) TITE BEL: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAItClt ll10. Sii! II (I ii A, i i I i ! it ii t r i i fi it V I PERSONAL r'I'IMjFY -"" drink mid drug treat i muiji nu-nt Is best known tur; booklet free. TMK FI'HI.KV, 81R7 Far nsra, ( imaliA. Phone Harney S742. $3,009 TO TENSION INVALIDS. Tne ladles' Horn Journal tl .58 The Saturday Evening Post $1 0 The . ountrv Oentleman i subscriptions by April esrns that $3,000 for The Invalid- Pension Assn. Your order or renewal contributes 60c rhone Douglan 716.', or address UOUiXN. TUB MACJAZ1NE MAN. Omaha. Nab. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Womena CbriaUnn sasoclatlon building at 17th St. and Bt Mary a Ave., where they will bo directed to sultabln board ing place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tba Union DIAUOn. rum salvation Army Induatrlal born so llrlta your old clotnlng, furniture, m- a linen. we coneoi. ve aimnouia. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will rail, Call and inspeci our new noma. 11101112-1114 Dodge Kt. RS JOHNSTONS, Chtropractora, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at WI N Ft., . O. Consultation free and inviiea. none ejoutri 4om, RTTPTTTRF! Successfully treated UX U "without a surgical operation. Call or write Dra. Wray & Matbeny, wm Bee Hidg., Omana. flU-BONE Corset Shop- surgical cor pet a specialty. Webster-Sunderland Bldg., lth and Howard. Red 43. VAS8AOE AMI ELECTRIC BATHS, chiropody Misses Orar and Head. To ll 4 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Oouglaa, U. Stag. PTRAW hata dyed: look like new. Plumea Paradise and aigrettes cieanen ana ayea. Dor Kteele. I. 8H. IVM City Nat Bk. LET ua do your dry cleaning; and press. Ing. Our prices are right City Pressing Club. (03 Neville block. Tel. Red 478. IPKRSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment, open a. m. to 8 p. m. Dot glaa 718. 401 Ware Blk. MA B BRUOMAN. Pteam and ahower hatha. Massage. Rsl rriT. Room 203 Kamacn Bik. 1 AR.SAGE M Isa Webater. 618 Faxtoo. Blk. D. 8227. Office hours 10 to 8. ilHKUMATlsif treated successfully: re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee BldgT Phone Douglas 6373. FOR 3ENT ROOMS Varnished Roomi, ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you dealre among theae ads, call t The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooana In all part of the city. If more convenient pbone The Bee Want Ad Iept and give your name and ad areas, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are issued every week. ARB TOU LOOKING FOR ROOMSf We have listed, every desirable room in me city. OMAHA ROOMINfJ HOUSE ASfTN. 4S3Ramge Bldg.. 15th & Harney. I. 74QS. 'JJEW furnished room In new home, one l'ck from car. private family, two blooks from where you ran play golf and tennis free. Colfax 1KU&. ItUl EAI M KT Private family would rent two furnished rooms to desirable people. Call Webater SZIS for Information. JlAVK rooms sult-ible tor from 4 to men; close In; rent reasonable. 2211 Howard. 3 05 PARK A VB. Large south room, mod cm. Private fa n i lly. Harney 1&3, iNEWLY furnished rooms for young men; close In. Call Harney 3788. J3EAUTIFUL. front room; suitable for I ladles or 2 gentlemen. 1921 Cass. 330 N. 17TH 6T. Irge double trout room for two gentlemen. NICELY furnished room, close In; all modern. 631 8. 23 St. DouOLAS St.. 2301, sleeping room. ta.2t, close In, modern. ' 603 S. 29TH (ST. Strictly 1 rat-class rooms. Hsmey I5j6.' - Ho marker ptMST Bosau, tint CAUKOltNlA Large front furnished room, with kitchenette; walking distance;- reasonable; references required. Douglas 7747. & ' SUITES of housekeeping rooms left In new apartment to desirable couple; electric light and hot water heat, liar ney 6767. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 2613 Leav enworth. over oftfc. 12 a month. Phone Douglas 9X7. IIANSCOM Park dLstrict. modern house keeplng rooms; reasonable rent. Har ney lt4. HOUSEKEEPING rooms with kitchenette and sleeping rooms;, reasonable. 2117 Webster. Phone Red 6770. ONE nice front room for light house keeping, reasonable. 424 N. ZM est. Doug. 76S1. I'ARLOR, dining room and kitchenette. ail rurmaned. :ra . wa tit. r none Red to. S 20TH, 8519 4 houaekeeplng rooms partly furnished; modern. Tyler 2363 w. 1-ROOM apartment, neatly furnished, W.nO week. Walnut 61S SOUTH 17th St. Two-room suite, fur nlahed, all modern. Tyler 1969. CHOICE front modern housekeeping rooms. 408 N. 19th. Red. 792. 7. 23D ST., 620 fiood-sticd rooms, rea sonable. Red Rfpf. Board aaal Rooana. .6tititia PiTk ij.'.i i. . . .a. . ' a at, n , . ... 1 .muw Aur 1. 1 1 i mer; large double front room; excellent board; reasonable; V block, to car. Tel. Webater 2oO. NICE, newly furnished connecting suite of front rooms suitable for couple; will serve board. Call Webster 7173. tJsif arnlshed Rooms. ' FOR UENfunru7iIlsnedlisht house keeping rooms; $ per month. Col. 136. 0. 1STH ST., 2ti0K 3 seml-liRsemenl, mod ern and light. 19. Web. 24J9. 4 ROOM 3 and bath. 2116 EininoC Rooana Wsstr. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT AD DEPT. snd find out all about the yUKMSUKU ROOM GLIDE. It's a plan that Is ' helping many people rent blr rooms. MIDDLE-AOED lady Aanta room or room and board In refined home, close In, but in first-class neighborhood. Uiv full particulars and price. Address O 471, care nee. HOTELS THE CHATHAM, A R e a 1 d antial. Transient Hole), 110 8. 