J-iik nr,r,: u.m;ma, h I'iDN'ESDAV, MARCH 15, 1010. Nebraska DELEGATES RUSH TO MAKE FILINGS Candidates Anxious to Represent ' Parties at Convention For mally Enter. BRYAN AND DAHLMAN FILE (From a Staft Correspondent) MNCOLN, March 14.-8peclnl.)-0. R. Thompson of Wlsner filed his petition ulth the secretary of state this morning as a candidate fur delegate to the na tional republican convention from the Third district. James R. Dean of Broken Bow and Edwin .'Faloon of Falls City filed their petition as candidates for the supreme court judgeship. Vilber 8. Waits of Loup City has filed for the republican nomination for secre tary of state) making two candidates by that name for the same place, former Sec retary of State Addison Walt having already filed. . Fourteen candidates for delegates to the national democratic convention filed their petitions this afternoon, the list In cluding all but the two district delegates from the Second district and is as fol lows: Frank W. Brown. Kearney; Prank J. Taylor, St. Taul, Sixth district. Frank T. Swanson, Franklin; P. W. Shea, Grand Island, Fifth district. C. E. Hewlby, Crete; C. M. Sidles, David City, Fourth dtstrt.-t. F. II. Morrow, Columbus; W. H. Green, Pierce. Third district. F. I. Eager, Lincoln; L. F. Langhorst. Elmwood, Second district. ' W. J. Bryan. Normal; J. J. Thomas, Soward; Louis J. Platti. Omaha; W. H. Thompson, Grand Island, delegates-at-large. , Jamea C. Dahlman, Omaha, national committeeman, democratic party. .Petition nominating; Frank T. Ran som and J. A. C. Kennedy of Omaha as delegates from the Second district are in circulation, but have not yet been filed. It is understood they will be filed within at few days. .Felix Newton Takes On Heavy Burden . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 14.-(Special.)-Fellx Newton, ctar of all the Russians around Lincoln, is having; a serious time accumu lating; names pn the petition of Vice President Marshall for the preferential primary ballot as a candidate - for the democratic nomination for his present job. Somany democrats do not like the Idea of anybody being; filed against Governor Morehead for the vice presidency that whenever they see Felix with his little petition they wax wroth and smite the air in all directions, and hurl epithets ot derision and other strong; democratic lan guage at the gentleman who, while be ing a candidate for the legislature, still desires to take a fall out ot Governor ? Morehead. Mr. Newton bears the distinction of taking on the Job of beating Morehead " tor vice' president, llltchcoca for senator and Bryan for governor, all democrats of his own political party. -I . - . - Nearly Four Hundred ' Hit Trail at Wymore J WTMORB, Neb., March It (Special.) ' The great revival In the history of Wy more closed Sunday night, with a total of 387 "trail hitters." The tabernacle, seating 1,600 persons, was erected In one day entirely by volunteer labor six weeks a;o. Every Sunday evening the "Old Glory Barn" has been filled, the crowd overflowing into the neighboring streets. The Erwln Brothers Evangelistic aarty has been In charge of the meetings. Sun day evening a total of more than $1,600 had been raised to pay the expenses of the meeting. . Most of the converts have expressed a church preference; the Meth odists receiving about 175, the Baptists SO, the Christians S3 and the remainder being distributed among the other churches of Wymore and Blue Springs. The, Erwlns go from here to Loup City, Neb., for a series of meetings, which begin Sunday. ROCK ISLAND GETS MORE TIME TO MAKE SHOWING (From a Staff Correspondent.)' LINCOLN, March 14. (Special.) The hearing before the state railway commis sion covering a complaint made by pa trons of that road from Falrbury and other points south against the taking off of four trains on the Rock Island came to a sudden ending this morning after the hearing had been adjourned to the supreme court room, when attorneys for the road moved to postpone the case until a later date. They gave for their reasons that they were' not prepared to give their aide of the case In the way it should be shown and they were given until March 29 to prepare for the hearing and the commis sion adjourned the case. Notes from Srraesu. SYRACUSE. Neb.. March 14. (Special.) A message was received here Sunday of the death of J. B. Woods, at his home at Hiawatha, Neb., at the age of 76. Mr. Wood was a p; neer settler of this com munity and a homesteader and the family had but recently removed to Hiawatha. One daughter, Mrs. W. W. Bell, resides here. The funeral of Herman Stubendlck was held at the North Branch church Sunday. Mr. Stubendlck was born In Germany and came to America in 1872 and to Ne braska in 1&S4. Deceased was SI years old. Ills wife died In 1896 and since that time he has made his home wjth his son. Otto, lie leaves two sons living, twenty-five grandchildren and thirty-seven great grandchildren. Farmers who are testing seed corn ex press grave concern over the situation tor the seed for the spring planting. tv Taic Ckaasberlala's Tablets. When you1 feel dull and'atupld after rating. When constipated or bilious. When you have a sick headache. When jrou have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have Indigestion. When nervous or despondent. When you have no relish for your meals. When your liver Is torpid. