THF, IIEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, IOUk Good Things for the Table Offerings of the Market Household Hints: .-( Real Strawberries Are Now on the Cmah'a Market Strawberries are on tlie Omaha msrket In profusion. Kot the forced, ducked before their time, big-priced berries thst have been coming hither from Florida. The lire berries grown out In the open and now so plentiful that they are ar riving In Omaha hjr thj carloads fmm the flelda of IxulKlnna and Mississippi, and their price la reasonable, varying some what, but In general arcund the 15-cents-a-box mark. Head lettuce I hers from both aides of the continent. In fact from three aide, for It comes from California, Boston and Texaa. The Roston article Is raised un tfer glass, while the o'.her two grow In tha open. And there are real frsnlnh nnlona Im ported In spite of war fiom sunny Knnln. Rhubarb or "pie plant" la rather plenti ful and cornea now from no farther away than Iowa, where It la ralaed entenslvely under glass protection. Asparagus and cauliflower are two veg etables which ara now especially good from California. Gre-.-p peppers from Florida ara also In their prime of ex cellence. Toniitea nr.- ilaliy glowing of finer quality and flavor as spring ad vances northward, nnd they ran lie brought from points iiinrer to Omaha. All the common VHgetables radishes, turnlpa, carrots, lettuce, cabbage and the like are plentiful, crisp and sound. The fruit season la lading. (Irapefrult la growing scarce an oranges, partlcu' larly the Florida brands, are waning. There are plenty of flnNCaltfornla ravels on the market. I .lines are here from Jamaica and pine apples from Cubat niack figs are a feature of the fruit market now. These fl;s are plucked from the tree when they ate ripe, unlike the ordinary figs, which are picked and packed and shipped 'n their unrlpened state. Apples are growing scarcer, though a number of good, sound varieties are still on band. Making Over Old Furniture Wall Papers to Suit All Rooms Old furniture on which the varnish has cracked, turned dark and lost Its luster, or a table top that Is scratched or dis colored, should tie scraped and done over. It can be made to look aa good as new. Fcrape off all of the old varnish. All the reliable paint and varnish manu facturers sell varnish' removers, which are excellent, provided Jhe directions are followed explicitly. If varnish removers are not easily available, a knife will do very well and is cheaper. Be careful not to scratch or dig Into the wood. When the varnlah Is all off, rub the wood smooth with fine sandpaper, not coarser than No. 00. There are often ugly dents In the wood, especially on table tops. Where the fibers of tha wood have alrnply been crushed down, not a piece gouged out or broken off, the wood may be ralaed so that the place will not show when It la finished over. Scrape all the old varnish out of the dent and get down to the bare wood; then keep It damp with hot water. If It la a very deep scar, pick all over the bottom of tha dent with a needlo or with the point of very sharp, thln bladed penknife, about a quarter of an Inch deep, keeping the blade parallel with the grain of the wood. The object is to let the water Into the wood so that the lower groin will swell up Into place again. Wet the place well. Lay two or three thicknesses of wet blotting paper over the dent and set a hot (Istlron on It Put dry paper around to keep the iron from discoloring the wood. If the dent Is deep. It may take two or three daya. Keep the blotter wet and put an iron on now and then. If the wood is all there it will usually swell back Into place. Tet it dry thoroughly and then sandpaper It smooth, as the grain has been raised around the dent. It la now ready to finish. It will usually take three or four coats of shcllaa to finish s piece that has been