THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, XIARCn 17, 1916. BRIEF CITY NEWS NO DEAD ONES IN "Tcwtml'i for Sporting Beose." Baltimore lUm Eholm, jeweler. Uffctiar ristnree Bargeee-Greneeii. Bare Boot Prill It Now Beacon Pre.a Aits Tire Caala, ju. Morton Son Co. t7se 'Tn.TUt" shlnglee. 6underlanls. sTIrrore Hade and ftt4UTir Omaha Qlaas Con. Co.. JU Cap. Ave. D. 1721. ropei-ty Cared For To rent property e J. H. Pumont St Co., Kwllna Fid. Today's atone Program' classified eectlon today. It appear In The B KXCLUSTIVELr. Find out what the a. rloua moving lcture tneaters offer. we IlToroa Divorces filed ere: Ollva McCormlck against Frrd. charging cruelty; Nellie K Hansen sgslnst Harry, charring desertion. I Workhovee for Bteallng Coal Harry Kane, 1418 Pacific street, was sen tenced to thirty days in the workhouse for stealing- coal from the Burlington yards. efcoaa; Iomi Auto c. L. DeLong. S10S Mason street, reports to the police that his automobile was stolen from Twenty-fourth and St. Mary s avenue Wednesday evening. X.oee Their Clothing- Axel Anderson and Homer Phillips of the Des Moines hotel. Thirteenth and Howard streets. Informed the police that their room was visited during the night by thieves, who carried away a large quantity of apparel. Andaboa Booiety Meets The regular meeting of the Nebraska Audubon so ciety will be held at' the public library Saturday evening at I o'clock. Lily R Brltton of Fremont will speak on "Bird Hongs" and Miss Trent will talk on "North Paclflo Birds." Car Shortage in Grain Circles Ends; Shipments Wanted The grain car shortage Is a thins: o' tha past. It ended as suddenly as It commenced. Two weeks ago araln ship pers were begging the railroads for cars In which to ship grain east and south, but now the situation has changed and the railroad officials are begging the grain men for shipments. Just why this change has come about so quickly, nobody eema to understand. Omaha grain re ceipts and shipments have held up pretty well. Regardless of this, there Is a mul titude of cars for business. Railroad men assert that the possible olutlon of the excess number of grsJa earrylng cars at this time Is dne to the fact that during: the last fifteen days treat numbers of cars held along; the At lantis coast porta, filled with freight for export, have been unloaded and re leased and are now getting back Into tha territory where they are owned. Omaha grain reoolpta today were fairly heavy, there being flty-one cars of wheat, ninety-nine of eons and ulna of oats on the market. The market was ' strong and higher, about everything of fered being taken early In the session, i Wheat sold at M cents to $1.0814. an ad vance of from 1 to t cents over the prices of Wednesday. Corn sold at . to 61 cents, an advance of cent. OaU brought IT to 43H cents. H cent up. Children Playing " With Matches Cause Many Local Fires Chief Baiter's fifteenth annual report of the fire department, being the twenty-ninth report of the. paid fire depart ment, shows that during 1918 there were alarms of fire received and that the total loss to buildings and contents was S33G.600. Thirty-eight.' firemen and twenty-all cltlsena were Injured, ten of the latter . dying from Injuries at fires and on being killed bjr a fire truck. Careless use of matches caused KS fires. Of tha days ef tha week. Monday was - tha busiest day for the firemen. Gaso line ceased thirty-five fires and fluea and chimneys caused til alarms. Chief Salter recommends to the mayor and city council the purchase of 10,00 to 14,000 feet of new hose, standardised motor apparatus and uniform five-men hose companies throughout the: system. During the year 81 alarms were sent In over the telephone. The Board of Trade building was the most serious fire of the year. ' A modern fire alarm system is urged by the chief. The report shows there are 18S men in the twenty-one fire houses. Omaha School Girls Will Go to Lincoln Next Monday to Sing Next Monday afternoon the Burlington wfll run a special train to