Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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&ealth Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -.'- Household Topics
Latest Smart Creations from the Master Designers of Paris
Republished by Special Arrangement with
Harper's Bazar.
f Ends Dry, Hoarse or
Painful Cnuah
4 The afternoon IWnard dl-
A f(Yiftt coelume. M de- Vl--- ' f p,y" "n ,n,,r A
J" J I !i ( li ",gned IWr' 1 wtlnR tendency ' TV
it tfp strongly suggest I VA i I ,n m"r n,or"- -"j-Jl 'Jr
th. 1M0 tafl.-, I, O.'P "K coM,n. of tCTt
r-rffh X aBd " r" U V Jacket points In. 1 -V L
Kii' "V K-d.e, this t. ,r "'" 7
, Vr-M.-i.-VA- 'tvff--r. ated eoatame 'I 'A''Jt slewed Kt on. SsiiiWrJ.
.wHfr -t once soph,,, AWJWWK
IlllllllllilP if j ri fC :;DUl
H p1 fei! T
The prompt nd positive reonlfn (rlvn
P7 thi pifBmnt tnstinjf. home nmrlp
touaii ovrup ting riiMd it to br in
nior hoinn tlin nv othrr rnWr. It
fjvM altnoot inntant rrliW and will omf
y overcome the veragn cough in a
(Jet 24 ounoM Tin (50 crntx worth)
from ny dnia tor. pour it Into pint
Niltlr and till the Itottlo with plain (rrenn
ltpd mgnr rrup. Thin makm m. full
pint family iupplv o( the moat f
Irrtivr rough remedy at a coat of only fi
cent a or leaa. Yon couldn't buy aa much
readvniade cough medicine tor $2. SO.
Kaaily prepared and never apoila. Full
direction with Tinex.
The promptneea, certainty and eaae
with which thia Pinex Syrup overeomee
bad cough, cheat or throat cold ia tnily
remarkable. It quickly looaena a drr.
hoarae or tight cough and heale and
aoothea ft painful cough in a hurry. With
ft peraiatent looea cough it atopa the for
mation of phlegm in the throat and bron
chial tubea, thua ending the annoying
Pinex ia a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Korway pine extract,
rich in guaiacol and ia famoua the world
over for ita aplendid effect in bronehitia,
whooping cough, bronchial asthma and
winter coughs.
To avoid disappointment In making
thia, aak your druggist for "2V4 ouncea
of Pinex, and don't accept anything
else. A guarantee of absolute eatisfae
tion, or money promptlj' refunded, goes,
with thia preparation. The Pinex Co.,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
What Kind of Parent Are
CopyrUrht. 191C by Star Company.
If yon are a father or a notner, air, or
madam, what axa you doing- to make
yourself agreeable, and desirable, com-
nanlons for your children later In life?
ou have no right to bring children
Into the world, and to rear them with an
Idea of their duty toward you, unless you
ftnnnwl&t vAiir rititv tA them.
V That duty does not consist In merely
pnving imra carv man v(rporiiuiiur ur
daoatlontt Includes making yourself
oompanlohable In their maturing years.
ani In . your old age. - That questionable
gift of eld age may be bestowed upon
you. and If it is, it will be the duty of
your children to ear for you.
But are you thinking,, acting and living
In a will be a painful
duty for your children to have you
I have seen the happiness of a good
daughter, and a deeply conscientious
woman, shadowed for years by the un
governed temper and the fault-finding ag
gressive mental habits of a mother whose
care it was her duty to assume, and
which she performed cheerfully, but with
tears in her heart because of her moth
er's attitude.
I have known a parent to enter the
home of a married child, and by intoler
ant creeds and continual harangues upon
beliefs which were not shared by the
household ruin its comfort
No parent haa a right to destroy the
peace or happiness of a child simply be
cause that child is his or bers.
No tls of blood or law entitles one
Oilman being to mar the life of another.
ne fact that you are responsible for
your child's exlstenoe makes it imperative
for you to take yourself In hand now,
today, and begin to prepare yourself to
be a delight and a comfort In your de
clining years.
