-n -a SEE 'INTERESTS' AT WORKTOJNTERYENE Officiil. Think "Alarmist Report," Eridence of "Powerfol Iaflu . eicti'Beekinf War. KTTST BE HUSHED UP AT ONCE THREE AMERICANS KILLED OH BORDER Two Women and One Man Reported Victimi of Supposed Mexican Bandits. AUTO PARTY TELLS OF IT WASHINGTON, March 25. What ara regarded a evidences of activity of powerful influences to fore intervention In Mexico through ' tha spreading- of alarmist reports were) discussed at today's cabinet meeting and resulted In the prepara tion of a formal statement on the subject by Secretary Lansing, which probably will be made public tomor row. - . ' Administration official! believe that a definite effort is being made to -bring about war between the United States and Mexico. One cab inet member expressed the opinion followins; ''today's meeting that the attempts to force intervention were backed by interests owning prop erty in northern Mexico. Seek f Brla War. Tell defined steps weie bring telien. re aid, to stir tif publlo opinion In Moslco anl the L'nlted Mate to a point where a. general clash between the two nations would M Inevitable. Stvrrsl wamlnaa asa'.nat spreading alarmist report l.sve lean lsued by ad ministration official already, and It wh ild tonlfht that President Wilson, deeply resentful over the situation, was determined that the agitation be brought to an end. Legal steps to atop the apreadlng of false news are understood to be under consideration. ! Discussion began In the aenate when Senator Lewis, democrat, offered a resolution asserting" that American auth orities have knowledge that Villa la be ing' financed from fore!gn Cftuntrlea aivt from the United lHates and proposlny to brand peraona giving such alt to the hjtndlt as "guilty of actual treneon." No action was taken and the debate a on ended. Border Aake Help. Several mraegea from border etat-e were read telling of apprehenaton In bor dei towns. Senator Ashurst of Arlsona. made publlo a telegram from Douglaa, eiylng a force Of 10,W) Carransa troop with forty cannon waa concentrate within six miles of that place, and pro testing that American troopa In that vicinity ' were not permitted to make preparation for defense. .'Slelp as before It It too late." 1 am tired of trying to get anything done," Senator Aahurat eald, explaining why h gave out the dispatch. Yuan Shi Kai Says The Chinese Nation i "Racing to Perdition" WASHINGTON. March R.-Presldent Yuen Phi Ksl'a mandate renouncing me acceptance ot the titlo of emperor of CMna and declaring china's return to repuMloah government waa made publlo la part tonight by the Chinese legation- In the mandate tuan Bht Kai say he consented to proposals for a monarchy eter "irresistible" Insistence by a con vention of popular repreeentatlvea but feeling . that acceptance ot the throne would violate hie oath ae president never took aay steps -to put the monarchtal program actually Into effect. V6T hi failure to bppeee the monarchlal movement rnore vigorously, however, he takea upen hlmsellthe blame for "all the faults ot the country." end ealle upon ell Chinese to unite In savin a nation which' throtifth Internal dissension la "raa ln to perdition." The mandate In pert aaye: "All the Unite. of the country are mine. I have mylf to blame for my leak ot virtue. Why should I blamei ethersT The people have been ' thrown Into mlaery. The Soldiers have been made to bear hard ships. Commerce hae declined. Taking thle condition into consideration, 1 feel exceedingly sorry.", DOUGLAS, Arlt., March 25. Three Americans, two women and one man, were killed near Olbnon's Line ranch on the New Mexico-Mexico boundary, eight mllea west of Columbus, N. M., between 4 and 6 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, pre sumably by Mexicans, according to the story brought here by a party of five Douglas people, who said they arrived on the scene shortly after tho bodies had been removed by soldiers. A command of United 8tates sol diers stationed at the Gibson ranch waa said to have crossed the line In pursuit of the slayers. Samuel Collins, automobllo dealer; Mr. and Mrs. Ruasell T. Chllders, Mlea Lottie MUlnowskl and Edward Freeman, all of Douglas, were the