Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    I'lii: IUIK: OMAHA, TllUiSDAY. MARCH 1(5. l!lfi
Turn Hair Dark
With Sage Tea
Grandma kept her locks dark,
glossy and youthful with a
simple mixture of Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
, .
The old-time mixture of Strp Ton nnd
Sulphur for darkening pray, strenkM ni
faded hair Js grandmother's recipe. ami
fclks ar- saaln uln It to kppp their
hair a coot".. -pn crlor, which Is quite
scnMWe. a we are living In an use when
n youthful appe.irnme Id of the greatest
Nowaday, though, we don't hiive the
troublesome tok r,t Gathering the
ufd the miifcsy inlxlnc at homo. All drue
etorea sell the i-rady-to-use- product, m
proved hy the addition of other Ingred
ient, called Wyeth'B Paee and Sulphur
rompound," for about 60 cents a bottle.
It la very popilar b cause nobody can
discovtr It has been applied. Simply mois
ten your romb or a aoft brush with It
nnd draw tills t'lrough your hair, taking
one small strand it a t'me; by morning
the gray hair disappears, but. what de
limits the Indies with WyeilVa Sse ind
Sulrhtir Compound. Is that, lienliles beau
tifully darkening the hair after a few
applications. It also produces that aoft
lustre and appearance of abundance which
Is so attractive. This rendy-to-usc prep
aration ta a delishtful toilet requisite for
trose who desire a mote youthful ap
pearance,. It la not Intended for the
cure, mitigation or prevention of disease.
W1UJ V1 CAVALRY BAND IN OMAHA Musicians snapped just before they give a concert at the Webster street
owiuuu wmie cavalrymen visit arouna.
1, yr
i j u
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C::MV v. v. ' v
r hi .
A Drexel Shoe
For Business Women
Many women who are In
business have wished for shoes
that are in keeping with their
vocations: quiet, conservative
shoes of ood quality.
While there are shoes for all
other occasions, the business
women have been neglected un
til now.
Well, here it is a shoe that
reflects refinement; a shoe of
conservative pattern, that re
tains all the exquisite work
manship, softness of leather,
quality and grace.
We offer this shoe with full
confidence that it will meet the
hearty approval ftu business
women. -
In button and lace, cloth or
Vld top, glazed kid, welt or
turned soles. "AAA to D. SUes
2 to 9. Price, $5,00.
Tarcel Poet Paid.
1419 FARNAM.
i '! "
""law. -K-V'. -i. vv.'jx. -'U ft ikv-''-'-f-
Kajrabllcan Canciidata for Ooveraor
at tha rHmnrMf.
Succeaf(il huaineas inan and one
of Hastings' Urgent taxpayers.
Will work and vote for mats-wide
prohibition. The first candidate, to
ome out square on the Uciuor question.
"Tcwaatad's lor Bportlna- Oooaa."
Aaltlmor lllvar Edliolm, Jaweler.
X4-bttiMr rixtnrta Burreaa-Qrar.dan.
Rave Koot Mat It Now Beacon Praea.
Anto Tire Chain, J as. Morton Bon Co.
Mirrors Kado and Ko-Silvorad Omaha
Glass Con. Co.. 112 Cnp. Ave. D. 17a.
1m, tornado, automobile, burglary In
aurancc. J. II. pnmont. Kepllne Bldg.
Jodffc Eatalla to ItadeBts Judge Lea
Katrlle will addreaa the high school pu
pils this afternoon in tha school audi
torium on "Literature."
"Today's Ho vis Protraut" riasntflod
etton today. It appears In Ths Bv
KXCLUSlVKLf. Find out hat ths va
rious moving- filctura Westers offrt.
Admitted to Federal Oonrt Fraotlce
Hubert C. Robertson waa ndmltlcd to
practice In the federal court.
Prominent Burgeon Ktrlomly HI Dr.
II. P. llamuton, prominent Omaha sur
gzeon, has been confined to bed with
erysipelas for several days. The dlncaso
Is thought hy physicians to be under
control at present.
Berg Oosa oa Baying- Trip O. E. Berg,
proprietor of the Berg Clothing company,
accompanied by his buyer, Albln Johnson,
left Tuesday night for New York and
other eastern points on a clothing buying
trip, taking advantage of the expected
cloth shortage. '
Use "Tex-Tlle" shingles. Sunderland.