scraped. Though the shellac will dry hard In lesa than half an hour so that the piece can be used If necessary, each coat should be allowed to set three or four days . before being rubbed down with No. to sandpaper. Just smooth It off lightly and apply another coat. The last coat should be thinner and should be allowed to stand longer. It Is then rubbed to a finish with fine powdered pumloe atone. The last finish ts put on with rotten atone. If a very high polish Is desired use linseed oil with the pumloe and rot- tenstone. If a dull or egg-shell finish la wanted, use water in place of the oil. Orange ahellaa can easily be bad all cut and ready for use. If It Is too thick and It usually Is thin it out with grain alcohol. it you have to cut the gum slivlac yourself, be sure to use the grain alcohol. Country Qentleman. Smart Styles in Earrings Whenever small hats are In fashion earrings come Into vogue. And that means that earrings are very smart this spring. Borne new earrings are of sky eep- phlres. mounted with rhlnestones effec tive, hut not expensive bits of jewelry for milady's adorning. rear! earrings of many shapes and varying alxes are becoming to many women. Plnck and white effects are quite fash ionable and not expensive. The close fitting earrings Is the ima most worn, though pendants are still worn by msny women. The description of a few designs no being shown by a New York firm of In terior decorators may furnish Ideas to those who are contemplating having their walls done over. One striking design Is a rhlnts pattern. having a black and white striped ground with pink roses, small blue flowers. cherry blossoms shd brilliant pheasants sprinkled In large motifs over It. This paper la appropriate for living rooms The strlpea have a glossy finish, making the blrda and flowers atand out from It aa though hand painted. Another paper, with a plain black glossy ground, la covered with an all- over pattern of dahlias. The flowers are In shsded pink, purple, white and yellow. surrounded with the green leaves, and are reminders of old-fashioned country gar dens. This Is also a favorite living room pattern, occasionally used In bedrooms. Bedroom papers are most popular In small 'designs of chlnts patterns, In deli cate colors. One attractive paper has an empire pattern In blue and gold bow- knota and medallions, on a white ground. Another quaint bedroom design Is one which recalls cross-stitch embroidery; it has floral stripes In color, with medal lions to match, one a two-tone gray back ground which gives the effect of canvas. A new paper for the child's room is called bluebird and cherry-tree pattern; It haa oddly shaped, conventionalised cherry trees, with smaller tree and bunches of lilies of the valley growing on a gray ground. Under the trees are. standard bird houses, with lota of blue birds walking and flying about them. The paper la odd and very attractive. For a morning room, there Is a Japa nese chlnts pattern that Is rather un usual. It haa a pale tan ground with a repeated motif of a woman and child at play under a cherry tree and arbor, with climbing vines, caught here and there with a blue bow. For dining room use, there la a two- tone gray paper in Adam design. It Is exquisitely smlple, and, while It looks better with the Adam furniture. It lends itself very acceptably aa a background for non-period furniture. Chinese reds and golds In grass cloth are very popular for -covering the walls of dens and libraries, where black dra peries and rugs are used In combination with black and gold painted furniture the needed color note Is often added by the gay cushions plied on the couch. The gold peacock-shaded grass cloth la often chosen for music rooms, where pastel shades of silk form the only draperies. . While one cannot consider new the heavy papera In plain solid colors, still they do not lose their