Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
Flaming Potters Announce Big
Affair for the University Club
Next Thursday
' Th tfrjrta f umpty rvrn. and th
grade of f liaiiKhty-nauRTit,' and oil tha-in-hetwcj
n aracla. ex'rn to the down-In-
eatrd smdg of IMS, will mingle and Jollify.-
' - '
Thus ajwaks th flamlnc red. black and
white, htilletln announcing: the annusl rol
lrir night dinner' to be nlvrn at the
I'nlvemlty club rwoma the evening of
.March i at 8 o'clock. . ,
"A mrnaaprie of unparalleled wnndcre.
ALL SAINTS' LENTEN SERVICE CHOIR Boys and girls who sing at special Lenten vesper services at All Saints'
church. From left to right, front row: Dorothy Ive3, Ruph Campbell, George Jones, Park O'Brien, Louis Metz, Cark
Oerber, Arthur Woodman, Margaret Beesen. Back row: At geline Rush, Gordon McCauley, Mildred Rockwell, Berenice
Wilcox, Madeline Johnson, Alberta Huston, Roberta Trimble, Verna McAulay, Gertrude Pcycke.
a prlamatlc. Parlalan- eestet," a re in the. L
alluring poster alarmingly alliterate.
'The greatest a how since the days of
from k Filarkwell.." 1 scheduled aa part
of the entertainment of the evening.
Tn fart, one would ihWik from , the
poster that thin wna to be a 1d Show
of no lesa proportions than Karnum'a
gresteat aiK-rtaaton of atupendoua,
acarlfylng s-ieam, atnved by eolemn-
fad school acalswaai. . . . .
Haakell. Barker. Mrlntyre. Selby, Ut
rncer. Holland. Oiecaden. Pierpont, OooK.
mimnry, Nicholas. Diets, Crowley, fiwits
ler. Kaatman, Smith and Hoes., are soma
of t!.c wondera of. the mcnagVrle that
will growl, snarl' and show their fang,
for the drlliAf , and -iedlflcaton pt the
multitude of College-groomed boarder of
the evening .
A plat la to roal II. SO. What the con
tent a of the plate are to coat la not mad
clear by the Illuminating joater.
The rhow. altogether with the chorus
of vn beaiMlea, la all thrown in for the
!.. ' . '..
Do Facto' Soldiers
Not Massed Along '
International Line
WASHINGTON) March .-Mjor Gen
eral Ftnston trb'graphed the War depart
ment that hla. htllltary obaerver after a
aurvey find (b,ere haa been no maaatng
of Carrama ,troop along tha -border
and no strengthening of gartieona btno
tha Columbua maaaacre.
Ellalco ArredatiOo,. Oeneral. Cprransa's
smbasaador,. frroteatad to Hecretafy LaiU
alng today that ammtmttlon for Oeneral
Carrania. consigned on a ship- leaving
New Tork yVeterday was held up by the
cuatom authorities.
Secretary Lansing- t14 tha ambassador
there waa no Intention to holp up' am
munition for General Carrania and that,
the delay Waa rauaed by .a preliminary
examination to, aaaure th government
that the aalpment would not'reaoh h
enemlea. . It wlU (b allowed to go for
ward. ;
uatoma official, however, will tnapect
'all ahlproepU-of ammunition, to General
Carran z' to, tke,ure that they are not
going to eeetlona of Mleo wkere, dla
loyalty ta feared. . ,
An expected official . atatement on
alamdat re porta from tha Xfexletn bord r
probably will be.laaued by Prealdent Wll
aon Inatead ft try-((rretary Lnalaa,'"lt
waa at flrtt planned:. Th prealdent anl
th cabinet ar o ooavlnced that certain
report art .part of a propoganda to
fore a g-eneral Intervention In Mexico
that it wo decided th aubject waa of
uffldent lmportanrw for th prealdent
to deal with persovallr.
t M J 1 ' 1 fl 1 I f I la T t I . S. ov. Z " I
' i " - t i i i i w i !i ; i ia j - t ? t . m.
! 5.
A lenten novelty In Omnlia thla year
la the choir of young boy and girl
which haa been organixed and la sing
ing at All Ualnta' Kplacopal church
very Tuesday.. Wednesday, Clvureday
and Friday afternoons at the 4:80 o'clock
'-The members range from 10 to It years
rsf Te jrlrls wear violet colored
gowns and the boys the canal iholr-boj
garments, black casaocka and white col
tas. They make a fine appearance and
have won th admiration of the congre
gation, both for appearance and their
musical ability.
They have been trained by Mr. J. H.
imms and Mr. Oscar B. Williams and
are directed by Mr. H. D. Robotker.
The Mea of the boy and girl choir waa
suggcated by Rev, T. J. Mackay, the
pastor. U has not been used for twenty-four
ycara. Itev. Mr. Mackay had
atich a choir In bis church the first year
after he came here from Council Bluffs,
which la nearly twenty-five year ago.