automoblllats who told of the alleged killing. The names of the persons said to have been killed were not learned, according to the story told tonight by Mr. and Mrs. Chllders and Miss MUlnowskl. Th party had been to V3 I'nso on a pleasure trip. They decided that they would visit Co lumbus to view the ruins left by the rnl1 of Villa's men Instead of returning here through Iemlng and Irdburg, N. M Fremont Lads Come to Omaha to Learn How to Make Bird Houses l--" YAKI5H i ual training. Boys of the Fremont school are going to take up bird house work and the teachers of the Dodge county metropolis ara plan ning to include study of birds in their curriculum. Many visitors from nerbv towns have attended the exhibit. Friday afternoon the children of Hawthorne school, on the South Klde, vlsltej the exhibit This week City Commissioner Hummel will be!n to Install tho hotisea In the parks, acrorrllnK to th" dcelsnatlon cards attnih-! ! t Tie boys to their houses, pi efrronoee being in favor of the parks near fie home of the boys. Hitchcock Asks for Data from Lansing WASHINGTON. March 1. -Senator Hitchcock, v democrat, toddy Introduced and had referred to the fore Inn relation committee a reaoiutlon requretlng 8-H-rj-tary Lansing to furnish the following In formation. If net Incompatible with pub llo Interest: Whether Oreat Britain will rermtt fool turn lies to ha sent from the t'nlud Rt'iten to I'oland through nuutral ports without What limitation Oreat Itrltnin mnkrt er what guarantors It requires from ler many. The extent of the rellf work in fo'anl and whether negotiations y the t'n tt d Hates with Great Hrltaln end Gortinny would prevent or delay I'ollh relief at this Ume. CHARLES HERFURTH Wesley Taklsh and Charles Her furth, representing the eighth grade and H'gh school of Fremont, visited the bird house exhibit in the city council chamber as official rep resentatives of their city. The Fre mont Board of Education sent these boys to Omaha to secure information on bird house construction and paid the expenses of the visitors. The boys were given information by Helen Thompson, supervisor of man- Keep Your Stomach Well Bt's iiie Secret of Good Health The Stomach is tho eon trolling power in all mat ters pertaining to health and it must be kept strong1 and active. At the first sign of weakness, try 'OOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters REPUBLICANS FORM CLUB AFTERKENNEDY TALKS ALLIANCE. Neb., March 35.-(Spcelal Telegram.) John - Kennedy, candidate for the republican nomination for United States senator, addressed the Women's clnb of Alliance yesterday. This even ing a larxe number of the represent ative republicans gathered at the I'helan Opera-house, where an enthusiastic meet ing waa held. A heavy snow storm early In the evening kept many away. Srfr. Kennedy spoke on "Preparedness From a Business Standpoint," also touch ing on the Mexican situation. . A repub lican club was started after the meeting. Nearly a hundred names wss registered. Republican leaders are getting together and predict a large republican gain m this county at the fall election. . Pair Killing Sheriff Captured by a Posse t siTTSKOQEK, Okl., March 24,-raul V. Hadley and his young, bride of Kansas City, Mo., accused of killing Sheriff Jake Otles of Beaumont Te., aboard, 4 Mis eourt, Kansas A Texas passenger train early this morning, were ciptured late teday a few mites from. ChecoUlV when a posse surrounded ,( farm house In which the couple hsd taken refuge.' Treatment of Jews i Discussed in Duma tiOXDON. Narth B-The Russian Thima, says a Reuter dlspatoh from Pet orad, concluded after two alttlnga, a debate en the interpellation by the oppo sition regarding clreutara leaned by the ministry of finance and the provincial au thorities requesting them to keep strict watch on the Jewish population. Accord ing to the ministry's Information, the Jews are rt Hired In a pernicious cam paign of commercial speculatlsn In food stuffs and other tteceeaarlea ot life, with the Result thst the prices et those articles bavg been much Increased. . Peverat speeches were made violently attacking the government s policy of repression ot the Jews. . The director Of the department of po lice read a circular which had been Issued t the departmental authorities Instruct ing them to take . energetic measure! against all anti-Jewish propaganda. The Interpellation wal then , withdrawn. STRYKER GIVEN HEARING WITH REFERENCE TO RATES WASHINGTON. March K.