IVant-Ad Rate Lc CAM WIT- OUIKl fr word each Insertion Special Bates i rtrm and Ranch I .and a. , to per line each Insertion (Count six words to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS CR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: fa fxr word one tint 150 per word...thr consecutive times CXABOa BATES I (a par Una one ttma Ta par line throe consecutive tlmeg (Count sis words to the Una.) iro as Tins rom mm tkak A TOTAX, Or SOO OB X.ESB TKAaT lOe rXB SAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL. NOTICES : JOo per Una each Insertion (Minimum charge 60 cents.) Monthly Rata for standing ads (no char ire of cony) l.0 per Una (Count six words to the line.) OoBtract rata om applloatloa. tWB PEB will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more thsn one time. ADVERTISKRS should retain receipts arisen by The Flee In payment for Want Adf, as no mistake can be rectified without them. CPB TffB TETEVHOVrj If voti cannot conveniently bring or send In your ad. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will receive the sums rood service aa when delivering your ad at the office. PHONF! TTT.KR 1An. WANT-AD YLMXB CT.OP.K ffvNTW FOTTIAVa 1t: M. HORNING EDITIONS :00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Answer tne question "Where to so tonight" Hawtow. . loTH & DOUGLAS. "The Whispered Word," a drama, oi unusual appeal and convincing plot, with Grace be Carlton. Ninth episode '"The Strange Case of Wary Page." 'Troubled Waters," Rube ' Miller In a sure-fire, rtb tickler. Mutual Weekly. PRINCESS. 1817719 DOUGLAS. "A Modern Paul," a powerful drama of the underworld. Helen Gibson In "The Girl Who Dared," a thrilling railroad drama. Ham and Bud In "Maybe Moon shine," comedy. tHB FARNAM. 1416 FAKNAM ST. First Run of 1'nlversal program. "The Fatal Introduction." io Toy land Mystery. So, E Cents, 6 Cents. ' North. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY. "THE THEATKR BEAUTIFUL.', Crane Wilbur in "A Law Unto Himself.'! ' We Will Boon Install ., A Luxe I'lpe Organ. Watch for IU LOTHROP. 24TH LOTHUOP. ' ' Myrtle ftedman In . "Wild Olive." ' ' Nnaits.. iP6LL07"2 8 2 4" LKA V JSNWO Rl ;H . fletlg-Trtbiine No, 1. Bellg Newg. "From Out the Psst." 8-r. Vila. dr. Vernon Howe Bailey a HHrtcn tioou or vmratio, . ... rr ru.n :Ha,kilet Msdfl )VfT. Luliiu c f edy faOULEVARD. Sad 4Levenwortb. Preclal matinee today i;Sl. T mixht at 7:1K end H:tb Clara Kimball Young in 'The Yellow Psssnort, IToITlFF. jfffll U2AVENW Wm. B. Hart In "Between Men." . Trlsnale and "Mrs. Green's Mistake1." Weet. SionroeT 2 555 FARNAM. Frsnrls X. Bushman and Ruth Stone houao In "The HII111 Princess." on Ik Side. fcESSBTHBATER. 24T11 AND N. ' Joyce's Htrategy. Kssanay, t reels. I A Sn.isred Ascounf. VltagTaph. An Adventure In the Autumn. Bio. ORPHEUM, 24TH ft M Blanche Rl'nf In "The Yankee Qirl." tar Features Thee , are Special Extra -lie I Features now appearing at the , following Theaters. apolxs; 1824 LEAV"ENW6Htlf..' -From Out the raat. t 5Es5U 2Tru AND N "The IroS Claw." SoULeVaIuj, jao a N dLe a v eFTwtTT. Carl KlmbaU Toung In "The Tellow Passport. ' FmI'KKHR. liTH sk DoCULAfl. The Whispered Word." a drama of unusual appeal and convincing plot, with orace 1 x- t anion, Grand, w-iu and bln.n'ey , Crane Wilbur In "A Law Unto Illm- Self " LOTllROlV" liTH and loth hop, Myrtle Stedman In "Wild Qllve." EioTTRoiq, FAUN AM. Francis X. Bushman and Ruth Btone- house In "The Mlm Princess. CrphelS :4TH AND M Blanche King In 'The Yankee Girl." 1317-1 DOL'OLAH. "A Modern Paul," a powerful drama of tne unaur aoria. PRATHI AMU FlXKHtl KOTKK OTIS Anna P., March ID. U16, aged 8 years, 11 montns, i days. Funeral Wedies1ay. March 22. at p. m. from the residence of 11 II A rant. 71 P. v40tli hit. Interment a Mt. Hope, Friends lnvlted rLoHIDTli. BEST Ul'ALlTV Ci 1 FIaiWKKs" L.sata. Art Comblnatlona. sh',iued vrib wl.are. Excellent service to our cus tomers In past years recommends lit. A KWOBOI'A. Uli Parmtni Kt. D. I"l. BATHnorl t. i-" Ksiioini t. j, auu5" tniEN'Li" RSON'.lsi iJooglss D. 12.1 Member Klorteta releKrapn ld. Ass n A rwJr!iii'v- 14 -i ,a'-.'V Ii.ii-j l't k b UT fc. at E 1 k. HIKsT UAUbULKUM. WHY bury your dfd in the fold around in stormy weather w lien you ran buy a tomb in a niurble building at reaa nuble pri'-es. Tel. M A I ' HOl.KI 'M (H., 1 ( 21 7j. fiuiot:isi'.r sloiiuitint Woiks. tiutuao leuius. all kinds i:utikris. Ibih A Charlea Phone Tyler 1000Put That Want-Ad in niHTIIS AID DEATHS. ltlrthe Thomas and Lillian Jones, 8121 Sooth Eighteenth, arlrl ; Orion snd Hylrla Miller. i.'S Roulh Nineteenth, boy; Arthur snd Kthei siinnn, 2M4 Rlnnrto, boy; Merry and Cora King, 2.110 Fowler, girl; Emery snd Sarah Peterson, fill South Twenty elxth, girl; Robert and Edllh Mcl'lellan. 2KW MKillson, girl; Gust snd Kllxa An derson, 2WI1 Michigan avenue, girl; Harry and Chrlslna Johnson, 2-"iT2 Kvans, boy, lcaths .lens Rcnclsen, 8. Fifty-sixth and L; Mrs. Catherine Wlllett, 47. hos pllal; John Murphy, 1. 6220 Sooth Thirty second; Robert A. Ashhurn, W, Twenty third and Monroe; Aid H. Kennedy, 64, acl J; Joseph F. Uuerln, 22 months, hospital: Edward Kelpln, 75, 3715 North Twentieth. MlnniKiK l,l(F.K!l, Marriage licenses were Isnued to the following couples: Name find Residence: A Re Henry Furat, Omaha f Mamie Jensen, Omaha , 19 George D. Itohmer, Benson 59 Anna N. Stollcy, Elkhorn 26 Klwood Worth, Tender 25 Maude J. Khaylor, Umaha 17 nail Dttitman, Council Bluffs 23 Jennie Fee, Omaha 24 Hugh K. Mttle. St. Ann, Neb M Mary Hchmllt, Ht. Ann, Neb 29 William McHetterlch, Omaha 23 Mabel E. Schnoor, Omaha 1 BIIUIIKO PERMITS. eVhuier Carey, 40 North Forty-Third, frame dwelling, 2,6fti; Edmonds company, (173 Cnsa, frame dwelllnK, t-'I.H'iO; J. H. Oahorne. 