10 BRINGING KIM "TOO OT ME A JOB? AUTOMOBiLES-FOR SALE IT IS FAR BKTTER TO BUY ' A REBUILT CADILLAC THAN A CHEAP NEW CAR. To th man who want to enjoy the advantage which the Cadillac afforda, but who prefer not to Invest th amount which a new car of that tyr require, we al- warn have In stock a few rebuilt Cafilllac cara of all models, each In first-class rnndltlon throughout and ch one acid with tr. Stand ard Cadillac Guarantee. CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA, ift-4 FARNAM 3T. PHONE D. 4225. JV1 DODOK tourmi, I'M 191S Monitor touring, brand new tbt) Klasel Kir speedster, fast, a bargain. 114 Ford delivery enclosed htx1y....:K) Overland tour ng, electric equipped, -tili P11 ('MdllUo touring, perfiyt ....KB Auto Clearing House. iXit l-ai nam. D. 3,-10 1916 FORD roadster, excellent runiilna order, reaaonahte. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.. Tarnam. J"OH ' light . flv-jienger car. equity la a country atore building. Harney a5i, evenings. WHKKE can I get a good uiied car? Industrial Oarage Co., th and Har tiv Hta. 1X14 MOHKL Molina touring van In good condition: all new tliea. one extra tire; or would trade for good roadater. Pax ton Oarage. 9rtm Farnam atreM. FOR BALK 191 Ford Hoadstei good a new. Flve-paseenger Oakland. Just been overhauled, In good condition. 2427 Far nam. Uouglss raw. Volt ALh Biifu down 10. M. F, Su; very classy; must acll at once; very cheap. Inu. M. lfrij HUPMOBILE. flrat claaa condition, . phone Walnut U3. ReskUnc. JxU N. Wth. Automobile Wasted, ' WANTED TO BUT. Will pay good 'nth price for allghtly vsed late model Ford touring car. Call Florence M3 evening after : Aato Repalrta mm I'alaOatf. NLB. Auto Radiator Repair Pervlc, and trices right. SIIHJ4- Wh Ht. t). a:0. tiiu reward for innstieto we enn't repair, folia repaired. Raysdorfer. HIP N. IKih. JhTSrrUf'MY-Aui'o rei'wlrVnV. 112" 0. 17th ft. Tyler g)7,-night, Red 7Vl Omaha H-idiator Hep. Co ' M Far. D. Amt9 'I Irea anrf fHn. AV'TO RRPAIRB. RF.HUll.T i.t 1H 5.00. TTO TlltK CO.. Hll Chlcaao Ft. lYrrtrXi Aelolnultllra. tValter And-ron, exp't rep'g electric batterlea. Blorage. 2. r arnam. i. AI'TOMOBl L.H IN8URANCB. Fire. Tlirft. L.bllltr and Property hamuli at lwal"Ratea. KIIXY. KL.L1H A THOMPSON. U-lt City Nat. iiank Did. Loug. mi. rV.OTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES tH SALii 1S15 model Indian aide car baa nr will iraae I iirww-purvu inumn motorcycle and aide car lor auto or clear lot. Harney Mil. JfAKUKY-OAVinSON MOTORCYCLKa. u. ... In in tuied machlnr. Victor Rooe. "TVia Motorcycle Man." 17U8 Leaveoworth LEGAL NOTICES viiTii-R TO CONTRACTORS Br dtroeilon of the property committee of the Hoard of Jtrgcnta of the I'nlver ally of Nebiaaka; blda will lie received ..-ii a .'.in. ii n m.. Monday. April 10. 314. at the of(l-e f the undersigned, for construction of an Agricultural Kngl neertng building on the Unlveralty Farm ..mi,i wkmr I iiv-oln. rV Da rate blda will be received for installation of heating and ventilating, plumbing and electric wir ing for aaid ouiUlina; ail oiua on ouuu Ing construction and the eeverej Inatal latior.e of equipment must be In atrlct accordance with plana, drawings and apeciflcationa now on file In the office of the superintendent of construction In th I'nlveralte Admlnatratlon building at Uncoln. Hiddera must apply to and con fr with th superintendent on all rn ut ter! concerning eooatmction and bid thereon and must In all case ua th blank prepared under th direction of aaid eui-erlnlendant far bidding purpoae. Approximate coal of aald building In cluding et-ulpment above mentioned I fiv.M). Hkla nuiat be acconipanied by bank caahlera checka tr evrt If Irate of ouolt payable unconditionally to the Hoard or Kegenta of the Cnlveraily of Nebraaka. in the amo'.ntn p-id for pur- Soeee atated In the "tnatr. .liona to bid era." accompanying plana and apeclfl cailona Kida muat be aealed and plainly inarkeit on the outalde cover. "Agricul tural Puildlns." or. "Knglneerlng Hulld lug KfuipiTMnt." as the case may be theatir.g. plumldng etc.). The right la re aerved to reject any and all blda. The I'aiveratty of Nebraaka. J. H. LAI.Vi.