THE Bi:H: OMAHA. WKDXKSDAV, MAIJCII ir. 1010. 3 ave Your Hair And Beautify It With "Danderine" Spend 25 cents! Dandruff dis appears and hair stops coming out. Try this! Hair gets beautiful, wavy and thick xn few moments. Tf you care for heavy hair, that glistens vtth bMUtr and is radiant with life: hea an incomparable softness and Is fluffy ana Hstrous, try Pswlerlne. Just one application doubles the beauty ef your hair, besides It Immediately dls tolm every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair If you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of Its lustre. Its strength and Its very life, and If not overcome It Produces a feverlshncss and Itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the tialr falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and Is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too o'ly. get a 26-cent bottle of Knovlton'i Ian1cr1ni at any drug store or toilet counter; ap ply a little as directed and ten minutes after you will say this was the best In vestment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of! everything else advertised, that if you desire, soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it no dandruff no Itch'ng scalp and no more falling hair you must "se Knowlton's Panderlnc. If eventually-why tot now? Advertiscmrnt. ELL-ASS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. j heals babies' f I skin troubles S S Babies with ecrema, teething rash, chafings, and other torment- 5 ing skin troubles need Resinol 5 Ointment and Resinol Soap. They 2 5 soothe and heal the irritated skin, 5 H stop itching, and let the tittle suf- S ferers sleep. Babies bathed reg- S ularly with Resinol Soap almost S never are troubled with skin S eruptions. H H v Itcslnol Ointment and Rwinol Snap nave ; been recommended by physicians and nurse jor many ran, and contain nothint which could poMlblrinjurtthstcndercttikin. Sold S i by all druffuts. SI III III (U Hire Is You Health Important to You? You will be interested in learning how to gain in and retain it You must give your body every rhance to o v e rcome or prevent disease. I dls cover your par t I c u 1 ar weakness and make it known to you. for health lies within the body, not without. Osteopathy e o-o per ates with the laws of nature. Ty phoid, scarlet fever and other cute diseases, women's diseases, stomach, kidney and liver complaints, afflic tions of the eye, enr and threat, chronic nervous troub are being subdued and overcome daily. Dr. R. H. Giltner 707-9 Brandels Store Butldlng. Phone Doug. 4815; Res. Doug. 85. Be Careful in Uaing Soap on Your Hair Most soups and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use Is just plain mulsifled. cocoanut oil, - for it is puis and entirely greaaeless. It's very cheap and beats the moat expensive soaps or anything else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoon tul is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thor oughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly ami evenly, and la eoft. fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and takes out 'even.' particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Advertisement. Kew Spring Suits, Coats & Cresses Arriving Daily O E D D El 0 douglas V .iSV B ill 8uy . --w Pay on . I.s. - J1-C8 i Credit w NA Wek BOOSTER CLUBS IN LINE FORHEW DEPOT Associated Retailers Seek to Enlist All Organizations in Move for Better Facilities. Get many favorable replies All the Boost-for-Omaha organl rations are soon to consider the need of a new Union station with a view t going on record In favor and urg ing the need of this Improvement upon the railroads. J Tbe organizations are following ; Immediately In the wake of the As- J oclated Relailers of Omaha, which ! organization, upon the heels of The I Dee's opening guns, voted to call , upon all business and elvltf organiza tions for expressions on the matter j of co-operation In Wie effort to bring j about the construction of a new. sta-i tlon. ' ' Charles R. Black, George Rrsndrls snd J. W. Metcalfe were tho sprclsl commit teo appointed by tho retailers to got In tnucli with other orirsnizntlons. On re. Quest of Chslrmsn Hlnfk of tui commit tee, Secretary Metcalfe wrote letters to twelve organizations asking; them to push ' (a t)iA frnnl in ttili nrranlvaMnin the necessity of the new depot. Among other j letters, one was sent to the Commercial club, asking that the club assist In brlng- , Ing about a public meeting with speakers from various organizations would oreate such an insistent