13th. catering to men. Douglas WIS. 6"c to 7ie day. o HOTEL RATES: 60c-76c-i DiLIxN. Special rates to per 621 So. 16th St. manent roomers. BOTE L S A N FO IVd; HOTKL" HAR LETT 19th and Farnam. ilOth and Farnam, fcpc lactates to Permanent Quests. SAVOY HOTEL. lHh and Jackson t. Clean, modern. comCoi table rooms at moderate prices FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses A part meats. i-ARGE outslde7"ranT"2-5o77nT7uraUbl Apia, for housekeeping. 83.60 to $. per week. Lincoln Apts. 21ua Chicago Su Tyler 80U7. i-Hooil and balh, furuuhed apt. in the Maeood. very choioe, H5 and $K).W. Ernest Sweet. Doug. 1472 ilu DEWEY Ave.. 3-ruom furnished apt. Henaee- P A RTLT furnished or unfurnished stucco, 8-room house with garage' chicken yard and garden space. rf N. 14th Ave. Douglas S4U6. WANT couple to share furuiahed house; iratuDHuiu iu riKnt pariy; good loca le tl. uougias tis c. gttn Bt FOR RENT-HOUSES Mi ARE you afraid to call me for Informa tion thinking thst you will be annoyed forever after7 Don t worry I haven't t me for that. W ill gladly jrive you any -information denlred. after that it ta up 10 you. Phone Benson 1 s. Trul-lutr. FOR RENT HOUSES eat. 114 No. 2C.th. brick, 12 r.. $so. 21 So. 31st. modern, 8-r . ttt. Douglaa, modern, ft roomn, $38. So. 41al, modern. 7-r . ::. JOHN N. FRENZER. tiH DI.AR M4. 2W DODGE, d-room mooVrn bouse, first rlsaa condition, very cheap rent, $?7 60. Vacant April 1. Occupants will show house. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Wehwter 4875. FOR RENT A strictly modern nine-room cottage, bungalow at vie. at w North .th street. For terms see H. Fischer. 4"1 City National Bank Bldg., or call Douelss ISDO LINCOLN BLVD. 11 -room home, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price $60. Douglas 1818. 5- ROOM modern cottage. 3J6, wlih gar age . !M?lDavenjvirt. S7W. nitKMS, mofferrirsleam neat, liFLeav enworth. I'hone Tyler 4in. 6- BOONl modern 2710 Daetuort atreeTT !ort. a-ROOM DE81RABLF! COTTAflE. S. K. corner 24lh and Capliol Ave. Una neighborhood, close In. Well kept up, part mortem. I1H to desirable small family. Ready now. Inquire flat ast 26o9 COKHY K rooms, newly- paperel, modern except furnace, only $1H. Web ster iT5S. 2i11 CALDWELL. rooms, nartl VmlvlernT 114. K619 Caldwell, 7 rooms: niodern ex cept heat; tAi. WbsterS7:6. $26 Modern dwelUng,-18l8 Manderson" StT ARTHUR CHASE, Doug. Ii33. Hee Bldg. 1615 GRANT" ST 7-r." com.7 modern. . T. JF. Hall4S3 Rainge Bldg. Doug. J4 121 S. 27TH 7 roomsf newly decorated, $25' A moaOra nL2UB rand e I s Th e a t crBI d g . FOUR rooms and" bath; ground floorj ijivjnariPi m., 912. Month. FOUR-room cotiage, garden and chick- en privilege. lH14Knnorof t. 1314 Park A ve. 7r. mfMlern brTI-k. HTfcift" COIXHiBfi rooms, 842 8. 24tnT rear.'IlL Douglas 191. M laeellaifioon. Payne & Slater Co., "Omaha's Rontal Men." HOUSES AND COTTAOES PARTLY MODERN. 5-r. 610 So 23d, gas .and water 115.00 6- r. 312 N. :i 8t.. water and gas.. 18.00 t-r. 713 8. 34th St. water, good loca tion g.OO -r. 2406 Seward St , water gas and toilet no 6- r. 2R1S Decature, reduced to 12.50 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S-r. !42& Franklin St. a bargain for 2000 7- r. 2112 California, c lose in 20.00 ALL MODERN. I2-r. 521 Harney St., splendid loca tion to rent furnished rooms ... V0rt S-r. 918 S. Slst St.. good cottage ... 22.50 10-r. 8T s. 2th St.. conveniently ar ranged for two families , 40.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 8- r. 4220 Harney, 4 bedrooms, garage 36.00 8-r. 6! 8. h St., nice yard 0 (JO DOUBLR HOUSES AND TERRACES STRICTLY MODERN. 8-r. and sleeping rorch. K S. JSth St., east front. West Farnam dis trict, reduced to 42.50 FlATS. PARTLY MODERN. 3-r. 1410 N. 17th St.. 1st fir., water, t oo 8-r. 14104 N. l?th St., 2d fir., water.. 7.00 APARTMENTS. Steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerator and Janitor service Included. THE LAFAYETTE. 17th Ave., and Jackson. -r. Apt. No. 8, 1st floor 8'00 and 26 00 8-r. Apt No. 88, 2d floor 83.60 and 27.S0 We have others. Call for complete, list before renin;. Payne & Slater Co., Omaha's Rental Men. 1 Omaha Nafl Bldg- I). 101. 8U8 Decatur St.. 7-r.. reception haTT strictly modern, 830. ..22i Clark. 4-r mod. ex. heat, 815.' . Spencer, 9-r all mod., $30. 8H17 Emmet, 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $17.50. 2K26 FVmmet, 7-r., all mod., 8-. Tiia Clark. 8-r.. mod. ex. heat. 818. . 2tS Blnney. 4-r., part mod., $J0, 2611 Charles, 7-r., all mod., $27.50 637 Bo. 36th Ave., 8-r., all mod., $26. 221 Leavenworth, 10-r., mod. ex. heat, $30. Ml So. 18th, -r., all mod., $22.50. $1(18 Seward. 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $15 241W 80. lth. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $13.60. Will repair any of above. McCague Investment Co", 1608 Dodge St Doug. 416. o. FOR RENT. For R. R. man. 1903 8. th St.; new plumbing and electric light; $20 per mo. 4-room flat, modern, 81 N. 16th fit, $i7 per month. Nloe storeroom, 27th and Cuming fits,, $16 per month. J. B. ROBINSON, 442 Bee Bldg. Dour. R09T. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRT. 8-r.. downtown, colored; $12. Also a t and a $ (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND. $4 and 87. Also 6-r.. Call fprnla bungalow and acre, 814. TeL P. HOT. Evenings. Wal 2ah. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIQH. SONS A CO. 808 BKB BLDO. DOUO. 80S. 2564 D6TJQLAS 4 rooms, ntudvrn, $3T" FOR RENT APIS AND FUTS wt THE GENOA, tm Cass Living ana dining rooms, two bedroome, kitchen; maid or storage room, second floor; east side, south front Front porch, heat, water, range, refrigerator, shades, rods; nearly new, strictly first class; best residence neighborhood. Janitor will show you. Bui bank. Douglas 1623. 