popu larlty and are, after all. the beat papera for small rooms. The modern woman aeea that she has Tips on Fashion Topics Capea are made of lace and net. Bide frills on apring blouses have re turned. Ilright-colored flannel la excellent for a sports suit. Another spring shade is a lovely deep forest green. Waxed moire silk Is used for motoring suits. Ruffled taffeta ribbons form brlme for taffeta crowns. Boleros with sacqua backs are popu lar for spring. Navy blue Is the bread-and-butter color of the wardrobe. Pompadour bows are extensively used for hat trimmings. The drooping brim which shades the eyes la popular. , Boft pastel-colored taffeta la uaed on many spring toques! , Leather collar and cuff sets will be worn on the spring suits. Many motor coats close with a strap and harness buckle. , Bands of striped foulard trim blue serge suits and dresses. Large pearl hatpins are worn with rib bon toques. The Medici collar Is seen on new white lawn dresses with full skirts. This will be a season of flower and ribbon trimming for millinery. A Baby in Health When 7 montha old a baby should alt alone, unsupported. At from II to 10 months, It should start to creep, and at 10 months, begin to stand. When H months old It should stand alone: from 12 to It months, should start to walk, and at 1 year, atart to talk. At I years a baby should be able to put two words together. The healthy baby weighs at birth at least six pounds. Little Bobbie's Pa an extra roll of paper to match that It takes but a minute of time ta av I Placed udob her bedroom walls, ao that dollars when you read The Dee Want Ad f he may also have her bonnet, shirt columns. ' I waist and other boxes covered with It. LAST OF COWAN FURNITURE IS TO COME TO THIS CITY t, a en W. K. Cowan & Co. of Chicago, makers of high grade mahogany furn iture, placed themselves in the hands of their creditors, the Orchard Wilhelm company of Omaha, aecured a large por tion of the finished product on hand when the factory closed. In the opinion of the trade, the Cowan factory is not likely to operate again and aa a result this well known line of bed room, dlnlngroom, and library furniture will probably disappear from the market The Cowan trade mark haa always stood for the very finest In furniture production, and the company long waa recognised as being among tha leaders of makers of high grade mahogany furniture In America. The Orchard ft Wilhelm company made their big purchase at an advantageous price, and the Omaha public, will have an opportunity beginning Monday of buy. Ing the last offering of Cowan furniture at a big saving. By William F. Kirk. There was a aong riler A Ills wife up to the house last bite; they was kind of stuck up; he wss moar stuck up than hla wife. What a charming apartment you have: aed hla wife to Ma. I suppoas you must get It swful reeaonabel In this nabor- hood. We like the naborhood vary much, aed Ml;. Bum vary deer frenda of ours live rite around here. I dare say, ard the lady. But give me the pul-alng life of Broadway every time. I was telling Kd the other nlte that one has to live on Broadway to rite the Im mortal things wlch will last forever, like his aong "That Billowy, Willowy Rag.'' I can rite, I aed. I.lttel children ahud be seen ft not herd, ahe aed to me. What do you think of our new school of song rltera, she asked Ma. I dnant know, aed Ma. I'M thay go to akool T Tou doant underatand me, she toald Ma. 1 meen the men wlch haa got away from the old halllda A la rltetng new, novel songs with Jest enuff aplce in them to malk them Intereatlng. We ain't much on aplce up here, aed Ml I nevver notiaed much apice In Anna Laurie. Oh, those poky old aongs, aed the lady. Thay wud newer do In these awift times. The song rltera wud atarve If. thay rote that kind of Junk now, my deer. Well, sed Ma, I wud rather starve than rite what they rite