public, demand for the union depot as not to be hushed again by future promises. Aatn Mob In Line. Although the letters have Just been sent out, several replies have already been .received at the office of the Asso ciated retailers. The Omaha Xuto club replied as fot lows: "Your letter of the 11th, addressed to the Omaha Automobile club, with en closed resolution, favoring the building of a new Union Pacific depot, is received. and same will receive the attention of the board of dlrctors of the Omaha Automo bile club at their next meeting, which will in about seven days. "OMAHA AUTOMOBILE CLUBl d. E. SMTTH, Assistant Secretary." Following Is the reply of the South Omaha live Stock exchange: "This will acknowledge receipt of yours of March 11 In regard to resolu tions concerning new union station In Omaha. ' "Same, shall be presented to our board of directors at our next meeting. , "A. F. STRIKER, "Secretary-Traffic Manager." For Next Meeting. The Omaha Ad club replied aa follows "The matter referred to in your letter of March 11 will have our careful con sideration at the next meeting of the executive committee, which will be held Thursday, March 16. , Sincerely, "OMAHA AD CLUB. "C. D. xsOLEN. Secretary." The organisations to which the first series of letters were sent by the Asso ciated Retailers are the following: Build ing Owners' ' and Managers' . association, Nebraska Bankers' association, . Omaha Auto, club, Omaha Builders' exchange, Omaha Civic -league, Omaha Grain ..ex change, Omaha Retail Orocers' associa tion, Omaha Real Estate exchange. South Omaha Business Men's association, South Omaha Live Stock exchange, Omaha Ad club, Omaha Rotary club. Omaha Boy Called to Office in a Big Reform Association Rev. Larlmore C. Denise, son of the late Dr. J. C. Denise of Omaha, and a 'grad uate of the Omaha High school and Omaha Theological seminary, has been appointed assistant superintendent of the National Reform association, with head quarters in Pittsburgh, Pa. The former Omahan will be the second officer in this national organization. Mr. Denise is a graduate of the Presby terian seminary of Omaha of the class of 1897. Upon leaving the seminary he accepted the pastorate of a church at Clay Center, Kaji. In 190i he went to New Kensington, Pa., where during his pastorate he Increased the small member ship of the church to over 400, with a Sunday school of 700. He has Just re- ' signed from this pulpit to accept the call I from the reform association. COUNCIL WILL NOT TAKE SUGGESTION FROM CLUB The city council declines to approve or disapprove of the selection of B. J. Ar nold and W. A. Eaehr of Chicago, an I E. N. Strait of Madison,' Wis., as experts to interpret an audit recently made ot the affairs of the electric light plant. Chairman J. A. Sunderland of the spe cial committee on electric light and power rates of the Commercial club ad vised the council of the selections made. Tbe commissioners' took the position that the Commercial club's Investigations of the Light company should be Inde pendent of any action by the city. SUPPLIES FROM OMAHA DEPOT- CO TO THE FRONT Soldiers on the Mexican border sre go ing te ue fed on Omaha-made bacon. One carload of this meat went out Sat urday night over the Rock lalsnd. con signed to E Psso, Tex., and another carload was sent out Monday night, both going from the quartermaster's depot here, , Hoot to Preveat Croat. When the child U subject, to attacks of croup, see to It that he eats a light even- i ing meal, as an overloaded .omaih may ' bring on an attack ' first symptom hoa Chamberlain's Cough the child becomes : everywhere Advert) HASTINGS & HEYDEN BUY LOT FOR APARTMENT HOUSE Hastings A Ueyden and Henry D. Frankfurt have purchased from the Mil ton Rogers estate the northwest corner of Nineteenth avenue and Jones streets, on which they will begin building at once a three-atory, twenty-apartment building of two and three rooms each, to cost 10.000. For Rktan-llim lMrall, No better remedy for rheumatism and neuralgia than Sloan's Liniment. The first application gives relief. Only XJ. AH diwgglsts. Advertisement. , also watch for tre v H i "..! rseness. and nlve t HV YVwii Remedy aa soon a 1 1 -SLw -fisi hoarse. Obtalnab'e ! g LtT - , wi J Mutant. LWIT'- Principals in Divorce Suit Which Stirs Omaha Society Tlrs Jerome ft JEROME P. MAQE25. Omaha Rotarian's to Go to National Convention in July Omaha Rotarlana are already beginning to make preparations to attend the sev enth annual convention of Rotary clubs,, which will be held at Cincinnati July 