THK BEE: OMAHA, MATUTT 1016. lc Vant-Ad Rates CASat WITK OftOItl r word each insertion Special Betes i Farm and Ranch lnda. ? per Una each Insertion (Count alz words to the line.) rORXTOrJ ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HKI.I' WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: Se "or word... on tlms 1 Mo par word... three consecutive timea CXAKQB HATES I e Pr line one time to per line three consecutive tlmea (Count six onM to the line.) aro as TAiia rem x.rss nil A TOT At O too OB X.ZBS rail' ioo rn sat. CARD Or THANKS. PlTAm AND FUNERAL NOTICES: too per line each Insertion (Minimum charge to centa.) Je-nthlv Rata for standing ado (tin hange of ropy) 11.10 per lino (Count els worda to the line.) Contract rate om application. TTTB B8 will not bo responsible fr snore than one Ineorract Inaertlon of an advertisement ordered for more than ono time. v AXtVKRTIPfTRS should retain receipts ron by Tho Pea In payment for Want da, ao no mistake can bo rectified without them. VB1B TTTO TTCLfTPHOVH !f yen cannot conyenlantlr bring or end In your ad. Ask for a TVant-Ad Taker, and you will receive the asm a rood service a when delivering- your ad at the office. ITTONT" TTLFR lOOl). WWT-AT COLUMN CLOUT, r";N'TVf rrTTTON Il ea. V. UORNTNO EDITIONS 1:00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Aarwvn tn qnoittoa .Wavr to ko ionifbL" Bow own." llTH t DOOOLAS: I "Tho Whtapwrea Word," a drama m pnuaual appeai and oonvtnolnj plot. Ninth opleodo "Tho Strange Case of Mary rage." "Troubled Watera." Rube Miller In aura-fire, rib tickler, . Mutual Weekly. fnlNCE33. iS17-l DOUGLAS Thirteenth enactor. "OIH and the Oajne," Picturesque rhllartelpbla- Travaloa-uo. "Lubbv Turnf the Table,- aome comedy, luteal Sollg-Trlbune Current Krent Weekly fiifTFARNAM. 1415 TANAM BT Flrrt Run of ITnlTersal Program. Hades n Queen of Crona t Centa. 'The Irerdo." (Centa. Alnt It Orand Comedy. West. ItfClNftOE. 25B5 FARNAM rranete Nelaon In ''Ive'a Crucible." GRAND. 16TH AND BINNEV. . Clara Ktmbalt Toung In "TOE YETJX)V tass- roitT" and a. good comedy, ' First ahow at 7 P. M. tOTHROTi J4TII eV LOTUROP John Barrymoro In 'Tho Dictator. UnslW. APOLT57 I8i4 LKAViJN WORTH !... n..W..I linn. " V . 1 . rv yeela. "Tou'ro Net,'' Vltanrapli confMly, A Child of the Weat," Knlckeruocku f4iar Feature 1 reel, tOC LEV A RD. iSdTeV Leavenworth rtvo roela of good picture. TToHLYr 5TT61 leavenwortII Herbert Keleey and Flfflca Shannon In, The Kphinv." tied tealher Pay an . Universal Weekly. XiEooE, "Tho Qlrl Telft-Tapher'a Nerve," Kajem -"Hamlet Made Over," LAibln. 'Mla- tniuu." Knickerbocker. I rvela. CRPHEUM". i4TH si Pinmnutil Tortures. Btancho Sweet In "Secret Bin. "Oacar, tho Oyster Opener,", comedy. j s tar Features These aro Special Extra-Reel Features bow appearing at tho following Theaters. aToxltj: 24 LEAVENWORTII. -A Child of tho West" imz. "Ml mate. i4TU"AND N HTH. iirpREsa: wtn a iKL'ctij. "The Whlsporod Word." a drama of nnueual appeal and convincing plot, with Grac e Da Carlt on. . CItANL Will ANT ill.NNETf Clara Xtnsball Toung In 'Tho Tellow Paaeport." T4TII AND LOTHROP. John Darrytnora In Tho Dictator." 2iA ' k-AHNATT lldNKOE. yranels Nelson In "Love's Crucible." tWUEt'M, 4TH AND At STa Blanch Sweet In fftTKCESo. Secret Sin." 131J-1 DOl'GLAS. Thirteenth chapter of "Tho Olrl and tho Game." FI.ORIJTa. DIlAi.IT V C VT KljWER8 or plants. Art Combinations, shipped every where. Kxoetleot service to our cus tomers In past years recommend Ilk-Sl at SWOBi )1A. 141 Farnam Bt. D. HW, PATH, florlnt. 11"4 Karnain t D. ITlJ ENDE h8"3NT"lli Douglaa D. Itii" ktember Florist Telegraph l"l. Asa a STDONAUiiUE. H-I (iaroey. Duug. JJH. You Get Real It has always been the effort of this paper to of its patrons' needs and desires, and, wherever increase its facilities and improve its service. nieTH Ann rmrmi, kothbh. KELPIN-Edward R.. aged 7 year. beloved father of Charles. Albert. John and Ellxabetu Kenlln, Mra Stiif1 fer of Omaha end Mm. George W. Sanrha. Council Bluffs, March . Funersl at family residonoe, ITU North th, Wednesday at I SO a. m., to Sac-red Heart church, a. m. Inter ment Holy Sepub-hcr cemetery. 11 A Ll'Kal jhl l a i"cd "yes rt, I month, 1 da, March 11, 191 ft. at Toledo, la Funeral A'ednesday afternoon at I from N. P. Swansnn's chapel, ITth and Uumlng jt.. to Forest Lawn cemetery. 6t1H Anna P., Ms r-lil."' llfi; (ted M years, II months, ail day. Kutiersl Wednesday, March 22. at 1 p. m. from the residence of H. II. Arsnt. 7lit . 40th Bt. Interment at Mt. Hope. Friend Invited. Mini ir.Ts ajid ikmrtgrib. MAUSOLEUM. WIIT hury your dead In the cold around in stormy weather when you can hny a tnmh In a marhle building at reasonable price. Tel. MAI SONKl M CO, I). 21.6. aumelster Monument Work, msuso- euina, all kind markers. 11th A Charles. niRTii Axn death. Births-Francesco and Lucia Polver- entl. l. South Sixth, girl: D. Vk and ay Kdwnrds. 1724 Davenport, girl: rnl- atore end Lucia Agosta. 