TITO BEK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, lf)165. PURITY IN SYSTEM HER FIRST DEMAND Omaha Women Tells Exper ience in Putting Self "Back on Job" After Long Illness. SAYS TANLAO CAN'T BE BEAT. Nobraska Nebraska NO BULL MOOSERS IN BROWN COUNTY AH Hare Returned to Republican Fold and Moit Would Like to See Hoghei Named. KENNEDY HAS CALL FOR SENATE "As tnnlc and syatam purifier Tanlac em't h beat," declaree Mra. M. E. Don neai of 1J North RUteenth atreet Omihi. " And she ought to know. bffiuM her condition waa euch, ahe esplatna. Ibt she needed a remedr of ht kind very badly. I suffered from snemls-from a 1ak of red corpuscle In th blood." ah muted. -Thin waa caused by my havli been operated on taioe for thu asms trouble. Thla attark waa brought on by Rtnnd nolaonlnr rauaed a weakening of tha blood. "I auf rered from violent headaches. 1 had hot flushes all over my body. I waa weak. I could not tak my broom and aweep. I could not do my work. Thla waa my fourth attack of anemia. "If I ata anything aweet In tha mom Ins It would dlaturb my liver ao thai I would vomit up bile, and I would be. ao sick! "After taking two bottlea of Tanlao I am gaining atrength. I am doing part of my work already. I hava had but one attack of those violent headaches at nee taking Tanlac. My liver la In bet ter shsr and la clearing tip I have not had another bad liver attack, and my di gestion ia much better. I got mora nour lahment and atrength from tha food I eat "Teniae certainly hetpa to correct tha stomach, and enrlchea tha blood." Tanlac. the reeonetructlva tonic and era ten purifier, la being especially Intro duced In Omaha at tha Sherman A Me Connell Drug Store, lath and Dodga etreeta. Tanlao may be obtained In Benaon at tha ffchlllar-Beattla Drug "tore; Spring field, II. Fiegenbaum; Weeping Water, Meyer Img Co.; Nebraska City. Henry flehwake Co.; Auburn, B. H. Port; Aah land, H. II. Cone: Malmo, P. B. Fitch: Fremont, Brown-Pederlrkaon Drug Btoro; Oakland. W. O. Harding Bon; Clark aon, K. It Koxa: Columbus, Purity Drug Afore: Monroe, Hlll'a Pharmacy; Madl eon, R. K. Burrla; Nlckeraon, Toung eY Mtirrle: Fullerlon, Orlffln Broa. ATTENTION DKl'OOIBTS. An exclusive Tanlac agent la wanted in every town, village and croaa road fh thla county. For partlculera ad dress Copter Medicine Company, Day ton, Ohio. Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Alkali Makes Soap Bad for Washing Hair Moet aoapa and prepared shampoo con tain too much alkali, which la very In jurious, aa It drleth scalp and makei tha hair brittle. The beet thing to uae la just plain mill elfted rcoanut oil, for thla la pure and entirely greaaelena. It'a very cheap, and1 beata the moat expensive aoapa or any thing elae alt to pieces. You can get thla at any drug etore, and a few ounces mill last the whole family for month. Simply molaten the hair with water and rub It In, about a tesspoonful In all that la required. It niakea an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair drlea quickly and evenly, and la soft, fresh locking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Resides, It looaena and lakea out very particle of duet, dirt and dandruff. Advertisement. AINSWOKTH. Neb., March 13. (Special.) Compared with the po litical lineup of four years ago, a unique situation exist here In Brown county. Political leader declare they do not know of any progressive In the county. The former member of the third party have returned to the republican fold and aentlment every where tends toward the election of a I republican national and state ticket. There are expressions of dissatis faction over the democratic adminis tration. Ponounced democrate de clare that they will not vote for Wil son or Hitchcock thin year. Espe cially Is thla sentiment strong among tha farmers. Many republicans and democrats say that Hughe la the man who will get their support and It looks aa If ha will get a good-elied vota here, by admirer who will rite hi name In on the ballot. There Is also some Cummin senti ment, but that favorable to Hughes seems to predominate. Doth farmers and business men express themselve along thla line. All Waal ta Hear Keaaedy. Intereet In