run omatta srmvv hke: march 26, idig. 2-B What is Going On in Society Circles Easter Flans of School Set. John Knox arrived Wednesday from Iroton school to spend, the F.aater vaca tion with hla aunt. Mra. Frank Crawford. Mis Florence Rtiesrll la expected hom today from Smith rolled to spend the ! spring vacation with her parent, Mr. I and .Mrs. C. W. Ruswll. Mlsa Katherine Oould returned Monday j from the east,, where aha went to attend j Junior wei'k at Cornell and apetvj nmiw time vioitlng In New Tork, Hartford. To- ) Irdn and Chicago. I Miss Anna Hussell of tha I'nlvereity of Nebraska ia spending her vacation with her parenta. Mr. and Mra Charlea V. j Russell, j Miss Florv-nre Rahm and Mm I'or othy Dahlman. atudenta at Montl'-'IIo seminary. Ordfrey, II) . are home tor their spring vacation. j Miss Florence Taylor of 8herldsn. Yo . ! a atudent at the Vnlverslty nf Nebrnsks. j la spending thla week's vacation with , Mis Florence Naaon. Robert Kd wards, eon of Mr, and Mra. : If. O. Cdwerda of this city, and hi roommate at Cornel). rhllip Chase, arm of Mr. and Mra. Clement Chase, both made Cht Pal thla week. of the Omaha atudenta at Smith col- j lrge. Miss Florence Rueaell and Mi's j Irene Rosewater aem the only ones who I will apend thlr Kaster vacation at home. ' Tha young ladies arrived In Omaha Frl- j . day morning and will apend ton daa with their parenta. Mis Eleanor Mr. Ciilton will apend her aprtng vacation with her parenta, Mr. and Mra. K. M. MKJIlton. In Washington. . t. Miss ' Harriet Rherman la vlaltlng frlenda In I PprltRf!eld. Maaa., and Mtaa Mary Ron bp ' and Mlaa Wlnnlfred Rouae are with relatlvea In New Tork City. Mlaa Ixila Rohblna la another Omaha atudent at ftmHh who la vlaltlng In Waahlngton. al though ahe expect a to be the guest of . frlenda In Roaton before tha spring term opena. I Students Give Dance. Tha Hetalo club gave their firat tlafue , at tha Omaha Cnnaervalory of Music and Art on Friday evening. Thla dance waa an Invitation affair. Mualo waa fur nished by membera of tha vlub. The , rhib expect to give another dance on the evening of Wedneaday, April 12, at tha aame hall. Among thoaa present were tha fol lowing: Xtiaaea i K' a Kornmsyer, Rrtlth Harach. ' Hilda Hararli. Misses May Johnann, Oladva Jonea. 4iidi Melcher, lar Karnett, Marie Adama, llnicl Rile Jeaala Tod da, Helen Tonng. ! Ptella Wnlfnon. Jeanrtte Met 'aba, Htclla Mormon. Messrs. Carl liarach. Hanv Melcher, Ted Kramek. 1 Charlea Telander. Stanley Herlirlck. Carl Wheeler, .lamea Alnacow, ' Paul Carllale. M. Chrlsteneen. Mary Williams, t. ii I n Morrla. Kllen Haneen. Ilaael Btovar, Meaara. Al Pellne, n. Hundgreln. Herman Relnholc. O. Wagoneeller. Krneat lmon, Wilbur Oranvllle, Reuben Melcher. Caeper fleg. lister Dulcher, White Shrine Whist Club. The White Bhrino Wlilat club will meet at t o'clock Monday afternoon at tha Ma aonVc Tempi, Mrg. A. P. Brady will ba tha hoateaa of tha occasion.' ' Scottish Bite Musicale Tha Scottish Rita Woman' club gave a mualcala and reception at tha cathedral Friday afternoon to 12S gueata, many of whom were out-of-town delegate to tha reunion held In Omaha laat week. Tha muak-al program waa tno eper.lal feature of tha afternoon. Mlaa Luella Anderaon gave aaveral numbera on tha violin, Vlaa Allre MacKenila aang, and Mlaa SophU Noattts-Nalmaka waa tha planlat. Tha reception followed tha