-fSneclal Teelgram.) A- F. Rtryker, secretary of the South Omaha I4ve Ptock exchange, had a hearing yesterday ; before the Interstate Commerce commission, with reference to rates on live stock consigned to the Omaha yards. . '.. . , 1 e Rid of Piles A Free Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat merit Will Amax You With Its Besults. - -, , ' . . . Take Mr Advise-rOat rrraatUPUe It ta on I Union Pacific Shows Making Big Cleaning KEW TORK. March .-The Union Faclflo Railroady company today sub tnliud February earnings, showing a gross Increase of !,4l ObO, with a net gain ot d.taS.Ota. Like Southern Partflc's statement of the previous day, Vnlon Pactflo shows a proportionate Increase In operating expenses, due In part to greater cost of material and labor. PASSENGERS SCARED: , THINK WHALES U-BOATS . NEW TORK, March S.-Ftve whales suddenly appearing In the path of the Italian steamship lam pal la while that vessel was skirting the ooast et Sardinia cnjls Wsy from Genoa end Nep'es to this pott, .caused an alarm of submarines and resulted In a near panic among the in sUeragS passengers, according to reports f paotngere when the ship arrived to ll V. . Officers of the ship quieted the passen ger', fears and the wiialea soon disap peared. Help Year Liver -It rare. V. 'a your liver gets torpid and stom ach. Sxts queer tak Ir. King's New Lift Mils. You will feel better. Only tic All djfcst iats. Adtertlsemtnt lv fair to yourself to TRT Pyramid lle Treatment the moat popu lar Home pile treatment in toe wuria today aud oue that hae stoucl tke test ot time. Mail the coupon NOW or e'ae set a 6no bo i of Pyramid file Treetiueut fruusauy druggist. Take rosubeiituw. FilEC. G&OPLE COUPON PTRAMIU Mtt'O COMPANY. . tnS pyramid Bldg. Marahall. Mleh. Kindly send me a Free sample of PyvaasM Pits Triiuiwt. la Plata wrapper Name Street City. 1 1 M 1 1 1 tste. 'nun DigLlattrcss Feature All week1 and during the first week of April AT RAYMOND'S 1513-15 Howard St. If a new mattress or box spring is on your chopping list for this spring's houseeleaning program, don't fail to see RAYMOND'S WINDOWS and their big mattress department this week and see the material that makes your mattress, and see them built before your own eyes in our windows. RAYMOND FURNITURE CO. 1513-1515 Will Save Ypu Monoy HOWARD ST. Theile A Reason It Will PAY YOU to See the Stock and GET Our PRICES Before You Buy. 1 t -9 Our Price $57.75 )o ur Price $36 Among our many magnificent bedroom suites in finest dull brown mahogany, this one, here, illustrated, represents a correct Early Colonial reproduction. The dresser is 52 inches in width 'with large mirror extending full width across; the chiffonier is of proportionate size. The bed, to match, is of semipostcr design, aetly reproduced in 'accom panying illustration. The triple mirror, very wide and roomy ladies' toilej table to match the suite, not shown, price $38.25 f Our Price $5 1.00 Our Price $51.00 Our Price $30.00 This elegant drawing; room taoie ft a classic In modern 'de signing from the early style and alender proportions of the Wil liam and Mary period. A quaint and beauti ful reproduction of the old time splnnet In a deak for the living room with many con. venlent small drawers and compartments Kn Its unique mechanism In solid mahogany. Our price " $32.50 f i f MATTRESSES Mattresses and Bx Springs will be the engaging feature all week with you at our store. Notice our windows. A visit to the store Monday and every day during the week will amply repay you to get acquainted with the mattress quality and mattress price shown in a feature display in both our large windows and in our mattress de partment, covering a room 25x110 feet on our third floor. Remember to Think of RAYMOND WHEN YOU Think of Furniture. I.-LII6 TDODGEamDOUQLAS.STREETS Read the Big Month End Special Grocery Sale tor Monday !layIen'n for Quality and a Rav ing of 23 to 50 on the Cost of I'lvlns:. 