tha republican party la on tha Increaaa. DeaplU a heavy windstorm that aet tha aand a-whrlllng Tuesday night, farmera drove In for many muea to listen to tha speech of John L Ken nedy of Omaha. Thla speech rang with atrong republican dootrlna and waa re ceived with a great deal of enthuelaem on tha part of hla audience. It looka aa If Mr. Kennedy la Boing to get a big vote here in hla eandtdacv for United Btatea aenator. Hla talk, on r nubllcan principles and policies made him many friend, who declare that hla nomination will add much atrengtn tha ticket. r. R. Oalbralth, editor of tha Star Journal, in alilng up tha situation after the meeting, said that he believed prac tically all the republicans of he county were for Kennedy. Seatlaient tTaanlaaaaa. "I told Mr. Aldrloh, who waa hare soma tlma aaro. that I waa for Kennedy, and that the whole republican party B Brown county wanted to eea Kennedy nomi nated," said John M. Cotton, the well known -edltor and politician of Alna- worth. rteaardlng tha gubernatorial attuatlon one hear a great deal of talk and It would be hard to pick a favorite at thla tlma In tha race for tha republican nom ination. Neville la .developing a great deal of strength and tha Bryan men teal that ttie return of William" Jennings to oKiinnalin for hla brother will awing manv democrate In line. The republicans aeem enlhuelaatlo and eockaura of tha outcome thla fall, and on the ether hand, tha democrate ara not guying much and when Ihey do declare themselves ei press the nope breach In their party will not becoma any Ider than It la at present. MARMAN GETS BUSY WITH PATENT MEDICINE MEN From a Staff Correspondent.) U.VCOLN, March Zf -Hpeclal.)-Food Commissioner Harmm Is preparing to go after the patent medicine manufactur er, who still persist in Advertising "cure" remedies, when In the opinion of the food commissioner they do not cure. He has been auc.eeasful In having many of them chahge the name of their reme dies ao that tha worj "cure" doee not appear aa a part of the name, or which no longer guarantees a cure. Moat of them are satisfied l use the name "remedy" In place of the former word. IVILLA HEARD FROM HOLDINGUP TRAIN Bandit Chief Goes Through Every Coach in Person Looking; for Amecriani. PROTEST OF BURT COUNTY DEMOCRATS IS UPHELD I From a Staff Correspondent.) 1 A NOOI..N, March a (Special. )-The protest filed by certain democrate of Burt county against the name of Nela John son, republican candidate for the atate senate In that district, from appearing on the democratio primary ballot, waa Bue-jttmate there roust have been 1,500 talned by Secretary of SJate Tool thla:jn jjj afternoon. I . V. W. Orr. member of the laat twol Fr? ? i i t - . t - v nan we reacnea mediation we were of the democratio county committee of amad to see Panoho VlUa Mmeelf enter noiTOuiGon w3 Do ErMwii?3 0 awsia w M bint fife! Thirj ich Horning Esfoti Breikfast U urrntHT from physic pint, minora) water, oil ana enemas, as osy la rrom mynt. mrrinkai in ' taste, action, result twrtfttat because with Its use constipation and kindred altmeni paaa like bore the sun. a titrCftfNT because i inmfuratee and upbumia,andaS6aus( It la a natu ral wsy to better health, a stronger stomach, mora I eewer IMwew, miter eaav gtaaiar energy UT FRl'IT-YISCS KELP YC'J TO CT WELL find KEEP WELL ST Srvt class dragolst or grocer can aet Prutt Viaor (or you 1 ttwt lar. Or by parcel poet from aa One ar tl-f otur era lUWu lar $5.00. arc wart rooo co-tu inmii at, cmkass Kow la the Time to Get Rid of These I'gly Hpota. Da you know how easy It Is to re move thoaa ugly snots ao that no one will call you freckle-facet Simply gel an ounce of otblna, double strength, from your druggist, and a few applications ahould show you how eaay It Is to rid yourself of freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Tha sun and wlnda of March hava a atrong tendency to biing out freckles, and as a result more othlne la Bold In thla month. Ha sure to ask for lb double atrength oiblne, aa tbia ta aold Under guarantee of money back If It falle to remove the fi ecklia. Advertisement. Have Your Eye Examined and Glasaea Fitted by Our Expert. U -vWE MAKE. . 