THK HKH: OMAHA, SATTHDAY, J.). l!lf?. ) COMMERCIAL CLUB f OVERFLOW DINNER I i Gala and Hilarious Affair Exceeds Si Promoters' Expectations in Ak-Sar-Ben Hustling Committee All Ready for Business h v Numbers and Spirit. "LAWLESS" CROWD RUlfS WILD I ) ( SjTl P Over 300 Rood fellows enjoyed tb pood fellowship dinner at theCom merrial club last night. f They crowded the main dining room and overflowed Into the. south dining room and the private dining rooms on the east. The dinner was delayed a half hour, because the crowd that flocked to the lobby was greater than had been anticipated. Plates for 290 guests had been laid, on the strength of some 260 reservations. Many last-minute men, however, came crowding In, bought tickets and de manded places. Extra tables were soon set, and the vast army fell to. "Head Greaadea" Thrown. Taper hats of every color decorated the heads of the guest i, and red balloons of the Zeppelin type f osted about the room, or exploded like hand grenade bombs, when they struck the Tieads of some of the more hald members. O. T. Eastman, chairman of the en tertainment committee, waa master of ceremonies. Ceremonies, however, were decidedly Informal, although Mr. East man with megaphone In hand did his hest to hold the "lawless" aggregation In hand. The orchestra played the fastest of rags, 1 'Galatea" tt&need the choicest of "her" twirls, and the delegation of cowboys and farmers from Kansas, Utah and Iowa, stumped Into the room demanding1 "time out" to hold a good roads convention. Manler ta Overalls. Bob Manley headed the delegation In overalls, and called the meeting to or der. There waa a squabble about where to locate ths "highway," alnce Tale Holland as the bewhlskered Mormon from Utah, favored Iowa, because three of his wives were from 'that state. "Galatea," with whom he was even at that moment falling fn love, claimed a residence in Des Moines. "Toast" Frank Latenoer. Frank Latenser, aa the tough cowboy from Wyoming, forgot his part and voted for Iowa instead of Kansas, but no one expected the boys to give a first class vaudeville performance, so all had to cheer; for, were they not expected to be good follows T Cartoonist Bloodhart did up some of the prominent members of the club physlogonomlcally In cliarcoal on white paper, and got conuiderable applause. Among those whose faces appeared In the cartoon work were: J. W. Gamble, T. A. Fry, Randall K. Brown and C. E. Tost. E. V. Psrrleh, manager of the bureau of publicity, showed the Omaha moving plct&re . reels, giving en instructive lec ture as an accompaniment. STECHER SAVES HIMSELF FROM FALLOT BUTTE BUTTE, Mont, March 24.-B1U te metral, , who terms himself the Greek champion, lifted Joe . Stecher of Ne braska, claimant of the world's heavy weight championship, high In the air here tonight and slammed him to the mat. Stecher saved himself from a fall,' how ever, and finally defeated Demetral. The Copper City club, which staged the bout, announced a bid of 160,000 for the Gotch-Stecher match in Butte In July. Stecher secured the first fall In six minutes and forty-two seconds and the second fall in four minutes and seven J seconds. It took Frank Gotch a total Xof fifty-seven minutes to throw Demetral recently. jWgeorge finds republicans (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 24.-(Speclal.)-W'alter George, candidate for the republican nomination for governor, while in Lincoln last night, said 'that republican sentu - ment Is running high in the North Flatt. country. He has covered the state along the Union Paclfio lines aa far west as Kearney, and back over the Burlington to Lincoln. He says there Is a strong Hughes for president sentiment among republicans wherever he went, and that the principal amusement of the democrats wss cussing Bryan. Me was called to Omaha by a message announcing the death of an aunt of Mrs. George. UNION PACIFIC PAYS MRS. SHAW $10,000 TECTUMS EH, Neb., Mereh 24.