1WI North Sixteenth, bov; George and Flora Rumb, IV R, girl; 11. and Zdenka Kaassl, fTM South Twelfth, hoy; Arthur and wancna wehieen. Patrick avenue, noy; pam- uel and Angelina Marantur, 1111 Tierce, hoy: F. W. and Mattla Iavltt. IlfiJ neneer, noy: Joseph and Khea Hoth. 22i St. Mary'a avenue, boy; John and rtophle Rudln. 1111 Davenport. girl; David end Alice Falrchlld, hospital, glrl Boy C. and Fanny Rodstrom, IM1 North Twenty-eighth avenue, boy. lieaths 4 harlea Manner, f7, I'M North. enth; R. J. Van HougMon. . 17W Case: Nick Ittta. 7 month. 2"fT Pierce; Joseph Zalturskl, t. f777 Desn; Morris Lutnhiira. 11 niontha, !4 Frnnklin; t.orene M. May rd, , hospital: I.llllan Nystrom. 20, osnltnl: Frank Mokoln. XI. K31 Polk: ames Ilnalek, St. hospital. M4RHUGB MIRMEl, Marriace licensee were leaned to tho following eouplee: isame and liesidsnce: Age. .over 21 .over lk K , 1 18 M , 27 n 63 U David Pruslner, Hloui C',r aianan A person, umaha Bert Bt. C. Fealer. Caaey. la.. Oolda M. Psmmona. Stuart, It... Cbarle Taylor, Benson Retia MeKarland, Tarklo, MJo... Frank Minor, Omaha Sadlo Hani, Omaha John Tssacson, Pomeroy, la Charlotte Olson, Omaha Ralph Cramer, Omaha My ma Mores. rnisha BCII.DIXU I'KltHITI. W. EL Rleselterg. 2247 Poppleton avenue, frame dwelling, !2,0u; J. L. Brmndels ftons, '1-H South Seventeenth, altera tions. LOST FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL PLUFFH o'TREET RAILWAY lAJMKAINT. Fereon having loat soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether then left It In the street cara. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Doug. 4. TlT YOU lM anrthlns and will atiertls It hsrs. tan will sareir rseoirsr It II fmisa hr SB BMlet sersrie. hsmarfcsfcl reTerlss sre Drouglii sbeut ever? dsv throwsh tills rolum. Ilia 1.AW Hsepls ho lind lost srllclaa are InWnwtsd Is knowing that ths stats law Is irtct In requiring ihsm to seek the owner thrtuiih sdvertlssmsnt sna othsrwlss, end tbst a fsllure to a so. If same saa ke reva. Is- vlvs a sevsrs rsnsltr LADY'S gold watch, letter "H" on pin. down town district, Saturday evening Phone Dougln Hf;. Reward. FINDER of mink oollarotte. March known. Avoid trouble. Leave with cashier of Beaton Drug Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS furniture aot Mnieennld Uoels, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair Mattresses made o'er In aew tlcga at half the price of new ouea. Phone ua f.-r aampla of ticking. Mall order I .lied. 11W7 C'uinlnx Bt. Douglaa 24r7 I'ORSAT.iU lirass beil, cliif?unl', leather ruckers, oak dining table, chairs, rugs kitchen nLi'iitt; all new. Call 411! Chsrlrs ht TV R:;1TCM Olirgalna ; beds, tU tables, Chan s, rugs, gas stoves, 41; pacaiogs 01 all kinds, is. N. 14th. Webster K7. 'plaatua litll Maatenl las train at a. f: W tier month A. Hospe, 1M1 Douglaa. lore and Ufllea mures HKK-1 ROOfr and buigiar-proofaafe tor sale: good slsc. good conauion; price . low. M. C. l'elera MUJ, Co.. i Uian dl H'dg. fJLsliH. ft). aoaUa. showcases, ahelv- lug, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture At i'i''y Co.. 414-iH-m s. mh, Doug. n4. EliOW case and counter fur -sale. Cuming at. Jewelrit lllssmalti Walca . BRtilTkTu A A RD8"lucky wedding rings" at Irtth and Douglaa Sta. Ty pew rltere aad Huppllea. KKW msohlnea sold the same as rent: 13 per month. 8eo ua before you buy or rent. Shipped any plaoo on ten days' free trial. Hutu Typewriter Exchange. 116 8. lKth. Omaha. Neb. liKMlNuloNS, Muliat'Chs and Biiillh Premier for rent: s. it anywhere, Rnin- Ington Typewriter Company. I. 12H4. JilDLAND RIBBON A CARBON CoT Ol flee supplies, p. rt4f. 21m nee Biag. IT' EC I A(. ti'.ai inteed typewriter rib rons s tor i. nrnaui w nwwn as uon Co.. Douglas 124i. TYPE WRITER!-Rented. sold. Terms. MIDLAND CO.. 2-H Kee. Doug. 2147. III'.' NT an Oliver typewriter 1 mo, for t&! Olive r Typewriter Agency, inw farnara. TI'l'.RWlTl.llS aold. ient-o repalreJT Oenirel Typewriter XV Farnam. let'lsg MirklsM. SEWiKamciLlNES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing nm bines MICKKL'8 NERRAXivA CiCLK CO., nth and lliirney Sts. I'niii. 1iQ. Tlathlasi, fun, Jilr. W F. buy and sed tailor mnde suits and nvercoata. FVledmsn. 1211 DoukIus Pt. Lawkrr, Uatl4taa alatertals. ATTTinybi br LL'Mukr j.'6r sALK I'sed In construction of building; la first class condition. Call Doug. 2117; . . A act tua Hales. FCBI.ic 8ALK-.iarrh 2T. 191 at resi dence of Abraham Koaenbrr)', one and one-half miles southwest of Klmwood Park, 7 horses, being 1 mares 1 and I yeara old; a 1-year-old mare and one earling colt; a 1-year-old mare; a 13-year-uld mure; a horse U years old; 1 rows and One yearling steers and 1 fat hogs; one farm wagon: one hog waan and rack: I wagon; two buggies; a lot of farming Implement, being a fraln aeeder, one 14-inch atirring plow. culUator. one disc barrow, two sets work harne. -tc. etc Hale for casn or approved setuilty. Bale commences at 1 o'clock said date. A ROSENBKRY Billiard aarf Piwl Tanlea. i'OH SALE New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bawling alleys and accvsnviries; send for cata logue; easy payment. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-41AI 8. lutli 1st. Phono Tylor 1000 and Put FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MeMrri Karlan. k SECONDD AND motors, various lxn, fine condition, very rhep. See ''nhlll Electric Co.. Pee Hide;. Tel. D, 17. Kl'W Set ond-hand motois, dynamo. maimeto I Uron tlectrlo Work. SH-Jo ft. 1?th St. Miscellaneous. f OK SAI.B t'llKAtT Business College Course. Pi'll and complete holsrsilp In one or ins Desi omsr.a Dusinea acnoois. Oood reason for aelllnr: nerf. ctl relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Invea- iia.ite at once, because spring term bciclns aonn. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at. me ornce the ttnmha Pee as T high standard of quality win maintained. 4 quarts of Old Fontnnello whisky, M.2S; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Duug. 7141; m wi rs. t .tn hi. ALKX JETE8' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled-ln-bond whisky, lie. 11.00. Il iS, full quart. SPECIAL, .NOTICES J w liAt sell for storage charges one econd-hsnd auto truck. J.OO-rounl capacity. 1414 Military Ave., Omaha, on April i, vnii. 1 p. rn. T. Sweeney. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COfNTY TH KAHI'R KR KM MET O. SOLOMON BWODKOAARH H "l,umy Wedding junss at i"tn ana I'ougiss rtts CAKTI-R Hhcet Metal, ill sTTMh 8t. KXKRflHK AT Y.M C.A. Business men. Treistnaulaa. Accordion. Side. Knife, Hog Pleating, Coy. Huttons, Hemstitching. Nuy. Pleat ing V Button Co. 431-2 Psiiton H It. R 4M2. CLl'RF.'S Dressmaking school; suMir dresses, etc. 2f.y CaUfornls. Doug. 7W. M A D A M K MfCHAElH Oowns, Suits and Wraps. Ill o. 2Mh ft. Call Ioti. 7W. DRFnMAKlNTl W o r k g u a ranteei prices cheap. Cell or phono Tyler 1W; k KUHU changtnglocatlon; temporary COMPETENT dressmaJter wants day wnri. imugias mi, FIWST-CTZa ftfinSressmaklng. Red Mtt7 Faah. drcssniaklng, alterations, n. ST5I. Kelster s Dressmaking Col. 18 OfyTciiL Terry Dreaamak'g college. 20th A Famam. CTarythiaar far Wane a. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, boa pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; nemstitcmng, pteot edging, em broidery, heeding. ) braiding, cording. eyelet cut work buttonholes, nennsnts. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. p't irougia 1'ioca. tougias im Carpenter aad Coatraetor. ard A Son 19n Capitol Ave. T. IKQ. CrVvTlIokanaon, 2f.06Lvnwth. Tyl. iTilf, J. YOUNO. 23 Miami WebTUnT: Cementing and Plaaterina:. Call Red ItitU. v.. it. itoys. jitig twistoi. fn. Web, ae1-. Awoislaala, E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. 2Ja"l-J?1('"L Jel- Douglas 7404, A. KTZKNSPKKtiUh, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. Black JliH. Auditing, Accounting. innnrporationa. investigation. Ladlea' Tallurlak. KIHH class ladies' tailoring. II. Fischer, rtomar noiei nuig.. z4 N. I7tn. Tyler SB7. (ukluiii.a. THB largest stock of masquerade and meatrirai cost times In the country. Theo. Lichen St Bon. If.14 Howard. D. 41 Is. THEATRICAL gowns, lull dress suits, for rem. ztw n. i,tn Ht. John Feldman. I'lSBS ISllPSfttlAS. Rsgtlma piano playing guaranteed In 10 10 irssons. I'ror. tiaynes rnr uritfinai oysiem. ana Jiarney. iougiaa iihM. Ragtrme piano playing positively taught in m leaeons. 4Z Cuming. Wal. s:v,9. Palntlnar and ranee IlanKlaa. lIIOH-CLAna work, low price. Tyler 1111, HlGII-CLAria work, low price, Webr0:iJL Hatk DR. RENDA Sulphur. Steam. Modern Turkish, Electrlo BATHS snd MA8- HAUki for tired nerves and rheumatism, private apartment ror ladies with lady attendants. l)l) Farnam. Phone D. 4;7. t'hlropractors, I p i a a 1 ' A d J ml ui e a t sT DR. HU it HORN. 414 Rose Hldg. 1). ftS17. Palmer Hchool grad. Consultation free dr. H. Israel. S Bran. The. Hldg. D. MX. Dr. J. C.Tawience. 1 Hal rTTlTd g. 41. Buttons and I'leatluH, Q. V. VAN AH M AM Dree Pleating and Button Co.. 134-1 Paxton Blk. North east corner lth and c'arnaui Bta. Phone uougiaa Bakeries. CATvES, pastry and fancy bakery good a. suppiiod to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z. H. Reedor, l.Vii N. lsth. W. SMI. Itouaeoleaalngi. ET.ECTRTC house cleaning, our work and price will pi esse you. Let ua remove your Storm windows and put In your crarni, i yier y.u j. Dateetlvoa. JAMES ALLAN, 111 NovlUe Block. BvU dwnco secured In all cases. Tyler 113. LA NO nat'I Detective Agcy., Inc.. Ke- une xiiog. u. m. strictly conridentlwl 1i rngra. DRTJOS at out prices, freight paid on 110 orders: catalogues free. Sherman A Me. Cornell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. Tastier of llu Phci. H. H. CI-A1BORNE, 612 Paxton Blk.; Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. CTWnrrlTt. thTBarker MocTt! ursesrlss. OROCEME3, fruits and vegetables and lenuor. juicy meat. Prompt delivery. Tom Johnson's branch Htoro, Wib N. 14th St. Phone Colfax 15. Vapaam Cleaaera. CIKAN Ql'ICKLY and TtlOItOUOILT WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT tl f i i w re. n da t . putiULAM itha, Wall Pauer. WALLPAPER cleaning, fl a room. Call nerry. iiougia tax Fiatare aad WlrlaafT DTTTtK I N kJiectrto washing machines, DUluuiiekctr(o lron nd reading lamps. 