18 to 20, Inclusive. Advices received at local Rotary headquarters by D. A. John son, secretary, are that over 8.600 res ervations at Cincinnati have been made at this early date. It is said that the 1918 national gath ering ot the Rotarlans will be the larg est - assemblage of business men ever made In 'thla country. . The plana call for Jl cltlea to be represented. The Omaha delegation wUl travel to the Ohio city In a special train, which will be made up at Davenport, la., the grand assembling place of the tenth district. Rotarlans from points in Iowa and South Dakota will Join the Omaha dele gates there. A "Cincinnati Special fund" has been started by the Omaha Rotary club. It is a savings fund created by members who plan to attend the convention. A jackpot fund also has been stsrted which will be used to purchase novelties for the Omaha boosters' contingent at tha national convention. There is M0 or 1300 In this fund now. MAUD BALLINGTCN BOOTH TO SPEAK HERE LATER In vliw of many inquiries on the sub ject, Mujor McCormlck of the Volunteers of America announces that Maud Balllni ton Booth will not speak here next Thurs day as was advertised, the will be here on a later d-Ue. The engagement was cancelled on account of the serious Ill ness of an Intimate friend. MARKET STALL SALE TO BE HELD THIS MORNING The annual ssle of stalls at the ltv I market place will be held today at 110 m T" market is at Eleventh an1 Howard streets. Tha OokTilng Baby! iJosray! Hooray! Nothing ! se can to completely ender.r pi lo t'-'e picAut aad the future as the expected errKal of a bvbv. But In tbe mean time tits comfort of tlie mother is of vsit Importance. There Is a tploiiJLl external rem edy known as "Mnth ei's F.-'cnd" wlilchex fl( a wonderful lnfl;h eure upon tlie expand. I II lnut!.l. 1U?y bo cine inure pliant, efr'tch ltboi:t undue jl:i, tnalis tho p'Hol one of pleasant antic ipation limte&d of an- prchenrloa. In a series of splendid from ail o?rr the country mothers tell of tbe great help "MoU-efs Friend" was to them, keen grsndrnoUiers tell the wonderful story to their own dsurhter about to enter the state of moUierbood. Get a bottle of "Moth er's Friend" today of your nearrst dmsit. I'm this splendid help with your own hand guided by your owa mind. For a free book of Interest and important to all mothers write to Brad&rld Heculator Co., 40 Lamar Dldg., Atlanta, fit. It relates tbe personal experiences of maav happy mothers. It tells many t hints t'a t all womca should be fa miliar witta It Is at once a guide aad as tnspiraUoa. Write for this book. i - Vafri v,.r. 0. t Smith Must Pay Big Inheritance ' Tax to Nebraska Inheritance taxes amounting to flO. 137.70 must be paid to four counties in Nebraska, according to a decision handed down by Judge Bryce Crawford in county court. In the matter of settling the estate Of Francis Smith. Smith died In Uockport. Me., in IMS and left a fortune of ll.ocs.77l.BO to nis brother, Oeorge Warren Smith of Omaha. The Omaha relative contended the dls position was made before death ana. therefore. 1 not aubject to tha intaerl- tne tax. It was indicated upon re ceipt of the decision that appeal wov be taken to federal court. According to Crawford's decision, Doug' las county gets J9.S27.98; Wayna county would get $3.18; Trayer county, $93.17, and Nuckolls, 102.37. Jacksonians Will Hold Big Banquet The Jackaonlan club will hold a. jubilee bannuet this evening at tha Faxton to rejolco over, the receipt of two luscious political Dlums by a coupla f their comrades. Acceptance of an Invitation extended to C. W. Bryan, democratlo candidate for aovernor. already has been received. Ha Is to be ther principal speaker. Arthur C. Wakeley, recently appointed to the district bench, and J. W. Wood rough.' whose appointment as federal Judge to replace the late Judge V. H, Munger. was announced Monday, also will be on the program. i GET IT FIRST-HOT LAST When a cold crips your system it il convincing proof that your condition is weakened remember that It is risky indeed to simply trust your strength to throw -it off, because neglected colds have brought more serious sickness than any other one thing, while wea ening cathartics andstimulatingsyrup are often depressing and dangerous The one best treatment for any cold the one so often relied on when others fail, is the powerful blood-nourishment in Scott's Emulsion, which feeds the very sources of bodily strength to sup press the present cold and generate strength to thwart further sickness. Get Scott's first, not last and insist on