Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Nervousness caused him to
have a fear of everything',
good or bad.
Tanlac Restored His Nerve
"I haven't had an attack of nervoueness
since t took the flint bottle of Teniae,"
Karl Zobel declared to the Tanlae man
yesterday at Omaha. Mr. Zobel la a
driver for the t. B. Tee On., Council
Pluffa. Towa. He lives In that city at
7? Avenue K. 4
"I had stomach trouble and nervousneae
from childhood," ha continued tn the
Teniae man. 'For the pest three years
I have irrn much worse. I am II year
"I was so nervous that I had a fear
of everytiilng; thought something was
going t hurt me. I didn't haTa much
of an appetite and had tn force myself
tn eat. Purine these spall I used to be
so weak that I could not rale my arms.
Sometimes for an entire day I couldn't
control myself and would suffer1 with
thta fear and nervnusneas.
"My slater learned of tha good Tenia
waa doing others and aha (tot me my flrat
hot tie," continued Mr. Zobe, I haven't
had a spell alnca ualng It. , I feel fine.
I ran aat anything and plenty of It.
"Teniae la the heat nerve restorer on
the market. I took much beef. Iron and
wine, hut It did not cur my nervousness.
1 am feeling good. I handled thirty sacks
of sugar today and am' not tired or
Tanlac la being specially Introduced In
Owen at the Owl drug afore, lth and
Harney stiweta, by the Teniae man, who
explains lie uaes and make known the
result to he expected.
Tanlac may bo obtained In the follow
ing title: Ashland. Cone's Pharmacy;
niue Springs, n. N. Wonder; Benaon,
Kchlltrr-Heattl rharmocy; Central City
Hehlllcr Drug Store: Orand Island, Clay
ton's rharmaoy: Weeping Water, Mayer
lnig Store. Advertisement.
A Kansas City Iavlr Who lark fried
IIT Gray Hair and SUmnlatcd
Its Cirowth by Simple
Home Process.
She Tells How fihe Did It.
A. well-known resident of Kansas City,
Mo., who darkened her gray hair by a
simple home process, made the following
statement; "Any ludy or gentleman can
dnrk on their gray or faded hair, stimu
li! te Its growth and make It soft and
glossy with this simple recipe, Marhich
they can mix at horns. To half pint of
water add 1 os. of bay rum, 1 small bog
of Bar bo Compound and H os. of glycer
ine. These Ingredients can be purchased
at any drug atore at very little cost.
Apply to the hair every other day until
tli o gray hair la darkened sufficiently,
then every two weeks. This mixture re
lieves scalp troubles and Is excellent for
dwndruff and falling hair. It doe not
stain the scalp, la not sticky or greasy
and do' not rub off. It will make a gray
haired person look 10 to 80 years younger.
lludd Check Sparkling Er
Most Women Can Have.
Bays Sr. Inward, a WsU-Xaowa Okie
Dr. r. M. Edward for 17 years treated
arores of women for livsr and bowel ail
ments. During those years ha gave to his
patlnt a prescription made of a few
well-known vegetable Ingredients mixed
with olive oil, naming them Dr. KdwerU
Olive Tablets, you will know them by
their olive coior.
These tablets are wonder-workers on
the liver and bowels, which cause a
normal action, carrying off the waste
and poisonous matter that one's system
collects. .
If you have a pale face, sallow look,
dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head
aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out
of aorta. Inactive bowels, you take one
of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly
for a time and note the pleasing results.
Thousands of women at well as isan,
take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets now
and then just to keep In the pink of con
dition, . i .'
Dr. Edward' Olive Tablets, the suc
cessful substitute for calomel lOo and
So per box. All druggist.
The Olive Tablet Company, Ooluiubua,
The "Come-back" man was really never
nown-and-out. Ilia weakened condition
Ii'um of over-work, lack of exercise.