223 Cuming St. Doug. ZulD. 4 leaarre ana Dyvr. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 130 N. lllh. D. 807t Deallst. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. ll W.O.W Bldtr. Taft'Dr n t sTVRoo ma, J 517 Do ugTaa. D."21. Mnilag I'lotsr MachCaVa. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14lh and Doug. Mo tion iloture machine and film bargalna Palrats. D. O. Barnel KI'a x t on B 1 kTelJted 71 17. II. A. Sluiges. &J0 Rrandrla Theater Rlilg. laes and 1 la HUH, BUY your family liquors at Klein's M'lllor house, 6-1 N. iMh. DiuglaalwSi. Taliorla;. H. MAHCl'S, tailor and cleaner, pressing and repairing. SM N. lSlh St. D. iJZ t klaaaey aa4 Karaae 4 Iraatng. Work guaianteed K. Hurncinnii. D. 7. '3a. Artkllerts. jCerett PL Dodd. 12 Paxton Bik D. 4L Towel gappllee. OMAHA Towel Supily, M si. 11th. D. 623, r'araace nail 'liaiisrr, HABERST Roil. 4'2t Hamilton. Wal. ?71. 1'ranka and'aalt "t uses. FR K ! L IN i J , j S T KINI.E. I n ib Fsrnam St. Waleh gpevlalista. Christians. n, t,i II., l axlon ltk . 11 yr. exp. Weddlna llatluaery. Wedding aiiiiounoenuiits. Douglas Ptg. Co. AdtertlslasT Novelties. U. F. Shaier it Co., 12lh-Farnam. D. 7471 Want keep ahead possible to ANNOUNCEMENTS 4'aacrete 4'oatrartor. WsLKH, stcj. driveways, floors, hUh cinss wfiis. I'hone ihmh. if.r esti mate. 8. A. Hole. Prlallaai and litllr gappltea. t t. writer ir m for printing linita'lon typewrl'er P'tters; one Invalid sanitary chair; one collsps ho to-cart. T.'l. W.71H v A T K HH-H A H M 1 A K T I'm t o., iUHlty prltitlns: Tel. Dona; 21;". K 17th ft CHSTHMi Printing fo. 1 " M i:,AS 1M, I'Ol'fU.AS Printing Co. Tel. Dounlas MiT A tf orneya. Dickinson fill Pnnton Blk. C. T. D. 1. Brass and Iron yoaadrles. rton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Wts. llaaclna: Acadenitva. DE I.TTX At A I 'KM Y. Ill 8. )th fit. Klenrolf als. Ptoa Allender. 24 Bee Hldg. Red i'ht rnpndlsta. Buford, 20 l ax. Hlk. Carrie J. Red W. WANTED TO BUY WANTH1 False teettK We pay high as 12 for full sets. Send by mall. Don't matter If broken. Western Metal Co., Bloomlngton, III. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, Bold and traded. J. C. Iteed. 1207 Farnam. WHAT ne had to sell: An , automobile. a motorcycle, a summer cottage. Morrta chair. And he sold nero through TUB HER Want Ad oolumua. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE parts for a Frost transmission. also nave a 40-horse power Werner transmission, three speeds, absolutely perfect- also two 40-horse power hind axles In A-l shape: also about IS cas ings and tubes, different sixes. Will swap together or separate for what have you? Address 8. C. 1078, Bee. WHAT WILL "YOU TRADE? for ISO acres, Fall River county. South Dakota: small house-, fenced, psrt broke; good wheat and alfalfa land: title A-l; mortgage, io, due In lftlS. per cent; price 3,OoOj U miles from Oel rlch. V. O. Seward. ISA Sahller St.. Omnha. FINE, large Reglna muslo box, with big bunch of tune sheets, all in fine shape; slso 130 rolls of 66-note piano player muslo. Want good Newoombe fly shuttle carpet loom, or what havo you? S. C. lHet. Bee. RTuCK, 46 h. p., old model, but gooo condition; just tho thing to cut down to a speedster: want a Ford truck, horses, tool, or what? Let mo ahow it, 8. C. Vm. Bee. HAVE 1 rugs (Ingrain), 1 dresser, 1 bed and mattress, 4 pillows, I rocking chairs, ft kitchen chairs! will swap any or all for what havo you 7 Address 8. . 17". Hon. MVOLUMKS American law and prooe- aure text noons, -caiitr Ppecial re volver. Will trade for motorcycle, roll top desk, or what bave youf Address 8. C. K'ai. Beo. A lSdiBRANLTnew Overland, bought laat tan, driven less man i,w miles on Omaha streets. Will trade and take In 1915 flve-paascnger Ford. No other trades accepted. Address n. C. 1097. Bee. WILL exchanae 60 II. P. flve-panaetiKer auto In good shape: Just overhauled. lull model, good tires, fully equipped, for lighter car, or, what havo you? Ad dress H. C, 1.1. Bee. 1 WANT a Id-hand Ford roadster; will exchange twin cylinder Harley-Davld son motorcycle, fully equipped and In perrect condition. Address S. C. 1109, rtoe. ADDING machine, will swap for Ford nuto. nlano player, pictures, books. 01 what have you? The machine la In ex- cellent condition. Address 8. C. 1084. Bee, 1 .38 blue steel revolver. I ,'U revolver. I tennis racKet to exchange for good watcn or anything can use. a. tj. wo, fiAVE practically new 1K Edison Am- neroia to trade (or good - horse and buggy or would take good pony and addle. Address 8. C. 10H9. Bee. WILL trade 1400 Checkering Bros, piano. n nun case, tor ! ora or gooa team, wagon anu narneaa. o. s. juiu riee I WILL trade for a 4x5 or 6x7 camera. .Olve full description and particulars iiiu iru wnerw 1 can see ana exauiino some. Address 8. C. 1103. Bee. WOULD exchange oak wood refrigerator. pounds; white enamel W hat havo yout Address 8. C 1008. Bee. 1'iAMu.N D ring, one and three-fifths carat: will exchange for good Ford worth 1360 or take