1-4,1 OPTICAL CO. t l CORNER FAR NAM AT 6 TH rboaa Booglaa 1441. Ouaaa g Moderate rxlced Optical fcwre. equnipped and armed, who had followed him from Chihuahua City. He finally left the train without moleating anyone, but ha took some euppllea which he paid ha needed badly." Mr. Florea aald that the wires between Chihuahua and Torreon were cut three daya ago and that the people throughout the country he traversed knew very little of what waa going on. NOT nOHTIHO THE MEXICANS EL PASO, aMrch 23. Garcia Fllores, a Spanish merchant of the city of Chihuahua, who arrived here tonight, said that Villa had held up a train on which he waa traveling at Mocteiuma, eighty miles northeast from Nalmqulpa, where the Carranza authorltiea have Insisted the bandit waa located. Florea Is well known In business circles In El Paso. "We were traveling north from Chihuahua City," be said, "and were rearing Mocteiuma, when we en countered a large force of men, mounted and on foot, surrounding the station. According to my best ea Burt county and member of the 1911 ses sion, apptared in support of the protest. New York Physician To Be Charged with Murder of Relative P Xetee Irsrn Ritssss. n A VKNNA. Neb.. March J3. (Special.) The School board or tiavenna Re elected aa superintendent for tha coming year Prof. Nlrhola, at present county su perintendent of Buffalo county. Prof. C. O. Brown, for four year eupermienoenv of the TUvenna achoola, ha filed aa a candidate for county uperintendnt. Since quarantine rogulntlona war an- forced about two week ago aeveral new cases of smallpox hava developed and thfcro ar now about ten home under quarantine. No one who hs tha diaeae la sick enough to b confined to oed. At the clllsona' caucu held Tuesday evening, ail of tha present city officiate were renominated, with the exception of C. B. Caas as elly clerk. Mr. Caaa Is editor of the Ravenna New and haa aorved continuously aa city clerk for twenty-aU yeara. being the only clerk the town haa ever had. He waa nosed out by Joa r. Smaha In the caucue. There la no dlssattafactton In Mr. Caaa work, but a great many voter aemed to think it was time for a change. NEW YORK, March sent - today to. arreat Warren Walte In connection with the death of John FI. reck, millionaire druggist of Grand Rapids. Mich., found him In a condition of atupor aa a result of an opiate, aelf-admlnlstered. Physi cians at noon today v. ere working on him to save his Ufa. District Attorney Rwann soon after that hour arrived at Vr. "Talte'a apartment and went In, accompanied by a stenogra pher. It waa given out that Dr. Walte had taken tha opiate to Induce aleep and It waa believed that ha would recover. District Attorney Bwann, emerging from Dr. Watte' apartments shortly before I o'clock, mad thla announcement: "I ahall charge Dr. Walte with murder In the first degree. The district attorney received Informa tion laat night from Orand Rapid a In dicating that Peck my have been poi soned. Dr. Otto M. Shult performed an autopsy on Peck's body at Orand Rapids, whara It was aent soon rfter Peck's death here on March II. Order were aent to detective to bring Dr. Walte to the Tomb court for ar raignment at 1 o'clock. While awaiting tha arrival of Dr. Walte, the dlatrtct attorney had under examination Dora Heller, a maid em ployed In Dr. Walts' a home at the time of the death there of Mr. and Mr. Feck. It waa given out by the district at torney' offloe that Mlaa Heller had aald that on two occasions aha aaw Dr. Watte pour something out of a bottle Into Peck' oup. rck complained of the tests and Dr. Wette. she la atated to hava aaid, blamed tha cook. On eonther occa sion the maid was declared to have aald ah saw Dr. Walte pour aomethlng also Into Pack's tea. Dr. Watte was reported later to have recovered sufficiently to be questioned by the dlatrtct attorney, but not to be In a condition to be Immediately removed from hla apartment Meanwhile Aaalatant District Attorney ! Rmbree presented the ess to tha grand jury, calling a the prlnolpal witness Dora Heller, the colored maid. The records of tha health department, which reported Peck's death due to acute nephritis and Bright' disease, were also placed before tha jury. ' Two detectlvea were left In charge of Dr. Walte, with order to bring Mm to police headquarter aa aoon aa hia con dition permitted. Vtala and boxea contain ing three kinda of deadly polaona were found In Wane's pockets, the district at torney aald. ORAND RAPIDS. Mich., March tt.