Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 19

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3 B
i ;
Council Bluffs
. Social Notes
Oakland Avenue chapter of t. u'
. . - .1 i
liuiln nolo a comninta rawwm
.Monday afternoon at the homo of Mrs.
A. W. Tyler. The afternoon i spent
Informally and rffrrshmrnts wore served
by th hostess.
On account of lllneea, the mertlns of
the T. P. club planned for Wednes
day afternoon, ha. been lndeflntely post
poned. The members of the W. E. O. duo
were ths (tueeta of Mrs. Mart'n,
at her home. Mr. Jenaen waa as.iMe.t
in entertainlns by Miss Haaei ua ami .
Miss Emma Qraff. In addition to thi-
club member. Mrs. William Prlver. Mrs. :
Herbert Parrlngton and Mrs. Adolpli ,
Tlarka wer guests. The time was de
voted to kenslngton work and vi.iHini;.
The flub will be entertained April 3 at
the home of Mrs. t.'harlr-s Thomas.
The annual business meeting f Ilia
N. 8. V. 8. Daughters of 112 In Ion.
will be held March -'7, Instead of Marrh
is at the home of Mlsa Mary Key.
'.fri. If. .1. McMurray entertained the
,einbers of the Delta Alpha Sun.iav
rhool class of the Second Tresbyteilan
ihurch nt her home on Olen avenue. Sat
urday evenln. and a delightful time
as spent with games and music. Ola-lyi
HodKe and rhyllls Wheeler won th"
prlres In the contest. The house
decorated In Bt. Patrick-8 day colors.
Refreshments were served during tho
While Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McPanlrl
were attending the concert given Satur
day evening by the Ladles" Glee club of
Tabor, a group of their friends gathered
at their home and were waiting to sur
prise them upon their return. The party
as planned as a farewell for Mr. and
Mrs. MfPanlel, who leave soon to spend
I be summer on their ranch In Montana.
The g':ests brought supper with then
and the occasion was a most enJoyabU
one. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
P. .T. Tmerr, Mr. and Mrs. It. W.
Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. .fUymest Steven-
Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. I.everctt, Mr.
and Mrs. Tage Morrison, Mr,
V. P. Tluffheg. Pr. Ttoso Rlc
and Mrs.
nnd Mrs.
Nancy Marks.
The art department of the Council
Bluffs Women's club met Monday eve
ning at the public library and held a
most interesting meeting, studying Torl
flnster. Mrs. Knte Cook gave a descrlp
ion of the city of York and Its environs,
f which the rathedral la the special fea-
nre. Its narrow, picturesque streets ana
remains of Roman walls, gates, pave-
nents, tombs and other cvldencis or
Roman occupation wero mentioned.
Among other facts of interest its early
Importance as the Roman capital of
Britain under the name of F.boracum
from the time of the Roman conquest
was also given, together vith traditions
of Its prehistoric origin in the time of
King David of Judea. Mrs. M. B. San
ford gave the history of the spacious
cathedral dedicated to St. Peter, telling
of the early work of Paullnus, Its first
bishop In the seventeenth century. In
connection with that of King i:dwln of
Northumbrian In erecting a church. Its
further development from a , Saxon
church to that of a Norman church iti
the eleventh century continuing to the
thirteenth century when , tho present
church was constructed. Its partial de
structlon by wars and fires and later res
toration and enlargement, together with
other facts of Interest, came Into the de
scrlption. York, It was stated, was one
- ' . . , . '
of the cathedrals which was never a mo-1
nj.tle cathedral wer. . number nf!mirea "Y m women preaeni
the others. Mrs.' Page Morrison gave a
description of the Interior of the great
Minster, giving a special mention of It
remarkable west front, telling of Its
capitals, delicate moldings, canopied
niches, statues and doorways and win
dows. She also told of the towers, but
tresses, spires, gargoyles and the beau
tiful glass of the cathedral, which was
compared to a translucent tabernacle
merely ribbed with stone. Mrs. J. E.