!.i,.nl-.-r eating and living demands ailm
u.mluri to satisfy the err for a health-
eiwng kpptuie and the refreniilng alenp
i-iM-l.tW to stmth. (WU) UKUAL
ilnarlrtu rill Capsules, the National Kem
iriy of Holland, will do the wurk. They
w wuiiUnf ul! TUnse of Iheee oapauUia
, h day lll put a man on his font be
fore he knows It; whether his trouble
comes from uric acid polaonlnic, the kid
tir a. gravel or stone la the bladder,
Muiiiaih diTanaeiiifnl or other aiiimiuL
I Sal befall the over-sraloua Amerlran.
Iwn't wait until you are entirely down-enl-ti(.
but take Oirn t.xlay. Your drug
frt will slailly refund your money if
tiit y da nut t"lp you. . Wo and Sl.fu
.,-r box. Accept no eultttulee. Look
f.r the name OOIA) M KDA L on every
t. They re the pure, original. Im
ported liaariem Oil Capsules. Adver-
tlWUH-dl, ,
We have a suoceasf ui treatment for
Tintlure without resorting to a calaful
aixl uncertain em steal opeiatiuo. We
me the only regulable, pnyatclaii who
wt,i Uiii auch cvm upon a guarantee te
tin emttefactoi y results. V have de
otf1 more tnan twenty year to the ex
ctuBlve treatment of ltupiure, and we
iAve pert wted the bat treatment In ex-l-icn
iixiay. We do not injact paref.
tine or v. as it la danKeroua. The ad
Vfcuifcces of our treatment are: No loa
cf lime. No detention from bualneaa.
Ne oonxer from chloroform, shock and
Mood putauu a-id uu lautg up la a hae-
A l ev of Oar Satisfied Patients.
Mr. fttr Hwh. Harrird. Neb.; Arnold
Pom, Nuifoik, Neb.; W. M. Uenallnger,
l-.urr. Neb.; C 8. Judd, Avuta. la.; Juho
It. liMtver, Blair. Neb.; C. M tier its, Mtl.
ern, la.; Orrtn Heed, fKalall, Men.;
i, i..n t'arlaoii, Oakland, I.el, ; KeV. J. k
tiaJirarl. L 1 1 a, Nb ; John livliiie. VVIe-
l.-6.; John f'o. filoux CI', la ; aa
i urf,)f, Uil Nurt'i lit fci Ouaia,
f ' . n! huri'lrea rf others
r - I ,. ntt !;, W aa T a HLkDOMX,
. 4 t -j. JBee.
Statement en Law and Fact Cover
lng Procedure Written fcy
Alliance Editor.
ALLIAHCR. Neb., March 1.
(Special.) Marta Interest la belnf
ah own already In the land drawing
under (he tilenninn of (he grera
meat reclamation prejeet In the
North Platte valley, aecm (4 take
plaae, gad there (a aeitslderahle mla
uadergtandlni regarding It, Home
af (he published a(almen(g purport
ing ta lee Information enntaln er-
mra vlileb (f not eorreeled may
esuca a good many seepie annoy-
use and needless eipenao, Only
these vim are lucky enmiph to draw
a tUShi K'UBt Join (he water usera'
(The following suggeatlees ta persons
who wii te try for a claim in this draw
ing iiaue beun prepared by the editor of
the Alliance Iforaid, who has given care
ful attention te tha matter and secures
his Information from official sources,
with a view te reducing tha er pen lies of
applicants to a minimum:
rirrt secure a map of the land or a
"legal description" of the claims (farm
units, as they are called), showing where
they are located and the number of Irri
gable acres un eech farm unit. This list
Is too long to Insert here, but Is being
put Into print by tho Alllsnce Herald
and will be ready for distribution within
a day or two, as will also a printed map
of the territory covered, a plate for which
Is now being made by the engraver.
Hew te B elect I.aad.
ten go te the land and select tha farm
unit on which you wish te file yeur claim.
It Is necessary ta da this before making
out your filing pspcrs. Person who wish
te get In on the drawing; wilt naturally
want te some to AllUnee, - a here the
United Blatea land office for this district
Is located, Here yeu ess) secure trans
portation across country to the lend, er
If you prefer you can taka the railroad
train te Ulna tare or Bayard, the two
towns closest the tend, and drive out
from either ef these places. Mtnatere Is
the closest town to most of the fsrm
unit, Bayard la closest te the balance
of them,
After selecting- the fsrm unit en which
you wish to f lis, go (or send) to the
I'nlted Btates reclamation office at
Mitchell, Neb., and deposit 13.75 per arri
s-able acre, the first water peyment en
the government's construction charge,
and secure receipt therefor.