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Nobraska Federal Help Sought By Governor in the Health Board Row (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., March 14. (Special Telegram.) The controversies between the Board of Health and the Plate Board of Secretaries, appointed by the. State Hoard of Health.sf become a subject of government Investigation and today Dr. Fox, a federal Inspector, 'began ex amination of the laws covering matters pertaining thereto. The State Hoard of Health, consisting of the governor, state superintendent and attorney general! Is given authority to appoint the board of secretaries, which has In charge examin ations of candidates for certificates. The secretaries have denied the right of the board which appointed them to give orders or to Interfere with their work, and It is at the request of Gov ernor Morehead that the Inspector has been sent to tackle the Job of finding out who Is boss. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County BEATRICE, Neb., March 14 (Special.) Mrs;. I R. Mayborn died at her home In this city yesterday, aged 33 years. She Is survived by her husband and two children. Mrs. Nellie Mathlns died at her home In this city Sunday, after a brief Illness, aged 44 years. She leaves her husband and three children. The body wilt bo taken to Diller for Interment. Mlsa Jessie Doyle of this city was mar ried to Mat Joseph of Barneston at Lin coln. After a wedding tripe of a few weeks they will make their home at Barneston. The city has discontinued the use of gas for street lighting purposes, and a force of men is now employed in remov ing the old gas posts in the residence section of the city. Many new electric lights have been Installed to replace the gas. The greatest revival In the history of Wy team, which won the state championship Saturday night, was given a warm recep tion at high school yesterday morning. Talks were made by Coach Jones, Prin cipal Hlllyer and Prof. Schmidt, after which each of the team was pres-ited with a fob bearing a large "N," w..lch had been given by the athletic board of the state university. Mrs. Sarah Noakea of Crab Orchard died at a local h.spltal here yesterday. The body was taken to Crab Orchard today for Interment. NEBRASKA CITY MEN ARE HELD FOR LARCENY BROKEN BOW. Neb.. March 4.- Spe cial.) Charged with stealing 60 from Prank Carland, a restaurant keeper ot this city, John Armstrong, who claim his home Is at Nebraska City, was ap prehended at Berwyn and brought back to the city by Sheriff Wilson. Carland had given the man employment In h:s kitchen and during the absence of other employes Armstrong located a bag of money that had been concealed behind some clothing on a shelf and made'6ff with It, There were S25 In checks, which the man tore up. When arrested and searched, Armstrong had a little over 9 In sliver In his pockets and 2S In bills In his shoes. He then confessed to the sheriff that he had taken the money and told where he had thrown the checks. Moat of the money and all but one of the checks were recovered. Armstrong la In the county jail awaiting a prelimi nary hearing; TRIAL OF BERT FORD STARTS AT GRAND ISLAND GRAND I3UAND. Neb.. Mareh 14. (Speclai Telegram.) The trial of Bert Ford, a negro, for the murder of Logan Boyd, also colored, on December 17 last, following a party at the home of one Klngcald, In this city was started today, thework of securing a jury taking the greater part of tho day. Ford, who had formerly served a time for a lesser offense, shot and killed Boyd, the two men It was stated at the time having a grudge against each other and a revolver having been found under Boyd's body when he was picked up. The coroner's Jury returned the ver dict that the deceased had come to hla death at the hands of Ford, who had shot In self-defense, but the county at torney nevertheless filed an Information charging first degree murder. Two of tho leading attorneys of the city are engaged in each side. I . HORDVILLE SHIPS FIFTEEN CARS OF LIVE STOCK HORDVILLE. Neb.. March 14 is. clal.) That part of Hamilton county around Hordvllle sprang into the lime light as a feeding center today, when a special train or fifteen cars left here