Wallace read the beautiful legend of the
Five Sisters, In the time of King Henry
IV., as found In "Nicholas Nickelby" by
Dickens, telling of Its connection with
the beautiful glass of the five-oolnted
ndows of the north transept, called the
Five Sisters, In which the delicate trac
ery of the windows is purported to be a
copy of the work of the five beautiful
rlsters of the story. Mrs. Emma Ingalls'
topic of the Interior of the cathedral
was omitted, as she waa unahle tn lln.i m u . -
present, and will be given at the next!
meeting. The next meeting will be held
st her home on April 3. with Mrs. Charles
.-....,. ... t , ,,rumam.
tmest E. Hart left Thursday for
vNeilesiey. Mass., where she will visit
her daughter. Miss Clara Hart, who s
a student at Dana Hall. Mrs. Hart will
Islt other points in the east before re
turning home.
Miss Grace M. Smith returned Saturday
morning from Rock ford college, Roc,
ford. 111., and will spend her spring va
cation with her parents, Judge and Mlrj
Walter I. Smith.
Mlis. J. T. Hamilton bus as her guests
for a few days, her two nieces, Mrs.
Charles Fancher of Bridgeport, Conn.,
snd Mrs. Joseph Casey of Kingston, lii.
Mr. H. H. Polk of Des Moines, chair
man of tlie Greater Des Moinei com
mittee, and here with the good roads sDe.
rial, was the guest of Mr. and M
Ionard Everett while In the city.
The T. B. K. 'W club met Fri I ly
evening at the home of MEsa Josephine
Cleaver. . Miss Esther Boylan won the
z for hlyli score, and Miss i;diii
Chapman won the consolation prize. The
next meeting will be held Thursday even
ing, March 30, at the home of Miss Edna
Mifi Esther Spindler entertained Infor
mally Tuesday afternoon In honor of
Kdna Dawson, a March bride, the fii-su
being members of a little club or-inir.o l
this season among a group of gir's Just
out of school. Card tablet were ar angd
for those who cared to play bridge, and
other guests occupied their tlmo with
sewing and visiting. At the Close or the
afternoon everybody cut for the
Miss Dawson being the lucky one. Lunch
eon was served, the guest-of-honor find
Ing at her place a heap of packages con
taining various articles and utensils f-jr
use In her new kitchen.
Mass Ruth Sharp entertained the N. 3.
A. club Saturday afternoon at her homo.
Th afternoon was spent doing fancy
work and visiting, after which a two
course luncheon wa served. Sixte:i
members were present. Th April meet
ing of the club will be held at the home
ef the Misses Marlon and Ethel Stupfei.
The Ernest Hart Flowr Mission enter
tained at a social Tuesday evening in
th parlor of the First Congregational
church. An informal program waa given
d refreshment were served. A sale
handkerchief which had been given
to the young women furnished much
amusement and aiai made an appre
ciable addition to th treasury. Mr.
John P. 1'avls acted as auctioneer.
The Ideal club met Tuesday afternoon
st the home of Mra. B. Terl!ller.
Afisr a discussion of current events, led
l ' I stfv ,
4 f
J -. XOllllHr'-i;. I
by Mrs. W. A. Southard nd Mrs. J. W.
Smith, the club devoted the afternoon
to the audy of Japan. Mns. W. W. Sher
man told of the games and wrestling
for which the Japanese are famous. Mrs.
W. II. Dudley described the Japanese
thester, the scenery snd the actors. Mrs.
W. R. McConnell told of the plays and
drama, ancient and modern, and Mns. j
W. B. Richards told of the music and J
'dancing. i
The Atlas tluh met Tuesday afternoon
at the lionie of Dr. Harriet Hamilton.
Mrs. J. T. Hamilton led an Interesting
discussion of current eents. In connec
tion with the study of the Islands, of tho
world, Mra. C F. Kimball gave an Inter
esting paper on Cuba. Mrs. Rachel Har
mon gave an enjoyable description of the
the Isle of Man, lto people and govern
ment. The club will hold the last Mudy
meeting of the year, April 4, at the home
of Mrs. It. C. I'eregoy.