Lincoln, carry ing 166 Omaha school girls, who, during tha evening will form part of the chorus that will sing at the National Muslo Masters' convention. The Omaha con tingent will be accompanied by Miss Arnold and Miss Ensor, who have charge of the muslo In the Omaha schools. The young people will return 'to Omaha the m avmlnr leavlns- on a special train that will start from Lincoln after the convention. " " OLD WOMAN HUGS VILLA HUNTER 0NJBUSY STREET A neat soldier boy. equipped with clanking spurs snd bristling with arms, was slowly walking down Sixteenth street, near Famsm Wednesday, killing time until the trsln which was to carry his company towards Mexico left. Suddenly an old. motherly-looking woman, who had been following bun for aoma distance, walked up and with a word, flung her arms about his neck. "God bless you, son!" she fervently i xrlaimed. The soldier was astonished. "What's the matter, madam?" he asked. "Oh. I'm so glad you boys are going to get that scoundrelly Villa. He killed my grandson three months ago ehot him down like a rat in a trap." "Well, well get him or get a piece of his household goods." laughed the soldier, es he started a walk on. "Here, wait." the old lady requested. After fumbling In a handbag for a few "minutes she brought out a little Bible. 'Take this with you, son, and may It he the talisman that shall guard you and keep you from danger." Her eyea a ere brimming with teara. The soldier walked on. and the little crowd that had been attracted by the old woman's strange conduct, slowly disagreed. RENZECATALOGUE King Ak't Mighty Artisan ETen Brings Chief Blackbird Back to Life for Biff Pag-eant. ROBS MUSEUM TO TURN THICK Long ypars has Gus Rrnne wished to v isit the anclpnt stamping ground I cf Chief Blackbird, the last reigning chief of the tribe of Omaha Indians. Recently he saw the. famous Blaclc llrd Hill In Thurston county, where the chief was first laid to met. . ine neari or me mignty artisan or King Ak-Sar-Ben galloped faster as he stood at the grave of the old chief tain. The clash of stone battleaxea sailed Into his mind on the wings of reminiscences. The rolling sputter of the hoofs of many war poniea re sounded in the imagination o( tha great Gus. Yea. even the savory (.cent of dog stew was wafted to his nostrils from imaginary fleshpota of yore. Still Wot Satisfied. Tet. after all. this thing of looking at a grassy spot on a hill was not enough to satisfy the studious mind of Rense. He learned that the remains of the chieftain had long since been removed from this spot, and that the ekull even now rests In a museum In New Tork. "Fine." said Gus. "I'll see that." Bo. recently while the mighty Rense was In the east boring around In the libraries and museums for material out of which to build his great historic pa rade for this coming fall, he slipped over to the museum were Blackbird's skull rests under a glass case. "How are you. Chief," said Heme. "Hello Gus," said the ekull. "Ain't you lonesome back here among the easterners?" Ous ventured. "Sure, kid, but my day is pat. I un derstand you're the big Indian out there In Nebraska now." So Dead Ones in Nebraska. "That's me," said Qua. "And I've come to get you for the parade. I've gat to have you. You know, in Nebraska we recognise no dead ones. We have no dead ones there. Take a fresh whiff of pep and Join the parade in the fall, will you. old top?" "Beln as it's you, Gus, by the living talons of my ancestors, I'll do It" So, then and there. Chief Blackbird, whose pony stamped over these plains a century or two ago, was booked to ride in the big historical parade of Ak-Sar-Ben in the fall. Girls! Lots of Beautiful Hair 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops .itching scalp and fall-. ' ing hair. ;. ' f- '''' "" i ,, To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is merely a matter of ualng a little Danderine. It is easy and Inexpensive to have nice, scft hair and lots of It. Just get a S3 cent bottle of Knowlton'a Danderine now ail drug