Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Also Enjoy Annual Dinner M Guests
of Their Former King, Everett
frond as a boy with red-topped
boots was Everett Buckingham Mon
day night. He was the host to the j
board of governors of AV-Sar-Ben
for the annual harvest home dinner,
which he gave them in the Exchange ,f the ..deaf cpwllurM,.. c. w.
building at the stock yards. cslls m. Look at the girls sklpplnt
It was not the fart that lie was host at 'rope, ixjok at the boya playing marbles,
the dinner that made him proud. Hewasji.,ok at the folks raking their yarda.
proud to be able to show the governor i Look at the bonfires of dry grns ai.d
auch splendidly equipped stock yards as j rubbish. ee the robins hoppln nbort
now exist on the South Plde. He showed
them nil over the yards, particularly the
new fireproof and weather-proof, con
creted hog barns and the new horse barn.
He took them all ov;r these latest Im
provements before tlv dinner.
Doe Krye at the Helm.
Then they repaired to the. Exchange
building dining room, where the cele
brated Doc Frye had prepared a dinner
In numberless courses, with all the choic
est varieties of "eats and drinks."
Governors present were Buckingham.
Judson. Hosford, Beaton. Black. Faun
ders, Brandels and Richards, and Secre
tary 3. D. Weaver. Guests were Charles
l.ane. Joe Barker, Jay Foster and Jack
There was no business. This annual
harvest home dinner Ic no time for busi
ness. It Is an occasion for a rood time.
The governors and quests talked Infor
mally, told stories and smoked until late
in the night.
First Practicing
Woman Physician
in Nebraska Dies
Dr. Mary Strong, said to have hean
the first woman physician In Nebraska
and professor of operative and clinical
surgery at the Crelghton College of
Medicine, died yesterday morning at 7.
Dr. Strong was born in New Hamp
shire December 18, 1&54. During her
early life she was a school teacher In
New England and she came west to
follotv this profession.
In 1SSS, however, she took up the
study of medicine and obtained a doc
tor's degree. .She was a practicing uhv
sician In Omaha ever since her gradua
tion and for seventeen years was attend
ing physician for the Salvation Army
rescue home.
She was a member of the Nebraska
Medical Boclcty and an honorary mem
ber of the Douglas County Medical asso
ciation. She also belonged to Mecca
court. Tribe of Ben Hur, and the East
ern Star. ' In 1N2 she was worthy ma
tron of Vesta chapter. Order of Eastern
Star. IShe was deaconess In the Ply
mouth Congregational church.
She la survived by one brother, who
lives In Manchester. N. II., and one sis
ter, who lives In Milwaukee.
Dr. Strong resided at Twenty-fourth
and Binncy streets.
Comes to Omaha to
Live After Eleven
Years in Canal Zone
D. n. Wolverton has arrived in Omaha
from the Panama Canal zone 'and will go
Into business with his brother, E. Wol
verton, with officers at 310 Omaha Na
tional Bank building.
Mr. Wolverton rms been statistician for
the Isthmian Canal commission and for
the Tanama canal for eleven years.
He met and helped to show the sights
of the canal to such men as Taft. Roose
velt. Bryan, Knox and Root, and there Is
no man better posted on the canal In nil
its departments than he Is. I
"The slides in the canal must be over-!
come by patiently dredging out the dirt!
Xbenever they occur," he said. "The
present serious obstruction will be cleared j
away by next month. It is merely s
question of finally getting the sides of!
Xhe cuts down to an angle where the!
earth will not slide any more."
Work on New Bridge
Across Missouri is
to Start at Once
General Manuger Ware officially
nounces that tho I'nlon Pacific, as soon
as possible, will begin the reconstruc tion
of the company railroad bridge over the
Missouri river, with a view to having It
completed during the early part of WIT,
and. If possible, before the ice breaks an
runs out that year.
According to Mr. Ware, the contract
for reconstruct loft of the brirtse has been
awarded to the Ameilcnn Bridge com
pany. It is to be a double-track struc
ture and in the reconstruction 5.2C0 ton
of steel will be used, whert-as. In the con
struction of tnc nrcsent brldne. there is
jut 2.90 tons. The reconstruction la to
be carried on without Interference of
train service. It is stated that over the
present bridge 320 trains pass every
twenty-four hours.