Maklagr Oat Tapers.
Return te Alliance and have your filing
papers made out and deposit the same
and the necessary filing fee and the re
ceipt from the United States reclamation
office at Mitchell, with tha register and
receiver of the United States land office.
Or, If you prefer, have your filing papers
made and acknowledged by a United
Htates commissioner at Mitchell er some
other town within the Alliance land dis
trict, or before the county judge er elerk
of the district court at Oering, If the
land you select Is within Scott's Bluff
county, er before the county judge er
clerk of the district court at Bridgeport
if the lend is within Morrill county, then
enl the filing papers wtih necessary
filing fee and receipt for first water pay
ment to the United Htates land office at
Alliance, Neb.
While In western Nebraska It will he
a fine thing for persons who file for a'
chance In this land drawing to visit as
many towns as possible, but It Is not
neceesary to visit or send to any town
other than those above mentioned.
And remember that If you want a
chance on the land ta be drawn for you
must get your filing In before o'clock
a. m. of March (4. As the land office
closes at 4 p. m. and does not open till
a m. the next flay you must call be
fore 4 p. m. of Msrch , unless you send
yeur filing by mall. In which event the
envelope containing It must reach the
Isnd e fries by I a. m. of March Jk.
Nearatgrta and Paootlagr Palaa.
Bloan's Liniment is a wonderful medi
cine for neuralgia and sharp shooting
pains; applied to painful spots It stops tha
ache. Only tSe. All drugrlsta Advertise
ment, i
Five Silver Cups for
Breeders of Swine
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March IS. (8peclal. The
State Board of Agriculture will offer five
sliver eupa worth tC each to breeders of
swine at the National Swine show which
will be held In Omaha October I ta 7. The I
prise will be for the best exhibit of
Poland-China, Berkshire, Duroo, Hamp
shire and Chester White boars and three
gilts farrowed since February L 1M.
Matael Get rreaaottaa.
LINCOLN, March 15.-8peclal.)-Th
State Board of Control has appointed P.
8. Marnell of Nebraska Olty as second
assistant physician at the linootn asylum
to fill the vacancy caused by the promo
tion of the second aaslstant to be super
intendent of the Beatrice home for the
feeble minded some Urn ago.
GRAND 1BLAND, Neb.. March 15.
(Suectal Matron Hradbury report that
!r. and Mra. Ktordvoe have mturned to
Llnooia aXler a long tour on the 1'arlflo
coast. Bhe also mentioned rwcenily meet
ing jonn lam, me ex-adjutant, aitd at
Hatch, who formed the acquaintance of
a large itumoer oi rnnnoa while In
leland during his slay a tvr m I
W. U Llndley died at the weet hospital
Saturday morning of paralyaia. VI r.
Lindlev was a corporal In Company D ef
the Nineteenth Iowa Infantry and waa
admitted to the home January U, lteet,
from Imugle comity.
Comrade Uager of the convalescent hos
pital has aa old coin for which he has
refoeed all ofters. It is a half-cant ptc
coined In a United ruliu tn the
year 1V4.
The home ehoemaker has taken a thirty
flay leave cf abeamce and gone to OmaJia.
where he win recelv ntellcaj treatment
at Kt Joseph's hoepltai.
Mra O. ti. Kvui, In the dormitory,
haa Just re t ottl from Herman. Ntb.,
where ahe attended the ntnoty-fourth
birthday eelebtwttoa of bar faloar, Ueorge
ktra. Minnie Oardell has taken a leave
ef absence of too dayei, going to Omaha,
whore ahe will vtail with friaaaa W
rmde Norton haa aiao taka a a trim te
Julia Bream, atewarg ta the wee hos
pital, has gone oa a leave nf ahar aad
wu iiat at wm lamniwit Uta.)
pttai, Ul ivauaaa V n y , jia W1U
(Continued from rage One.)
to confer with (he Associated Retail
ers on (he matterg of ways and means
of going about the proposition.