37,14 North Twenly-flfth, frame dwelling, t'i.m; J. H. Osborne, Sulg North Twenty-fifth, frame dwelling, t"l,V; Julian N. Swanson, 4723 North Thirty seventh, frame dwelling, $2.fi; Jullsn N. Swanson, XS1 Cass, frame dwelling, 3,i"0. LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some srtlcle would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs HI reel Ifnilwsy company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In snd the company Is anxious to restore . them to the rightful owners. Call Pong. 4H. IF TOII Ium anrthlng snd frill aaertla It hara, ymn will aurelr recover It If founa br s linn ml peratm. Ramsrkatiis reoorerlea are bruushl ' about ewy dar through thla rolusia. THS LAW i'eopla who find Inet articles sr InUraatri In knowing that I ha sisis law la strict la requiring thns to seek the owner through sdvArtlaeinent anil otherwise, ana that a failure to so ao, If Sams can ba prevan, In- yrriya a aarare penally L )8T Boston bull" terrier; brlndle and white, puppy about 6 months old. An swers to name of "Tout." Reward. Tel. Harnew M. 124 B. Ith Bt. LADf'8 goidwatch. letter "H" on pin, down town district, Haturday evening, phone Douglss HV1. Reward. LOST Airedale pup; brown and tan; re word, j. 11. lAwrence, Ho. ttK.fi. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS rornltare dltoopefcnldaoods. OMAHA PILLOVV CO. Felt and" hair mattresses made oer In new ticks at half the price of new ones. Phono ua f 1 r sample of ticking. Mall orders filled. 117 Cumln8tL Ixjnglas 24K7. FUTtNitURH bargains; beds, 1; tables, Chairs, rugs, gaa stoves, $-1; iiei'dlime of UMiinuS; N. 24th. Welister HOT. tA ItuE light oak hall tie. Calf Webstar 7(114. Plaaoasktad M arnica UitramaaH. tlliO per month "A. Hospc. 'jbii Douglai tore anal Offlee Fixtures. LKbKH, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture 4k Hupply Co.. 414-l-lg H. 12th. Doug. H24. FOR BALE tiiocery and butcher fix tures aud stock. Nick ballatean. 1231 8. 2th. , ' SHOW case and counter for sale. Cuming Bt. Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches). BHODEOAAHD'fc) "lucky wedding rings" at IBth and Douglas 8ta Typewriters a ad Supplies. 5TETvf machines sold the same as rent: $.1 per month. Bee ua before you buy or rent, hiilppea any pia.ee on ten nays' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange. 8 LB B, lain, umatia, jvoo. RK M 1 NU'fO N 8. Moiiarchs and Bmlth Premiers for rent; win anywnere. Jtem Ingtuii Typewriter Company. D. Y:i, MII-LAND RIBBON t'AKUUN CO. Oi flee supplies. U. Z147. 22)1 Kee Bldn. I'M' I Al-r,ai'HiiHfed 1 !. writer rtb- Ions I for $L Reliance Ribbon A Carbon C '.. Douglss XiM TYPEWRITERS Rented, sold. Terma. MIDLAND CO., BM. Doug, giej. Sl' NT an Oliver typewriter mo. for & o Iver Typewriter Agency, vnrnam. tVl'EM WITLhtS sold reiaen rxpalredT CentrlTypf writer Kxc. lla rarnsi Bevrlaa lltrsiarf, SEWiKU MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and part of all sewing machines. -M1CKEL8 NEBRASKA CVCLB CO., 15th and Harney Bts. Doug. 1681 ('lothlngt, Kassa late. WE buy and c.l tailor made suits and overcoats. Friedman. 1211 Douglas tt amber. Building Materials. ITX limbi OF LUMBER FOR BAlK I sed In construction of building; la first class condition. Call Doug. 2117. A art Ion Hales, PCBL1C BALE March 26. 1S1. at rest aence or Abraham itosenDery, one ana one-half miles southwest of Elmwood Park, 7, horses, being t mares, 7 and I years old; a 3-year-old mare and one yearling colt; a s-year-oid mare; a 13 year-old mare; a hotse 11 years old: t rows and one yearling steer and S fat hogs: one farm wagon; one hog wagon and rack; one sprlnx wagon; two bug gies; a lot of farming Implements, being a grln seeder, one It-inch stirring plow, I cultivators, one illno harrow, two sets work harness, etc.. etc. bale for cash or approved security. Bale commences at 1 o cluck said date. A. linsF.XRF.HT. UH'llard uu I'uol Tablrai Ft til KAlJ-i New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys anu accessories; acnu tor cata losue; raay payiiienls. 1 he Brunswick liHlke-tollender Co., 407-4'W S. llh 8t Machinery aad Kaatnes. k. & ECO M I i A N D motors, various siao-i fine condition, very cueap., aee uliill Electric Co.. Boe Uidg. Tel. D.7 sj arserlva aad Serbia, MAl'LE T1UCES -year-old maple tices, il.W each. Call MHilHIl liv-l. MlsceJIaaruas. FOR BAi.K CHEAP. Buslue4 Culieue Course. Full and complete scholars up In one I tne U'U linisna buaiucas schools tiood reesun for sellinu: ucftctlv relia ble, woitlt tun price, but will be sold very tesonaiiiy. if toicicti inves tikate at or-. betauae spring term h.'klus aoon. There aiv a variety of cuui-ara for sale. For paitlculnia luuulre n ine iniice 1 ne 1 iniulia livt MT high standard of Quality will luslnla.lieJ; 4 ijuarta of Old Vor.tvnall wl.leky. $4.2: botlletl in bond. llritr roiiocs. 