loaded with stock billed to tha Rmnh Omaha market. This section of the coun try raised an abundant crop of corn in 1915. and as some of it was corn that would not bring top market price, there has been an unusual amount of stock fed here this winter. This section has long been noted for Its fine quality of live stock, and as today's shipment was com posed of the cream of the stuff around here, it should bring some fancy prices on the market. I OMAHA MAN CHARGED WITH THEFT OF RINGS AND CASH HOLD R EG E, Neb., March 14. (Special.) Charles Jackson, who came to this city recently from Omaha in search of employment. Is confined in the county Jail on the charge of stealing rings and receipts of a box supper from a school teacher In the west part of this county. Tho teacher boarded at the same place Jackson had found work. Sheriff Anderson of this county - is making an effort to locate Samuel Mur dock. who Is charged with abandoning hla wife and small children at Bertrand. Boys Are Paroled. COLUMBIA. Neb., March 14. (Special Telegram.) Peter and Ed Ernest. Lester Klndler. Stanley Khutt, Xtean Bolt and Jerald IUgeman were arrested today for stealing coal from the Union Padfio by Sheriff Burke. They were tried before Judge Ratterman on a juvenile charge and paroled to their parents. Ovrreomes Constipation, ladlaestloa Dr. Kings New Life Pills will over come your constipation, biliousness and Indigestion. Take a dose tonlfc'ht. Only Jc. Ail druggists. Advertisement. Charmnig Suit of V I I J 1 I I J J 1TK jjf Wl vs. X in I'1 i!; Mi I'M BT LA RAfOTTEUSE. A youthful suit of navy blue mohair in which the skirt is very short and cut In circular style. The coat flares decidedly from the walslltne. The long wide novel shoulder line is accentuated by the row Democrats of Sixth District Hunt Man to Oppose Kinkaid GRAND ISLAND, Neb., March 14. (Speclal Telegram.) A meeting of demo cratic committeemen for the big Sixth congressional district came to a conclu sion last night without any definite action along the line for which It was called together, the securing of a candidate for congress In that district. The meeting was held In the office of State Chairman Thompson. Many coun ties were represented. It Is stated that Mr. Grimes, county superintendent of Custer county, and Attorney Frank Tay lor of St. Paul were the names considered. Chairman Thompson takes his defeat In the matter of the Judgeship as stoically and as good naturedly as he has accepted defeats in the . past, and Jovially re marked: "Father Time Just shoved me along two years over the speed limit." Marshall's Name is Filed at Lincoln LINCOLN, March 4. The name of Vice President Thomas R. Marshall was this afternoon filed as a candidate for the democratic vice presidential nomination before the Nebraska primaries. Governor John II. Morehead Is the opposing candi date for the preferential nomination In this state on the democratic, ticket. For mer United States Senator Elmer J. Burkett la a caVlldate for the nomination on the republican ticket. Rector Awarded First. COLUMBUS. Neb., March 14.-(8peclal Telegram.) Bui tos Rectos was awarded first honors last night at the Columbus High school declamatory contest; Bessie Riddell, second; Martfha Anderson, third. SOLDIERS'-HOME NOTES Comrade Holden has returned from a furlough of thirty days, lie v Lilted with a brother and family at Central City. A good cheer society hss been orson Ixed by a large number of tho members at Burkett. the purpose being to how the greatest courtesy to strangers who ylslt the Home, treating them like real friends. The commandant has gone to work with hla whole soul to beautify the Home surrounding and all lnmatus are feeling a pride in showing the place to sirs tigers. The fourth of April Is general pension day, tirt if the weather Is as fine aa It promises to be, there will be a great ex odus of members from the Home, leav ing on furlouifhs. A larite number are Planning on leaving about that time. April and October are the two months during which the greatest number of fur loughs are taken. The superintendent of the farm is get ting ready for his spring work with a bunch of men that he takes rrlde In, and men whom he knows he can trust. The ladies in the main building had the pleasure of artaklng of a film break fast In their own dining room yesterduy morning. The room has Just been re painted and redecorated. John Harrow has returned to the Home after a seventeen-day detainment In the emergency hospital at Orand Island, where he Wa suffering with smallpox. Avoid Spring Ills 'orlfy and Build Up the Blood With Hood's BarsaparUla. In the spring your blood needs cleans ing and enriching. You feel poorly and there is more or leas eruption 011 your face and body. Your appetite la not good, your sleep Is