I'llK BKK: OMAHA, FltlUA., MA Kill 17, 1. 11 4 I i I' f' HI I f w i Dli. FKANVHS E. DAWSON OrKNEP AN OFFICR AT i97 FIERCE ST.. WHF.RK SHR A H L BE ULAD TO JIFHT THOSE WHO NEFl THE SERVICES OF A CHIROPRAC TOR. PHONEpOlOl.A8 W75. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture. mg sslne. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41. and our wagon will mil. Oil and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 lode St. TjRS. JOHNSTONS, Chlropractora, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 2407 N St.. 8. O. Consultation free and Invited. 1 hone South 18. CO not eendrnoney If you are addicted to drink, but write for booklet. No cure, no pa Omaha, Ph v. The Furiey. sioi Far nam. hone Harney 6742. RTT T T TT T? V. Successfully fronted U iUUu without a auralcal operation. Call or write Dr. Wrty Matheny, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MAS8AjK AND KLECTK1C HATH 8, chiropody. Mlese Gray and Head, 210 214 Balrd Blk., -17th and Douglas. D. 34fg. STRAW hata dyed; look like new. Plumes Paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dyed. Dora Klselo. i. &&. 1186 City Nat. Bk. fiW'HDISH graduate; scientific massage, bath, manicuring. 1715 Dodge. 10 a. m 9 p. ra. FKKSONAl.-Misses 8laplea and Shaffer, bath, electrto treatment. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUOMAN. Pteam and ahower bathe. Massage. Red 2727. Room 8 Karhsch Blk. MASSAUli Miss Webster, 618 Faxton . Blk. D. 8227. Office hours 10 to 8. RHEUMATISM treated successfully: re sults aiiaranfd. rr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bldg. SCIENTIFIC massage. Phone Douglaa 637$. 620 Bee Bldg. FOR ENT ROOMS Fwralahed HMl, ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you dealre among theae ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List . . sive complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooaia In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a Hat will be mailed to you at once. New llsta are Issued every week. THE IRVING 2102 Leavenworth, modern, newly furnished, steam heated rooma; gentlemen preferred. Tyler 8K0. IOC PACIFIC ST. Have several single rooms, just vacant. Would like to hear from people appreciating a nome. bi3 N. 27TH ST. Two nicely fufnlshal rooms in private home, modern. Colfax am TWO double rooms for gentlemen; close In; reasonable. Harney 87S8. RlCE clean rooms, newly furnished. 808 N. zntn Bt. Tel. Kea 6240. NICEL.Y furnished room, cloae la; modern. 531 8. 22 St. 424 S. 20TII ST. Nicely furnished rooms. 11 .SO per week and up. Call Douglas 4K1. HAVE several rooms Just vacant. Mod em home. Call Douglaa 67i?. 03 S. 1HTH ST. Strictly first-clans rooms. Hsr. 1M. ItowaelceeplnaT Rooma. 121 HOWARD Clean, Comfortable housekeeping and sleeping roorr.s; rent reasonable. 3916 LEAVENWORTH Two modern front rooms, very desirable; gentleman pre ferred. 804 8. 13TH Modern housekeeplig rooms; also several sleeping rooms. Tyler 03j. T6 S. 17TH ST. One large front room for housekeeping. . CASS.IW New, strictly modern 1 and 2-room suites. Tel. Tylf r ?K41. - Ronrd nnt Reom. ROOM and board for two ladl?s or coupl "employed: In private fnmlly (nd modora home. 1810 Lothrop St. Web. 2KWi. SbARI and room tor gentlemen: single . or en suite; modern home: walking dis- tancei on car line. Tel. Tyler 2537. PERSONAL I n(tirnlnh-)i llnuiua. THREft unfurnished rooms, heated, for ' ' i frying; 'r4;- K. 24(h. Oolfax 8 17.' Itooma W'Hutrd, , v T.irOli .PKOPLli VvrHo" Kk.NT ROO.MS, CALL THE BEE WANT AD KEPT. , and find out oil about the FURNISHED ' KOOM ' GUIDE. It s a plan that la helping many people rn their rooms. HOTELS HOTEL SANFORD. HOTffiL HA RLE 7, 19th and Farnam. .Oth and n'arnarn. brxclal Rates to Permanent Guests. 'FOR RENT-HOUSES . STRJCl'Llt AIOUKN H-HOOM HOUoE, LARGE LOT AND GARAGE, UN FARNAM CAR. WEST. GAS, KLEO TRIC1TY. STEAM HEAT. rilONB t 0 1 'GLAS IHriS. rkoOMS on main floor, newly paperei; 8 basement rooma; inside toilet: gas, wlUiin easy walking distance. )S. JSsOi Douglas. ; 8630 LINCOLN BLVD. ll-room houo. strictly modern, with hot water heal. fries S0. Douglas 1818. 1.3 N. 88 AVE.. rooms; 2 baths; April 1st; t?0. Doug. 2947. t Hortau 4-ROOM mod. flat. 818 N. 16th St.. $17. . S627 Cuming St., fc-room modern except ' heat. J. B. ROBINSON. Ul Bee Bdg. 1U8 GRANT ST.-J-r. com., modern. Hall. 443 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 74(4. fit COTTAGE, newly papered,' fciio Bristol x. moaem cottage, iku Manderson. ARTHUR CHASE, Doug. lfS3. Bee Bldg. 8-ROOM cottage near in and Ames; electric lights, gas for rooking.. Only 810. Ernest Sweet. D. 1472. Oil MIAMI ST 7-room. all mod. house; halt block from oar; cheap at 20. - Phone Webster 7188. . MIAMI, 8011 7-room. all modern house; half block from car; cheap at 820. Web. 71tW. 8-ROOM modern cottage, rent 818. ZZ14 Grace. Webster T. 23. 6- ROOM, newly papered and" painted, modern, 810. 4118 N. 8th. 7- R., mod., 222 Manderson. Weh. 8206. vwtk. FOR KENT 7 rooma, new oak floors, new plumbing and electric lights. 1304 booth 2sth St., $30. Benson A Myers Co.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 1411 8. 6TH 4-room, nearly new, modern except heat. Berka & Musll. D. 6967 or Red 72:n. 8-R. house, sleeping porch Field Club l'ist. Km. . ''ti Ave. Harney H24. 7-ROOM house, strictly modern; splendid neighborhood. K8 Mlarcy. Harney 2706. 