There was an excellent attendance at
the meeting of the Flower Mission
Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. Glenn
Relder, Mrs. Martin Johnson and the
Misses Alice and Sara Clark entertained
the society at the Clark home on Frank
street. Plans were made for a social
party to be held soon. Refreshments
were served by the hosteasea at the close
of the business session.
Members of the senior class at the high
school gave a hayrack party Saturday
evening. It was strictly a leap year af
fair, the girls furnishing the hayrack
and the boys the refreshments.
There was a large attendance at the
meeting "of the household economics' de
partment of the Council Bluffs Woman's
club and a splendid meeting was held.
The department members were the guests
of Mrs. 0-. W. Turner at her home on
Oakland drive and she was assisted In
entertaining by Mrs. Mlllspaugh, Mrs.
Noy and Mr. Gould. Special guests for
tho afternoon were little Mlsa Marjorl
Wray and Master Wilbur Potter, the
sweepstake prlxe winning babies of tho
city In the recent woman's club eon-
testa. They were present In company
(with their mothers and both were much
...... .
A num
ber of other guests were also
guests were aiso present.
Miss Turner gave a pleasing vocal solo
and Miss Lunsden a piano solo during
the afternoon, both being greatly enloyed.
Mrs. Stymest Stevenson gave a review
of tho Mothers' magazine, Mra Ernest
Cook of Good Housekeeping, and Mrs.
J. J. Sullivan of Civic magazine, each one
riving a pleasing account of tho contents
of tho magazine upon which she was re
porting. Mrs. Sullivan read from the
study book of the department an excel
lent article on "Buying and Serving of
Canned Food." and Mrs. Towslee gave a
most enjoyable paper on "Butter Substi
tutes and Effect on Cost of Living,"
which she had prepared for the occa
sion. The department will meet again In
two weeks at the home of Mrs. Henry
Ducil, when the subject of meats will be
taken up. Mrs. T. J. Leary, Mrs. Bur
ton, Miss Millie Sperling and Miss Fern
uitnrr win ftanimiuii nuBicBnct.
continuing their study of Dlcken'
.-rale of Two Cities." members of the
Bof)k hel(1 , deihtful meeting
rw'ednesdnv nfternoon at the home of
' rh.rlM ,,. ... v w
Dean gave t V'.eaalng paper on "Tho
Feudul System, and Privilege and Ex
emptions of the Clergy," .ajid Mrs. A. P.
i Hanchett told or the developments and
I subsequent events and th plot as It wa
I unfolded In the first fourteen chapters
I of Book 11. In the abaenc of Mrs. Flick -I
inger. Mr. II. A. Woodbury read "The
I Three Cruncher Periods" from the book.
I The club will hold a miscellaneous meet
ing next Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
C. D. Parmalee.
Society Notes
Mr. and Mra. Royal D. Miller and chil
dren spent part of last week with rela
tives In Grand Junction, la.
Mrs. Edwin Freeman of Lexington,
Ky., formerly of Dundee. Is the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Free
man, at the Potter.
Mrs. Margaret Canfleld of Los Angeles
Is the guest of Mrs. Charles H AyTes.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Deems of Glen
wood, la., were the guests last week of
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Deems.
Mrs. B. E. Langworthy and son Thayre
of Mpssena, la., are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Ay res.
Mrs. W. B. Fonda has gone to Jackson
ville, Fla., to be the guest for a few
weeks of her sister, Mrs. Ralph Murphy.
Mrs. Fonda will visit Palm Beach and
St. Augustine before her return home.
A son was born last week to Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Roth at the Birch Knoll sani
tarium The Girls' Bible clsss met Friday with
Mist Gladys Putnam.
Th Missionary society of th Dunde
Presbyterian church met Friday with
Mrs. Elmer E. Thomas.
The Wednesday evening prayer meeting
of the Dundee church wa followed by a
social hour, refreshments being served
by mbembers of th Ladle' Aid.
Mixs Sclma I. Henry of Council Bluff
and Mr. Bernard Mi Henry of Woodbine.
