Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Three Nebraska Candidates for Got
ernor Tell Jackioniani How
They Stand on It.
Ninety-five democrats, members
of the Jacksonlan club, got a chance
to look orer their own gubernatorial
timber last night at the annual ban
quet of the club held at the Taiton
Colonel W. F. Btoecker, Charley
Pryan and Keith Neville, thi demo
cratic candidates for the nomination
, for governor, poke. J. W. Wood
rough, newly appointed federal
Judge for Nebraska, and Arthur L.
Wakeley, newly appointed judge of
the district court of Douglas county,
spoke just enough to tell the demo
crats how good it feels to get
plunked on the head by a political
plum when one has almost given
up hope.
Two of the candidates had the nerve
to tell the constituent where they stand
on the prohibition fight coming up. . In
the fall. A third lacked the nerve, or
lae considered It policy not to announce
How Taey L.laea Ip.
The two who took a atand were
ftoecker and Neville.
Tha one Kho trimmed was Charley
Stoecker atarted something when he
marie, a a-iggeetlon for controlling the
liquor traffic In what ha thought would
be perfect shape, and thua atavlng off
prohibition. Stoecker wanted every bot
tle and caae of liquor atamped and sealed
by the state, lie wanted the state then
to keep an accurate check on where every
package, box and bottle went, and where
It was finally consumed. That, he held,
would be the only way to stave off prs
' hlbltlon.
Deftly R. I. Metcalfe kidded him about
this stand, when Metcalfe got an op
portunity to make the closing talk.
"I only wondered why Mr. Btoecker
had not advocated such a plan fifteen
or twenty years ago," said Metcalfe.
"Then the people might have listened
to such a plan. Tha time haa now gone
by for the consideration of anything
llko that"
KevlU oa Wet Side.
Keith Neville, frankly confessed that
he Is against prohibition personally, that
ha will vote against It personally. He
declared he is a total abstainer, however.
"It I am elected, however," he said, "and
If tha amendment carrlea I shall enforce
tha law to the letter."
Mr. Neville advocated three things
prominently, tha creation and mainte
nance of a publicity bureau for the state
to exploit Its resources to .the world;
good roads. and the protection of Irri
gation rlghta in weatern Nebraska. Ha
said he had heard Omaha ; was im a
peculiar position of not being able to buy
tha present electrlo light plant, nor build
a municipal plant. "If that be true."
ha said. "I have little regard for your
resourcefulness. I will say also that it
I am elected I will do all I can to help
legislation that will maka It possible for
you."; ... -i
Want Party eta Record.
Charley Bryan said he did not intend
to dlsouss prohibition. "I believe, how
ever, that the amendment will carry this
fall," ha said. "Tha question then is,
what Is the democratic party going to
do? It cannot afford to take a stand
la opposition to the law. No party that
does not take tha human side of this
question when It is once adopted, can
be expected to be continued in power."
Frank. Weaver was toastmastar.
Among the republicans who slipped in
to hear the apeechea were U. 3. Greevy
and 'Frank Shotwell.
Zinc-Lined Boxes
For Ammunition Are
Deemed Superfluous
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
PARIS, March J. The parliamentary
committee on economy, whichMias been
Investigating waya and means of saving
money in the public service, tells in its
latest report how a member of the com
rrlttee was one day struck by the fact
that allithe ammunition Bent to the front
was packed In ilnc-llned bones. The at
tention of M. Thomas, minister of muni
tions, was called to the fact, and ha sug
gested that. Inquiries should be made at
the front. ' If the sine was superfluous, it
would, be suppressed.
Two members of the committee accord
ingly followed a box of cartrldgea from
Vim-ennet up to the front trenches, but
failed to find ' out where 'the tine, was
nciCbsary. They consulted ever body en
loule, from genoiala and rolonela down to
ji I ale, but without result. At last the
Kcneral commanding the ' Fifth army
solved the puixlc the sine ss used, he
eel .' merely because It had been used
for tire last sixty years.