8 ROOMS, all modern, large lot. 2732 a th St. MlareJIaaeOM. HOLSLtJ AND COTTAOEfl. MODEHN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-R. 1 N. 17th St. ..820.00 6-R. 4-3 N. 2th St STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. (US N. 17th St 6-R. Jbl N. Ui St 6- R. IM S. 8th St 6-R. 8121 Corby St., (new) -R. 2678 Fort St 7- R. 8317 Dodge St.. (choice) .... 8- R 21 Park Ave 8-R. 414 N. Slst St 8-R 2fM Dewey Ave 8-R.-I-8632 Dewey Ave FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 2f3 S. 80th St C-R. 4M2 Dodge St.. (new) - HEATED APARTMENTS 18.00 26.00 25.00 26 00 r.60 25.00 40.00 22.60 26.00 82 60 82.60 26.00 66.00 KTOECKER. 26 8. 24th St. -R.-Apt. "B" 823.00 and 80.00 CLYDE. 1806 Ohio St. 4-R Apt. No. 1 215 00 and .0 W have others. See our complete printed list before renting. PORTER & SIIOTWELL, Offices with AMERICAN iKClRITY CO., Cor. 17th and Douglas Hts. p. 6018. FOB GARDENING AND POULTRyT" t-r.. downtown, colored; $12. Also a and a 8 Hike bungalow) and ACRE GROUND. M and $7. Also t-r.. Call fornla bungalow and acre, tli. TL T 2iQ7. Evenings. Wal ?M7. LIST oar vacant homes and flats with we get out and show. YOUNG- MAN. 301 OmaJxAHaX. Bank, Doom. 1424 FOR PENT HOUSES MTaJlViiroaa. nM 8. JMh Ave., 4 "rooms. 1st floor.. $11. to sms r.. yvh Ave. Id, 4 rooms , !M. N. 2Mb Ave. (c). 4 rooms Burdette St. (c. 4 rooms Ill N. mil Ft., a room, second foor 517 N. 241 h Ave., $ rooms , s.a N. Mh ft., t rooma , 42 S. 24th St., rooms , 44 S 24th St., rooms 1W Burdette St., 7 rooma , 1138 Mason St.. 7 rooma 10 00 10 ai, 12 (0 in on! ?0 90 ! 80 00 WOO 83.00 THE BYRON REF.O COM PA NT. Phone Dousl, rr 21? South 17th Pt. $427 Charles. 7 iWnaTbath. 118; 2M$ Pop- yleton Ave., $ room and bath. $17. QHN N FRENZFR, Dotils 6M. " HOUSES FOR RtCNT." " CRKIOH. PONS 4V CO. tm pff. Bi.no. nono jeo FOR RENT APTS AWD FUTS Nl, Very fine t-room apartment. Close In. CALKIffS CO. Douglaa 11 J City Nat Bank Bldg. VERT choice 4 or l-room steam healed apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBIUNS. ISO! FARNAM ST. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment, sub lease' to September 1. Apartment 1, of Douglaa 7804. Maple Apts.. jt Harney. sJUDKltN t-room npartment. tncludini sleeping porch. W!l located. Harney Mm. Itortfc. FIVE-ROOM ateani tieatea aoarunent. very desirable; the Chula Vista, 80th . and Poppleton Ave.. 842.GA. 12: Braa dels Theater Wld. Dona. 1671. L'EfIRA ULE six-room flat, steam heateo. 220 Leavenworth St. Rent, 830. Conrad xoung, 3Z3 Hrandels Thea. Bldg., I. l7i. MODERN, steam-heated apartment, near P. O. ; 818 npwards. J. P. Webblns. 7-KCX1M modern flat. 2318 Spencer. Web ster 1278. B-ROOM modern flat, 82.1. 1023 8. 1et. Mlmilasnm. MONTH FREE RENT. CtXISE-IN APARTMENT. t-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. except heat: good neighborhood; 812.80. D. E. BUCK. 91s Omaha Nat. D. 822. MOVING AND STORAGE GLX)BB VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships;. 3-horae van and 8 men. 81.26 per hour; storage, 83 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dona-las 4SS8 and Tyler 230. r-mEFRoOI WAtHClioUSE. : Separate, locked rooms, for hnumhold gooda and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 8. lth St. Douglaa 41fiS. GORDON VAN CQ. Packing, storage and Ing. 21 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 84 o. Harney 1887. ' 777, 7. . 77;. . ..i'J. '. PACKING. SHIPPING AND FURNITlfRE REPAIRING PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY J CTMTTI il. ITI I(M TT U L1 TVi IJ C" ? Douglaa 7T85. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Cd. moving, packing, storage and shipping. Phone Douglaa 1498. - : T FERRIN VAN & STORAG Packing, storage. IS Cap, Ave. 'TyleS 12001 Phone Douglas 2H8 for complete list otj vncsnt houses and apartments;. also' for, storage, moving. 11 h and Jackson pi s.i .T P RRRD Express Co .'Moving packing and storanc . 1207 Farnam 8t. Douglas (leS. t t . FOR RD.T-BUSINESS PR'PT".Y ter VERT desirable stores In Grain Exchange building, fire proof, In line with growtn , of business canter. Make a selection tos day. F. D. WE AD. 31b S. ltn 8t, Wead Bldg. ' ; for rUnt 6k sAm. . : rt Building, 48x110, maple floors, good for Implements or manufacturing concern! been used as a skating rink. Inquiry of J. P. Johnson, Geneva. Neb. BRAND new up-to-date store room on Capitol Ave., just off 16th street, steam heat, toilet and lavatory, light fixtures In, hardwood floors, plate glass windows. To be ready April 1st. Cackley Bros. ' STORE ROOMS at 1808-tfU Farnam, St.' Thos. F. Hall, 4S3 Ramge Bldg. P. 7408. S'lOKt, modern;- low rent; near post- office. G. P. Htebblna, 1810 Chicago. ETORE building, living rooms In rear, 20tt N. 20th. Douglas 1868. Offlc aaie) DeiU Reas. ' 6MALL office and- apartment, low rent; near postoffice. G. P. Stebbtns. . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Good Homes Cheap Non-resident owner has reduced the price on his home to $4,000, which con sists of a good two-stroy modern house located on an east and south front lot with beautiful ahade trees on paved street. The house Is now vacant and can . be . shown any time by appointment, -rljocation 4102 Lafayette avenue. Be sure .and look this up If you are looking for a good value In this locality. Reasonable terms. George & Company, Doug. 75. 