Over and over cnlldren are urged to
think about being comforts to their
parents, but rarely Is one word said to
parents about being comforts to their
The obligation ia mutual. Patience, se
renity, charity, progressive ideas, tol
erance and adaptability are all neces
sary for those who are growing
old to cultivate. Keep up with the prog
ress of the world. - ,
Avoid growing queer, and look to It
that you do not become a bore by talk
ing continually of yourself, your Ideas,
your theories. This is the danger ground
for the mature In their association with
the young. A very little of the psst
goes a long way with the young, who
are looking forward, not backward.
Are you the mother of one child T
Do you worship your offspring and find
happiness only in its society, and in Its
pleasures do your pleasures lie? How
about the future? if your child is a
daughter, remember she la growing Into
rtfftf womanhood, no matter how you
Strive to keep her a child.
What are you going to do with your
time and mind and life when aha sets
forth upon that personal path In which
each soul must walk alone?
Perhaps It Is your Ideal to follow ever
at her aide, and to be her guardian and
chaperon and comrade. But unlcaa yoj
begin now to make something of your
own life, you will be an Irritation and
a drawback to this child of yours.
If she has heart and good breeding,
and the right Instincts, she will guard
you from this knowledge, but the fact
will exist all the same. And you will
give her only pain, and worry, and ner
vousness, Instead of the happiness you
long should be her lot. If your child Is
a son, the same fact much confront you.
He will go forth luto the world and
live his own life. He will love you and
be grateful to you, as his mother, but
he cannot live with you or for you,
He will ohooee a wife, aa hta father
did, and make a home for himself. What
about your future then? Begin now to
think a little about these things.
Turn your attention to other subjects
for a time each day.
Read, study, travel and go about it. If
this is possible for you.
It Is all very to talk about being a
mother, and nothing else, and being sat
isfied with that vocation. But unless you
have something else in your life, by and
by you will sit beside the highway mourn
ing your children because they are not.
As well strive to stop the Incoming
tide with a broom as to hinder the
world's way with individual protest.
Adapt yourself to these changing condi
tions, and teach yourself to be receptive
to new Ideas, Instead of rebellious against
Your child is a part of a new erenera
tlon. Therefore the new generation should
Interest you and you should be on the
alert to Join the procession of progress.
Each Individual haa a duty to perform
Independent of all other individuals,
whether parents or children. You must
make the moat of your own life, of your
own mind and soul.
You must not live so wholly for your
child that you forget the duty to your
self and to the Creator, to complete and
perfect yourself. The day of the shadow
mother in black alpaca and an adoring
smile for the wonderful child has passed.
Be a woman of character, purpose and
Interest In life, aside from being a mother
of a son or daughter.
And your son and daughter will give
you far more attention and a broader
and deeper love and appreciation.
Keep you month shut and you will
gain a reputation for wisdom and also
avoid grip germs.
It does not take but a little to tarn
the friendship between two women to
bitter hatred.
The minister has signed many a dec
laration of war when putting his name
to a marriage certificate.
When asked to chouse between style
and comfort man seldom displays any
more sense than woman.
The stationary blush Is never so at
tractive on the face of a girl aa the ons
that occasionally fades.
The girl who distributes her photo
graphs too freely among the men chesp
ena hcrcsvlf.
The houses of couture In Paris are
veritable bee-hives, so deep are the many
designers in their work of creating new
styles for the summer and autumn, says
Harper's Baser for March. The buyers
from America are gone, and with them
the models shown st the early February
These models, many of which are on
view In New York, confirm the predic
tions made six months ago. The styles
of fashion's age of romance 1830 to 1848
are and will continue to be much In
vogue, but this does not mean that
other influences will be ignored. A va
riety of styles Is being encouraged.
The Spanish school, and particularly
Velaaques. Is Inspiring to several of the
couturiers. M. Doeulllet, however. Is
authority for the statement that the
Spanish Influence will not affect th sum
mer . styles, but rather those of next
winter, as the Velasquea school Is more
appropriate and especially good for the
brocade tissues, velvets, passementeries
and the heavy gold and silver embroider
ies used for winter costumes.