The' committee communicated this in
formation to Minister; Thomas, who at
once Issued Instructions that no mora
xmc-llnlns was to be put into ammuni
tion boxes. The saving will amount to
t'.M.fiOO a year. ;
CKKTK, Neb.. March W. (Special Tele
giam.)Doane. pellevue and Cotner will
mef.i Kriosy nicbt In their annual triangu
lar debate. This ear the question Is.
Resolved. That the Vnited States
should Materially .and Substantially In
crease Its Armaments." The Doane affir
mative team composed of Nedrow, Pelka
and Blatter will defend its position
aga'nst Cotner here In Crete. Bellevue
upholds the affirmative against Doane at
Hellcvue. Doane's negative team la Dan
iel, Hohson and Werts.
The other debate at Cotner will be be
tween Hellevue s negative team and Cot-
ner'a affirmative.
Way Colds Are i. S. Dreaded.
It Is not the cola Itself but the serious
oieeAsea It o often leada to that makes
a common cold by far the moat daner
us of any of the minor ailments. The
uld prepare your system for the re
reptinn and development of the germa of
pneumonia, ronaumrtlon, diphtheria and
Mhcr Karav. diseases. . The qui ker you
1 1. re the e ld the less the danger. To
accomplish thi you will find Chamber-l-ln's
Cough Remedy most effectual. Ob
tainable every here. Advt rllsement.
in picture 4s for officers horses. Colonel Sickel is seen in foreground to left.
li) i i V..rft, f,'y lit1 S
Movement of Troops Across Line
- Not Marked by Serious Disturb
ance of Any Kind.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex., March 16.
Brigadier General Pershing's start
Into Mexico without opposition from
Mexican forces, and apparently with
out serious disturbance resulting
uong the border, was the big topic of
conversation today at Fort Sam
Houston, headquarters of Major Gen
eral Frederick Funston.
Ever since ha began planning the ex
peditionary movement General Funston
has paid close attention to tha attitude
of General Carransa and hla followers.
When General Pershing wired yesterday
that he had crossed tha border and had
been Joined by tha Carransa forces sta
tioned at Palomas. the major general
evinced great satisfaction. This was
heightened today when early reports In
dicated that the only violence along the
entire border' occurred near Klngaville,
Tex., where a small detachment of troops
guarding tha Barredo bridge on tha St.
Louis. Brownsville & Mexico railway
was fired on In the dark about mid
night . Only Five Shots Fired.
First stories of this affair ware that
at least 100 shots were exchanged before
tha attackers, said to be Mexican bandits,
retired. It was later announced from Fort
Brown at Brownsville that not more than
five ahots were fired none taking effect.
For fear that another attack might fol
low, reinforcement were sent from Safe
Benito. " ' '' v
While tha primary purpose of the cen
sorship ordered by General Funston waa
to mistify Francisco Villa, It is known
that' it also was in the nature of a mil
itary experiment, "partly to determine the
attitude of tha American newspapers and
people toward such methods. That it met
no sort of objection and. In many cases
was freely endorsed by newspapers, was
a surprise to General Funston. who had
said when ha announced the aecrecy
"I suppose they will haul ma into court
for this."
Heaaoa for Delay. '
General Funston today voiced his sat
isfaction that after tha public fully un
derstood tha situation, there hsd been no
expressions of impatience 'at the fail
ure) of the expeditionary force to make
an early start.
It was generally felt In army circles
that. In consuming only a week in pre
paring for tha search after Villa and at
the aame time for ' the defense of the
border, .the aouthern division had done
fast work. There was a shortage of rol
ling stock in many aectlona; there was no
large force available at any particular
point, supplies had to. ba transported and
mounta for the cavalry had to be added.
Peraktagf Report PraTrrss.
