Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Attorney Arthur Roienblum Forci
bly Ejected by Bailiff After
Altercation with Judge.
Arthur Rosenblum, attorney for
A. U Weln-teln, who waa In police
court charged with embeMlement,
ru forcibly ejected from the court
Jfoora by Daillft Hans Nielsen by
'order of the Judge, after lie had
engaged In an altercation with the
The ecene orcurred after the ease
bad been dismissed.
The Judge aaid that the charge of
embetilement was not euatained,
trot remarked that there waa a
probability that action might be
taken on some other charge.
Weinsteln waa charged with embei.l
Ing W-A the premium on an insuram-e
policy. The complaint waa filed by Ab
raham Weinsteln. Xtii Dodge street.
"I object to jrou acting both at Judge
and prosecuting attorney." Iloscnblum
Interposed aa the Judge was making his
remarka after deriding that the charge
waa not sustained.
"If there's any new complaint to be
filed let the prosecuting attorney file It."
The Judge warned Rownblum to de
alat In hla remarka, and threatened to
bar him arrested for contempt of court.
After exchanging words for a minute,
the Judge pointed his finger at Itoaen
bhim and eald: -That's all I want to hear
from yow."
"I don't Intend to leave thla court
room until''
At thla Juncture at the Judge'a augges-'
tlon Bailiff Nielsen's muscular right hand
gripped ftoeenblum'e coat collar and the
curtain descended on the one-act comedy-drama.
Movie Men Offer to
Eebuild Auditorium
and Give it to City
A preposition to rebuild tha municipal
Auditorium and glva It to tha city at tha
and of a certain period of years is to he
made Monday to tb cMy eonnoll by the
Rlalto Amusement company, which wants
to spend In tho neighborhood of I2CO.000
making It Into a mort theater of the
aama typo aa tha lUalto and Btrand In
New Tort.
Tha plan aa outline 1 at present la to
add another floor to tha Auditorium,
where conventions could be held. Tha
lower floor la to ba used for .a pioture
theater. '
It la understood that tare wealthy
Omaha men are hacking tha venture to
tha extent of tttO.OOQ.
glgmund E. Achaaffer. who promoted
movie theaters of Ilka type In Mlnneapo
lis, Milwaukee and else where, la tha di
recting; ganlua .of tha plan.
Mirror Factory
Opened in Omaha
Another new manufacturing firm has
entered tha business field of Omaha. It
la tha Omaha Glaaa Construction com
pany which haa opened Ita factory at 611
Capitol avenue. Thla new firm mami
fsotures mirrors and resllvers old mir
rors, making a specialty of tha latter
business. Mr. Wilson, who la general
manager of tha new concern, haa been
connected with the glass making Indus
try for many yeara and la thoroughly
experienced In all Ita details.
Kearly Kvery line of Hal a haw Oh
tataed from F.arth and Treea
y ladlaae.
Manufacturers all over tho country are
complaining of tha shortage of dyes;
clothing makers are threatening to drcsa
US In garments) white aa snow; the time
la oomtng, say tha Ink makers, when we
muet rely on the -red .fluid made famous
by Captain Kldd and other pirate banda
whan wa want to -write a check, . but
Chain, better known as "Steve." aa In
dian and a manufacturer of British Co
lumbia, worrlea not Cham goea calmly
on, using tha dysa that hla tribesmen.
ClayuquoU. have used for generation.
Me makea hla own dyes, and Vhether any
mora are aver Imported from Germany,
r whether American chemists solve the
secrets, are alike matters of supreme In
difference to him. Bo long aa hla klutch
man and hla tenaa. or In English, h'a wife
and daughter, retain their strength ha
will pose aa a manufacturer and turn out
tha aama mat and basket goods, having
the aama blight colore aa the ulenslla his
forefather used aa berry containers and
cooking vessels when the foot of the whit-?
man waa foreign to these shores.
