Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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K (buld Not Find Pair in Denver and
Now ii Searching Omaha to
Uie in "Jerry.
Suit of pink pyjamas -wanted by
Fva Lang at the Boyd theater. Miss !
Lang returned to Omaha Friday
morning from Denver, to begin a
stock engagement at the Boyd Sat
urday evening. The opening play
will be "Jerry," and It la necessary
that Miss Lang acquire pink pyjamas
as part of her wardrobe for this pro
duction. "As soon as we got off the train
I sent my maid out to buy some pink
pyjamas. She returned after two
hours to say she could not find the
drMred shade. I sent her back to
y again. I. Just have to get some
pink silk pyjamas or I don't know
what I shall do. Wish I knew of
friend here who would loan
me her pyjamas," said the actress, at
she sat in the mezzanine floor of the
Fontenelle hotel.
. Mob In nearer.
Mlii Lang1 related that the last time she
played Jerry aha appeared In expensive
rreatn-cotored allk pyjamas, but waa
criticised because Bull Burke had Iden
tified herself with the pink variety. Bhe
said aha searched every store in Den
ver in vain for a suit of pink.
"Am I glad to set back to Omaha?
Well, you know that retting back to
home and friends Is the most we set
out of this stasre business. The last time
I left Omaha I felt that perhaps I would
not return, but I have received ao many
kind expressions that It makes ma' feel
happy," she replied.
Miss Lang has been playing at the
Denham theater In Denver. On her way
here ahe stopped at Eads, Colo.,' to visit
hrf mother, who la not In very good
' Ltkea to Motor.
iAoeordlng to the arrangement made,
lles Lang will appear In six plays in
riock theaters In Omaha, Denver, St.
Louis, Kansas City, Ban Francisco and
IW Angeles, over a circuit of houses.
Omahi'i popular stock actress has
IVtFi&ken to motoring with a vengeance. Last
J 1m season she bought a high-power car which
V. she had painted yellow, a color which is
V regarded with superstitious dread by
3 theatrical people. This color, however,
la her favorite and ahe says It has been
a lucky color for her. She will never
open an engagement without soma sug
gestion of yellow in the theater. Her
car has been painted purple this season,
but she continues to favor yellow In her
election of flowers and other material
But ahe must have pink pyjamas, or
there'll be no show Saturday evening!
Autoists Would
Teach Pedestrians
- Bow to Walk Right
There are "Pure Food Weeka," "Baby
Health Weeks." "Wonderful Window
Weeka," "Thrift Days." et al.
Now a clique of Omaha motorists
would Inaugurate a "Walk Right Day."
A number of automobile owners are
endeavoring to Interest the Omaha Auto
mobile club In the agitation for a day on
which to educate pedestrians on the
proper way. to behave, In crossing -the
Toledo, O., recently held a "Walk
Right Day" with very successful results.
The accidents In that city on the ar-
r. pointed day are said to have been in
flnlteslmal. r. 8 E- Smyth, assistant secretary of
U ( Automobile club, declared that fully
Wjer cent or an motor car accidents
ire caused by the carelessness of pedes-
) .rlana.
Made Mistake in
f Passing Pride of
South Side Force
A. Donahue, owner of a long, rakish
speed creation to which a mere sixty
miles sn hour is "grapes," paid a fine
of II and costs in South Side police court
for the privilege of making a "flivver"
smell his smoke.
The passing of the "flivver" at Twenty
fourth and Hickory ttroeta would have
passed by without Incicent had not the
"smoke smellers" been members of the
South Side police deputment.
According to Chauffeur Danbnum,
driver of the South Aide police emergency
' car, and Officers allien and Allen, Don
ahue and his speed chariot passed thorn
as If they had been standing still.
The arrest followed after a chase.
AaEconomies Evident in Saturday's Sales That Will Earn Hundreds of New Friends for Hayden'tf
the annual debate held by the
Cn'ighton Literary society Thursday eve'
ning, Philip J. Cogley waa awarded the
sold medal as the beat Individual speaker
The question was, "Resolved, That con
gress should substantially adopt the
recommendations of the secretaries of
war and of the navy for an Increased
armament." The affirmative waa repre
sented by Philip J. Cogley., Lawrence J.
Ha nan and Ralph J. Wilson; the negative
by Lyle W. Doran. P. Earl Carroll and
George B. Boland. The affirmative had
the honor of winning both the debate and
the medal.
Benedict M. English, president of the
Crelghton College Oratorical aofiety, pre
sided as chairman and opened the debate
with a few introductory remarks. The
Judges were J F. Woolery. Central Htr. i
school, K. II Barrett. Dunlan. Ia.. and
Tearlngton of 8outh High school.
immigration Agent Howard of the Bur
lington, who Is out at Alliance, where
filings are to be nude for the forty
three tracts of Irrigated land that is to
be put on the market by the government.
headquarters that up to
night 124 applieanU had filed
nd paid the water rlnht.
