Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 16-A, Image 16

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hlch (rows mild In tha British lalea,
and pin wood sawdust ara eicellent sub
stitutes for tha mora evpenslv. eurjtfrsj
dressing which ara ud In greet quan
tities at tha front for tha Immediate re
lief of tha wounded. Tha announcement
of thla fart haa been areeled with rreat
satisfaction since tha coat of tha material
for tha dresslnrs hitherto hsa been aa
ever-Increasing Item.
Ppharnum moss la found In tha English
Iske district. In Wales and In Ireland. It
I considered mora abaorbent than cotton
wool and lees lllceljr to become sodden
and tmcomfortabje. Tor these reason. It
I found admlrabla for dressing wounda
befora tha patient tart a on tha Journey
to tha hospital. Ptna wood aawduat la
ald to ba antiseptic and when put up In
fauta bun a la particularly efficacious for
tha ftrat dressing of head wounds.
Tha Liverpool War Dressing oriranlxa
tlon haa undertaken tha work of making
up thesa new material! ready for usa
and. In connection with tha woman's war
aerrlca bureau, la vending large consign
ments to tha placea where they ara moat
Mr. Mary L'pton Walte, who wss a wr
ter of the lata Ma.lor timers! Kmory t'p
ton of the One Hundred and Twcntr-flrst
i aur-
New Tork Infantry. Mrs. Walta is
(Correspondence ' the ewlated rress.)
LONDON1. March 20.The discovery haa
Just been mad that sphagnum moii,
It takea but a minute of tlma to save
dollars when you read The Bee Want Ad
vlved by two dsuehters, Mrs. Moore,
Mrs. Florence Waits Moore, Fort Crook
boulevard, was called to Marseilles, 111,
Isst week by tha death of her mothe-.
Mrs. Louise Tyron of Marseilles, one son
W. D. of Chicago and six grandchildren
and slK great-grandchildren.
Put Your Furs
And Winter Clothing
In Cold Storage
a as issa aassasssss 'as-SMSMiMS. .ss , , , - , , , s sssssssssssssssss
V "m.
v r -
I MM fif Pink-a-Lene trViSZ&STK
I r ill I l'AYl-ZL l ! iij Ji MM WlrtN I I M tiTvl '? il I' 1 I 7 VI IT1,, W I IS" w. N. work. a. trouble; oe
Take This Advertisement
Of The Wonderful Buying
Cotton Dress Fabrics
values that are hard to duplicate here or any.
where else. Fortune favored us and we were
able to gather together just the . most wanted
1916 weaves at prices which are impossible
under ordinary conditions. Scarce in most
places liberal quantities here, and
proached at these figures.
As a Good Example
Power Of This Store
Sesuttfnl iS-Tnrh Print Vollsa; shear crisp, aalnty fab
rics. Mghly mercerised twists yams, on neea- 4 "
tlful grounds and latest sport strip sffscta I M
Special shawlna Mondey. yard Av
Il-Isch Kngllsh ShlHIng
abaolutsly fast.
"Mr". la a choirs selection of tha newest spring
colorings j
and Wins Stripe Shirting
Monday, I ff
Bala price
The season's most dsllghtful prtattnga on sheerest worea fab
rtcs are represented In our Spray Valine and Vellea -a w
Celeste I handsomely printed on sprmrs and duster I
oorde and hairline sffeoLs. slander, yard XJ
TBe gsnolne Bed S Dress Olaghams and beaattfol Wove
vv,mwwu zspnyrs, run pieoes and mill sheets to
atrlpea. Tard
phyrs, full pieoes and mill sheets to O t
Ul tha wanted checks, plaids and Cj2 C
Tha genuine "Whlttlngton Mills" Xrlnkle geersucksrs
none better made. All the wanted colors for boys' waists.