Chem and hla women hold forth at
Pioneer place every Monday and ranged
about them on the sidewalk are their
manufactured articles for sale. There
niay be found cedar barked mats, striped
with alternate black, yellow an I brown;
water-tight baskets. blualilnii coyly In red
and pink; grass baskets of eery sort nn I
description, from the small one fit for
a thread basket, which sells fur mnxt Ml
Ci cental to the lre one, tli fret
across, with eonventlinal desigr of
wolves and dogs racing around the ilm,
which retail and wh-ilt-sals for 4 to .
or as much more aa the chechtko Is will
ing to give.
All these specimens of the handiwork
of the womea shine forth In gay colors
and all colors are obtained by the klutch
men. according to the simple pro.
known for thousands of years. The black,
and It is a black that wi I not fntc. I ob
tained by covering the rashes, grasses
or bark with the black mud of ti
e's amps, which gives a lusting Jet r il
to any Imported dye,, the red Is oMalncd
from the bank of the aid -r. plus from a
weaker solution of the aame bark, brown
cornea from the familiar tmbark of the
hemlock, and yellow Is boiled out of the
root of tha Oregon grape.
Then. In addith n to these colors, there
la tha natural color of the material which
ia used for the mats or baskets, certain
grasses and rushes rsn be dried so the
green tint rental, a. other grasses turn
white, and the brown of cedar bark ia
well known. Also, there are different
shade of browns found In the bark of
the cedar. If the tree Is old snd theTark
la near the surface It is djrk In color:
taken pen to the tree, it Is a de bate
combination 6t gray and brown. The In
ner bark of the eottonaood la a pearl
"Dye, dye. halo nlka euiutug dye." said
Cham. "Nlka klutchman mamook oono
ay lktaa ahnkutty." (Dye? I
oat know what dye Is. My women
made these article aa tha Indiana used
to do in old time) Seattle Fost-Intetlt-gencer.
A nietlart Lrftaa.
' I greatly miss old John Rasp, who de
Parted this life the other day, kicking ss
if nt" con feezed old I. O. Pest-r.
lie was my Mttereet and most depend
able enemy, and a man whom 1 could af
ford to hate unrea-rvedly and consis
t-in iy. Knowing mat I could trust him
never to (nil to give me rauae end nc
raalnn. I alwajs knew that he would In
variably on general principles
hateer I advocated, snd unfallliiglv
Mew nih alarm anything with which I
pointed with pride Jn turn he knew that
he could depend on me to go mv length
In deriding and despising him ami hla
theories. Thus we each found the oilier
a perfectly reliable and trustworthy oh
Ject of hatred. And now that he la gone
I suppose 1 shall have to trr out a good
many canclld.iles before I hit upon such a
. eaiieiacmrv enemy as old John
Hasp was. "Judge.
Fifty Weald Be Kaoaah.
A clothing manufacturer on the Kasl
fide of New York received a call from a
'itv salesman representing a notions.
trimming and button house. The visitor
... "I'res" out nia samples.
Put em up! Put em up!" snld the
manufacturer. In a tired business man
tone ! wouldn't Car to look at nothing
what you got.
Hit. Mr. Cohen "
awayn""8h! 1 wont look! Please go
Tha salesman gaied at him admiringly.
Mr. J.nhen," he said, "I ontv wish one
thing-I wish I had fifty customers like
I told ymi 1 didn't wish to see nothing
what you got."
riiire you did, and that's why I said f
had fifty customers like you. In
stead l ve got 2-"! ' Saturday Kvenlng
Troahle n the Sanctam.
The print ens' foreman entered the ed
itorial sanctum snd was surprised to find
the editor's face hadly bruised.
'Mad a fall downstairs'." asked the
"No; It s our account of the Jones
Jmlih wedding, which ought to read,
Miss rimlths dimpled. chining face
formed a ilt-nant contrast with Mr.
Jones' strong, bold physiognomy.'