J Of the applications, ninety-five are for
what ia known as the Mitchell tract
The Mitchell tract constats of eighty
acre of land, cloao to the railroad, all
level and good soil. It U asserted that
It is worth M per acre.
be put on the n
telegraphs to
. M Xwr,day nighl
T , JTppllcations an
New Neckwear
A special line of Ladle' New Spring Neckwear on Sale Saturday.
fine NKCKWKAn AT !i"Vc The new large cape collar, fine organdie
tailor collars, embroidered Fwiss collar, collar and cuff sets, novelty
linen collars: 50c values, Saturday, only 2o
tt.OO NKCKwEAU AT BOc Very fine Oeorpette collars, embroid
ered In gold and silver; chiffon collars, lace vestees, organdie ves
tees; special, at f0
New KM (iloves for Hprlng; Wear.
We are exceptionally well prepared with a splendid assortment
from which to choose and match up your new Spring Suit.
Women's new French Kid Gloves, new styles and colorings, at, the
rnlr l..r0 to $2.50
Women's French Ijunbukln, all colors, specially priced, pr., S1.1J)
Women's wiushntile Kid Gloves that wh perfectly. In all the nw
shades, at. pair 81.00. St .50 and 82.00
Kayser t'hamolsette Gloves, gray and black, at, pair 592
Real Class in Men's Spring Clothes
Let us rub out that question mark,
that stands between you and Spring
"We're ready to solve your problems of correct and sat
isfying clothes, with assortments which for breadth, for
real quality of tailoring and materials for real class in
style and patterns, waa never surpassod in the west.
"We're splendidly ready with the complete spring linos of
Hart, Shaffner
and Marx
Guaranteed Suits and Overcoats
$yn $oc $?n
$35 arid$40
A 'higher standard of excellence than ever is evident
in the showings of
Variations in style and patterns to suit all tastes and
sizes to fit all builds of men
Matchless values in Men's Suits, at $12.50, $15, $18
Captivating Models in Suits, Coats,
uresses, wraps
Worn makers whoso skill and superior good
taste passes unquestioned in the world of "Women's
"Whatever your idea in dress, if it's right, you'll
find it exemplified in the most fetching manner here
Worth $20
and $25. ..
"Well worth
$T0, at
Exclusive designs in fine
taffetas, gros U londres,
failles and the choice
weaves in wool fabrics,
the choicest lot of , Suit
values in Omaha, $35.
2,000 of them for your
selection, in plain color
ed poplins, gabardines,
men's wear serges,
checks, choice novelties,
eta; all colors and
sues, 16 to 4fi, $16.75.
placet! on sale Saturday, at, choieo plU
Newest ideas in the Flare, Belted and Semi-Tailleur
effects in poplins,serges, novelties, etc., in all wanted
colors and patterns.
Mado to sell up to $20.00, at. . i O
A wide assortment of colorings and styjes
in taffetas, satins, silk crepes and combi
nation silk and wool fabrics; designs for
all occasions. -
Made to sell up to $G.00, at.
Your choieo of most wanted plain
colors or fancies, in big assortment of
crepe de chines, radiums, laces, tub
silk, etc.
In beautiful garments for the little folks at most moderate prices.
Elegant New Coat Values. $2.95 to $15.00 I Two Dress Specials, at. . . .' .$1.00 to $1.50
Traveling Goods
Pleasing Savings
It will certainly pay you well to
provide for the future needs
right now. ,
100 trunks bought from the manu
facturer at off regular cost, on
special sale at same reduction; all
styles Included, steamer trunks,
wardrobes, general purpose trunk.
. Trunks worth $8.O0, at. . 84.00
Trunks worth $8.00, at . . $5.75
Trunks Worth $10, at. . . .$6.05
Trunks worth $15, at. .... .$11
Suit Case Special
A large lot of Fibre Suit Cases, 24
inch long and 7-inch wide; a large
roomy case, with steel Qg
frame; regular $1.26 value! OuC
Choose Your New Hat at HaydenY Where
the Assortment is Complete and Unmatchable
You will be surprised to see such a display of values, nothing less than marvelous. Hats at $5.00, well worth
$7.50, and more hats at $7.50 and $10.00, you would readily pay $12.50 and $15.00 for. Real copies of imported
hats, only imported materials used, a vast variety to choose from specially arranged tomorrow. See these won
derful values. " , '
Leather Goods
Surprising Underpricingt
Hand Itags, Purse, Vanity lUgs,
Kensington IWtffs, Collar Hags, Card
Case, etc.