... rcmior end pisy gannsnts, wom
a tuidsrsklrts, ate. lto TsJnei special, per
trea Olnghama. direct from tha Amosksag
eompany, Much well-known makes m a 6"
O. and Ulll-
ths newest essson's plaids, checks and 1 Vlrt
stripes, lard. IS and .....7 laClJw
iV.'L-n'- 1",h". eephyra, made In Amor.
iTr.Ti . . P'e'oa. rnecas and stripes.
r ; in ins nw ooier rotnft-
blnationa Full bolu and to se
lect from. Tsrd
i. w. ., ' nw ouii, stripes and
yard eisnuoro mass. Monday,
if" J0ilTh," T'1' H"d iimiMr wslght fshrio U
inni man aver, in
the amarteet eeaeoa'a printings; fsat colors. Ele
gant for street and evening wear. Tard
Va.V4 .nolu- a-ennlne fast woeen
kind, II Inches wide. All the wanted ehadsa for
evening, atreet aad summer wsar. Tsrd...!..".
M-Inl ranoy Printed Silk Chiffon, beautiful floral
iiLT rard"w.,...V... .
rilsss Underwear Crepe, beautiful, soft brinkls,
permusot wears. All white. U Inches wide!
rSVJJVT" "nd.,MllJ Bhort" Inch Sheer.
..r?.! :Hm- y"dri. ,f .t,u, M..ot
wtmi in snn marquisette
! iet the thing for summer curtains for
cottages and bungalows. Tsrd
iL.Z Mrofr,d Black Rstesn, h.nd-leom wssvs,
" s yaraa Hpeclal Monday,
to seleot
W omen's
gh Gra
Tailor-Made, Dress, and
Semi-Dress Styles
Take this as an example of the way this store prepares
and anticipates the trend of the feminine mind. Silk
Suits were never so popular as thia season, and we have
never shown a more complete, stock.
Beautiful Garments Every One
Taffetas, Gros de Londre. Silk Poire. Silk Ponlina:" t.
Made with pretty combination silks in effective full-ripple akirta
lancy, aressy jbckcis. ine sort tones used in the color
scnemes this season make them wonderfully attractive.
Field Mouse, Belgian Blue, Hague Blue
Taupe, Grays, Navy and Black
$25.00, $35.00, $39.00, $49.00
$65.00 and to $139.00
Tha Sprightly Spirit ef
Spring Peraonlfled.
Smart Afternoon and Dinner Frocks
Our showing of the newest and smartest frocks for
emi-dresi affairs has never been so comprehensive
and effective aa at present.
The new Rusaltn effects with the nobby draped
puffs and bustle effects, the wired full skirted models
and tha pretty draped tunics. ...... . , .
Combinations of Georgette with taffetas, crepe
meteor, crepe de chine, etc.
$34.75, $49, $59, $65 and .tp( $98
IT,,B4,0 c,rot,a. h'ack and whits, grsvs, erf
shlrttnse. ste. full plscea to select from Hon. f
dsy. yerd .... J W
M-Inch ure White Tajema Checka and
V I. rabrlca, best gradst lengths to
yards; yard
About 15 pieces of All-Linen Table Damask, in a
range of pretty pattern: regulation width. Per
yard, 85c 1 - .
All-Linen Crash, 16o
This is an. extra quality crash. In the full
bleached and half bleached qualities: 18 inches
wide; soft and absorbent kinds. Yard. 18c
All-Linen Napkins, 6 for 08c
Otis' lot of Napkins: dlnnsr sue (no cloths or dsmssk to
match). A grest assortment of patterns. for Me.
There's a Charm About These Blouses
That Will Make
Them Popular
In fact, there are so many
models hundreds if you
please that every wom
an's fancy will be suited'.
All the newest styles and
colorings. Right up to
the minute.
Georgette Crepe Blouses
Filmy Laces and Chiffons '
Made in the new colon Jo match the suits.
Some are beautifully embroidered, others
beaded. . . $5.50 u $22.50
First Showing; of the
New Chinese Blouses
With worsted embroidery in (QQ " r
the pastel colorings 3)se 3
Dainty Linen and Lingerie Blouses I
$1.95 to $3.00
Poise, Style and Pgr- 4 l
sonallty Plus si
Top Coats for Strtet and Auto, Wear
Smartness is the keynote of the coats and wraps
this season, whether it is for sport wear, auto wear,
dress or street, there is something that is striking about
the new garments.