Dog Tags Sell Fast
on the Opening Day
One hundred and fifty dog owners
have received 1914 licenses from the city
clerk. The sale will continue for several
weeks, to give everybody an opportunity
before the dog catcher starts making his
The city council authorised the pur
chase of a new automobile for the man
who pursues unlicensed canines.
C. F. Btlmson. field seeretary of the
Playground and Recreation Association of
America, addressed the playground Insti
tute at Central High school Monday eve
rting. Mr. Stimson urged co-operation by
citizens In the playground system being
e eloped here. He told of some of the
practical sides of helping the people to
wisely uw their leisure hours.
n Effective Conch Treatment.
One tcanpoonful of Ir. King's New Dis
covery taken, as needed will soothe and
clieek yeur cough and bronchial irrita
tion. Ail druifgiats. Advertisement.
Spring, Gentle Spring, Comes to
Omaha One Day Ahead of Time
lipped one over on us tht
Pprlne. the well-known, Jistly-Cee-
1'rnted and much-loved gentle spring,
i arrived a dsy before sh Is usually due.
Phe came tripping gently Into the ctly
at 4:39 Monday morning. Anybody cO'ild
tell thnt Monday was a spring day, "n-
shiny and nice and warm and ulmy.
I The reasorT why spring got here a da
early I that this In leap year an! therc-
, (ore we've had a day extra.
Spring la here, anyway. look at the
and hauling the early worms out of the
ground. Sec the politicians shaking
hands. Note the demand for aulpnur
and sassafras at the drug stores fr
Harries Predicted
Electrification of
Roads Years Ago
Recently when the Milwaukee road
opened a section of Us electrified north
coast line, a circular and some data con
cerning the opening was (sent to General
Hnrrles. president of the Omaha Electric
Ught and Power company. The general
has written to General Agent Duval of
the Milwaukee acknowledging the receipt
of the data, adding that twenty years
ago when he asserted that he would live
to see the time when electric current
would supersede steam as a motive power
people laughed at him.
Light Engineers '
Ratified by- City
The city council ratified the action of
Its committee of the whole by Indefinitely
postponing the electric street light situ
ation Insofar as the proposed new con-
trsct Is concerned.
B. J. Arnold of Chicago, and E. X,
Strait of Belolt, Wis., were approved as
special engineers In connection with mi
examination of the light plant boln
made by the electric light and power
committee of the Commercial club. This
action was taken on request of J. A.
Sunderland, chairman of the committee.
Approval of these engineers by the coun
cil does not bind the city officials to the
findings of tho Commercial club's Inde
pendent audit and examination of the
affairs of the Ight company.
Like a Happy Dream Come
True Relief from Her
Long Illness Charms.
To suffer almost from childhood with
stomach trouble and nervousness and
ithen to find relief almost over night, is
like having a happy dream come true.
But this Is the delightful experience of
Mrs. Ivah Spann. of 1913 P street, Lin
coln. She has been saved from an attack of
nervous iprostratlon, that dread malady
that Is woman's bugbear, she tells.
"Tanlac has relieved me of nervous
dyspepsia." declared Mrs. Spann yester
day. This statement is the highest en
dorsement that can be given to a medi
cine. Dyspepsia usually is a baffling ail
ment. The dyspeptic la a sufferer Indeed.
Ixjss of strength, extreme nervousness
and often fear of trivialities quickly
seize the dyspeptic.
"I had nervous dyspepsia and was
threatened with nervous prostration,"
said Mrs. Spann. "Ever since girlhood I
have been so nervous that I could not
sleep well. Indigestion, which finally be
came dyspepsia, caused gas almost con
stantly. For days at a time I V'ould suf
fer from pains In my stomach, head and
"Of course I had sought relief con
tinuously and I did not have great faith
i In Tanlac when I started to take it. But
jl have now. My relief began with' the
I first bottle. Now, after taking the treat-
ment, I w ant to recommend Tanlac for
jwhat It has done for me."
