Tin: bkb: omaha, nnmsnAY, makcii ig, 101c. RUMOR CARRA1IZA ASKS jOR DELAY Secretary Baker Declines to Discnif Eeport Mexican! Want Tint Chance to Villa. HAS XO NEWS mOJI BOEDER WASHINGTON, March 15. Sec retary Baker, when asked today If a request had been recelred from Car rania military officials on the border for a delay of the American expedi tion so that Carransa force might carry out their own plana to capture Villa, aald: "I hare nothing to say .on that subject." r Ttaa department had heard noth ing of the rumored blowing up of an American troop train nor of any im portant' military development south of the border. AMERICAN ARMY ' ENTERS MEXICO WITHOUT A SHOT (Continued from Pag On.) i d facto government. Colonel Ilertanl. j the commanding offloer of the Carransa (trrtmn at Paloroaa, on the south aid of : the line, joined Oeneral Pennine. lUa j force was only some 400 men, but they i were reported to have displayed wllllnr- J TwHia and even e (femes to Join In the j chaaa. Aa a body, the Mexican troops I will remain under their own commander, but a number of them are being employed aa scouts by Oeneral Perahlng. J General Perching ha gone Into Mexico 1 with orders to wipe out Villa and his or- ajenUatlon. t'nleaa ordera to th con- j trary are received from thoaa higher In ' authority than Oeneral runston, the cam- . ' palgn that was begun today will onn- I tlnua until Villa Is captured or killed, j No limit have been placed on th field 1 of operations. Colonel i Teaelsa Redaeed. Newa that the expedition was under way reduced tension evident at army headquarters her during th earlier part of th day. It was expected th troop would cross earlier In th day, but minor troop movements and other details of or ganisation delayed th start. There are now available in this depart men for operation In Mexico more than 20,000 troop and If th plans tor recruit ing the companies to full atrength are parried out this number will be tncreaaed quickly. Cavalry posts have been relieved by In fantry In moat raaea in order to furnish a more mobll fore for th pursuit of Villa, although In th expedition that went In today there is a considerable fore of artillery, which can be reinforced at any time by several mor batteries lhat now are held on th American side within easy distance cf th border. lit Wkrreskest Secret. If th exact whereabouts of Villa are known at army headquarters th fact baa not been disclosed. Generally it is be lieved b has moved southward toward th Guerrero district In the foothills of the Sierra Madres, but reports from Mex ican source indicate that th do facto government troop will do their best to turn h!m northward toward th advanc ing American columns, Bands affiliated with Villa In other parts of northern Mexico have not In dicated their intentions, but brisk ac tivity on their part a ill be no surprise to th American army officers. It ia ex pected that In chasing Villa these bands will have to be engaged from time to time. Inqu iry Into Rates On Meats Extended To All Bail Lines WASHINGTON. March lS.-The Inter tat Commerce commission today ex tended th aoope of it investigation Into th rat end practicaa Involved in th trtnsportation of fresh meats, lire stock and packing nous products, so a to in clude all th railroads la th United State. Tnder th first order In th eas Issued, lest November th commission announced Its intention to Investigate rates wast of th Mississippi ' Today's order brought the roads In th southwest and eaat of th Mississippi river and north of th Ohio and Potomac river Into th Investigation. The Investigation grew out ef th so- called western ad vane rat case, n which th railroads asked for Increases on live stock, fresh meats and packing house products, but tailed to get th cnmmiailon'a approval. DEATH RECORD. Basa Saaader. T.KORA. Neb.. March It. (Special.) Em Raundera, for fifteen years a well known character of Aurora, died thte morning of pneumonia at th bom of J Pueey Chapman. Itr. Baunder had been la the employ of Mr. chapman as an rmbidmer for a number ef years., After his death it was