Ia.. were married Friday morning at 11
o'clock by Rev. Charles V. SuiMtii at
his office In the firannVia Tlieatrr tUIM
ing. Thry were accompuni i by Mis. Mrs
A. G. bhanu of Council liluffs.
Social Circles
W. O. Cave left Wednesday on
nrss trip to Chicago.
Mrs. -Walter Janke has been called to
Alean, X. Y., by the sickness of a rela
tive. Mr. Alex Robinson came from Central
City Sunday to spend the day with hi
Mlsa Cora Jones will entertain the
Katherlne chapter of the guild Monday
Miss Mladge' Baldwin of Ottumwa, la.,
I spending a few daya with her sister,
Mrs. J. M. Bailey.
Miss Bertha Trammer of Oakdala, Neb..
I spending a week at the horn of MIbs
Gladys Anderson.
Mrs. J. M. Bailey entertained the China
club at her home last Monday, a dainty
lunch being served.
Belle Rebekah lodge gav an entertain
ment and lunch, last Friday evening
after the business session, and Initiated
a number of new candidates.
The member of th Eighth grade will
give an entertainment an concert at the
Mlethodlst church next Friday evening.
Miss Maud Meeker has returned to her
home in Decatur, la., after a visit at the
Harry Covington horn.
Mr. M. West of Valley, Neb., formerly
Miss Hattle Esmay, was a guest at the
E. C. Fuller home last week.
Mr. Henry Thomas leave Monday for
Davenport. Ia., after a visit with her
parents, MY. and Mrs. C. W. Child.
Mrs. W.'H. Calvay and daughter. Alma,
have left for their horn In Lindsay,
Canada, after a visit her of thre
Mlsse Gladys arid Elmlna Dillon of
Irvington, Mrs. Wetland and children of
Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fedde
were guests at the Chris Fedde home
during th week.
Th Glen Park Kensington club gav
a surprise party for Mrs. W. G. Smith
last Wednesday afternoon, prior to her
leaving for her claim In Colorado. Mrs.
Smith wa the recipient of a silver spoon.
The "Flying 8quadron" of Omaha en
tertained at the Methodist church Fri
day evening, under the auspices of the
Young People's societies of this place.
After the program a social hour waa
spent and refreshments were served In
the basement by the committee, who
were Mesdamea H. Hopkins, M. Kroyer
and H. Cass; Misses Ruby Davey, Fern
Plckard, Anna Campbell, Helen Jorgen
sen and Kate Van Horn.
A number of young people arrived home
last week to spend spring vacation;
they were Misses Mary McCabe, Gladys
Anderson, Karen and Meta Blair and
Effle Kllllan. from Peru; Mr. Roy Young
and Miss Margaret Fedde, from the Stat
university and Miss Clara Nordby, from
Mra. A. B. Mtm will be hoitee for the
Methodist Ladles' Aid society and Mr.
John Speedle for the Presbyterian women
on next Wednesday.
Miss Verda Sanborn entertained the
Loyal Daughters' club at her home at a
party last Monday evening.
Mr. Charle Taylor of Benson and Mis
Retla McFarland of Tarklo, Mo., were
married here last week.
Miss Vera Marshall spent several day
of the past week with relatives In Omaha.
Mr. Oeorge Rohmer of Benson and Mis
Anna M. Stolly of Elkhorn were married
during the past week.
Attorney General Willis Reed la con
valescing from the grip at the home of
j his brother. Dr. W. H. Reed.
Mrs. J. W. Welch represented the
woman's club at th luncheon at the
Loyal, given In honor of Miss Helen
The Keyston Social club pleasantly
surprised Mr. and Mra II. Jensen last
week. A number of guests from Benson
and Omaha were present.
City Suffs Raise
Suffrage Fund
The city central suffrage committee has
raised M25 for the state auffrage fun')
this year already. Its apportionment to
raise being f00, only half of which is
due the first half of the year, however.
A meeting of the committee was held
Friday at the home of the secretary,
Mrs. Mary Carmack.