111a 11 onur nous, nou. ,iw irr-i n 1 in m ALEX J EXES' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth und lKiuglar. Bottled-tn-bond whuky. Soc, 1.00, tl.S, full uusrt. WHEN YOtT PLAN TO SKI T, THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT? List your property In nil! EKE S Big House. Home and Real Estate Guide. Buyers -r real es tate are exacting usually. Value must be there, and apparent rke sliouid be sn Inducement. but mske tte information deflulte and you will get responses from pemuns rcallv interrstcd in vour fciter. if vu run it to THE BEE. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ft Til COPNTY THKAHCHKH I1MMET 0. KOIaOMON JlltoliKJAAIIIi 8 ' l.ii. ky Wedding Rings" at l"th snd Douglas Pts. fAliTUt ili.-et Mi-lnl. nil 8. Kith Ht. FXKWISK A T Y . M . A . -Hu-. Inees men, nreasmauins. Acorllon. Phle. Knlf?. Hox Pleat In?. Cov. Hutton, Hemstitching Neh, Plent ing Hum on Co. 4JI-2 raxton'kjjt 4:'4r CI.UitK'.H L'reemklnif shM,l, suits, dresses, etc. 'Ji,.'9 Cs llfornls. l''ig. 7"vW. MAKAMK MIClTAfclJS flnwns. Hulls and Wrsps. n Po. rr.th ft. Csii Oonir. II RUHL changins; location; temixirary address, Ioiglss R7Ri. FT KST-CTTA SHdeamakJng. Hed SV.i.' TTHsler'sliressmslting Col. 1C2S CITVNbT. Terry "Tre"ssm s k rg" col ie e7 20t h & Fit 1 1 n mT Kvvryisiinst low V nairn. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box plesting, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennsnls. IDKAL HI'TTOS A.N1I 1'LF.ATIM CO.. K Houfclss Hlock. Douglns 19W arpentere sTntl ontrartura. id onl"Bpltol Ave, T. 1WX C. W. lloksnson, 2MLvnwth. Tyl. 2K-J. J. J. Vol Nij. 2st,3 "KlVaml. Web. 1737" Cementing and 1'lwsterliig. Call Red 7)W. C. 11. Roys, 2 BrlstolTT'h. "Web. Accooatants. E. A. DWOItAK, C. P. A. 43S-437 Ramge Hid g Tel. Don glqs Xi, A. KTZKNHi'KKOEK. Council Hiuffs. la. Tel. HIack 1IW. Auditing. Accounting, incorporations, Investigation. Ladles Tallorlaai. IIIOH clasg ladles' tailoring-. II. Fischer, iimiicti innri imik n, IUIL1 yiT Ml, CaataaiH. THE largest stock of tnasqueiade and ineatriist costumes In the country. Thep. Llehen A Bon. 1514 Howard. I . 41 in. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 209 N. 471h Ht. John Feldman. Ragtime piano playing guaranteed In 10 to 2o lessons. Prof, ilaynes for Original "t? r2MULJllA,"ey louKlas cm. BKtlnie piano playing pWlUvely-taTiglit III 20 lessons. 4 Cuming. Ws I. :i,. Patntiasr a d Pimp IIbbs Inar. WIOH-CIjAHS work, low price. Tyler 11S2. lIlnH-CI.AHrt work, low Drlce. Web. T'.fii II M K . DR. BENDA-Sulpliur, Hteam, Modern i ursisn, r,iectno datiin nd M A M HAtiW for tired nerves and rheumatism. Private apartment for ladles with lady attendants. 11 Farnam. l'hnna D. X4:f7. ? hlropraotora, ilnal Adjastmests.' Ull. BURHORN, 414 Hose Bldg. D. 5.147. raimw pcnooi graa. consultation Tree r. B. Israel, Stto"Bran. the. BldaITo4'3B" r. JTc. LawfencealrdBidg1Tj:h4m; llottons and I'liailiii. G. XI. VAN ARNAM Dress l'leatlng and Button Co., B.UA-7 Paxton Blk. North- esst corner loth and Farnam Sta. Phone Douglas S109. Bakeries. CAKEB, pastry and fancy ttakery goods, suppiiea to parties, longea ana entertain ments. Z. H. Reader, lftoti N, 1Mb. W. 32H7. lloieocleaBTast., ELECTRIC house cleaning, our work and price win please you. Let ua remove your storm windows and put In your screens. Tyler 931 J. lateet ivea. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Nevllla Block. EV(. den ce secured In all cases. Tyler 11IW. Ca5To natTTictcctlve Agcy., Inc.. Kee- nn nmg. v. iim. ninciiy conriuentlwl. Ilrnaa DMTTOfl at cut prices, freight paid on ftO oroers; catalogues tree. Hlierraao. m Mc Connell lrug Co., Omaha Neb. jaatles nf thai Pan. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk.; Red mo. notary puouc: deposition steno. W. Brltt, 801 Bark e r BlockT" 4reerlea, OROCKRIES, frulte and vegetables and ""ior, juicy meat, nrompt delivery. Tom Johnson's Branch Btore, 6826 N. t4th Bt. Phone Colfax 15. Vaeaana t.'leaaara. CLF.AN QlUCKLY and THllHOTIOHf.Y 1" 1 ' l.ou ftoM, UA I . UtfUUI.AB lil). Fixtures aaat i'Trlair. riTTT?TTTriSlectrio washing machines. v oluelrtn mm . nA .l,. lamps, uuming at. uoug. L'olD. Cleaaiere mml Dyt-rs. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 1 N. 12th. D. 6072. Dastlata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 8I W.O.W. Bldg. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 21D4, Motlnsr Plelura Mai'kinri. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th snd Doug. Mo- tlon picture machine and film buryalns. I'nleuta. p. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. II. A. bturgos. ttWBra"n"dei"s Theaterllidg. wines aud LTuaura. BUT your family liquors at Klein's liquor nouse, twa n. itiui. Douglas iww. TallorTasr. II. MARCUS, tailor and cleaner, pressing nu rciiairina;.- ajv . imn nt. 11. tvi. t'slsisar aaA t'nmM I IvbbIii W'ork guaranteed. F. Borneman. D. 7239. AerkilMti. EH-erett 8. Dodd, 61J Paxton Blk. D. WWU Towel Hanpllea. OMAHA Towel Bupply. 2U7 8. 11th. D. R2J. Karaarei and Tinware. HABBRHTROH, 2 Hamilton. Wal. 29TI. Tranks and Halt FREL1NO & BTE1NLE. 18(16 Farnam St U'steh gneelallsta. Christiansen. 2d fh'axton UK., 18 yr. exp. Weddlan- Itatloaerv. Wedding announcements. Douglas Ptg. Co. I uucrets I uatractors. WALKS, steps, driveways, floors, "high ciaaa wora. t-none paui. mi lor esti mate. 8. A, Hole. Aavertlalasi Novelties. M. F. Ehafer Co., 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. Priatlnst aasli Otflca gappllea. ONE writer press fur piiiitnu Imitation typewriter totters; one invaiiii saniiary chair; one eollapsdile iro-cart. Tel. W.7169 W ATEUS-BARNHARTiPlg. Co.. ouulHy printing Tel, Doug. EIW. til'4 . i:ttn St CDNTHAL I'llnling Co. Dol'til.AS 8 MT xlUC.LAS Piioilna- Co. Tel. Douglas 644T Attoraere. C. T. Dickinson 611 Paxton Blk. P. 1804. Braaa aaa lroa Foandrles. Psxton-Mitchell Co., 27lh and Martha Sta Daartna Acadeinlre. DE LUX ACADEMY. Ill 8. 