.1- TlIK BEE: OMAHA, MONDAV, MARCH 1!7, 1U16. ll'ant-Ad Rates W Jf 1c CASK WIT DU r-er word A each Insertion Special SYetas l Farm and Ranch I-ands. To Pr tine each Insertion (Count tx words to tlx line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING- UNDER AUt-N'Tg OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: to $er word one time l!o per word. , .Hire consecutive times CXAkQB BATTSJl e per line one time Jo per line thre consecutive tlmea (Count (lx words to the line.) HO AS TAKE IT TO !!! TaTAIf a tot ai. or Mo OB till TMAH lOe FSB DAT. CARD OF" THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: ICo per line each Insertion (Minimum charge 60 cent.) Monthly Ret for .tending ads fn(t change of cory l.o pr line (Count six word to the line.) Contract rate, oa application. TITB REUS will not be responsible for . i . . , Wriment orde foTmor. "t'hlS one time. adverttt;r! should retain recelpta gien by The Bee In payment for Went i Aia. as no mistake ran be ractllled wiinout mem. CUB nm TKT.TTHOVT: If -eott rannnt conveniently hrlnr or send In your ads. Ask for a Wsnr-Ad Taker, and you will reeelre the asms good ervtee as when delivering- your ad at the office. PTTON TTt yn 10. ANT-AD mr.rMNfl CT.OPF KVKvrva FntTiova i-a. MOWNINa KDTTTONS S OO p. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Anawers the "Whera lo go question tonight." Dtifllana EMPRESS. 15TH & DOUGLAS. "The Fifth Ace." love triumphs In the thrilling first run picture of the day, Kleventh episode "The Strange Caae of Mary Page," featuring Kdna Mayo And Henry H. Walthal. Mutual Weekly, .No. 64. PIUNCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS. reels of very cood pictures TH EP"A RNA M !i 4 F5r ARN AM 8TT MOLLIK KINO IN A WOMAN'S POWF,R. North. GRAND. 18TH AND D1NNEY, Tha Theater Pentitlful. WILLIAif ItUSSELL la a strong love story of college life. In I part, and a good comedy. HEAR OUR SPECIAL CONCERT ON THE "DE LUXE PIPE ORGAN" LOTHROP. tiiil A LOTHROP? Helen Ware In "Croas Currenta." Alao a Good Comedy. Mnllk. "5824 LEAVEmVRTir APOLLO. The Grinning Kkull. Pellg Prama. S-d. Maybe Moonshine, Kalem Comedy. BOULEVARD. 3ad"Tia"iraworth. Tel. Harney IMS. Today, continuous from 1 p. m. : I-xitiitabla Motion Picture Corp. pre renta Mario i.nipreaj in "Ixive'g Cross P.oada." lib 1 1 LVkI 5 " 11 LEAVEN IV'OR t if THEDA DARA In "Destructlon.,, West. MONROE. . J 5 6 FARNAM. The very popular and distinguished stage star. Itoliert Kdeson. In "The Cave Man." Blue Kinbon feature. "Bashful Blllle," Bllllo Beeves comedy hvumia aide. BESSE THEATER, 245TII ANdTT A Leap Year Wooing. Kalem, A Race for Ufa, Kaiem. The I ircam of Kugene Aram. Sellg. OBl'liKLM. i4til4n S reels of good ploturea. s tar Features Theae are Hpeclal Extra-Reel Features now appearing at the following Theaters: XPOULO rniAVENNVolttll The Orlnnlne 8kull." J4TU A N "Btlngarea Btory." UOCLEVARD, A IAVENWOllTlI "Ltove's Croas Roada." tiinlK-sa. 15TH a roTTfi'CAB "The Fifth Ace," love triumphs In the thrilling first run picture of the ly. GRAND. 1TH ANI BINNKY. W l.llam Russell In "The Craving," a atrong love Btory of college life. In i parts. lxn tiiiop. :7th and LofilHOPl Jlelvtt Ware la "Croaa Currents." iNHuH ' KARNAM. Tha very popular and distinguished stage star. Hubert Edeaon, In "The Cave Vsn." THE FARNAM, 1415 FARNAM ST. Mottle King in a V oman's Power, Festnrlng Douglas Marlran. Adopted from the Book, 't ode of the Mountains " HOWMK.VTI AND 1 KM KTKHIKS. IsAt'bOLKUM. WHY bury your dad In the cold ground In stormy weather when you can buy a tomb in a marble building at reaaooable pil-s.Tel. MAI 'SoLKCM CO., 1. 217. luiunjeister Munauitiit Works, iuauao leiitna. all kinds markers, lith A Charlea FLORISTS. JiK.-ri' wi A1JT t'l'T" I'lXIWKHa or" - piants. Art Combinations, shipped every, whcie. Kxceilatit service to our rut lomets In ifAl )eats ruinrnend Hk.SI a SWOltol'A. Bi.S Farnam St. P. 101, HAT. H.jflor!t. i-" Karnam St p. SuiJ." L iih.uHi')N, Is.. Uuiiii l. it-l Vmrs u.rtsts r-lAsraon tsl. Asa e V lalaallltliK. IMtara. 4uug luoL LOST FOUMD REWARDS 1 0-T. BIVCK CRCH lii-.T HANI) BAG. Near Hrandeut' stores Saturday eve ii'iiS about 7 oil.x k: valoed as H fro. ii a f-ieiid. Reaird. DuukIss U'.fi. 1-T Tao o-i. H'l ill FtelJ club dia liet. small loni-K iltstott tcftlt-r with l.urn. Beaatd t all iisrney A!k. - lost found -rewards OMAHA l'(MN(.'II, PLUFr'M 8TUK :KKT HAM. WAV I'OM I 'A NT Persona having lost some article would do well to ml! up the office of 'he (imnh A ('nun' II Bluffs Street Railway , company (o t.'tit.un whether they left It In the etrevt cum. j Many articles ench day ere turned In i end the co.npany In anxinua to restore them t the rltthtful owners. Cell l'OUIT 44 IF TOII laa snrthlns anil will KtrortlM It Hers, I m will mrir ix-orpr It It toon br aa hottest Prirn. KetYiaraahls r-n Terlea are brought host s.arv- tiar throtitfc thla eoliims THR LAW psnpl. h una loot articles are ftit.rwtd In fcsnwlnc that the atals law It trtrt la rrealring them to a k the onr thretifli ad vrtaem.nt ana nthsrwlas. una that a falluea to 4t an if asm raa be pre.ea. la vnl.ea a ae.sr penall. M ST- White A nxoracir" male"7 "bin'-k mark letween cars. N. 2;th. H. 2-wH. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS rarallira and If oaarhtiM Honila. FlJUNlTUKir PRICKS SMASHED GREATEST PRICE-CUTTING BAR- GAINS Omaha ever raw. (Mir atore la not ino largest. Hut our hnritnlna lire the BIGGEST, We ere out of the "HIGH RKNT DISTRICT." ' . ,r u',, . TT.1""'.'!? ' , t Hny now. (lom bold until ilea red YIZU1 .""V. i ! :iki tjuar. Oak Flank Top Tat IW.'O yunr. Oak Col. fining Tatile.. 