-Speclal.) The Union Pacific Railroad company has settled the claim of Mrs. Minnie Shaw of Tecumseh, growing out or the loss of the life of her husband, Alva O. Shaw, In the motor wreck near Ran dolph, Kan., on October 16 last. Mlra. Shaw Is to receive 110,000. This Is the ex tent of the liability of the transporta tion company for the loss of a life in le state of Kansas. The settlement has Just been made. ' Notee from Colambaa. COLUMBUS, Neb., March tt-Special.) Henry F. Brumken and Miss Anna O. Hulsehen of Platte Center were married here yesterday by Rev. Mlessler of ths German Lutheran church. Henry Melneke snd son, Jesse, of Tomah. Wis., will! arrive here Monday and an organisation will be perfected Monday afternoon for the building of a 1260,000 packing plant. Local men are taking stock. About llfiO worth of colthlng. ladles' snd men's shoe, four suit cases, fourteen bracelets and SU In cash were stolen yes terday morning from the store of Pave Helphand on Keleventh street Officers were notified and discovered that two negroes who had left for Kansas City were the burglars. At the stockholders meeting of the I'latte County Independent Telephone company held this afternoon, it waa de cided to expend llS.OGo In Improvements of the lines and putting wire underground in this city. Between forty and fifty bushels of corn were stolen yesterday morning from the granary of W. W. Scott. 'fk jrt OpiortaalH-a V ,or m" ln th northwest, whether look- sr i ie lor ouiinru irtrannna firm ... pleasure trips. Unexcelled train service the Soo Line from 1. Paul and Min neapolis. Address V. It. Harley, . P. ... Hi Filth Street. Dos Molives, Iowa. r T - r , K Wr.' ;Jrzz 'K 7 x ' " fl Lower Bow, T,eft to rtlsht L. N. Munce, George H. Helntse. .I. D. Weaver. F. W. Judsnn, . K.verett Hucklngha m. C. I.. Ss.inilprs. K. t. Potter, Mm Moser. Joe Blxler, Col Goldatrom. iSecond Kow. left to Right M. l Griffin. George F. McKhane. Max Asor, R. '. Ilnves, N. P. Tlmrson, K. Hurkeit, A. I.. Laurence. H. K. Mahaffey. leo H. I'lers, M. fulkin. Third Row H. O. Henford. A. C. Potter, John Caldwell. A. R. M ationev, Hvron W. llart. Allen Tukev, "Uoc" Kr-e, II. K. Htevena, L. P. Oyhrbers, J. W. Harwell. Top Row W. s. Link, Ray lor, eo Wilson, W. H. Crawfoni. F. II. Parsons. M. J. Curran, W. E. Davis, Dan Whltnev. SHAW TALKS PREPAREDNESS Former Secretary of Treasury Calls Inadequate Armament a Crime. A EMS SHOULD BE Of BEST (From a Staff Correspondent.) DF3 MOINES. la.. March 24. CPeclal Telegram.) In an addresa here today on preparedness, former Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M, Shew, declared the curse of Ood will and should rest upon any country that will call Its best blood to colors without training them to pro tect themselves, without lving them arms aa good ss those they will be com pelled to face, without furnishing them ammunition to last until the fight la over, without protecting their positions and their movements with artillery as ample In quantity and of as long range as that of the enemy, In short without doing anything and everything to In sure victory. Any preparedness less thsn sdequn'.e Is folly, he said. War waged with anti quated equipment Is worse thsn murder for It subjects those who heed the call to duty and who answer to the call of the country to Ignominious do feat and shameless slaughter. Hear Taft at Ames. Many atate officers ment to Ames yes terday to bear William Howsrd Taft In his lecture on "Our World's Relations." The former president Is delivering a series of three lectures there before the student body. Tomorrow he speaks on "The Military and Naval Defenses of the United States Whst They Are and What They Ought to Be." On Saturday morning he will speak on "The Duties of Cltlsenship." More Candidates. Byron W. Newberry of Strawberry Point, Clayton county, a member of the state senate for three sessions. Is again a candidate for the senatorship. C. II. Dickey of Keokuk has come, put ss a candidate- for representative f from y Leo county. ' ' Labor Shortasje, There is a shortsge of common labor, the state free employment bureau re ports. With no Immigration coming ln from the old countries and many having returned to Europe, there Is no supply to draw from. The bureau has many appli cations for farm help,, a number of them being for man and wife, the man to work In the fields and the woman lh the house. Deaths Increase. In 1915 ths total number of deaths ln the state from alt causes was 2,836 and ln 1914 the total waa 22.259. according to figures Just compiled by the office of the secretary of the Board of Health. The state department haa no statistics on births and Dr. Sumner, secretary of the Board of Health. Is endeavoring to have legislation passed which will provide for the reporting of birth statistics. Move to Omaha. Ths