V Jl'UVs HKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22, 1910. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip Entertainments -:- Club Doings Some Spring Hats Have Tall Effect BOXES ALL SOLD FOR MENDELSSOHN CHOIR OROWINO WITH GROWINO OMAHA" RM the Escalator Tint to Second Floor Men'i Bldg. Art Needle work, New and Exclusive Ideas Many Social Affairs Lilted in Con nection with Big Concert This Evening. SAE1TGEB.FEST TO HAVE A BOX ii'i I I r rA yVcu Home of Hart Schaffner A Marx Clothe$m nil I'll N Fashion Favors Hand Bags In a wonderful way. We are showing a line of glazed kid in colors to match most any cos tume. Any woman who desires (and most every woman does this sea son) to assemble one color from the crown of her head to the tip of her heel, will be grati fied to know that we are in a position to match this color, even to the detail of the hand bag. Perrin's Gloves $1.50 a Pair Just fer Wednesday, Perrlns' "Ad rlano" Rnl Kid Olovas. In whit or whit with black embroidered back, Iiau mwi; twe-claep. FRENCH WILTON Important Notice In Wednesday night's papers we shall detail one of our Greatest Sales of Spring and Summer Dresses. WATCH FOR IT! Rugs (Kermans, Ishpans and Heratis) Size 9x12 .......... .$02.50 Sizo 83x10-6..- $57.60 Size 3x5-3 $9.50 AXMINSTER RUGS (Bussorahand Electras) Size 9x12 $25.00 Size 8-3x10-6 $22.50 Size 3x6 $4.00 Size 27x54 $2.50 We offer for "Wednesday some exceptional values in Axminster Rugs. Size 9x12 $19.68 Size 8-3x10-6 $17.63 Smartness Chic Style! Copies of Well Known Pattern Hats $7.50 We have assembled for Wednesday's selling a clever collection of model hats, including large China split sailors trimmed in flat bird effects; beauti ful Leghorn sailors trimmed with wings; hair braid and Milan hemp com bination hats trimmed with Albatross Quills, etc. Both large and medium sized hats, plenty of Dress Hats. Tailored Hats, Street Hats. Colors Old Rose, French Blue, Tete de II Unqestionably the most desirable hats we Negre, Sand, also Black. II have offered, at $7.50. In the Untrimmed Hat Section A new shipment of Large Sailors in China Split or Lizere, as it is sometimes called. Col ors, principally black, brown, navy, bottle green. $2.50 Beautiful bows of ribbon, artistically made by expert bow makers in our millinery work room, of Moire, Taffeta or Satin Ribbons, in Black, French Blue, Green, Navy, Brown, etc. $1.00 $1.00 Laces at 59c Yard 36-Inch Fancy Embroidered Nets on black and white grounds, gold and silver effects. 86-Inch Fine Shadow Allover Laces, in white and cream. 42 Inch All-Silk Chiffons. In black, whits and colore. 4 to 6-Inch Gold and Silver Lace Edges, embroidered on bus malic and novelty nets. 4 to 9-Inch Bilk Chantllly Lace Edea and Demi riounclngs. Gold and Sllvsr Lace Edges. II Imitation Clunys, Banda and 4 to S lnchea wide, embroidered on silk and fins cotton net. Black and gold and black and liver effects. Oriental Net Top Lace Edges, in white and cream, up to i lnchea wide; worth 89c. nr? Special, yard ,..... ...6UC Fancy Wash Laess, suitable for underwear, children's dress es, curtains, fancy work, etc.. In cluding French. German and Filet Vala, many la matched sets. I'latt Val Lace Ed sea and Inaer- tlona. All-Linen Torchon and Edges; worth to 12 Vie Yard Oi New York Importer's Sample tripe of Finest Hand Loom Em- , brelderlee, extra fins .quality, shown for the first time. 27-lnch Organdlw, Swlsa and Batiste, especially suitable for baby dresses; regular fl.00 quality, yard 2 to 4-Inch Convent Smbrold ry on Lenooloth and Fine Sheer Swlas Embroideries with lace effect edges. Aft 25c quality, yard A V :r..50c Curtains and Curtain Materials Antique Lace Curtains, double thread marquisette, with Imported French antique loe. The pair, only. ....