now. I rote a aong myself last month, sed Fa. None of the publishers haa been around to see about It. but sum day I will prubly put It on the market. The nalm of the aong Is "Why Look So Bad on Payday Morn?" I doant like the title at all, she sed to Pa. Tt suggests common peepul that have paydays. My husband dosent have to git a envelop every week, thank goodness. Thank goodness my husband does git ono every week sed Ma. I think It must be nice to make the Naahun's songs, but I notls that all the trade pee pul In our naborhood are moar polite to my husband than If he rote "Beleeve Mlj If All Them Endeerlng Tung Charms." I suppose so, sed the lady. One sum times finds it hard to understand the mental workings of the maaaea. Wen one haa been married to a geenyus aa long as I have, one naterally gits out of touch with the common things of life. One soars, as It were. Husband deer will you pleese alng your latest hit? ft then. her husband sang: Pance me all around the hall. Hold metlte so I won't fall, . Isn't this the grandest ball? Baby, don't you understand. Honey, ain't the music grand? O that willowy rag! O that billowy ragl The sentiment la divine, sed Ma. If Shakeapeer waaent ded I wud aay he rote it. It la awfully sweet of you to say that. sed the liter's wife. Tou see, sed Ma, we shud nevver apeek 111 of the ded. JAre You Ready1 for Mr. Germ?, ';"Some little bug is sure to get you" if you do not keep; up your powers of resist-1 once by eating nourishing, "wholesome, easily digested foods. Keep your body in top-notch condition by eat ing Shredded Wheat Bis jcuit, a simple, natural food, .which makes healthy tissue land keeps the stomach and Ibowels healthy and active. iServe with hot or cold milk, cream or fruits. Tt ! 'jv. i ' Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. ' " : ... ) UNCLE SAM TAKES HOLD OF MAN WHO GOT 5.000 CIGARS Joe Novek waa taken In charge by United States Deputy Marshal . Grant Tatea on a charge of having In hla pos session I. M0 cigars and a aet of harness stolen from a box car In the Burlington railroad yards. Joe was captured by South Bide police officers after a chase. Wo like the slogan "Grow With Growing Omaha" WE HOPE OUR COUNCIL DLUFFS BOOSTERS WILL APPRECIATE ASBSE STTRE W. 37 WATCH FOR OPENING DATE FLOUR. THRIFTY HAMTS - $1.35 ECHO Nebraska's fluext, 4 8- lb. sack SI. GO BEN DAVIS APPLES, pk.. 25 Cabbage (another car Just to) 100 lb.. for 81,20 Potatoes, fancy white, 16 lbs., 2f rt iu 81.15 Cleaning up on car of ORANGES. Prices run from 15c dozen up, according to slte-- 126 ilie, doi 150 alze. dot '2. it Peanut butter, lb lit Dateout U utter, delightful o for sandwiches OC TIP BAKINQ SODA 1-lb. pkg.. 3 for 13?- c each J i Bulk Kraut, lb 2 Fancy Shoe Peg Corn, 3 cans 2H ech 10e Sweet Corn, regular 10c J Corn, Coon valley, each.. C Peas. Early June. 10c cans...T Tomatoes, No. 2 lb. cans, l&g (They will be higher.) Macaroni, Spaghetti Nood- 1 A les. 10c pkgs.. 3 for... iaSC ach 7 Salmon, Bent Red Alaska, j rj 1-lb. cans for 1 I C Salmon, fancy Alaska Pink, Q tall cans, 3 for 23c. . a7 C OARDKN SEEDS Large pkgs., 3 for 5 Sardines, 10c cans. Mustard, . Finn Flakes. B. & M., 3 for 8 9c 25c4 cb- SALT Another car fine f" table, 3 lbs., 3c 10c sack, OC Pineapple, Princess Paradise Brand, 30c qual., 1'ge cans, 19c No. can, 15 No. 1 can, 10f APPLE CIDER, gal Sie MINCE pkgs., Each MEAT 10c for pkgs.. 3 ' Mtf 8c Cider Vinegar, gal 1-o.t. 10c bottle 7 Cocoanut Royal, S-oi. pkg. ..5c Bulk, fresh and fine, lb...lH Hominy, 10c cans, 3 for. . . .10 7c Syrup, 10-Ib. cana Tip Corn th quality that brings you back 37c TEA Best 0c and 70c uncolored Japan, per lb 40 Slftlngs, 1-lb. pkg 12c -HOUSE CLKAN1NO TIME CEDAR OIL POLISH 26o site -fftt) 60c eiim 30c H-00 site GOe Liquid Vtneer, 60c else.. 34 ONION SETS, white, lb... 10c Red or Yellow, 3 lbs. . . 