1,,S f .71 aahlrrtonlnn l!lh II. Minora Id T.ro Wm. Mary Can.- 11. B. Kin fij im 2-in. Post 'olonl.il Brsss Bed. l.'l to J-in. post Massive Hriiss Bed.. 14 TS I U0 fS Call Onen 'I ,n Hnrlnas n t 7,.'i1 Cnnranleed NO HAD springs... 4.7u , I V. (toll l-;da HiwcIhI Maliressrs . .;) riA.oiHol Ftige l.nyer Pelt Mattress 7 I t t ienuine Mnhog. 1 ol. Oresser.. 1 ft J lU M Mh. or Walnut Musi - Bcnehei j iS.l ir nnlne Malu.if. l.tbrary Talili , t i" ienuine luiofnld lnveniorla.. i f.'i). i Holld Mah. Cane Wing llocker ft. in 77 hi. 7.', It.TS VI !.". 77 ;i.7u J.'4.il Overstuffed l.etl.cr Roi ker.. !4..Vt Tnrestry Hockers, SPKCIAL. $i.P Wilton Rug, sxlj Me deliver to all purla of rlly. Hoods larked and el.lppcd free. Out-of-town mall oi.leia solli Itcd. PIfiK lOli;l.AH 1.117 HTATK FrUNiTl ltr. CO., Cor. Hilt and I'ola-e Sis. CM A I! A PI1.IXW CO.-Felt and h ilr mstlresaea made over In new tl ki at half the prli-e o' new ones I'hone us f r sample of ticking. Mall ordure f Hod. 11 r( Cuming St. louglaa JURMTURM bargains: beds, SI: "table., cl aln. rugs, gag iitoves, i; i ei'dings of all k.nus. )SJ N. 24th. Wei ster Wi;, "BKAI'TII-IT. chlnn" cahlnet, s; huffelt; lll: F.cllpsc gas stove, Vi; round table and chiilre, lirlneess dresser. Web, 6I4S. Let t's tell )oii aimiit our new Invention which makes Ironing day a pleasure. Phone Hong. M'W, I.ARuS light oak hafl tree. CairWebater 7014. Planoa and Maslenl Inst rm-nla. MA I GAINS. T In slightly used and aeeond-hand PI A Not4 PI.A Y ICR l lA.NOS-olttJAN.-4 Wat Nw 1 Sturlevant, ebony t"0 1 Klnsaton, oak .i"0 I Kimball, walnut Mi 1 llallet Davis, ouk 4 0 1 W. K. Whlllork. eliony .7" 1 ("bickering Hons, ebmiy.... 4fl 1 . t. II., ward, oak T,T, 1 Hlelnhauer oak (new) ?' llallet Davis, oak OTi 1 Klmbnll, mah., Iarg- rase... 4o 1 Vose A Pons, mahogany 4ro 1 Klmbnll, mahogany (new).., 4o 1 ftrloh at Zeldler, mah. (newl. 4aL l'LatWClt-PIANOri. Was 1 Boudoir Player, oak 1 Boudoir Player, flak :" 1 iltnxe Player, mahogany '4-5 I W hitney Player, mahogany. 0 Story Clark Player, mah. 1 Behr Bros.' player, oak SO I A. Hospe Apollo Dayer, mah M 1 A. Ilonpe-Apollo player, oak 70(1 1 Kimball Player, mahogany (like nw Whitney Player, oak 0) ORGANS. 1 Kimball, high top 1 I.yon A Ilealy. high top 1 Herllng. chapel 1 Kimball, mah., piano cased si: 17. lii.1 17.. i;: ll0 i' 2!'. '00 Now S'.-'l s""J .I : 4fv CI 0 rn .... :0 .... in .... 7t These Instruments have all been thor oughly ovei hauled at our factory a that they can hardly be told from new. Terma to suit the most modest pocket book. Hole representatives of the celebrated MASON A HAMLIN PIANOS Tha highest priced piano In the world. A. HOSPK CO , 1&18-161S Douglas Street. Omaha. Neb. o 3.U par month A. Huspo, l513touglas. tore and Itffloe Flatnrea. KHKS, safes, soaloa, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell, Omaha f ixture Hupply Co.. 414-10-IS 8. 12th. Doug. I7'-'4 fa me raa and Kodaks. KODAK KRS cave money and get bet- ie prlnla byjmonlng Bed Mt-'. Typewriter and appllea. Is'EW machines sold the same aa rent; S3 per month. Beg ua before you buy or rent. Shipped any place un ten days' free trial. Butta Typewriter Exchantfo. Hl b. itlth. Oma.ha.Neb. JRKM1NUTON8, Monarcha and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywhere. Rem ington Typewriter Company. D. 14. KK1.1ANCK Ribbon anil CarbonCo. li.' T)ewrlter ana oirice supplies. lbi liurney St. 8PKCI AF--fl'tsrnteed typewriter rltT boos S for $L Reliance Ribbon Carbon Co.. Douglas S242. tJKNT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for W. Oliver Typewriter Agency. gania?n. fYPKHWlTKRS sold, renten repaired. Ceotrl Typewr'ter Kxc. 1. Farnam. Jewelry, DlaaiosSa, Wl-kea, Foil TRA1H or sale at a bargain; new FUln gold watch. Addreaa Box 61. Craig, Neb. PRODKUA ARB'S "lucky wedding rlniiis'r at llh antl Iouglaa Sta. Sewing Ma cm era. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needlee and parts ef all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. Doug. 10. Cle4hla, rra, tcte. XVK buy and eeil tailor made suits and overeoata. Friedman 1211 iHiugiaa f-t. nilllarA and Poel TiUm, Folt BALK New and a. coiHl-hnd caroin and pockat billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; send for cata logue; easy payments. The Brunswick- ltlke-Colli-nder Co., 407-4t 8. Mb St. Machinery and Kuainea. GAS and siecu enginea, machinery. Dross Wrecking Co.. isi Ciuulng. A net Ion galea. Foil 8AI.K. The entire fixtures and business of Wank s cafe, one of 8l-nis City's old est, restaurditta and cafes, contained in two atore looms. Including the best and latest Improvements In restaurant fixtures: same will tie sold by the un deralgnrtl. trustee In bankruptcy, un the premlM-s at 414-41 Pierce til.. Sioux City. Iowa, on the SSth day of March, luiti. at 2 ii'tf it p. m. at publlo auction to the htgt'ag bidder for cash: anone wishing to y.pcct same wlli please see (be undersigned. KKNNETH O. 8ILL1 MAN. Trustee, Sli Trimble Block. I'hone. Auto. U0. EDWARD K. BARRON, Attorney for Trustee. Machinery gnd K.nalnea. Prlatlaaj and Ultire Savpllea. WATKltS-l' ARNMAltT tg" Co.. quality' ptintiiig 1'el i u ;i5i s. l:ith si CKN'TKAL Pilniion i'o Dol 't t.AS 3.M." T'QCGLAH Prim ina t'o. Tel. I Mucins ." Kararry and Seeds. GKNl'lNK ever - bearing it i " lr t'y plants; either pro.rea-lve or superb, Jl ;t par hundred. Raspberry plants same price. Wickiiuu Btrry Farm, ttuieni. Neb Mlaeeiiaaeuaa. MY htgn atatuiard t( juaitly s. iiaintau.cil 4 u.urta of uid FoKtooalle wi.Uky. tli, bottled m bond Henry Pollock, mail otdsr house. Ihiux 7tu. m-l?4 N lih st. ALEX JETE3' UUUOU HOUSE.""' Thirteenth and Douglas. Bcltlud-in-bond tabuky. a, Si W, 11.3, fu:l nuail FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS M lac llaaenna. Fell SALr.