discovered last no on had aver heard blm apeak of hi rela tives. Th latest communication from and of hi relatives among his effects waa a letter fro a brother In Atlanta, Oa.. dated Arm! ItasBbarsT. FREMONT, Neb.. March la-fipectal ) Arnold Romberg, pioneer Scribner resi dent, who died at hi home her, was a member of th brldg gang employed on in union rectno wnen that com-. I any was extending Its Una across th plains to the coast. Mr. Romberg cam to Omaha from Illinois, where he first lotid when coming to this country from Germany. He waa S7 year of age. . Mra. Mary Jaa Jolly. , TIXTMSEH. Neb., March lt-3peclal -Mi, alary Jane Jolly, wife of W. C Jolly, died at her bom her Saturday merit, agea 71 year. Th funeral was held at the Methodist Episcopal church this afternoon and bural waa la th T eurawh cemetery. Mr. Jolly was one c f th pioneer aetllera of this section of Nebraska. Ceoree B. Daalela. FALLS CITl". Neb.. March la.-(pe-cUl.l Gleorg B. panlelds. aged 87. died at his home in this city at a. m., Tues cUy, after a lingering illneaa. Mr. Dan l. ,1 was engaged in the grocery buslnes In this city befor tils health broke down. He U survived by a widow and a family if rrowa children. Th funeral will b htid frtm the Christian church at I'M l. ii i on 'ihursday. s TROOPERS HERE , ENROUTE SOUTH TO HUNT VILLA (Continued from Pag One thirteen cars filled with horses three wagon cars, two car of field equipment, and four cars of hay and grain followed. In th Grace street yards the two trains were consolidated ami by the Missouri Paclfia taken to South Omaha, where the horses were fed ant exercised, . going south to Kansas City at t o'clock yes terday afternoon. Th first train bringing th officers and men arrived nearly an hour earlier than It was expected, but notwithstanding this there were many men and women at the Webster street station to greet and cheer Colonel ickel and Ma command. After the Informal greeting th men scattered about th city, while th headquarter band formed on th south slda of th station and for nearly an hour delighted th crowd with musical selections, many of which were new. Among th piece played was a medlev of patriotic airs, such aa "Dixie," th "Star Ppangled Ban ner," "Ptars and Bttlpeg Forever" and several others, arranged and named "W Are on the Way to Mexico," 'Port Omaha" Pleee. Th piece goes with snap and Is full of spirit, enough so that it was loudly cheered. Other selections were: "Fort Omaha, "In the Hills of Old Kentucky." "Tippers ry" and "Down Among th Shel tering Palms." ' Th men are a husky lot. fine, active young fellows, and most of them -have seen service. In th command are a num ber ef th Phlllppln veteran and still more who have seen service along th Mexican border In time past. Colonel Blckel ts a veteran of th Span ish American war and in th Philippines won his spur. II was through th greater portion of th campaign and was under General Punston. He, Ilk all th men under him, I glad that b I oa th way to Mexico, remarking, "W are glad to get away from th monotony of camp life. While w may no( have a brush with th Mexican, we would enjoy nothing mor," Has Foaabt Meatvaas Be fere. Captain J. B. Huggins of th command Is looked upon aa a veteran in th Mex ican campaign. This I th second time that be has been called upon to do ser vice on the border. He was there two years, stationed at Brownsville and El Paso, having returned to Kort Robinson, but a few months ago. The captain passed through . Omaha two years ago last No vember, at that Urn en rout to th Mex ican border. Captain Hugglna, while not speaking with authority, expressed his Individual opinion, saying that he anticipated a long campaign before returning north, adding: "If w go Into Mexico it Is not going to be a be fore-break fast Job. It will b a long war In th event It I war. It will be fight and follow up, without any long-fought battles In solid formation. The Mexicans are not men who stand and fight. They sneak uo on a camp, fir a volley and run. Then you have to follow them out In th hills and Into th brush and tk chances on being