22c GERM MEAL The heart of the corn, 100-lb. bag 81.40 Seedless RalBlns, bulk, lb... lit Currants, bulk, lb 14 7 Catsup, Snlder's or Van -1 Q Camp's, 25 bottle IOC PURE FRUIT PRESERVES 7 01s. for 8c 33-01. Jar 21c Assorted Flavors. McDonald t'baasrea Teams. Inflelder Eddie MoDonald last season with Atlsnta, haa been signed by the Birmingham club. J, GREET ... FOR... QUALITY, SERVICE AND BEST PRICES In Eatables of All Rinds Advo Pure Foods Try Our Hot I and 1 CAHfiATIOI DREAD 16-Ounce Loaves. 33d and Arbor Sts. Harney 937 ASK FOR AND GET SKINNER'S THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI S PA6I RCCIPI BOOK MEC SKINNER MFC. CO., OMAHA, U.S.A. LARGEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA yjiiiiiiiuiiiil m HIMHIHmWIIIUIIHlMIMIIimtHmMIMmtlllHIMIIIMtlllHMIIItlllltlllMIti 1 A r 1 m - aun am iimiHMMIimHllllllllll'IIHllllllllMIIIHIIIMHtlinmilllllHlllllllllll llllllllllllll TIP CATSUP 14 01., 20o 1 bottle 11C Preserved Figs, small 14c Maraschino Cherries, Fancy Pony slse bottle 1ft 6-01. site j.2c 7 -01. site 24 C OIK MEAT Is strictly blub. quality, guaranteed to please. Cut from good corn-fed beef Pot Roast, per lb.. 13, 15e Snort Rlbe Boll. lb. . -8c. 10c Cream Cheese, lb 22c CR1SCO AND LARD, tOc. 45c and .' 23 White Fish, lb 4(4 Open Kettle Rendered, per lb., it 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 Compound, per lb lUc BUTTER1NB Highest Quality Princeton, white or natural color, per lb 21 Empire, medium grade, ID.. 17c Magnolia, J-lb. roll. ...... .lc THE REMEMBER EVERY PURCHASE MADE AT STORES IS GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Ice Cream A Choice Flavor for Sunday PEACH MARMALADE Serve liberal portions of our "Whole some Ice Cream for Sunday dinner des sert. While Ice Cream is economical, it is the most popular of all desserts. In Brick Cartons, convenient to serve. Yourt Dealer Will Be Prepared b to Supply You r tltlltlMMIMillllllllttIHItllMlllltlUIIMllllOHIIIHHWltlMHttMi Abb JTS BT w -aaBBBBSa 1 hoCraam i tt. ' X I l ami 11 All lea creams i Elbow Macaroni Best on Market for Making Salad OMAHA MACARONI 1005 Farnam Street Fhone Douglas 3711 3E. vor largest and Quickest Hosults, You Should Always PI act "our Classified Advertising in The Bee Results Tell the TuK !ll!l!!lll!II!!l!!!!i:!l!!lll!i:i!ill!lllllllll!l!IIIinill!ni!i!ll! a 1 yiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiniiiimiiiminiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 3 1 1t1 are made in great variety for every purpose, person and purse. There's Takhoma, the Sunshine Soda that "splits in two," and Hydrox an exquisite biscuit bon-bon for elaborate occasions. But have you ever eaten Krispy Crackers? They're light and flaky, with just enough salt to add a de lightful flavor. Your dealer has them in ten-cent packages and family-size tins. Try some today. Joose-Wiles giscurr (ompany Bakers of Sunshine Biscuit Baked in Omaha Biscuits From the Thousand Window Bakeries 1 all!llUlllll!!!II!II!!!!l!I!!!lllllM!llllll!IIIIIHili illllllll1III1!l!!lll!llllll!lllll!lil!ll!!!!Illll!llIIII!lI!III!!!!Ii:i!!ItllllI!!III!l!!l9 Extra Fancy Strawberries, pt. boxes, per box .12 Extra Fancy Fresh Tomatoes, about 2 lbs. per basket .... 15 48-Ib. sack Pennant Flour, guaranteed SI. 39 48-Ib. sock Sunklst Maney Milling Co. Flour . .$1.39 IMamond C or liaundry Jueen Whlt Laundry Soap, 10 bars 25 IMg Pork Loin Koast, any amount wanted . . . Pig Pork Shoulder Roust, 3 to 4 lbs. average, lb. Prime Ileef lllb I toast, rolled, no bones or waste. Porterhouse, Sirloin or Round Steak Pork Chops, middle cut.s, or Fresh Ham, sliced. Fig (Vtoklen, Lemon Cookies, Iced Cookies, 20c values. . , . 1,000 lbs. English Wulnuta, soft shell, guaranteed good, lb Pig Pork Shoulder Butts, per lb., at 14t Fresh Choice Liver, lb 5 lleef Iloast, lb..lOW. 12 H Bacon Backs, 2 to 3 lb. strips, per lb., at -13& Fancy lied Hiver Early Ohio Seed Potatoes, per bushel... Fresh Radishes, two bunches Fancy Ben Davis Apples, per pk . . . . 