8907 DOUGLAS For rent 4 rooms on main noor. newly papered, gas. walking distance. Inside toilet, for $11.00 and I basement rooms for $i.oo. FINE steam-heated apurtment, either 4 or 6 rooms, on West Farnam street. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNA MST. MODERN 8-rooni apartment. Including aleeping porch. WU located. Harney lMn. LARGE light basement on N. lGili St 1 iriii k xjMuury. it. 1 EAST front suite of looms, Wead Bldg. 4 LARGE rooms, all modern, heated, newiy aecoratea; summer rate, $18. mth and Maple. Tel. Red 1M. 614 Pax ton block. FIVE-ROOM sleum beateu apartment 1 "if oesiii. in l.n'im v isia, Mh and Poppleton Ave., 14.;. fA 3:3 Bran- ! data Theater rildg. Doug. Ii71. 1 MUUbKN s-room house and barn. 24l! Uiondo St Phone Harney 417. MODERN, steam-heated apartment, near r-. 0.; lis upwards, u. p. Htebblns. oath. 134 PARK AVE., new mod. steam heated rials, 6 large bright rooms, summer rent $40. Rmgwall. lirandels Theater Bldg 8-ROOM houae, partly modern, con- J vcniem umana ana .south Side, $14. outh 2j7. t-ROOM strictly modern flat; beat nel7i borhood. I.e. I 8.Lilh Ave. Tyler 2l.2. I-ROOM modern coiy flat, 2 S." 24tlv $2-'. Phone liar. 4711. Mlaelaaieas. MONTH FREE RENT. CIXSrIN APARTMENT. 8-r. and balh apartment, brick, mod. xcept heat; good neighborhood: $11. 60. D. K. BUCK. U Om-La Nat D. htM. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and 8 men, $1 H per hour; atorage, $3 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. I'ouglaa 4H and Tyler 230. flRKPROOK WAREHOUSE. Separate, lo ked rooms, for household goods and planus; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGE CO.. ana 3 ith St. Douelss 4143. FERiUN VAN & STO!AGE Packing, storage. 15 Cap. Ays. Tyler U00. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. Packing slorag and mov lug. ti N. 11th St. Phone Douglas r4 o. Harney 1 tr7. MOVING AND S TORAGE. PACKING, SHIPPING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING PIANO MOVING A SI KVIALTT. CENTRAL Fl'RNlTl HB STORE). Douglas 7TS.'. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co., moving packing, atorage and shipping. Phone Douglas 1496. FIDELITY K7uMi FREE Phone Douglas 28 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments: also for storage, moving. ifth and Jackson Sta. T (' ItKKfi Kxpreas Co. Slovlng," ' packing and atoragi. 1307 Farnam St. Ltouglaa (146. FOR RENl-BUSINtSS PR'PTY Stares. STOREROOM S. Three dandy fine storerooms at 24th and Leavenworth; one of the best loca tions In city; rent very reasonable. Calkins & Co., Douglas 1813. CltyNatBank Bldg. BRAND new up-to-date storeroom on Capitol Ave., just off Kith street steam heat, toilet and lAvatory, light fixtures In hardwood .floors, plate glass win dows. To be ready April 1. Cacaley Bros. ONE store room; plate glasa front; Oe ment basement; good location for no tiona, confections, cigars and tobaoco, eto. ; $3 per month. 314 Sherman Ave. Phone JiVebster 73. TVeSK ROOM cheap. 414 BeeTBldgneT Douglas 1X7. FOR RENT Flrst-claas business room, oppoello depot; flno location, Creston, la. AddreBS Box 72. Creston. STORE ItOOMW at lSiie-Ull Farnam St Thoa. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 74". STORE, modern, low rent, near post office .0. P. StebblnslfllO Chicago. gfuRHl bulbilhg, living rooms In rear, 200b N klh. Douglns 13. Offices and link Room. SMALL offl'-e and acariment, low rent; near poslofflce. G. P. Stebblns. FOR RENT SUBURBAN 6 ACRES 8 blocks'Vrom" Council Bluffs Omaha car line; -room house; will rent cheap If taken at once. THOS. U M'UARRT, 428 Keellne Uldg. Red. 4344. WANTED TO RENT Furnished House and Flata. Want to rent Furnished Apartment Housekeeping rooms or suite of rooms within reasonable walking distance to Farnam school, 301 h and Farnam; man, wife and 11-year-old daughter, t an uae for six weeka and possibly longer. Want something good. Address C ittS Bee orphone Harney X?7. Monday. Business Property. WANT to lease garage and machine shoo, with or without machinery and tools, In some live town. Would buy small stock. Olve full particulars first letter. Ad dress 314, Bee. Mlseejla neons. AV ANTE D Fu rn Is lied single room near 4fth and Harney. Address F 876, Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED WNt. OWNER WANTS OFFER. This beautiful 10-room pressed brick residence, near 2sth and California; strictly modern In every way: hot water heat; lot 50xlKO; house 3 years old. This property cost over $1fi,i0 to build. Will consider any reasonable offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Kth FI. Omaha Net. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. o CATHEDRAL. DISTRICT. Corner lot for $760. One block from car line and two blocks from St. Ceci lia's new cathedral. For particulars call SIIULER & CARY. 204 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 4233. NEW BRICK FLAT A double new brick flat, near Crelgh ton school, that owner will make a price so buyer can receive all profits. Shows 11 per cent investment PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Fifth Floor Omaha National Bank. NEW bungalow of five beautiful rooms at 80th and Dewey Ave., at a bargain. Call Tyler lSol any day or avenlng. Small payment down. North. Prettiest Six-Room Bungalow On North Side Miller Park District . An unusually well designed snd at tractive house just completed for home by owner, whose plana arc now taking him away from Omaha; many bullt-ln features and modern In every detail; beautiful decorations. The price Is very reasonable, and terma may be arranged. Shuler & Cary, Phone D-4233. 