mual cala. ' Unique Church Affair. The women of the Firat rraabytarlan church will aerva refreahmanta thla even- ' Ing after aervlrea In honor of tha firat t Sunday In their new building. Tha af fair is In charge of Mlaa I aa belle MRIroy, ' aaaiated by tha younger membera of tha Woman's Aid aoclety, Thoaa aaalatlng . will ba: Mead a mra C. I Bykes. R. P.. Davis. Karl Fdaecomh, J. T. Slater. Medsme M. W. Ilmary, K. F. Rrando, Fred Hill. , Mlaaea laabel Mllroy. Ruth Thompaon. Margareth iSrtmmel. Keulah Clark. ' Popular Girl to Wed. Mra. Alfred Darlow announce th n ragement of her daughter, Ida Rower., to Moyd Peloa Burdlo of Herman, aon of Mr and Mr. and Mr. Eugan Wlllard Hurdle. Mlaa Darlow. who waa a prince of Ak-Har-Ben under tha reign of Ml Kreme Hochatetler. t member of th Helta Oamma aororlty of Nebraaka, tnlverally and Rryn Mawr college. Mr. Hurdle la a gracual of th Cnl eralty of Nebraska and a Thl Delta (iamma fraternity man. The data of tha wedding, while not yat yet definitely fixed, will be aoina tun during the early aummer. Mia Harlow la a niece of tha aoulptora, Solon and Gutaon Rorglum, and ha been partlculaily the favorlt niece of her uncle, Ckitaon. Lt winter h accom panied har unci on a trip to th Paoltlo roaat and waa th gueat at many Inter ' eilng affair In California, later vlaltlng her aunta, tha Mlaaea Harriet and Theo dora, Borglum In Lo Angalea. Mornine Glory Kensinfton. ' Mea. Mauric Cochran n hoateaa of the Morning Ulory kenalngton Thureday afternoon at her home. The honor guet of the afternoon wer Mra. A. J. Cat tannfh of Ppokane. W'aah.. aunt to th hoeteaa, and Mr. John .-.-mack, Mr. C. M. Cochran. Mr, timer Cochran and Mra. Fred Lfferty. Tha next meeting will b held at tha home of Mra. Arthur Cronemeyer two weeka from Thuraday, ApHI . Thoaa preaent were: Meedamea Meadamea Arthur fronemeyer. 'Harry Hyt. Harry Tlaor, llllam Hoffman, Krcd RliUng, ' MaurK Cochran. Lawrence McKenna. rranco-Bflirian Workers. Tha Franco-Belgian Kai:f aoclety will meet Tueaday at th homa of Mrs. Joaaph Barker. During tke month of April th aoclety will meet weekly en Tueaday In all-day eaalon. Stork Special. bob was) bora Saturday morning to Mr. and Mra. Orrilte Cheater. A daughter was bora to Mr. and Mra r. Arthur Jones. March 11 Tea at Fontenelle. Mr. George V. McCun. special rP- resectatlv of th Minneapolis trymphony trcheetra. entertained Mlaa Franree Naah at aa afternoon tea at th Fontenell In Charge of the Fling Lecture Course - 1 I .v. V V v, :t . :;VvvVa - i frv MlfTfctrfecf Friday. Mlaa Naah will give a tea for Mr. Medina thla week. Sorority Affair. Mlaa Aloha Jenklna waa hoateaa Friday fternoon at her home at a tea from 4 to o'clock for tha Kappa Psl Delta oror Ity. given In honor of a recent pledge. Mlaa Iona Fogg. Thoaa preaent were: Mlaaea Mlaaea. May leach, liiira )fnril, l.llllan Anderaon, Aloha Jenklna, lone Fogg, lena Yeoman. Kllaabeth Hlebert, Ulga Jorgenaen. Olaa Anderaon, Jean Merger, ijoutae Damon, 1Oiilae Rrattan. Athela McUulnney. Vtulto Eddy, Beserration for the Opera. From th vary large early advance aal Indication are that all aoclal and mu leal omaha will attend tha grand opera performance at tha Auditorium when th Boiton Grand Opera and Pavlowa ballet Ruaae cornea next month. Tha boxholder are as follow: Meaara. and Meadamea John I'. Wehater, C. i: George. (ieorge Prtna. I., r . rofoot. J. , Hummer, .A, M. Ruralum. W. T. Hirrn. H. II. lialdrlge, George Rrandela. William Redlck, t", :. Alllaon. Mra. F. P. Klrkendall. M 1h Henrietta M. Reea, Mr. J. A. Cavera. Those wbo will entertain Una parti are: . Meaar. and Meadamea John l. Kennedy, l'ouglaa Welpton, A. F. Jonaa. tnaler.K, H. K. Hnlilatar. J. P. Lord. Aagood Kaalnian, P. T. McOrath, A, I Reed, J. M. Hannlater. W. U Haxter, Oeoar Wllllama, K. H Haller, Ksra Millard, O. W, Holdrege. Alex fielg, Frank Judaon, Henry Bwaamann, IeF. Rli hnrda, U. A. lloagland. J. II. Mlthen. Mia Mary Munchhoff. TS90I .... Umm laa toia together with Mlaa trfule "ton. Mrs, Charlea Met, Mr. 11. II. Hall. Mra. Pamuet Werthelmer. MUa Irene McKnlght. ' Mlaa ISItsabath Butler, Mra. Elisabeth and Mtaa Mlna Davia and Mra. F. H. Davl will mak a party. Mr. and Mr. Herbert Rogers. Dr. and Mra. Ulfford and the Mlaaea Helen, Car rie and Jeaal Millard will be a group that ar fotmd frequently together at nearly alt th better muelcal attract lone. Mr. and Mra. N. P. Dodge and Mr. and Mra. Vi. II. Bcott will alao form a family party. Council Bluff folk who will enter tain partlee during th seaaon are: Measr. and Meadamea I.eer.ard Fverett. W. 8. Keellne, K H Merrlam. J J. pimiier, W. H. ftlllman, Wadawortli, J. P. He. H. J. Jenning. IUia Angelina rnniinura, Mra. Krneat Eldridge Hart. Notes of Interest. Mr.' C. N. Diets la writing a aerial atory called "Children of Other Landa" for Evrychild' Mf:axlne, edited by Mlaa Urae Porenaon. Otis Pklnner, tbe noted actor, who playa In Omaha Friday and Saturday, will be th rueat and apeaker at th Cnlverelty club Friday tioon. Mtaa Evelyn Hopper leaves Monday for an extended tour In th eaat. after which h will eatabllah headquarter In New Tork City In the Interest of Mlaa France Naah. th Omaha planlat; George Hamlin and other musical atar. Mlaa Hopper's mother will join her later. Captain Will C. Cowln. son of Mrs. and Mrs. J. C. Covin of this city, hae been ordered to th front with th troop to Mexico. Mra. Cowln rnd children, who ar aow at Douglas, Arlx., will leave there and either com to Omaha or join Mra. Cowln In California. Mra Ruaaell R. McKelvy leavea Wednesday evening for a trip to the Paclflo coaat and the orient After an extended atay In California, Mr. Mo- Kelvy will go with her brother, Frank E Loul and Mra. Loui of Loa Angrlea, to Hawaii, th Philippine and Japan. Mist Vaill Visita Mrs. Heth. A romantlo Interest attache to th vUtt of Mlaa Heth Vaill. who arrived In Omaha Friday morning to be th gueat for a month of her grandmother, Mra. Martha, Field Heth. Mlaa Vaill Is to b on of th bride of next June. Her en gagwment to Mr. A Kin Deaaau waa an nounoed exclusively In The Bee of March t. th day following luncheon at Han cock, Mich., at whlci th engagement was formally announced. The engage ment attracted mor than usual Interest - . j K r, 1 , "'''II r i ' '-v. t a xi it- rirs.dJ1Melcdlf In Omaha, owing to'lh prominence of th family of th future bride, who I a granddaugter of Mr. and Mra. John Heth, who wer so actively connected with th early history of th atate. Mis VaJll la nlec of Mr. fltockton Heth. Her mar riage will tak her atl'l farther from her Omaha frlenda, for her future hom will be in Nw Britain, Cinn. Fast Hospitalities. Mr. Floyd Ola enterUlned the Dly elub at her om Wodneaday afternoon. Thoa prnt wer: Mesdamea i. Heyadorfer, . f'hrlstenaen. Mesdarnee C. Koutaky, W. haw. W, Hhellberg. A. Hug. O. Raamuaaen. B. Roger entertained J. Rlha. C. Fixe, F. Mar.hal. Mr. and Mra. J Informally at bridge Thuraday evening T. H. Enaor won at their home. Mra. th prli for th card gam. Th gueits war: Meaara. and Meadamea Grant Roger, Charle Hall. Hall. Harn. Taylor. Neiman, Horn. Meadamea Peck. Oeorge Beadec. Mlaa Jan Hall. Knapp. Noar. Breen, Meadamea Kernan. . T. H. Enor, Mlssen Catherine Rarlow. Erneatine Tomaaek. Dr. Millar. Mra.' J. B. Good entertain the Auction Bridge club at luncheon at her home Friday afternoon. The tabl had a cn- terptec ot yellow jonquil and cover wer laid for nine. Entertain for Mrs. Xing. Membera of the 1915 Auction Bridge club wer entertained at luncheon at th hom of Mr. I.. A. Smith Thuraday, followed by an Orpheum matinee party. Mrs. F, 8. King, who leavea axon for th east to mak her home, wa th honor guest Thoa present wer: Meadamea Meadamea A. C. Peterron. U A. Pmlth. Howard J. Hitter. Cook. A. Wilkinson. A lice R. Blahoo William Rlmpaon. of Chicago H. J. Slckler. Douhle Birthday Party. I Jul Jan Abbott. T year old. and her 4-year-old' stater, IaicIIc, hav Marcl SB for their birthdays. The two little glrle had a Joint birthday rwrty at their hom Saturday afternoon. The decoratlona were In pink and white. Those preaent were: M isaee M iea Margaret Hawk. Gwendoline Hw Dorothy Howland. land. Dorothy Moor. Virginia Stoltenberg aiary ixmiae t urn- uermce Miner. in lng, Irene Prttenara, Jane Abbott, I.ucile Abbott. Maatera Maetera: Clarence Prttchard. Delmore Melntyr. Jamea Minor. Bert Minor. Dick Minor. Earl Humphert Entertains Social Club. Th C. W. club was entertained Thurs day evening by Miss Oertrud Chase at her hom. A very pleaaant evening waa pent. Mlaa Pernio Mile will be hoateaa two week hence. Th member of thla elub ar: Mlaaee Mahal Potter. Father Uuatafaon. Mary Ann Melton, Rertha Cooper, lorothy Lynch. Esther Newman. Anna Reta, Rernlc Mile. Pearl Blair. yl via, Johnson. Apna Brant, Charlotte Wahd- achneider. Oertrud Cits. Omahans at Excelalor Spring. Queat from Omaha at Th Dm hotel. Excelsior Spring. Mo., ar Mr. V. B. Caldwell. Mra E. L Burke and Mr. and Mr. J. T. Flnnlgan. . . .. t - -i. ' ':: ' ' ' J 1 1 Friends of Art Dinner. Th Friends of Art dinner rill t given at the Fontenelle Tueaday evening. April I. Th apeaker of the evening will be the eminent Chicago landarape painter. Mr. Charlea Francl Brown. Social Gossip. Mr. F-dward Cudahy of Chicago spent a few daya last week at tha Fontenelle. Mr. and Mr. Ward Burgeaa returned Thuraday from everal week' stay in Florida. ' Mr. and Mrs.eD. C. Bradford have re turned from California, wher they pnt th wlnUr. Mr. and Mr. John A. McShane re turned Friday from an extended trip to Texas and California. Mr. William fear Poppiton i in ftan Diego and doe not expect to com home earlier than May 1. Colonel 8. 