-i. hecretary. Station A. IJncoln. M l-a-M-a. Ai-oM. Dee readers are too intelligent to overlook the opportunities in the "Want ad" col- umns. They're worth while reading'. I -wwmk "fi UP FATHER CALL AROUIiDM" HOUtE - WE NEED OOTUER' DOT DON'T LET tA-0 WlCff wuau "TO ZEHRUNG VISITS SOUTHERN CITIES Arrirei in Omaha Sunday After Four Nighti on Pullman Viuting Topeka and Wichita. FINDS EVERYBODY HOPEFUL After four nlghta In a Pullman and, aa a reault. four nlghta of gentle bumping over railroad tie. Prealdcnt Frank C. Zehmng of the Weatem league blew Into Omaha Hunday morning after paying lalta to cltlea In the southern wheel of the Weatcrn circuit. Zohrung left Omaha laat Wedneaday night at 11 o'clock. He arrived in Rt. Jo- aeph Thursday morning and ehortl later left for Topeka. After apending Thurs day In Topeka lie took a late night train for 'Wichita and arrived there early Fri day morning. He remained In Wichita all day and returned to Topeka on a late night train. He apent Saturday In Topeka and took a night train, for Omahawhich landed him here early Sunday morning. Which meana that Prealdent Zehrung did more traveling In four daya than Tip O'Neill did In hla life. Zehrung waa enthitaiaatic over the proa- Pecta at Topeka and Wichita. Teaeka I Oytlmlatle. "1 attended a Rotary club meeting at Topeka Thuraday," aald the prexy, "and I found every member full of baa ball enthualaam. Oovernor Capper attended and officially and personally Informed me of hla offer of a sliver trophy for th city with the largest opening day attendance. Uankera, merchanta, jobber, newapaper men. everybody In Topeka 1 confident a successful year will be had. At Wichita It la the same wav." con tinued Mr. Zehrung. "I spoke befor th Kanaa club .there Friday. "Wo are bound to have a great year." aald Zehrung. "Ueery city In this league la enjoying unbounded prosperity. Wichita I growing so fast they believe they will pass the 100.MO mark In two years. To peka Is growing, building are going up everywhere. Ht. Joseph, Lincoln, Hloux lily, Des Moines, they are all growing and are proaperou. You know how pros perous Omaha la. Its business gaining by leap and bound. It' th same way all over tne circuit and aa a result we can not help but have a great year In th weetern league. President Zehrung will come to Omaha tti middle of April for talk before the commercial and Rotary club. Mr. Zehrung left for IJncoln laat night Johnny Dennison Signs Hurler Who Looks Like a Find I'nleas h Is mistaken In his Judgment Johnny Donnlson, manager of the Champ Liuxus, believe h ha picked up a nifty right-handed hurler. Th twlrler Den ntson believes will make good Is F. H. Davis, a newcomer to Omaha, who pitched In Blows Falls. 8. D., last year. Dennison got his first look at Davis yesterday. Th first Sunday practice of the lAgua was held yesterday afternoon at Luxus park and Davis, who had been doing a lltti p radio for a week, chucked the pill up for hitting practice. He showed nice easy motion, throws without strain ing himself at all, and has lot of speed and curve. Hla only shortcoming yester day mas lack of control, but th data 1 so early no Judgment regarding a pitcher's control can be made. About twenty athlete. Including aev- eral rival player who couldn't wait for their own nine to a tart practice, were out at th 1-uxua lot yesterday to get the kink out of their arm and leg and limber up a Ult. Charley Johnston To