Th bouses as a rule are designing
some interesting and unusual things
One of the big establishments on the
Place Vendome has just finished a sports
coat that Is sure to be the most popular
thing of Its kind. The model Is of red
broadcloth with a double-pointed oape In
the back and a most fascinating collar
that flares upward In front.
The garment Is lined throughout with
dove grey broadcloth to match the cuffs
and flaps on the pockets. Another at
tractive sports coat from the same house
Is of English serge in a plaid of blue
and mustard color. It falls below the
knees and has a collar slightly draped
around the shoulders, ending In a ruffle.
There are many three-quarter length
ooats of silk for motoring and for wear
over one-piece dresses all the houses are
making them and they are wholly fas
cinating In designs that recall the days
of our grandmothers. Beer has 'Just
made one of bottle green failie, shirred
all around the waist, with a collar con
sisting of a double niching wider at the
back and standing upwards. This type
of collar Is omlng the new things that
all .houses are featuring.
A well-known couturier Is showing one
of these coata In deep blue faille with
an . embroidery of tiny coral beads on
the high standing collar; wide tucks
run across the black on a line with the
elbows and are finished with two coral
bead tassels at tha end of the tucks.
Perhaps the oddest feature of the nev
frocks Is the combination of organdie
and silk, an Innovation for which Bul
lets Is responsible. A charming .three
piece costume recently seen Is made up
of gros de Ixmdres with a wide ruffle
of organdie on the skirt, embroidered In
croaa-etitchlng In blue and yellow. The
waist of organdie was similarly em
broidered, and the Jacket of gros de
Iindres, flurlrig on the hips, had a col
lar of organdie, also embroidered,
Since there Is no end of Ideas that
may be woraed out with these two ma
terials, the combination Is one that la
sure to be adopted.
tidvorntM fairly long coat. Hero is
a girlish taJlleur lavender gabardine. The coat la
edged with blue brnld.
How Can You Tell You're in Love?
"How ean I know If Tm In love really
In lovr' asked ft pretty girl of me the
other day. "Have you ever heard." 1
asked guardedly, "of th man who in
quired hew he could tell th difference
between a no ash room and a toadstool?"
She shook her head. "Bat it and see,"
I replied, "and if you don't die you'll
know It's a mushroom."
After all said and done, the analogy
la good, though I don't know that It Is
absolutely necessary to resort to such
desperate means In the ease of love.
Marriage, of course, will always tell you,
beyond ft shadow of a doubt; but It la
possible to discover without going thus
The common or garden signs I am told
ere a loss of appetite and an averalon
to settled work of any kind; but I don't
lay it down as an unassailable truth.
It Is one of those things of which you
ean never be really quite sure. You ean
only guess. The longer you have to
think about It the more chance you have
of finding out.
Because love is, or Is expected to be,
closely mixed up with matrimony, many
girls Imagine that It means finding a
man they can do with: whereas, it
should be finding a man they can't do
w'thout. N. P.: T claim no originality
for tliis last remark.
At any rate it Is a useful working
basis to regard the first notion of be
ing In love, as a man thinks when some
very mean acquaintance offers him a
cigar namely, "What'a the matter with
It?" You can safely start out by view
ing It with suspicion especially If It
Isn't the first time It's occurred to you.
The emotion, girls, are peculiar things,
and like the flivver play all sorts of
funny and unexpected tricks with you
when you are the least prepared for
Because aha Is nestling close In your
arms In tha tsxl, with her soft lips close
to you, and you feel a nice, fat thrill
running down your spine, and you don't
car a damn whether the meter is reg
istering one dollar or twenty, It doesn't
necesssrtly follow that you at last have
found the permanent thing that nothing
can alter.
You may at the moment, I know, he
quite positive that you have ant the
"goods" at last, and possibly you have,
though whether In the cold, hard light
of the morning' after, you will still ad
here to the Idea that you ran face a
clergyman and six bridesmaids with It
later on, and settle down to unalterable
peace and happiness for evermore. Is, I
believe, a highly debatable point.
In fact, aa I said to my little lady
questioner, yuu never can be really sure
whether you sre In love or not you (an
nly th'.nk.