$5.98, $7.50 Voile and Scrim Curtains, trimmed with real Barmen and cluny lace. $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 Marquisette Curtalna, (1 7 C $2.60 valuea, pair aj) X . I O Roman Stripe Window Shades, the new window eludes mounted on good spring rollers. Wednesday, complete, for. Imported Scotch Madras, nice as sortment of colors. Spe cially priced, yard Silk Curtains with fine Leaver lace edges. Ivory or ecru color, pair 45c nice as- 29c iver lace !.$3.50 Beautiful SilksrBcst Shades 3G-Inch Silk Poplin, very soft) lustrous finish; good weight . for dresses and spring suits. Fifty new shades to "7Qp select from. Yard .'a Showing of the New 8port Stripe Stlki. We show these smart stripes in a great variety of weaves and textures. Including 36 and 40 Inch Taffetas, Radiuma, Shantungs. Crepe Tussah. Habutal. etc., etc.: in a beautiful assortment of QQ CO Ct colors. Yard UOC to 33.DU Wall Papers For Spring That Are Very Pretty We have in stock the .largest and most varied selec tion of wall papers in Omaha, and are constantly receiving new goods. For Wednesday we quote several interesting values. A wide selection of papers suitable for upstairs rooms and bedrooms, in light and dark colors. Values to 5c. Hpeciat Wednesday, Q roll OC Our Bedroom Papers cannot be excelled anywhere in the city. All the newest stripes, allovers, chambrays, etc., with dainty cutout borders to match; values QlA, to 16c. Roll O ZC Light and Dark Papers, suit able for downstairs rooms and kitchens ; with wide and narrow borders CIA, to match. Roll...O 2C Imported Oatmeal Papers, guaranteed non-fadeable, all colors; 30 inches wide, sold only with handsome cutout borders; in all the newest effects; worth to 1 Q 28c. Sale price, roll ltC Caramel Day Wednesday POMPEIAN BOOM. Our Home-Made Cream Caramels Vanilla, Chocolate, Maple-Flavor, Vanilla Nut, Chocolate Nut and Cocoauut. Special, per pound 19c The Service of Brandeis Book Dept. has been extended to include the Handy Volume Issue of the Encyclopedia Britannica at an Astoundingly Low Price A Britannica Is essential to the development of the culture of every home. Just think of how It will help you help the Children. For "Don't bother me" Is no reply to a question. Yet it or something to the same ef fect Is the one answ.r you give to halt the questions of your boy or girl. And It Is wrong to leave such questions unanswered. For It discourages the desire of the young ones to learn and so re tards their development. , But with an Encyclopedia Britannica In the bookcase the children can no longer stump you. For, whatever they want to know history, geography, lit erature youll find It fully ex plained In the Britannica, by the authority on the subject. So a Britannica brings you real close to your boys and girls, for it enablea you to superintend their atudy, to make their home leasons less Irksome and more Interesting. And you'll find In the Encyclo pedia the Information on things that will make you more com panionable to your husband, more interesting to your friends. ThU complete referencelibrary,a work that hither to ha$ been extremely cottly can now be bought to $1.00 Down and 10c a Day (in the Handy Volume Edition) It comes In 29 volumes printed on costly India paper, page site 8HiH Inches, sa convenient to read as a roag-eslne. We guarantee that In the Handy Volume issue of the Encyclo pedia Britannica there la every- word, every Illustration and every map that appeara In the large expensive edition. Ia fact, th. one essential difference Is that of pne A Saving of 64 A visit to the Brandeis Book Department will be the most convincing evidence of the uncommon worth of this edition of the Britannica. t! ii li III I'1: i'ii 1 1 ;ih l; I Hill By LA RACO?ITErSE. i l Tlie extreme height of many of the spring hats Is a dlntinctive feature. Novelty straw la u-ed In many of them, and usually they are close fitting. A par ticular note Is the tall trfmmlng in one form or another. The hat Illustrated Is a emart affair In green rough straw. A dashing wing of rose velvet Is arranged on top of the crown and large crushed rosea were placed at Intervals. The bor dered veil, covering rart of the roue and the chin, was very unusual In