The' first report from Brigadier Gen
eral Pershing, commanding the expedi
tionary forces into Mexico, to Major Gen
eral Funston. stating that all was going
well, waa received at Fort 8am Houston
this morning. .
' The report dealt with the strength of
General Pershing's command, tha dls
posltlorTof tha various units and. tha of
ficers, the distance of the first day's
march and ths movements of the Car
ransa troops.
All these matters come under the cen
sorship, however, and were not given out.
- I'arrasBS Garrlsoa Leaves Use.
NOGAL.ES, Arts., March 1. Tranquil
lity prevailed on both aidea of tha Mex
ican border in thla aectlon today. The
firat crista of excitement among tha
Mexicans at news of the Amerlcsn march
haa passed here. Nogalea was heavily
patrolled all night by American troops.
Fifty men of the Carransa garrison
remained' today In the Mexican town of
Nogalea. The others, several hundred,
have been withdrawn south over night.
They were reported en route eastward
along the American border headed for
Naco, the Mexican side of the Artsona
town of that name.
American train crews have refused to
make their runa between Nogalea and
Hermosillo, Mexico, and Mexican craws'
have replaced them.
Two aVaoal Slatea at Uraad lalaad.
GRAND ISLAND,. Neb.. March
(Speclal.) An interesting contest is In
prospect for the election of three mem
bers to the ai-hool board at tha coming
spring election. A few yesrs ago the
Civic league placed aeveral women mem
bers In the race ss csndidstes and their
ticket was elected, lira. Bentley and
Mrs. Schuman, who have served on the
board and whose terms expire, a re not
candidates for re-election, and the Civic
league Is promoting the candidacy of
Mrs. Ray and Mrs. James Uuck and Dr.
11 cG rath, while the oproslng ticket, com
posed of T. P. Boehm. C. 11. Menrk and
F. K. Col well, also l as been placed In
the field.
Slrk tladacha Due la t'oaatlpatlaa.
One dose Dr. King's New Life Pills end
your aick headache la gone. Get a 25-rent
bottle and be convinced. All druggists
County Board Has
Decided to Appeal
Fee-Grabbing Case
A resolution introduced by Commis
sioner John Lynch at a meeting of the
county board asks County Attorney Mag
ney to take steps Immediately, appeal
ing from tha decision of Judge Bears
which favored the pocketing of natural
isation feea by Robert Smith, clerk of
district court.
AURORA. Neb., Maroh ll (Special.)
At a caucus held In the court room Tues
day night, a cltlsen's city ticket was
nominated. Mayor J. M. Woodard waa
renominated. Mr. H. K. Bald was the
nominee for city clerk. For councllmen,
F. E. Qulnn, Andrew Grosshana and J.
F. Cole were named. M. C. Otto and Os
car Gunnarson were tha nomlneea for
members of the School board. A large
number of votes were caat for Mrs. M
F. Stanley and Mrs. J. II. Grosvsnor for
members of the School board, but their
male opponent beat them by small ma
Jorltles. The feeling Is growing In Aurora
that tha women of the town should be
represented on tha School board. It la
reported that the Women's clubs of the
city will call a meeting of the patron
of tha school and aak them to nominate
two women for members of the board
GRAND ISLAND, ' Neb., March 11
(Speclal.) Mrs. Frank Ollva, residing
near Ansley, Neb., between Wastervllls
and Cometock, is dead and three of tha
children of tha family are still seriously
ill from trlchtnse, the result of eating
uncooked smoked pork. The deceased
leaves a husband and . nine children.
New Debating- Lea are. e Forated.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., March 1.
(Speclal.) A debating league consisting
of the Grand Island college, Hastings col
lege and tha Kearney State Normal has
been organised and will hold Its annual
debating tournament on Thursday eve
ning, March 13. At that Urns Kearney
and Grand Island wl'l debate at Grand
Island, Hastings and Grand Island will
debate at Haatlnga and Hastings and
Kearney . will debate at Kearney. The
queatlon for discussion Is: "Resolved,
That tha policy of adopting a minimum
wage law by our atate government ia
desirable." Each college has two teams,
one for each aide of the queatlon. Grand
Island'a affirmative conalsts of Miss Eu
nice Brown, Renel Flnley and Frank
Wetland. This group will go to Hastings.