Boyle to (tolaicy,
George (Buck) Boyle, who played first
base for Peoria under Iixy Hoffman last
year, has been signed by Qulncy
A nsraa ta. Signs Hall.
The. ..ugunta club In the Sally league
has signed I'ltcher George Hall, who led
the twlrlers In the Flag leagu last year.
- . .
Why pay Tire Bills foir Others
L e . , for RECKLESS Drivers
Carranza Permits - " i-r
AmericanTroops to
Use His Railroads
QfERrrRO.' Max., March . (via
Mexico City. March .) Oenaral CaK
ransa's re pry to lh. latest, not of th
Washington.' gevernmant waa handed to
day to James I Rodgers th American
special tepreseptAMv her for, tranam'a
alon to Washington. Th reply agree
In th main to th American proposals,
but a few unimportant, changes ar sug
gested. '. '- ..
Th decision' was reached after an all
day session at th Cajransa realdance.
Tha oonferaoc waa attended by. th
governor of the atataa of Coaaulla, Man
tails Potoal. Vera Crua, Tabasoo, Qur
tora and Guanajuato, th mam bars ', of
tha provisional president's eablnet and
a number of high army fflotala.
WASHINGTON. March sV-Tha riot
roferrad'to In tha foregoing Quorotato
dlapatchundoubWlly la tba protocol
g sated by Oenorsi Carranxa ambassador
her to put th pursuit of the' VUla ban
dlta eompletely en a reciprocal basts.
Th protocol is understood to provldo
for th uso of tha railways on either aid
of th border "by th forces or either
country (or the pursuit of outlaw under
certain speclflp rtrru instances.
Offlclabi her say that if General Car
ranxa haa agreed to let the American ex
pedition to use, the -railways to itiovt men
snd supplies around "Villa, and hla band,
their capture .will be short work.
Woman with Waito
When He Purchased
Drugs Will Testify
NEW TORK. March ' je.-Dr. Arthur
Warren WaJte, aocuaed of th murder of
hi father-in-law, John E. Feck, million
aire drug manuraourer of Grand Kaplda,
Mich., remained under.. cJoae : guetd at
Bellevue, hoapltal" today and no visitor
war permitted to e him, save hie aged
parents, .who came from Grand Rapid a
laat night prepared to furnlah legal as
sistance. The 6ung dentist, although
all II suffering from tb effect of the
drugs he took two days ago, was reported
much Improved today.,."!'..
Further rideno liif th case was up
plied today by Mrs. 'Margaret Horton.
whom the prooecutor'a asalatanta hav
IdenUfled a the woman with w bona Dr.
Wait associated at a hotel under the
names of "Dr. A. W. Walters and wife "
Mra lrortoo. a slhger, and her husband.
Utsry HortopJ an Inventor, were brought
to th dlstrtr attorney's office and ques
tioned at tengtit by Assistant Dtstrlet At
torney Dooling. Th two probably will bo
graad Jury witneesea.
Mr. Dooling said that Mr. Horton up
pUd a list of places and data where
and when she declared Dr. Walt boujht
polaoo, from December until March, and
that Mra: Hortop said b accompanied
Ir. Walts when aome of these alleged
purchases ware made.
f jb I
; Ian i; 111
U !!!! I ill
w i m
I " . !!' 7!' I
fs '. : m I
It's Quite the Prettiest
. ... Assemblage of
New Waists
We Ever Saw
A.tbnrmlng Voile Klouse with "tiny tuck" trim and lae
edging; handsomely conceived in a neutral shade dJO QC
of Band; should be seen, at ij)5eIQ
(rthM-KPtte teie. Creation, with the new Island lace inser
tions and hand-made wash buttons, full sleeves, CC
pointed cuffs and simple round lay-down collars, )Oe0
'Novelty CYepe le Chines Blue or pink dotted stripe ef-
r.ts; very smartly tailored, with convertible collars and a
hew style turn-back cuff. The price Is less than
reasonable . '.
1 Attractive INiy Willow Taffeta.. In white, coral and flesh,
with smart white facings and clean cut shirt lines. A dC '7C
choaker collar that can be converted into a Quaker. . JOe O
Self (V)lorrl SUln Ntrlol Ptixsy Willow TaffoKaa A good
tailored shirt style, convertible collars, full sleeves and simple
cuffs. Colors, maize, flesh, white and coral. An ex- CfC 7C
cellent quality at. .' J)00
1 ; . .
" Original and Exclutive New StyUt Whir
Only One or Two of a Kind Com to Omaha.
$9.75 $10.75 $12.75
1516-18-20 Farnam Street.
Has Beoro t flayers.
Hufus Gilbert, manager of the Terra
laute Central lee sua team, haa tii.
noiii't-d lha mum of twenty-fuur plarrs
Lv are uudr contract.
HIS to th American "who hates to be "the Goat"!
Tires CAN be sold on a "BUSINESS" basis, with sufficient
profit to both Manufacturer and Dealer, as Goodrich experience
But, they can also be sold on a PREMIUM basis, whereby the "Safe and
Sane" Car-Owner pays for the Speeding Propensities, and Careless Driving;, of
Others who. leaning upon an extravagant ' Guarantee," knowingly burn up.