1 "Tanlac Is a boon to ,weak. 111, nervous,
depressed women," explained the Tanlac
;Man who Is Introducing the Master Medi
cine at the Sherman & McConnell Drug
Co., lfith and Dodge streets. There he
explains to scores dally how TanJaC
should be taken and the results that inay
be expected from its use.
Tanlac may be obtained In Benson at
the Schliler-Ueattle Drug Store; Spring
field, H. Flogenbaum; Weeping Water,
Meyer Vrvz Co.; Nebraska City. Henry
Schwake & Co.; Auburn, K. H. Dort;
Ashland. H. 11. Cone; Malmn. P. B. Fitch;
Fremont. Brown-Krederickson Drug
Store; Oakland, W. O. Harding Son;
Clarkson, E. H. Kosa.
An exclusive Tanlac agent Is wanted
In every town, village and eross road
In this county. For particulars ad
dress Cooper Medicine Company, Day
ton. Ohio.
Cocoanut Oil Makes
A Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keep your hair In good
condition, be careful what you wash It
Mont soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries the
scalp, makes the hair brittle, and Is very
harmful. Just plain, mulslfied cocoanut
oil (which Is pure and entirely grease
Piss), is much better than the most ex
pensive soap or anything else you can
UKe for shampooing, a this can't pos
sibly Injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hatr with water
and rub It In. One or two teaapoonfuU
will make an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily
and removes every particle of dust, dt-t.
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves
It fine and silky, bright, fluffy and eaa.
to manage.
You can get mulslfied cocoanut oil at
mot any drug store. It is very cheap,
and a few ounces U enough to last every
one In the family for months. Advertisement.
molasses at the grocery stores. Observe
the cars that are appearing from winter
storage. Observe the park oentlici be
ing painted and put In place.
Spring Is here, though she en'ereil
quietly and unohstruslvely. .
Of course, Fsther Rlgge and possibly
Colonel Welsh knew tho precise moment
of her arrival.
But others overlooked her. Matt
Oreevy didn't even hoist bis Tuft flag
to the top of the staff on his lawn.
Judge Cooley's fancy did not lightly turn
to thoughts of his Palm Beach suit.
And the city fathers overlooked a fine
opportunity to Mason on the beautiful,
graceful, ornamental, artistic.) and lovely
welcome arch' the Incandescent legend;
"Welcome." .
P c '-.V ' i'tr
, ,l
,.-V v.H'rf
: v
Tills Guarantee - "
H ' i
goes with every set of the "Handy Volume" issue of TJw
Encyclopaedia Britannica (new 11th edition) that we sell.
. The publishers of the Cambridge University issue of The Encyclopaedia Britannica
have sold 75,000 sets at prices ranging upward from 166.75, which is just
three times as much as we charge for the "Handy Volume" issue.
We honestly think that the "Handy Volume1 issue is every bit as goodas .
well-made, as well printed, as well bound, as handsome a set of books ashe
more expensive issue, and yet it costs you 64 per cent less. There is no question -about
it being as useful: for it has the same useful contents, absolutely unchanged
and in smaller volumes a more usable form. ;
The Prices Must Go Up
that you are
So there is no
your set now.
Order now if
Send for
Sign the
Mail it
Ten Firmi Enter Bidi to Provide
Omaha with Motor Apparatus as
Against Eight Before.
The city council opened a aecond
lot of bids for motor fire apparatus.
There were ten bidders, as against
eight at the recent bidding.
The bids will be tabulated at once
and then will begin the difficult
work of analysing the propositions.
A cursory examination of the bids
does not disclose a marked differ
ence In the situation. The entrance
it (ltaranfCe that the "HanSy
New York, which owns the American copyright of the new Encyclo
paedia Britannica and which furnishes us with the sets we sell. The
publishers join us in the guarantee that the "Handy Volume" issue is
identical in contents-text, maps, illustrations, everything with the Cam
bridge set now sold by them at about three times the price; that it is printed
from rw plates on the same quality of India paper, and is manufactured by
the same printers and binders; but that it is smaller and more convenient.