The upholders of tha negative are T. W.
Noel, Milford Kelao and John Gckaa.
Yaaasr Coapla "Wadded.
KEARNEY. Neb., March 11 (Special
Telegram.) What Is rsld to bo ths young
est couple ever married In Buffalo county
applied for a license today In tha county
court and were married by Judge Everltt.
The groom, Elmer V. Crlppen, ia 11 years
old, while the bride, who was Miss Luta
Jsne Grover, Is sged 17. Both parent
were on hand to give their consent and
were witnesses of ths ceremony.
Clarksoa High Selects Orator.
CLXrKSON. Neb., March 11 (Special.)
-Clarkaon High school held Its first de
clamatory conteat Tuesday evening. Stan
ley Kublk won the first place In a dra
matic division with a selection entitled.
"Burgomaster's Death." . and will repre
sent Clarkaon In a district contest at
Fremont April 1 .
P.ople s Caacaa at Oaklaad.
OAKLAND, Neb., March 11 (Special.)
At tha caucus of the people's party held
last night tha following were nominated:
Mayor, A. Hammaratrom: councilman,
Nels Anderson, Wllllsm Fores, C, A.
Lund; clerk, A. F. Wledstrom: tressurer,
W. E. Munier; engineer, C. A. Fisk.
Soaaeaerhelat Ooa ta Prlaaa.
PIERRE. 8. D.. March 11 (Special Tel
egram.) The supreme court this after
noon affirmed ths decision of the lower
court of Stanley county In tha conviction
of Herman Sonnenscheln, a prominent
rancher and stock dealer of Stanley
county, on a charge of grand lareeny, he
having been charged with extensive cat
tle rustling operations
Maroh Briar Oat Unsightly Spots. Bow
ta B era eve Kaatly.
Tha woman with tender akin dreads
March because It la likely to caver her
face with ugly freckles. No matter how
thick her veil, tha aun and winds have a
strong tendency to make her freckle.
Fortunately for her peace of mind tha
prescription, othlne double strength,
makes It possible for even those most
susceptible to frecklea to keep their skin
clear and white. No matter how atub
born a case of freckiea you have, the
double strength othheje should remove
Get an ounce from our druggist and
bunlait the freckles. Money bavk if It
, v :v "
. is n - """
; J s i
mi . j
r t
y --XI
. .
Davis Makes Few
Public Bequests;
Millions to Heirs
ELKJN8, W. Va March lj.-Memner
of his family ss well ss various educa
tional and charitable Institutions were
named aa beneficiaries In the will of the
late Henry Oassaway Davis, which waa
filed for probate In the local court lata
today. The document waa filed shortly
after the funeral services were held
here. '
Tha bulk of tha estate Is variously
estimated from flO.OOO.O.) to tfA.nno.ono and
Is left to the former aenator'a three chil
dren, Mrs. Halite D. Etklns, widow of
the late Senator Stephen B. Elklns; Mrs.
Arthur Lea and John T. Davis and their
children. Oraceland, the Davia home,
here, ia bequeathed to hla youngest
daughter, Mrs. Grace Davis Lee. To
the Davis and Elklns college ta given 10.-
000, tha Davis Memorial hoapltol here, $30,
OCO; Davia Chllda Shelter at Charleston. W.
Va., 140,000, and to the Presbyterian
churchea at Davis, Klklns and Gassaway,
S&.000 each.
SAN DIEGO. Cal., March 11 Police
man W. A. Weymouth was shot and
probably fatally wounded early today by
a Mexican believed to be Braulio On
Undo, whom the officer had ordered to
A hat Identified as belonging to Ga
llndo waa found near the seen of the
shooting and the police were notified that
ha had taken refuge In a lumber yard.