Hipped of Watch Whlla Intoxicated
T. P. Lindsay of Butte, Mont., was
found in an intoxicated condition lying
on ths walk at Eleventh and Douglas
streets. A piece of watch fhaln was
dangling from his vest. Wednesday he
was released, after telling the police that
his watch and a small quantity of money
had been taken from him.
Medicine Peddler
. -Hikby Train Near ;
Ralston May Recover
I B. Cunnlnrham. aged about 60 year,
a medicine peddler, whose home ts at
Elwood, Neb., came within an ace of
being run over by a train at Ralston.
Just as he reached the Missouri Pacific
crossing he noticed passenger train No.
Its and stopped Ms horse leading up ta
the track. The engineer blew his whlstta
for tha crossing and this apparently gave
Cunningham a new idea, for he whipped
up his horse and drove onto the track.
Tha train was too close upon him to atop.
and as it came on the engine struck the
wagon, completely demolishing It and
throwing Cunningham out lie was con
siderably bruised and cut.
The train waa stopped, Cunningham
picked up and brought on to Omaha,
where he was placed in a hospital, lie
probably will recover. Had he driven
on, he would have been able to have
crossed the track before the trsln could
have reached him, but he stopped Jut
long enough so thst when he start el up,
ha was caught.
Mendelssohn Choir
Seat Reservations
Reservations for seats at the Men
delssohn Choir concert will start at the
Boyd theater this morning at t o'clock,
when all who have bought tickets In ad
vance moy be accommodated. The gen
eral 'seat sale will begin on Saturday,
morning, March 18.
A great deal of Interest Is being shown
In the coming concert next Tuesday,
March 21. Music lovers of this city still
cherish the memory of the first concert
given by the Mendelssohn Choir, and this
will be very similar. In that the program
is made up of "unaccompanied songs."
some of them entirely new to this city,
and others old favorites that are sure to
delight the hearers.
The assisting soloist will be Mme. Julia
Clauaaen, the distinguished Swedish contralto.
According to the health commissioner,
the best evidence of the Improvement of
the scarlet fever situation Is revealed by
the returns made to the health office by
physicians of the city.
The average number of cases reported
this month to date is eight per day, aa
agalnat twelve per day for the month of
February and ten per day for January.
During the last four days the averse?
hss been seven. The health rommisnioner
believes there will be a gradual and con
tinued diminution.
Omaha grain receipts, especially wheat,
were Just about aa light as any day dur
ing the last six months. There were
fifteen cars of wheat, seventy of corn
and thirteen of oats on the market.
Wheat was up 1H cents per bushel,
selling at M cents to 11.02. Corn was t
centa up to 1 cent down, s lllng at 17 to
C7 cents. Osta sold at M to 444 rents, 'j
cent up from Tuesday.
Dr. Ktaa's Ww Discovery.
There la nothing better for your cough
or cold thsn Dr. King's New Discovery,
in use over 40 years. Guaranteed. All
druggists. Advertisement. s
' - ,.v
General Harriei Telli Rotary Club
Only 8,000 Trained Men Will
Be Left in United States.
The present fighting strength of
the LJnited States army waa referred
to by Major General George H. Har
ries, United States army, retired, In
a talk to the members of the Omaha
Rotary club at the weekly luncheon
la the rathskeller of the HenBhaw
hotel, when he declared that If Gen
eral Pershing takes 12,000 men Into
Mexico In the punitive campaign
against Villa, the bandit, there will
be only about 8.000 trained fighters
left within the borders of this coun
try. General Harries took another rap at
the fighting equipment of the United
Mates when he mentioned the fact that
the army has a few aeroplanes on the
border ready for service. "They ought
to be well-seasoned aeroplanes," General
Harries remarked; they're alx years old.
Oh yes, we have aeroplanes, .but none of
them are any good."
Tells of Days of 18011.
General Harrlea, as the guest of honor
at the Rotary club luncheon," spoke on
the subject, "Looking Backward at Our
Unpreparedness." He recounted the con
fusion, mismanagement and deplorable
condition ot the army In the days of 1898,
His talk, largely In reminiscent vein,
was punctuated freely with timely rs
marks as to tha present status of the
army's .strength and chancea in case of
trouble with a foreign power.