revenue accounting department of the Iowa Telephone company having charge of state accounts Is being movod from Des Moines to Omaha. The em. ployes in that department are being transferred to the Nebraska metropolis. Ths northwestern group of states. In cluding Iowa, Nebraska, North and South Dakota will all have their revenue ac counting departments at Omaha here after. This department looks after state accounts, but not local accounts. Becomes laapoetor of Osara. Colonel George H. Morgan of St Paul, who has been assigned to the work of Inspector of cavalry of the Iowa Na tional Guard, to take the place of Cap tain George J. Cden, reached Des Moines today and will begin his work of inspec tion st once. The first place to be visited Child Gets Sick Cross, Feverish If Constipated Look at tongue! Then give fruit laxative for stom ach, liver, bowels. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm children and they love it. A laxative today saves a sick child to morrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, or your child Is restless, cross, feverish, breath bad. restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoon ful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harm less, and ln a few hours all this consti pation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bow. els, and you havs a well, playful child again. A thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftttmes all that is necessary. It should be tbe first treatment given In any sick ness. , Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which hai full directions for bsbles, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on ths bottle. Look carefully and that It is mads by ths "California fcyru Company." will be Iowa City. Captain Oden of the Fifth cavalry, who has been the lnspe tor here. Is down on the Mexican border with his regiment doing guard duty. ew laaaraaee toiupaaj-. A new mutual Insurance company has just been formed with headquarters at Mason City, which has incorporated under the nsme of the Iowa Cttlsens' Fun Mu tual Insurance association. The officers are: President, A. J. Klllmer; vice, presi dent, W. E. Olldner: secretary. Earl J. Mewton. Articles of lncorporstlon were filed ln the secretsry of state's office today.. Short Welshta hared. Short weight barrels of gasoline snd also of rock candy syrup have been seised by the state weights and measures de partment the last few days and prosecu tions may follow. Shipments of rock candy syrup at Des Moines, Ottuniwa, Cedar Rapids and Burlington have been 15,000 Suits to Choose From Sure! WeVe Always Had The Best Clothes The best styles and best fabrics. Clothes that express noth ing but good taste and contain every attractive feature that The World 's Best Tailors Can Provide. There is a model for you--a style-a size--a pattern-all your own in a "Kuppenheimer," "Society Brand" or ' Collegian" gar ment at $18, $20, $22.50, $25 up to $40.00. $15 Models for young men serges, homespuns and smart Dashing Spring Top Coats In the new mix ed fabrics, but ton through or fly front. Neat black or gray mixtures. Silk lined, quarter or serge as you like, $15 to $25 Light weight Slip-ons or Rain Coats, new soft, pliable f a brlcs: mixture and plain tan, gray and brown. With self and velvet collars $150. $3.50, $5, $5 $7.50, $10 to $25.00 v examined and some of the barrels found to be as much ss five gallons short. In asmuch aa the syrup Is sold at wholesale at M to W cents per gallon, the shortage on a barrel amounts to from $2.60 to $3 In value, the state department says. Wants Reread Term. Roy D. Nordyke of Richland. Keokuk county, member of the Thirty-sixth gen eral assembly. Is a candidate for re-election. He has written to Secretary of State W. 8. Allen asking for nomination papers. Department Orders. WASHINGTON.' March 14 -(Special Telegram.) Following rural letter car riers appointed: Linn Grove, Edward IS. Brick son Perry, Westley A. T. Thornbnrg. The Treasury department has granted a charter to the First National bank. Cartilage, . D. , with a capital of 2."