Try this easy
way to heal
your skin with
If you are suffering from eciema,
ringworm or similar Itching, red,
unsightly skin affection, bathe the
ore placet with Rcsinol Soap and
hot water, then gently apply a
little Rcsinol Ointment. You
will probably be astonished how
promptly the itching stop and
healing begins. In most cases the
lick skin quickly becomes clear
and healthy again, at very littlecost.
Resinol Olnnnml tmi Kstlnsl Sots are
old br all drutsi" I '' trial fr, writs to
Rtinol, Dipt. J.R, BalUraore, Hi.
Try ' ,
Rote The wesderfu! "SuflOAX MoniiBf
In Annanias Club
Ever since the Garden of Eden Bean
dal. when our flret father got Involved
In the pippin Incident and wriggled out
of It b laying It on a woman, men have
walked In Adam's footsteps. and put the
blame of all their shortcomings on wo
men's shoulders.
There Is, however, one sin of which
most husbands are guilty now and then,
If not habitually, that they have aright
to lay at their wives' doors. This Is the
sin of lying.
Decent men, as a rule, abhor lying.
They aeldom lie to each other. But they
almost invariably He to women, and the
reason of this Is because the average
woman Is so constituted that she rsnnot
stand the truth. She prefers that a
man He to her even when she knows that
he n lying.
Especially It Is wives who make An
anlasea of their husbands. Tho man, if
he followed his own Inclinations, would
far rather be Truthful James.
It degrades him In his own sight, snd
makea him feel like a sneak thief when
he has to tell his wife tarra diddles, but
It's th fairy story or a fight with her,
so he follows the line of least resistance
and qualifies as a fiction monger. For
well he knows the things that his Maria
would say were she presented with a
bald statement of facts.
What man, for Instance, would dare
to tell his wife the truth sbout having
lost money In a poker game, or having
dropped It in a little flier that he took
on Wall street, when she had warned
him against speculation.
What man would have the nerve to
tell his wife the truth about why he
didn't come home to dinner, and say that
it was bees use he had a nerve racking
day In business, and felt that he would
go raving mad If he bad the children's
noise at home added to It?
What man would be brave enough to
tell hla wife that when she went off
for a summer vacation alone it was a
res I v acation for him. becsuse It let him
get out of the monotonous round of too
much domestl ty
Not one. On the contrary. Friend Hus
band glibly romances slong about out of
town customers, or important cases, or
extra work, and wife accepts ths ancient
and moss grown falsehood peacefully
and calmly, and thui not only puts a
premium on lying, but actually inveigles
her husband into deceiving her.
If men deceive their wives, It Is gen
erally the wife's fault, because the aver
age woman makes It impossible for any
husband who lan't an Iron t'roas hero
to tell her the truth. A man who, when
he takes a drink, tells his wife Instead
of eating cloves to hide It. or who dares
admit at home that he deliberately asked
a woman friend to lunch Inatead of
prevaricating about how he accidentally
ran across her in a restaurant, can fur
nish a cert meats of domestlo felicity
strong enough to draw money on at the
It's mostly the wives who nominate
their buaband for membership In the
Ananias club.
Good for
Romplnar youngsters need plenty of good, substantial food. Oiv
them lots of rich milk and those nourishing Sunshine Krispy Crackers.
Krispy Crackers and milk make a well-balanced dish for old and
young. They're one of the
Baked in Omaha Biscuits
f s-tnade In the thousand-window bakeries where the sun has a
chance to shine. Huy the ten-cent package, or the family tin which
keeps the household supplied with fresh Krispy Crackers.
In each package of Tskbona Biscuit Is a paper doll In colon. Other paekaaas ef
Banabln Biscuits contain pretty dresses for bsr. Bee list In Takboma package?
Bukert of Suatblat Bhcult
The Best Food For Growing Kiddies
Faust Spaghetti doesn't tax the delicate little stomachs of growing;
children like meats- It is easily digested and almost all of it goes Into
blood and tissue. Kiddies all like it, too. Faust Spaghetti, fed to chil
dren two or three times week, will build them the foundation for long,
happy lives. Write for free recipe book.
Fear greser 1U Fummt Sprnghmtti
A Vs. -Ii
r $m
1 X r
MAULL BROS.. St Louis. U. S. A.
Tit v.i'