' . this la how It read: Miss Smith's
Pimpled, skinny face formed a pleasant
contrast .with Mr. Jones' atony, bald
physiognomy.' '
' Hend thai proofreader to me at once,"
he continued, (throwing one blood-stained
handkerchief In the wnstehasket and
,ur a vinan one, "tnere a a fight
TefeJrViJh 8 1 -""burgh Chronlcle-
Tliiy Iln MaJts Court.
y ", dlaspp-wr. but not all
the lost c nee flguro In such Important af
faire aa court cases. Justine Mullan. In
supreme court, Krong county, had been
forced to see several oasea adjourned and
ho waa becoming exasperated. Then H.
J. Donovan, counsel n a suit against a
railroad for damages, aaked that lila case
be put over.
r,...khat..,ood .T"n can counsel give for
further delay In thla caeeT" asked Justice
Mullan, shortly.
JlMr ""T,1 lmportnt witness Inadvert
ently watlftwf .!. . i. . .
Donovan replied. " " w" "r'
Record!" w dJournad.-itladolprUa
Hack Agals.
A young married couple decided that,
because of the Immensity of their lova
for one another, they ooald be happy on
a desert Isle or within the walla of their
bungalow. Accordingly they set them
selves gently to sever tho bonds which
-.-"wn,"'i, hem with society, with
their church and with their relatlvee.
Jj!ii.h?m"i- ,h' Justified thrtr with
drawal on the grounds that society la su
perficial; that tha church la rank with
cant and hypocrisy, and that relative are
heppy. But It wasn't long before they
r'flv? aitvr f'ws and to ausneot
that their souls were not perfect affini
ties. After considerable perplexity and
2.J??p?,ntm',,,t V"? urned again to the
world for moat of what they had aipecUd
from one another.
Young married people should not ba
rooiish. avea though they feel that way.
Judge. ' .
Bd-soatlaar tkt Baby.
. Bounds of turmoil from tho nursery
brought mother running to the aoene. to
BUiVs curle"by ""efuIl,r P"111" '"tie
i-"iN,vtrJ"Jndl ,p" oald. comfort.
Jy Pby doesn't know how much It
Five mlmitea later several wild yells
from tha bsbv ranurf h. mau- i ..
to rush to tha nursery. 'Why, Billy!"
babyr' ' "wh"'1 th m" with
"NothlnV' aald Billy, with a rheroblo
am e, "only now ha knowa how much
pulling hair hurte." Vouth'e Compan
ion, For the
Little Ones
To Keep Their ll get ion Perfex t,
Nothing la V'lte Ho Hafo and
riewaant aa Stuart's Ija
pepaln Tablet a.
vara tkiax UAXun om MQxrxgT.
Thousands of men and woman bare
found Btuart'a Dysnapsla Tablets th.
safest and moat reliable preparation for
any form of Indigestion or stomach trou-
uie. inotisanda of people who are not
sick, but are well and wish to keep well
- anaSf.N.
Via iff1' . i
Them WelL
take Stuart'a Dysiepsla Tablets after
every meal to Insure perfect digestion
and avoid trouble. These Tablete are Just
es good and wholesome for little folks
aa for their eldera. Little children who
are pale.' thin and have no appetite, or
do not grow or thrive, should use the
Tablets after eating and will derive great
benefit from them.
Ftuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets are ld by
all druggists for 50 rents, and no patent
should iics'icct the uso of this safe rem
edy for all stomach and bowel troubles
If the chlid Is troubled with Indigestion
or noii-areimllatlon. Mend coupon below
for free trial.
Free Trial Coupon
. A. Stuart Co., 0l Stuart Bldg..
Marshall, Mica., sen 1 me at once, by
retum mail, a free trial package of
Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets.
It Is not necessary to shampoo quite
so frequently If your hair la properly
cleansed each time by use of a really
good shampoo. The easiest to use and
quickest drying shampoo that we can
recommend to our readers may be pre
pared very cheaply by dissolving a lea
spoonful of canthrox. obtained from your
druggist, in a cup of bot water. Thla
rubbed Into tha scalp creates a thick
lather, aothlng and coding In Ita action,
aa well aa very beneficial to scalp and
hair. After rinsing, the scalp la fresh
and clean, while the hair dries quickly
and evenly, developing a bright luster
and a soft flu f fines trat makea It eeera
very heavy. Advert! saraeot.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press )
THE HAGUE, Feb. .-The Dutch min
ister of war, reporting In the second
chamber of the Dutch Parllemen say that
I8,T persona were prosecuted for smug-
lln . A . r - . .