-Dr. Arthur W. Wkiita la the son of, Mr. and Mr. Warren Wait of Grand Rapids. Ho la 21 year old. II married Miss Clara Louts Pack last September. He studied dentistry In the University of Michigan and later won honora In tha CTollega of Royal Burgeons at Edinburgh. After leaving college he spent four yeara with a syndicate In South Africa, the train. We bad supposed he waa many miles to tha west. He walked through every carriage, declaring that he waa searching for Americana, and that he would kilt any ha found. " 'I am not fighting Mexicans.' he an- I nouneed, 'except the first chief and those traitora with him who hava turned Mexico over to the Americans.' Chats with Friaads. j "Villa stopped to ohat with some friends 23 Detectives J of his who were on tha train. Ha told Dr. Arthur them that General Hen-era had Joined him three day alnce with 1000 men, fully Sloea'e l.laltnent Hellevee I tlan. As soon aa you apply Sloan's Liniment the congestion disappears and your pain la gone. Bodily warmth Is renewed. Sc. All dnigglata. Advertisement. DEATH RECORD. Mlaa Maria Perry. Miss Maria Parry. Tt years old. died at the home of her niece. Mra. Walter A. George. 132 Park avenue. Her sifter, mother of Mrs. George, died about three weeks ago. The two have been msking their home with Mr. and Mra. George for aeveral yeara. Arrangements for the funeral will be made upon the return of Mr. George, who is at present out of the city. Mrs. M. J. Rich. GRAND ISLAND, ,Ktb., March 23 (Ppeclal.) Th funeral service of Mr. M. J. Rich were held Uile morning from Bt. Mary Catholic c'.iurch. Dr. Rich and family moved 1o thla city from Omaha thirteen yeara ago and the de ceased became widely known for her kindliness and was held In the highest esteem. She leavea ivsn daughter and one son. Mrs. J. S. Armstrong. ALBION, Neb., March J (Special.) Mrs. J. 8. Amstrong, wife of Judge Arm atrong of this city died at her home Tueaday evening. The deceased waa one of the ploneera of this county. She a survived by her husband, a aon and three daughtera. It takea but a minute of time to save dollars when you reed The Ree Want Ad columns. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 200 in Ten Days la many laataaoea Pereoaa have nf fered nmtoM arony for year aootorlag for Borrow waakaeea, atomaoh, liver or kidney dlaeaee or soma other alment when their real tronble waa lack of lroa la the blood How to tall. Msw Tort. N. T In a nesnt Hmetmrm Dr. a. Bauer. BpeeUllat, of this eltr sal: If yes wars ta sk sa actual Mood teat oa all people was are III res weald yrobably be greatly atenlaaa4 at rha eicaealnilr targe somber who lack lroa and he are III for so ether raaaoa taaa th lack of lroa. Tse aoaent lroa la snpslle all thalr multltnae of 4anfroes ymptoma aiaeppaar. Without lroa the blood it once loses the power to hange food Into llvlsg Ussae ss4 therefore nothing yea eat toes yoa ssy gee; yea oeo't got lbs atrength eat or It. Tour food manly H thrawsa rour srstom like cent through a mm with tee rollers so wloe apart that tha milt can't grins. As a reault of thla coetlauous bloos and nana starvation, paopls beaome generally eaeoe4. aerroas and all run down and rra aueotlr eefelap alt sorts e! eonaltlene. Ons Is too thlsj another e burdened with unhealthy (at) soma ara ao weak they ran hardly walk soma think thay have arepapsla. klsnay or II Tar trouble; asms oaa't steep at slant, others are elaepy ana Vreg all dor I sooss fasay and Iniubla; some klnny and bleedleee. but ell laek physical power and exturiBoe. la sear) eases. It Is worse tbaa foolishness te tabs stimulating medicines er nar cotic druse, which esly whl as your flagging vital powore for the moment, maybe at the ex panse of your life later ea, Na matter what any one tails you. If you srs not atrong and wall you ewe It to youmolf ta mass tha following ttat. Sea how long your ess