pot-ehotted. However, th men anticipate this kind of fighting and are going . to njoy It it they gat a chance to a;f into ' Aged Bluffs Woman Burned to Death Mrs. Mary Ann Chenoweth ef Council Bluffs, was burned to death today when her clothing caught fir from a stove befor which ah was silting, at th home of her daughter, Mra W. A. Gruvcr, ICO M street. She was D years of age. Mrs. Oruver was also burned consider ably when she attempted to cave nor mother's II f by throwing water over th flames. HOTELS AND STORES AT CAPE GIRARDEAU BURN CAPB OIBARDEAU, Mo.. March IV- Two hotels and a department store war destroyed by fire her today. Th dam age waa estimated ai $300,000. 8vral hotel guests were badly burned. OLD PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEYS. A medicinal preparation Ilk Dr., Kil mer's Swamp-Root that haa real eura-' tiv value almost sells itself. Like an endless chain system th remedy is rec ommended by those who have been bene fited to those who are In need of lt. Pr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root la a physi cian's prescription. It has been tested for years and has brought result to countless number who hav suffered. Th sucrra of Dr. Kilmer Swamp- Root U due to th fact that It fulfill al most every wish In overcoming kidney, liver and bladder diseases, corrects urin ary troubles snd nsuarallies th uric sold which causes rheumatism. Do not suffer. Get a bottle of Swamp- Root from any druggist now. Start treatment today. However, If yon wish first to test this great preparation aend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer At Co., Binghamton, N. T., for a sample bottl. Whan writing be sure and mention th Omaha Dally Be. Whtut ) you foal m cold doses 01 LAAA 1 IVb BKUMU UUlMNt, wincn destroys perms, nets as a Tonic and Laxative, and keeps the system in condition to throw eff attacks of Colds, Grip and Influenza. ' LqxqMvo Iromo (ojuinino Removes tha Ccusa cf Cclda, Crip ssnd influenza List remember thero la Only Ono "Bipozzzd Quiszlzzo" CU tot fuH nmmm mnd look foe thla snafur ot box COLONEL ROJAS IS KILLED MOWN MEN Carrania Commander at Ojinago ia Slain While Trying to Quell At tempt at Mutiny. MEN WASTED TO RAH) THE U. S. MARFA, Tex., March 15. The re ported death of Colonel Rojas, Car ranza commander at OJInaga, at the handi of his own men, who attempted to mutiny last night, was confirmed by telephone advice here today. Ro jas waa trying to control hia men, who were drinking and threatening to Invade the United Btatea, when be was shot from the crowd, according to the report. EDITOR SHIELDS LEAVES RACE FOR GOVERNORSHIP ALMA. Neb., March .-Bpeclal.)-P. P. Bhlelds, editor of a newspsper at Or leans, who field as democratic candidate for governor, haa withdrawn from the race, and In an Interview with a Be re porter gave out the following statement regarding hi withdrawal: (- more than one occasion during the I net few month I hav snld that If I thought that my remaining on the demo- cratln ticket as a candidate for the nomi nation as governor would be the means of nominating a wet candidate I would pescefully and willingly withdraw. And judging at thl distance, I am convinced that with three drys In the field nothing but slaughter remains. I'nllke many other candidates who have withdrawn from the battle of douht. I am making my getawav in favor cf no one. During my utterances In the cam paign thus far I have fully enjoyed the satisfaction of telling the people what I would attempt to accomplish by way of reform wer I governor of the great state of Nebraska. I have been approached by no candidates offering emoluments or appointments should I lay down my hand. I am out of the race because of the Interest I have In the dry movement Mr, Bhlelds Is an admirer of W. J. Bryan, but th editorial utterances In hla paper indicate that he Is not friendly to th candidacy of Charley Bryan, who Is dubbed by th retiring candidate aa a "popplnjay." Mr. Shields ran for th A .Oafctiful uard The Stomach, Liver and Bow els are real factors in health matters, and it is a wise plan to