18th Bt. ctllecirolysls. Uloa Allender. t.24 Bee Bldg. Red 3M6. ( blropodlats. Carrie J. Buford, 6-D l'ax. Blk. Red 4CS7. WANTED TO BUY WANTED l.Outt old ftalher beds; highest prices paid. Add reus A. B. Mack, sen ersl delivery, Omaha. Drop postal, will rati. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Hoed. 1207 Farnara. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FINE, lare I'i.iO Urglna innate -tox. with big biMK'lt of tune aheets. all In fine Ktmpe; eiar III rolls of j-note piano player music. n; good Ncwrombe ily shttttle cirpct loom, or what have u.i'T e t . l'W. tteo. ul 11. u, J 11. p., 01a mudri, put aooa ein.iiiioi.; Jus! tne lh'114 to cut down to p. n cteli'ter; want u IXjiU truck, hordes, tooia. or ttliHt'.' I'l me show it. 8. C liww e iiVoiSTM E9A mcrioan Uw anJproci dure text hm a. 3a- aliee Sp c al revolver-Will trade for motorcycle, roll- top desV. or what l.a'.v y ju'.' Addn-sa S 31 19. Bee. A'l'ilj BRAND new Overlaiul, bought ,ant fuil. dr.ven leas than l,i miles on liinaha streets. Will trade and take t.i lli live-posaenKer Ford. No otlur trades accepted. Address it. C. log?. Bee. WILL excTiamro ) 11. 1. ftvo pansengor auto In good ahaie; Just overhauled, lull model, good tires, lully .eq.iipixsd. for lighter car. or. what have you.' Ad dress 8. C. Bee. ' SWAPPERS' COLUMN CoMI'I.KTK U. 8. slsnal corps wireless sending and receiving outfit, with gas engine snd generator to operate set. Want used motorcycle. Address S. C. 1110. Ree I WANT 2l-hand Ford roadster; will exchsnge t In cylinder Harley-Davld- S'n motorcycle. fully equlppod and In ferfect condition, tee. Addresa 8. C. 110, AOI'INO machine, will iip fur Ford auto, piano player, pictures, books, oi what have you? The machine Is In ex eolnt condition. Address H. C. lost, Ree. 1 ..W ue steel revolver. 122 revolver, 1 tennis rscket to ex'hsnge. for good watch or anything I can use. S. C. b'Ja, Mee. flAVK practically new $V4 Edison Am lierola to trade for good horse and buggy or would take good pony and snddle. Address H. C. low. Bee. I WILL swap about M advertinlng cards, arsnrted titles, with leatherette carry ing esse for anything 1 can use at all. Address B. C. 1113 Hee. WILL trade I4i0 Chlckerlng Pros, piano. Walnut rase, for Ford or good team, wn gon and hsrness. H. C. 101 L Hee. 1 WlI.iL trade for a 4xS or 6x7 camera. Oive full description and particulars snd tell where 1 can see and examine sntne. Address 8. C. 1103, Bee. WOULD exchange oak wood refrigerator, used only two months; capacity W) pounds; white ennmel What have you? Address 8. C. 101, Bee. DIAMOND ring, ono and three-fifths oarst; will exchange for Bood Ford worth HoO, or take motorcycle or piano. Address 8. C. 1092 Hee. WANTED TO KXCH ANOE Oak side board for gasoline range; gaa Iron for electric Iron; gas range for a good rug. . C. KM. Hoe. FINE $12A National oash register. In per fect condition; looks like new.' Want small, usod car, or what have you? B. C. 1107. Bee. HAVE 6-year-old mare, sound and with fosi to jack, to swsp for Argo or Sax on roadster, or what have youT B. C. Il'fi. Bee. HAVE one 18-foot Michigan steel hull -horsepower motor bont; want light car or what have you? H. C. l'iso. Bee. riWAP, buy and sell kodaks; films developed frea. KAfB BTUDIO. Ne- Mile Hlk., I'ltn ind llnrney Hts. Ewl'ITY In o-room house, on car line, 1 Main St., Benson, for sale or trade, auto, or wha t? Addiess O MJ. Bee. i.AlliiK wardrobe trunk to trade tor in cubator, carpenter tools, or what have you.' Jtaaress p, u. HjHH, Bee. DtAMONDH, value 110, to exchange for automobile. Must he In first class con dition. Address H. C, 1(V,, Bee.' ENGLISH pouters and turblt pigeons to 1 ru lor nomer or carneau pigeons. Address 8. C, M04. Omaha Bee. HA'V E parts for a Maxwell 1 or a model to swap for what have youT B. C 1"97, Bee. E7IsoN home phonograph, records and stand; will swap for trunk or leather traveling nag. H. u. HWJ, Mee. L.Dt.ttvvooD. No. 4. and Bmlth Pre mler. No. 2, for what have you? Ad- nress b. l. jus. Bee. MORRIS chair valued at 317; will ex change for good leather suit case. A C. low. Bee. ONE Eastman Kodak; will consider pure breed chickens, or what have you? Bos B. C. 1'JWI. Bee, CAMERA 4xi. S plate holders and nor- trait lens. What have you? Address w. f. n',4. nee. BIX octave Kimball organ, oak finish, wish to trade tor 9x13 rug and a buffet S. C. 1 104. Bee. FOR safe or exchange, a brand new fiano for lot or good Ford car. 8. C. 696, ice. WANT-"to awap Victor and Columbia records for other. Address 8. C. 1088, Bee. ONE good trunk or 1 good oak sideboard to exchange for good rug. B. C. 6U7. Bee. EWl'ITY In country store building, want auto. Carlisle. 420 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg; UOOD cornet valued "at $13 for'Tufnlture, or wnat nave your n. c nuz, tee. RKtHSTEKED Alrdale pupa for trade. wnat nave your , u. ti4, ttee. MOTORCYCLE to swap for horse. Phone 2lff-'2.- Council Bluffs. WILL do plumbing work for 1914 or 1515 roro. narney tugs. T"wo sikk Angora goats, value $18, or what have? Address fl. O. 1096. Bee. MALL cook stove to exchange for poul try. S. C. 1(BJ, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES THE FORD TRACTOR NOW READT. 