motorcycle or piano, Address 8. C. 10BJ Beo. WANTED TO EXCHANUK Oak side board for gasoline range; gas Iron for electric iron; gaa range for a good rug. j. c n. nee. FINE 1123 National cash register. In per fect condition; looks liko now. Want small, used car, or what havo yout 8, c. hot. Bee. HAVE fr-year-old mare, sound and with loai to )acK. to swap for Argo or oax on roadster, or what havo you? 8. C luifi. Hee. HAVE one 18-foot Michigan steel bull -horsepower motor boat; want light oar or wnst have youT 8. C. 1K5. Bee. f SWAP, buy and axil kodaks: fli Developed free. KAE STUDIO, Me vlilt tlk I'.ui and Harney rlts. EyCITY In 6-rooiu house, on car line, . "HI Main St., Uensoii, for salo or trade. LARGE wardrobe trunk to trade for In cubator. carpenter tools, or what have x our Auaresa, n. c im, nee. DrAUONDg, value 1.100, to excliango for automobile. Must be In first class con' ditlon. Address 8. C. lOtW. Bee. ENGLISH pouters and turblt pigeons to traue ror nonicr or carneau pigeons. Address p. t ., inn, umn na nee. HAVE open carriage end fine closed car riage. What have you to offer! Apply 12! B. l'ltn Bt. HAVE parts for a Maxwell I or a model U to swap for what havo your. 8. H'97, Pee. ILL swap even. Cramer piano for Haxon. Argo or other light car, or what have you." Address 8 C. nasi, Wee. EDISON home phonograph, records an tanii; win swap lor irung or leatner traveling bag. 8. C. Pw. Bee. MORRIS chair valued at 117; will ex- cnunge lor good leatner suit case, C. Bee. WHAT havo- you to tiade for a beautiful 1'ersian cat; will consider a good female cm. B. c. K'l, weo. ONE Kusiman kodak; will conalder pura breed chlckena, or what havo youT Box b. i iiiw, rice. HAVE 4.W gas range, good a new, to swap for coal range: same must bo I good condition. Ad.rre 8. C. 12. Bee, CAMERA 4xj. 3 plate holder and Por trait I. ns. What have youT Address S C. 1074. Bee. SIX ctae Kimball otgan, oak finish wlxh to trade for Hxll rug and a buffet, s. c. 11"4 nee. I-OK mm le or exchange, a braud lie rial Pee Ik no for lot or good Ford car. 8. C. US V ANT to swap Victor and Coluiob record for other. Address S. C. luM, Hee. 1-iiliiT refrigeialur and shoe case trade for Ford liasai. S. C. 5H1. Bee, rXjl l i Y in country store building, wa aulo. Carlisle. 4.n 1st flat.Bk. Bldg GooD comet valued at 112 for furnltui or what havo you? 8. C. lie.. Bee. RE'lTSTF.REli Airdale pop for trad What have you? 8. C. Wt. Bee , Bee. for' Ford car i-PASSI- NtlKR car to trade or Ford chxsslH. 8. C Bee MOTORCYCLE to wap for hor. Phone rui.';, conn- II muff. WILL d plumbing work for 1114 or 11 Ford. Harney S.-s.'!. - Ad Service From T The lWs Want-Ad Section is a great public Berviee insti tution that works for everybody big and little rich and poor its benefits must be available to all with perfect freedom. an Ad in Now Results Aro Sure to Come SWAPPERS' COLUMN TWO silk Angor gosts. val'ie tin. or V. 1". Hee. what have? Address B. SMALL cook siove to egi hange for I'oul- trv. P. C. l""a. H"e. 3(1 IOAl8 of dirt (ur the hauling. Phono Red 74f. BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN TOU PIJtN TO ELT, THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT T List your property In THB PKK'S Big House, Homo and Real Fstato Oulde. Buyera -t real es tate are exacting usually. Value roust bo there, and apparent. Prlco should be an Inducement. but make tho informal Ion definite and you will get responses from persona really interested in vour otter. If you run It Id TUB BEHL i.OT EL furniture and business; only hotel In good business town. Price rea sonable. Health reason for selling. Ad dress Commercial Hotel. Ansley, Nab, MO VI NO Picture Theaters, real bargainee machines, reps Ire, supplies, accessories pewand aecond-hand. Pee us. OMAHA TMEATliK UrL.T CO., Balrd Bldg. Doug. IHI9. OH tALl-InfsnU.' children's and 1 dles' furnlahlnga store at David City, town; doing an euelfent business; want to retire. Hox No, iVo. David City. Neb, FOR BALK. Wall established grocery. clean stm'k, fine location, wish to retire. Address owner, D. U. Ijoomla, &7 N. W. Boulevard. Bpokane, Wrash, FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard- ware: live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad dress, Y 257. Bee. TO LEASfi Garage, to right Party: will invoice one thousand dollars; the only one In town: money-maker. Jeff M. Williams, Hay Eprlngo. Neb. HAIR dressing parlor for sale, five years business (cash only), in Hmn City, la. Address 32s Davidson Hldg., Stou City, la. FOR SALE -table billiard parlor In town of 2.000., a bargain If you act auiuk. Write box Chadron Neb FOR SALE At a sacrifice price. 