Th Equal Franchise and Political
Euuallty leagues subscribed 1100 each
each; Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, the chair
man, 3; the Omaha Suffrage associa
tion raised 150, by its bazar last week,
and the city central committee ad
vanced th balance.
Another meeting to plan organisation
work will b held In two week.
OBERT, Nb., Maron B (Special Tele
gram ) James Taylor, aged 00. wa found
lying dead thla morning In th feed yard
on a farm near this place, of which he
made his home. Wh.m found h prob
ably had been dead ueverat hours. It ia
thought that the caus of hi death was
due tu heart failure. A heavy gash waa
foun'l on his forehead, which was prob
acy made when he fM. The body la
now aaaiting the coioucr Jury.
West Ambler
Social Activities
Mr. and Mrs, Leo Askew moved this
week from Forty-alxth and Marry streets
to their new home at Thirty-ninth and
Marcy streets.
Miss Hattle Carbury, of Wlndeor
Place, Is spending this week with her
sister, Mr. Bert Gants, In West Side.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Oibb and slitsr,
Mis Patrlna Teterson. returned Saturday
from San Antonio, Tex., where they had
pent th winter.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Jensen have taken
a house at 4R1S Leavenworth street for
the summer. .
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Campbell and son,
Walter, left Friday In their car for their
new farm horn at Pleasantdule, Neb.
The Mlsse Kathryn Simmon and Dena
Randolph are recovering from their at
tack of scarlst fever.
Mr. E. Hanson Anderson and two song
of Council Bluffs were the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Long on Wednesday.
Jule Jackson left Saturday for Hot
Spring to spend two weeks.
Mrs. Frank Rodger, of Arbor street,
will go to Colorado soon to spend a month
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter
eon. Mr. Howard Miller returned home Sat
urday from Wlsner, Neb., where ho
had spent the last five month with her
brother. Arthur Zlebell and family.
The Grace Saxe Bible class mot at th
home of Mrs. Frank Hensman Tuesday.
.Her mother, Mrs. J. T. Gonti, will be
hostess Tuesday, March i!S.
R. J. Sutton and wife spent the week
end with relatives in Sioux City.
Mrs. H. O. Claggett with her daughter,
Mrs. Earl Stevens, will entertain the La
dle' Aid at their all-day meeting Thurs
day, March 30.
Mrs. WUllam Askwlth, matron of the
Masonlo home at Plattsmouth, arrived
Tuesday to spend th week-end with her
on, Harry and family on Pouth Thlrty-
aeventh street.
Mr. and Mra. Ed Jepsn celebrated their
twentieth wedding anniversary Saturday
evening in West Side with several closs
The West Side Woman' Chrlstlsn Tern
peranc union held a most successful In
stitute at the churoh Thursday. M
dames Shlverlck. Roberts, Cornell snd
Hayes gave readings and paper snd Mr.
Gllmora and Miss Lillian Glvens, vocal
solo. Mrs. Covell presented Mr. M.
Johnson a handsome dolley for securing
th most member. Luncheon wa served.
"We, the Commercial club of Omaha,
recommend that the county commission
ers make an arrangement with the city
commissioners for placing the municipal
court In the Douglas county court house."
This resolution has been adopted by the
executive committee of the Commercial
club. It has been transmitted to th
chairman of the county commissioners.
The city commission had prevlnusy made
a request for adequate quarters In the
court house for the three Judges.
An Old Recipe
to Darken Hair
Common garden Sage and Sul
phur make streaked, faded
or gray hair dark and
youthful at once.
i . t i
Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea (
and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings
back the natural color snd lustre to the
hair when faded, streaked or gray.
Years sgo the only way to get this mix
ture was to make It at home, which la
muasy and troublesome.