802 Qlty Nat. Bank Budg. BUnoaLoW" 6 rooms and bath, living rooms fin ished in oak, beamed ceiling and book cases; located In cathedral district. Price only $3,600. , C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Brandels Theater Bldg. W. L. BELBY ft 80NS. INSURANCE. fcOMPAYUSON-The only way to find the true worth of any article; watch my buildings under construction. F. 8. Trullinser, Benson 122. North. Acres T acres, with lota of nice fruit, small house, barn and other buildings, located N. W. of Central Park school. A bar gain at $$.600. acres In same location, with grapes, orohard. etc., 4-room house, good big tarn, ben house, ate. Snap at $i,251. 1). V. Sholea Co., 816-U City Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 43. For The Man Of Moderate Means . We have a 4-room cottage, all modern except heat, only $ years old, electric light, gas, city watsr, complete bath room and full cement basement. This place is located at rilB Emmet St.. a very high and sightly location; south front lot, 60x130 ft. Ownur very anxious to sell. Price $-,lW, cash $460, balance $20 monthly. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 818 Omaha N a t Ion al Bid g PRAIRIE- PARK" DISTRICT. 2711 Ames Ave.; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch; full two-story, south front, beau tiful shsde snd hedge; wide street; lot 4ixl $u cash and $ monthly. In cluding interest. Keys at my residence. B. J. cannell. 2708 Fowler Ave. Phone Colfax 8M1 or Douslns rag. AFORCED SALET" House, 6 rooms, city water, gas. Mili tary Road. Clifton Hill; must le sold to settle estate; will take $1j0 on pay- i GEO U WALLaCX. J14 Keel In Rids. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Snrth, $400 CASH . $27.50 PER MONTH Iini-ated one blork south of Miller Park; brand new bunsalow, fullv mod ern, oak finish, with cak floor thmuch out house; many special features; furnace heat, high grade llghtlnc fix-tui-es, cemented basement, dandy lot, only block to car. close to school. Price for quick sale. 82.ftV. RASP BROS., 108 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1868. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-mom cottage alth bath; largs lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees. Price $2,360. Located $117 North Itth St Norris & Norris, Phone ouglaa 4870. 2016 BURT STREET FIVB BLOCKS FROM FORD FACTORY. I rooma and bath, modem cottage: all paving paid; beautiful shade. If taken at orce will sacrifice for the Price of lot-J.I00. Half cash, balance B. 4k 1.. Chance of a lifetime. J. N. BN1TSKR. 423 Paxton Blk. P. 2181. KOUNTZH PARK BUNGAlAVvT$X). e-rooin, strictly modern bunvalow, nearly new. on N. h St. boulevard. PAlNk' INVKKTilKHT f-vu U i W V 8th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk Bid g. D. 17fl.' o 4-ROOM house, oak finish. 22.'4 Kvans for UXK w. II. Gates. 47 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid. Douglaa I'M. ALL MODERN 7-room hous for sale bv owner cheap for quick aale. Coifs x 2si. oath. New Pressetl Brick House $465 Cash Five rooms all on one floor. 14-tory, strictly modern, brick hnunc; this house has been built less than one year and la the very best throughout ; located on corner lot. two blocks from Park line and can he had at a price that Is less than It would actually cort to bullil. Hiatt-Fairfield Co., Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 488. $67TcASH BRAND NEW rooms living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom on first floor; nice bedroom, sun parlor and bath on Id floor; nil strictly modern; full base ment; east front; clcse to school and near Han scorn Park. Price. 83,000. C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Brandels Theater Rldg. OEN11NB BARGAIN In neat 6-r. bun galow, all mod., good as new; full lot, paved street; fine location, 5. V. of park. Only $2,850, and on exceptionally easy terms. M KITRICK R. E. CO. D. 14K2: Ty. 2140-J. FIELD C.LTl 9-rooni, strictly modem, nearly new house on 3"h St.: hot wster heat; oak finish. Price, $7.i60; owner leaving t?v.n and will consider offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 5th Fl. Omnha Nat. P BMv. D. KM.' $26.00 Eight-room, strictly moiTern, brick. lan s. 2th. Harney 17H7. M lepe.lln nciids. UNUSUAL BARGAIN PRICE REDUCED. For quick sale, -r.'strictlv mod. hese. hsvlng reception hall, living room, din ing room, kllchon, pantrv snd entry way, on 1st floor; 3 large bedrooms and bath room on !d floor. Beautifully decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Brick foundation, lull basement oe. monted, cement walks: guaranteed fc. u"fiin-c run eir nil, rdBl ironi, paveQ street, also a o-nod sised chicken hnn. , ltegular price $4,260. reduced nrlca tiLaOO nee us us st once In regard to this plaoe It will go quick. . it;. SCOTT & HILL CO. i. i 8-R. OLD IIOl'SE LOT 44x132 ; ..$1,300; $-00 cssh, bslance monthlv, on ' paved street; good- location; snap. H. A. WOLF frl4 Ware Bl ONE 3 acr, Block. Douglas WW. two 1 acre. throe to sere me. tracts; all No. 1: priced right; see Douglas 1.1Q, 702 Keeline Bldg, i, SAFETY FIR.T. ' FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE, O'NEIIS R. E. & IN9. AGENCY. Ki Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler -ROOM BARGAIN NEW. (.