1 IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES. Wanted Responsible men or estab lished dealers to take the local agency in every city and town for the sale of the Ford Tractor; does the wprk of six to eight horses. Some choice territory open. Write today for our IN fRODVCTORY OFFER TO DEAL E1RB. Give full psrticuiara In first letter to Insuro reply, THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANT, MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Our Nebraska farm mortgages are not af fected by European wars or panics. Amouuta 6400 to 120.000. We collect all 7f. Interest and principal free of charge; 30 years , in tne Nebraska farm field without a loss la our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANT. tOl Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants gen eral sales manager to establish office and manage salesmen; 63UO to 11,000 cap ital necessary. You handle own money. .. Liberal contract. Should make from 6,un) to 1 10. um annually. Will pay ex penses to Chicago If you are the man we want. A. C. W., 1011 Republic Bldg., tnicago. FOR BALE Well established grocery, clean stock, fine location, wish to retire. Address owner, D. D. Loomls, 2627 N. W. Boulevard. Hpokane, Wash. FOR BALE A Pool hall outfit. 10 tables chairs and equipment, or win sen tn buslnees and lease, including Barber shop of four chairs, doing good busi ness. U, A. lJing, 1M09 Farnam St. i-OTEL- furniture and Euaineas; only hotel in good busmen town. Price rea sonable. Health reason for selling. Ad dress t ommerciai iiotei, Ansiey, jsen. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, . aew and secona-nanu. nee us. - OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Bslrd Bldg. Tlout. S65. FOR SALIC-Infants,' children's and la dles' funilnhliiKs store at lavld City, Neb., at a bargain: best location In town; doing an excellent business; want to ret ire. o x .o. tJa, i-iavitl ti ty, jnbu. FOR SAL E U ood. clean stock of Hard' ware: live town central Nebraska Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad- areas, t mi. nee. TO LEASE (la 1 me. to right Party; will Invoice one tnousand dollars; the only one In town; money-maker. Jeff iL VNIIIiwms, Hay Springs. Neh HA1H dressing parlor for sale, five years' business tea all only), in Sioux City. Ia. -Address Zi6 Davidson Bldg., Sloux Ity. la. FOR SALE ft table town of S.vuO, a iiiiiinra parlor in laruain ir you ai oulek. Write box fuel. Chadron. Nob SALOON Oood paying buaineaa In a good wet town, vvniie, or call IN. it. Meuens. 1'lerce. Neb. 1H EATERS Buy. leaaa or sail your the ater. machine and suppl ea through neater kx. i c. non rarnsin t. i.; Dowd Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mate, stocks limn any otner nun u u. a. write tor lerma. (MALL CliiAU FACTORY lor sale. Go ing concern. Good reason for selling. R. A. s iiipson. Blue Hill. Nn. WILLI AXiS. established 29 years, to buy or sell busiuss; .nee him. 411 McCague Bhiy.. reference V. S Nat. Bank. oFi'lcEi for real estate or tuuraiic; same floor as Bee office; Ux21 feet; Ww The Be Bids. Office I loom 10a KOR ALE Good paying restaurant; new live town (other, bis.). Box 4v, Oraa Range. Mont Lj T O-CHAIR barhYr outui, make offer. CARLISLE. 4J First Nat. Bank Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES fo OKT In or s)it oF btiS'neaa rali oi Q ANORHTA D. 4tt Hee Pldg. N77 T5 SELL or fcuy a buslneas. call caj Pnsch At Borghoff. Frenser Blk. U. 3H Full HA LIO Urocerles and pictures. In quire at 1i21 M Ht.. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. TOUNO man went position In automo bile business, Haa had 4 years' rxpeil ence n this line aa repair man and chauffcar. Can furnish the beat of rvf- ercniee.CaJI Doug. J,Zt W A Mhi I'oniiion In racaet or hard ware store; county seat In Iowa or eastern Nebraska; can Invest some cap ital If satisfactory. U 8. Urlsell, La Mollle, III. CdlJRKU boy, H4 years of age, experi enced In all lines of housework; good cook; can furnish best references. Wants position as housekeeper. Harney &4. HOTEL clerk, middle-Aged; eighteen years' experience, fifteen years under one manngeinent; no objection going out of city. Address P 8M, Pee. COMBINATION man, thoroughly experi enced In advertising card writing, win dow trimming; good salesman; best references. Address. A R, Bee. . YOl'Nil man wants position to help housework, cleaning, carpet, cellars, yards, etc. Tel. Ml Fo. MAN Experienced "as builder and car penter, wants position of any kind at once. Douglas ) S59. Ask for Rempel. WANTED Any kind of a Job by mar-' rled man, with large family. 614 N. 17th Bt.. or phone Douglns S.V. FARMERS V hen you want help write or call Empire I-abor Agency, Z i. 12th. Phone Dong. 1IW. RELIABLE colored man wishes any kind of work as porter or housewofk. Web. 2431. Ml N. 24th Pt. r-ettiaie. REFINED, educated woman wishes po sition as nousesecper in small, rerineu home, where reliable service would be appreciated. References exchanged. Ad dress P 8ti. Bee. ODOD Uerman woman wants place as cook or of taking care of children. Mrs. C. Newman. Bhelby Court, No. 9, 22d and Leavenworth. . AN educated, refined lady, ascd 32, would line a position as companion to an elderly lady or Invalid. References fur nished. Address M. WW. Bee. PRINTER, combination linotype and floorman wanted immediately bv Oa gette office at McConk, Neb.; steady; per weca; wire. RELIABLE lady wnnts a position as housekeeper: no objection to children, In the cltve Douglas 4357. COLORED girl wants work as maid. 