8. Curtle and daughter, Miss I,ynn, of New Tork City hav arrived In Omaha and ar at th Fontenelle. Mr. C. Will Hamilton left Thursday for 8t. Louie and Nw Orloana and will re turn by way of Washington, being away about a month. Mra. C. T. Kountsa returned Friday from California. Hh was accompanied by Mr. and Mr. Joaeph Cudahy of Chl rua. formerly of thla ctly. Th Herbert Wheeler hav sent card to Omaha frlenda from St. Augustine, Fla., where they ar making a longer o Journ than they had at firat planned. Mlaa Margaret Oreer Baum left Friday for New Tork for a short stay, going from tnere to Atlantis City, to spend Easter with her aunt. Miss Helen Baum Among Omaha aojoumors In Florida ar Mr. and Mrs. T. Yates, Mr. and Mra. Oould Dlet and Colonel B. W. Jewell, who hav ben enjoying a delightful stay at Jack aon villa. Mr. and Mra. J. E. Baum. who hav been at BellaJr. Fla.. for th last two weeks, ar now vlaltlng In Washington and Baltimore, and will rturn to their hom In Philadelphia on April I. Mra T. U Kimball and Mia Arabella Kimball returned from California Friday Will Give Play for S7 " V After two months' practloe th Cnl- veralty of Omaha Dramatic elub la put ting th final finishing touch on the Maneuvera of Jane," a four-act college comedy, which It will present Saturday evening at Jacobs Memorial hall for th benefit of the Athletlo association. The play canter around Jan Nangla, wilful young girl, who find It Impos sible to bear restraint. After being dis missed from college because of a love affair th young lady la taken Into the hom of her unci. Lord Bapchtld. A series of adventure take plac In har nw environment, which finally ends In her mariiag to Qeorg Langdon, who waa th object of har former lev, Th plot la further enlarged by th parallel action of Mlaa Nangle'e chum, Cenatantla Oag. Th oomedy la full of catchy and clever dialogue. Th action takaa plac in Eng land. In order to bring out th special characteristics and detalla of English Uf. apecial costume and scenery hav y C Zffiz& Collins been aecured. Starting Monday and continuing until Friday, dreaa rrhearaala will be In or der under th direction of Miss Wood ruff of th Omaha Conservatory, who la eoaohlng the college Theaptana. Marlon Haaraall will hav th leading role in th play, taking th part of Jan Nangle. Rath ColUns. Kenneth Klepeer. Olga Anderaon and Edgar Ernst alao hav prominent parts In the com edy. The entire cast follow: Oonatantla Oag Ruth Colllna tane Nanglo Marlon Peareall Ire. Heechlor Olga Jorgenson Mis Trendell Amy Zchau Mlaa Xowater Lillian Anderson 'Miaa Dodd Ruth Peter fternoon nd will b at the Fontenelle J until the middle nf the week, when their home w-lll he ready for them. Mra. Kim ball and Mls Kimball hav with them a gueat, tlielr coueln. Mis Marlon Rog ers of Long Beach, Cal. In and Out of the Bee Hive . .Mrs. Arthur Oulou In visiting In Holly wood. Cal. Mrs. Wllllnm T. Rurn and Mra. F.. H. Sprague are spending the wek In Chi cago. Mr. Charles Warren Chase spent laat Sunday with his slste-, Mrs R- " Howell. Miss Mary Furay returned last week from a California trip with Mrs. B. A. MclVrmolt. ' Mrs. f V. Chase he teturned from , Chicago and Is with her leuchter, Mrs. ' It. R. Howel!. Mrs. If. W. Yatea. Mrs. Rebe. ca Mor- gan and Mr. Hel Yatea hav gone to Cal- j lfornla for a mon'.h. ', Miss Frances Naah has returned from the east and Is spending a few weeka here prior to resuming her concert tour. I Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Miner ana ". Wesley and Ptanley, spent last week end with her sisters. Mrs Maynard. In Grand Junction, Ia. Miss Mnrtha 'Dale returns this morn ing" trom a visit of thre months in the east. Mlaa Dnle has been the guest ff her sister, Mr Sidney I Ptnlth. t Hartford. Conn., and Mrs. Edward O Rrlen at Norwich, and has vlalted sev eral other eastern points. Personal Mention. Mrs. Fred M. Crane Is In Fort Pierce. Fie. Miss Ali:e Hoffman of re Moines is the house guest of Mis Grace Northrup for several weeks. Mrs. R. H. Olmsted returned Sunday from a visit with lie- daughter. Mrs. Rentley McCloud, In Chlrago. Mrs. Ouy Howard of Mollne. 