(1 Ladles' Hand Bags, special, ,40
S3 Ladles' Hand Bags, special, 98
$2.25 Ladles' Hand Bags, speolsl
t 81.25
$2.75 Ladles' Hand Bags, special,
t 81.75
Men's Fine Collar Bags
at 50. C5 and 81.25
Men'a Purses
at . . .10. 15. 25 and 50
Ladles' Purses 10 and 25
$5.00 Boston Bags, real alltaator,
for S3.00
Saturday Specials in Underwear
s0ffimmL''- That should crowd the de
HFS tllk Partment at an early hour.
Ladies- Silk Bloomers and
. i : ,i i tr t
Mfm and Worth to $3.50,
ijirlina 5illr-fnrmpr1 Union
Cnl4o n rvtei r Ti Tilr on1
K7Lai.L-ot i cuaiyi wva iu tuiA cum
white, at .98
Ladies' fine Lisle Union
Suits, in pink and white,
lace trimmed. "Worth to
$1.00, at 49
Fine lisle Union Suits,
worth, to 50c, and lace
trimmed, at 35
Ladles' Muslin Gowns and Envelope Chemise, crepe de chine corset
covers, worth to $1.50, at 08
Ladles' Gowns and Corset Covers, worth to 75c, at 40
Children's Muslin and Crepe Gowns, worth to 60c, at 35
Muslin Drawers, trimmed with hemstitched tucks, worth to 26c,
at 12H
Specials for
Saturday in
Corset Aisle
One big lot of Odds and Ends
In $2 Corsets, slightly QQ
soiled, to close for. . . . tOC
Back or front lace Corsets, all
sixes, values to $3; J- IQ
choice for Saturday P 1
House Corsets, medium or
short lengths, all sUes, AQ
values to 75c; choice. . TC
Crepe de Chine Camisole, pink
and white, 36 to H- in
44; special J 1 1 V
Sanitary Napkins, regular 40c
kind; special, per
dozen OC
Children's Rompers, 6 months
to 6 years, large assortment for
your selection; special,
Boys' Vhsh Waists, light or
dark colors, all sUes; yJQ
special, at xIC
Special Sale
Saturday Only
Standard Metronomes, $2.75
"Don't Bite the Hand That's
Feeding You."
"Floating Down the Old
Green IMver."
Price 10 Cents.
3 Big Song Sensations
Simple melody, from "Watch
Your Step." .
"My Mother's Rosary."
Chauncey Olcott's "A Little
Bit of Heaven." .
Price 18 Cent.
All the Big New York Popu
lar Hits, also vocal and In
strumental standards, at Hay
den's Popular Prices. Largest
and most complete stock of
music in the weet.
Specials in Stylish Spring Shoes
Money Saved by coming here to
The Big Store Saturday
The "Hayden" Special, for boys,
youths and little gents; best
workmanship and sewed on the
Goodyear welt machine; gun
metalor tf9 7C fcO Of?
patent. . I iJf
You only need to see to
recognize the superiority of
these special values.
Women's black or Havana brown
Kid Shoes, welt soles, lace or but
ton, with Cuban or leather Louis
heels, $6.00 J0 ttf
values J)0JU
Women's kid or patent lace or
button, black corkscrew CjQ
cloth top, $4.00 values J3
Men's gun metal, button or bluch
er and English lace Shoes, Q
Goodyear welt, $4 values. . .
Men's Shoes, splendid $3 values,
In button or f QQ
blucher J 1 VO
Little gents' gun metal Shoes,
button and blucher d Cf
stylee, $2.00 values.. 3lOlr
Misses' and Child's Kids, button,
cloth top $1.65,$1.50
Card Cases 23 and fiO 3
Children's Fancy Bags, 25. 50
l.nHlA.' and Children's Patent Lea- i-
ther Belts, at 25 3
Kensington Bags ..82,75
Toklo Bags, genuine Japanese leath- J
er ....S3.75. 81.75. 82,75
Ladies' and Child renTs Patent Lea-
ther Belts, all colors, each . . . .25 V
Fashionable. But Inexpensive
Hosiery for Saturday
All the latest novelties In wom
en's Silk Hosiery, In stripes, plaids
and clocks. Unusual values, at, pair,
91.19 and 91.50 '
Women's Silk and Fiber Hose, in
regular and out sizes, black and col
ors. Specially reduced for Saturday's
selling, to pair
, 59 and 35
Women's fiample Hosiery, fiber
silk, in black and colors; 35c values,
Saturday, at, pair
19 Pair
Women's Itockford Fashioned
Seamless Hosiery, In black' and bal
brlggan. Special price, pair
Children's Mercerized Hose, 25c quality, 10! 3 pairs for.
Infanta' Silk and Wool Hose and fiber silk, at
25 and 35 Pair
Liquor Department
Old Crow, 10-yex-old, full
Old Taylor, 1-year-old,
full quart i....