-ROO.M. '. STORY HOCSE, NEAR OA R. A SNAP AT $3,409; REASONABLE PAYMENT BENSON A nocftrs irs. CARM1CHAEL. PAXTON TtLIv REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. West Farnam Corner . and adjoining lot. can be divided Into three lots for building purposes, making the three lota cost less than $400 each. All Street Improvements excepting pav. Ing. This Is a bargain and for sale by owner. Part cash required. Phone Douglas 42JW. North. Come out to Minne Lusa " and see the wonderful development gor ing on there. You will find the best lots offered In Omaha at $jW to $H00. Sewer mains water mains, walks, grading and seed ing all paid for. Easy terms. CHARLES W. MARTIN CO., Owners. TWO corner lots. SOth and Hamilton Sts., Hlxiai. $7i; Win caah, hal. terms. THATCHER, 1217 City Nat. Doug. iWOI, MINNE LI ka Have a choice lot that you can buy at a bargain. C. A. Grim mcl. N48 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. CHEAP lots, 40x128. Phone owner. Tyler Ik. WILL BUILD TO SUIT. Have lh first rholce lota In fiavan worth Heights Add.; easy terms. Ioug. 21. Carl K. Bolen. 014 Paxton Bldg. Fdl'R choice lots, C3d and Leavenworln rts., for sale at a bargain. See me, R H. LANDER YOU, Tel. D. 6768. 202 Neville Blk FINE lots, Bancroft and 6th. walklng dls- tance; only $i0: easy terms. Colfax 762. MlKellssrsst, ONE LLFFTlJa. Corner, handy to school, car, stores. Colfax 4071. evenings. RICHARD EVERETT. ARCHITECT. 10$ No. lth St. Phone Don-1 as luuv. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Bs. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT! $10.00 down and $10.00 per month; price $2ii0.00; sise, 6oxltt; located on Locust St. between Clark and Burnham; not far from school and car line. Ueo. R. Wright. B-e office. Omaha. Dnd, DUNDEE HOME FOR SALE A very dcsirabli up-to-date modern home with 6o-foot south front lot. one Mock from car Una. Price $r.M0. This louse Is in the newer part of Dundee and Is finished in oak, with oak floors, and has a beautlul sunroon and large sleeping p ireh. It Is sur-roi-nded by good homes sn.1 wt'l cer tainly please you t you want some thing that Is choice uml Julrable. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 418-18 Keeline B'd T. Phone Doiir. llftO. It takes but a mtnuu- ot time to save dollars when you read Tbs Bes Want A 4 columns. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS! 18th and Leavenworth Northeast Comer Two brick fists ani one frame house, brings lh $2,411 a year. Property la now all rented and 'n firat-rlaaa condi tion. This Is a good Investment, has f ood speculative features Price on same s $:'4,W. 3.Ono rasit and the balance to suit the purchaser. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. Omaha Nat l Pk. Bldg Tel. Doug. 4. Flat or Apartment Site We have lift feet south front on Cali fornia, between d and 84th. This la an exceptionally good location for either flats or a small apartment bouse. Price only $3,000, Terms If desired. A. P. Tukey & Son, Thnne Doug! $03. lBOT-i W. O. W. Bldg. Harney Street $T0 a Foot xlSJ. south front, close In. paring all paid. Cheapest lot on Harney St., a good buy for speculation. Hair caah. Glover & Spain, M-80 City National. Doug. SIWx, CORNER, close In; rent $tib. Price. $000. 8. P. BOSTW1CK A SON. K Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES PROPERTY worth $20,000 on Georgia Ave., brings $100 rr month., mtge. $0,000; will trade for clear property. J. A. ABBOTT. D. 4818. Patterson Blk.. Omaha. Neh. FOR SALE or exchanirel Mo acres In Mellette county. South Dakota, for Omaha property. Phone Red 8a4. SIX houses and farm to exchange Neb. -rm. Toland nV Trumhiill. Bee Bldg. CHALMERS litlo tourlns, smooth rurt- nlng, to exchange for vacant lots. D. 2MT CAN eel! or exchange anything you have to offer. C. J. Caoan. McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE-BUS . PROPTY STORK biilldlngl dwelling snd barn, corner 4h and Cuming for $5,800. A TEBBF,Na, 006 Omaha Nat, T. SHU. J FFET, l(lh St., 3 blka. from viaduct, H,W. McCague Inv. Co.. McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED WANTED To buy on nnihly paymen ta small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school dlstrlot. Phone Red '864 VK have buyers for all kinds of prop erty If priced rlaht. List with us. Jeff W. Bedford & Son. Doug. $392. FINANCIAL Real F.stwte, Loans, Mortgasjea. LOANS ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE. QHCK SERVICE. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Building. WE are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St. To tor loans on best claaa cltv i-esldences in amounts 32,000 up; slab farm loanr.. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRI'HT CO.. 1622 Farnam St. NO DELAY; W. T. GRAHAM. BKF, BLDG. MONEY to loan on improved farina and ranches. We slso buy good farm mort ysses. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. O.MA HA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEKFF REAL RhTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nst. Phone Douglas 2716. AiONH.V TO LOAN, tor 6 years, on Improved properties. SHOPKN CO., Doug, 4248. MONEY on hsnd for city snd fsrm loans. II. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OARVIN BROS. $46 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. $low TO $10,0)10 made pi oinptly. K. 1). Wead, Wead Bids.. IHth and Farnam Hts. iTY properly. Large loans a specialty, vv. H. Thonissv 228 Slate Bank Bldg. Weal r.'fte,LoaBa. Mortsagei, 7nr CITY LOANa C. tCaFloeri. lift 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. CITY and farm loana, 6. 