Naasea Special Ceaaaalttee.
The Btilldera' exchange special commit
tee, appointed for this purpose, consists
of W. r. Bullard and K. O. Hamilton.
President Harrison of the Real Ratate
exchange says the depot matter will be
considered by the real eatate people as
soon as possible, but that this week's
meeting hsd to be given over to a dis
cussion of the proposed good mada bonds,
scheduled a week ago as a special order
of business. Next week the exchange
will hear the five-minute speeches in
tha elimination contest to determine who
will represent Omaha In an oration at
New Orleans before the National Aaeo
clatlnn of Real Kstate tuxrhanges. Mr.
Harrison aays If the speeches can be
rushed through In time, the depot mat
ter will probably be considered at that
Uuslneas men all over the city are
dally commenting more and more on the
drpot situation snd on the campaign The
Bee Is now making for a new depot.
Robert Cowell of the Firm of Thomas
Hilpatrirk Co. There la no doubt
that Omaha should have a new
union depot.
This Is a larger proposl-
Hon thsn many of us are ready to be
lieve. Care should be exercised In the
location of the alte, because we should
look ahead many years. We know that
the msp of a progressive city like Omaha
undergoes changes. ' Compare the center
at Twenty-fourth and yarn am streets
with that Intersection ten years ago, as
an Instsnce. I believe the railroads
would befriend themslves by giving
Omaha an adequate union station. I sin
cerely hope the transportation companlca
will give Omaha thta needed Improve
ment. R. B. Weller of Weller Brothers, Lum
ber Dealers There Is no room for any
arUKtnent about the need of a new union
passenger station In Omaha. Omaha
needs such a station and needs It ur
gently, I think there Is no question,
either, about the best location. It should
stand on Leavenworth street between
Sixteenth and Eighteenth strsets and It
should be of sufficient else to take care
of the actual prospective Increase In bus
iness) for many years to come. The
change from the present location would
be no greater than the change made when
union stations were built in such cities
as Washington, D. C; St. Louts and
Kansas City. In fact, the station In Kan
sas City was a far more radical depar
ture. In necessitated a complete change
of the city transportation lines and ave
nues of travel. Omaha's present station
Is not only entirely Inadequate In else,
but It Is too far from the center of the
city, the retail district, hotels and so on.
Week of Wonderful
Windows to Start
With a Gala Night
"The Week of Wonderful Windows,"
an Interpretation of tho Omaha Retail
Publicity Buyer elub of the nationally
advertised "Dressup Week" campaign,
wi.l start at 7:80 o'clock Thursday even
ing, March SO, when practically every
merchant In the downtown district will
uncurtain their show -windows and dis
play to the crowds the latest Ideas and
ultramodern styles In spring merchandise.
Committees have ben appointed to act
with a special committee of the Asso
ciated Retailers to formulate plans which
the Retail Publicity Buyers' club Is con
fident will make the evening of March
W the gala night of the year in the re-
tall dlatrlct '
The club In charge of the "Week of
Wonderful .Windows" waa formed pri
marily for tho purpose of heart-to-heart
dlscusidons . of the problems which con
front the buyers of the various retail or
ganisations. Although the membership Is limited to
twenty retail buyer, the object of the
organisation, It Is said. Is to have re
presented practically every line of the re
tail Interests. The merits of the various
classes of retail publicity are discussed
at tha meetings and general merchan
dising ideas exchanged.
Ouch! Backache!
Rub Lumbago or
Pain From Back
Eub stiffness away with small
trial bottle of old
St. Jacob's Oil
Ahl Pain la gone I .
QutcklyT-Tea. Almost Instant relief
from aoreneaa, ' stlffneea, lameness and
pain follows a gentle rubbing with "St
Jaoobe Oil."
Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right
on your painful bark, and like magic, re
lief eomea. "St. Jacob Oil" I a harmleea
backache, lumbago and eclatica cure,
which never disappoint and doesn't burn
the sktn.