the genuine always free from al cohol and injurious drugs. Scott Si Bowne, Bloomficld, N. J. 15-M THRU COMPARTMENT CAR TO While Snlp.arSpriags-W.Va. Virginia Rot Springs, Va. FROM CHICAGO Every Friday Leaves Drtrbors Stttisa 11 J7 a. m. via C. U. By., arriviag 4eetisaua Saturday meraingi. laferaaattew sad Rsaar-atleas at Cll. Ticket dilice, (I W. Aaaat St. Chicago. To Keep Your Skin Free From Hairs (Beauty Topics) . , If you are willing to spend a few minutes' time in your room using a dela tone paste, you tan easily banish any ugly, hairy growth without discomfort or injury. The paste is made by mixing some water with a little powdered dela tone. Tills Is then spread over the hairy surface sr.. I after about J minutes rubbed off and ihe skin washed. You will not be disappointed with this treat ment, providing you get real delatone. Advertisement. & s . : 1 ' MRS. JEROME MAGEE SUING FOR D1Y0RCE Mixed Affairs of This Couple Finally Land in Divorce Courts for Settlement. CRUELTY IS MAIN CHARGE The filing of a divorces petition by Mrs. Ella Cotton-Magee against Jcrom Pratt Magee, alleging cruelty, furnishes a tragic cltmaz to a bril liant society wedding in 1907 and la a distinct shock to Ornaha't exclu sive set. It la understood, however, anion; Intimate acquaintances of the fitmlly, that divorce proceedings have been held off for some time through the influence of Mrs. Ma tree's mother. In her petition the wife charges that on various occasions her hus band's cruelty was of a punitive na ture, several alleged inflictions hav ing occurred at the Country club. Mr. Magen Is known as one of Omaha's wealthy clubmen and society figures. ITe is a grandson of the late Colonel 1'ratt snd was appointed administrator of the -Pratt estate. In connection with his administration of this estate he was sued by his brother snd wather for their shares, llo made a trip to Sweden ostensibly as sdmlnlstrator to settle with one of the heirs and later In court It was charged that he made a personal settlement and then claimed the Inheri tance of the heir living In Sweden. M mll aatnrir nt Son. Mrs. Magee la the daugnter of Mr W. Cotton and Mrs. Cotton, now Mrs. Herman Kountse. Tlie daughter married Fred Nash, 21, and shortly after the death of Mr. Nash she wss wedded Magee on February S7, IHOT. In hor petition Mrs. It.agee asks for custody of er son Marshall; also sufficient funds to maintain herself and child in a com' fortabla manner. The Magee nuptials in 1907 were re garded as one of the moat brilliant func tions of that season. The marriage was referred to as the culmination ot "the most beautiful love-match," Friends of both tho Magees declare they have quarreled on various recent occasions In public. BOAT LINES ON GREAT LAKES ' ARE ALL CONSOLIDATED Word reaohea the offices of the rail. roads In Omaha that a consolidation ot practically all the steamboat lines cn the Oreat lakes has been effected and that the organisation, known as the Qreat Lakes Transit eompuny will begin operations April 1. There are six lines In the consolidation, having thtrty-flva to forty freight carrying boats. Head quarters will be Buffalo, N. T. OMAHA SENDS ANOTHER $2,000 FOR WAR RELIEF Morris Levy, treasurer , of the Jewish relief committee of Omaha, Jtas aent an other 13.000 from Omaha to tha central committee in isew YorK tor renct or tne Jewish war sufferers. I .mrZSS rrirwpl lVtfLW ASS I IS F7 M If If 1 1 J S S SJ . II 15111 SJ". A FIFTH MEMBER OF RECREATION BOARD IS NAMED. I t v. . '' a I - ; ei -4 - '- T. ! "" r : J tJHUW.s-e ,!-.-. -e.i..i P. J. MAHTIJi. Martin Named to Kecreation Board P, J. Martin, former city treasurer ot South Omaha and deputy treasurer since the consolidation, was confirmed by the city council as fifth member of the HeC' fratlon board. The board was created last summer and thua far has worked along with four members, notwithstanding that the law specifies the board shall have five members. Mr. Martin will be the South Plde mem Healthy Old Age SimpU Rtmtdy Promoltt f f fc By Ovtrcominf Tendtncy to Conttlpation. Advancing years Impair tha action of the vital organs. Old age should be tha period of greatest happiness, but good health is necessary. Constipation, should not to be tolerated-it to often tha direct eause of 111 health. Headache, belching, biliousness, bloat. drowsiness after eating and other symp toms of constipation can be readily re lieved, by the use of a simple laxative compound sold In drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's -Syrup Pepsin. Mr. J. H. Bristol, Uli Cleddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich., who Is S3 years aid, says "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is tha beet remedy I ever used for constipation and I always have a bottle of it In the house to use when I feel the need ot It; it never disappoints." Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin la a mild laxative preparation, positive In Ita ef fect, acting easily and naturally with out griping or other pain or discom fort. For over a quarter ot a century It has been the standard household remedy In, thousands ef homes. Drug. -'a JJL , At Last- statement "mor like other dependable articles of merchandise." Unless backed up by results. It would ba al most commercial suicide for a tire manufacturer to make such a statement. Now we are ready to tell you tha reason for this fearless confidence In our 'Balance' To have perfect 'bal ance' the rubber tread muat have enough resil iency to aba orb road shocks that tend to dis integrate the fabric, and still must have the toughness to give long wear. Too much toughness reduces resiliency too much resiliency sacrifices toughness. This is By producing this compUte 'balance' batwMM raalUancy and leufkuw In tk traaif, and between f -Wis and rubbar in tks aareasa, we haveeacured ioS par sent, efficiency in United States Individualised Tirae. a absolute 'balance' 'I ber of th beard ea4 la regards r man who Is tn does tevMA with) ffta aeet of bis particular eomrmmltji. Ha ha resided 1n tha tooth Md rnssyr ftrvj and enjoys thor conxlaenea hit JSl'rf cltliena Planning Board to Decide on the Rags Council Will Wear A communication from the Merchant Tailors' Assoolatinn of America request ing that the city council, as a digni fied and legislative body, be clsd In habiliments of approved design, was re ferred to the City Flannlng board. The commissioners straightened tip as one man when the clerk read- the refer ence to the council as a dignified body. Commissioner Jsrdlne maintained It wss within the province of tho new planning board to decide the style of "glad raga" the commissioners sho'uld wear to Improve the scenery and promote the cause of dignity. Pleads Own Case, but is Unsuccessful After listening for seversi hours to the ploadlngs In the case of Attlll Ran dolph, who sued the street railway com pany, for 110.000. Judge Redlrk In dis trict court directed a verdict for the defendant. Randolph acted as his own attorney with the court's permission and plesded his own case. lie Is a distributer of a religious pub lication and was stopped by several eon A iitn,. wIiam h rtftmnte(t to nsas the papers on street cars. As a result, he declared he sulfareo great humiliation and mental anguish. which he requested be assuaged wiUu $10,000 balm. Brings Happiness MB. 7. R. S&TSTOI, gists everywhere sell It for fifty cente a botUe. A trial bottle of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin can ' be - obtalne frea ot charge, by wrlllna to Dr. 'VV B. Caldwell, 464 Washington St., Monti cello. Illinois. 9 7 the Ba!anced, Tire The greatest forward tep ever made in pneumatic tires On January 8th, In the Saturday Evening Poat, we announced that at last we had made pneumatic rubber tires more like other dependable articles of merchandise. Stop and analyse this tires tha reason for the rigantlo aalea Increases In our tlrea since Sep tember last. Many months at we finally worked out and began producing the completely 4 balanced Cneumatic tiro -the eretofora unattainable coal of ovary tiro manufacturer. To be 100 per cent, efficient, a tire must be abso lutely 'balanced' that la. tha rubber tread and tha fabric carcase of tha tire muat five equal wear, a the tire maker's goal Problems find tha 'bal ance.' ' Full rubber-tread effi ciency demands a 50-50 'balance' of resiliency and toughness. ' Full fabric-carcass effi ciency demands a 50-SO 'balance' of fabrio layers and rubbera union that will make t read-separation impossible. Full, complete tire efficiency demands a 50-50 'balance' of the rubber tread and the fabric carcase neither may be stronger nor weaker than the other. i the goal we have reached el wearing quality in keth rubber Ueaa and faerie Br September last, Uieae ab- aolutely ' balanced States Tlree began te en tbe market. I' United te be "felt Since September, aalea have increaeed steadily month by month up to tie recent highest increase of 354 par cent. this tells the story. United StotcsHrc Company 'Nobby 'Chain' 'Uaco 'Royal Cord' Plain' "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES" t