The yard waa surrounded.
Weymouth wss . shot In the stomsch
and waa reported dying. Gallndo was re
leased from San . Quentin penitentiary,
January IS, after serving a term of four
yeara for burglary.
Real Director Re-esgagrl
HASTINGS, Neb.. Msrch ll-(Hpeclal
Telegram.) John Slelck haa been re-engaged
to direct the Hastings municipal
band for another year.
Stopped Most Terrible Suf
fering by Getting Her Lydia
. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
' Denison, Texts. "After my Httls
girl was born two yesrs ago I began suf
fering with femsla
trouble and could
hardly do my work.
I was very nervous
but just kept drag
ging on until last
summer when I got
wbere I could not do i
my work. I would
hsve a chill every
dsy and hot flashes
and dizzy spells and
my bead would al
most burst. I got where I was almost
a walking skeleton and life was a burden
to me until one day my husband's step
sister told my husband if he did not do
something for me I would not last long
and told him to get your medicine. So he
got Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound for me, and after taking the first
three doses I began to Improve. I con
tinued its use, and I have never bad any
female trouble since. I feel that I owe
my life to you and your remedies. They
did for me what doctors could not do
and I will always praise it wherever I
go." Mrs. G. O. Lowery, 419 W.Mon
terey Street, Denison, Texas.-
If you are suffering from any form of
female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and
commence the treatment without delay.
Hair Often Ruined
By Washing With Soap
Soap should tie used Very carefully. If j
best. A.ost siapa and prepared sham
poos contain too much alksli. This dries
the scalp, makes Hie hair brittle, snd
ruins it.
The beat thing for stesdy use is just
ordinsry mulslfled coco nut oil (which
ia pare and greaselrssi, anl is b ttcr
than the most expensive snsp or anything
else vou cr.n use.
On or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse
the hair and acalp thoroughly. Hlmply
moisten the hair with' water and rub It
In. It makes an abundsnc of rich,
creamy lather, which rinses out easily,
removing every particle of dust, dirt;
dandruff snd excesatve oil. The hair
drl -a ruirkly end S' only, snd It l:svs
the srlp soft, and the hair fine snd
silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy snd easy to
You sn get mulslfled cocianul oil at
any pra niaoy. It's very rhesp, srd a few
ounce will supply every mnn'-er of the
family for months. Advertisement.
m 1
''?CT:"-V ,"V
Scarcity of Labor
Anticipated for
U. P. Bridge Work
' The 1'nlon Pacific enslneerlns depart
ment Is unalile to determine Just when
work u;on the reconstruction of the, scalp was torn loose from Ms head, he
bridge across the Missouri river at this ' suffered a severe cnnrusslon uf the hrnln
point will begin. While considerable of land his collarbone was broken.
the msteilal has been ordered, none of
It hns arrived and no data la available
as to when It will bo here.
orilrlala of the I lion Teddc ant'oi
pste that they are going to have to pay
fairly hlsh wstcs for men to wors on tin
bridge ruction. It Is said thsl ?.l
thla time the sutply of expert workmen
required on a Job of this chsrscier I
somewhat limited, owing to a heavy UV
I mend all throush tie test nd envth.
. hen It romes to labor, not only the
t'nlon Pselflr, but all other roads are
anticipating a shortage uf men durlnv
the coming seaaon. It la asserted thut
time have brightened tip materially all
over the country and that the number of
Idle men 'a now the smallest In yesrs.
April. I I the date set each year f r
Increasing the number of men on the eeo
tlnna throughout the rounirv. and al
the date for stalling ni t the maintenance
o swa. In yrars pa it, locsi ralli es 1 of
Tlces had long lists of applicants to draw
from both for section and maintenance
work, but this year It Is dirrerent. There j
a-e rot more than talf the uut1 mi r-
ber of applicants, ail of w i'ch I taten i
to mean that lnl-evs ere going to oc
scares and wages high. i
Mr. Vent-And-Cut-lt
-Here'sJJr. 'Gets-It'!