-Onc l.any lr-tnd : rug In- t i"tator. new, net ,ued; em leaving It v. I 'll' Valley 81. A SAI i.N ir limit lm Port. .f flee tlt.x !4. C i 1 -i or nmall iin-M Bluffs. In. ANNOUNCEMENTS FR COUNTY TltKAKI'KKK EMMET G. SOLOMOaV OATH t'lly UiTJ Faclnry haa moved to nw lorn! Inn. 2th AveHar. 4i. B"fl'HJAAMi'i S l.ui kv Wedding Rln(?e" at Iflh end Douglnn Pl. ( AMTHl h( t .ienirilii a. 1f,lh"Kt. FX F Ijn S K AT V . M" A .--"ualnMernen7 l.ndlea Taflorlnar. JirOH rnm ldl-a' tnllorlng. II. Flaoher, Flomar llot-l HMe.. 2n N. 17th. Tyler 237. Patntlnar and Paper lll. HIOH CUHM work, low prlreTyler 1I. HIilM-'I.Af work, "low prl. Ve791 Hnttona and I'lratlna. O. tT VAN AHNA.M lln-aa I'l.-atlne and Putton Co.. X't-1 Pnrton BIU. Norlh eaat corrler Kth and Karnam Bta. Phone tlreaamaulnar. Ac"or'lon, Side Knife, Moi Pleatlni, Cov. Uultona. lleinatliehlnir. Neb. I'lent ln(f A Billion Co. cil-2 Pnaton BikR 4M2. Cl.l'RK'K lire-Mniaklnit aihool; SJlta. dreaaea, ete. ?S.' California. Dou. 7S30. P.nSMAKING- Work guaranteed. Ty- MAPAMK MICHAKLS (iowns. Sulla and Wraps. 1t o. rth St ''a'l Doug. 7?A. Tw. K I'll I. rimnglnir location; temporary addreea. pii"Klns .TTS.'i. Fl RST-( I .A s -4 d ressma k Ing! Re'dT KtlsU-r'a J 'ressinsklng Col. 12. City Nat T"try Presstnnk'g college. '."Oth A Farnara I t-:er aatnAt tor iVawra. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, bog pleatliitt. entered buttons, all slr.es and at) lea; heinttlli-lilng, plcnt edging, em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, ennant, IDF.AL BI TTON AMI PI.KATINU CJ.f JiiO Ixiunlns Hlork. louKlasl'!B. Iieaaard t Hon Capitol Ave. T. 1S"A C. W. Hokanson, ;..f Lvnwth. Tyl. 2191-j. J. j. yoi'NO. Mlnml Web." 17:i7. Cemetillng and Plastering Call Red 70W. C.H.Roya, 2t Bristol. Ph. "Web.""asA AcctMintanis, E. A. DWOHAK, C P. A. 43417 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 74Q4. A. K'l'.;-.NSI'KlttiKtt. Council Hiuffa, la. Tel. Bhirk t li7. Auditing, Accounting, Incorporations, Investigation. ' Hatha. "" IR. BFND A Sulphur, Steam. Modera TurklHh, Fleet t io BATHS and MAS- HAUH for tired nerves and rheumatism. Private apartment for ladles with lady attendants. Il Farnam. Phope D. :4.i7. 4'oataniea. THIC largest atnei. of tuasquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Then. Lichen Son.J514 Howard. I. JUS. TMKATItlCAL anwn, full dress suits, for rent. 20 N. 17th St. John Feldman. I'laao InatracJlnn. Ragtime piano iilaylng gliaranteed In IS to i lessona. prof, llaynea for Original System. ISOO llntnpy. Douglas 6684. RaKtline piano plavlnir poalilvely taueht in 20 lessons. 4.'2-'i Cuming. Wal. 3179. ( hlrnptnetors. Spinal Adjaatmenle. DR. HI HMoltN. 414 Rose Bldg. D. M47. Palmer School grad. Consultation free Dr! B. Israel. WiO Bran. The. BldgL D. 042."' ''I J -, C. Lawrence." 1 Bal rd "ju Id g. D7 Mill." Bakeries. " CAK1C8, paatry and fancy bakery goods. supplied to parties, lodges end entertaln menta. Z. H. Beeder. Uiis) N. ISth. W. 82H7. grbool of 1'botoaraphr. PHOTOORAPH Y taught In all branches. Few Mm lessona In kodak work saves you money. Kmory School of Photog- ra.l'hyia N. Kith. Phone Tyler 243. Iloasrrleaalag. ELKCTR1C house cleaning, our work and price will please you. Lot us remove your storm windows ana put In your screens. Tyler Ml J. Detectives. JAM KB ALLAN, ill Nov tile Block. Evi dent e secured In all canes. Tyler 1136. LAND iiafl Detective Agcy., Inc., Kee- llne Bldg. D. 4S4. Strictly confidential. I'nlntlntf and I'aperhanaina. PAPF.R hanging, painting and repair work. David Powers, H..' N. 17th tot. Webster (l. Ilruaie. DRFOS at cut prices, freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free, Siiornmn A Mo- conncu Drug to.. Omatia Nelt; Jnsllcre nf be Peace. H. If. CI -A I BURN K. 512 Paxton Blk.; Red 7nt. Notary public; deposition ateno. C. W. Brltt, Jul Barker Block.""" (riiovrlea. OROCKRIFH, frulis and vegetables and lenucr, juicy meat. Prompt delivery. Tom Johnson's Branch Store, bH2i N. 24lh St. I'hone Colfax I'S. Varum ( lraarra, CI.KA,N Ol h'kl.Y and THoROt'OlILT WITH Kt'Lll'SK Fl.KCTRIC; RKNT SI alio at. r t'.it. iAi. liuuuiAO una. Fixtures and Wlrlna. rTTT?Kl rVK'"trl, washing machines, t'tuiiiiviixr.(.trlu lt.0 n( reading iamps lizs t lining ui. Doug, sola. llranera aud "ijyvrs. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 120 N. 12th. D. 6072. ( t.ucrele ( oalrai-lor. WALK-1, steps, driveways, floors, high class work, i'hone Doug. ?&l for estl- tnate, s. A Hole. Dent lata. Dr. Bradbury. No p-.ln. 912 W.O.WBIdg. Taft" Dental Rooma. 1517" iHiuglas. V'. 21SS. Motor lie pu Ira, I AHILL KLKt. CO., Bee Bldtr. D. SK79. Mot lag Plrlnre Macklnea. OMAHA Film. Kx., loS So. 14th St. Mo- tlou picture machine and film bargains. I'slruli. D. a Rarnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till, ll. A. Sturgea, (i.10 Brandeis Theaher Bldg. W tuea nutl l.ltinors. Bl'Y your family liquors atit Klein' Lbjuor house, N. ltitlt. Douglas ltxa). Tallorlaar. H. MARCl'S. talh.r and cleaner, pressing iiu repairing, wu rx. lam wi. i. Mao. C hlnanejr and Fnrnnea ( lrsalas. w oi k guaranteed. F. Borueman. D. 723. Towel BaDlillea. OMAHA Towel BUiuly, 'tr, 8. 11th. D. Furnaces aa4 Tlairair. HABERSTRoll, 4iCH Hamilton. Wal. 2S7L Trnaka nnd Halt (!-, FRKI.lNt; .v STKINL-. i Farnam SL Uslek Sueriallata. Christiansen. 