'Phone Webster 1491. night YOUNO lady wishes position aouse- Keeper, i louglaa WM. E-XPERlENr-hD waitress wants position, Call Red H12L Practical nurse. Ty. 14)2 W. 1711 Burt 8L Ltssarr aia Day Work. PERFECT bundle washing, reasonable. Harney Ml, 12XPF.RIENCED woman wants warn cleaning or laundress. Tyler 2698. FOR experienced Douglas 7f18. house cleaner call COLORED woman wants day work. DoiiRjas 6372. FAMILY washing; bundle washing. Web. 4788. Competent laundress, day work W. 19S7. CTfanlng, laundry and day work. D. 74iT Woman wants steady wash places. SoTl2ihT Experienced laundry or (leaning. W. 7014T Email family & bundle waehlng. Weli.15.19.' BUNDLE washing wnnted. Web lS'.a VASHINO, lace curtains done. Tyler 1144. BUNDLE washlnir and dav work. W. 2i" LAUNDRY, washinlTcleanlng. Har. Ml. JAVA NT ED Day work. Call Tyler 2M. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. SALESMAN (good line) 1100 HTBJNU. tco. Bluns) 1 60 BTENO. (out of town) i . 8TENO AND BOOKKEEPER I 75 HOTEL CLERK US. Bd. and Rm. TUB CANO AGENCY. 09 BEE BLDG. BKPR., I'&O: Bkpr., 183.23; Steno. ana fiapr., wm, Bteno. ana cierx, sua; counter clerk, 40; traveling salesman. 85; Gen. Mdse. clerk, IHfi. Western Reference Bond Ass'n. InO. Originators of the Reference Business. 752 Omaha National Bank Building. OFFICE clerk, accurate, rapid. 70; sle- nograpner, w; DooKkeeper who can take active Interest. 1126. Salesman, automobiles, commission. Co-Operative Reference Co., H15 City National. SALESMAN, auto., city, commission; salesman, auto, supply, 00; bkkpr., S6; bkkpr., 176; ledger clerk, $66; steno. and telegraph operator. ISO. WATTS REF. CO., N40 Brandels Theater. WaK'TED Clerk for general office work. state age, experience and salary ex pected. A good chance for a live young man. Address A 88. Bee. LE1HJKR clerk, familiar with dry goods business, tti.V7S. THE MARTT CO.. H77 W. O. W. Professloaa aad Trades. MARRIED man. small family, care for small ranch, two monthly; everything furnished, railroad fare refunded. Send full details first answer. Address 8. SM. Bee. CAR carpenters, experienced; piece work ers, tor reDuuaiiiK wooden frox cars. Sheffield Car and Equipment Co., Kan- sas t uy. mo. AN expert auto repair man to start work April 1. Addresa West Side Auto Co., West Side. la. BLACKSMITH All-around man at York. Writs to Harry Bulck. York. Neb. BLACK&MUTH and horseshoeing help. sn vit . in st. EHINGLER8 wanted. Stith Ave. and Dav enport. frcg atoro jnaps. jobs Knelyt. Bee Bldg. alramrn and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED Irge, well established Nebraska eompany desires the services of strictly high-grade salesman. One who has a record as a hustler and a producer. This Is not an agent's proposition, but an opening for an efficient salesman. Previous experience In our line not nec essary. Address, with all particulars possible, A ki. Bee. WANTED A few good live men. for Ne braska and Iowa: to sell one of the best patents on the market. Virgin field, big money for the man who has push and ambition. If you want the best proposi tion of the day apply at once, 1201 VV. O. W. Bldg. SALESMAN wanted to sell harvest or field hats In Nebraska to the country store trade. Experienced salesmen with established trade preferred. Good propo- ' alllon to the right men. Address, .liy grade Hat Works, Jersey City. N. J. r MEN to travel with crew in amall towns and take orders for club magaxlnes: new plan; no advance collections to make; all our men are making good. Woman's World Magaxlne Co., locor porated. J. A. Dewey. Millard hotel. WANTED Salesmen calling on hardware and automobile trade; also automobile salesman to hsmllu auto specialty as , side line in Neb., Iowa, Kansas 8n I South Dakota; good money-maker. Call H Ho buildlnr WANTED Mutk and bond salesman. Standard Security A Investment Co., 12v7 w. o . Mioir.. omana SALESMAN WAVTFIl a s. isth. Hotels and Kestanrnnta, RELIABLE employment agency, 1S. Davenport Ft., headquarters for hotel help: spec, attention to d Istance orders, Trade! Schools. UCARN barber trade, more than make lour tuition while leani ng. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ gor catalogue. 140? ivxige. TRI-CITT BARBER t'OLLEOR. llEN wanted to learn th tarter trade. Tuition. I'iu long Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. The Bee HELP WANTED MALE Trade acbools. MOLElt BARBER COLLEGE. Men wsnted to learn the trade. We have originated a plsn to teach It quickly and earn fcack tuition while leMrhue Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 Bo. 14th St.. Omaha. Neh. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL bag moved from 2406 Leavenworth 8t. to 20CS-23 Fa mam St. GOOD MEN WANTED t learn auto work for the big spring rurh. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AiiEjtu'A, Aiiu tt)t.LFOE. t,S Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Mlsrrjln neons. 