14 94 ... 11?4 ....17Ha ... 17W 17W lOd .-10c 5 5 Eagle Lye, 10c cans 10c bottle Catsup. . 5c sacks Salt 2? 10c pkgs. Corn Flakes f Strictly freh Eggs, doz. . .20 Large Grape Fruit 5 Extra fancy Bananas, doz, 1 5 SI. 15 - - 5c 20c We Roast Our Own Coffee Daily. Free Delivery Anywhere Mail Orders Filled at Above Prices. c.Stf The Peoples MarketS GRAND OPENING BOSTON MARKET We eelebrste onr Twentieth nnivsrsry la 1 front, new fixtures. After you see onr new market most sanitary market In the oity. Oar motto, as AT LOWEST PHICJB8 These prloes food all week witn 13ic 1,000 US. ' Choice Beef BoU...7Ho lbs. Xeok Bones . . . B5o MILK FED 1-ln CUICXER8 . . 1. . . v Xdrer, per lb 80 3 lbs. fcork Sausage, S5o Teal Boasts 11 He Beef stoasts 12Vo Xamb Roasts .....bVie Xiamb Chops, lb 10c Choloe Beef Steak. 13M,o Salt Fork, lb loo 8. O. Bacon Squares at lMo S. C. Picnic Bams, 13Ho M lbs. Fure Lard, S5.B5 Ho. 3 Fare Zard .... 43o Bo. B Fure Xiard 690 Bo. 10 Fare Xard..S1.39 8S lbs. Cane Sugar,-$1.00 1 lb. Tea oa Cocoa, 69o, and three lbs. Coffee, $1.00. 3 60 pkgs. Craokers . . 100 CHnger Unape, lb .... 60 Fig Bars, . TauUla or Xicmou Wafers, lb., 100 10 bars Baptha Soap, 860 8 So cans Milk 8 80 lOo can Corn 7o 100 can June Feas...7o 16o can Baked Beans or Salmon, 3 cana 95o 4 lbs. Prunes, Peaches or Bio for B5o lOa BnttbM Iffnatard. Cat. rvsup or Olives 60 aoo cans Fears, Peaches or Plums So lOo can Sweet Potatoes for 60 1 doable site room new yon will say we have the before BEST QUAXITT Creamery Butter XXXI Beat jPlour, $1.3 39o 33 Pride Omaha Flour, $1.4S W. Crosby Oold Medal Flour $1.69 S gal. Maple Syrup, $1.89 33o can Peanut Butter for 100 3 lOo cans Jama lOo lOo can Iiima Beans.. Bo 18o can KUk Hominy, So 4 lOo cans Wax, String or Kidney Beans . . . asio lOo can Baked Beans, Spaghetti or Soups, 60 lOo Scouring Soap...4o 60 pkg. Matches or Toilet Paper . .. .9Ho lOo can ChlU Con Caxne for 4o lOo pkg. Corn Flakes, So 86o pkg. Oatmeal. .. ,l$o Fresh Zggs, dos..,.18o Mail and Parcel Post Orders Filled at Same Prloes Largest Cut Prioe Mall Order House In tbe State Write for Prioe list. BOSTON MEAT fit GROCERY CO. 113 Borth 16th St., Opp. Postoffloe. Two Phones Song, 1089. Pig Pork Loins, fresh, not frozen 13 Fresh Dressed Chickens ... lS1 Pteer Tot Roast HVio, 10lte Pig Pork lioast ll'ie Pig Pork Butts 13'to Young Veal ltoast lllc Young Veal Chops 14e I Jul ib I.eRS 1440 Lamb Chops 14so Spare Ttlbs 10; 9 Steer Steaks 16Vo 8ktnnel Hums 184o Arnuiur'i .star Ham.... 1740 Small Mains U4o Kxlra 1-ean Breakfast Bacon ... 1840 Sugar Cured Bacon 140 Bo ....130 SPECIAL. From to 9 p. ni.-I.ainb Chops Prom to 10 p. m. Pork Chops Deliveries to all parte or the city. Mail orders filled at once. PUBLIC MARKET- K.10. ftK&.8. Pig Pork Loins, fresh, not frozen 13 FOREQUARTERS LAMBS 934 HINDQUARTERS LAMBS .....1334 Spare Ribs 1040 Sklnne-1 Hams , 180 Armour's Htar Hams 17o mall Hums 1140 Kxtra lnn Breakfast Bacon.. 18 40 8uKr Cured Bacon 14o Oysters, per quart 30o Fresh Dressed Chickens 13e bteer Pot Koast llHe, 100 Pig Pork Roast 11'40 Pig Pork Butts 13To Young Veal Koast..... lllto Young Veal Chops 1410 Steer Steaks 18 Ho SPECIAL. rrom S to p. m. 3.1b. Pall Pure X.axd Deliveries to all parts of the oity. Ma'l orders filled at oaoe. THE EMPRESS MARKET Dpi.. Wool worth 5c And 10c Store. 113 South 10th St. Tel. D. 2307. .70o 1 MTi-n, 7every day is sale day at" V OLD CHOW this quality liquor store ftpeelal Hale Xow on Bran lies. Wines, ChAmpsignde), Etc Ask For Free Chine Coupon Write for Our IUg Free Cat- Uog. Two Quart Bottles Beer 2Se Ol J TAYIjOK ffn (f 0:iAK IIKIHIK II ) I! I i;i;kk kivkr U J I CUC'KKXHKIMKll . . tl ffX (LARK'S RVK . OYKRHOI.T ... .KLNNY lUtOOK (And Many Others) il" 11 1 imm CACKLEY BROS. 16th and Capitol Arenae. s sf I I ! 1 1 ! i fNv. A :