Nowadays we simply ask at any drug
atore for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur j
Compound." You will get a large bottle !
of this old time rtidp Improved by the .
addition of other ingredient for about !
l oenta. Everybody uses thi prepara- ',
tlon now, because no on ran poastbly tell ;
that you darkened your hair, as it doe
It so naturally arid evenly. You dampen
a sponge or soft brush with It and draw
this through your hslr, taking or small '
stranw at a time; by -morning tn gray
hair disappears, and after another appll- '
cation or two, your hair becomes beautl-
fully dark, thick and gloawy and you '
look year younger. Wyeth'a Bags and
Sulphur Compouiuid Is a delightful toilet
requisite. It I not intended for th cure. ,
mitigation or pieventlon of disrase.-Ad-
7 ... J
a bus.- j L-t-j
j verUaement
Social Affairs
of the South Side
Miss t.'arrle
snd Mrs. .1. P.
Ktause, daughter of Mr.
Krauze, and Miss Maudi
Urcokrr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs It. J.
lrooker, returned from Teru, Neh ,
wl eie they attend State Normal, to spen t
spring vacation.
Mlsa Mai Rare! t'arlcv. daughter of Mr.
and Mis. IVyd t'ailev, has retnrnel
ifie- x wa h' xlsit at Kno
Mlle. la.
Mrs. . V. Copper will entertain chapter
M of the P. V.. O. at her mme. 4'4 South
Twentieth street. Saturday afternoon,
April 1. Owing to April 1 bCnn Gesture
jr,a, the p-otiam will bo li a cordam'e.
After a short business m t n aiid pro
ikram Mie remainder cf th aftern ' n will
be spent In Kensington work. Vrs
Copier was aul'1 by 1'ir a ster in
law, Mrs. W. C. Hronson of Omaha.
Mrs. C. Dawson entertained the Tuts
(lay Kensington at her home. The a'te
loon was spent In teedle work and re-
Ireshments were served. The next meet
Ing will lie held at the home of Mrs J.
C Christie. Those present were: M.
domes I. Howe. J. CummlnRs, V. Mail
den. i Dawson. ,1. C. Clirltle, II. (1
Fisher, L. Sfrawhetker. .1. C.irtis. A.
Mis. c. W. Seals spoke lo the PoiiMi
Otnaba Woman'a club, Tuesday afternoon
at Library hall, on the subject of "Re
plenishing the Public Purse." The meet
ing was Isrwely attended.
Mra. Herman Kaafe;1 rnUrtalnrd the
Monday High Five club at her home Mon
day afternoon. Members present were:
Mesdamea Noe, Abbott, Smith, More,
Minor, Kllker. Kellogg, Dyke, Woods,
Gallagher. Paalfeld.
An Informal reception was given on
Wednesday evening. March J?. by Mr.
und Mrs. Maynard Muberry In honor of
their golden wedding. Besides Mr. and
Mis. Ma berry In the receiving line was
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Maherry and Rev.
nd Mrs J. W. Morris. Assisting through
out the rooms wero Messrs and Mes
damea F. A. Broadwell, F. A. Cressey,
A. F. Stryker. C. C. How. C. O. Root
and D. G. Sturrock. Mr. Maynard Ma
berry wore a gray satin dress and car
ried pink rose. Misses Mildred Maherry,
Alta Davis, Madg and Grace Sturrock
wore white dresses and yellow ribbons.
These young women served punch In the
dining; room. Th room wer decorated
with yellow daffodil and smllax. A
poem, outlining th happy llf of this
aged couple was written by their daugh-
tor-ln-law, Mr. Oscar Maberry and each
guest was presented with a copy of it.
Many beautiful boquat war snt
Social Items
Mr. A. B. Nichols of Calhoun ' wa
visiting Florence frtonda Monday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Carlson a
daughter, Monday morning.
Arthur and George Bong of Cherokee,
la., spent Sunday In Florence, th guest
of E. A. Smith.
H. Barnes, who ha bn spending the
winter at WaUrtown, S. D., with hi
daughter, returned horns Wednesday.
Mrs. T. A. Lemon, who has been 111 In
the hospital In Omaha, was brought home
Wednesday, considerably Improved.
Mr. and Mr. Claus Menck of Blair,
spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. William Menck.