1 EXPERIENCED PROMOTER WANTED Big middle west cortoratlon wants to secure services or a reliable man who hns had promotion and organization ex perience. Party who can show good rec ord along this line of work can make a strong and permanent connection. Oive roferences, nge and short outline of experience, first letter. In order to receive attention. Address B-677, Bee. WAN TED Youn men as railway mail clerks. J76 month: sample examination questions free Franklin Institute, Dept. 221-N. Rochester. N. Y. MEN OK WOMEN, 18 or over, wishing government positions, 176 month and over, should apply for particulars to Y 192, Ree. HELP WANTED FEMALE tores aad Offices. DICTAPHONE operator, I.VJ; Bkpr. and Bteno., ; Bteno., 175; Steno., M; Steno. and Bkkpr.. o; Steno. and counter clerk, 40; Steno. and clerk, M; Hteno., i5. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. Inc. Originators of the Reference Business. 7j2 Omaha National Bank Building. THESE MUST BE FILLE.D ATONCR BtenoKrapher, H0; dictaphone opr., ii. Stenographer, 40; billing clerk and stenographer, 40. NO FILING FEE. Only 60 cent for looking up references. THK MARTI CO.. 1X27 W. O. W. STENO., out town $t',6.00 STENO. and bookkeeper 45.00 BOOKKEEPER and typist 40.00 STENOGRAPHER .-. 60.00 OFFICE CLERK, beglnnor 20.00 THE CANO AGENCY, !00 BEE BLDG STENO. and bkkpr., 75 to ISO; steno., $; dictaphone operator, M5; steno.. 100; typist, 140. WTATTS REF. CO., 40 Brandels Theater. EXPERIENCE!) oasiner and assistant bookkeeper. Apply Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Professions and Trades. LEARN hairdresslng at The Oppenheim. Sales omen ana Solicitors. WANTED A few active ladles to repre sent a large mfg. concern In Nebraska and Iowa, for one of the fastest selling patents on the market; big demand, peasant work and good pay. Apply 1201 V. O. W. Bid. NEAT ladies to do pleasant work; locally and to travel; pay every evening. Ap ply between 9 and 10:30 a. m. 307 8. 6th St.. Council Bluffs. WANTED Experienced saleslady. Apply urmn nros., u. . rsat. hhk tilag. WANT ED Experienced saleslady. Parls Inn Cloak Co., 315 S. 16th St. Honsetlold and noniestte. WANTED an elderly woman for com panion and to look after house while lady Is away all day; three In family. A good home. Call 1117 day time; after 6 call Colfax 243. References exchanged. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; 1.0 laundry; family of five; good wages. Phone Walnut 1827. FKEte. Ada for servsnt girls accepted, three days free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to TUB BEE office. Phone Tyler 1000. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework, no laundry work. 113 8. 34th. Telephone Harney 391. , COMPETENT maid for general house work; small family, good wages. Har ney 32S. or 123 8. Sid Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; three In family; good wages. Tel. Colfax 3OS0. WANTED tiood Klrl woman; no cooking; 2123 Cnss St. or middle-aged private family. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. 3(111 Jackson St. Hornev 14K5. WANTED Middle aged lady for general house work. 3003 N. 24th. Wehater 7077. GIRL for general house work; must be good plain cook. 33 3 Wool worth. WANTED Jewish or Russian lady for house work. Call South 3914. EXPE Rl EN CETT girl for1 general houae work, 3 In family, 508 S. 2:1th. Y"0UN0 girl to help with housework, 6118 S. 3tth Ave. Tel. South YOl'NO lady wishes position as lioase kecper. Call Doiiqrlns SCS. GOOD girl for general housework 610 8. 25th Ave. Red 4C98. M Ueellsnenaa, WANTF.l P-otestant woman to act a. our representative In each community; n canvassing; pleasant, profitable work; send stamp for particulars. The Helping Hand. Smith Bend. Ind. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS BAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a caurse Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. TILE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning clasg In typewriting. lone C Duffy, Owner and Meager. SOU 8. 18th Rt Orantia. FOR sale, the following scholarships lc a Ilist-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic eoursa One three-months' business or steno- grnphlc course. Will be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee DAY oVMOOL. BOYLF3 COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL, flvery duy Is enrollment day. Rook keeping, Snorthand. Ptcnotype. Type writing. Telegrathy, Civil Service all Commercial and English brancnes. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGK. ISth aad Harney Sts. Tel. Do 11 t! is 1KW PAXTON Hlk. Schooi of Lettering and Art leacnes paying Irenes privately. H. HI 6CHOOL OF V.UDEKN LANGUAGES- Clsss or private lessons. Lowntown tudlo. Phone Web. t4. PERSONAL RHEUMATISM, stomach. liver and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous nos and asthma sufferers are suc cessfully restored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite 313 Bee Bldg. DR. W. II. Chiropractor. KNOLLENBERO, Ti ler 19M. Results Sure To Come PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R- Tarry cures piles, fistu'.a and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. YOUNG women coming to uinaiia 11 strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian sssoclation building st 17th St. and si. Mary s Ave., wlieu they will bo directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise aselatrd. L10K for our travelers' guide ut the Union Stntlon. 