304 Keellne Bldg. OWNER Ft)I8CED TO SELL. Have to leave Omaha account of changea In my business and forced to a quick sale of my cottage of t rooms and bath. A mode.ro, coiy home; corner lot 4&xl33, near Miller Park snd Florence blvd . ono block from car li7ie. Few dollars down. PAUL M. MICH A ELSE N, 2468 Hartman Ave. Phone Colfax 37K1. SAW: OU EXC1IANGE One of finest homes In Kountie pia e, lot iiii.i, 00 coiner niiuujvari ami Ixithrop Sta.. facing south; will lake less than It cost to build thi lioue alone, or luUht take small house In exchange; houiA haa 8 rooms, also billiard room on third floor; will take part cash, balance monthly pay ments; don't overlook UJs miap; house too large for me. A. 11. olmalead, Ysii lthrop.Plione Web. 'MILLER, PARK. Five rooms and sun room, strictly modern bungalow, located near 84th and Brown Sts ; oak finish throughout: full cement basement; hot water heat; has butlt-in bookcases, buffet, kitchen cab inet, fireplace and all closet doors are mirrored. Von cun buv this at a bar gain. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, fih FI. Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. D. KM o Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottags with bath; large lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees. Price liSM. LocaUd 4iv7 North 8W.h St Norris & Norru, J00 Bee Bldg. photi Iwuglas 427; A SNAP If taken at ones, sis rooms and bath: strictly modern home: comer lot. buxlU); garden space; $ blocks from ear Hue. It you are louklug for a home at a reasonable price it will pay you to look that up. Mrs. Anna Bender, Z&ii Kuggles St Telephone I'ullex laai. "PRAIRIE PARK DlsrliKT"727"ij Atnel Ave ; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch, lull two-tory, south from, beau tiful shade and hedge, wide street; lot 4 1 a. 4 ju is li ami $ K inonlhly. In cluding Intcrisl. Krk at my resilience. B. J S'-aiinell, T ii t-'owli-r Avt. Phono Colfax 3.11 or Doukls Mi. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED North. "BKM'IS PAKK HAilGA"lN". Sevrn rooms, strict 1v nunlrnt. located In the center of Hernia Park; oak and pins finish, furnace hent; 2 blocks from car line; extra large lot; must be seen to be apprecia ted. See us for appoint ment. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM T ANT. 6tb FI. y.maha NatHk. Bldg P. I'l.n BUY FROM OWNER REU)V COST Five rooms nnd balh, cntlrelv modern Cottage, excellent condltli'ii. storm assh, ltsd. etc. closp to car slid school. W HI rent for l.'.i rer month, t an bs bought on ensv terms. tce oa'ner at .9 Corby St after 4 p. m. (IRE AT RAHGAIN Well eiiuliped modern cottage, full ce ment haocinenl, beautiful yard Spe cial Inducements for cash, as owner is v,nt city. Tel. Webster v.!. CI8K IN "IH NGAU'W. Slat and Lafayette Ave., one u end one H rooin, clawslcst In city, beamed rollings, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, plale rHil. paneled, ceilings and walls, window ahndea, water meter, ever) thing new and up to date. Cull owner and builder, Webster 3.Jo OR EAT BARGAIN Well equipped modern cottage, full ce mented basement beautiful yard. Spe cial Inducements for rash, ns owner Is leaving city. Tel. Webster Mi 21ST and Clark, one H-nmn one 10-room house, built for two faml'llea In each; bathroom on both floors; alll sell both or separate at vcrv low price. G. A. Sandell, 732 Brandcls Theater. Douglas 8542; jvnlnga, Florence 18J. CHOICE improved acreage, snap, 4 acresf all In fruit, bearing, 1 mile north of Florenoei on paved road. 4-room house, barn. $."ono. R 11. LAN PER YOU, Tel. D. &:r,. 20-: Nevlllo Block. SPWIAL BARGAIN. 8-room cottage, toilet, gas, water, 50 ft. lot, $1,360; terms, $, cash or Font car for equity. S. 1'. IIOSTWtr.C, 800 BEE BLDQ. ?-R?ioM modern house, almost new; osk fiiiislt. 22.'4 Evans, for $3, with paving pain. W. H. GATES. 47 Omaha NatBklllilg l'tglJM. TWO-STORY modern Imuscariiot water beat; good aa new. Pratt St. Fine location, $3.:Ti0. Make effcr. Phone Walnut r.13. 8-ROoSt house; largo lot; beautlf uTpaved sircei; near cnurcnes sua sonooia tein- ulnebatgHln. Phono Coirax.1734. NEW 7-room home, gHrat;e: ciithedral, Uemia park district. See owner. Make commission. Harnev 442. BUNGALOW. S large rooms, new and strictly mod ern; oak finish; good location, corner lot, paved street, car line; all Improve ments. 22d and Ames. Web. iilH. CARTER ike club membership, IncluiT Ing lot, or modern summer cottage. Ooorge K. Thompson. tsa Hrandels Bldg. ItODErT.N Ii ouse. garage, at 2Vi6 Manoor son; 'ot 60x128. Price. $3.&00. Owner. Webster 1M! S-RiIOM modern house, 1616 rJ. iotRTTlione WBJ. 1I4. oath. CHOICEST PART FIELD CLUB Beautiful oak finish, matt brlrk fire place; the decorations, electric fixtures, plumbing and In all details the very nest built for a home. Large light rooms, splendidly arranged, all bullt-ln effects. You should aee this. OSBORNE, 701 OMAHA NATL BANK. D. 1474 LADY TRAVEIiEliS TO DEMONSTRATE Good appearance and ref erences, experience not es sential, applicants will be Interviewed between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. Ifini City Na tional Hank Mlflg. FIHLD CLUB BUNGALOW. Just Haled a 6-room atrlctly modern bungalow In the Field clur district. This Is an exceptionally fins place, built of solid atone, modern, on paved street Owner leaving clly; will sacrifice this place on eaav terms. PAYNE INVESTMIHTNT COMPANY. 6th FI. Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg D. 17HL A SNAP 9-room house, electrio lights, gas. bath and furnace; permanent side walks, paid; 16 minutes' walk of tilth and Hsrney bis. No. 814 S. 27th St.. near Iyavenworth St. Harney 1646. Rob ert Robertson FIELD CLUB, new home, 7 beautiful rooms, rxotning nner in equipment or finish. Will sell to responsible party on easy terms, or will consider ex change at actual value, for cottage or vacant lot. $i,aA Call Tyler 811. SIX South Omaha lots, $1D0 each; 810 down, $5 month: fiV4 per cent; same lots originally cost $3.V and worth $200 now. WILLIAM COLFAX. 702 Keellne bid g. Tel. D. 1510. ALMOST new it-room cottage and lot, gas, electric light; also other Improvement Call Harney V4H. Ow ner. MtaeeJIaneooa. 8-ROOM BARO A IN-NEW. -TtOOM, 8. 6 TORY HOUSE, NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT $3,400; REASONABLE PAYMENTS. BENSON CARMICHAEL. DOUOLA8 1723. 848 PAXTON BLK. SAFKTY FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFm FIRE AND TORNADO INbUHANCE, SE E ONEIL-B R. E. it INS. AOENCT. 43 Brandels Theater Bldg Tyler 1034. M 1 3 T E 1 1 "( X) Lo K ED Al AN Why pay rent when you can buy thla 5-room strictly modern house, furnace heat, paved street, paving all paid for, good elwd lot, on easy terms? $.'"i0 down, balance like rent. Price $I,fi). See na at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 8th FI. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 17H1. o 8-R. OLD HOUSE LOT 44x132 $1)0, $.'00 cash, balance monthly, on paved street; good location; snap. H. A. WOLF 814 Ware Block. Douglas 8A riEVEN rooms, hot water heat, aplcndld shape, paved street, excellent neigh bor- bood. Best reasons for selling, C!.J. $: down. Call evenings t'olfsx 4071. l2""H 8. llTH 6-roorri, nearly new".-strictly modern house, lot 46x140; would dlvldu. Berks A Mull. Douglaa 5isr7. BY owner. 2 improved acres, good" house, fruit treea, grapes, berrlus, 2 wella Wal. 2047. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED West. 2H ACRES, close to ear; easy. terma. ft Uolfuli"2, after 10 a. m. Nonlk. TWO corner lots, ioth and Hamilton ?la, UlvI'M I'.ik- - n-V. V...I " ' .ii iii., trvxu niiu naiiiiiiou 01 Hlx13rt. $;; $375 cash. bal. terms. THAlUHEIt LH t'lty Nat. Doug. VACANT lot for sale at iSth and Lau Ave Pl.fin I'nlfu. itiu 3801. rel oath. RIG FUTURE Ninety-two-foot frontage near lwli snd St. Mary's Ave., well Improved and si ways rented. For a few daa to some body at $-.mi. HASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. WILIi BUILD TO SUIT. Have 15 first choice lota In Leaven worth Heights Add.; easy terms. Doug. 21. riri..'::J,,l"n.ll4Psxt.,n Bldg. FINE lots. Bancroft and 6th, walking di- tance; only 80;eaay terms. t.'olfax 751. HICil.ARD EVERETT. ARCHITECT. 108 No. lMh St. Phone lxiulas bxis. BI larejla aeons. ' PI(6NK7l'aTlerSon. Doug. 247. for llsfof lots. 130 and up ADVERTISE your nroperty as though you bellied its sale or rental to be important, by kirpln It listed In lbs Big House. Home and Ktal Eat at Cuido THE BEE. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN l l n i i'.r. Corner 49th Hint lnonl. graded, slde wh'k. cilv 'fter. sewer, corner. $0; tnslile lots. J'l to $vj. ntnaoa. "Star r t rr ho i iT i n" u kKsoNi ih y this ijur: $10 08 down and $iu ti per month ; price $.'(0 00; site, 'ilJ, I.Hjetid on txicust M between Clark and Burnharn; not far from sebn I and ear line. tio. it W right Bee office. (malia. HllNSiiN HAKGA1N 8-room all ni'i.lern houae, corner lot. for $:,;., ivawnable tetu Must b a'ld. Want you to Si-c this. P. J. 'l'eblicns, . (. iiih tir Nat. Bk. ( ouncll lllaffs. SUMMl.lt collage at Lkn Msnswa ior ssle cheap; Iske front, t all Hnrncy Mt. llonilee. DI'NDEE. Corner 4!'th ami laanl. graded, slde alk. city water, sewer, corner, $ '0; Inside lots tK to $X4l. GEORGE O. WALLACE. HI4 Keellne. NEW two-story brick and stucco home of 4 rooms anil sleeping pinch, with built-in buffet, flrcpl ii e, bookcases, kit chen cabinets and other features; oak floors 1 In iMiulimii . on k f nitwit dow onlalr s white enamel Itpstatra. Owner Walnut 1141. 11 NDEE bungalow of six rooms ana sleeping porch, almost new; hut water heat; occuplfd by owner, lot tiOxlXi. Phone Walnut ."J BKAUTiFUL bi l k Hint stucco homes being built In EvaiiHlon, south of Dodne St .jJn Dundee. II. II. Hnrj'r Civ South (tide. THREE ACRES. GOOD HOUSE. South of South Omnha: lota of fruit, modem bouse, flno suburban place, no Incumbrance; will excluiiirfe for city residence. Val.ie M,X. W. T. GRAHAM. Bee, P.ldjr Florence. FIORENCE II Eli Jilts OWNER LEA VINO CITY. North of Florence, 4 lota, all kinds of fruit, K0 pvony plsuls. 7-r. .house, fine well, small outbuildings on 8 tiiactnlam laed roads. 81 Davenport. Call Flor ence 140. R EALESTATE I NVESTM ENTS l. ici.Mueiii 1 anu persistent aoveriis Ing will "sell" any salable real estate, and the largest numli-r of prospective buyers can Ve reached through the Real Estate and Want-Ad Oulde to all of Greater Omaha THE BEE. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES COTTAOE AND CASH. Will exchange good cotlnge, 6 rooms, full Int. nice yard, value $J,2.0, and pay somn cash for a home of 7 rooms In good location. W, T. OHAH AM, BEF, RLDO. 40TH AND BIMIT TiUliHi A niodern house 8 rooms, near cathe dral, fci.OiO, and will pay cash or assume difference on a double brick bid. W. T. ORAHAMMEE BI.IHl. tilt EAT BIO HA H 1 A IN. 110 acres farm land right close to town. Price 83,600. or will exchange for new house or bungalow In Omaha. Ad dress O Hi, Bee. wTIAt hAVe YouT.RoS o!TvA'NtT See us first. We may have Just what you want. We aell or trado everything any where. C. J. Smllh, Tyler 1.V1. "TRADES. TRADES. TRADES. Farms and Omaha property for ex change. J. A. ABBOTT. Patteraon Blk.. Omaha. HAVE good cheap lota to exchange for bouse painting, violin or 'cello. H. L, Hawver, 3.H24 Grand Ave. Phone Colt fax 7f.2. SIX houses and farm to exchange Neb. farm. Tol and A Trnmhiill . Bee Bid g. CAN aell or exchange auyihlng you have to offer. C. i. Canan. McCasrue Uldg. REAL ESTATE-BUS- FROPTY 5 fP:ET. I6H1 St., 8 blks. from viaduct," $B,6tiQ. McCagne Inv Co McCsgue llldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WW HAVE a client who will py cash for a suitable house near Beuils Park. Must ! new or nearly new and in gixid condition. Price la limited to $4,OiO. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 8t hFI . Oma h aN a t. Bk. Bldg. p. 17H1. o WANTEI To buy on manthfy paymnnta mall store room, wlin living rooms above, la Central school dUtricu l'bous EET us nsndle your vacant proporty; ws can either rent it or soil for you. i sii 1 'ongias FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans. M-rtarasjes. WE are ready at all times to" make loans on first-clans city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 212 South 17th St & TO 4 for loans on beat class city residences in smounts iz.uuo up; slso farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. K"i Farnam Bt NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDU. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranchea. We also buy good farm mort km win. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O K KICl'K HEAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat I'hone Douglas 2718. MONEY TO i7JAN. n.r 5 year's, on Improved properties. SIIOPEN & CO., Doug. 4:M. MONEV on hand for city und firm loans. 11 W. Kinder, City NhIIoiihI Bank Bldg. CARV1N BROS. N.,W-Jld,. l(t Ti ) Mii.wxj inado promptly. F. D. Woad, Wead Bldg., lsih awl I'urniitii Sis. CITY property. L-rgu loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. ::'liState Bank iililg. "(RCK."" CITY LoANBr'C. ti'. "Caitbcrg. lilih " U Branili ia Theater llldg. CITY and f.irin Ihiiiik, (.. .V .. per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co., 410 Keellne Ildj. 5 if MONEY. HARRISON A MoHTUN. V UA tfldiahM NInt llutik i-4 1.4 Financial Wanted. WANTED. CITY LOANS. Immediate clOHlng. Lowest rates. Residence loans a specialty. Interest paid but twice -ach year, FIRST TRUST COMI'ANY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Stocks aud Uii. HAVE two II. wo iiioriguacs iliuwlng i.u ......t l,.t.-,.-l ' Mtui..! fin "leu ii. . I land, due In 2 and 4 year; will truds for kood aulofiiobllo. or wi.at have you A(l(1i C UK., dmiilia liee. t.ii.om M ilt'CiiAOE lii uiliiK 4 per cent semi annual; secured liv iioieity val ued 8i-,uf.iA TulmuKc LooimI.i Inv. Co., W. J. W. Hl'lK Abatracas of Title. nnornnli'O Abstract Co. We an bring i M uat oui.i.1. down your sbstruct n i abort notice. RJ, Patterson Bldg. D. 247. 1 ' l,'I I Title Uuaiaitlea and Abutiuut f'o., a jnucltrn abstract olflce. 805 SJ7tb Ht Tel.J). ,4f7. REED AUHTRACT Co., "oldest abstract office In Nebraska, ."-i l.i unIelsTliea M lace Jla neoua. Ft )R SA LE i'roilucing mines, tungsten" gold, allver. Nothing so profitable. Colo rado In iuM rlul J'rust Co., iilti r.xchuiiKe, DetiM-r, Colo. It takes but a liiinuto of time to sate dollars when u read The Bee Want Ad Columns. REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE 1 Ai'KK, liitge iao-room bouse, barn rhicki n house and other Improvements; owner leaving city; goes at a sacrifice for I'V 4 !-. acres. Improved, price, 8? 10 acres well Improved, one mile from South city limits. 2 acres unimproved near car line, $.'0. a a. res, three lilocka from car line and good road. $l.im. 1 have a numher of other acreage tracts, south and west of the city to select from. .1. It. K unlets, 4738 South 14th St . Ho. 8lde, Omaha. TP VCK Ai"; I " liv site nil" B. A VfTFx' 104 can be bought at a bargain C. A. Orlmmel. M9 tmiaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas l.nnila. orroirruxrrv Tho Coming City of North Arksnsns VFXlvVJLU-;. In the center of the richest nine dls tilct In the world. Unlimited opportuni ties ilet In on tho ground floor. Choice liullilliig lots liw prices and uttiacllvs terms. It ua tell von all about It MIX KRAI j llrilr RHALTY COMPANY, Yrllvllle. Arkansas. rnr.r. farms in Arkansas. IKi), ivl seres of government Innd open for homestead April 20; located along and near the Missouri and North Ar kirsss tallrixid: Ideal for fruit, poultry, stock or teeners! farming: some timber. Write for purllcul'ira. J. C. Murray, !' A., IVsk I Jlnrrlaon. Arkaiisaa. t'nloraitn Lsnni. A tTooii fnnn of Mo aetesiocated ln"the I'tntte all"y. near ttileslnirg, Colo. This farm la all Irrigated; a fine proposition for sugar beets and fall and spring wheat. Will sell or trade for farm In Iowa. Nebraska or rood land In South Dnkota. Addresa Y Bee. FREE OOVEUNMENT WNIW. Colorado; fine soil and climate; un usual opportunity: official pamphlets free. Manager Immigration Depart ment, CIhsoii Bldg., Denver Idaho I.nnda. DOES YOUR LAND YIPLD YOIT $.T7S PER ACRTC. )R ANYTIIINO LIKE THAT AMOUNT? Let mo aend you a Crop Report, showing what ninny Idaho farmata got last year It will open your eyes to the great possibilities that await you In that state. Full Information free for the asking. R. A. Pmlth. Oilnnliatlon snd In dusirlal Agent Room 702, Union Paciilc Headguarters, Omaha, Neb. Iowa I.nnda. 4H0-A. Iowa Improved farm. Price $i8& per acre. Will take part In Income property and carry balance on land. W. K. CRAM. l.H7Clty Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Nob. M teeleslppl l.anrta. RICH upland Imp. farms, $10 acre up wards. Corn, cotton, alfalfa, cattle, hoga; large and small tracts; easy let ma. (1. P. htebhlns. 