Thtt New Plan tm dire That's
Hiire im the Riming Nun.
"Glad to you!' say the rasor
to the com. "I'll bleed for you!" saya
the corn to the raaor. Rasors and corns
love each other. Corns love to e cut.
"Way. O Way, Did f Do Itf 'Geta-If
(or Ma After Taleif 1 Live!"
picked, gouged, salved, plastered and
Jerked out they grow faster. Mr. and
Mrs. Wsnt-and-Cut-Ii r.sll It nw
they use "Uets-lt"' instesd It's tha won
derful, simple corn-cure that never falla.
Stopa pain. You apply it In 3 seconds. It
dries at once, tha corn la doomed. Noth
ing to stick to ths stocking or press on
tho corn. It means good-night to plaaters,
salves, diggers, rasors and toe-bundllng.
Tou can wear smaller ahoea. Your corns
will come right off, "clean aa a whistle."
Never inflames healthy flesh. The world's
biggest selling corn cure.
"Gels-It' Is sold by druggists every
where, o a bottle, or aent direct by K.
1 .aw re me A Co., Chicago. III. Bold In
Omaha and recommended as the world's
best corn remedy by Sherman McCon
nell Drug Co. stores. f
It may be a little longer
way around a square
deal but tbe roads
are better.
That's the thing In a nut
bhell tbata our system of do
ing business every dsy. K very
body having dental work per
formed at tbe
McKENNEY, Dentists
are absolutely assured of a
square deal.
Our prices are the lowest.
Our workmanship is the best
that years of experience and
high salaries ran procure.
Our material is another mat
ter we can justly and honorably
feel proud in telling you tht
purest snd best is always ours.
Our sanitary precautions and
facilities cannot be bettered,
r.nd last but not least, our
If at any time in ten years
you become dissatisfied wltn
any work we will gladly adjust
same to your complete satis
faction or refund your money,
aa we always hsve claimed "a
satisfied patron is the best ad
vertisement we can possibly
In the thousands of our pa
trons we have yet to find one
that was not friendly towards
our upright business methods,
and we have been told so many
times "Why, you saved me at
least one-half of my dental bill,
and what a pretty piece of worK
mine Is. No wonder you sre so
busy! All my friends will cer
tainly notice my teeth, and I
am certainly going to tell them
where they were made."
If you are sceptical, not be
ing acquainted with us, please
phono DoukIss 2872 snd we
will mail you a list of some that
have had us do their dental
work. Call them up and get
tbelr opinion of us.
LKT us tajk the matter of
your teeth over with you.
All work guaranteed IS
yeara. Bee our F'rice ar.J
compare l with prims you
liave paid for work elsewhere.
Silver rtUlae-s SOo
Walts Orowas S4.00
Be SSk Oold Crowns ...svoo
Bridge .Work, per tooth. . .M OO
Best Plates SS, Stt aad (10
Treatment SI. 00
Wi airs aiUeass for BO miles
ea Ont-Of-Towa Contracts for
10 er snore.
Of flea X oars i Si30 to S. Wedaes.
Says aad Sstordsys to a p. a.
Bandars, 10 to liM.
McKENNEY, Dti.t.
Tho Ma Who rat T.BBT In
14th and Varaaas Sne., 1SS4 Tar
nam. Phone Oonglas SOTS.
ArrtortA. Nrh., Msrrh lH.-Seclnl
Telegram. v-lorsc 'rumllne, en seed
firmer rfelilln near Phllllrs. In this
mnntv, wee run down hv Ms own auto
mobile toilsy and suffered Injuries which
the doctors fear tntv prove fatal. The
V hen he toiieil the machine be neg
lected to throw It out o' near. Just as
he cranked It Pie nummohi'e d'fve ever
Mm. one wheel pnesliic over his head.
