TIIK HEB: OMAHA, Fill DAY, MARCH J4, 191(1. - ( SOUTHERN CITIES NO CONFIRMATION OF HERRERA REVOLT Washington is Without Official In formation that Carranza Troops Have Joined Villa. Shortage of Paper Cuts Down Size of the London Papers torre.on1enre of The Associated Press. LONDON. March IT. Indoner n getting their daily new In more cor- I deneed form than ever before In history. I It was never served up to them In any I thing like tli manure In the I'nltod I States, where the headline come p.etty j rloae to conveying the story, but an ( fort at terseness and conciseness ha paper a measure of economy hroimn: on ladvfcnee published notlres iillln.x ur by th war which reduced the piipplv ot tli-tr reader to onler their p.'per c.u-li print Taper and which resulted In t!.i I !y In advance of their new s 'Imli r. Tfie publishers nf the grest dallies dc-Mina j resilers rre told that cnvlii.; H .ne to cut down the site of their ell l I ti .svarclty of paper it would be li -possible about one-half of what they were before In the future fully to provld for u Marl 1 last when the law became ' r- chance demand for newspnpeis. in othrr alive. I words only enough papers to meet ihs The public wa prepared for the .'s:n;,:e I known demand would be run off pre'rac. through the papers whbh for we k lit I The regulations which we-e formulcW d hv tbp rovnl cntmnisMon oi puivi pi o vhlrd t lint on anil after Winn i no pi"r or piiper ninkinif inuterliils coubl be i poiled bv hii pel sons iitne' Ikiii those licensed bv the rnninit." -TV I.tcorl s roubl bo granted t'j pslH"- IrtiiU.-lii t f'K STRICKEN BY FIRE been made in the telling of the story that 'a quite an Innovation In Journalism here The rt-siifse was made necessary by tli regulation governing the Important i vf Import during the twelve n.nntl. com- meni'lng with March 1 two-it 'rrt.i of th weh:ht of imported material which they consumed In 19lt. Three Thousand Made Homeless at Augusta, Ga., and Five Thou and at Nashville. ) ( - r i v PROPERTY LOSS IS ENORMOUS AUGUSTA, Ga., March 23. One of a series of fires which hare caused millions of dollars' worth of damage la the last few days la the south and southwest awept through ten busi ness blocks of Augusta and twenty adjoining residence blocks last night find early today, and before being got vnder control had caused damage which was conservatively estimated at $5,000,000. No lives were re ported lost, although there were scores of narrow escapes. The flame-swept area included the city's - largest office and business buildings on the north slds of Broad street, warehouses on historic "Cot ton Row," containing thousands of bales of cotton; some 600 homes, ii any of them in the city'a most ex clusive residence section, and St. Paul's Episcopal church, built 135 years ago. Today local mllltla companies were on duty. Hotels and homes in the lections of f'l cltjr not reached by the fire were (iiwn open to those whose residences I re b' led, and steps were being; taken . t local authorities to give relief to the 00 persons who had lost their homes. ! Bfearbr titles Send Aid. An area of about one and a quarter square miles was ravaged by tne flames, fwhlch were driven by a heavy gale. Fire (apparatus from Columbia, Charleston, i Atlanta. Macon, Savannah and Wynes f boro was sent to the aid of the local flre- ment. The wind subsided just after 1 o'clock, and it was not until then that the firemen could gain in their flifht. The fire started yesterday evening at 6:15 o'clock in the Kelly Dry Goods store in the Dyer building. From there It spread rapidly to Cotton row and de stroyed block after block on Broad street. The twelve-story building owned by the Augusta Chronicle was practically de stroyed. The Augusta Herald building also was burned. The Chronicle estab lished an office in a Job printing office and was Issued this morning. The Herald will be Issued this afternoon from a tem porary plant. Cotton . Interests today estimated that the fire destroyed about $2,000,000 worth of cotton stored in the warehouses along the river front. Fir J am pa One Block. The S0O block of Broad street proved to be the miracle block of the fire. The flames leaped over this block and not one