design. ALL INTERESTED IN BIRD HOUSES Display of Homes for the Feathered Creatures to Be Labeled Built by Government Specifications. SOME ARE APARTMENT HOUSES Considerable interest is being shown in the bird house exhibit which will be held in the city coun cil chamber on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A prominent citizen has asked for detailed' information re garding the. features of the various types of houses. He wants to know how. high from the ground Certain houses should be placed and Infor mation regarding sun and I shade; also entrance holes and perches. He and-others Interested may receive all information at the exhibit.. Com mittees will be on hand to explain why. certain birds require houses of a definite type. The houses on ex hibition will be tagged, stating the kinds of birds they are Intended for, proper locations for the houses and other information. Fran OoTersiueat Plana. Many of the houses have been collected from th sciibols and are now being cared for In ths office of City Commissioner Hummel, where they may be seen In ad vanoa of the exhibit by persons wishing Ideas on bird house construction. Miss Helen Thompson, supervisor of the man ual training work in ths public schools, has copies of government plans and specifications for these houses and she will furnish any Information on this sub ject to interested persons. The exhibit will be ready at o'clock Thursday for public Inspection. Boys at Park school became so Inter- Honest Made Shoes for Young Men Shoes that not only have all the style that the well dressed young man demands but are made of better material than can usually be bought for the price. The market is flooded with shoes of inferior quality, due to the advance lu prlo of high grade material. This inferior quality Is not dlscernabl? to the average person until tho shoes have been worn. These young raai'i slios romt in tho Flat Knglish. and the High Toe lasts, are made of real calf skin, genuine Oak soles, leather counters and box toes. They are Drexel Quality Throughout. The price Is $4.00 PAHCEli roST PAID. Place Your "For Sale." or "For Rent" Ad in The Bee Drexel Shoe Co. 1410 Farnam St. OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPER Is complete In every respect To'i will find an unlimited variety of new creations fur your old or new home. Let as stake aa estimate) for yea. SAM lEUMAf 1MOO FAIIXAM STREET. Phone lougla 43. ested In this bird house work that many of them continued the activity into their homes. Four won prlies offered by a local business house. - Haa Practical Vala. "I think." said Principal Mason of Park school, "that 'h's bird house worn shows the practical vaiua of our. manual training departmen'.s. Ths worU his a practical as well as ethlval value and the Idea was a snlendld one." Principal Harrison at Famam school took a keen Interest In the work at her school. . ".What' kind of sn apartment house Is this?" sho asked of her manual training teacher. Mlsa Howard explained that the house In question was an up-to-date apartment building for martens, which are very fastidious in their do mestic life. ' The nicer their house la and the- more rooms it contains the better they like ths domicile. Prusner-Alperson Wedding Nuptials Last -Night Here : Over 130 guests attended the marriage yesterday evening in' ths ball room of the Hotel Rome of Miss Marian Alperaon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Al- person, JM6 St. Msry'e svenue, to David 8. Prusner of.Bloux City. About fifty relatives and friends from Sioux City and Davenport, la., and Rock Island, 111., were present. , Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Rabbi Jacob Flescher officiated at the wedding cere mony. Miss Mollis Prutner of Sioux City, sister of the groom, wss maid of honor, and Mrs. D. Cohen matron of honor. Philip Goldblatt acted as best man. The weddifig ceremony was followed by a dinner and a reception and dance. After a honeymon n the east Mr. and Mrs. Prusner will be at home In Sioux City. Mr. Prusner, vho Is head of the hog and iheep department of a live stock commission firm at Sioux City stock yards, has a wide acquaintance In live stock circles on the Omaha South Bide. Among the relatives of the groom from Sioux City who sttended ths "wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. I Prusner, B. W. Prusner. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Krueger. Lewis Kruegec Miss Hattls Ooldblatt and Miss Roxetta Steckor. At Brandeis Theater. Althouffh the seats for ths Otis Skin ner engagement at the Brandeis theater March 31 and April 1 will not be placed on aala until Friday morning, the fol lowing long list of reservations naa al ready been made and orders are now being received on an average of forty or fifty each day. Those who will enter tain large parties sre: " H. II. Bnldrlne. II. Pstterson. Mrs. J. Roffenfeld, Mrs. K. C. Barton. Amos Thomas. Dr. Stokes, Mrs. 8. Kats. Mrs. C. A. Qoss, Miss Kmma.Roslcky George Engler, Mrs. Maul. K. W . Hart. V. H. flarke. Philip Mtx, S. Rlgulter, George B. Powell. Mrs. t. H. Palmer, K. C. Twamley. U Klrsihbaum, H. 8. Clarke. Mrs. (julnn. . R. I. Stout. For Hih School Seniors. Mr. Milton Nelaon entertained the sen ior class of the Florence High school, at his home. Friday evening. A most de lightful evening wss spent by all. The decorations were In gold and white, the class colors, and green for St. Patrick's day. Those present were: Mles Mlaees Golriie Hubble. Mtirsuerlte Raymont Aenei Johannsen, Bessie Bhlpiey Maud Klerle, Ruth Mesare. F. Carrlngton. Glen Fox. Huehtn Kahn, LKuglaa Myers, K unl. Helen Petersen, Meaara, Maynard Shaw, James Tucker, Smith. Milton Nelson. Guest Entertained. A very pretty luncheon with yellow flowers and yellow randlea and shades was given In honor of Mrs. Harvey E. Mllllken's guest, Mrs. David Beaton of Chicago, this afternoon. The hostess was Mrs. Douglas B. Welpton and ten guests wens present. This Is the last of the many pretty Informal affairs for Mrs, Beaton, who leavea for her horns tomor row. Dinner for Guest. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mra. C. B. Ayres are Mrs. O. B. Canf'.eld. Los Angeles, alster of Mrs. Ayres, and Mrs. B. E. I-angworthy and son. Thayrs, of Masaena, la., sister of Mr. Ayres. Mrs. H. F. Shearer will entertain at dinner this evening at her horns In honor of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ayres. On the Calendar. Mrs. Douglas B. Welpton will give a class tea from I to I o'clock Tuesday afternon st her home. A musical pro gram with eighteen numbers will be , -Ivta. By MRLL1FKIA March 21. It certainly goes without saying that Thomas J. Kelly can always start some thing, keep somethinv and finish some thing In Omaha. Nothing exemplifies this better than the success of the Men delssohn choir. The choir tonight st the Boyd theater seems bringing out Ml Omaha with many visiting music loven from all over the state and western Iowa. Despite the Lenten season the choir concert will be the eccsslon for manv social affairs. In formal, of course, and the box parties of the evening are limited only by the ca pacity of the theater. Mr.' and Mrs. Ludovle F. Crofoot will entertain at a box party for ths Charles C. Georges. Miss Mary Munchhoff Miss Msry Burkley, Mr. Frank Eurkley, Mr. Earl Gannett and Mr. Charles Watson Hull. Mm. & W. Nash will give a party for the William 8. Curtlses, the Louis Nashes, the Misses Rousseau and Miss Frances Nash. . - Mr. Charles Thomas Kountze will have. In his box the Osgood Eastmans, ths Jo seph Barkers and the A. L. Reeds. General George H. Harries will occupy his box with the Edson Riches and the Frank Johnsons. Mr. and Mrs. George Payne will have for their guests Rev. G. A. Hulbert and Mrs. Hulbert snd Miss Jessie Towne. A committee from the Saengerfest so ciety will have a box. Past Festivities. Mr. and Mrs. N. Katzber entrrtalni.il at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Beryen Sundav evenlno-. . wihrtinir