3,uuu TO PENSION INVALIDS. Tne ladles' Home Journal 11.50 The Saturday Evening Post l i' The Country Gentleman l D subscriptions by April earns that $3,000 for The Invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your order or renewal contributes b'JC. Phone Dougina 7103, or nddrrits GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAX. Omaha, Neb. PLEASE help 1110 find my puiuus or some of my relatives. To best of my knowledge I was ho;i In Omaha, Neb.. Oct. IB, 1S94; name, Frederick Karl Viv ian Sills. Address any Info! million to F. E. L.. Postofflce Fox No. is, Blulrs town, la. TTlE Sulvatlou Army Industrial home so licits your oid clothing, lurniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will cnll. Call and inspect oar new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Kt. iVITRTjKY il-dy 3i"ink and drug treat x uiHJui inent is bp.it known cure; booklet free. THE FCRLKY, H157 Far- natn. Omiiha. Phone Harney 3742. UltS. JOHNSTONS, ChTmpractora, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 2407 N St., 8. O. Consultation free and invited. Phone South 41118. TT P rPlT It V. Successfully treete-1 wllliout a surKlcal operation. Call or write Drs. Wiay as Matheny,306 Bee Btdfi., Oma lm NU-BONE Corset 8hnp; surgical comets a specialty. Webster-dunderland Bldg., Pith and Howard. Red 4192. MASSAUfj ANU hhCiCi MC iJA'i'HS, chiropody. Misser Gray and Head, !I0 214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. D. S4T.K. STRAW hats dyed; look like. new. Plumes Paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dyed. Dora Elsele. D. 8(132. 11W City Nat. Bk. LET us do your dry cleaning and pressing-. Our prices are right. City Pressing Club, 302 Neville block. Tel. Red 4673. PERSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open a. m. to p. rr.. Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. Steam and shower baths. Massage, Red 1 2727. Room 203 Karhach Blk. . f MASSAGE Miss Webster, 618 Paxton Blk. D. 8227. Office hours 10 to 8. KiiKliMATiSM treated successfully; r suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg rnone Douglas H373. FOR RENT ROOMS Varnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooais In all part, of the city. If more convenient pbone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are issued every week. TOST what you want. Fine neat front room for one or two gentlemen. Must gee to appreciate. Douglas 7365. ' M08 PACIFIC ST.-Havesevtal single rooms, just vacant. Would like to hear , from people appreciating a home. .1 HAVE rooms suitable for from 4 to I ' f men; close In; rent reasonable, 221S riowara. NEWLY furnished rooms for y'oung men; close In. Call Harney 3788. . TWO good rooms for rent; walking dls- 1 tance. 2u21 Howard St. NICELY furnished reom, close In; all ! ' modern. 631 8. 22 Bt.y, ' 8 s. 29TH ST. Strictly flrst-claga rooms. Harney 1568. Hoaaekreping Rooms. 27:1 JACKSON Suite of light housekeep ing rooms, newly papered and everything- clean and new. Call Harney 15S 2201 DOUGLAS St. Housekeeping rooms; everytntng rurniaiied. ys.w. Close in. 2208 HAJiNEY St. Houxekeeplng rooms, gas rurnisneq, .i.t0. walking distance. 2 SMALL connecting rooms, cheap. -Har ney. IMtl. ft mwvwi'Tivo ...r...,u ert- J modern, well located. Douglas 2203. ' Board and K 00 tit a. NICE, newly furnlslied connecting suite ot front rooms .suitable for couple; will serve noara. 1 an vt enster 7H2. PLEASANT south room, with or without1 board; large enough for two. 2305 Doug-; las St. CAPITOL AVE., 23US-Room and board; new management. Tel. Douglas 73.0. 1'nf nrnl ed Koonis. FOR RENT 3 unlurnished light houee- keeping rooms; 18 per month. Col. 13 '8. Rooms Wnnteo. . YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It s a plan that is 1 helping many people rent their rooms. ADVERTISE your property aa Uioukdj you believed Its sale or rental to be Important, by keeping it listed In the Pig House. Home and Real EfUta Guide THE BEE FOR RENT-HOUSES West. DON'T let fear of repairs or depreciation keep you from owning your home. Buy a well-built home and It need not worry you. Phone Benson 122. F. 8. Trul- linger. 2t DODGE S-room modern house, first class condition; very cheap rent, 127.60; vacant April 1; occupants will show it, W. V. Mitchell, Owner. Phone Web. 487o. NEW seven- room; electric light; water; acre of ground; garden tools; on party ' line. B105 Woolworth Cox. 20 LINCOLN BLVD. 11-rooin house, strictly modern, with hot water heat. 1'rice sou. Douglas 1MB. t-3 N. 3& AVE., 8 rooms; 2 baths; April lBt; tfiO. Doug. 2947. Nona. 4- KOOM mod. flat. Hi N. 16th St., 17. 3627 Cun.lng St., (-room modern except beat. J. B. ROBINSON. Ui Boe B'dg. 5- ROOM cottage near 24th and Ames; electric lights. g" for conking. Only tin Ernest Sweet. D. 1472. lit Modern dwelling, 1S13 Manderson St. ARTHUR CHASE. Doug. 1.S..3, bra Biog. Hla GRANT ST. 7 r. com., modern, J i. T. F. Hall. 413 Ramge Bldg. Don. 74 w. t-lt.. mod., ibii Manderson. Web. a.i., tonth. STRICTLY mod. 6-room coltige. wa'klTT? distance; ood condition, 1-0, Wa'nut I. W lt.ee! laiifuUb. FOR GARDEN 1 NO AND POULTRY. 4-r , downtown, colored; 111. Also a ; and a S (like bungalow) and ACHE GROUND, K and if Also 6-r. Cull fornia bungalow and acre, lit. TeL P. nrT. Evenlngs-Wsl !s7. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH. SONS CO. K PRE BLDG. DOUG. toe. 121 S. 27T1I. modern. 7 rooms, U'. 2f I'oppleton Ave., S and bath. 117 JjLNV'REZfcrLDouglas 6 1. 2Si DOUtiLAS I rooms, nutdern. li'.VT JOHN N. FRENZEK. Duulrs 'l.