6 per cent. J. H. Dumont ft Co., 418 Keeline B!dg. MoTS'EY. HARR1BON U WORTOFT 1S Omaha Nt. Bank Bldg Finaartal Wasl4. kittf nUARANTEED first mortaaae. close-in acreage; need money; will dis count. Address O V2, pee. Stocka anal Roads. Two First Mortgages For Sale $1,600 due In five years. Interest T per rent, payable semi-annually, on 3"0 acres of good, level farm land In Weld count- Colorado: value $4,600. $f00 due Inlflve years,' T per cent, pay able semi-annually, on 1(10 acres of food level farm land In Weld county, Colo rado: value $2,400. E. T. Heyden, 4 1814 Harney St., Omaha. Nebraska. HAVE two $1,000 mortgages draw Ins $ per cent Interest; secured on Tennessee lana; aue in s ana ywars; win uraas for good automobile, or what have you? Address C 16. Omalis Bee. ' Y'OR SALE. Ouaranteed mortgsges on Improved city property, amounts smid to $1,600. in terest 7 per cent or Def er. Address K-"jW.jearaBee. $1,600 FARM mortgage bearing 7 per rent, secured by property valued HsO. Tal mage Loomla Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. Abelrae.a mf Title. n tin rant PA Abetract Co. We can bring unarajiieelowil vOUr atatract on short notice, R. 7. Patteraon Bldg. I). $847. T.-T.-'TfTi Title OuaranUe and Abatract to., a modern abatract office. 806 S. 17th St, Tel. D. 64K7. RBKD ABSTRACT Co., oldest abatract office in Nebraska. $ut Brandels Thea. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Wow gale. $3,700 worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price: $1.0u0 worth of slugis har ness to close out at one-naif regular price. Harneas shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, mooey will be refunded. JOIlJ-iiON-DANFORTH CO.. 1629-M-fcf K. 16th St.. Near Carkrt. HARNfeaMi. SADDLICS AND TRUNKST W make them ourselves snd sell them direct to the consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior sool when you can get high grade goods st first cost! ALFRED CORVtgH A CO., 1710 Fsrnsm vt.. Omaha. FOR BALE Twenty high grads Hulst li milch oows. F. C. BIIks, 'LA Bx.l.amc Bldg.. Union 8tockYsrds. Onia' HAY-H"60 ton. A. W. Wa gnr7 'l"".VT l.onii yoi.nK hoi;, ilim!.- cr duublo o""r d harries Ii'mit's tit uo7TLTT.syorM7wlVliM.- ''lJs7,"5yeai'S eld. $1. phone Benson tm. ONteam of horses, clitap if taken at once. 4' North Itth. FARM AND RANCH LANDS VKf: X far v s Tn A it k anITXIT 180. l acres or government land open for homestead April ; located along and near the Missouri and North Ar kansas railroad; Idi'sl for fruit, poultry, slocK or Renerv latin nit; aom timber. Write for nixrticul rs. J. C. Murray. . P. A., Desk I.. Harrison. Arkanaaa. anadlaa I. a mis. I WESTERNCAN ADA Willing to sell at aacrlflce choice A 1 No. 1 farming rand In western Canada, i If you are looking for a bargain, write; .? PM. Itee. sHaamola twa4t, ' 840 ACRES, 4t miles iroin "nlmneapolla, 1 near two good railroad towns; one- . half vnder cultivation balance use for j Ksture and hay; csn practically all rutlvated-. good soli, good set of I buimings: this is ad win proauce bushels of com per acre; oeuntry la thlctly settle) , complete set of ma chinery; 27 head of stock, consisting ' of it cows, balance 1 and 8-year-olds; ! 4 good horses, 36 hogs, chickens and I everything on the farm goes at tt per acre. Immediate possession can be had. SCHWAB HHOft, JKW Plymouth BlCg . Minneapolis. Minn, 1 M lslsliiB)t Lands. I RICH upland W farms,' iio aore up- ' waraa. . om, cotton, airaira, cattia, hogs; laige snd small tracts; easy terma, I mild climate, Stebblns, ItilO Chicago.- Rltasnwrl leads. I W-ACRK farm, l)ent Co., Mb.; 1 ml. vll- laae. 12 ml, rrom Salem; highly Im- f roved; fine barn and silo, good btilld nx, meadow, wheat, plenty water; 110 cultivate. I, all tillable; price $, per acre; terms. . W. 8. FRANK. J"1 Neville Block. Omsha GREAT llAhOAlNsv $6 down, ft monthly. tiuya 40 i.creK, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Mlseourl. Price only $176. Address Bo 808, E"x celslor !otiiH. Mo Kehraska Lands. fiRST CLASS 180-arre'farrn: mile ! Omaha; $ltt per. Helyea A Gilford. Jit Ramge Bldg., Omaha. Neb. sVDVEHTlMr. oui piupeit.v a though you peiieveci us saie or rental te cm Important, by keeping It Hated In the Pis House. Home and Real Ktlata flulde-THF TtTCF e tt York Lancta. NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE. Profit a Reality Not a Promise. 8o-acre farm. $ cows, team and tools: price $2.6X10; $700 cash. $100 yearly. This Will Bring Riches and Content and Smother Poverty and Unrest: Soft-acre farm, with 30 black and whit llolsteln rows; price $10 per aore: $1,000 caah; what dairy produces until paid for. Wa Get the Best of Life From Simple Love of Home Sun Kissed, In Unlet Valley Waiting for You: 134-acre farm, with 16 cows, team and farm machinery; price, $46 per acre; broad, smooth fields, gently sloping to river that never overflows; writ for photos. R..R. fare one way to purchaser. K. Munson. 34. S. Sallna Bt.. Syracuse, N. Y. Wlienails l.aada. JPPER WISCONSIN-loat dal.v and general crop atate In the union; settlers wanted: lands for sale at low prices on essy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent landa for slock raising. If Interested In fruit Ian. Is ask for Booklet on apple orchards. Address Lsnd and Industrial Pent., Soo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. Mlsci-llaaeaa. i HAVE YOU A FARM FOiV'sALk?" Write a good description of your lsnd and send it to the Hlnux City, la., Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evenlns. Saturday morning and every Snturdav evening and Sunday for one month. Riving sixteen ads on twelve different days for $2; or 60 words, $4, or 76 worn, r. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper: Sf0.Jto readers dally In four great stales. , BUYERS WITH THE MONEY TO INVEST. Farm land ads placed In these col umns reach. the hind of people all over the west who have amnle funds with which to Invest In lands. Quality and nuantlty are both found In THE BEE'S country circulation. Although the subscription rsle Is hlaher, THE BEE has s greater coun try circulation dully and Sunday than I's nearest Omaha competitor. Send In vour ad end rach some real bu-ers. NOTICE TO FARMERS When In need of help of any kind, write, telephone or call on us. Cl'NN INHHAM LABOR AOBNCY. Ill R 13th St. Omaha, Neh. KAH1.H. acreage and city property for sale and exchange. C M. Comb. 803 Brandels Theater Sldg Doug. $ll. FARM LAND WANTED HAVE caah buyer fur Iowa or eastern vhrs.ska Improved farms. W. K. CRAIG, 13IT City Nat. Tyler HI. FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RENT 110-acre farm; general stors (has pnytortlce); big chance for man wtih family ; Weatern N. D.: $1,500 pays rent snd stock; investigate, postmaster, Bad land. N. D. AUTOM0BILES-F0R SALE CLABBT CARS. V Chalmers Roadster, linger "6." practically new. 2 11 Maxwell touring cars, slightly used, at a bargain. 191$ Ford, self-starter, slip covers good ns new oarssin. Wi Ford touring, good shape. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO.. l?lw Farnam. Douglas 8S8, 1S1 DODGE touring .. lai 1916 Mon tor touring, bra rid new UJtj Kissel Kar speedster, fast, a bargain. 1IU4 Ford delivery enclosed body . . . .:vl ovorland touring, electric equipped.. $.176 1U8 Cadillac touring, perfect 873 Auto Clearing House. IX Ksrosm, D. SylO TWO REAL CAR BARGAINS. Both In excellent condition; can buy at a price mat win surprise you. NEBRASKA BUICK AUTO CO., 1814 Farnam. Phone Douglas 721. VP ED CARS. Ws buy for cash. WY carry" 60 or mors In stock. Industrial Gar sge, 20th snd Harney. tTON truck, exeelTent condition. For quick sale. See Carl A. Anderson, th Auto Repair Man. 14fr7Jackson St. OAKLANlV7o7 "sare71U67 in faFr snape. Douglas I79. Alio Repalrlnai' and Palatlua. ffKB. AutoBAdlatorepalr"r5r-Tr:e, and ir:ces right. 21H H. lWh at. D. 73!0. reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 810 N. 18th. JOE MURFH-Auto repairing, filfl. 17Ut St. Tyler 207. night, Red 67lel fTmaha'Radlatpr Rap. Co. 't'M Far. D. $001. A a to Tire and gapplle. $3x4 T1RKS with tubes, complete, Standard brand, guaranteed, $17.60. Jilk Farnam. D. 487$. lil'HIJiX TIRK CO.. DEPT. B. AUTO REPAfRST REBUILT fc.00 TO $6.00. DUO TIRK CO., 1S11 Chicago 8t. Kleetrle A(amuullp." Walter Anderson, eip't rep'g ele.'trio A j batteries. Storage. ZsW Farnam. D. 4317, i AUTOMOBILE INSURANCB. i Fire, Theft. Liability and Property li-mi.u- l owest Rst j KILLT. ELLIS THOMPSON. I gjfj CHy Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2819. Aato l.lverv and Oaraaea. LaIiiji., new saraae, rent reasouabls. :;i9 Wirt Webster 8008. POULTRY AND PET STOCK iloXty in clilt kans; rite fur Johnson's frcs catalogue, Pouxry Know-How, about the fsy-for-ltself Old Trusty In tubate!. M. i. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter. Neb. jVi'T received small shipment ' Cliinese ( anaii'-s." $ for elmrer. M A X J EI.H 1 .1 R J 1 h ,D ; i O , 111 7Ka mini. FOR bA !.K- (in it .v incubator, good as new; 1 Buff Oi nington. 1 years old, rooster 4M8 Douglas. iiXlt grain. M P'S . .l.iik Wiiur, 80lN.ll MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES fi ARI.K V-DA V I DSi N MllTUKlll LrJ4. Harsaln In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." liUB Iavenworth RIGHT DOWN TOWN One 30-foot Lot $2,000 One 60-foot Lot $4,000 One 90-foot Lot $6,000 Tour choice of any of tha three lota, Theae are tha last lots you will ever be able to buy so close In. Only three blocks from l$th street; only- four blocks from Court House; only sl blocks from l$th and Harney Sts. Just think of It tesa than $7$ a front foot. Tha location la good the lota are on grade, good solid ground; pav Ing all tpald: new building going up all around. Ton must act quick If you want any of these bargains. Will make terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN . ii xAjuriT BTXxirr. HAWK 8TATRMRJIT. No. 8776- RkPORT OF CONDITION OF THE MERCHANTS, NATIONAL BANK At Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at tna close or business on March 7, ii: RESOURCES. Loana and discounts $ ,0R5 8W 10 ifTTPJnii is .... ... U. a Bonds: $.788.07 U. H, bonds deposi ted to secure rlrcu- latlon (par value) $ $50,000 88 U. S. bonds pledg ed to secure U. 8, ' deposits (par value) $0,0ft.0 Total 17. 8. bonds .,, Bonds, securities, etc; Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pledg to secure postal savlnRS deposits .. 8 s o u r Hlos other Ihsn V. K bonds (not Including stocks) owned, unpledged .. ...... mooo.oo 88,000.00 56,046.89 Total bonds.) securities, etc.. $$,046.89 $0,000.00 150,000.00 Subscription to stock to Fed eral Reserve Hans, leas amount unpaid Value of banking house Net amount due from Federal Re serve Bank $08,087.40 Net amount duo from approved re serve sgents 1,804, $.08 Net amount due from other banks and haiters 1,422,$M.15 Cxohsnges for dear Ing house 171,101.$$ Other checks on hanks In same city reporting banks !?... ., It080.$l Outaide checks and other cash Items,. 4,677.