Straighten up! Quit complaining: Stop
those torturous "stitches." In a moment
you will forget that you ever had a weak
back, because it won't hurt or be stiff or
lama Don't suffer! Get a small trial
bottle of old. honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
from your druggist now and get thta
lasting relief. Advertisement.
Try This If You
Have Dandruff
There U one euro way that never fall
t remove dandruff completely and that
la to dlaaolv It. Thle destroys It en
tirely. To do this. )ut get about four
ounce of plain, ordinary liquid arvoo;
apply It at night when retiring; use
enough te moisten the scalp and rub It
la gently with the finger tip.
By morning, moat If not all. ef your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve -and entirely destroy evfry single
lgo and trace of It. no matter how touch
dandruff you may have.
Ton will find. too. that ail ttahine: and
dlrrtng of the scalp will atop Instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, histxoue.
goer. tlky and soft, and look and feel
a hundred time better.
Tea caa get liquid arrua at any drug
tare. It t Inexpensive, and four ounce
ta ail yea will need. TSJ auaspl remedy
seem knewa te faCL WLdvar-
Certain Commissioners Are Charged
with Mapping New Eoads to
Suit Themselves.
Charges of pork carrel methods, anl
assertions that certain county commis
sioners are mapping out the proposed
good roads program to get the pavement
In their Immediate neighborhood, were
made at the meeting of the Omaha Real
Kstate exchange at noon when the matter
of the proposed 11,700,000 bond was taken
up as a special order of business.
The whole countroversy resulted In a
vote of the exchange making It the sense
of the body that the bond proposition
should be deferred until such time as a
definite plan can be arranged for the
maintenance of the roads, and until a
definite plan can be devised or a law en
acted thst would cause a part of the
expense of building to be borne by the
persons and property Immediately bene
fited by the roads. -
County Commissioners Harte, Best an4
McDonsld appeared before the exchange
end made talks about the proposed bonds,
giving some facts and figure a When
Commissioner Harte explained where
some of the roada were to be, according
to a plan devised by the board exception
wss taken to It.
Fdson Rich, as a Commercial club man,
ssld he had been Informed that Mr. Hart
waa locating five miles of the road In his
Commissioner McDonald leaped to his
feet and declared that Harte Is not a rep
resentative of a precinct, but represents
the county at large.
Says We Become
Cranks on Hot
Water Drinking
Hopes every man and woman
adopts this splendid
morning' habit.
Why 1 man and woman, half the time.
feeling nervoua, despondent, worried;
some days headachy, dull and unstrung;
some days really Incapacitated by Ill
If we all would practice lnslde-bathlng,
what a gratifying change would take
place. Instead of thousands of half-sick,
naemlc-looklng souls with pasty, muddy
complexion we should see crowd of
happy, healthy, rosy-cheeked people
everywhere. The reason la that the human
system does not rid Itself each day of all
the waste which It accumulate under
our present mode of living. For every
ounce of food and drink taken Into the
system nearly an ounce of waste material
must be carried out. else It ferment and
form ptomaine-like poisons which are
absorbed Into the blood.
Just as necessary a It Is to clean the
ashes from the furnace each day, before
the fire will burn bright and hot, so we
must each morning clear the Inside organs
ef tha previous day's accumulation of In
digestible waste and body toxins. Men
and women, whether sick or well, are
advised to drink each morning, before
breakfast, a glass of real hot water with
a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In
It, as a harmless means of washing out
of the stomach, liver, kidney and bowel
tha Indigestible muterlai, waste, sour bile
and toxin; thus cleansing, sweetening
and purifying the entire alimentary canal
br.for putting more food into the stom
ach. Million of people who had their turn
at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stom
aco, nervous days and sleepless nights
have become real cranks about the morn
ing inside-bath. A quarter pound of lime
stone phosphate will not cost much at
tho drug store, but 1 sufficient to dem
onstrate to anyone Its' oleanslng, sweeten
ing and freshening effect upon th ya
tem. Advertisement
r WorUT Greatest
fxterael Jimutdy,
Cougha anal Colds
tea okee ana aaetker
Weak Chests,
Irulli a
in j fipiTW
ilk i-
"Well. In hi neighborhood, then." said
Mr. Rich.