2d (1.. I axton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WeStHag Btallonerr. Wedding hiiiio inc iiienis. l'ougls Ptg. Co, AdwrllslngT evelttea. M. V. Shaier v Co., 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. ' Attorneys. C. T. Dickinson 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1104. Mrnas nnd Iron fuaailrlra Paxtnn-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Daaeina tcailrmlra, PKJ.tT)CAt'Alifc:MY. Ill SlhEt; fc;leeirlala. l'loa Allender. tJ4 Bi e Bldg. Red VA 4 hlrctnttdlsta. Carrie J. llufoid. CO Pax Blk. Red TiS7, Ualeuualk I'kyalrtnna. MRS. J. R. Mt StCK. 4 2 Rose Bldg. Porch nnd Indtaw hcreena. FROM factory la you. I'hone Red 4527. WANTED TO BUY HAVE YOU A PIANO FOR SALi:f You can get rid of it if you write Immediately stating description aud rut k boitoit'. price. Act promptly. ' C. B. BRICEUR, ANTl'.l l.t.aj old fealher betls, IiIkIi et t il. en paid. Ad.lres.. A. 11. 5ti k. K'lien.l dcilieiy, otuaha. Drop tKiatal, "PI ce.'l ANTKI) lo bu."" st'oiiut u.Addiria R. 1. W,t-k, '.'J:j Harney M WANTED T0BUY DKSKS lJESKb UE.SKS New drake, uaed dcaka, houcht. 'jld end traded. J. C. It?ed. KW i'arniin. WANTK.Ii-l.i"i old feather bo.la; Mjth eat prieea piad. Aildrraa A. H. M iek, Itoneral delivery, Omaha. Lrop Hatal. will rail. WANTK1) to Imiv. a harl-er ahep. li. 11. Norton. Ittimnhrey. Neb. W A NTrii 'lood ranni y, einver. I'hone Walnut K72. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANT TWO AUTOMOB1 LKS For 1W) ai res Fnll county, H. p.. x n.ill houKP. fenrrd. n.'t't broke. Rood wtra; and alfalft lund: ti;c All: mm Ikhki ,a n due In !"i:i. it per cent, price ,. II ni'lea from Oelrlch; also h;ie I Onialm lota for trade, or hnt would ou trade? F. U. .Seward, 1K2I Sahler St.. Omaha. FINK, large $?"0 Iteglna ntualc bog. with hlg bunch of tune sheets, all in fine ahune: aiao l.lll rolls of Riinole nlnnn player music. WhiK good Newcomhe 1 flv ahuitle carpet .,otn. or what have: von? H. c. 1'OH P.ea. Bl'ICK, 45 h. p., old model, but gooo condition: Just the th ug to cut down to a speedster; want a Ford truclt. horses, tools, or what? Iet me show It. S. (.. Pfw pre. "RlLLY Sunday The Man'and HIa Mes sage." book of 4'i'i piiKes, over Fsi Illus trations, rontslning history of Mr. Sun day s life and his copyrighted sermons. W bat havevou? Address S C Jl:. Bee. COM PLKTK I'. 8. "elknal "corps wireless sending sniDrecelvlni: outfit, with gns engine and generator to operate ut. Want need motorcycle. Addrcija S. C. 1110. Bee. TWIN Indian sliced, eicctrlt! Ilrfnt. b"en roils about l.i.'ili miles; i lr.'u- Iups con II tlon: want to trade for dlnni ind. Ad-rl-css S. C li'.T. He-. 1 WANT a rd-hond Kurd ri.adittr, will" exchange twin cylinder Harley-Ibtvld-son motorcycle, fully equipped and In perfect cmditlnn. Address S. C. HOC. ttee. SMALL horse, cood "goi and harness Will trade for common rhlckens or Inmlier or any thing I ran make the right kind of a deal on. Address S. c. mo. nee. ONK. Kaslmmi 3-A Kodnk, excellent con dlllon: want pure blnotl chickens or what have you? Also one liiO-etig Incu bator. Kit her one or both. Address S. C. 112H. Pee. 8QCARF. dining table, golden oak. 10 ft.. also sideboard to match; good condi tion. W hat have you in exchange for these? Address S. C. ;). Bee. CA.MK.RA Will await one X 1-mlniile post-card camera for good plug-around horse, harness and wagon; horse not too o'd to eat. Address 8. C. 1121. Bee. FOR SALF. OR TRADE-Pop corn and truck stand, best corner in rltv. goo 1 for HO per week now. J. Mnneene, Sift North sixth street. Council Bluffs, la. 1 .UN blno steel revolver. 1 .22 revolver. 1 tennis racket to exchange for good watch or anything I can use. 8. C. 5, Bee. fjAVK practically new $1.70 Fdiaon Am- oeroia to trade lor good norso ana buggy or would take good pony and addle. Address fi. C. 1W. Bee. I WILL swap about .') advertising cards. assnrtea titiea, with leatherette carry ing caae for unvlhiug I can use at all. Address 8. C. iH3. Bee. WHJ. trade for a 4xS or 5x7 camera. Glvo full description and particulars and tell where 1 can sen and examine same. .Addreaa S. C. 1103, Bee. WOl'LD exchange oak wood refrigerator. used only two months; capacity WJ pounds; white enamel What have you? Address 8. C. Kiftt. Bev ON K Letv Feed Mill, No. S. J. It., new; two sets of burrs; for sale or will trade for old cast-off lumber; can be seen at D013 Rurdette St. any afternoon be tween 2 and 4 o'clock. . I HAVE a i-'l gas range, or other furni ture, to iraoe tor cincKens, geese or ducks. Addreaa 8. C. 112. Bee. PARTY leaving city would exchange high grade Hteger Son piano for tieefl car or motorcycle and aide car. Tel Red 7S:xi. ONK Remington typewriter, in fine condi tion, value t4o.oo tor small diamond or etpial value. Addreaa 8. C. US", Bee. INPIAN head work, saddle blanket. value Si": trade for diamond or what have you? Colfax 440. FINK S125 National raah register. In per fect condition; looks like new. Want small, used car, or what have you? S. C. 1107. Bee. HAVE 6-year-old mare, sound and with foal to Jack, to swap for Argo or Sax on roadster, or what have you? 8. C. Ilflf.. Bee. WILL swap chicken sppliancea or furni ture for an Iron Age or Planet Junior hand garden plow; no other make con sidered. 8. C. 11 IK, Bee. VIItradeS46o Checkering Rfoa. piano. Walnut case, Tor Ford or good team, wagon and harness. 