$$ Fractlonsl curren cy, nickels and cents $60.2$ Notes of other na tlonal banks 77,100.00 F d rai reserv notes 8,000.00 Coin and certifl- I tmtes 88$,W0Oft t.egal tender notes. 81,800.09 Redemption fund with U. n. Treaa' urer 11,500.00- ,4$.S3$.dS Total LI AB1LITIHW. Cspltsl stock paid In .$10,2$,667.81 , sno.floo.oo surplus rund Undivided profits, less current expenses. Interest and taxes paid Clrculstlng notes outstanding. Deposits: Due to banks and bankers $1,833,11611 Dividends unpaid.. 814.00 Individual deposits, subject to check. 4,70$,i$3.X7 Certificate of de 600,000.00 4N.IT76.41 260,000.00 posit due in less than $0 days Certified checks .. Cashier's checks outstanding TT. 8. deposits. Postal savings de posits Time certificate of deposit payable after 30 days ar mora $40,079.91 J07.277.42 6fl6T $4,681.8$ 98,884 21 771,118.81- 8. Wi, 782 1$ Total $10,M.667.61 State of Nehraska. County ef Douglaa as: I, F. P. Hamilton, cashier of tha above named bank, do solemnly swear that tha above statement Is true to tha beat of my knowledge and belief. F. P. HAMILTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 14th dsy of March, 1016. (HEAL.) B. B. WOOD, Notary Public. Correct Attest : FRANK HAMILTON", O. SAM ROOKR8, C. W. HAMILTON, Directors. NRW YORK GRXenAL MARKET Qaetatloas af a Day as) Varleas t osaaaadltles. NB W TORK. March 18. FLOUR Steady. WHEAT Spot, unsettled; No. 1 durum. fl.aoV: No. $ hard, $1.26: No. 1 northera Duluth, $1.S64; No. 1 northern Manitoba. $1.4v f. o. b.. New York. Futures. ironaer; aiay. ti.iirrgc. CORN Spot market, easy; No. I yellow, 54T5Ho, c. I. f., New York. OATS Spot market firm: standard. $2e. HAY Firm; No. 1, $l.m.40; No. 1, $1.2$ (Pl.80; No. 8, $1.00471.06; .hipping, $0?86c. MOPS Otllet' arst. common Ia T.aIma 4 1916. 14jo; 1014, 6&c; Paclflo Coast. U1L HIDKS Firm; Bogota, S34J84c; Central America 88c. LEATHKR Firm; hemlock firsts, x&O $4c- se-onds, 82-33.V. PROVISIONS-Pork, stesdy; mess, $28.00 26 00; family, .60; short clear, $22.(tte.u0. Beef, steady j mess $17,008 17.50. family. tlr.ViKJU.h). Ijird, weak; middle weet, $11 Isari'll .10. Tallow, firm; city, Vic; country, $)fc69c; special, ic. PUTTER Firmer; rvceipta, 6.104 tubs; creamery extras, $73!!y,c; firsts, M'c; seconds. 884T86C. KOOS Unchanged; receipts, $0,104 cases; fresh fathered extrss, 23V024Vc; extra firsts, 2Jc; flrsU, 12(ff22Hc; seconds, HVk9 SI 84c. CHEKSB Firm; receipts. 90 boxes; state, held, specials, IHiIHo; same, aver age fancy. nV'Iriac: same, current make, average run, 1714c; Wisconsin twins, held. 174rl,n. , POULTRY Alive. flrm: chickens. 17c; brotlsrs 23c; fowls, 1980Vwc; turkeys, lc. Dressed, quiet and unchanged. 8atr Market. NEW TORK. March l.-fllTOAR-Raw, strong; centrifugal, $.7276. 77c; molasses, 49606c. Refined, flm. Ths strons spot situation and the activity In refined led to quite a general buying movement In the market for sugsr futures and at mid. dav nrlces showed net advances of $ to 1$ points. Lster all grades of refined sugsr were advanced 1$ points, making stand ard granulated .We. $taak Clearing. OMAHA. Wirch lH-Rsnk clearings for Omaha today were $1,467,824.68, and for ths corresponding day last year, $3.S64, :.v a. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Manipulation it More Obviou$ Fea ture of Day's Se$$ion of Exchange. STANDARDS BARELY STEADY NEW YORK, March 11-Manlpulatlon was a more obvious feature of today's Irregular market, various specialties be ing lashed Into furious sctlvity at times, while standard stocks were barely stesdy or backward. United States Steel led the erratic movements, advancing a point to 8i4, Its best quotation for the present period, but receding later In common with other prominent Issues. Crucible Steel was a second to tTnlted States steel In point of activity, hut ex tremely feverish, rising 8 to 90V, and falling back, closing at WV. other con splcuoua features Included American Can, Wesllnghouae, Kennecott and Inspiration Coppera, Mexican Peroleum, Baldwin lo comotive, American Smelting and Reading, all showing gains at various times, but forfaiting much or all of their advan tage In the uncertain and confused deal In ra In the final hour. Ralls In general were a negligible factor, aside from Canadian Pacific, which fell $ points to 186St. son after an nouncement of the loan by our bankers to the Dominion of Canada, but retriev ing some of this later. Reading and Weat ern Maryland were active and strong at tha outset In connection with yeetarday'a rumors or Rockereiier buying of tha first named shares, but failed to hold. Motor, sugars snd Mexicans were in the forefront at Intervals all at substan tial advancea, but these for the most part felt the force of moderae pressure. Three new records war scored, American sine rising $ to 81; south Porto Rico sussr, to 18.8, and Inspiration. 1 to 4. Bethle hem Steel, after making a smsll loss st the opening, ended with a net advance of 11 W at 62. Total sales of stocks amounted to 8v"i.ooo sharea. Oeneral news of the day Included further advances In fabricated steel snd Iron, completion of negotiations for a largs loan to Canada, part of which Is to be used to refund maturing obliga tions and Increased weakness In exchsnga on Paris, which was quoted at $97 for de mand with some recovery on renewed purchsses of bills. Msrks showed a better tendency and sterling was firm. Ameri cana as a whole evinced mors uniform strength In the Ixndon market, Bonds were Irregular, speculative Issues showing some heaviness. Total aslea, par value, were $8,72R,O0O.