building was damaged until 5:30 o'clock this morning, when fire was found in a small warehouse. This blase was quickly extinguished. W. T. Elrod, an automobile driver, rescued two young girls from the Dyer building. He made two trips to the fifth floor and was painfully burned. Three companies of the National Guard cf Georgle patrolled the streets during .the night and a strict watch was kept today on the devastated district. Fifty Augusta cltiiens today reorgan ised themselves Into public safety com mittee to handle the fire situation. Ar rangements were made to pitch fifty tents In the court house square. ADDITIONAL PRECAUTION TAKEN WASHINGTON. March 23. Con firmation of the report thai the Car ranza garrison of 2,000, under Luis Herrera, at Chihuahua, had revolted and joined Villa, was still lacking today at the War department, al though a dispatch to that effect was passed last night hy the United States army censor at Columbus. The War department insisted that General Funston's message last nlcht stated merely that "it Is reported" that the revolt had occurred, adding that there was no confirmation. No new advices had reached the de partment, officials said, and It was de clared there was no Indication In any message received since the American ex pedition started into Mexico that the troops had fired a shot or been fired upon.' 4 General Funston's prohibit la to dis pose the troops at hla command In such fashion as to Insure the line of commu nication behind the force In Mexico. Secretary Baker, when asked today if General Funaton has asked for more reinforcements since the Fifth cavalry and Twenty-fourth infantry were or dered to join him. said: ,-I think I will not answer that ques tion." A message from General Funston'last night said the motor truck trains had satisfactorily solved the problem of get ting supplies to the advance column. Gen eral Funston had been uneasy, it was said, over the supply situation, but had reported no shortage. The Navy department was without sd vlces from Tampico,. where a disquiet ing situation had been Indicated In un official reports. A message from Ad miral Wlnslow on the west coast said quiet prevailed at Ensenada, lower Cali fornia. Lanalnar Bark on Job. Secretary Lansing, returning from a week's vacation, took personal charge of the situation so far as it concerns the State department. He conferred with , Eleslo Arrendondo, General Carrania'a j ambassador, who presented a dispatch i from Consul Garcia at El Paso denying ; entirely that General Herrera had re- j volted with the Chihuahua garrison and , joined Villa. I Counsellor Polk and Mr. Arrendondo dls- cussed with Secretary Lansing the pro- posed protocol for Joint action In the pur- : suit of Villa. Mr. Arrendondo said he found Mr. i Lansing in accord with the protocol as it ; had been dawn and forwarded to Oeneral ' Carranza and that he expected some word from the general to go ahead and com- j plete the agreement, probably late today. General Funaton today asked for eight more aeroplanes. He wants four to go to Columbus to fly with Brigadier Oen eral Pershing's column and four others to be sent to his headquarters at Fort Sam Houston to be held for emergency work. ' . - : - RELIEF WORK AT PARIS, TEX. Large Sam of Money Distributed Aihdbk the Needy. PARIS, Tex., March 23.-Work or re lieving the sufferers and the homeless In Paris after the disastrous fire of Tuesday night was carried along swiftly today. Large sums of money, raised in Paris and In nearby cities, were distri buted to the needy by the relief commit tee, headed by Mayor E. H. McCulstlon. The 8,000 homeless spent last night In , the homes of friends and relatives, on lawns and In such public buildings as remained. Railroads waiting rooms were turned Into dormitories for the women and children. The greatest task today was clearing the business district of the debris. Of the five banks in Paris three were rased. Officers of these three expected to make attempts st opening their vaults today and believed they would find the con tents unharmed. The death list remained today at three with one person missing. Dandruff Makes Hair Fall Out 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thick, strong, - : beautiful Girls! Try this! Doubles beau ty of ycur hair in few ' moments. v FIVE THOUSAND ARE HOMELESS SI Hundred Residences Burned at NashTllle, Teal. NASHVILLE. Tenn.. March S3.