4.B00 grocery stock; might consider some trade. Address M M7, Bee A LOON Oood paying business In a good wet town. hite, or call is. II. Weuens, I'lerce, :sen. til EATERS Buy, lease or sell your the. ter, machine and atipplli through Theater Ex. ( c. , HO. Farnam D Powd Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, havo oiosed out mora muse, storks than any omer nrm in u. n. w rite for terms. (MALL CIOAR FACTORY tor sale. Go ing concern, uood reason ror selling. R. A. S'mpson. Blue Hill. Neb. WILLIAMS, established 23 years, to buy or sell ouvnrss; nee mm. 411 Mccague timg.. reference u. s. Nat. Minx. OFFICE for real estnto or Insurauce: same floor as Bee office; 11x21 feet; 130. Tho Bee Hldg., Office Hoom lus FOR SALE Good paying restaurant; new live town totne bis.). Box 45, Grass Range, Mont TWO-CHAIR barber outfit; make offer, CARLIPlE, 420 First Nat. Bank Bldg. INTELLIGENT and peraiatent advertis ing will "sell any salable real estate. and the largeat number of prospective buyers can reached through the Real Estate and Want-Ad Oulde to all or Greater Dmaha TH K BEE. to" SELL or buy a business, call oa nuscn a Horgnoir. rTenser uik. u. TO OKT In or out of business call on oanoksta d. in Beo Bldg. Doug. S477. X)R 8ALB Groceries and plcturea. In quire at izi M 8t., Boutn timaha. Turn old furniture, household goods and clothing Into cash with a Bee Want Ad. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOUNGI man wants position In automo bile business. Has had 4 years experi ence n this line as repair man and chauffeur. Can furnish the beat of ref erences. Call Doug. 3532. WANTED Position In racket or hard ware store; county seat in Iowa or eastern Nebraskai can Invest some cap ital it satisfactory. L, 8. Qrlsell, La Molrfe. III. COLORED boy. 24 yeara of age, experi enced in all lines of house worn; good cook; can furnish best references. Wants position as housekeeper. Harney tS46. YOUNO man, good carpenter and alnter, wants Job with small wages, oes not use the time for smoking or drinking. J. K. Evans. Gon 1 Delivery. llOTEX. clerk, middle-aged; eighteen years experience, fifteen yeara under one management; no objection going out of city. Address P 881, Bee. WANTED By young man, position on farm or as gardener, win. Atatnmes, South Omaha. Route A MAN Experienced as builder and car penter, wants position of any kina at once. Douglaa lK-9. Ask ror rtempei. WANTED Any kind of a Job by mar ried man, with large family. 614 rs. 17th St.. or phone Douglas Sirf. fARMKRS When you want huip write or call Empire Labor Agency, i. 12th. Phone Do u g. lonf. RELIABLE colored man wishes any kind of work as porter or housework. W eb. 241. 601 N. 24th St. TREE8, grapes, shrubs, trimmed; lawn raking. Webster 7612. rrmili. Refined, educated woman wishes do- L sition as housekeeper In small, refined iiuiiivi nuv,c 1 vuai'iD .nfita niiuiu u, appreciated. References exchanged. Ad dress P 8t. Bee. OOOD German woman wants place as cook or of taking car of children. Mrs. C. Newman, Shelby Court, No. 9, !d ann iea ven wort n. AN educated, rcfinedTedy, aged 3 would like a position as companion to an elderly lady or Invalid. References fur ulahed. Address M. 889, Bee. mTiDLE-AGED lndy wants position as housekeeper; small family; reference exchanged. Call Red IIM3. RELIABLE lady wants a poaltlon housekeeper; no objection to children. in the ity. Douglas 4-i EXPERIENCED colored girl would Ilka position as chambermaid, half 'days. Web. 12l. COLORED woman wanta general house work or position as cook. Phone Tyler 1M. COLORED girl wants work meld. Phone Webster l4'.il. night Practical nurse. Ty. .vl W. 1711 Burt St Lanaary ana Day werk. PERFECT bundle washing,- reasonable. Harney Ml. EXl'tlULNLb-U woman warns work cleaning or launareaa. lyier FOR experienced house cleaner call Douglaa 7nl8. COLORED woman D-.uxlaa M72. wanta day work. FAMILY washing; bundle washing. Web. 4TMI. Competent laundress, day work W. 19,'T. Cleaning, laundry and day work. D. 74iT Woman want steady wash places SoTiilT I pei1enoq laundry or 1 leaning. W. 7jrt. fmall family & bundle washing. W.-h. liJ9. BIMII K WHSI'ltlK WHIIIeil. WLl )i 2 WASHING, bice curni'n done TierU44; Bl'NDLK washing and day work. W. 2ia8. I A UN DRY, washing, cleaning. Har. 36L 1 I ' N It Y . Ironing, r; S. ."it,. It 4 U WANTED Day work. Call Tyler SM. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. ALE S MA Nt J itO'-'KKl DS) . . . BTt'NO. (OUT TOWN) ...l'i0.oO rom ,...t"B 00 B I kni i. I It K.) ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN.! 00 OFFICE CLERK i R. R 1 170 00 TH EC A NO AGENCY. oQ BEE PLDO. ALK8MAN, Automobiles, salary; Sales man, Auto Supplies, 1W0; Bkkpr., 1S5: Bkkpr., 171"; teno., 1x0; Shipper and Tvplst. $v: Office Boy, 125. WATTS RF.F. CO.. 84U-42 Brand. The. SgTjARE i'EGS IN SyUARM HOLESt we rind a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE RKF. CO., 101S-18 CITY NATL BANK BLDO. STENOGRAPHER and clerk. Sool chance for future advancement. Salary 1W. A firs. Ree. Xn experienced auto accessory salesman Lon t apply unless you have sold ac cessories. Salary 1100. 