1410 Chicago. o Minnesota I.nnda. 840 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one half under cultivation, balance use for paature and hay; can practically all be cutlvated: good suit, good set of buildings; this land will produce 8s bushels of corn per acre; country Is tbictly settled; Complete set of ma chinery; 27 head of stock, constating of 11 cows, balance 1 and 8-year-olds; 4 good horses, 28 hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at plfi per acre. One-half cash. Immediate pos session can be had. BCHWAU BROS., lflai Plymouth Blog . Minneapolis. Minn. BUV THIS NICE FARM HOME. Cine mile from good town, ten mllea from Minneapolis; 80 acres, all culti vated ; good soil, good buildings; on limit road to city of STAOuO; unfailing market. For Immediate sale, very low price and easy terma to right party. For full Information write Anderson Davis Insurance Agency, Palace Bldg., M Innc.Volls. "DAI It V -Till' CK farmers, attention! bend for Illustrated literature describing our low-priced lands near Duluth. Arnold, Commissioner, Iron Range Railway, MO wnivin rung., putiitn, Minn lf5 THERE a spot on earth you can call your own? If not buy a farm In the Hed River valley, Mintieaota. Wrlie your wanta. Agents wanted. J. E Car penter Land Co.. L. Crookston. Minn JdiNNEriOTA, HI. Louts cmjntyTscholo est dairy-truck laii'ls. our property, direct. Ixiw prlcea. lOasy terma. Arnold, Commissioner, Iron Range Railway, 6U8 Wolvln Bldg., Duluth. Minn. Montana I.nnda. CAN locate ten people on 'iM- acre hornet steads in southern Montana. Locating foe $100. Address Fains worth Uuoy, Mtaaonrl Innds. "lOACUE ARM In Dent Co.. Missouri. 1 mils to village, 1J mllea to Halem; highly Improved: good barn and slio; good buildings; 110 acres In cultivation and meadow; win ter wheat gnea with place if sold at onoo; some fine timber; good orchard. Price .M per acre. W. H. FRANK, mi Neville Block. Omaha WREAT HAKOAINH-JG down. ii monthly, Imya 4'i acres, good fruit and poultry hind, near Iftwn, aoittliern Miasnuri. Price only $176. Address Box , ci'lHtor Springs, Mo. Itetiriiska I.nnda. LAND SALE 4S0 AC It ICS IN CHERRY COUNTY, NEB. Will he sold at public auction to tba blKhest bidder on Saturday. April 1, ll'lil, at Valentino, Neb., commencing t 2 p in. This farm Is loomed four mllea from liiirgi. Neb., and 1H miles from CrooUatnii, Neb., und Is described as follows: Tho south half, northeast uuarter, siiuiIichs iiarter, section lo, south hslf northwest quarter. auth west ijuaj-ler. section 11, township 31, lunge . It la a good place. Is fenced. hn Mood ho ise hiiiI ham, good well and windmill and Is lenll one of the best proiioaitiona ever ol feted. This Is the chance In a lifetime to secure a farm al your own price, and is only being o fie red for sain because the owner has interests elsewhere that demand his ennotant attention. If you are looking for a bat gain and want a f mi til in a good location, do nut pass this up. J. M. HOLLAND, OWNER. 'o I . OIM TII.M'KWEIJ,, AIJf T XEDL'ASKA IjAXD. Kim hull County Fnnn Rarpaina. Mo ai res g taranleed farm and grazing hind 7 miles west of the progressive town of Kimball, n.ili ten ih of Oliver station and Ho- Lincoln Highway and close to sc hool. Tins land Is owned by sn entitle and must he sold for cash. Price only 41 per acre. Cheapest nil u . n i iix lands are held at $1?. i) tier acre, Ai an Investment this Is safer ttiiin government bonds, and you are sure to double your money within one vcur. If you are inter ested we will b glad to give you further Infoi illation regarding Oils land and also refer von (o reliable larties in this city who are ao- ili.allltnl Willi It E. T. PETERSON COMPANY, Son H. Will St., Ilmund Floor TWO MILLION" DOLLARS Paid to Western Nebraska farmers last yer for one crop. You can buy this iii n. productive diversified farm-In-: land at n ascnalde pi Iocs and on xceptionally easy ternia. Take ad vantHgu of this sleniii nppurtiimiy NOW. Full Iniotmallon free for the asking. I:. A. Smith, Colonisation and In dustrial Agent. Itoim cl. Union Pacific Headquarters. Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS NelirasUn l.emls. INUl MALE-i'.-i'sacre kIock farm ; two ssts of buildings: ftw never fnlllns wells of a-ster: sii f. need nnd cross fenced; gooil house atiil larwe fratne barns Owner prefers to sell farm stork and machine! v rlk'hl toKetlicr. For further pnrtlctilnrs address J. E. Paine, Onndy. Iii:nn Co., ,l. BA BOA IN Improved iiunrter section, one mile from Teeiimseii. ;,it much rasli reinilre d to handle, possfnalon If de sired. W. T. SMI Tli CO.. City Nntlnnsl Ic.nk llldg. ' - A . ail loiiilng llershey, nil fine valley ihiio. impi'OM'ii. i'mci .:iii. worth ..