-C1U-sens, civic and church organizations of Nashville today were caring for 5.000 per sons made homeless by the fire that swept East Nashville late yesterday, de stroying tOO residences, causing one death and a property losa of $1. 00.000. National guardsmen patrolled the burned area. The blaze started from a lighted ball ef yarn thrown Into a grassy vacant lot by a boy. A planing mill first was de stroyed. The flames quickly spread to an extensive negro settlement where, fan nod by a high wind, every house was con sumed. The conflagration then broke Into two distinct blazes, one flowing esst on Seventh street and the other down Fifth avenue. An are of thirty blocks wis swept away, which included many of the most costly residences of Nsshville, several churches and one charitable In stitution. After paralleling each other on separate streets for many blocks the two fires again Joined. Fire Losses in National Forests Show a Decrease W ASHINGTON, March .-r Ires on na tional forest land last year, aays a re Iort Issued today by the forestry serv ice, were confined to lerj tnan sno.OU) acres, losses are put at I35O.O00. which is far below the average. Seventy-two per rent of the fire los waa in Oregon. Virtually all of It was In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The loss per fire Is estimated at sso.41. or $14.03 below the five-year average. The cost of fighting th fires was more than ( a. - A V ; fV .,'l! ; j yi. . .. t 1 f j V fl- I fx' sh ' ? . -J I 1 . V r " $ . ,: , -. ' .-. . 'l o i ' ' '. ; Within ten minutes after an applica tion of Danderine you can not find a ! gle trace of duDdruff or falling hair ani your scalp will nut itch, but what wl'.l please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fln I and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and care fully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amusing your hair will be lUht. fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance rf j abundance: an incomparable luster, soft- j ness and luxuriance. Get a 2S cent bottle of Knnwlton's Dan- j derine from any drug store or to;let (ounter, and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treat mentthat's all you sureiy ian have biautlful hair and lots of it if you will $2s for each f'.re. Lightning caused M per cent of th I JU8t tr little Danderine. fires; campers. 15; brush burning. 11, .ncendlsry, 11; locomotives, ; lumbering operations, $, unknown, 10. A .o4 1 una a Resaedy. tr. Bell's I'lne-Tsr lioney w ill eae our cough, soothe the raw stops and prrteiit m rloiia lur.g ailments, tic. All ill w.itj. Adv citUeii.ciit. r I I TVuwa'a SMwianc wtW O C010 TAfctiiTft' CtT- urun t.l: I r s Ti-tW .rai P m-vci b ar. &- $7 i Underwear at 29c Women's Fine Cotton Summer Weight Union Suits, In lace trim med and cuff knee styles; soma silk taped. All sites. EOo OQ values, each tJ C OFFERINGS FROM THIS ENLARGED m cm Women's Lisle and Cotton Vests, lace trimmed. All styles and sites. 26c rallies..., 15c Women's Ribbed. Sleeveless Vests, good slaes. Regular 10c f" values, sale price OC Boys' and Girls' Cotton Suits, all sties. Light weight. Special, each .... Union 25c Children's "M" Knit Waists, taped buttons. All slses. Sale in price, each 1UC Of All Read y-to-W ear $2.00 15c Hosiery Women's Fine Mercerlted Cotton Hosiery, black and white. Double heels, toes and aolea. Talr Children's Fast Black Cotton and Mercerised Hosiery, double heels, toes and soles. Fine and i r heavy ribbed. Pair IOC Men's Mercerised and Cotton Socks, black and colors. Pair Men's, Women's and Children's Cotton Seamless Hosiery, double heels, toes and soles. Regular 10c quality. Sale Price, Tl pair 72 C Men's Heavy Cotton Gray Mixed Socks, 8Hc kind. s Pair OC 15c i Biggest Stocks of the Best Merchandise. Latest and Most Correct Styles. All of the Doujrlas Street Windows have been turned over to the display of Basement Merchandise and Friday starts a series of remarkable offering in Ready-to-Wear. No matter how little you desire to pay come