stores recommend it apply a little as directed and within n minutes there will be an appearance of abundanoa freshness, flufineas and an Incompar able gloss and lustre, and try as yon will you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use. when you will see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderine la, wa believe, the only sure hair grower. destroyer of dandruff and cure tor Itchy scalp and It never fails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and oft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw It through your half taking one email strand at a time. Tour hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful In Just a fsw moments a delightful surprlss awaits everyone who tries this. Advertisement. HEADACHE? Our Oluies Give Keller. Can 't See? Bring Your Eyea To l's. I ,AVE MAKE I OPTICAL CO. N C CORNER FARNAM AT 16 TM I Thursday, March 16, 1916.- -BUEQESSNASII STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. - Phone Douglas 137. Friday We Open the Spring Campaign in the SA ROOM With a Battery of Values of the Most Unusual Sort Women's and Misses Silk Poplin Dresses, Friday, $6.95 A extreme value one of the very latest Spring crea tions, made in Russian coat suit effect, buttoned on $6.95 side with 18 fancy buttons and finished with handsome embroidered belt. The tnaaes are oia rose, copennagen, navy, green and silver gray. An exceptional value, Friday, at New Spring Coats. $5.95 8 lies) for woman and misses. Black and whit check, with neatly trimmed collar and cuffs and belt effect; also black and navy serge coats, with white and black atrlped silk collars. Special Friday, at $5.03. New Spring Suits. $12.95 New shepherd checks, also Copenhagen, navy and black. Sixes for women and misses, extreme values, Friday, at $12.0.5. Children's Wash Dresses, $1.00 For ages 6 to 14 years. Beautiful new Spring styles tn plaid and striped combination effects: also some In white and blue or blue and white middy effects. Very special, at $1.00. Bargees Wash Oo Basement, l I ft i II I ST II Women's 15c Vests Friday 5c LOW neck and sleeveless, made of white cotton, full f" Uped. 15c values. Friday. ,. OC Women's Union Suits to 75c at 33c Odd lota of slses of women's and children's fleece lined cotton union suits; wars to 78c, QO Friday, at uOC aireasmreah Oo. Baa .meat. Women's 25c Sample Hose at 15c BIO lot of women's ft children's sample ootton hose, the usual J 5c values, special, Frl- IP day. pair IOC BnrreeSosTasih Oe Baeesaeat. Ink Tablets at lc Each LOT of manufacturer's close out of Ink tablets, mostly letter site. Just the tablet for school or office use; regular price 6c, Friday, at 1C Baierees-Baes. Oov - Bsssaieat. Men's New SPRING SUITS, Usually $10.00, Friday, $7.95 TTBRE'S good news, indeed, for i$7.95 the man or young man who needs a new sui and lias decided to pay not over $10.00 for it. The suits are all well tailored, in a good selection of materials and .patterns; sizes 32 to 42; the usua1 $10.00 suit, Friday, $7.95. Men '8 $1.50 Pants, 05c Oood quality working pants, splendid selec tion of materials and coloring, sties 84 to 40 waist; worth 11.60. Friday. o.v. Men'$ Overalls and Jumpers, 95c Guaranteed fast colors, excellent quality, sites to 44, special, Friday, O.V. Boys' $4.C0 Suits, at $2.89 Norfolk style, with 3 pair of full lined knlck erbocker pants, for slues 7 to 16 years. Unusual values at $4.00; Friday, at $2.H. Boys' $1.00 Pants, at 59c . Corduroy and casslmere knlrkerbocker IJ pants, well made and worth to $1.00; for ages 6 to 16 years, Friday, at BOc. Bargeas.aTaah Co Basement. 