"Not In his neighborhood, either," said
"It Is nine miles from my place,"
chimed an Harte.
Mr. Rich then said that he would be
compelled, along with Mr. Cheek and
Mr. Wells of the Auto club, to report
back unfsvorably to the bonds unless
these matters could be straightened out.
He aald it was originally planned that
certain main roads should be built and
that a surplus shonld be left over. "Now,"
he said, "these commissioners have gone
together and decided to build nine miles
more of road at places that suit them,
without having consulted with the various
organisation) that were helping in the
Dog Brings Home
Body of Infant
ABERDEEN, 8. T)., March IS. (Special
Telegram.) Mr. William Nork of Red
field, a young married woman, heard a
racket en the back porch and stepped
out to find the dog owned by the family
had left the body of an Infant wrapped
tn a cloth on the porch. The cloth waa
wet and Indicated that the dog had found
the Infant In a creek or that It had lain
out during the night and had died of ex
posure. State' Attorney Roy T. Bull 1
Investigating the matter, but no arrests
have been made.
W la well Re-elected.
DAVENPORT, Neb.. March IS. (Spe
cial.) Superintendent 11. O. Wlswell, Su
perintednent Lucy 8. Kelfer, Principal
Helen Lyon, Assistant Principal
Charle 8. Reed, mathematics, have been
re-elected for the coming year. They
have made a good record. The school has
run smoothly for the last two years. No
action was taken on grade teachor.
It. Chicago 12:40 noon I ""s,-n1. I '"""""""Na
Lt. Englewooi 12:56 p.m. I i J
AuKtvtYoxk 9:40 a.m. II
U New York 2:45p.m. I I
J ,M U y 20 E-30URS
A 1 ilJIL&fi Pennsylvania
(l H immi Lines
I parncnlam
J f 1 Trooeing- Po. Agt.
et r I 224-225 City National
ty if 'a Be nit Building
(J Sa Deaataai X003
! L - OMAHA,' NEB.
Indigestion Goes Instantly! Ends Sourness, Acidity
and ail Stomach Misery No Waiting-Get Some!
Do some food yon eat hit back taste
good, but work badly; ferment into stub
born lumps and cause a alck. sour, gassy
stomach T Now. Mr. or Mrs. Dyepetle.
jot this down; Papa's Dlapepsln digest
everything, leaving: nothing to sour snd
upset yeu. There never was anything: so
safety quick, so certainly affective. No
difference how badly your stomach la
disordered you will get happy relief In
five minutes, but what pleaeea you moat
la that it strengthens and regulates your
stomach so you can eat your favorite
food without fear.
Most remedies give yeu relief some
times they are slow, but not sure.
Elinor Glyn
Who wrote "THREE WEEKS
lias written a brand-new story
She calls it "The Career of Katherine Bush."
If you read. "Three Weeks" the mere an
nouncement of the new story is enough.
For that big, short love-story won its way to
your heart because it might almost have been
your story even before the frankness of it made
the world sit up and rub its eyes.
Well the world will sit up again as the tale
of Katherine Bush unfolds.
' She and other women who have made the
mistake she makes in the first chapter even
though they make it unwittingly or perhaps .
against their wills, instead of deliberately, as she
did have got to be provided for in the- big
scheme of life. . - - . ,
"The Career of Katherine Bush" is a tale of
today read it in the. April
On all news -stands now
, GAS,
"Pap1 Dlapepsln" 1s quick, positive and
put your etomach in a healthy condition
o the misery won't come back,
Tou feel different as soon aa "Papa's
Dlapepsln" comes in contact with the
stomach distress Just vanishes- your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food,
your head clear and yeu feel fins,
Oo now, make the best investment yea
ever made, by getting- a large fifty-cent
eaae of rape's Dlapepsln from any drug
store. - Tou realize In five minutes how
needless It Is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any atomach disorder, Don't
be talked Into something else "Just a
good." Get the genuine, no Imitation,