to this Great Enlarged Basement. AND PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE NEVER SACRI FICE QUALITY TO LITTLE PRICING YOU ALWAYS OB TAIN THE BEST QUALITY THAT CAN BE PURCHASED AT ANYTHING LIKE THE PRICE ANYWHERE ELSE. 1 Clothingat$10.00 For Men and Young; Men The Suits. we offer Include models for men snd young men. The ma terials are fine casslmeres and fancy worsteds and other season able fabrics they are well tailored and guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction. Your choice J1 A Friday, for P 1 U Pure Worsted Casslmere Suits, in plain and fancy mixtures. A large assortment to choose tZ from, Friday, for J OU Hundreds of Pairs of Men's All Wool Worsted Trous- rf n Q Q ers, specially priced.. J)l.t0 Men's Work Trousers, hundreds of pairs to choose from, tft Friday, at lOU Slip-On Raincoats, sale An Q Q price Ps.70 Union Made Overalls ...49c Omaha Headquarters for Carhartt Overalls. Dress Goods, 95c Mill Ends Remnants and Mill Ends of Wool Dress Goods, suitable for skirts, dresses and misses' frocks, in lengths from 1H to 4 yards. All the season's newest colorings and weaves, from 36 to 44 Inches wide. To be sold by the piece f I only. Friday HOC One Large Lot of All Kinds of Sample and Matched Wool Pieces, in both light and dark colors, use ful for many purposes. Spe- rj clal Friday, each piece OC Travelers' and Manufacturers' Sam pies and Matched Pieces of Dress Goods, in all the new spring ma terials, many matched pieces in suf ficient quantity to make up suits, dresses, skirts, etc. Rtrietiv aii wooi. special i naay, each piece 500 Pieces of New Wool Spring Dress Goods, in Serges.Whlpcords, Granites, Black and White Checks, Stripes, Mohairs, etc.; 86 inches' wide. In all the wanted spring qualities, sale price Friday, on yard 07C Spring Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc. This Great Basement Apparel Store Offers the Best Styles at Moderate Prices. For Women, Miisei, Juniors, Children The Basement Ready-to-Wear Stores offer stocks that are complete in every way and quote some of the most remarkable prices ever shown at this sea son of the year. If you can't buy it here you cannot buy it anywhere. Hundreds of Woman's, Mlsss snd Juniors' Plfht Vp-to-Ihs-Minut Hulls to iwlrrl from, mad of flna all wool ma tarlala, flna workmanship, ate. lKn of prattjr atylea to ralaot from. All tho naw sprint colors and plonty of Mark. All alias as wall aa larsa sias for stout woman. Wondarful stilts at Burn low prtroa $7.95, $8.00, $9.95, $12.48, $13.85 and $14.85 Many different atyles at earn prlre. A comparison will demonstrate to yon that our baaement store slvee the great est quality at the loweat prlree obtatnahle In the rlty. A wonderful showing of Women's snd Misses' New Spring Coats, every kind of a dealred material and style. It's here. In this wonderful low price basement store. Corduroy Coats, White and Light Mixture Coats, Fine All-Wool I'oplln and Bergs Coata, etc l'rlcee $3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $8.95 and to $14.85 The Paaement Press Section offers Women's and Misses' Silk lreaees t ha atyles never were so pretty. Fine 4iia trlala such as Crepe de Chine, Taffeta. Kllk Topllna, Taffeta and Crape da China with Chlrfoa aleevaa, eto. Manx Pretty comblnatlona st extremely low prices $3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $8.95, $9.95, $12.48, $13.85 and $14.85. It us demonstrate our new spring Dress Skirts to you. Kxcellent styles and flna materials at little prices. Checked Sklrta. Plaid Hklrte. Stripes. Plna All-Wool Poplins. Serges, etc. Dosena of pretty new styles to select from, at $2.48, $2.69, $2.95, $3.49, $3.95 and $4.95. Complete Stocks of Muslin Underwear, Children's Wearables, House Dresses, Etc. 98c 19c Blankets for 89c Large Slie Single Beacon Blankets, in white, gray and tan. Very soft napped, feels like fine wool. Bound on ends with wide mohair binding. Splendid Spring sheets, regularly priced to 2.60 a pair, spe- on clal, each OiC Strictly AH-Wool 11-4 Slie" Plaid Blankets, very fine quality. Weight 4V pounds to pair. All colored plaids. Regular values tQ QQ to t 00, pslr 40.a7O Beacon Crib Blankets, absolutely fast colors, in pink, blue