111., hae recently Invested In small farm near Rldgefleld, Conn., end rrmoved there last eek. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Cornwell have re turned to Chicago after a week s visit Uh Mr. Comwell'a mother, Mrs. J. P. Trimble. Mr. and Mra. George W. Covert have sold their home In the Prettiest Mile boulevard and are moving Into a new home on Thlrty-elxth atreet, near Pop- pleton. Lucile, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joe B. Redfleld, Is completely recovered from her recent Illness, and th earlet fever quarantine ha been lifted from the house. Mr. W. B. Fonda ia spending four weeka with her sister. Mra. Ralph B. Murphy, In Jacksonville, Fla., and will also visit In Palm Be:h and St. Augus tine before returning. Fifty Years Ago U. P. Completed Its Line to North Bend While no public celebration is being held, tha Union Pacific Is observing the fiftieth annlreraary of the completion of th road to North Bend, alxty-on miles west from Omaha. During th year marking th fiftieth onnlversary of tha completion of th lln to North Bend th road waa extended to and placed In operation aa far west as Kearney, a die ts nee of 1M miles. - v For a long time after the completion of th road to Kearney th on war fr between Omaha and that town waa til. whereas now It Is S3. 74. In those days It took a passenger train nineteen hours to mak th run, whereas now tha faat traina cover th dlstanc In four hour and twenty-nine minutes. Omaha University Kenneth lUcpcz Pawaey . ...Eether Knapp ...Aloha Jenklna Jean Bergvr ..Olga Jorgenson EUaabeth feWtbert Mark Lowe kites Boalat-k Ladv iialHJhlld Pamela iWrhlnor... VI tea Host a' k Kir Robert Bo water Mr. Pawaey William Campen Prebendary Boataek Mr. Nannie l Edgar Kmat i Kenneth Klrpwr tieorge Iangdon... Jervls iMni'non. n s nrr ' 1 J saw "wajg. a m aaaiBBaBBB"BBBBBBBH 1 1 ' -- . sk. . Ill II X . " I . . Iugene Blmuiooe CHOPS OFF HAND WITH A HATCHET Mrs. Thomas Connolly Cuts Off Left Hand Because it is "the Hand of the Devil." CALLS NEIGHBORS TO SEE DEED Mrg. Thomas Connolly. 2735 Fort Ftret, appeared at the front of tho home of her neighbor, Mrg. M. E. Moore, 2727 Fort' atreet. at noon and called for her to come out. Mrs. Moore declined, aring she wa o field. Mrs. Or.nnolly pleaded, but Mrs. Moore refused to come out of the house. Finally, however, she came to the front door. As h did so Mrs. Connolly raiced up hrr left hand and said: "This Is the hsnd of th devil. ' ' Then she raised up her rlRht hand containing p. hatchet and said: "This Is the hand of Ood." With a quick movement she brought her right hand down and cut off her left at the wiiat with the hntchet before Mra. Moore'a startled eyea. A laborer standing nenrby was bo dumfounr'ed 'o.. the action he wee momentarily paralysed and co'ild not make a move to prevent the deed even though he w her n time. ' Mrs. Connolly, who Is 4fl years of ago, I recently began to take instructiona tn some religious sect and. while at times ) as normal a any .person, frequently be- came