8 ffil Be. BOOKKEEPER. Must understand mer cantile accounts. lA B-ft-4, Bee. Profession fid Trades). MARRIED man. amxll family cara for small ranch, !'4 monthly; e-verythlng furnished, railroad fare refunded. Send full details first answer. Address S. M. Bee. CAR carpenters, experienced; piece work ers, ror rebuilding wooden cox cars. Sheffield Car and Equipment Co., Kan ass City, Mo. AN expert auto repair man to start work April 1. Address West Side Auto Co., West Plrte, la. BLACKSMITH All-around man at York. Write to Hsrrr Bulck. Tork. Neb. TllNGLEFJ3 wanted. SOth Ave. and Dav enport. frcg store snapa. job Knelst. Bee Bldg. aleamon and Oollpltors. SALESMAN WANTED Large, well established Nebraska company desires the services of strictly high-grade salesman. Ono who has a record as a hustler and a producer. This Is not an agent's proposition, but an opening for an efficient salesman. Previous experience in our line not neo essary. Address, with all particulars poaalhle, A 6M, Bee. SALESMAN wanted to sell harvest or field hats In Nebraska to tlie country store trade. Experienced salesmen with established trade preferred. Oood propo sition to the right men. Address, Hy sradn Hat Works. Jersey Ctty, N. J. SlEN to travel with crow in small towns and take orders for club magazines; new plan; no advance collections to make: all our men are making good. Woman's World Magazine Co., Incor porated. J. A. Dewev. Millard hotel. WANTKD Salesmen oalllng on hardware and automobile trade: also automobile salesman to handle auto specialty as side line in Neb., Iowa, Kansaa and South Dakota: good money-maker. Call ?0d Hee mi 11 din. WANTED Men wthl some ability and neat appearance ror city ana roaa work; earn from 4 to fla per day; no delays. Call 2 to 4 p. m, S13 Balrd Mock. Mr. Browning. WANTED A man with good selling ability and capable of managing furni ture department, uate miy f urniture Corjipany. . k-... 1.- r . A . ll. m.m XT. r - 1 111' " 1 yt piruu ' ' " ', " - - braska and Iowa; to sell one or tho best patents on tho market. Virgin field, big monev foe the man who haa mi ah and ambition. If you want the beat proposi tion or the day appiy at ones. 11 w, ia w. Hldg. ,111-iH-,. 3. ,. LJ J ..L W ,N 1 t. 1 ' ClUCH II.IIU LHfllU .lUCaUJBII, Standard Security A Investment Co., 1207 W. o. w. Hiog.. umana. bALESMAN WANTED-Call 23 a lthT Hotels and nieataaraats. RELIABLE employment agenoy, jgf DavenDort St.. headquarters for hots 2 help: spec, attention to distance orders. Trade School. HOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while Inarlmr. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 80. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. TEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition, 120. iww case Bt., omana. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL bag moved from 2406 Leavenworth St. to 2028-11 Farnam St. JLEARN barber trade, more than make jour tuition while learning. Bet or tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write lor catalogue. 1W1 Dodge. TR1-C1TY BARBER -COLLKGE. OOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work tor the big spring rurh. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN ALTO COT.LRQB. jnf J Farnam St. Omaha. Neb, Ror. WANTED Boy, 14 or 15 yeara, to help on farm all summer. write Anarew Hasenyager. Tecumseh, Neb. Mlserl la neons. WANTEI Younar iden as railway mall clerka, do montn; sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 22 1-N. Rochester. N. Y. MEN OR, WOMEN. 1H or over, wishing government positions, s,d montn and over, should appl for particulars to Y id?. Bee. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, train brakemen; 1120 monthly. Experience unnecessary. Railway. Y 2S6. Bee. Turn old furniture, household goods and clothing Into cash with a Bee Want Ad. HELP WANTED FEMALE tom a ad Offices. Stenographers When In need of a position call on us. No charge. Remington Typewriter Co., Douglas 14. STENO. lOl T ToWN 1 t-fi.Od BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST.. ..145. 00 STENO. (BEGINNER) 110 CO BTENO. (OLIVER) l.iu.oO CLERK (DIS. OFFICE) 1J5 .00 CoMlTOMETEK OPR lOO.O'J THE CANO AG KNCY. 60H BKKJI L I G . 11CTA PHONE Gperator, IOO; Kteuogra pher. yi. SlenoKiapher, t. NO h'lLlNG FEhX Only jo cents for looking up ref erences. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1327 W. Q.W. Bldg. STENO. and Bkkpr., lisi to vs): Steno., PA, Solicitor, exp.' paid; Typist, 10; Stelio.. 140. WATTS REF. CO.. 840-42 Brand. Thea. HF JLiLiLj In accordance with tkit policy the Bee is now accepting Want Ait over the telephone at the CA$H RATE of one cent per word all yon have to do is pay tht collector uhen he calls. HELP WANTED FEMALE Prof e1on end TntflVa, WANTED Ten machine operator li neckwear dept. Oood nonre and goo. pay. bmtth Lock wood Aifg. Co lit I and Castol'aTy BLACK .SMll T M and horseehoelng ' help Call HI N. 18th St. j,FAR)N halrdreglng at The Or pen helm' Saleawomea and Sollelterra, WANTED A few active ladles, to repra-i ent a large mfg. concern In Nebraska and Ipwa, for ono of the fastest selling patents on the market; big demand, pleasant work and good pay. Apply 1201 W. o. w. Bldg. NEAT ladies to do pleasant work; locally ana to travel; pay every evening. Ap ply between and 10:30 a. m. 307 S. ih Ht.Council Bluffs. WANTED Experienced saleslady. Paris Ian Cloak Co.. 81S S. mth