Mr. and Mrs. L, Vf. Sohelb! entertained
at a party at their home, north of Flor
ence, Saturday evening. A pleasant even
ing wss epent by all with games, muslcj
and dancing, after which th hostess
served refreshments. Those present were
Mlsse Elisabeth Johanson, Marcka, Edith
House, Fenway, Welohert, Panatues,
Agnes Johanson, Gladys Ilroderson, Ade
laide Morln, Christine Albach, Loretta
Schlebel, Messrs. Maurlc Lonergan,
Charle Lonergan, Jr.; John Burgschat,
Herman Broderson, Marlon Lynn, Robert
Morln, Edward Nielsen, Frank Welchert,
George House, Edmund Monn, taonard
In honor of th birthday of Mr. J. L.
Houston, many of her old-tlm friend
surprised her Thursday afternoon. Among
those present were Mesdamea Wbr,
Nichols, Nail, Aiken, F. T. Gould. Hunt
ington, Brlsbln, Pollard, Walter Breen of
Council Bluffs, O, W. Armstrong, Bar
ker, Jr.; Houston, Mis Altl Houston
and Colonel Atken of Omaha.
Mrs. E. L. Plats and Miss Elisabeth
Plats war th guest of Mrs. Jennie
Magln In Omaha Thursday,
Th minstrel show to b given by the
Eagle' band on Thursday and Friday of
this week promise to be on of the big
gest entertainments ever given In Flor
ence, as already over no tickets have
Standard Drugs and Toilet Articles
"You Can Save Time and Money by Trading at the Tour Rexall Stores."
The war
ranted kind.
Corner 16th and Dodge Streets LOYAL DRUG CO., 207-209 N. 16th
OWL DRUG CO., 16th and Harney HARVARD, 24th and Farnara
New Store Soon at 19th and Farnam
been sold. The show I unique In that
Prof. Rohrs wrote most of the music
and plot and all of the performers r
members nf the local lodo-e of Essies.
' F. A. Matthews alll act as Interlocutor
I In the first part snd A. S. Krnworthy.
George Wagenseller, Fred Cook and 13.
j L Plats will be the end men. The chorus
Is made up of sixteen men. ns second
act Is a musical operetta entitled, "The
Isle of Stew," and depicts the fortunes
I of two minstrel men. Fred Cook and E.
I Plats, who are shipwrecked upon the
I cannibal Isle. There are numerous ape
'cinltles during this set. Numerous parties
'are being arranged for one or th other
evenings, the largest being that of H. H.
Plmsled. who will rnUrtaln twenty. five,
and Mr. and Mr. F. S. Tutker will en
tertain a party of ten.
National Officer
to Visit Omaha
Campfire Groups
Kdith M. Kempthome of New Tork
City, a national officer of the Campfire
Girls, will be the guest of the Omaha
groups Friday April 7. while on a western
lour of Inspection. The local Campfire
croups are planning a busy day for Mlsa
Kempthonic, Including a guardian meet
ing In the mornlna, and afternoon cele
bration for the girls; and a large meet
ing In the evening, which will open to
the p.ibllc for a snail admission fee.
There will be a crrenionlal service con
ducted by Mlsa Kempthome, which will
be Illustrated with local and national
campfire slides snd moving pictures, de
tailing the life and work of th Camp
fire Girls.
"Work, health and love" Is the Inspira
tion for these groups, of which there are
eight composed of girls of high school
ago In Omaha. Three are connected with
the Toung Women Christian associa
tion, one with Social Settlement and the
rest with different churches.
Miss Helen Buck organized th first
local group In 1912. Other guardians for
groups are the Misses Glenn Sleeper,
Nells Ryan, Ixeta Holdrege, Helen Gar
vin. Olive Brain. Emma Ellsworth, Elea
nor Stallard and Bertha Vaughan.
Ticket for the big Campflr Olrla'
meeting will be placed on sale Wednes
day at the Young Women' Christian
association and Ryan's Jewelry store.
Two multl-mllllonalres of New York
will go through Omshi over th Union
FaJflo and Northwestern. Both are en
rout east In their private cars, but will
only stop ten minutes in Omaha.