Wise to I'lck On Spain.
Tha United States, he said, picked out
th least efficient enemy when the coun
try warred In law. "We certainly showed
good judgment when we singled out Fpaln
to go to war with," he added. General
Marries questioned whether or not this
country would have declared war If Spain
had been' more of a power, (
"What would we do If we ever have
trouble with a real enemy and not ona.
of the kindergarten class," he Interro
gated. A good attendance of Rotary club mem
bers turned out to hear General Harrlea
W. R. Watson presided as toastmaster.
Quite a colony of Omaha people were
at Excelsior Springs over Sunday. Among
them were:
H. H. Baldridge, Frank W. Judson,
George Brandcla, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Weller. T. C. Byrne. Mrs. B. Baker. MIhs
Uneburg. Mrs. J. H. Baker, Mrs. Slater,
Mrs. A. C. Cooke, P. B. Coad, Mr. and
Mrs J. C. Dshlman, W. g. Doty, Arthur
English, W A. Fraser, T. 3. Folay, C.
M. Garvey. E. O. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Kelly, Andrew Murphy, H. E.
Patterson, Mrs. J. E. Rugg, Miss E. M.
Reynolds and Mrs. E. R. Ijorlng.
Went All Over Hands. Skin Very
Red and Burning. Lost Rest.
' Could Not Put Hands in Water. '
"My skla began to get roaga aad paella.
It went all over my face and bands and oa
any neek, aad ersry tiaee I would wash I
took some skla off. My slda
waa vary red and burning
aad I bad to scratch aad my
face waa dlaAgured. I last
rest at night aad I aoold aat
put my hands la water.
"One day I found a Cutf
eura Soap aad Ointment ad
vertisement, I Krst bought a
oa of CuOcura Ointment and tkwa a cake
mt Cutlcura Soap, and after lig thaaa
about a week my faca began to get well,
and I used about two cakes of Cutlcura Boap
and two boxes of Ointment and I waa
bested." (Signed) Edward Podolald. SO'JT
Uresham Ave.. Chicago, 111, Sept. 20. IBIS.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Hkln Book oa request. Ad
dress pos'-card "f'aileura. Dent. T, Bs
twa." bold throughout tha world.
Rev. John Fleharty, formerly Metho
dist pastor at Benson, and a pioneer min
ister of Nebraska, la seriously 111 at the
Methodist hospital. The patient, who Is
In his eighty-seventh year, has been given
up by his physician and his death Is
hourly expected. Mr. Kleharty was for
many years stationed at Columbus and
waa known on many a western circuit
as "Brother John," to distinguish him
from his twin brother, who waa also a
minister. H. B. Fleharty, the lawyer, Is
a nephew.
Edgar M. Morsman, vice president of
the Nebraska Telephone company and
pioneer Omaha business man. who has
been critically HI at his home, 224 North
Thirty-second avenue. Is reported aa be
ing considerably better. With continued
Improvement In his condition, nhyslolans
believe he will be convalescent In a few
days. Mr. Morsman is 76 years old.
Bluffs Lad 'Borrows'
Uncle's Horse and
Buggy and Skips
Pelsed by a desire to see the world,
William Reynolds, nephew of C. W. At
wood of Council Bluffs, took his uncles
horse and buggy, early Tuesday morn
ing and started upon his journey. All
was well until about 4:ft o'clock when
the uncle became worried and called tha
attention of the local police to tha cast.
Meanwhile a horee trader In this city
purchased a horse and buggy from a
young man who stated that ha was In
serious need of cash, aocordlng to reports
of the police. The horse trsder had a
hunch that there was something wrona
in the deal, so he gave the young man
I2.M In cash and a check for fM In pay
ment for the outfit. He called the ela
tion and gave tha police a description of
the outfit and told them the clrcunv
The police notified C. W. Atwood, Who
came to Omaha and identified his prop-
i ertv.