Ic 0 tint flit tCC your entire satisfaction with the contents of the
SjfeK Encyclopxdia Britannica, with its value
the form and style of the "Handy Volume" issue.
for anp reason,
and you return the set within three weeks, we
that you have paid (including shipping charges
kartf, Eoebucfc snb Co.
UT no matter what we think
you have our guarantee and
it says that vou can decide
the one to be satisfied.
risk in your ordering
you want to be sure
Let Us Send You a Free Handsome 132-pngo Book
TF you have not made up your mind about ordering, let us send you a free, handsome book about
the Britannica, called "A Book of IOO Wonders" It will give you a great deal of interesting
-a- reading and pictures and it will give you just what you need to know to help you to decide
about buying the Britannica at the present bargain prices. The descriptive book has 132 pages
with 200 illustrations, some of them in colors.
it now.
to us today, so that you
Sole DiNtributorH, Chicago
of another well known automobile
concern Into the competition Is said
by tho commissioners to have lent a
little test to the bidding, this firm
apparently having an attractive
The bids vary according to the type
of tires, the attachmAnt of Junior pumps
and other features. The commissioners
would not offer any specific comment
on the bids at this time. They will have
a special session for careful considera
tion of the bids during this week.
The superintendent and chief of the
fire department still hold to the posi
tion that the motor equipment of the
fire department should be standardised,
rather than aeeeptlng several bids.
The city will purchase eleven motor
fire trucks. There la available for this
purpose approximately fci&,W.
It takes but a minute of time to save
dollars when you read The Bee Want Ad
Bntannica which we are selling is pubhshed.and
by The Encyclopaedia Britannica Corporation of
of paying the low price. The price
must advance after the present stock
is exhausted, because the war is
making all raw material, all labor and
all manufacturing cost so much more.
We have received notification from
the publishers that on account of in
creased cost to them they can supply
can get the free book
Woman Fined for
Hurling Bricks in
Mix Over Tom Cat
Mrs. Viola Smith, HOT North F.'ghf-enth
street, moved some time ago from the
residence of Mrs. Kdlth Case, r' North
F.lahteenth street, but was unable to take
with her one perfectly good cat, which
Mrs. Case was holding pending the con
summation of a little financial misunder
standing. Monday Mrs. Pmlth took
taxlcab to her former residence and In
sisted that pussy be set free, or she would
fire on the fortifications without further
parley. Her demand was refused, and
the bombardment commenced. After a
futile assault, Mrs. Smith ceased firing,
having run out of bricks. At this Junc
ture reinforcements for the besieged gar
rison hove to from headquarters and the
war was over. Mrs. Smith waa forced
to pay 110 and coats Indemnity,
Volume" Issue of the
and usefulness, and with
If you are not satisfied,
will refund every cent
both ways)
us with no more sets than those now
on hand at our present prices, and
therefore before long we must advance
our prices to the public
You can order now by sending
S1.00 as first payment, with a note
asking us to reserve a set.
SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO, diicago
Please smd m. free the handsomely Illustrated mad kteiw
ettin lSi-pe -Book of 100 Wondtrt." describing the Dew
Encyclopaedia Britmniea, its Usefulness aad charm, giving sample
Pge, print and pictures, and telling price and term fur sets
now on haod. beure the sale at the present low price cods.
This Hair Tonic Which Ton Can
Make at. Horn Rwioy It to a
Few Application.
Dandruff and scalp eruptions ean be.
removed In a few nights by the follow
Ing simple recipe which you can mix at
home or have put up by any druggist at
very little cost. It does not color tha
hair and Is perfectly harmless:
Water One-half Ptnt
Ray Rum On Ounce)
Texola Compound'. One-quarter Ounc
Glycerine ...One-quarter Ounce)
A half pint la alt yon will need. Rub
It Into the scalp well at night and after
a few applications the dandruff and
scalp eruptions Will disappear and the
hslr will stop. falling out and become soft
and glossy. Advertisement.
i it