- United States bonds were unchanged on oM. Number of sales and leading quotattong on sticks today ware: gal, ftlah. Lot, rjln. Alaska 01 .t n , Allli-Oalmers T,9 8 H3 tt4 America KM gnr 4.DM TH T2 :, AnwrlnM Ca 1 84 s America Locomotive ... M.4r lav sit lit American g. R 81.IA V"J IM Am. 8. P.. pf4 no ill n in Am. Poser fRsflalas lint io4 u Anwrle. Tel. Tel l.ton til( isi( Amrl.aa TotaMn m) trt 1M Aaenn4a Obvsar 81" m m I Alrtniina l.sns M 1U yyL Baldwin Leeamotlv , MMM lilt) 1114 tit .n M4$ M RaHlmnr Oht , IMhlchoia ! , an I si sne ami in 9r Brnolilr RanIS Tr. .. t'allfaml PstmlMr . rsnailla Pkclfl ..... totrl Iathsr 8.10 W H I4W, l.mo issvi is 8,re t ttv rheieek A Okie.. 8,to ts 14 41 'it" 'rn. MS lfT ns 4;', CMraxn 0 W f1il.srv . a., r. Ti fAlc(n N. W rtiimrv . I. A P. m.. 1,4 in 4 e4 94 1T'4 94 "tl" nMo 0rer t.n rolnh Pl Iraa.... t .an (VurlM tVael W.TO Dmm A R O. pM Plat llaer tMeuntle .... T.m Krt M.IXM 84 Tie Vlensral rlectrie . . ) lTn4 19 IT Oraat KrtSMrn pfa. l ent ls 1 5114 in4 Oreat Na. Ore etfn. 11. M 4114 k 4', Onssenaalm lOvslorsttaa. '4 Illlael tvmtral lrkomusk Ona. Cars., I !" US Insplrsllos Cnfvr 41.104 414 Inltntstlonsl llrrtr... lv, I7"4 4S, lie's 7m, 12' Kum '1r aovtMrn.. Ihlirh Vslley LnnKTlll Nsahrlll. Meslrsn Pvtrolenni ... Venal Cvr Mleaourt K. AT. (.. Mlasimrl rcl!V National niaralt ....... NUIM4I Laa Naveaa rofiitr ......... New Verk ("antral N. Y., IS. It. K Nnrtnik A Wsatera Knrther Panlfla ....... l.Xr) n4 7814 1 111 4,KN 87H m4 iov 87 M 1"H 6 1 4.n MV4 1 (na 14 ll'a 1.10 1014 106 ta iniw ..... t"m T.SM) 1914 fJ l!v IH14 11,'a Pacific Mall l.tOS IIS Wl I""- Hi t.w!flv Tal. A Tl fannaTlTanla $.109 H Pallma i !" Oar..... Har Caa, Coesar 4 " 14 W.artlna ll.ew at 674 'IS tk IH I4S rs ns KS 4 nil tevi 91 I 911, 147 14' iHavuMie In A gt.,. f an M4 Pout sera rartno s.rw m-' Koul ham Rallarav 1 !T4 StiurjfmB.BF .... 1$.9uS 18$ asm (Nrppae ........ .. ..... , SM 8.M iaH ltf 1'4 Tavaa rvmMuy .... 1ala racltla r!eB Haclfla tita.. t'nlt saata M.t V. . Steel I'tah Caeoae Waam t'nlafl n sx .108.4M to. . 1 OM ItTS . 4.110 MS tl 1H I1T M in rS eS 79 'its ws WMtlaghon Rlectrle ... 49. a 71S 7S Montana Power . 1 4?t 4 r 8TS. eaaaeat Motnr Wakaah 9) eft 14S laiamatloaal Waela f4. 110 7J genneawtt C'sspor 48."e S.H MS Total aslaai tor tk ay. Stt.tO aar. Haw Tarsi Maaey Market. Vtikut vnntr Mareh It MKRCANTILB PA PRR-'014 per cnt- A " STHJRLma , VjCqiANfJH - 81ty-day hill. tU.TJS4: dsmand. $4.76 6-16; cables. siLvBi Bar, s)o, Buiwa " aiiIq, nONTiS-Oovernnaant steavdy; railroad 'TIoNET Tlma loans, firm- 60 day. $H Pr ewnt: ninety r $H Per cent; teady; high, 8 per oent: low. IVrof cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; (astloan. $ per cent; closing bid. Hi Pr cant; of- leren ai i"' , . . . Closing qvoiauon ana mr - VmrWi tea.... 9U . nl. ..... 94 ee etraeaaT .7!..!. 9S9t. K. A T. 1st .. 79 tt g. la r loa4Ma. Psa, ana. 9...Ja a. mains lot Moat Pwar 8s. 97 T TrHI ! . T. C. Sek. 4a.... 1144 Am mmxm 111 V. Y. City 4H ISTia A la gmaRMTj I.....IIOSK. Y., H. H. 86. A T. A T a 4S..lrr ev. 8s ,...1144 Aaalrrtwa. 9 .... 91 Paatfte 4a. ts AlchlM 4S.. 9JV4 9. JWj, D.I CAMo 4a 910. U raf . 4 t4 S,i Staal r. 8....ieisre. T. A T. 9a.. ..VMS ?W roTfie tat 9sraa. eea, 4Ha. WSS Che A O. sr. 4v S"4 4He. r Z a Q I. 4a.... tetHsaala swa. 4 941, O M ! ?. P. 9a.l7SS. U 4V T. T. 4. S r , i 1 p. r. . erstla. ran. ev. Bs 1S. f? ' g. rat. 4S.... 4a r. 4 s n 2 . O 4s.... rSHto. lUllwar U. less. M7aa"4a WSOnlea racin 4.... 9H naa r'lactrta I 104 o ev. 4a S oT no liT 4S t TJ. M-r 9a.. K in: twa.7rf. a. -?SS; w Bid. ' Laadaa aM Marked. LONDON, March 1C American securi ties on the stock markst were brighter, the strength in Wall street helping a moderate advance, but business remained QUtet. SILVER Bar, I7H4 Par ouiv:. MONEY Hi'' per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bills, 6H P cent; three months. $Vj per cent. Caffea Market. NBW TORK. March 1. OOFTEE The market for futures was much less active today and after some early hesitation or irregulaiitv prices broke rather eiarplv under realising, whloh seemed to coma chiefly from Wall street and Ootton ex change sources. Ths markst opened at an advance of 1 point to a decline ot 1 point and ruled abount unchanged to $ points higher during ths earlier trading. Th break earrlad July contracts off from 8.86c to 8 $o and September from $.41o to 8.2wo. with the market closing: at a net loas ot Will point. Sales. 17 lii bags; March. $ 04o; April. $.c; May. $1'; June. 8.18c: July, 88c; Autrust. 8.2c; September. $.2c; October. $.32c; Novem ber 8 $60; December. $ $9c: January. I Mc: February, $47c. Spot steady; Rio 7s. 9o; Santos is. c. Cost and frelsht offers were slow In coming In, but ths Quota tions received here were about un changed to 10 4MT10.4OO for Santo 4s. Lon don credits. Rather a batter demand was reported In jobbing circles. The official cables showed an advance of l-82d In the rate of RIo exchange on London. The Rio market waa 76 rels higher and San tos wss unchanged. Oil sal Raala. SAVANNAH, Oa.. March 14. TURPEN TINE Stesdy at 60Hc; aale. none: re ceipts. 18 bbls.; shipments, 264 tbls.; stork, $,r17 hbm. ROP1N Quiet; sale, none: rce1m. 1 l.o's.; shipments. l.K hhl ; m'-. A hbln. Quote: A. R t" D. F F . " l T t$w: K s-d M. $M"; N. 'If; WO. $5.43; WW. $V73. 4