H. Seward Webb goes through Sunday
evening at 7:10, while at 7:30 Monday
morning Frederick W, Vanderbllt will
pass through.
Dry Speaker Jo ( ampalgnlng.
Pr. W. W. Ward and A. T, Heydon go
to Gretna and Ppring Grov Sunday In
behalf of th Antl-aloon league.
E, E. Thomas goes to Shelby to or
ganise the dry forces there,
Burgess-Nash Stationery
Possesses All That is Cor
rect and in Good Form
A N asgortment that fully measure
Finest of social engraving
party Invitations and visiting
NOTE With the thousands
ones continually being published.
in stock, but for the convenience of our customers, ws bavs records
of all books issued and will secure any book you desire that is not la
our stock.
.Wain moor.
Burgess-Nash Gomrshy:
Horllck's Malted
Milk, 30 and. .
Scott's Emulsion,
43 snd
Llsterine. 12, CQ
IB. 39 and J-'
25c Danderine,
we sell tor. . .
25c Mennen's
Powder, 4 kinds,
pr can
3 5c slzo, Mon
day, for
Fiver's French I
Uxtiact, per
Witch Hasel.
large bottle. .
Wood Alcohol,
large bottle. . .
Genuine Castorla,
35c kind
SOc Doan's Kid
ney Pills
60c Genuine
8yrup of Klgs. . .
$1.00 PInkhsm'i
50c Tape's Ula-
pepbln . .
61 liepatica,
10t. 'Sit nd
$1.00 Yale's Almond
2 dozen Aspirin
or Capsules
French Jt IMce
l'owdeir (Uotirjols) In
Itetter buy now before
aUx-k 1 ex- f"
haustet! O C
green boxes,
Mom lay,
Joseph Cmokston's conduct toward the
daughter of James P. Jerp. a commis
sion man st lifts Howard strt, will
necessitate bis paying a ninety-days
compulsory visit to th workhous.
In police court Crookston. who claims
raton. la., ss his resldenre, wss r
ralgnei on charge of Insulting a lady
According to the story told th court.
Mr. Jerpe daughter was sitting In her
father's automohlle when Crookston cm
along and laid the foundation- for his
ninety-day workho is sentence. Officer
Thrasher made the arrest.
VT' asff- lsW -" t-pr- - J
k i Nil Mri
J5r If you get th
L proper illustr'-
IHJU3, easy v
follow instruc
tions and the
correct crochet
and embroid
ery materials
you, too, can toon
become expert In
work in g charming
lingerie yokes, insertions, edg
ings and useful novelties.
Crochet and Embroidery Cottcni
Klnstersllk cornea tn whits that stays
wh!t snd xqullts dalicat hds
smooth, fin threads that launder
beautifully snd retain thsir original
Piesant this advertisement
to yntir dealer and get Pre
"10 Klestarsllk Croclist
Instructions. If his sup
ply Is exhausted, send u
nls nam and thre lo
tamps; wa will forward
to you by rsturo mail.
Tn "Tare Mill Cv,
Omaha Trimming Co,
402 Karbach Block
We carry complete
stock of tailor and
dressmaking supplies
up to the standard of good form
good taste demanded by people
who know what la what la
stationery and who use It
A new novelty paper that
Is receiving; especial atten
tion Is paper with the tissue
lined envelopes, shown In
Tekln stripe (black and
, white), ITay, blue and lav
ender linings with colored
border to match.
For die stamping, Crane's
linen by the quire. In whit
or the popular tints passes
current In good society.
by skilled workmen wedding,
of books on the market and new
It is impossible to keep every book
Hlnkle Tablets,
100 tor
100 Blsud's Iron
Tonic Pills
100 2-grsin Pure
Quinine Pills...
Crude Carbolic Acid, (or
disinfectant, nf
large bottle.... 3C
m o n d
Luther Durbank
Flower and
Vegetable Seeds
5C and 10 Pkat.
We have the Omaha
agency for these wonder-
ful seeds.
mare than
They cost no
the doubtful
firing then to ns. We
shall think them easy.
24 c
I in