and white with nursery patterns rabbit, chick, etc. Quality and site that usually sell for 69c, QQ Friday 0?C Sleeping Porch Blankets, dsrk blue hesvy wool, msde especially for outdoor use. 15.00 Q QQ blankets 4J.70 Corsets, $1.00 We are selling a Corset at $1.00 in this Great Basement department that you cannot duplicate any. where else. Special Corset, made' for medium and stout figures, and a special feature is the extra wide front steel with adjustable abdominal strap, gun ran teed rustproof and In every way the best Corset you ever bought at 11.00. , Corsets for Medium and Slender Figures, medium bust with long hip. A rust proof corset, for Boys' and Girl's Underwalsts, with garters at- OC tached. Friday .... aDC 49 c Boys' Suits, for $2.75 Friday With Two Pair of Full Lined Pants They are worth much more. Good, practical suits for marble time, made In the new-- Norfolk model. Neat pattern effects of gray and brown, in good service able fabrics. Two pair of pants with each suit. Ages 6 to 17 years. A New Lot of Blouse Waists Neat patterns of light and dark stripe effects. Ages 6 to p" 14 years, each aOC Boys' Rompers, In a varied assort ment of msdras and chambray, in dark and light effects. Ages 2 to 7 years. The 60j O C kind ODC Beys' Bassmcnt Section. Crepes, for 15c English Woven Crepes, dozens of different styles. Plaids, stripes of all kinds, even to an awning stripe, checks and repp weaves are shown. We think this fabric is extremely Interesting. Worth 25c, c but we say IOC Now if you want to make a dainty house dress, or a little wash dress for a miss, you csnnot do better than to Invest the few cents that It will cost to buy sufficient qusntity in this store. All new, both in design and the combination of col orings. They are fast colors and woven, and they are a real nn investment, at yard tC Now comes a line of Crepes in solid colors, almost as light and filmy as chiffon, 27 and 86 Inches wide. 811k and cotton mixed. Solid colors of green, blue, purple, Terra Cotta, white, light blue, black, etc. They are really worth 36c, i r Friday, yard Itl C Tub Silks make one of the most likable fabrics for summer wesr. These stripes will suit most any woman's fancy. They are so varied and the colors are refined; all 27 Inches wide. We think -i q they are a find at 17C White Poplins (Imported) for sport skirts, for nurses' uniforms, for outing costumes In fact, for wear Indoora or out. Fine cord weave, in a very substantial cloth that Is really worth 25c a yard. q You may buy it here for.. LjC Imperial Longcloth for underwear, 38 inches wide. Here Is a chance to get an entire bolt, 12 yards. You won't need a second in- r o vitation f OC Remnants You can use for most anything, and the price we put on this is so cheap that you can af ford to buy them and anticipate a need. Flaxons, stamped on the elvsge. 27 and 32 Inches wide. Worth to 26c, special, f yard 1UC Marvelous Values In This Basement Millinery Store $1.95 $2.50 $5.00 A substantial saving can bo made at all times by a visit to our greatly en- 3 --r 1 larercd Basement Millinery Section We offer for next Friday the most complete stock of Hand-made and pressed hats, trimmed in ostrich effects, nniart flower wreaths, ribbon trims, wing fancies, etc. Colors Brown, navy, bottle green, old rose, gray and also black; in fact, all the pop ular colors. Large Hemp Sailors The demsnd for large ssilors has been enormous, but we were fortunate In having a good aupply and plenty of blacks, also brown, navy, gray, etc., made of good quality Japanese hemp, well sewn and blocked. Included are a few shiny braid bats, made ot three end Jap braid and China split. New Trimming Section June Roses, Follsge, Asters, Lilacs, Crush Roses, American Beauty Roses and Glased Fruits are shown In a large variety of patterns, in Jack, pink and old rose. They form the principle trimming for the large dressy sailors. $1.19 and $1.69 1 19c, 25c, 39c, 59c Misses' and Juniors' Hat Section A good assortment of school hats, trimmed with ribbon streamers, also colored hemp hats, flower trimmed; patent Milan hats, banded for girls 4 to 13 years. 