8. C. 1011. Bee. HAVE good bed springs and all-felt mat tress; will swap lor good coal or wooa range, Address 8. C. 1120, Bee. JlAVE a large grey goose snd gander to swap for small pigs, calf or seed po tatoes. Address H. C. 1122, Bee. T7" PIANO player rolls -for -note piano, swap lot anything; would like rifle. S. C. 1115, Bee. ONK lH-ft. steel hull, t) H. P. motorboat. want some kind or a llgnt car, or, what Jim I offered?Addreits 8.JC. 112o.J3;e. 1 SWAP, buy and sell kodaks: flirni developed free. KA3K STUDIO. Ne ville Hlk.. ltli and Harney Sts. "F.yClTY In S-room house, on car line, an I Main St., Benson, for sale or trade, auto,orj hatT Addiesa O kSBee. BABY go-cart and bath tub to exchange for lawn mower, tefrigerator or what have you? 8. C. R!8, Pee. DIAMONDS, value SS-jti. lo exchange for automobile. Must be I i first class con dition. Address W. C. l't'. Bee. TO sSWAP for auto or residence lot, a fine 4-reel feature film with paper com plete Phone Douglas Slid. HAVE parts for 'aMaxwell 1 or a mode) D to swap for what have you? 8. C V7. Bee. llNDKRWOOD. No. 4, and Smith Pre mier. No. 2. for what have you? Ad dress 8. C. 111. Bee. 61X octave Kimball organ, oak finish, wish to trade for ItxlS rug and a buffet. S. C. 1104. Bee. FOR sale or exchange, a brand new flano for lot or good Ford car. 8. C. &!, 'ee. HAVE hi-h grade bicycle, beat of con dition, to trade for .22 high power rifle. Address SC ill?. Bee FOX visible typewriter to trade for any thing Can ute. Address 8 C Ills. Bee. WILL trade nearly new piano tor Ford touring car.Ad Iress S. C- H'4- Bee ONE good trunk or 1 good oak sideboard to exchange for good rug. 8 C. Ml. Bee WILL trade 2 National Cash Registers for team, or, what have you. 8. C 1W. Bee. EvJl'lTY in country store building, waul autoCarlisie. 4 1st JNaL Rk. Bldg GOOD cornet valued at $12 for furniture, .or what have you? 8. C. 1102.Bee REGISTERED Alniale pups for trade. Whaj have you? S. C bl. hi. TWO silk Augur goats, value $14, or what have?AddrcjS.C. lo;t5LBee. FOR SALE or trade for llnht auto in acres of Jfls'; Pl7. Bee. Bit "i'Cl.K. Itooti aa new, $12 raah, or trade. Colfax ITU. PIANO to sap for light truck. Addreaa 8. C. 11-4. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES AN ESTABLISHES) manufacturer wants state manager to o: en office and mtti ni's salevn-.en. New, hlgi-clas article: U00 1 . 1700 aplial ne.-caaary ToUhan ll own money. Will pay expenses to Cnl cago if you are man we want. Andrea bVcreUry, 10)J Republic Bide., Chicago. LUMBER YARD MANAGERS. We can place in Minnesota, the Da kotaa and Montana men who are pro ducers and able to give good records of past experience. Salaries ranging from $l,hW to $l.sta) per year. RusliieatiH-n'a Efficiency Bureau, Minneapolis. Minn. R U S INK SSCI I ANC E S Are you anxious to enter business for youiacif? An uppui tunlt y la oifered to i a couraai of Inetructlon that will pre lre you to enter a bjsiiieaa that will i .iy In proiot lion to s Inlay and effort. No catdtal reiiuired. Slate age. record of empioyinent aud edjcatiiu. Addiess 1.1 S&i, bee. BUSINESS CHANCES PAT E IS T S THAT PROTECT AND PAT BOOKS AND ADVtOi: FKF.E. Brnd eketrh or rood"l for aoarch. lliKhrat refercnees. Bet renlta. Promplnosa saaured. Watson E. Coleman, PATFNT l.AWYKR. r4 F Ft.. N. W.. WASMIN-.7TOV. P C. Our Nebraaka farm mortgages are not af fected by European w.iri or nnnlcs. Amount li'V to IJOHii. We col ect all I Interest and principal , free of charge: at. years m in" Nebraska farm , fl'd wliheut a los Is rmr reer.rd. KIlkK !NVFSTMFNT COMPAXV. j 1 Omaha Not. Fank Hid-;.. Omaha. Neb. o : MoviN(TlTlWrllrrs'lli)WFa"tAt.B ' i In a live wire town of populu-' I titin. clearing from t;7i) to $l-i per week , ; shin exincs. only one other ahow In' l loan, 1 1. Vni'vii rcafm for eeillnrr. Ad-' ; rirrer V Hec. j SI.M.SS chances, any kind, anywnere. Write for our free maganne of special harnlns and ensv terms. Hervlcea free to uusers. western raies Agency, Minneapolis Minn FOR SALF. A P'ol hall otitfl'. 10 tubles t hairs and equipment, or will sell th 1 bostness nnd b ase, ipe udl.i Harbor j shop of four t hairs, doing good bust- i ness. O.V lang,JS09 Farnam St. ' 77iTKl7"f urnlture Slid buslnets: only i hotel In good i uslne:w tovn. Price rea- ' sonahie. Health reason for selling. Ad- I dress Commerclil Hotel. AnslevNeb. ( XIoVlNTi Picture Ibcaiets. rea bargains; j machines, repairs, r.upp'.les, accessories. I new antl sec itu'-hen l. See us. j OMAHA THF.ATKK SUPPLY CO. Bslrd Bid. ,0', f'-. ! Ki'R SALl-.' Infants.' chlidren's and Is-; dies' furnlehln-.a store at David Cltv. Nch., at a bargain: best location in , town; doing tin excellent bjultesa; want' to retire. Box No. Z'.'i, David C ty. Neb. : FOR SM.e; Tor liiinicdlato turn. SC.SnO.1o' s;ock gro: trite, doing a good oath bus!- j tics; lert of reasons for selling: good hrli-k store and livlnx room. TorlcK i V)cbet. Vfprt-. NeK , FOR SALI--vv ell ralabliehed grocery, i clean stock, fine locatli n. wlh lo retire. Address owner. 1). P. Ixomla, 1527 N. i W. I'.oti'evard. Snokane. Wash. ! FOR"" 8.4 ..Dood paying restaurant. ; confectionery and Ice cream, parlor i rhenn If taken soon. Address Frank j H. -4'onrad. Grafton. Neb. J "FOR-SALK Good, clean stock or Hard. , ware; live town central Nebraska. , Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad. d ress. Y 2R"-Bee; WILLIAMS, established W years. To buy or sell business, see him. 411 McCaguc Bldg. Reference IT. 8. Nat, bank. FOR SALK Running 14.500 grocery stock and fixtures: would take auto or vacant Iota as part payment. Address S-8fS. Bee. FOR SALK 150 bhl. flour mill, situated In Kansas wheat belt; In operation; monev tusker. Address T 143. Bee. BAI.OON Good paying business In a good wet town. White, or call N. II. Neuens, pierce. Neb. fHEATKR Ruy. leas or sell your the- aer, machine and supples through Theater F.g. Co.. 140 Farnam D. Hf. TJowd Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse. stocks than any other firm Jn U. 8. Write for terma OFFICE" "for real estate or Inaurance; same floor as Bee office; lSxXl feet; SMI The Bee Bldg.. Office Room IPS. fV OFT in or out of business celt ott QANGKSTAD. 