Lay Out Course For Kearney Club Chsrley Johnston, professional at the Happy Hollow club, goes to Kearney to night to lay out a tolf course for the Country club of that city. It will be a Bine-hole course, laid out over om sixty acres th Kearney club has. Quit a number of Happy Hollow golf er ware out yesterdsy. Johnston re ports that alxty or seventy of th most ordent bugs b reeled around the llnka, even though the li iiporary green, ar still being used. , Cahn and Symes to Battle on March 27 Albert Cahn end Harry Byrnes will play a -point match for th Nebraaka Mate billiard championship at th Byrne par lors. Match 17. Symes recently won the honor la th atat tourney and is defend ing hla title against Cahn'a challenge. AbsW Wlai frwa Muni City. ANHIJCT. Neb., Maroh 19. (Special ) Ana'.ey llgh school team won th annual 1 or i - from Maaoa City HUh achool here Filthy evening. Th decision of the Judgea wa unanimous. Th Analey tam conauKed of Leota Anderson, Clo Bristol nd Ouy Marsh. Mason city waa repre aented by Sara Walker. Vera Barker and John Mc kolas. THE REK: ropyTtgtit. 1115. Interna tional New Service. I V40ULD UE 7 ARE TOO HOIEVT CET THE, V DO TOO ORiNK PORTION I BUTLER HERE? HOW LONJ DID MOU WORK IN T PLACE? AMES WRESTLERS WALLOPHUSKERS Wreitlert of Amei College Too Much for the Mat Men of Lincoln. CLASSY TUSSLES ON THE LIST AMEfl. Ia.. Inarch 18. Speclal Tele gram.) Charlie Mayer' Iowa tat wreatler trimmed th student mat crack of Nebraaka unlveralty in easy, quick and cleanly cut style In a dual wrestling meet in the state gym this afternoon. Score of point: Iowa, Nebraska, The match showed an unexpected Im provement In the Cyclones, who were beaten badly by th University of Iowa. Iowa lost, 16 to 14, to the Cornhuskera. There were six bout. Iowa state won th four weight tip to the light heavy weight on fall. Otnupallk, captain elect of the Nebraaka eleven, got a point decision over Albrook In the 166-pound Claaa. The Oloupalik-Albrook tussle waa a classy one. Tbey went to It In two rounds. In the first Otoupallk rushed Albrook, but Albrook discarded his de fensive attitude and did the -uahlng him self. Otoupallk tried a to hold, but the referee made him let loose of It. The match waa about even, but Otoupallk showed the moat experience and got the decision on point. ( McKlnley, Iowa state, split even in a draw In a heavyweight bout with Ko- altgky. McKlnley waa on th offenalve moat of th time and had the Huaker beaten on taotlca, but he lacked the knack to hold th Nebraakan'a shoulders on th floor. Th match went two ses sions. Stein, Ryan' gym, Da Moines, waa referee. , Summaries: 135-pound class: Won bv Iowa State in on round, a fall by Perry from, Bryan, wun h- crapevine. lime, z:o. lXi-eound claaa: Won by Iowa State in one round, a fall by Kreber from Uow- man, with hair nelson and chancery. i inia, :uu. 146-pound claaa: Won by Iowa Stat in two rounds and In fall In second round, hy Iourks from Uutherict, with chancery. n'lr..-. a.n 1M-pound class: Won by Iowa State In two rounds, by Firkins from Dalits, with chancery and hammerlock, one fall. Time. 11:65. Mo-pound claaa: Decision awarded to Nebraska, Otoupallk over Albrook, in two louixln. 176-pound claaa: Called a draw after two rounda between McKlnley (Iowa State), and Kositaky (Nebraaka), 2Mi Score: Iowa Btate. 22; Nebraska. 6. Omaha Luxus Team Shoots Good Game In Toledo Tourney TOLEDO, O., March 18. (Special Tele gram KThe Kru Luxu team of Omaha led the teams on the early shift of five man contestant In the American Bowling congress tournament tonight with 1.711 a bad middle game in which Krug and McCarthy lest th combination after good opening attacks, costing tha club a good trance for the money. Th team will land well lnlde of th atandlng. Th Met team ran S.5P4 on th same eh'ft. tut will not cash, Th team gt oft with M, but was going strong at the finish. Scores: KRUO-LUXl'R OMAHA. lnt 2d. 3d. Totl. 12 194 63 140 Ml Hi 1HX 146 M 2 2:4 til4 173 187 V9 is iTai" AHA. 2d. 3d. Total. WT 172 i.l4 ITS 244 fJU lot 192 W. 11 It. 446 220 170 66) 3 921 274 o. w. oorf A. Krug A. McCarthy... A. Wartchow... W. Learn Totals 17 191 . 