The wide flared, boxy, rippled, sporty and dressy
models are all shown In such a variety of fabrics as to
appeal to the demands of everyone.
Bolivia Cloths, Velours, Poplins," Silk Taffetas,
Checks, Etc. ,
$15, $19, $25, $35 and to $98
Top Coat that typifies
Style of the moment
$2.75 SPREADS, $1.98
The Cameo Satln-Klnlshed Spreads, scalloped
ends and cut corners; all in beautiful pattern;
large size. ,A leader for Monday. Each, 91,93
6c Wash Clothes, 3c -100
doen fancy colored Turkish Wash Cloths;
one day only, each, 3j
25c Towels, IDo '
Fall blsarhed and fancy stripe Turkish Towels; sztra
Quality and fluHr; hemmed ends; while lit dosea last,
each, !.
Basement WashGoods Sale
Offers Excellent Economies
EVERY WOMAN can make good use of an ex
tra yard or so of some of these fabrics, more es
pecially when such good savings as these may
be made.
ll-lnch Tub Silk; colored stripes on whits
(rounds; fsst colors.
'' Assortment of Printed Voile. I.ers Cloth. Rtrs Cloth.
Military Htrtpee, etc.; white and tinted grounds with small
snd larts floral deslans; narrow and wlds stripes, r f"
plaids, awnln stripes, stc, for blouses, dreeeee S "t
and Indoor wear. 40 Inches wide, ysrd W KJ
.!!?.kn tMiot High-Class Kmhroldered Voile snd Crepe, slso
llk and Cotton Crepos snd other noreltles. M f
worth to 11. Of. While th. lot IUn
yard Ta
Purbar Novelty Sport Bultln. In plsln whits, blsrk
and white stripes and all ths wsnted shsdes. 17
tnchss wlds. Monday, yard
Ilk Ratios, In cream, light blue. Copenhsgen and
the new shade of tan. Sf Inches wlds. Per
It-Inch Windsor Crspe, In coin dots, ewn'lng'strtpee:'
large and small floral designs, on whits and tlntsd
Thoueands of yerds of fins Bilk Jaconarrts and Dottsd Chlf-
in every wanted snade, for strest and m
erenlng wesr. blouees, stc; t4 and It Inches I "
wide. Monday,
For blouses, grsdtistlon dresses, sport coats snd suits, hones
dresses, children's wsar, nndermusllns. foundstlone, etc. Tou
will find this department alive with all new fabrics and
designs for ths coming season.
High-Class Imported White Rmbroldered Novel
tlee.; all new designs: 41 lnchss wlds; worth
i'. ii..q, Nonair, yara.,
jio-Ineh Whits Volls. In cords,' 'military' stripes',' ewew
lacs effects, plalde, eto. Per
a s
i Bstlsta
is. heuss
xnadow Voile. I.a'-e Cloth. Ino Stripes, Embroidered Bstlsta
-ioin. rnis sssortsd lot consists of all
Imported materials, worth to lie. 40 and 41
Inches wide. Tsrd....
White Wssh Corduroy, for sport coats and suits;
fast pile; 31 Inches wlds. Per
White Pique, soft velvet finish and hesvy wsle;
for suits snd separata skirts. II Inches wide.
White Gabardine; wool finish; regular 40c val
us; 31 Inches ' wlds. Psr
Whits Kngllsh Repp; good quality for nurses'
unirorms. strset and house dressee, outing wesr,
etc; IT inches wide. Monday. ' yard
Assortsd Whits Ooods, for suits, dresses, uniforms.
aressee, etc., including Klce Cloth, Ratine,
Flsion. I .are B tripes and I.lnen Finish Suiting;
SI snd 41 Inchee wide. Tard
White Dimities In' checks, hairline and cluster
stripes; slightly Imperfect pieces of the llo
grade. Monday, yard.....