their tenth wedding anniversary. The flansnom club was entertained Fri day afternoon at lucheon at the home of Mlrs. Cecil A. Bacon. The rooms were decorated in green snd white. Music snd games appropriate for ths celebra tion of. St. Patrick's dsy wers plsyed. Those present were: Meadames Mesdames C a. iifs. R. O. Young. H. L. Mosnman. J. E. Loval Leroy Savell. Richards, E. D. Miiore. Thomas Blthell, P. N. Jewett C. A. Bacon. Miss Ann Anhsuser rsva m. dhtIt at hr home Saturday eventnar. The trnini was spent In dancing, music and nmu PrUes wers won by Miss Ella Mullln and Mr. Garret Rourae. Those present were: Mfa Florence flrhmMt Ella Mullln. Margaret Ooeareld, Helen McQuiston, Jr Gallla-er. Claude Frlmann, , joe pcnmiat. Garret Rourke, Mlaaa Agnes Coffey, Irene Coeafeld, Ann Anheuser. Messrs. Oilman SehaJt, George Dywer. Garry Coesfeld. Social Gossip. ': . ' . , Mr. 'and Mrs." "William 8. - Curtis, who, have been In Omaha for ths last three weeks, expect to leave Monday for. a short stay In St. Louis before going to Pier Cove. Mich., for ths summer. Mrs. , Curtis wss formerly Miss Janet Monroe Wallace. Mr. Thomas Kelly will leave for Chi cago Sunday evening. Mrs. W, B. Fonda nas gons to Jackson-. vllle. Fla.. to be the guest for four weeks . of her sister, Mrs. Ralph Burnett Mur phy. Mrs. Fonda will visit Palm Beach and St. Augustine during her southern ' sojourn. Miss Katherine Gould, who went east ths first week In Februsry with Mrs. B. B. Davis for Junior week at Cornell uni versity, returned horns Monday morning. " During her eastern stay Miss Gould vis- ' Ited In New Tork CH7, Hartford. Toledo and Chicago. Press Clnb Luncheon. . . Tho Omaha Woman's Press elu wtil entert'aln at luncheon at ths Hotel Fon tenelle, Monday, complimentary to Mrs.' Frances Ford, a Chicago newspaper woman, who formerly lived here. Reser vations for ths luncheon are being re celved by Miss EVa Mahoney, chairman of the courtesies committee. Mrs. Ford Will be' the speaker at the open program of ths social science department of ths Woman's club, Monday. Mrs. Ford ii an honorary member of ths local Press club, others being Mr Ella W. Peattle. Mrs. Msry Holland Kin raid. Mrs. Anna Steese Rlchsrdson and Miss Julia Swart 1. On the Calendar. There will be a meeting of tha City Central Suffrage committee Friday after noon at S o'clock at ths home of Mrs. Mary Csmiack. .The women members of ths Prettiest Mil Golf club will have a game, at Clark's indoor golf course Wednesdsy morning, followed by luncheon at tho Loyal hotel. .Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen snnouncs the marriage of their sister, Bessie, and Mr. Philip Let win, the ceremony to take place Sunday, April 2. A wedding re ception will follow. Franco-Belfian Workers Unite. The Omaha and Dundee circles of ths Frsncc-Belglan Relief society will meet ' from now on In joint session. Mrs. Ezra Millard will continus to be ths president of th Dundee circle and Mrs. Warren Rogers will bold ths earn office In the Omaha. The society met this morning for Its fortnightly all day aeaslon with Mrs. Philip Dodge. Mrs. Edgar H. Scott, who was to nave neen tne hostess today, will entertain the workers st th next meet ing. The rolling of bandages and rutting of hospital dressings continus to b th work or tn society. University Clnb Plans. Edgar J. Banks, A. B., A. M. Harvard. Ph. D Rrelsau. will be the guest of th University club for luncheon. Wednesday noon. March 23, and will speak on 'Th Discovery of an Ancient City." Dr. Banks Is ons of tho foremost authortti In th United States on archaeology and was formerly American consul to Bagdsd. Noted Actor to Be Entertained. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Minor Fairfield will entertain at supper st the Fontenelle Wednesday evening, for Mr. William Fa ersham, who will appear at th Boyd In "The Hawk." Mrs. Fairfield has known Mr. and Mra. Favershsra for many years, having met ths tslented pair both tn this country and tn England.