John Latenser is the architect.
Blda were asked for several weeks ago.
Hav Your Eyca Examined
and Glassea Fitted by
Our Expr'.8. '
ftOM Donglaa S441.
Omaha's Moderate Ihrtoed Optloal
The Dansant
In the Palm Room from four to six. Music by Christ
man's Orchestra.
Service a la carte. No admittance charge.
Hotel IToweki3e -
A. BU11BAXK,, Manapinjr Director.
Drownell Hall Downtown Studio
618 llulldlng, 1Mb and bodge bts,, Omaha, Nebraska,
Piano Emily Weeks Deomgoole. bo phis Nostiti-Nalmska,
Violin l'Uella Anderson.
Pupils insy enter t any tima. Telephont, Ked iiit.
For terms, add res. Brownell Hall. Omaha.
New Hats for
An unusual turban
In brown chip straw,
the shape somewhat
resembling a mush
room. Uros-graln rib
bon matching the
color of the straw is
arranged on the crown
crosswise, terminat
ing in front, back and
side In an odd aerlei
of loops. The oldly
shaped brim follows
the line of the crown,
flaring slightly at the
top. A cluster of ber
ries In a combing tone
of brown is set on the
brim, a 'fording suit
able trimming.
Social Gathering is Startled by the
Cry of Infant, Which is Taken .
to An Institute.
"Land O' love, the dear little . thing
was - shivering with the cold when we
took It in and the mill; In its bottle was
cold. Poor little dear!"
Bo spoke Mrs. J. . H. Fullerton. 119
North Twentleh street, relating the excit
ing event of Sunday evening with all of
woman's enthusiasm where such events
are concerned.
The event in this Instance was a bady,
an unidentified baby girl, about seven
weeka old, abandoned by Its parent to
the cold sympathies of the world without
so much as a note asking pity.
The Fullertona had company. They
heard a aound outside in the vestibule.
They thought it waa a dog and Mr. Ful
lerton went to investigate. He opened the
door. Then he called to his wife.
She came. Hhe saw. Bhe exclaimed. She
picked up the baby quickly and cuddled
it In her arms. And the guests, the fem
inine contingent of the, guests. Insisted
on holding the baby. And then the prac
tical masculine part of the company be
thought themselves of calling up the
Boon came heavy steps -on -the porch
and In came the large bulka of two de
tectives, who treated the great event with
ealmness and stolidity and eventually
bore the smalt mite away te the Child
Saving- Institute, where It is now.
"It had brown eyes and dark hair and
was very pretty." aald Mrs. Fullerton.
"Oh. we were so excited we didn't know
what we were doing. And it seemed aa
If the policemen took it away almoat be
fore we had found it.
"After it had gone I Just thought we
might have kept it over night anyway. I
couldn't Bleep for thinking ot It. I'm
going out to the Institute today and see
It and find out If there waa a note pinned
on tt anywhere and whether it is a boy
or a girl."
Wonts Matea Reaaoa.
Tou who suffer, why do you hesitate
to try what haa removed the sufferinaa
of others T That good old fashioned rem
edy, made from roots and herbs Lydia
K. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound has
stood the test. It has no rival in over
coming the ailments peculiar to your aea.
Why ahould It not do for you what U
haa done for othersT Give it a chance.
Spring Wear
n tlOMEt IE,
Sport huts In sailor
shapes shown with
attractive combination
trimming In the form
of printed cotton and
straw. An unusually
smart model ia illus
trated, the brim of
navy satin being faced
with novelty hemp
straw. The crown la
wide and rather deep,
covered with open
work printed towel
ing. A band of whit
gros-graln ribbon ia
r rranged around the
crown, looping on the
left side.
Dr. J. S. Goetz and .
Mrs. Louise Strauss
Joined in Wedlock
Dr. James S. Uoets and Mrs. Louisa
Strauss- were married at 4 yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mrs, Strauss'
father, Mr. Albert Heller. The ceremony
was porrormea Dy .KaoDi rTeaenoa .unn,
only members .of the. Immediate family
being present.
Plans for a larger wedding were com
pletely abandoned on account of the se
vere accident to Mrs. Ktrauss' small son.
Morrla. last week. The little fellow's
leg waa amputated as a result of being
hurt by a transfer wagon.
Work of Evangelists
Praised by Dr. Carr
"There Is not a church in this country
that stands for the principles of Chris
tianity, economically," declared Rev. Ed
ward Ellis Carr of Chicago In an address
beforo the ministers of Omaha at noon
at the Young Men's Christian association.
Rev. Carr, who is editor of the Chrls
turn Socialist and general secretary, of
the Christian Socialist ' Fellowship of
America, spoke on the "Economic Baals
of Spirituality."
Rev. Mr. Carr gave a scathing denun
ciation of what he characterized aa the
"unmerciful methods of our modern
Christian business life.
The work being done by evangelists
waa praised by Mr. Carr. He asserted
that the collective methods of modern
business life ahould be resorted to. In
stead of the individual methods, in saving
Spring Is here, and the worries, trials
and tribulations of attendants at the
Omaha Automobile club are doubling,
tripling and quadrupling as motorists
seek Information aa to condition in the
great out-of-doora.
At the Hotel Fontenelle, down town
headquarters of the club, the assistant
secretary and hia stenographer are com
pelled to turn down scores of calls for
Information each day from nonmembera.
Over tOO calls have been turned down
this month from automoblllata who are
not members of the club.
The following cases of scarlet fever
were reported in the last forty-eight
Howard Anderson, 1914 South Twentieth
and Lola Edmund, 3021 Franklin
at reet.
Kmnk Barrett. 4 Orant street.
Lerona Jjodd, 207 North Twenty-fourth
Gilbert Bwanson, 4!l North Thirty-first
Iretta Sine. Shelby court. No 1
Kate Southmayd, In) South Twenty-
slxih street.