41-Inch Whits French Orgsndls; shssr snd
erlap; I0e value I only a fsw plscea Mon
day, yard
Wash FabricsMost Wanted
In a Main Floor Sale
40-Inch Satin Ribbon Stripe Voile, in the "' t gg
new high colorings; 40 inches wide. Yard.. J leUU
Imported Embroidered Organdie, new plaid effect for
dainty gowns and blouses; 45 inches r fo
wide. Yard . pl0
Beautiful Imported Beam Voile, in white and tinted
grounds, with large floral designs. 45 inches rr
wide. Monday, yard ,. OC
45-Inch French Dress Linen, in white and f aa
all the wanted shades. Yard 4 1 eUU
Cretonne Sport Skirting, In floral and awning r?f
stripes. 86 inches wide. Yard..., OUC
' v
Fashion Declares for Laces
And Here They Are
PREPAREDNESS means to u to be able to serve the
best interests of our customers at the time when merchandise
is most desired that's the way we feel about the Lace Store
today ready to meet all demands.
SC-Incb Fancy Embroidered Nets, on black and white
grounds i 1
86-Inch Fine Shadow Allovera. in white and cream I At
42 Inch All-Silk Chiffons, In black, white and colors......
4 to 6 Inch Gold and SUrer Lace Edgea. embroidered on f
silk mallne and novelty nets tjSC
22 Inch All Silk Chiffons, embroidered la colors, suitable V
for waists, separate sleeves, etc I ' v
4 to $ All Silk Chantllly Lace Edges and Demi- rd
Gold and Silver La-,e Edges. 4 to inches wide, embroidered on silk and
fine cotton nets; black and gold, and black and silver effects. Oriental
Nat Top Lace Edges, in white and cream; up to 4 inches wide. Of?
Neat designs. 3c values, Monday, yard aUOC
Imported Shadow Lace Flouncing, IS Inchea wide, la white and cream
Very pretty lacey effects, suitable for party dresses and waists, ej r
Worth 8c yard 19C
All-Silk Dress Nets, 40 Inches wide, in black, white and colors. if
Worth $1.00, yard tC
Fancy Wah ices, suitable for underwear, children's' dVesa'es! curtains
fancy wrk. etc.. Including French. German and Filet Vals. many In
matched sets. PUtt Vel Lace Edgea and Insertions. All Linen Tor- f
chons and Imitation Cluny Bands and Kdgra, worth to 12Hc, yartL.OC
Radium Silk Allover Lace, 86 Inches wide. In white, creem. ochre and
black. Newest lace novelty for fancy blousea, separate sleeves, $ -s -x
etc 60 new styles to select from. Worth to $2.00, yard.... Iel7
Spring Dress Goods
50 and 64-inch all-wool Black and White
Checks, Stripes and Plaids, suitable for
coatings, suiting and skirts, in all the
smart spring combinations and colors.
All siie checks and stripes, in both light
and fY 0UndS Y'rd' 1,5O,'1,0
42 and 64 Inch All Wool Dress Goods,
Suitings and Coalings, such aa Gabar
dines, Poplina. Bedford Cords, Stripes,
Checks, Costume and French Serges, etc.,
In all the wanted spring shades; all guar
anteed old standard dye. Worth to $1.75.
un saie Monday,
two groups,
86 and 44-Inch Wool Dress Goods
Serges, Whipcords. Granites, Black and
White Checks, Fancy Checks, Stripes,
Plaids. Plain and Fancy Mohairs, etc.,
especially adapted for dresses, suits and
skirts. All new colors and black; all
colors guaranteed old QQ A O
standard dyes. Yard. OzJCf HuC
rsa.. 98c, $1.19
Every Dainty Flower of the Field
Here On Milady's Spring Hat
offer for a leader on Monday, and a fair sample of the
fascinating types we are showing all through the store
these days.