I-.-. "iiu 'if i iriany insi year, r ony
thousand soldiers were employed to pre.
I vent smuggling, but because of the fKl
miles of frontier they had to patrol, many
of the smugglers were able to do a brisk
business with the people across the
t border. Tho wiles of the smugglers are
! mary and the ingenuity which they hrlnx
to their trade. It is aald. would lit them
I for all the hlpoer reaches of diploma)-.
learner waa smuggled Inside barr I
of mussels, balls of rubber Inside th'
outer sheila of onions and hags of mca'
got up to represent sleeping babies were
eent over the border. Hundreds of thou
sands Of the frontier population after 11k
beginning of the war, ennaced In the
lighter forma of the prescribed trnfflr
Trlbery of, tha frontier guard Is said to
have been the method tried most fre.
The atrip of country along the various
frontiers is now declared In a stale of
siege and tha military commanders ordt
tho whole life of the community. They
have resorted In some regions to banish
Ing all undesirable persons. The numbi-t
thus deprived of thefr rlprht of resld-ncc
lost year la 1.2V7.
A bill passed recently limits supplle
for the border towns to quantities tha
were normal before the yar.
The authorltlca carry out. tba anti-
v- k r.K . . xQTS Z jit'!!
Solid Oak, Guaranteed Spanish
Inltatloa Leather I'nhnlstovtn
The maaelye frame la made entirely of solid oak. with
full rounded front and heavy colonial posts. The seat
and back are upholstered In guaranteed Spanish lml.
taticm leather. Full steel spring construction. Kssllr
Inglr well made aad a useful piece
Xuraltur. Specially prieed at
t-Ta Caasw IM a Marat.
Fall anrtnff aeat rietachahla
enahlon. Orar atnffed nn.
nolatared back, core rod In
cigh grtvda attractlye
tape try. Must be seen
to ba appreciated. Suit
abU for llTlng room or
gunroom. Spool ally
priced for t&la week at
thin Tory low price
51 Cask ei a Meat
DRKSSCH-Roomy base is fit
ted lth two laige and two
small drawers. lrge else
French beveled plate mirror,
slade entirely of American
quarter sawed imitation oak.
finished golden, liesvv scroll
posts rarvsd
claw feet. A
ttars'atfft a t
Sl.oo rash, gl.eo a Meatk.
. e T:-jif -
-a u . I re-i li '
i n riiia f si ga a ws.e vj sr-e. aassi
ii rrrnii
Gov'ment Secret Service Sleuth
Here a Corker; Eats Like Others
"Good morning, Sherlock Holmes," wa
chirped, as wa breeied into the offloe of
Hugh Mills, goVment secret service
"Huh, Pherlock Holmes!" snorted Hugh
Mills, with supreme contempt.
We were disappointed. We expected to
see a gaunt, pale man, wearing a two
peaked cap and a smoking Jacket and
examining something with a magnifying
Instead, we saw a plump, well-fed man
In business dress, sans tap, sana smok
ing Jacket, sans mag. glass, sans every
thing Pherlock Holmes-)'.-
We were further disappointed. Va ex
pected him to look up dreamily and re
mark: "Ah. I see your great-grandfathers
step-sister was walking In tha neighbor
hood of llanscom park and that you
yourself do not like Hungarian goulash,"
snd then tell us how he knew It.
"Getting the crooks Isn't done with
magnifying glasses." aald the con
temptuous Mills. "It's done by patience
and hard work. I remember one coun
terfeiter In Kansas City by the name of
kmuggllng laws In a most drastic way,
realizing that the traffic was endangering
the country's oversea supply by awaken
ing the distrust of the allies.
Kail Cares Weak Ryes.