1M . IHi . 197 . H4 -OM lat. . 146 T. Neale F. Conrad l'V4 146 ! 169 7 0. Jarueh . (. Huntington Fanton Total Call for Athletes To Report Today Johnny Dennison. manager of th-i champlonehlp Luxu nine, ha issued a call for all candidates to report for prac tice at Luxu park. Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets, this afternoon. Denniann expect about thirty candldatea for Job to ahow up, a about that number have applied to him for position on hi duo. Everyoaa who chow up will be given an equal ehanc to make a place on th tears. Inasmuch a th Luxu uniform ar to b new and nifty affair this year, Dennison aays his athletes will have to bring their own suits out for practice today. Illinois Won Big 9 Indoor Traok Meet CHICAGO. March 18.-r.Unol won th Big-Nine conference Indoor track meet tonight at Northwestern university with il points. Wisconsin was second with 2V point. Th others finished a follow: Chicago. 9; Perdu. S; Minnesota, i; Northwestern 2; luw. V Ohio, OMAHA, MONDAY, MAKCII I woz. sx fEAR) IN ONE PLACE.- D J an WARTCHOW SCORES IN TOLEDO. EVENT Luxui Pin Tumbler Rolls Into Third Place in All-Events with Grand Total of 1,874 Pins. ALL OF HIS GAMES ARE OVER 600 TOLEDO, O., March 19. (Special Tele gram.) Al Wartchow of Omaha waa one of the high men In the American Bowl ing coiatrresa tournament here today with a 1.S74 mark that Installed him In third place In the all-eventa. He cleaned up 634 In hi five-men series, came back with 636 In the. double and landed 004 In th singles. Wartchow shot an errorless series In his last attack, when every pin counted, but played the pins a trifle safe. One double In the last game was his beat strike record. Two railroad stopped him In th middle game while he had only one double in the first game. Ted Neale and F. Conrad got 1,140 for the beat Omaha doublea, McCarthy and Whrtchow showing 1,1. Both pairs will cash at the finish. Bcorcs were a follows: ' DOUBLES. T. Nfeale, Omaha 143 is.1 216 F. Conrad W ) 1,140 A. McCarthy. Omaha I7H 167 146 A wartchow O. Ooff, Omaha W. Iearn J. Jnroah, Omaha ... M. Huntington A. Km if. Omaha F. Fanton ...16 222 VA-1,126 ...a 177 166 ...l 1SW 1,087 ...15 174 1W ...14 143 212 1.082 ...119 141 175 ..199 201 2021,037 INDIVIDUALS A. Wartchow, Omaha 2fW m tn4 6ft4 W. Learn. Omaha 197 few 1V 57 F. Fanton, Omaha IR'l 26 1 Mi Ted Neale. Omaha If. 232 157 647 f. t-onraa, Oman a m m 17 Ml M. Huntington, Omaha.... 179 ! 18162 A. McCarthy, Omaha. . ....13 1J7 15 mm O. Goff Omaha ..MA 1SH 1M-Roa J. Jarokch, Omaha 1B 169 ITS 4M Commerce High Five Wins the Last Floor . Fray of the Season Due to the stellar flipping of Q. Reeves, left forward cf th High School of Commerce, Coach Drummond l basket shooters had little difficulty in defeat ing, the Joe Smith of CouncU Bluff In the closing contest of th Commercial league laat evening at th Toung Men' Christian association, 26 to 17. Reeves connected with th basket seven time and added an additional tally by a foul goal. Th lineup; COM MERCK. I JOE SMITHS. Johnson R.F. R.F Wataon I. Reevea L.F. L.F Thomaa W. Reevea C Kynett Carlyle R.O.I R.O Wise Conhlaer L.O.IL.O Smith Suhatltutee: Flxa for .lohnaon, Rokusek for W. Reeves. Field goals: Johnson. Flxa 2. . Reeves (7). Carlyle 121, Wat son (3), Thomas. Kynett (&). Foul goals: O. Reeves, Thomas (3). Fouls committed: Commerce, 8; Jo Smiths, 9. Referee: Harris. Willard and Gotch Will Be in Omaha May 8 with Circus Jess Willard. champion heavyweight pug. and Frank notch, the retired wrest ling champ, who has returned to tho game, will b In Omaha May 8. Thla announcement waa inado yesterday by the contracting agent of th Sclls-Floto circus, who arranged yesterday for the circus to appear In Omaha on that dale. Willard and Uotch are to be feature at traction with the circus. Sioux Falls Wins South Dakota Title HURON. 