American-made dress hats of hair novelty braid, leg
horn, tulle or georgette crepe, on which field and road
side flowers are used to a great extent. The large, soft
hat, which is distinctly new this season, will find enthu
siastic favor among a great many women.
I An
exact sketch of the
Flower Hat at
The tailored suit finds Its completment in the
large sailor, with stunning wings, birds, pompons
or quills Inserted at unexpected angles; also, tur
bans high crowned and narrow brimmed small
hats, cleverly trimmed with high ribbon bows,
domestic goura and flowers.
Extensive assortment of untrimmed hats and
all the most wanted trimmings, all crisply
new and very specially priced for this
week's selling
The New Spring Silks at 98c
Are Here in Bewildering Variety
NEW ARRIVALS daily to add to this distinguished showing. Newest colorings and desitrns
36-inch iStnped Messaline
36-meh Checked Louisine ....
36-inch Striped Taffeta
30-inch Silk Suiting Faille...,
Cheney Foulards, $1.50 Yard
Foulards wtll be the popular silk
for early sunwner wear. We, are
showing a beautiful assortment of
Cheney's 40 Inch Shower-Proof
Foulards, in the new disk, motif
floral and dot combinations; in ail
the newest colorings.
Monday, yard
36-Inch Silk Poplin, 49c Yard
36 Inch Silk Poplins, soft finish,
good weight, in navy, Copenhagen,
wistaria and old rose. Will give
splendid service. a g
Yard HUC
40-Inch Plaid Crepe Jennesse
Something Just out of the ordi
nary; smart plaid effects in all the
wanted color combine- J qp
tlons. Yard )levO
40-inch Silk Bedford Suiting 08c
36 inch Swiss Messaline 98o
40-in. Silk and Wool Chiffon Poplins, 98c
36-inch Toweling Check Louisine 98c
New Sport Stripe Jap Silks
for Blouses, have arrived, in a mag
nificent array of color combina
tions; 36 in. wide. t r f
Yard Ol.UU
40-Inch Radium Taffeta, $1.95.
Just received thirty new spring
shades in that exquisite 40-Inch
Radium Taffeta New bluea, rose,
grays, amethyst, green. Indivisible
blue, etc.. etc. Yard, fl.05.
A large assortment of Beauti
ful Bedroom Tapers; all the
newest stripes, allovera and
chambrays, with cut-out bor
ders in all widths to match;
-Wall Paper-
i Wall Papers for upstairs rooms and
bedrooms. In light and dark colors,
Monday only, 6c values. O
Per roll OC
Varnished Papers for bathrooms
and kitchens; guaranteed wash
able; In all colors; regular 26c
values. Special Monday, 1 r
roll IOC
The most popular papers for living
rooms, libraries, halls and dining
rooms are our Plain Oatmeal
Papers. A large asosrtment of cut
out borders to match, designed for
any particular room. These papers
sell regularly for 26c. Monday we
will display all newest n r
shades at, per roll lsvC
Fascinating Lace Curtains
And Curtain Materials
THAT ARE MORE Than Little Priced
Take, for example, Traveler's Sample Curtains at 45c
each 90c a pair if we were to state the value on
these or the price they are marked at in regular stock
you would not believe it and that's a fair sample of
what you may expect to find here on Monday.
Dutchess Curtains, with very neat borders; ivory or ecru color. In our
$3, 98 "nd $4.98
Scrim Curtain, fine quality, sheer mercerised, hsnd drawn-work, eyelet
embroidery and trimmed with fjO QQ C'A QQ 4C Q Q
Barmen lace. Sale price, pair. . .'. V.JO) D4l70) P).UO
Quaker Lace Curtains Let la the air and light These are the very new
est curtain for the modern home.
Endless assortments, at pair....
$1.98, $2.50, $3.50
cerised Marquisettes, Voile and Scrims, with tape and ribbon 1 f
edges. Value te 60c, yard liJC
bargain at, each HOC J
Lac Curtain, Scrim Curtain and Novelty Curtain, wonderful a p
bargaln at, each 45 C
. m