Cadar 11 rook, 1-year-old,
full quart
Ouckenheluier, t-yaar-old,
full quart
Spring- Hill, 1-year-old,
full quart
Uraen Hlver, l-yaar-old,
full quart
Clarke's Pur Rye, 1-year- J I ftn
old. full quart Wl.UU
Maryland ltya. .-year-old,
full quart
Tenneeaee Corn, S-year-old, "JCa
full ouart lUW
Monogram, 6-year-old, full
La TlDta Wines, 10-year-old,
Huhklat Wines, (-year-old,
full bottle
California 1'ort Wine, J 4C
ration dl.aVU
Homemade Urape Wine,
lieniienay lirandy, 10- SJ I fl
year-old. bottle OI.UU
MaU or Fhoae Orders Promptly
rilled. Ask for Vataiog-oa.
Meat Dept.
for Saturday
No. 1 Fresh Pork Loin JVst., lVc
No. 1 Steer Pot Roast, 10ol2Hc
No. 1 Bteer Round Steak. . .17 He
No. 1 Steer Shoulder Steak, 14 He
No. 1 Hindquarters, Lamb. .15Ho
No. 1 Fresh Pork Chops l.V
No. 1 Link Sausage 12 Ho
No. 1 Bulk Sausage 10c
9 lbs. Best Leaf Lard .D.V-
3 lbs. Best Mince Meat 2.V
No. 1 Pmokod Hams
No. 1 I'lc tile llama
No. 1 IyCan Huron
No. 1 Back Karon
No. 1 Bait Hork
No. 1 m-eeh Frank forts
We have a complete line of Franka
Famous Sauaaxe. the taste) Tells.
18 Ho
18 SO
Read the Big Special Grocery Sale for Saturday
Hayden's Keep Down the Cost of Urtag for tha People.
fr'S&&&&J&&'4lX PAYS TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-IT VkYZ,rrrrrriJi
14 lha. Het Pure Cane Oranulnted
HiiKar for Sl.OO
4M-lb. aacka llrat llili Blade Kloui
for SI. 34
3 pkga. Hklliliers Omaha Made Mac
aroni, Venule alia or Hpagtiettl, ale
1 Iioo.e. Wiles Pamons Cookies aud
All regular 10c Cook lee, Saturday.
i-r lb., at S'B
Al! regular 11! So Cookloa, Batui iUi"1,
.T lb., ut lOo
All regular lie Cookies, Baturday,'
per ll., at lsvs
K. t' I'orn lakea, pkg 60
liviBhi'ya llitakfaat Cocoa, lb... 30c
Macl.iirerfa reaiiut Hulter, per
lb., at lV,o
6 ina Oil or Mualard riardlnea. la
Tall canx Alaaka Halmuu 8'iO
I cans Fancy tiwoel Hugar Coin,
Wax, String or Oreen llian..Slo
tS2-x. are l'ure Kruit 1'reaertxa
for 8So
28-ox. Jura l'ure Blralmvl Honey, 330
Liige bottloa Worcubtr taucu.
i'di'H ToiuhIo Catstiii, Pltlea, as
aorted kiii'ln, or Prepared Muittard,
per bottle Sl0
No. 3 ran Ooldnn Pumpkin. Hom
iny or Hauir Kraut 7'o
16-oac. pkg. I'ori'li-MHod Mince Men!
for Bo
W. O. C. or Kruinblea, pkg So
The Heet Tea tilftinga, lb lSHo
Pancy (Joldnn Wanioa Coffee, per
lb., at BOO
The beet Table Huiterlne. equal to
creainury butter, lb.' 830)
The beet Imported Koquefort
Cheeau, per lb too
The. Beet Imported riwlss Cheeee.
per lb., at eao
The Best t'ull CreaJn, N. Y. White,
WlMioiiain Cream, young Ajnerlca
or rill Cream Brick, cneeee, per
lb , at ko
OBAaiaa laXS MTUUiT,
The orange of quality, regular
everywhere 30c, 40c and 60c aellers
Saturday, per doi..iOo, S6o, 3oo
Luib pkgs. all kinda Flower and
Vegelablo Beede, I pkgs. for.. 100
Blue Uraaa Seed, lb SOO
Blue Oraaa and Clover Seed, lb , Sao
Kad, Yellow or White Onion Beta,
per quart S0
I rex n Hplnat'h, pr peck.
t large bunchea freeh Shallots. R4-
lanee, i arrota nr Turnips loo
Fresh CabbHire. lb
FUni'V Cauliflower, lb
Kanry liud Oniona, lb..,.
Fancy Ripe Tomatoee. lb.
Large Cuoumhere, eavh...
Fancy Cranberriea. quart
Anything you want In freeh Teg-e-tablea
or fruit, we have It at a sav
ing of 10 per cent to 109 per ooat.
. .T0
. . ISO