work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two f Ira grain tablets of ordinary nuxated Iron three tlmaa per day after meals for twe waaks. Than tret your strength egaln and see for your If how muoh you bare gained. I hero teas doiens of bsi-tous run down people who ware ailing all tha time double, and eras triple thalr strength and nduranca aad entirely gat rid of thalr aymptoma ef 4rwppaia, llrar and other troublea In from tan to fourteen days' tlma simply by taking iron lo the proper form, aad thla. arter they had In eome caaaa been doi'torlog for moot ha without obtain ing any benefit. Tou can ulk aa you plaaae about all tiie wondara wrought by new ramediaa. but whan you coma down to hard facta there la nothing Ilka good old Iron to put color In your rheaka and good sousd. healthy fiaah on your bones. It Is sleo s great nerve and stomach trangthener and lbs beat blond builder In tha world. The only trouble waa that the old forma of . Inorsaale Iron like tincture of Iron, Iron ana tate, eo., often ruined people' taoth, upaat thalr tomarhe and ware not amlmllated and for theee raaaone thay frequently did more harm than good. But with tha dlsoorery of the newer forme of ormanlo Iron all thla haa been overcome. Nuxated Iron for example, le plaaaaat to- take, 6Vaa not tnlsre the teeth end la slmaet Immediately bene ficial. NOTTS The manufacturers ef Nuxated Iran have snob unbounded eonfidanee In Ita potenoy that thay authorise tha announcement that thay will forfait iiug.ee te any Charitable Institution If thay cannot take any man or woman nnder alxty who lacse Iron ens tnrraeae tnair Htrangtn too per cent er era la four weaki' time, provided thay have no eerloue organic trouble. Alao they will re fund rour money ta any eaae la which Nuxated I run doaa not at leaat double your atrength In tan daya tlma. It le diepenaed In thla city by Sherman a atcConaell Drug Co. stores asd all ether drnagtsta. AT PRICES THAT LOSE SIGHT OF COST Sale Lasts Two Days In order to close out our mammoth stock cf new, used and shop worn pianos, we will make an extra discount of 2 5 per cent LISTEN! Our atore la packed full of new and used pianos that have accumulated durng the last 30 days. Now we have made up our mlnda to sell erery one of these pianos at once. We have sense enough to realize the only thing that will dispose of this mammoth stock quickly la the price, and what we do not sell within the next two daya we are sure that we will have to carry over for at least thirty days. Among these sale pianos you will find such well known makes as Steinway, Weber, Steger & Sons, Knabe, Emerson, Vose & Son, Decker, Hacelton," Campbell, Wellington, Checkering, Ludwig, Sch moller A Mueller, Erbe, Llghte and others too numerous to mention. Fnipr This Sale Will Last Only Two Days. lrilPlf" iFE" ST So Make Haste. Mr. Piano Buyer. EE f " If 30 Days In Your Home 1 asT. Sr -JS-S. . f i -v is A.UJ.I You will find thla beautiful piano one of our latest styles In this special sale. Pianos guaranteed for 25 years. NOTICE The Extra Out in Price for the Next Two Days; $300 rprljcht, rosewood rase, w $10, now. . ino Vpright, ebony rase, waa 9 12ft, now. . . . 9 too I'prlRht, ehony rnae, waa $IH5, now 9275 I'priglH, ebony caae, waa 9"5, now 9325 I'priaCht, oair. cnAC, waa 9 IKS, now fBAO I'prlght, mahogany rase, waa $175, now. . 9300 I'prljtht, oak cae, was 9160 now 9600 Square, rosewood rase, waa 9SO, now 91,000 Grand, roaewood case, was 9105, now, 9OOO Flayer Piano, oak case, waa 9OOf now. . ... 75 8 98 8138 8 48 8105 8142 S12S .. 18 81 GO 8275 TERMS 91 TO 92 PEU WEEK. FREE STOOL, FREE SCARF, FREE LIFE INSURANCE. v SchmoIIer & Ttlueller Piano Co. ' ' iail-1318 Faunam Street, Omaha. ITendquarters for Player Music Rolls to Fit All Player Pianos. Callaway Ploaeer la Deaa. CALLAWAY, Neb., March B.-Sr-clal.r "Grandma" Cameron, who resided with her aon. John Cameron, aoine lx mile eaat of Callaway, passed away after an Illness laetlng for mora tban a year. She waa one of the early settler of this community, and waa ft year of age. Tha body wtll be shipped to her old home la Ohio for burial, and will be met at Omaha by a son who reside In Mon tana, who will accompany It. Aa Ala is blgeetpm-a. When you feel dull and atupld after your meals, frequently have sour atom ach and eructatlona you should take on of Chambarlatn'a Tablets Immediately after dinner to aid digestion. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Primary Filings Saner Ceaaff. eMate Representative, Thirty-eighth IMsirtrt A. Campbell, republican; George W. Fuller, demorret. State Hepreeentatlve, Thirty-sixth Tls trtoi Uawrge Uiagett. republican; Phil Msurer, democrat. cUate Bwneior. Twelfth District J. P. Stols. republican; C. W. Doty, democrat County Treasurer J. C. Petri, repub lican: j. U. 'a Ider, democrat; H. It. Weiler. democrat. County clerk-l'. II. Franklin, repub lican; J. H. Koberta. detuorrat. County Sheriff L B. Nitunaun, demo crat. Cuunty Attorney U H. McKUlIp, re pllran. Clerk of nistrtct Court EUward F. Trute, republlien; T. C. Beck and J. V. Oereke, demooreta. County Asaeaeor Joseph L. Wtnsor, republtian; William Z.wkk and A. W. Ulbo, demorrata. County Huperlntendent Fmma B. llop prl, republican; W. 11. brokasr, demo crat. , County tturveyor Reg Davie, repub lican. County Judge Harry l Korval and Edwta Vail, luin-partlaan. ekjpervUor, HwouJ lilatrict Lew W. lial. republican Henry 11. BaLslar aad Albert Wulibrendt, democrats. upervieor. Fourth l-lstrl.-t John Mtotker, republiL-an; If. H. hs Inter and Anton J. Krym, dtinocnila feiuuervlaor, Hlxitj lilatrl. t-H. H. Le aotte, rsDubiicaa; A. Leaveua. staute ciaU , Departaaeat Order. WASIIINOTON. March IS.-Breclal Tel egram.) Iowa rural letter carriers ap pointed: nonsparte, Kroy ran, ewea Clt,-M. R. Cliae. WONDERFUL TALE OF All ACTRESS Struggled with Sickneaa and Di. courftgement; How Relieved. DayriUa, KilllnglT. Conn, "I ghall Y glad to Lava every woman know what I know now, alter using Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vega table Compound. Although I am only 24 yeara old, I hava suffered for th past eight year. I hated th doctor, for a doctor told ma to give op tha stag where I waa playing J with my husband. I had bearing down palna, my health failed me. and I could not work on tha stage, and wasn't able to tend my baby or even tt around myself. I waa always downhearted and discontented with the world, and only lived for the aaka of my little girl, the doctor aaid to move to aome quiet little town away from tha noisy city, and I might be able to live and feel well, ao I went to Day villa In November. At that tlma I waa ao sick I coo Id not walk around, and my husband kept house and I stayed in bed. One day In January I read your adver tisement In a newspaper, and I aent for Lydla E. Plnkham'e Vegetable Com pound, and tarted taking it. Within two weeks tlma I waa a different wo man, could get around, and felt ao good that It waa a pleaaur to do my house work. 1 felt contented and happy, and now am tha picture of health, and am tempted to return to the stage. We appreciate my health aa the moat pre ciuu thing on earth." Mra. H. I KU-NaTr, Bw 85, Killing), Cona. j a fpfnpM p A POMICf (P A P AM PIC ! i ' . JLtJ I ? Vs , w JfttMP7 1 1 l.' vv H I 'etfaVtytt-tls:-. 1 1 ' 1 1 ji 1 jjJ" rj I lW SPECIFICATIONS: 4 Y7 V ill 0ven dimensions, 16x18x14 I ft a44. 1 II inches. I'll B 1 1 1 Broiler dimensions, 16x18 II 1 II xlO inches. ij J 11 Floor space, 46x23 inches. 11 : If j Oven bottom and top is 18- II j aue doable metal tl metal j V ."7wi..m iiiiiijmi.iLmi..L..i...uiib nil usss mi i usaiai t isessse-i OiTLY'8 DAYS LEFT in WHICH TO SECURE QE AT THE SPECIAL PRICE We consider this the best range value we have ever offered for the home Notice These Splendid Features Elevated oven and broilerno stooping or reaching; white enameled panels and drip pan easy to keep clean; other parts given a high finish. All of this adds to the appearance of a neat kitchen. You Cannot Afford to Miss This Opportunity Call at our office before April 1st or telephone for a representative to take your order. SPECDAL PRICE -UMTOL &PUIL 1ST Fuel Line Not in, $25.50 Fuel Line in, - - - $23.50 TERM PAYMENTS $3.00 Down, $2.00 a Month. 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH South Side 4819 South 24th Street. South 247. 1500 Howard Street Douglas C05. at