..onn. The First National bank of Htghmnre, 8. P., has been authorised to increase Its capital from 3o.0W to A(t.nOft. Mall service has been established as BERG SUITS ME 1 jlx46 f hVp A' - f T-rf (Osrments thst make men look and feel young.) If you wish to invest just Fifteen Dollars in a suit come here and get the Best Suit $15 was ever known to buy 1 and older ones Ascot stripes, screen checks, piping rock flannels, mixtures. Regular f 18.00 and 120.00 values, for 815.00. Buys a Wonderfully Good Suit for Boys "at This Store" We Iiatb thousands of smart styUtl suits for lxys thai we know to be the best value u the wemt, Ix-caUNe they are priced way below their actual worth. ALL HI ITH are made with two pairs of full lined knlrker borkera and some of the styles have in feasst fin addition cap and belt to match Tbey UU would be exceptional values at $6.60. 1 ,T Our price Plenty of outs Good suits from 82.50 to 812.00. There's no bigger choice in town from which to choose your new shirt or lighter underwear IIAN'DHOMK NKW 8HIKTH Pleated or soft bosom; French or laundered cuffs 81, 81.50. 82. 82.50 rXDl'.KWK.Ml A choice selection of tip ring underwear, ln the several lengths of sleeves and legs; knit, mercerized or checked materials 81. 81.50. 82 NLCKWKAIt Have you noticed the new neckwear in our windows "Bwell" 50 follows: Ogallwla-Topen Hlflxe. . IV, contract for carrying mail awarded to Russell A Kern of Pine Rlilie: Free land to R. A. Clark Ranch. VVyomlng. c ' '""llrt tvird In b'rnv Ma IMP nf Vrmm land. . ..(office department haa accepted the proposal of O. H. Copley to renew lease for nreaent miartara for nnstnffleA at Fullerton. Neb. DEATH RECORD Reward K, Haaloa. Edward K. Hanlon. formerly of Fre mont, died ln Olen, Colo. He Is survived by his wife and two children. The body will be brought to Omaha for funeral services from ths home of Mrs. W. 11. Madden, X1T Ohio street. How to Care Colas. Avoid exposure snd drafts. Est right. Tske Dr. King's New Discovery. It kills and destroys the cold germs. All drug gists. Advertisement. 15,000 Suits to Choose From New Hats If you want your new hat to be In a stylish color and to hava both style and color, you will find It ln a "MaHor y Rain proof," at, $3 or exactly what you want in a "Stetson," at $3.50, $4 or $5.00 At $2.00 The best select ed styles and shades In town. New Caps, at $1.00 $12.50 lUx-ker or (lialr. Mission style, golden oak finish. Golden oak, high back, genuine genuine Spanish lesther auto leather spring seat, heavy stock. cushion. ' , Orchard & Wilhelm Offer a Carload of Attractive Rockers in Golden Oak, Popularly Priced $10.50, $14, $15, up to $28 EVERY ONE A BIO VALUE. Announcing for Monday the 27th Sale of COWAN FURNITURE Watch Sunday Papers. Crochet Bed Spreads, $1.50 Each 87x7 S Inches excellent quality. 45-Inch Filet Net, Yard, 40c I Comes in Itory and ecru. 40-Inch Curtain Muslin, Yard, 25c Dotted and figured, very sheer and beautiful. Ruffled Muslin Curtains, Pair, $1.25 In dots and small figures for bedrooms. $1. Jp Each for Any of These , Pure Aluminum Utensils 0-quart Ilerlin kettles 2-qiuirt double holler 2-qunrt percolators 6 and rV-quart preervlng kettles - ".-quart llerlln sauce pans. A purchase made before the phenomlnal rise of aluminum articles. Is now worth fl.60 to 12.00. Buy a. Herrick Refrigerator 93.00 allowed fur your old refrigerator If applied oif a new Herrick. Moderately pricod per fect dry air circulation , solid oak case safe guar dian of the family's food supply. The New Japanese Rag Rugs $1.25 $1.75 $2.00 $2.85 $0.00 24i48 27x54 ' ' 30x60 36x72 (4x90 llevrralble Attractive low Priced. Yon srlll like them. Brussels Rugs $16.00 8-9x10-6 sue, Seamltti. Mostly small, all-over patterns, ib a variety of colorings. Linoleum, Square Yard. 50c, 60c to 80c Wide assortment of new patterna ln printed linoleums. GOLD MEDAL HISSIX CAKPET HWKEPEKS, $3.25 A Victrola for Every Home A wide range of styles and prices, $15 to $300, and convenient terms of payment mskes It possible for every home to pos sess a Victrola. No More Pleasing Place to Judge Victrola Quality Than Our New Victrola Gallery Ith Floor Newest Itecorrts and Tunjpt-. tone Stylus for Hale. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-16-18 South 16th St. Bqq Eivi)MoparlipGib Dm Public Oirpsts its iVit E7craV&rs 81 $9.75 lUxker Sample Brass and Iron BEDS 25 to 33f Off Somewhat marred, occasion ally one a little tarnished; full and 4 sices. Satin brass, white enamel. Vernls Martin llexls from fft.OO up to $40.00. Wool-Faced Velvet Rugs $21.50 9rlt $iu. Closely woven, short nap rugs, rich and effective colorings. . pfc rrpn Bnuiirsr. : I a JJQSJSJQQ i