Paul Palinqulst. tS North Fifty-ninth
Mack. 40$ North Sixteenth street.
Evan, loui North Twentieth
street. ...
Burke, hospital. -
Kenneth Madsen. 13 North Nineteenth
"Bernard Saundera. Twenty-first and
Chicago streets.
Prs. Charlea Sheeta and A. A. Ryder
have been appointid to r place Pre. F.
I). Ryder and K. B. Roche aa assistants
to County Physician Le Van Camp.
Spring Opening Displays Reveal
High Colors, Plaids and Stripes
in Women's Apparel.
Hlh colors, checks, plaids, str'p's In
many sizes any and all things strlkln.
pronounced and assertive In their stylo
and coloring are distinctly the proper
mode In spring fashions, according to
the season's opening displays nt both t'no
Burgess-Nash and Thompson-PelCen's
stores today.
Ranked with the most artistic settln.
the Rurress-Nash company la show'.n
the handsomest line of evening gown
and smart afternoon frocks seen for a
long while. The evening models are ex
tremely bouffant, the skirt made) wKh
panniers, hair tloth frames and fnrtnin
gales to give the full effect, wh'le tlie
bodice. In contrast, fentures variations
of the basque in most Instances. Taffeta
afternoon frocks in (la.-Mrf colors ntid
stripes and checks or, rnrrled out In two
vividly contrasting shades arc a feature
of the display.
Drop Shnnldrr Sleeve.
Gold and silver Irlniniliitt end th Bim
sort of bend, especially on Houses con
tinues very good while a new sleeve
which ia attracting attention is the ell
ler o' mutton sleeve which Is Introduced
In connection with tho drop shoulder
.'apnnese embroidered taffeta suits, silk
and serge combinations nnd the new
checked velour suits are being shown.
The Norfolk Jacket and the plain skirt
is most popular for street wesr thouah
the dressier suits are shown with fuller
Jackets and skirts and heavily trimmed.
While Georgette crepe blouses lead In
popularity, handkerchief linens are re
turning to favor and fine voiles are pre
dicted to be the next direction In which
milady's fashions in blouses point. Frills.
Jabot effects, flat collars and cuffs of
contrasting materials, white waists, wash
satins and blouses trimmed In crvstsl
beads, Venice lace and drawnwork all
vie with each other In popularity. All
Mouses, however, are built on conserva
tive lines to fit all figures.
Season far Sparta Clothes.
That this is to be the greatest season
for sports clothes is the prediction of
Thompson-Belden company. Judging by
their showing of smart, good-looking
novelties In this line, eilk Jersey or
stockinette sports suits, fashioned In ex
actly the same style as the ordinary
suit and the most serviceable concoc
tion of Dame Fashion for traveling aa
well, are-some of the distinctly . new
things being shown. These suits are
shown In very high colors, cerise, greens
and blues and are extremely smart.
The wool velours, also In high colors.
taffeta suits In dressier modes, unllned
heavier silk suits, and serge suits, em
broidered In silver or handwork, are
also being shown. Taffeta promlsea to
be the leading material for . separate
skirts. Fur, too. will be worn this sum
mer, as It was last suffer, only more so.
All the light wraps are edged with mara
bou or are otherwise touched here -and
there with fur. ' -
Dalaty Bloaaea.
A new material for blouses, "wlll-o'-
the-wlsp." Is being shown In blouses at
Thompson-Belden's. It is best described
as a silk marquisette and is extremely
In millinery, the brlmless hat has been
pronounced passe, and the small hat with
the brim and high trimming Is the most
popular model on display. Black hais
trimmed with hlsh colors, horse-hair
braid hats, the Qage sailor and the,
Chin-Chin shape are seen in a multitude
of designs. For later In the season, leg
horns will be introduced and elongated
shapea promise to be 'worn. In contrast
to the small, round shapes being sold
Accompanying the vogue for white or
light ahoes, white hats or those in pas
tel shades will be worn extensively this
season. In dress accessories, shoes, ho
siery, lace scarfa. feather fans, gloves,
handkerchiefs and parasols, new and 1
striking things are being Introduced con
stantly. Bird Houses Are
Being Placed In
the Public Parks
Nearly 400 bird houses which were ex
hlblted In the city council chamber last
week have been sent to the public parka
by City Commissioner Hummel for Ire
stallatlon by park caretakers. Each
house was designated as' to park pref
erence, the choice invariably being the
park near the home of the boy who mad
the house. These schools boys Intend to
watch the occupancy of their bird houses
from time to time.
Judge Lovett. cnalrman of the executive
committee of the tiatrman roads, waa In
the city a short time Sunday evening,
enroute home to New iork from the Pa
cific coast. He waa accompanied by W.
Averlll Harrlman, the party traveling on
a special train.
Some 'three months ago Judge Ixjvett
went to the coast for a rest and to build
up, his health having become alight!
Impaired by strenuous work. He returns
east, asserting that his health Is betU-r
than it has been In years.
Tfc Judge waa in Omaha a couple o!
hours and during the tuna, waa the
guest of President Mohler, making .n
extended trip about town In the latte.'s
automobile, lfe refused to talk business,
asserting that he had tried to forget
everything connected with business and
would not discuss railroad, or other prop
ositions until after reaching New Tork.
With the unpacking and arranging for
display of the MO paintings by northwest
ern artists which will form the art ex
hibit at the Omaha public library Oma
bans will have the opportunity to view
soma of the best recent works of local
and Nebraska artists.
The canvases have arrived from the
capital city of Minnesota, where lhy
were on display at the tt. Paul Institute.
The exhibit in Omaha, wlir-h li b" ii
charge of the Fine Art aocM, o,ci4