watch them care fully. As soon as the appetite wanes, or the digestion becomes impaired, recourse should be had to 0STE TEH'S Differs Stomacl ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. " f1 '-hi n.t j;, ang Gray Hair Restored to its Natural Color In s tew eenllcetlnns to Its original dark, glossy Shine, no msiter bow long l has bea gtay or faded, and dandruff raoovea by WW iwtae J n St)i Iiktrff no en will know yon are tulnr n, e. Me, 91. all dealers or direct upon receipt ef price, (tend for bookies ' twauutul hlt." Fhllo May (ipeolaltles Oompany, Newark, N. J. Clears Away Pimples There la on remedy that seldom falls to clear away all pimples, black heads nd skin eruptions and that makes th akin soft, clear and healthy. Ant druggist can supply you with temo, which generally overcomes all skin dis eases. Acne, ecsema. Itch, pimples, rsshes, black heads in most caaes give wav to unto. Frequently, minor blem ishes disappear overnight. Itching usu sllv stops Instantly. - Zemo is safe, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 2fr; an extra large bottl. 11.00. It will not stain. Is not greasy or sticky and Is positively safe for tender, aensltlv skins. Zemo, Cleveland. n mm u coming on, stop it with a few M 111 VST M'fini 3"I-S III "Jliaiim jff f5 Prioo 23o. - r.. nilnnticn for secretary of state and re- cejved a good vote. Dutch Firm Buys American Cotton Held at Schiedam SCHIDAM. Holland, March . (Via London.) Two thousand bales of Amer ican cottor which were forwarded by a Itilladelphla company and destined for a Bremen firm, are about'' to be re leased from th Netherlands oversea trust embargo under which they hav been held here for months, owing to Great Britain' stipulation that none but Dutch Industries would be permitted to receive them. ' Dutch spinners, who are badly In need of raw material, have bought th consignment from th Bre men firm at a price of MO a bale In ex cess of th quotation of th day. Voluntary Trusts Will Savo You Money It Will Pay You to PRICES, Always, fit This complete and roomy Boone Kltcben Cabinet, like cut, ' Is of solid oak; size 42 In. in width, art glass doors, tilting sugar and flour bins, large, roomy section for vessels and gro cery supplies. OUR PRICE $9.75 tj 'tsijj ' 1513-1515 sVLV i ij& i i & This same Tab-' Inet with alum Inold sliding top,' at $3 additional HK.RE'B THE SOLUTION OP YOl'R KITCI1EN EQUIPMENT PIIOBLEM. This beautiful and durable Aluminum Ware, partially shown In the following assortment of Indispensable pieces about your kitchen. Every housewife knows the beauty, cleanliness, and durability of this famous ware and you have longed for Just the opportunity we here offer you Note the style of each illustration, then look at the price below It The chance to supply your kitchen wants with this fine wars at to small a cost Is too compelling to put It off an hour. Every one of these Aluminum Vessels Is true to cut shown and is of the heaviest guste and with Ebonoid handle mountings. 8-it deep sane pan. lipped, strong nickel handle, riveted 5C hole for hanging DOC Two-piece larire round Roaster. Just the thing for small . family OOC mt Berlin Kettle, cover, ebonised knob, heavy ball .. aluminum .65c When You Think of FURNITURE or RUGS, or Anything for Your HOME, Remember RAYMOND'S Prominent Men at Funeral of Davis ELKIN3. W. Va., March 1R. Thi funeral of Henry Gaseaway Davis, former i'nlted State senator, who died at h! horn in Washington, waa held her to day. The honorary pall bearers wer Justice Hughe of the supreme court, Andrew Carnegie, Solicitor Oeneral John W. Da via, Clarksburg, W. Va.; John V. Foster, Washington; Senator John Sharp William of Mississippi: Richard C. Keren, St. Louis, Mo.: Arthur Gorman, son af th let Senator Gorman of Mary land, and Charle C. Glover of Washing ton. Oaly Oae RROMO QMKIJIE. To Vt the genuine, call for full name, LAXATrVK BROMO QCININR. Look for signature of E. W. Grove. Cure a Cold In One Day. Sc. Advertisement. TF you have people dependent upon you now, for whom you must provide when you are gone, why not create a trust for them now so you may learn how we handle It and how your beneficiaries use the Income. .isW , HOWARD ST. - w There's A Reason Get RAYMOND'S Before You Buy. Many other cabinets at cor r e a p ondingly low price, qual ity considered, are on every hand in this section. Our large line of . stoves and ranges are also : in. place, ready for your inspection. 