St. Honsehold and Domestic WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; ro laundry; family of five; good wages, rhone Walnut 182 . FREK. Adg for servant girls accepted three days free of chargn for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone vour ad to THE BEK office. Phone Tyler lWO. EXPF.RIENCED girl for general house- wora; no washing. Mrs. T. J. Dwyers, 407 North .nth St TI.rn.. "! Experienced white girl for general housework, no laundry work. 119 8. nun, iciepnone Jtarnev 391. WANTED Housekeeper for a fa famllv of I . F. D. 1. " mree. undress Hand Farm, R jNoctnwsy, ja. W A N'T ED Good girl Itlng; or middle-aged private - family. woman; no cooki 71 2.1 St. WHITE girl for general housework, good place for right girl; small family. teh. WANTED Olrl for general housework; 9 in rsmny; goon wages, J7Z4 Bpauldlng r-T. r none v ol. :s. COSfPETENT girt for general house- worg; no washing, gnu Jackson St. Itsrnev 1 435. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- work. s In fsmlly. sn. 8. ZSth. ATT experienced girl for general house- work. 602 80. 4nth. Hnr. 171. OIRL for general housework small WRs;es. no washing. 8"9 8. 31st St. MAID WANTED Mrs. Walter Chamber- iRln, 1329 8. J2d St. Phone Harney 44. fOUXO girl to help with housework, 6111 . :ivtn Ave. lei. noutn GOOD girl for general housework. 610 8. zbtn Ave. Kea EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONET ON COURSE. For gale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course in a reliable Business Sohool, one of the leading busl- I res colleges of Omaha. Will be sold i very reasonable away below reguar; priced If you are considering taking a caurae Investigate this at once, since epnng Term oegma soon, iau oiric Cim.h, T9a X THE VAX SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHT BOOKKEEPINQ. Day School for Toung Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class tn typewriting. Tone C'Duffy, Owner and Mrstager. W a 18th Bt - Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarships ta a rirstaciaae umana tiusiness college: One unlimited combination busineag and shorthand course. One unlimited etenographlo eoursa One three-months' buslnesa or steao graphlo course. Will be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. . DAY SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLEGE. NIOKT SCHOOU Bvei y day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotype, ' Type writing, Telegraphy, civil Service all Commercial and Kngllflh branches. Cat alogue free. BOYX.E8 COLLUaB... , 18th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1SS. Class or private lessons. Eowntown studio. Phone Web. 1564. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. EL R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgU 1 cal operation, cure guaranteed anasn money paid until cured. Write for book ' on rectal diseases with testimonials- DR. E. R, TARRY. 0 Bee Bldg. , KHEUMATft stomach, liver and kidney tro roZule, goitre, nervous- ncas and asthma sufferers are suc cessfully restored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite '312 Bee Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERG. Chiropractor. Tyler X't&. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as, strangers are Invited to vltdt tho Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and tit. Mary's Ave., wherei they will be directed to suitable board-i lng places or otherwise aasuted. Look; for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. la.UU) TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladles' Home Journal 110 The Saturday Evening Post 11 W , The Country Uentieman 11.00, 8-i0 subscription by April earns that 13,000 for The invalids' Pension AJa'n. Your order or renewal contributes 600. Phone Douglas 7103. or address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha, Neb. ADVERTISE your property aa though) you believed its sale or rental to be Important, by keeping it Hated In the Big House, Home and Real ElUte Guide TH E BEE ; THE Salvation Army Industrial hoineT-' ' licits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4 LIS and our wagon will, call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St FLRLEY 3-day drink and drug treat ment is best known cure: booklet free. THE FUR LEY, 3137 Farnam. Omaha. Phone Harney 1741. DltS. JOHNSTONS, Chlropractoia, o? Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 2407 N St., 8. O. Consultation free and Invited. Phone South 418. RIT T T1 IT T? V. Successfully treated U 1 J- U IV tU wlllout a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wiay at Matheny. SOS Bee Bldg.. Omaha Nl'BDNE Corset Shop; surgical corsets a specialty. Webster-Sunderland Bldg., lfith and Howard. Red ifl. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS. chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 1! I tl 4 Bulrd Blk . 17th and Douglas. D. Sto-t. STRAW hats dyed; look like new. Pinnies Paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dyed. Dora Eisele. D. livi. UK City Nat. Bk. BEE a