4Ct Bee Bldg. Pong. M77 TO SELL or buy a business, call on Butch Sc Borghoff. Frenxer Blk. D. S-la. FOR SALE Groceries and fixtures. Jn pulre at 1621M St. ,Bouth Omaha. FOR SAI.E (Groceries and fixtures. J-J24 N St.. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 15c PER LINE, day work or business ads regular rates. t lines one week t 30c I lines one week 46a each extra line lfio per week. Mala. YOt'NCJ married man with 1 years' ex perience In wholesale business, now employed, wishes position with more than "Just money;" wants to Join forces with some concern offering better fu ture; sober, reliable and best of ref erences and could put some money Into a suitable business. Address ' 1 669, Omaha Bee. WIDOWER. 28 years old. with boy 8 years, would like job on farm by month; experienced, no booser or moper; state wages; want good home; can give refer encea. Walter Keyner, Belvue, Kan. YOUNG man wants position In automo bile business. Haa had 4 years' expa.l ence in thla line aa repair man and chauffeur. Can furnish the beat of ref erent ea. Call Doug.' 8532. ' YOUNG men or women who want good roaitlona should advortlae In The Bee. t la the paper big business men read, bankers, brokers, retail and wholesale merchants; "TRAFFIC managers position wanted with wholesale firm or other corpora tion: twenty years' railroad experience; best of references: general abilities guaranteed. Address Y 31l, Bee. YOI'NG married man wishes position. Willing to do anything. Has some money to InvesL Addreaa E 8KS. Bee TRUSTWORTHY man wants" Job as night or day watchman or Janitor; Can give good refertnee. Address B WOBee. FA RMKKs-N hn you want help write or call Km) ire Ijtbor Agency, COS . 12th. Phone Doug. 1005. COLORED man would like any kind of hospital work and Webster 2431. institutional work. geeninte. POSITION wanted by young lady, years experience in bookkeeping and stenographic woik; can furnish excel lent recommendation and references. Phonenfter7 o'clock Ds4. AN educated, refined lady, aged 32, would like a txaitlon as onmpunlon to ai elderly lady or Invalid. References fur- nlahed. Addresa M. S9. Bee. THE BKK charge for "Situation ads'' la lower tban any other form of adver tising not enough to cover cost of printing. YOUNG married lady wants a position; have had experience as clerk. I'hone Hrtrnev tf'j. ask for Mrs. O. COiiORKD" woman wants position as rhninbirmai J half days by the week. W ebater 12l. GIRL warns position as chambermaid; experienced: in town or out. Doug. 7237. COLORED girl wishes position as cham bermaid. Webster S120. PRACTICAL nurse wants position. ater (MO. Web. HUD making antl cleaning. Ty. 1433-W. WoMAN'T-ook: hoarding house, p. 8150. i-racii", si nurse. Tvl . :i2W. UU Burt 8L l.anndry nnd Day rk, PERFECT bundle Harney 9ol. weaning. reasoaabla EXPERIENCED wotinui wants work cleaning orlaundreas. Tyler2S; C)Luiit.u wuiuuu wants day work. lK-o la M72. FAMILY washing: bundle washing. Web. 47S. ' ' XING nd laundry wot k. Web. 4'4. Laundreea, day work. A. Jackson.W. 157. vicnniiia. " nu i j aiou u j w li wv. ii. V Oman wants ste:uy wish ptucea no.xut. Fperleitced laundry or t leaning. W. T0?4 $ mall f aii.ilyA b undle w"asig.Web.liaC BU PI .K wjianlng wapted. W eb 1V.1. W A SI 1 1 N t sT Itcc curia o.s done Tyler U44T BUNDLE washing and day work. W. 213." LAUNDRYwsshlng. cleaning. Hr 3lT UtUNDRY and day work. Webster 21 WHEN TOTJ PLAN TO I. THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT? List your property In fHB Bl K 8 Big Hou.-e. Home and Real t.siale Guide, buyers real es tate are exacting usually. Value ' must be there, aod apparent frico snould be en Inducemeul. but make the information definite and you will get responses from pemona really Interacted In vour oner, if you run It in THE BEST. HELP WANTED-MALE Priafeeal aa and Trade. FI.oWKK end ehruh'ery man on auh tirtan ilaco; aeaaon'. work If eatiffac tory; what txperienc; have you had ami waRea expected? Address C SS7, Hee. WAnTKI An experienced cutter or as a'stant cutter, young man that can han dle customers and sell suits in store. Apply U 7.. Herroaj Tailoring Co., 614 Mrth St.. Hloux (Tty. la. P H I N T K H-PKK8SM A N wanted; must be good on eds. Job work and press feed ina; no Intemperance allowed; 116 to rit-ht man. AtHreas the Republican. Hnrlan, la. CARPf.NTKI5, also a mason, to rebuild small house :umed; wanted one who will buy s lot or small house. Address B liT.i. Pee WANTI 1 Combination tinner and plumber: steady .iob for right party. M. D. Murphy David City. Neh. K.l'i-.itiiL.Tk.D arrnitecturaF drafts tnitn tened. A.dt'eess A ,S. care Bee. ALL-A Rol'ND tailor; muat be good coat meker Lowe 4 Br'fimot. Creston. la. pri g More .truiPsT jobs "Kti e 1st. F.ec Pldg siwlejaioen and s..llnll.ra. WANTKD Lxpcriented Siove silesmen tniliiu on the furniture end hard vare trade In Iowa. Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska, for hlgli grade line of steel and rust Iron coal ranges and combi nation coal and gas urges. Liberal commission proposition. State experi ence; give references. Aridr-aa F.vans vi;!e Stove Worirn. Kvansvllle. lnd. FOl'R expTlenceti piano aalesmen tvnnled for retail work with ii.r.. F.vcellnt opportunity to connect with Immense factory In the Middle West. Splendid oppnrtjnltv for advancement. Give age and experience. All replies strictly confidential. Address Y 329. Bee. HIGH clnss faiesiiiun. accustomed to cariilng blir money to represeni pi-oml-lirnt mnnufsctirer bf n.iint an I r icfing specialties: salary, expenses and bonus on sales: state n? nud expeiire In inlrial lottr to secure interview with oc;- sales nitmsKer. Iroiuols Mfg. Co., C'evel.i'-d. f ,y I. LKS M A N -Terinfrejm incimy f t'ecler, glass, chins, wh.te. g.ay SnJ royal Muo ersmcl are. Fit; commis sions t sld wee ly. Small samples. Part or entlie time lite anlesman can make 175 to $0) per week. Herlhal SIsnufacturingt'o...st. IulsMo. e SA LKSMEN All opportunity to "make big money selling stoics. Wonderful sell ing article used by everyone. Sells on sight. lor pailicnlers snd sample ad dress Sb1s Manager, O. D. P. Co., S.T St. Paul Stnalllmnre Md. j ' SA f.KSMAN ttniitsii lrll "'haTrvesl or field hats In Nebraska lo the'-country atore trade. Experienced salesmen with established trade preferred. Good propo sition to the right men. Address, lly. gradeHat Worka. Jersey Cl'y. N. J. LARGEST electric appliance house" oTTia kind In the world dealres five salesmen for their Omaha branch. Very beat of leads furnished. Phone for appointment Douglas 4MM. Ask for Mr. Specimen. CARPENTERS' aprons as side line: lib eral commission basis: price enables you to secure the business. Address CBrnle-(oiidle. Kansas City, Mo. EXPE R 1 ENCKD Tioi ise-lo-house can vasaer. Apply 132V W. O. W. B A LF.SMAN WANTED Call KM S. ISth. WE PAY S3 a Week and expenaes to men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound. Year's contract. Imperial MI'g. Co.. Dept. 7s. Parsons. Kan o TO SKLL now and until June .1 card. board fans for advertising to alt classes of trade: fine side line; earns tw week ly and up. Fan Dept., Kemper-Thomas Co . t 'Inclnnatl. WANTED Men wthl some ability and neat appearance for city end road work: eern. from $4 to 111 per day: no delays. Call 2 to 4 p. in. ,J1I Balrd block. Mr. Browning. ' WASTEDfwe saTe'sinon for lty. We furnish leads and all materials. Call Monday, 2 to 4 p. m. Mr. Browning-, 312 Balrd Block. SELL advertising pipes: sample and par ticulars free. , Japanese Novelty .Co.. Clinton. IS. ' o HvANTED Stock and bond salesman, standard Security Investment Co., 1017 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Itoe nnd Krstanrnnta. RELIABLE employment agency. n; Davenport - St., headquarters for hotel help; spec, attention to dlstsnce orders. Trade Sckools. M0LER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. ' We have originated a plsn to teach' It quickly and earn back tuition while tearing. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue. 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE . SCHOOL haa moved from' 2406 Leavenworth SL to 202V 38 ISarnam St. t.EARN barber trade, more than make lour tuition while learn ng. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write awi i.wwBiir. I IV 1 liridKV, TU-ClTT BARBER COLLEGH. ht c xt , i ' : - l . . . - -j - to irstn tnt earner trauo. w ' v i.'ii , i v an si,, ununt. OMAHAJURBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the Mi spring rush. Fine training work on autos auj electric starting systems. AM KRlt'AN Au'tG COLLEGE.' H53 Farnam Bt Omana, Neb. Miscellaneous. WANTED Man and -vife. no children, industrious, economical, no bad habits; middle age preferred; man's wages. 11.26 every day he works; must know how to drive team, r.illg cows and be kind to stork. Woman muat be fair cook and housekeeper and know how to ran fruit and vegetables: will pav her $2.0 per week. C. it. Chambers. Bart lett. la. MEN. become ile.fctlve: Ir.vestlgatlng. collection representative for your city; wot Hanoi, u everywhere; ambitious men taught business, $1u0-$Ji0 month. Rupber City Secret Service. Akron. O. WANTED Youne men as railway mall clerks. $75 month; sample examination Sueatlona free. Franklin Institute. Dept. II-N. Rochester. N. Y. MEN OR WOMEN. 18 or over, wishing government pokltlons, $7t month and over, should apply for particulars to Y 'SJ. Ree. WANTED Experienced advance agent for musical concert company. Inquire st 13us Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 334. MARRIED man to work on farm, must huve experience. (lei man. Box 2&, t smnnen. pn. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, train brakeiaen; Slio monthly. Experience unneceMary. H l w a y. Y 2. Bee. - WANTKls Experienced bath man. Dtiwn Park Mineral Spring, 25th and O Sts., Sooth Side AGENTS AND CANVASSERS' GARTSIUK'S IRON RUST SOAP CO., 4-i4 Isncaster Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. Gartside s Iron Rust Soap ttrade-mark, print and copyright rcgiteitd in the V. 8. Patent Office! removes iron rust, ink and all tinwashable stains from cloth ing, marble, etc.; good seller, big mar gins, agenla wanted: the original, lie a tube; beware of infringements and the penalty for making, selling and using an intrtngeq aruuie. AGENTS WANTED To bl l.L MINNESOTA AND DAKOTA LANDS. Branch off Wis: Crjcawton. Polk county. K:lnnrsota. and Jolittta, Pembina couny. North Dakota. In the heart of the Red River valley. Write for Hat- and prices. Karle F. Andrua, lA-Aio-lJJ Endicull Bldif.. St . Paul. Minn. PORTRAIT men, write quick for hew catalogue; 14-1. pur shipments, prints or finished work; expenaes advanced relia ble men. Roberta, Wholesale Portraits, Ksnnaa City, Mo LARGE losliJi as-ltirer wat.ts repreaenta lixea to sell shirts, underwear, luilaary, d i esses, waists, skirls, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, Ssa Broadwav. New York City. ' AGENTS Men. women to handle article needed hi everv home and office; fast seller; big profit. Write N. B. Wylie Co.. U24) Wirt St., Omaha. Neb. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AH F NTS If von want hl profit on rear patented curtain roil, write for free asmn e. Home (. Miriam iwi 1117. Providence. R. '.. HELP WANTED FEMALE ) torea and Offteea. Stenographers When In need of a position tall on us. No charge Remington Typewriter Co., Douglss lJl- SV A NTi.D Office girl who can uae tele phone. Prefer one with some sales ex perience, slso some knowledge of short hand and typewriting. I'hone for ap pointment Douglas 4.49!. Ask for Mr. Speelnian Profcealona and Trades. WANTED AT ONCK Zo expenenc. enenced ma- V rear depart- I A Co., 13lh j chine operators In nerkw ment- Smith, Lockwood and Castelar. LKAKN halidresslng at The Oppenhelre. Snlesavnmen nutt Solicit ore. WANTED Mlddle-agtd woman capable of doing demonstrating, who finds it recesrary to nt n her own iBIng. Must l.e fire to travel on the road later, per manent position, good pay and chanco for advancement. Only those ready to accept a position find go to work at once need apply. Call at parlor Rome Hotel. Monday morning, 10 to 11 only. Atk fcrA4r.J.W. King. WANTED- A" lew" at tive ladies to repre sent a large mfg. concern in Nebraska end Iowa, for one if the fastest selling .patents on the market: big demand. asant work and good pay. Apply 1201 rt'.0W. FIVE bright, canable ladles to travel, demonstrate nnd sell dealers; $35 to S5o per week: railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company lept. 4oH. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Two traveling7 salesladies; ex penses nd salary pa d. Ekperieme not essential, but preferable. Give telephone number. Address LfJ,,Bee. EXPERIENCED' siTlea glrL cloaks and furnlvhlnga department. References. J. Helphand Clothing Co Honat-hold nnd Domestic. WANTED White girl for general house Work; one who is fully experienced, also who appreciates a nice place; 8 In fam ily; wages $25 per month; has good room. Mrs.-Thos. W. Jlaxen, S724 Spaul dlng. Colfax 300. . GIRL for general housework; muat be able to furnish refennces; good wages and good home to right party. Call Harney 17P7. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing; good watres. ?.TIS Burt t. Tel. Harney Ktffi. WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework: 3 In ramiiy; no warn ing. - Harney 45n3. K01 S. Mth. WANTED -Competent maid for cooking and general houseworg: no wssning, references. 131 So. 8th . Harney 21 "2. W ANT Kb Girl for general housework; must be good coog, neip witn waantng. 117 9. SKth Ave. Phone Harney 4031. WANTED Girl for general housework: no w-ashlng. Mrs. M. B. Newman. 35 Howard Bt- 1 bxrneyksio. ViTCN T K D Housekeepef middle-aged lady preferred. Call Douglas 7649. Call Sunday. COM PBTENT girl for general house- work; no waaning; gooo sic. J. L. Baker. Harney 263t. COMPETENT white girl for general housework. Mrs. imam aii, Davenport. Harney 1449, COMPETENT girl for general house work; no wasniiia. u J1st AyeHsrney 2054. W'ANTKD Girl for general housework; must be good cook. Harney 1542. S4$ Dewey Ave. ' COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. 50 S. 40th. Harney m. : WANTED a young girl to assist with housework. Phone Harney SOS. GOOD girl for general housework. 210J Webs t er-eit. Doug, juv. CAPABLE girl for general housework; no washjng.Colfax . GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. 4sz Davenpori. GIRL for" general housework; no wash ing. 4X26 Davenport. GIRL for general housework; good horn-. 410 Boutn an i WANTED Competent white cook. 104 N. Slat Ave. HELP WANTED M 4I.K AM KKMwLB. PER MONTH extra money to any t -A w-.ann nnalHVAIV Will tl4it iTl- terfer wtth reirular work; no money itl iric nun W9 , - a a.J. nr.triiciiit llnAmn AVfTl ned not waate pontaice. Elite Novelty Co., 92 Tyler St., St. LouU. MIo. EDUCATIONAL SPRINO TERM APRIL 1 DAY SCHOOL. BOYLE8 COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand. Btenotype, Type writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. ISth and Harney 8U. Tel. Douglas 1565. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE). For sale, with good reasons for sell ing a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reaajnable away below reguar price. If y3u are considering taking a catirae Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOGRAPHY" BOOKKEEPING, pay School for Young, Women. Evening School for xoung Men and Wonwu. ... ... Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C Duffy. Owner and Ms-nager. SOS 8. 1Sth8l Dmaha. PAJCTON' bU. School of Lettering and Art ttfcheapayingjradca privately. R. 611. SCHOOL OF'MODEI'cN LANGUAGE Class or private L-tistms. Low mown Studio. Phone Web. lo54. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured i Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pUea. fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid untlt cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testlmonUU. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. ' RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver l. and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous- ' Ucfa snd asthma suffereis are sue- cIully testoied to health by ml txauunatiou ree. Call Suite 1U Bee B'dg. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERO, Cbiropractor. Tur I n 1 ( ii i i t . ! 1 r v