2-ot double rice Boiler, strong nickel handle and riveted rtZ hole for hanging OOC Very heavy Tea Kettle, cast spout, burnished nickel front 1 CZf Our price p JLeOU In this large assort ment of high-grade aluminum pieces are a number of very useful articles not here illus trated. Among them is a large, deep preserv ing kettle with patent riveted ears and heavy bail at 65c; 2-qt. per colators in 3 designs, with welded s'pout and seamless body. All in ebonized handles and mountings. TOIiP5pN-MLDIN6CO, Tlio fashion Confer of live Middle Wesl. Eslb!r5he-!336.: New Suits for Spring Wear Just Received 25,35,45 These new models proclaim the latest fashions in both Silks and Woolens. Thompjon-Belden Alteration Service without extra charge The Store For Shirtwaists Interesting and attractive styles for the Spring 6escn. Wash Blouses Tailored Blouses Dress Blouses Keep these appointments dentist and three times a firlynsfs PERFECT ToofEi frnMur PrmparJ by m Doctor of Dental Smrgmry Sand 2c stamp today for a rensreras trial pack- af of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth or Dntai Cream. I. W. LYON & SONS. Inc. 577 W. 27th St, N. Y. City ; , jrycwwwa.1 A Hundred Town calling your announcement up and down every street in Omaha would no V get as much attention from the people as ONE LITTLE BEE WANT-AD would. These ?ittle ads are, welcomed and read by nearly everybody those looking to sell, those wanting to trade, some wanting to buy, and many others who read the Want-Ads for their human interest appeal a lit tle BEE WANT-AD reaches them all. Phone Your Ads to THE BEE Best Service Best Price TYLER 1000 iMl'IEMEITI. Tb Vert of Taud. nut. vuir ssav. ' sriras. Wk "" CALVE and CASPARRI Reynolds Ionesan. Wllbert Emhs sV Helen Alton, Thurber Mad laon. riarllla: Helen !sch. Wills Trie: Orvheua Trawl Weekly, piioee: Matinee, isilery. too. Beet smU etrpt Bt- aad Sao ). Ste. Nlitats. KM. Ka. Mo as Too. -ost-XAm nnr osarrz m. r trim. ur Mats is-sKso ltj4&lf um'fi. iS.ao-so.7s AHSTVAI. KOMX-COMDia WMI . ; "Stidini Ei!!y" Witton D-i" : iVSSS.?0wB-.lM Wroth i Wits. "The Blf arloa Cam tral" dl' Sim Mattaaa Wee a Days. Seu Nile A Wses: "The Mnlllna IHnun," Todav IfJ'NEWrTonite 2:30 ir&Rir - I X 1 1 mm :20 Worth Bros. Steak Co. la -TJI CXOSUI L1DT" a Do us las SSS TODAY wiwm a xva BrmAjroa tuth Class Taoall at. BOtnnaiva 'Okbtbov Xa OaaeoomiasT eaaaUoas, CKHXOI.bC S) aim BlssTUts aad Talking Comadlaas. TABoovponr amisi Walrlwlad Arah Tumblara. n ixmiuio oaoxa" CItU War Drama. ASmlssloa 10 aad SO "BIOOKST B ASM ATM 1ST TOWTP Angel or Devil, Which? VAJMIOIT JTO BIT! MADB XXM A SBTI YJ'M Ada JANE GREY In 'Man and Ills Angel" BOYD TOD AT, 1 TO 11 r. as. Se ABD loo. Toatoiro w Charles Crh f la Ai. AA Jl Y." I THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPEB Sketched From Stock twice a year with your day with Powder AMUSEMENTS. Today, frL aad SaU, S to 1030 raoxapsou's TlTld rtcture of War "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" rrtoeat ChUdrea, 10o; Adalts, SO. Voor I7S, Beglaalms sTsat Boaday March 19th TWTOB DAXLT IllS AMD S:1S V. K. Bams Bis; OompaBy a yxavaoajr orchestra sad carload ef f- facts. rrloasi aCats., SSo to til Tnr., eoo to ia. Pallas Pictures "Presents DUSTIN FARNUM Tb Idol of th Bereen la 'BEN BLAIR" A drama aaltja la t aa aad aba lately amaalat 1 Its later appeal laa Qualities. anows staxti it, ISiOO, lieO, , 4: to, 6:40, 7, S ISO, Sl40. Hipp Uthind Harney Where the Omaha Be Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FAHXAII THEATER CAMXRAPUOJiB GEM LOYAL PASTIME LYRIC -U.QI0 HAN8COM IVY riMACn DIAMOND BURT AI '10 OMAHA J BENSON FLOHENCB Turpin's Scuool of Dancln. rweeXr-aia-hth Famam. Brew CUseaa. Lit it row aaaus aoa. tti -at leana aa Una tmiY SI.