Tires in half their natural Life and Mileage.
Speed-Maniacs and Careless-Drivers may very PROPERLY pay the Pre
mium over normal Value (which is really an Insurance Premium), on fancy
priced Tires.
Because, the Premium they pay may be less than half what other Care
ful Car-Owners indirectly contribute for them, when buying the same brand of
Premium-priced Tires, and using them so reasonably that practically no ' 'adjust
ments" are, in their case, demanded, though paid for in the Premiumed Price.
A MERICANS who want their money's worth, who dislike to pay
l for the Reckless-driving extravagance of Others, in the price
X X. of their oivn Tires, should sit up and take notice of following
FACTS: . .
The current Goodrich "Fair-List" price on Tires, is based upon what it
costs the largest, and best equipped, Rubber Factory, in America to produce
them. '
No "Insurance" Premium added to the NORMAL retail price of
Goodrich Tires, in order to protect the Reckless Driver at the expense of the
Careful Driver, through a fancy List Price which is high enough to absorb
that Premium.
The excess Mileage each Goodrich Tire Is reasonably certain to deliver,
when given reasonable care in driving, thus becomes clear "Velvet" to the
Owner of GOODRICH Tires.
Money can't make, and can't buy, better Tires of Fabric construction, .
than Goodrich Safety -Tread Tires, as Test will prove.
And, money can't buy the B. F. Goodrich Co. to produce Tires which
would discredit the 2C9 other lines of Rubber Goods made by the B. F. Goodrich
Co., for which its name stands Sponsor.
rmnrrxB-s, fttbi.ibhxrs, papex box nrroms., chtbcx b octettes
, wiiri mm otra fbxcxs.
... Z207-C9 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri '
' With s On of
Psint, Varnish or Stsin
, v ' : a't'ihe
Hamllfoi; Paint & Glass Co,
1817 Howard Street.
Phono Douglas 2642.
Op tarday Brauaf Until p. k.
lOMPARE prices on Goodrich "Fair-List" Tires with present prices
on any other resrxmsiois lires m tne new bearing in mind that NO
"LARGER-SIZED" Tires (type for type and size for size) than
m . m a m A
(Joodncn, lilacK-ireaaa, are maae in America.
Then, Test out at least ONE pair of Goodrich black-tread Tires, on their
JNT-DELIVERED-M& cost to you, against any other Tires in the field, at any
price, and, abide by the Result.
Why (if YOU are not a Reckless Driver) should YOU pay MORE than
the "BUSINESS" price of the Goodrich Tire, for ANY Fabric Tire in the field?
Get a sliver of the new Goodrich "Bu-efoot" Rubber from your nearest
Goodrich Dealer or Branch. .
034 Farnam St.
Akron. Ohio.
J1' X For, SI,m J0.0
"3 S1S.45
J $22.00
34 1 4 ttfty Trssd $22.40
$i44V....'r,.lr.lJr ;$31.60
$7i8. $37.38
Jfi) Conrarn in Amarir madr, or asld, sarins It
latral hK-al year, nrarly so many Motor-Car Tires aa did
Tar R. V. Coodiirh Co.
"Our aubltabsil Challcocc, still unanswered, prove
An especially fine ahampoo for this
weather can b easily made at trifling
expense simply d'rsolvlns a tea
spoonful of canOirox In a cup of hot
water. Pour slowly cn scalp and mas
aas; briskly. Thla create a Booth In,
coollna lather that dissolves and re
move all dandruff, exoeaa.oll and dirt.
Rinsing leavea the scalp spotlessly clean,
oft and pliant.- while the hair take on
a (lossy richness of natural color, also
a flufflneas which make It aeem .very
much heavier than It la. After a can
throz shampoo arranrln th hair 1 a
pleasure. Advertisement.
I Chicago, : y.
New Orleans
Two Solid Steel Trains
Ticket and Information at
407 South 10th St.
District Passenger Areas t.
Phone Douglas 04.
Attach It to a Vital Part
of Your Business
Use. Bee Want Ads as an important helper in the up
building of your business. One Nebraska concern has
found these little want ads powerful aids in finding
suitable salesmen and representatives. (
Read their letter, which is a voluntary expression of
their satisfaction on using Bee advertising:
'We thought we had a pretty fair idea of the ad
vertising reach of The Bee, but we have results of
such an; extraordinary character from the 'Every Day'
plan that we owe you acknowledgement.
"It is real pleasure to actually get in touch with a
pulling power like that and be able to attach it to a
vital part of our business it is like having you pay
all the bills for an important department of our en
terprise. "We have had 52 replies to the short classified adver
tisement run" for a week upon the plan you suggested,
The "Every Day" plan referred to is an arrangement
whereby you get maximum service at minimum cost.
This plan offers you the advantages of persistency at
a very moderate cost.
Phone Tyler 1000
and have an ad-taker explain the "Every Day" plas