An Opportunity To Buy Now
And Save About Half on
Rubel's Stock of Furniture,
Draperies, Rugs and Stoves
Goods of Tested Quality and
of best manufacture at the
Such a Chance Comes But Seldom
Our entire sales floors, balconies and basement axe
covered with a:i unlimited assortment. Buy now and ;
get exactly what you want, and, cs usual you make your
own terms.
. rimmajif ,,.'' ,;:",f.' aew . TkL
Litigation over the estste of the late
Colonel James 11. Pratt Is not yet ended.
Wayland V. Magee, special adminis
trator, has filed a motion in the case of
tha Fratt heirs agalnnt Carla Rehn ask
ing district court to set aalda tha Judg
ment awarded at the last term of court.
Tho motion asks that tba case b set for
April I ;
i op) or
c Ir yini li lt
For Tired Feet, Sore Feet; Tender, Aching, Swollen,
Calloused Feet and Painful Corns
"Can't beat Tiz f v
aching, swollen fee.
Don't stay fooUkkT
Just take your shues off and then put
those weary, shoe-crinkled, aching, burn
ing, corn-pestered, bunion-tortured feet
of yours in a "Tls" bath. Your toea will
wriggle with joy; they'll look up at you
and almost , talk and then they'll take
another dive In that "Tlx" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps pt lead
all tired out Just try "Tl." It's grand
It's glorious. Your feet will dance with
Joy; also you will' find all pain gone from
toms, callouses and bunions.
There's nothing like "Tls." It's tha 6nly
remedy that draws out all the polaonous
exudations which puff up your feet and
cause foot torture.
Oct a 2&-cent boa of "Tls" at any drug
or department store don't wslt. Ahl how
glad your feet get; how comfortable your
shoes feel.
We've Tested It In Our Home
Many a grocer who sells and has
tested all the various leading brands
of evaporated milk will tell you
"This is the milk we use in our home, and
we've tried them all"
On breakfast food, in coffee, for desserts, in cook
InR for any use to which you would put bottle
milk or cream, there is none superior to
Cottage Milk is pure, rich milk with some of the
moisture removed by evaporation. Nothing is
added. It's Just the richest, creamiest, freshest,
most delicious cows' milk obtainable.
Cottage Milk cannot be surpassed for table use
or for cooking. It is the milk without that pro
nounced cooked taste. , One can will convince
you of its superiority. ...
For economy's sake, for purity's' sake, for'
satisfaction's sake, try a can of Cottage
Milk. Your grocer haa it, and he recom
mends it
5c and 1 Oa a cast
Y777 vl ? i j .m V
March Weather Dangerous to Health
In rnoBt parts of the IT. 8. March
weather is usually a series of rain 'wind,
hail and snow storms. Many people
who have weathered the storms of th
previous months easily succumb to the
chilling- blasts of March. Statistics shov
that the mortality rate reaches Ita hlth
est point in March, due largely to the
fact that grip, pneumonia and other
pulmonary troubles claim many victims.
The system that is well fortified is
Invariably able to resist and throw off
disease germa so they can not take root
In the system.
taken in tablespoon doses in equal
amounts of water or milk before weal
and on retiring, is excellent in building
up the system through its beneficUi
action on the stomach. The blood is dependent upon the digestive
organs and If they do not perform tbeir duties the system becomes run
down and open to attacks of disease germs. Better health awaits
thoae who
"Get Duffy's and Keep Well.
Sold in SKALKD BOTTIJCH ONLY. Bewars of Imitations
Ctt Duffy's from year loosl drafglst, grocer
or Sealer. (1.00 pr bottle. If he cannot sup
ply you, writ us. Bend for useful aoassauld
booklet free. '
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
How U rheumatism recognized? Some have laid
Rheumatism is a dull pain.
Rheumatism it a sharp pain,
Rheumatism tore muscles.
Rheumatism is stiff joints.
Rheumatism is a shifting pain.
Al! have declared Rhevtrutism U Ptlru
Slocn's Liniment applied:
The blood begins to flow freelj the bodj's
warmth is renewedthe congestion disap
pears' the pain is gone. '
Liniment ; i
Rheumatism and allied pains yield to the penetrat
ing qualities of this warming liniment. . '' 1 .
if Iff
, . ,. 3
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West .
Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER. Distributor.
25G2 N 8t. Telephone Douglas 4231. Bouth 833 orCtS, j