Henrv Traver, Jr., an Insurance and
real estate broker, fell on an icy side-
The Darfraan Furnilure & Carpet Company
ifS'Unflth? tf?1 .maoimoth, new, 1916 Spring and Smnmer display
of HooMfurnlning. Thla ls, tn every way, a wonderful exhibition. It is the
largart oollectlon of new rnrniture, Rugs, Oarpeta, etc, in both design, and fin
n.rrsrJlwn,t America, and ia on a scale characterLrUo of the HarUnan
irnltur. i Carpet Company. Probably no stock of furniture wu erer gdeoted
with such great care or subjected to bo mmy tests before betaff offered to the
public Our floori are now a rast exhibition ground, and H wUl pay you to look
them OTftrbefore you inrest a dollar for Furniture. It is a duty you owe to your
peoUon and oampixm. Make it a DUTY to get our prices SETOSE you buy.
Vt'J'fiS? lray,w nd of Hoanefurnisblngi7 Se
United States arms us with-a mighty power which no other oonoern caTcommand.
OUer Big
CrtJUroa Wrrei 14
I Complete sot. aeOjr
ucuun. iwasny
im .;sj!.H.rsi.r,
vir v.."
41s Inchea. Fitted
THra pieces at Use
t-z.. vir
FT. U'-r'--1- '-rr.-r -, 1
It,'- . . . i.v.i Ji
ae -r T 1
S A W K n (
BUFFET Haa two doomy
rblna corapartmente, bent
end glass doors, two sil
verware drawers. and
roomy linen compartment.
The top Is fitted with
French Develed plate mlr
or. set in artistic frame.
French legs, carved claw
feet. Finished la golden
Cash, a Mewtk.
heavy 1-Inch flllere. and
I-lnoh auDPortina- cross
rod. The 1
connecter! men 1
ach posts are
with large
metal ball eapa. Just ci
-iiT ae snown In Il
lustration, Fully worth
$la 8peetally priced
tor thle week at oaly
1414 -
tlM Oah, gLaw a Meats
Jackson that I got after three months of
work. He stalled" as a vegetable ped
dler. Used to coma out with a one-horse
wagon and peddle for three houra, with
ma dodging behind buildings, and ash
barrels, and trying to keep on eye on
him. Then, euddonly, he'd whip up his
hag and go like a fire engine around
corners and, aa I didn't have a motor
cycle, I "d lose him. But I kept on hla
trail and finally bagged him with his
whole outfit. He spent nineteen years
out of twenty-six in prison."
Mllla la one of the government's best
atleutha. He was nine years In Birming
ham, and there. In one year, he and
another agent sent fifty-two men to
We were doomed to more disappoint
ment aa we departed. We expected
Hugh to lay down hla "Monograph on
Velvet and Tuxedo." push home the
hypodermic needle, and then play a weird,
wild, dreamy rhapsody from Bach, opus
XIV, canto 6. on hla violin.
Nothing dolgg. Hugh merely remarked
Ilka a regula? man, "Guess It's time to
Walk, landing on hla head and neck. For
ewveral yeara Mr. Travel ha worn
glasses, but upon returning to hla office
after tho fall he discovered ha could see
TIrnALoul,L,''"l W"out them. Mr
trmPnt?o.n,,.Ur,W th" method of
treatrncnt fop fanc eyeMKht.
- lnoi tf e. 'w,i.r. ITV'. "P??. 1B5 -"Ch
, j-- -
s-miiis swsvniaa loataer. uu arm
Cash. iM a Mosith.
Note the Large Magazine and
Book Sacks.
C2-Inoh Top
""-1 nssia.TETD
with roomy drawaV ill iwc TlXSu, .hVw7 SI'l 7
pdoe of the table alone. Only .V-.. ... . . . O
vata, aiJW Mas
11" 4. 4 f
111 Riwimi f -lv mini
S99l4S99f2 If!