fanatical. This religious mania j prompted her to cut off her left hand. "the hand of the devil." by her r'm lit I hand, ' the hand of Cod." She waa taken to the county hospltsl j where It waa aald no serious effects ex cept the loss of the hand, will result. PRESIDENT OF VASSAR WILL SPEAK IN OMAHA Dr. Henry Noble MacCracken. presi dent of Vaasar college, la to addresa the Commercial club ThurndHy noon at a public affairs luncheon. "Interstate Com merce and Education" Is his subject. Fritz Piano. Those who require the best demand the Steinway. Its prestige is the result of actual superiority. We Invite you to call and hear the incomparable Steinway Tone. Beautiful Mahogany Uprights $500 Art Finish Mahogany Grands $750 Terms to suits purchaser. Tour old piano taken tn exchange. Schmoller & Mueller 1311.1313 Exclusive Steinway Representatives. CLEAN, PURE WHOLESOME ... lVlllAV OMAHA MILK DEALERS' ASSOCIATION This organization comprises 200 small sised, . personally con ducted dairies In tbe city limit tone. All herds are tuberculin tested by the State. The warm, raw milk Is scrupulously double-strained, immediately Ice cooled and kept at the same low temperature while hurried to your door. Everything about the close-In Dairy is In spected and Approved ' oy the Official City Dairy Inspection Our product is absolutely fresh and natural. No need of boiling down and denaturalizing our milk, as It has not been in transit a whole day, nor has it stood by the wayside unprotected against sun heat and dust. From a clean, inspected and approred mllkhouse to your table or your Ice box In an hour or two, and kept at low temperature at all times. THAT IS THE IDEAL IN MILK PRODUCTION Jiuy fresh, natural and Inspected milk from any member of tha Oman Milk Dealers' Association. Open a Charge Acccount With Loftls Bros. & Co. A small sunt weekly or monthly makes you the owner of a splendid Dia mond or other article of Jewelry. Your credit la good with ue. VV rUstfllWW USSX ee eeixUai, or a a navter welch, rine sol fllta. email Mae. VMII lt-Kabr Jswoled al kmi nc Valuers. I fin solid tmi. bomoi. awt set. I Ovareauo I rm- We col U srtce to "bo rook." as artw tkle leieet BMeel Wrtet Wni t rcciuk ristsk. i hrtlllae D I SHt fine teal rverle, btreqae it a rer Ore It-iach o I e-lMrf WIT a Issweiri TiS M Wriu er esll tr Ulaetrate eaulo No. U. Pkeo Uoeglee 1M sod our sImiiii will all wltk article ealio4. II rhlt,...' II M a Moatk, Otty IlH WMlltlill ' I anAftra m geaa-ataak C LliiE.'iosicaia. Oo. Look Once See Once Buy Now Extraordinary Diamond Sale This excellent Diamond, guar anteed 20-100 Blue White, mounted in Tiffany, platinum lined, 14-karat ring, for one week Only Brodegaard Bros. ft' 16th and Douglas of tha n-.L. Golden Crown Stairs You can send for one of these by mail. argarcttc Lcmcn TEACHER OF PIANO M floor ratteawoa Blk 17tk and rwuia. Dongtea TUB. Omasa. Heb. Xreisler The Worlds Greatest Violinist Who appears In concert Tuesday evening, March 28th. at tbe Omaha Auditorium, USES AND INDORSES THE STEINWAY The World's Most Distinguished Piano Company Farnam Street. AND TlJII If Lea let' T lik eell4 rtloa" ..(50 Bounlln aa a aaoath. slUMr wAlte er ! ! aaoata. were CREDIT JEWELERS Ke. 4 Mea'a Dteaseal Blatlaaal Baak Block JUaa ani T e t k 'HI aw.atiaa, ie OU14 ol Onus, opposiw Bag. separtmeat Store. a.0 a MeaU. Lord Bapchtld