8. D.. March l.-(Speclal Telegram.) Sioux Falls won th atat championship at South Dakota High school basket ball tournament here to night, defeating Red Hold In the final game, 21 to JO. In the semi-finals Sioux Falls defeated Aberdeen. 31 to 29, the teams playing to a tie at the end of time and playing five mlnutea more to decide. Itd field won over Brooking. 1 to It. In th other match In the scml-flnals. New Orleans Defeats . Cleveland Americans NEW ORLEANS. I.,. March 18. The New Orleana Southern association team defeated Cleveland Americana her to day, 4 to 2. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. March 18. The t. Louts Americans found two Memphis pitchers easy today and defeated tbe Menmhls Southern association team. 9 to 4 In the first of a four-game series. NONPAREILS VICTORS OVER THE LITHUANIANS The Nonpareil club's tug-of-wsr team proved too much for the South Side Lithuanians Friday night, deapite the fact that the latter puller were quite a bit heavier. The Nonpareil yanked tho Utiiuantans to the flag In three minute and fifty-one aeconda. Following the lull a St. Patrick's dn-e was then at the Nonpareil club's room j 2(1, 1016. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus DID TGU LEAVE P I THINK SHE'S HIRE IK BASKET BALL SEASON ENDS Brandeis, Omaha Nationals and First Methodists Are Pen nant Winners. BANK TEAM WINS BIG TROPHY The local basket ball season came to a close following the contest between the High School of Commerce and the Joe Smiths of Council Bluffs at the Young Men's Christian aoclatlon last evening. While the larger number of quintets will disband Immediately, several expoct to hold on for several weeks, taking on some of the nearby towns. Th good showing made by the tlireo leagues this season has already started officials laying plans for next season. To keep the team together a much a pos sible the Young Men' Christian usoct atton has organised an Indoor base ball league composed of the basket cracks. Six fives of th Church loop have already Joined and It Is expected that the other loops will follow suit For winning first honors In the Com mercial loop, tha Omaha National Banks will be awarded a larger silver shield given by. Mrs. Harry Townsend In memory of the late Harry Towascnd. The shield Is of silver eighteen by twenty Inches In size and will be permanently awarded to the quintet that wins the Commercial league honor three time. In addition to this th Omaha National Bank will be given Individual bronxe medals. ' Tho First Methodist, champions of the Church league and the Brandeia Stores, Tii-Clty league champs will also receive Individual bronse medals. Final standings of the year are aa fol lows: .TRI-C1TT LEAGUE. won.uost. ret. Brandeis Store Clark Townaenda Burgess-Naah Omaha High school... University of Omaha. 1.000 .77 .760 .SIM .271 ueuevue college leg .000 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Won. Lost. Pet. Omaha National Bank.. .12 ) 1.00) High School Reserves 8 Joe Smiths 6 Townsend Tigers 6 8 6 6 .727 Mi .616 Omaha independent 6 6 M. K. Smiths 3 7 High School of Commerce 4 9 .601) i.3m) .306 CHURCH LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pet First Methodists 12 1 00 Hanscom Park Methodiate.... 6 St. Mary'a Congregational.. ( Calvary Baptists 6 South Side Baptlnta S South Side Preabyterlan 3 Flrat Christiana 1 .760 .! .600 .273 .251) .0V1 New Amateur Rule Is Proposed for the Tennis Association NEW YORK. March 18.