49c to $2.50 Women's Shoes, $2 You have got to be well shod if you want to carry the Impression you desire when spring comes. Kvery shoe that we mention is well made. Be sure of this, that whatever style you desire is here and at a little price that you have never seen on merchandise like this. Many besr well known trade marks. Look at the stitching, the style, the soles and the finish, then at the price In this lot are also cloth top shoes, all velvets. In button and lace styles, with Cuban and Louis heels. All color velvets, at $2.00. Girl's Shoes, sites up to 3. The stout, durable styles that you are looking for. Patent leather, kid snd russet; all button styles. Keep the kiddles well 1 ?f shod. Pair plOt Men's Shoes, all slses and styles, stout, serviceable footwear, many good styles for dress, " ff too. Pair PUU Men s Oxfords, there lsn t one style that you wouldn't readily pay more money for if you bought these In the regular way. It is coming to te time now When you will want to wear a pair of oxfords, and here Is your opportunt- dQ Cf ty to get them, at $iUU Girl's Shoes, all ot them are In the $1.I0 class. We can take care of small boya, too. All dull leather, In a good assortment of sixes. Specially priced for Fri day, pair Because it hasn't rained so far Is no reason that it isn't going to ralu. Be prepared and buy a pair of women's rubbers Frl- ng day, for OC 60c a pair for little child's shoes. All of them with flexible hand turned soles. Comfortable JQ for kiddles. Special, for.. 0?C o Ginghams, 7 l-2c Everett Classio Ginghams, there Is a riot ot colors in the most re markable designs we have ever shown. No matter what you need ginghams for, there la something here for you. 27 Inches wide. Mill shorts, 10 to 20 yards. 7l- Will cut any length, yd.. y2C 86-Inch Curtain Scrims, excellent for bungalow and cottage curtains. Printed floral borders and hem stitched. Brighten up your home for spring. Specially "7I prloed, yard V2C Mill Remnanta of Kilt Cloth and Ginghams, 83 inches wide. A whole range of colors and designs, for children's run-about dresses, house dresses, rompers, aprons and f a variety ot uses. Yard.... OC 36-Inch Dress Percale, light and dark colors. Every woman knows what percale la for summer. Neat dots, figures, stripes and checks. Enough said. Yard.. OC Serpentine and Japanese Kimono Crepe, mill remnsnts up to 20 yds. long. All the wanted floral and oriental designs. Fri day Plain Black and Solid Color Sat eens, highly mercerised. 86 Inchea wide.- One of the most serviceable yir-...8.pr.'::,...i212c 82-Inch English ' Sport Shirtings, here Is an Item for men's shirts and women's shirt waists that is right on the tip of the wear season. The nifty patterns In all neat colors and designs; a good weight ot cloth that will launder well. Ql Fast colors. Yard Oy2C Best Grade Apron Gingham, la all the familiar large, medium and small checks and broken effects. Pure Indigo dye. Special f Friday, yard Dy2C 89-Inch Bleached Muslin, extra heavy. Mill remnants. Values to . 8c, special Friday, r yard OC 0 Towel Ends, at 6c Another shipment of 6,000 Bleached. Turkish Towel Ends, plain and fancy borders; hemmed ready to use. Desirable lengths, each, 6c. 7VaC Crash, Co One Case of Full Bleached Cot ton Toweling, In the damask effect, 18 inches wide. Yard, 6c. Table Damask, 24o Full Bleached Table Damask, launders and looks like linen. B4 inches wide, in a range of pretty patterns. Friday, yard, 24c, 83o Crib Spreads, 69o For Friday we will place on sale One Lot of Crib Size Crochet Spreads and Satin Finished Mar seilles Bolsters; while the lot lasts, each, 89c. 25c Fancy Linens, 19o Scalloped Scarfs with neat em broidered design In corners, made of a nice quality embroidery cloth; slse 18x60 inchea. Special. 19c dd::!!"-..i2yc Curtains for 15c v ' 1 ; -- - - - - -X" 15c NOTE A great gale of Silk Mill Endi is advertised elsewhere in this paper. One Case (about 800) Traveling Men'a Sample Curtains, from 1 to 14 yards long. Each ..... 6 Gross of Lace Curtain Rods, can be used on windows from 30 to 45 inches wide. Each .... C About 2.000 Yards of Fine Mar quisettes and Curtain Scrim, worth to 40o a yard off the twit, i n All remnanta Friday, yd.. 1UC (4 Inch Novelty Weave Lace Cur tains, new spring pat terns. Sale price, pair. $1.50