$.'". Write I . C. I'ntter-in. OmShn. CI lOB "i:- L'40 acres all umier cultivation on pnod road 8 miles fnm atockvards; exceptionally rich bind; close to station; easy terms, no trndes, no agent. Wm. Nelson. Hotel llrne, I 'maiia. FOUND iiJO-acre nnclalmeii homestead; good soil: ample rainfall; artesian v.ater; near free Umber. Price fifti, filing fees and all. J, A. Tracy, Ft. Mlorm, Coin. A SHt acre rollnipiisTiment 7or sals; five miles from It R. town, ten miles from another. Write Ick Box 242, Val entine, Neb. orth Dakota l.nnri. Jai A i 'REH, near Kat go, T mllea town, ready for crops; rented thla year for one third clear to owner, per acre. $46. Hodgson Realty Co., Sta. C, Fsrgo, N P. Tnm Lands. Fl V'TTT'E'StS I'ER AtTthTC.AKII. Texas school lands for sale hy the stata at $2 iter acre; 6 cents an acre cash and no more for forty years hut 8 per cent In terest. Send he postage for further In formation. Investor Pub. Co., Dipt 38, Kan Antonio, Texas. A nshlnatnw l.nitila. Bhl Indian reservation lo open. ToO.OoO acres for settlement Wheat fruit, gen eral farm lands, $1 SO per acre. Open coming summer, llnmea for loooo. Rnd lfc at. once for copies with reliable Infor mation regarding this great region We-riatcht-e (Wash.l Dally World, Prt 11. Wisconsin Lands UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and" general crop atate In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wla cnnsln Central Land Orant. Excellent lands for atnek raising. If Interested in fruit lanJa ask for booklet on apDle orchards. Address Land and Industrial leit., Hoo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. . VRlTKTor Information regarding Doug laa county, Wisconsin, agricultural Iambi. Inv prices, easy terma. Best lo cation. Fnrmera land and Onttle Co., tiwners. Oliihe Bldg., Pt l'aul, Minn. Wist 'ONSIN ta' farnis. lu.OiVI acrswiT3 land; corn, dairy, clover belt; oountnes Barron, Polk; easy terms, lowest prices; list free. 1 Rlvard, Turtle Lake, Wis consin. WISCONSIN clay loam land wllliln drlv Ing distance of Superior; attractive prlcea and terms: write for Information. Farmers' Iind and Cattle Co., Owners, Bt. Paul, Minn. WISCONSIN farm to trade for Omaha property, either Imnroved or vacant Fred C. Shields. Walnut 3S17. Mlsoellaneaas. BUYERS WITH THE MONEY TO 1NVEHT. Farm lar l ads plaoed In these col umns reach the kind of pecpla alt over the west who have amnle funds With which to invest In lands. Quality and quantity are both found -In THE HKK'H country circulation. The subscription rate for The Bee is much higher than any other Omaha newspaper. Naturally The Bee Is read by a daaa of . well-to-do farmers. Send In your ! and reach soma real buyers. , I "HAVE YOU A FARM FOR BALET Writs a good description of your land and send It to the Hloux City, la., Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different lays for -'; or words, $4; or 75 words, $ti. Largest circulation of sny Iowa news paper; 2ts).UO0 readers dally In four great slates. WHEN Ilia renting priblem is under con sideration either from the stsndpolnt of the tenant or landlord the Real Es tate and Want Ad Oulde to all of Orrater Omaha The Bee Is the best medium for sure md satisfactory re- aulta Phone Tyler TOO. FARMS, acreage and city property for sale and exchange. C. R. Combs, (Ml Hrandcla Theater Bldr Doug. 8:114 FREE LIST WsJ choioe MTTin.-WlaDak. choice farms. Borer, 833 Boo. Bldg., K j,y)"rieapoHB. Minn . FARM LAND WANTED WANTED Farroe; have I.3T.7 buyers; d scrlbe your unsold property. !4 Farm ers' Exchange, Denver, Colo. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES FlHSEllVE pasture now. Splendid shade, good graaa, plenty water, limited number horses taken. Six dollars per month. Invariably In advance, or 85 till Ootober 1. The old Griffin grove, 42d and Orover. Walnut Ki4. For nle. MUST SELL HARNESS. 82,708 worth of double harness to close) out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price; H.OuO worth of single har ness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness shipped eubjeot to in spection. If not satisfied, aiouay will b refunded. JOHN80N-DANFORTH CO.. 1629-81-34 N. ltfth St.. Near Clark Bt NOTICE TO A CASH AND QUICK ' BUT ICR. ID head of young mares, 14 In foal, all well matched, sges from 8 to 8; last ot the estate. All my good young brood mares, also 4 fresh milch cows and 8 bead of mules; no reasonable offer re fused. tSill r.'4 r. 24th St. Idy owner. McKay, manager. ATTENTION 4 head of young mares In foal. 2 head of geldings weighing S.0UO per span, 4 and b years. Also 4 sets of harness and a wagon No reasonable i-ash offer refused. 203 &. i&lh. Call barn In rear. FOR SALE Wood workTiorse tw; wolghs 1,400 lbs. Phono DoukIhs 8S. PAN brood Ingres, farm wagon and harness $-iA 2HN 24thi GOOD wagon for sale c-eap. Soil Parker Ht.Wbaterj!. HAY $H.C0 ton. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 11 WsDlrll. "WOULD like to buy a cow with pretty Utile calf. Apply L. Feitaor, care Cud aliy Packing I'y. I'hone South 2340. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SILKO CHIC IXK)D MADE FROM PURE GRAIN. Best In the market. If your dealer does not handle It go to A. W. WAGNER, Oil N'-. ltlth Douglas 1141 E4K1S for hutching; will aell a few set tings from my pen of prize winners, bilver-bpangled Hamburg, most beau t.ful, and eggs the year around. Call and see. 2411 lui-lA vo.TebOol. lot). MoNEY In cnlcksns: wtlte fot Johnsona free catalogue. Pougry Know-How, . about lbs pay-for-ltt)lt old Trusty In cubator. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter, Nub. VAIL'S Bulf Orpingtuu tfggs from prUe winners at loiglaa county fair and Ui eaterOmaha show. lilj. Colfax 2-17. CAST shipment of this e sou: Imported Jupatiesw fantall goldfish, iiiiu each. Haxeller Bud Cu.. 1617 4i'aruain 8t. til' A KANTKKD" ferulo Buff "oipiugton ePKM. $0 Oi per 1U. i'ili Farnam bt. J larney 1214. WHITE Orpington coikei.-U and white Indian runner ducks. 4.VO 8. 4uth tit Phone South 2'l TTA RE t IK BA 14 V CHICKS." a new'book free for stamp. Ueo. H. Lee Co., llli Harney St., OiiihIiu. I'Oll sale chimp. 2 spaniel puppies, $o euca. Webster fiS-W Fo R SAlE-Thoioughhred Scotch collla" pup. well marked, l.i V tit, Li uuulo, Neb. I