1 4 lbs. best Pure Granulated viiaar for 91.00 48-lb. sack Best High Grade Dia mond II Flour, made from tho best selected No. 1 wheat, noth ing finer for bread, pies or cakes, every sack guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction. Monday, 4H-lo. sack for 7 lbs. Pure New York Buckwheat Flour for 8 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn- nieal for . . . .a . . '. 1 7c 8 lbs. Best Rolled White Break fast Oatmeal for 2V 7 lbs. Best Bulk Laundry Starch for 2r Yeast Foam, pkg 8c K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg ftc V. O. C. or K rum bios, pkg Oc Advo Jell, for desert, pkg. . ."Me Skinner's Macaroni. Vermloella or Fprghettl. pkg 7Hc Loose-Wiles, Omaha mad, Fancy Cioklej and crackers, 10c, i2Hc end loe, 5 large cans Condensed Milk, 21c 6 small cass Condensed Milk. 2lc 3 cans Fancy Sweet S'.igar Ctrn, Wax, String or Green Peans, 21c. S large cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or Sauer Kraut 21c 3 large cans Pork & Beans.. 23c MacLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb'., at 12Hc I.arge bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles, as sorted kinds, or Mustard, per bot tle, at 8sc Tall cans Alaska Salmon. . .Hijc 6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines for 4 lOc 5 lbs. Choice Japan Rice 23c 10 bars Beat 'Em All or Diamond C. Soap for 23c The Best Tea Slftlngs. lb. . .12c Choice Basket Fired, Sun Dried. Gunpowder, English Breakfast or Ceylon Tea. lb c Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa. To. 30c Fancy Oolden Santos Coffee, per lb., at 20C The llest Strictly Freeh E?Cg9, per dot., Rt 20C The Best Table Butterlne, equal to Creamery Butter, lb 23c 2 lbs. Good Butterlne 23c 86 Size Fancy Florida Grape Fruit Monday, each 7Mc This siso retails regularly for 12 He and 15c each. Knt H'chlind Navel Oronjtes, the most healthy fruit grown, Mon day, doz 20c, 23c, 30c The l!et Red River Potatoes, per peck, at 80c 15 lbs. to the peck Watch your weights. FreBh Cabbage, lb t,c Fresh Carrots, Turnips, Shallots or Radishes, bunch.... m a Freeh Asparagus, lb 20c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 10c Fancy Large Cucumbers, each et I2tc and 13c Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips, per lb llic 3 large Soup Bunches 10c Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart at lOr Fancy Head Lettuce, por head, at. 5c and 7 He Fancy Rhubard. lb 5c 3 heads Fresh Hothouse Leaf Let tuce for 10c All kinds of Garden Sfted. Buy Your Onion Seta Now. The price will double in i weeks. Monday only, quart ..8c "TRY HA YD EN'S FIRST "MiE public preference for Goodyear Tires affects alike all parts of America, as shown by our recent tire census in 71 centers. I The grand average of Goodyears was 21 per cent and this with close to 200 brands of tires on the market This , Goodyear preference is built 'upon the bed-rock of public satisfac tionthe individual experience of the avenge man, who has found that GoodyearTires go farther, last longer, ' and so cost him less in the end. - Gooiear T i re s Easy to gelnm CoaJyear SaWce Station Dtalen Eftryhtn This was one et the . title Included In the census. Goodyear Tires counted here totaled 962. or 2.0 per cent ouj of a grand total of 3,2. Results In other cities give Goodyear as high as 41 pr cent of all the tires noted roof tlve that Goodyear one preferred Some Store is the universal opinion of every one visiting our newly remodeled store. The same high quality goods nd low. prices which has earned us the title of Omaha's leading lquor store still prevail. takes home a full quart of to 10-year-o'd whlnky Just as fins as you want to drink. e If your favotlis brn1 is here: OLD CROW, OI.O TiTLOa, CKDAm BBOOK, OKEZir BITS, OVOKEITSSIXfim, ClABI i ail, iniST BSOOK and others. Special Sals now on Whiskies, Brandies, Wines. t Quart Bottlae) Beer, 8 So. CACKLEY BROTHERS Bead to rrse Ctaloerae Toosy. lata aa4 Capitol Avsaoe, Omaaa. S(0)C -T ,GH inspired Key to f Inlernatsarml Situmnn O r a . W 11 SmSMSBBMHK S2 cmnta nttr : I Mil PHONE TYLER 1000 fo will ticnt. ta - soartooas essrlus mm lknk wmm wre aUvrla yaws WaaUssf 4' nl i ) V -ei v. ! i i