He was riraitucil shout forty tcct. Mrs.
The Stroud Pianola
( it at-i- ' r
Intloti for every composition.
THK THKMOIHfcT: Make the mclixly Miiii shove the ni'cow
Mtniimnt noCcs -i-nnMo you to effects aocompllhhed hjr the
pianist through suhtle vnt-lntlons of touch.
THK .M TOMATIO Sl'STAIMNd lKI.l: A Oevice which suto-matli-ally
nrrnte the IimiiI" pedal, securlnR beautiful and or
tlstir bleniliiiK of harmonious tones.
Player Music Rolls to fit all Players, only 25c.
Schmoller & ..ueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam Street.
Exclusive representatives of Pianola Pianos.
i mitMrlallWsWir
Odd Pieces or a Complete Outfit
Will Save You About Hall Daring this Sale
RUBEL'S Stock of Furniture, Rugs,
Draperies, Refrigerators and Stoves
High Quality Merchandise in the
Latest Patterns and Finishes
Hundreds of odd pieces that are just what you will
be looking for a little later during house cleaning, which
you can buy now and we will hold for you until later.
Remember you make your own terms.
-'St'hU? Mv ' '-esieVrrL
mmtkmimmmMmmmmaiamm .u iilisaamisiasBiis i n --n -i if
V i
f jt.Patilck'sOajN J3)'
His!. I) '. you should wesr a fine ; I &
i JJ 1 ' diamond, watch or other - J Ko. 4 Men', Dia-
Xs X' .rJicla of lewelry. We . m"nl Ring. prong
SSZ . article Ot JeJ, Tooth m u't g, CCji
r,,-OBd,t. V.. . give you low prices . . bo) J
rios. ... .. " JS V and easy terms. ii iitwai
f NV matter what VouT J money' wMlVyou w"l
wish In Diamonds -nr 1 1 e ni your n.n- 1
f A. Hollrt Oold M '"J"l t,mg time. XVear 1
l Jewelry. Silverware, etr.. J ft " " '''joy "the article
we can ssve you money. ill paying tor J
V Take advantage t u 1 easy weekly J
X our Ixw I'rl. ea ana V " ,,r monthly S
Km Terms. II V ,.v-nents s
X Your rredtt f If y suits your
v r i v u u u w s
Open Drily Till T. at.
Saturday TU1 S:30
fell or writ, for llliisint.4
Jewelry 'suing No. &ui.
401 . ltth St., Oawha.
Li- rr. - !iri
fv"7. : 1 lt .' J VA.
teeaersi Distributors
Cmmrine wss In the front sest snd sue-
cc-eded ill stopping the mnrhlne.
-lr Killed la mtn 1 paet,
NORTH Pl.ATTK. Nrlv. Mirrh 1
tSncrlnl.i - Miss .nni tii.nnilirrlsln, H-er-old
ilauuhti r of Waller Chsmber
Inln of MsjM'i'vt. wss Ins'sntly killed
when a motor i nr. In whli h she and
three compnnlca were rldu.g, turned
completely over nnd rlnhted ltelf. The
accident occurred on th" rnce track of
the fnlr gr.iunds et Meywond, to which
p'sce the young women h;tl (tone for a
Key to the Sltrntlnn n. Wsnt Ads.
Delivered to your home for
a Small Down Payment
Ba!ance on easy terms.
Tho Pianola is ths first
end finest of player-iano3.
It ha many exclusive fea
tures essential to finest mu
sical results.
rilK MKTHOSTYI.K: lrovidea
n ixrfert anil prnctlcal Riilcle)
to correct temtto -lnl lente it
nlPHMlnif snil urtlstlc Intrrpre-
Ilione I long I as 1414 an I
our aaleanian will call
with articles desired.
1 ' tS't ll
Omaha, Ntsbrsska