H 'IT4' mrt Re-ey , start j jlij
j "r'""r s r Heeekoepl liil'ij
Guaranteed Porcelain
luicnenjuaoinet si 3
ai ma
M a
cabin' err 41111
ncn sanitary pure
vhlte Dorcelaln
ton. 14 -
;4f w.T.u"-' '"IB ll'm 1 I bl
bin. metal, bread
aad sugar com
partments, divided
1 1 1 . m . 1 1 A r. .
rjjy) Flour
' tt
complete without
one. Special at
16 - 18 DOUGLAS
Several New Books
of Timely Appeal
Added to Library
Several Interesting works of timely ap
peal to the reading public have been
added to the non-flctlon list at the
Omaha public library In tha last few
The present dye-stuffs problem In this
country haa caused a "run" on book a
treating on thla subject. Reoent addi
tions to the library are about twenty
works covering a wide range of aub
Jecta on what might be called chemical
technology. Many of the books cover
fully the making of dyes and Inks.
A book of business appeal la "Wrltlnv
An Advertisement," by 8. Roland Hall.
The work I; an analysis of the methods
and the mental processes that play a
part In the writing of successful advertising-.
Radlndranath Tasrore. bv Rumu
Koomar Roy, la an extensive treatise on
me lire ana writings or the romous
Indian poet who won a Nohel nrlsa for
The autobiography of Maharsht Deven
ranath Tagore. tha poet'a father, ana
One of the moat frrwus trisn In Tndln
also haa been added to the library
"A Hiatory of Travel in America," by
Seymour Dunbar, la a work showing tha
development of travel and transportation
com ina crone method a of the canoe and
dog sled to tha highly organised railroad
systems of tho present day. It la In
four votumea.
Tha Ufa and career of one of the prea-
tion. reet ais
I m
libra rt sniiTBi
Rtinf M . a 1 1
. f j.wiusf aieei
trVS- -" wheala. heavy
rubber tlrea. Best grada Im.
?T ,R?dt "e'ural shellac
... r ' T
cunj w disicd. ruiiy
.ten. Fully wo
value at on
Osvsk, SUM a
lb. flour
alfter and
eeoop in
O o a a t r acted s
throughout la ee-fe-
leciea bars woo a.
and flnlehed gold,
ea In American
ej a a r t ar eawed
Irnltavtio oak. Tod
aaeaeuree 41x1)
Inchea aad fitted
with laret draw,
ar. Note the ar
Uetle panel en da.
Very special a
ent chief performers In the l.iii-opcnn j
(hitter of war are presented In "Th l.if
. -. i . r r . i . . .
of the British forces. Plr George
rest la the author of the work
Is a frontispiece taken from the palntlnc 1
of Lord Roberts by Sargent.
The Joy
is in the Fragrance
Beauty of Flowers
The full Rtiggetttlon of Out-of-door
happlneas Is reflected
In fl cm-era.
Send cTIchYqvs
John H. Bath
The Careful Florist.'
J84 Farnnm 8t., Omaha
Phone Pong. .)H)0.
: r? j,v.
- rir
ITV 1TU a.'or'iA"ii.-;t;.-Z -
siaa . tei nn i
conatmcted. decidedly mas
alTa tn appearance. liaa
roomy seat and broad back,
and upholgtered In rnaran-
Bpanlsh tanltatlon leath
er. Front poets
are exceeding
ly fceayy, se
curely braced
t h r o u gbout
Finished n
fumed only.
Our low price
for thla week,
... W.., - .
" .m urciDrn
worth 2J
FEROBE Genuine quaVter
tM n front- Ponded
S h .,.R,0my warlrobe fitted
1 v.T, 0U, drwer nd
bayeled plate mirror. A beau-
ar ts tt .
uiui piece or furniture and
remargabla ralue (ft neve. M
s.- - " I tsH' 91 1
fe' ftp JrJL .ttWif ?
: I) eo- .. iiUjiiD
6y .3.. ' "-M. Ill i
JS Three Wonderful JCt '
mh Eug Bargains 4p '
fill on R 11 I
-im 556.25 ' f ;
TV, aMo."1'' I 1 1 '
r33T" tff,js,j J'J'Arsw I I
a U i -
1 IL
( ':
ss ai 1
l-i ;'