-The executive committee of th national tennis aasocla tlon made public a proposed new amateur rule to be presented for adoption at the annual meeting of the association In 1917. President CI. T Aden and othr offlclala admitted thai the preaent rule was so ambiguous It would be Impossible under It to disbar Maurice E. MoLaugh lln. Thomas C. Bundy and W. J. John ston, th Callfornlans. or F. B. Alexan der and Wallace F. Johnson In th east because of their connection ' with th sporting goods business. Two featurea stand out prominently In the new rule. It alma at the aource ot violation by preacrlblng against the pay ment of expense to player by club giving tournament unless permission Is obtained from the executive committee, It prohibits a player engaged In tha sporting goods business from competing In any open tournament, match or cham pionship, while so employed, but does not declare him a professional. Players may be disbarred who permit their names to be used for sdvertlslng purposes. These rules are not to become operative until April 1. 191 H, If accepted at the annual meeting next year. The executive committee also arranged the tchedule of tournaments which will be Usued next week. The list contain thirty more tournaments than any re vloua year. The newly created Middle Atlantic sec tional doubles were awarded to the Co lumbia Country club. Chevy Chase. SHI.; the Missouri Valley aertlonal doubles to the St. Louis Amateur athletic aasocla tlon: 'the Southwestern doubles to the Dallas Lawn Tennis club, Dallas. r The data of June S wa awarded for th women' championship at the Philadel phia Cricket club. Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use them for results. delate Brrcer sld. Th Naahvllle club report tbe aal of he Teteran pitcher. He'.nl Berger, to Gaiveeton of the Texas league. T A I J r igs life? pf6fflp tar Hi I vUZ PAR DOMED iCNNA HIM! TRACK WORK AT CENTRAL HIGH MONDAY AFTERNOON Track practice will start In earnest at Central High school on Monday after noon, and Coach Mulligan will start at once to round his men Into shape to par ticipate in the bin meet to be held at the Auditorium on Match 31. Brilliant prospects for another atato championship team ftre held by Coich MulliKan and Captain "Chuck"' Morearty. The only weakness now secirn to be in the lack of welsht men. "Fig' Newton has returned to school and will prove a valuable man In the high Jump and dashes. Wilbur Fullaway will be back to add a few points In the high Jump and pole vault. The team will probably lose "Ch'ck'' Neville, the star hurdler. Neville, a member of thla year's foot ball team and a major In the cadet regiment, decide.) CM Tune Up With "PIPER" Sor the longest run of tobacco satisfaction vou ever experienced. A big piece of PIPER" is the quickest way to hearty enjoyment as thousands of men in all walks of life already know. 0)Mn5i U J1H Jl U CHEWING TOBACCO -Made from selected leaves of white Burley to bacco, the ripeness, mellow ness and wonderful flavor of "PIPER" afford a greater degree of whole some, satisfying pleas ure than can be obtained from the use of tobacco in any other form. A . week's trial of "PIPER" will con vince you of this. Sc and 10c Evrywbr THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMTANT rSlYBROOK Whiskey mtm muss Iff f, GROTTE BROTHERS CO. fjLfrl y5f Ccneral Distributors Omahs. Nebraska I A . 5 that track work would take up too much of hi time. The hlsh school will enter a team In th annual Missouri Valley m;t held at Kan sas City, snd the state meet held at Lincoln. (DEAL LOCATION FOR BILLIARD HALL AT 17th 2nd Douglas McCague Investment Co. McCague Bldg. 1 IS10EII HilUll IK Tit.T- vv;); ''Ol'aw' ... .I'! I I M .,., .,, , ,,. , J