25c Neckwear 15c WOMEN'S neckwear, including jabots, flat collars, collar and cuff sets, etc.. sUchtly IP soiled, were 26c, for.... Veilings at 10c Silk mesh Tellings In colors only, special, Friday, at, yd..l2 10c Handkerchiefs, 6c Plain linen handkerchiefs, slto fancy colored borders, were 10c, Friday, each to Laces at 5c Point Paris laces and Insertions to match from three to fire Inches wide, also French and German vals, Friday, yard 6c Lace Remnants, 10c Remnants of chiffon, laces, em broideries and nets. In lengths ef 4 to 1 yard, lOo to 2 60 quality, at, each 10c Bortwaa-Vaab Co. Baaemeat. A Big Clean-up Friday of Women's SHOES, PUMPS and OXFORDS That Were Formerly $3.00 to $5.00 Pai in une Dig special oaie viroup at $i.uu tne Wonderful values if your size is here. Women's Pumps and Oxfords $1.00 T NCLUDING the odd pairs and short lots from our regular lines at $3.00 to $0.00. Patent colt Russia tan , Gun metal Colored top Kidskin Black top Women's Pumps and Oxfords $1.00 Short lines and odd pairs of women's pumps and oxfords, mostly small sizes. Patent kid, kidskin, dull calf, tan Russia and colored suede. "Were $3.00 to $5.00 Friday, pair, $1.00. - Barreea.B'aah Ce, Basamsat. ir $1.00 $1.00 Bed Spreads 89c 89a CROCHET bed spreads, good weight, full double bed slie, plain hemmed, assorted marsalllee designs, special, Friday Bed Spreads, $1.39 Double bed size, crochet wears, scalloped with cut corners, as sorted designs, special, at $1J59. Bed Spreads, $2.69 Satin bed spreads, scalloped, with cut corners, large site, good assortment of handsome raised patterns, unusual values at $2.09. Bath Towels, 23c fOxtra large and heavy Turkish, bath towels, soft and absorbent, full bleached, some bare slight imperfections In the weave, but perfect so far as wear Is concerned, Friday, 23c. Sargess.1T ash Co. Bnseisal. Remnants of 50c to $1.15 Dress Goods in Two Groups. Friday. 39c and 69c T ENGHTS from 1H to 6 yards. Including such as all wool serge, in both French and storm, batistes, granite weave, mixed suitings, Panamas, mohair, crepe weave, etc., widths 88 to 60 Inches, were 60c to $1.25 a yard, Friday, at es, granite weave, niixea suiuu., 39c and 69c Bn e-STesb. Co. aaaemeo. Notion Specials $1.00 Rag Rugs, 27x54 Inches, 59c A remarkable group of rac rugs. In hit and miss pattern, made or clean rass. good colorings, regular $1.00 values. r?I"i ... ovc clean rags, good colorings, regular $1.00 values, specially priced for Frtday, at Burgees-slash Co," Bssaaaat. Steel thimbles, each le Wooden e e a t hangers, ea., lc Needles, paper for lc Large bottle of machine oil, 5c Asbestos Iron holders, two for Jic K 1 d curlers, any si so, doren for lOo Dress belting, per yard... 5a Chinese ironing wax, with han dle, each . . . lc argesa.B'aak llalr nets, with elastic, f I v for 10c Tatting s h u t tles, each . .Be Darning cotton, 4 spools Dutch linen tape, 6 bolts for So l-yd. bolt cot. ton tape for ftc BOO-yd. basting thread, spool for 3o Men's b 1 r t bands, ea. IHo Oood machine thread, sp'l, 2c Ce Seaemest Big Lot of Silk Sample Pieces, Friday, Very Specially Priced at 25c 'THE lot Includes all kinds of plain and fancy silks, In a large assortment of colors,, lengths to 1 yard They are worth to $1.00 a yard, each, Friday, very special. 2 c Bnrfesa-sTaaH Ce Basement. Misses' MIDDY BLOUSES at 59c SPECIAL group of middy blouses for girls and misses, white wltn navy, Copenhagen, plain white, black and white striped, or checked collars, cuffs and pockets. Very special for CQ- , , eJtJW Friday, at Bnrfees-Wssh go. Bas.tneet. New Spring Untrimmed HATS $1.98 Values, Special, Friday, $1.00 rv v s V fj u sat as v. a a a aw $1.00 A splendid assortment of the newest shapes In good quality of hemp, black and all the newest fav ored shades, large and small shapes, $1.98 values, Friday.. Spring Flowers at 25c Beautiful selection of the new spring flowers for trimming purposes, at S.V. Burgess-Nash trimming service free. Bwrgeee-WaeTi Oe Baeetneat. Hand Bags at 48c WOMEN'S hand- bags, flttod with cola purse, mirrors, memo pad and powder box roomy bags with silvered or leath er covered frames, 48 C Child's 25c Pelts 15c Buster Brown belts, come in ell sizes and colors, reg. 26c, at 16c. Bargees-Vaah 0 27-Inch Sea Island Voiles, at 15c NEW sea Island rolles, woven stripes, checks and small 1 P plaids, 27 Inches wide, special, at. yard 15JC Unbleached Muslins at 5c 86-inch unbleached muslins, good heavy grade, for making sheets or pillow cases, yard, 5e. Remnants of Muslins at 7V&0 Short lengths of muslins and cambrics, all 36 inches wide, special, Friday, at, yard, 7 He. $1.50 Bolt Long Cloth, 10 Yards, 93c Superior English long cloth, 86 Inches wide, $1.60 value, bolt of 10 yards, wwc. Friday Morn! ok. 8:30 lo 13. - Remnants of medium and dark colored percales, 86 Inches wide, standard quality, at. yard 5c Friday Afternoon, 1:30 to 6 The wash goods bargains ef the e.aaon. Including: Ito plain and fancy S3 and It-Inch madraa cloth tic embroidered 40-Inch vollea lie fancy figured erepes lSo quality It-Inch white crepes tta checked and striped Lorraine tleauee Jte half ells plaid aultlnge lie grade mercerised white pongee B. V. D. checks, etrip.e and plajds Bargees-Hash Yard, 7lAc House Furnishing Specials, Friday No. 8 Oriswold casl- lron fry pan polished inside. 60o value, SOo All white enamel Hp sauce pans. 1, 1V and 2-o.uart sUes, -J r 39c values, for XUC Madam Potts nickel plated sad irons, set of 8 Irons, stand and handle, 8c values, set 6S)c. Bunbrlght cleanser, fie rsns, 8 cans for lOc Moco cooking set, consisting of 6 custard cups. 8-inch mixing bowl, 8 -inch baking dish and 8 lnch covered casserole, $1.60 si nes, 89e a set. Galvanised iron palls, 260 values Parlor broom, extra quality broom corn, 6 sewed, 40c quality, 2tc. Co. 15c 7n 'Ft I Barrettes for 5 c SHELL and amber barrettes, with fine gold band engrav ing and rblnestone settings, bar rettes that Jiave sold up to 60c. Friday OC Picture Frames 10c An odd lot or samples and sur plus stock of silver plated picture frames, single and doubles In as sortment, sises and styles, value up to $6o, at 10c. Bay-Bah Ce. aseeaamt. Feather Filled Pil lows at 29c Each ART tick covered bed pillows, all feather filled, oq very special, each aCaC $3.00 Blankets, flJVO Fancy plaid gray blankets, dou ble bed alse, spring weight, $2.00 values. .50. Bed Snorts, 48c Ready to nee sheets, else 76x0. seamed and bleached, standard weight, each 44c. rilJow Oaaes, II He Slse 45x36, bleached, ready to use pillow eases, standard weight, each ISHc. tS.OO Mattress at C5.BS Royal combination mattresses, double and three-quarter bed slse, will stand up and give satisfaction, covered with fancy twill ticking. $8.00 values ea.pA. aarrese-Jraah Oe B a seen sat- Men's !2'2 Cent HOSIERY Friday Specially Priced at 6 Pairs for 29c Aclesn-up of all "odds" and ends of men's It -hose, worth to 13 Sic Black and fancy colors, limit Va-doen to each customer, 6 pairs 29c Men'g Fancy Hosiery, 12Vc Men's gray, navy and tan 4 -hose, with fsncy embroidered stripes double sole, high spliced heel and toe; 25c kind for iaUc. Men s Chambray Shirts, 59c Extra quality tan and blue chambray shirts, with neck band and cuff attached, coat style. Owing to the dye situation we will not be able to offer chambray shirts In these colors and qualities at rn such a price again until the condition changes. Reduced to. . OaC Men's Union Suits, 48c Made of long combed cotton, well made, sixes to 40, ecrue color only, reduced to Men's Auto Gloves, 69c Gauntlets and wrist lengths, tan and black color, reduced to B arras B-Baah Co. B asemeat. 48c 69c $1.25 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 59c y splendid assortment of Nottingham lace curtains. In a variety of designs, 2 Vv yards long. If you have a need of this sort, this is your opportunity. Including values to $1.26; jjq specially priced, Friday, pair OevC Barresa-Wash Oe. Bassnveat- CHINA and GLASS Specials Friday White seml-porcelaln cups and saucers, plait shspe, 8e value, pair, Be. Yellow mixing bowls, assorted sites, 19c values. 10c. White seml-porcelaln breakfast plates, fancy f shspe. 4 4 c. ; Colonial pattern table tumblers, each, 1H. ifL "42 ' piece cottage or breakfast set, servl- for 6 persons, plain or fancy shape, assorted floral decorations, regular $3.96, set, $3.50. imitation cut glass perry dowi, targe sise, iw Burt..-W.h, v v J orgess-Mash Company 'everybody store' -J'