broken, and you are tired all the time. You need Hood's Sarsaparllla. It Is the one safe and effective tonic that has stood the teat of forty years). It makes the pure red blood that will make you feel better, look better, eat aad sleep better. It Is the old ataadard tried and true all-the-year-round medicine for the blood and the whole system. Ask any druggist for Hood's Sarsa parllla, and Insist on having it. Nothing e:e acts like It. for nothing e'se hat the same formula or Ingredients, and so tl-re Is no reiil substitute. (Jet it I today. Advertisement. Navy Blue Mohair ,1,1, r of silk stitching which outlines the arm hole and novel belt arrangement. This stitching la also on the cuffs. Grey broal- cloth Is used to trim the odd high collar, which may be worn opened also, thcreuy forming a rever effect. The Judges were Louis Lightner, C. N. McElfresh and Superintendent Short of Schuyler. Rector will enter the contest at Fremont. Kearney Stays in The Dry Column KEARNEY, Neb., March 14. (Special Telegram. ) At the special election held here today, a majority of 323 of the. voter i of the city decided that Kearney shall remain saloonless for at least another year. I At today's election, "wet" and "dry" was the only Issue before the people. The result was as follows:' Total vote cast, 1.S88; for licensing saloons, 632; against, 851, giving the "dry" a majority of 323. One year ago at the special election called to vota upon a similar proposition, the anti-saloon people won by a majority of 171. Automobile Presented to Prleat. SPALDINt, Neb.. March 14. (Special.) Rev. B. F. Oalvln, pastor of the Cath olic church here, was presented with a six-cylinder automobile by members of Itls congregation Sunday In commemora tion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Mr. Galvln Is a very popular with his par ishioners and cltixena of Spalding and vicinity. Ills church, which ! one of the finest ,n Nebraska, cost more than $100,000. . RECIPE FOR DAfiDitUFF v This Simple Home Made Hair Tonic Ilemoves Dandruff In a Few Applications. Dandruff can be removed In from one to fixe nlghU by the use of the following mixture, which you can make at home or have put up at any drug store at very little cost It is perfectly harmless and does not color the hair: wt" One-half Pint Bay Rum ..One Ounce Texola Compound One-quarter Ounce Glycerine One-quarter Ounce A half-pint Is all you will need. Rub It Into tbe scalp well at night and after a ft w applications the dandruff and scalp eruptions will disappear and the hair will stop falling and become soft and glossy. Advertisement. Why Neglect Your Eyes? When in many cases ceglect produces nervous dysppuia, headaches, forget fulness, dtzzlncsi, floating spots, tyeB; thick, red watery eyes; Itch icf. burning-, and a lark of -application In your work. Tbe above symp toms are evi dence of ere strain, uon l Delay, loine to m, I wlil examine and correct your defects with Uiu proper glaxses. sly prices are thi lowest In the city for high-class service. 1 guarantee satisfaction in every case. If you have not the rady money, pay as votl '-an. Dr. J. T. McCABTBT, Suite 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. rhone Doug. 4185. TODAY'S AID TO BEAUTY An especially fine shajnpoo for this weather can be easily made at trifling expenss by simply dissolving a tea spoonful of canttirox in a cup of hot water. Pour slowly on scalp and mas. saa briskly. This createa a soothliiK, cooling lather that dissolves and re moves all dandruff, excess oil and dirt. Kinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean, soft and f-llsnt, while the hair lakes on a gloasy richness of natural color, also a flufflness which makes it seem much heavier than It la. After a canttirox shainpeo arranjrlnc the hair la jl pVusure. Advertisement Nebraska PROFITS OF WATER BOARD ARE SHOWN Net Profit for Last Year Without Faying Taxes Was $87,951, Be sides Sinking' Fund, INCLUDES HYDRANT RENTALS (From a Staff Correspondents LINCOLN, Nob., March 14. (Special.) According to the audit nf Oninhs water district flninoi Just made by the! state accountant under direction of the state auditor, the net profit or the municipal water plant (or (he year ending De cember 31, 1915, as conducted with out paying any taxes, was 87,51. 26. This lit In addition, Of course, to paying, the Interest on the bond Investment and providing for tho bond sinking and depreciation fi nds. Ilut It also Includes hydrant tax revenues of nearly $135,000, paid by the property owners of Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee and Florence. According to tho report of State Ac countant l France he shows that: Income from operation.; . . .IT74.SSO.M Lens expense of opera tion i:.3.90.07 Les reserve for de preciation a 108.442.07 1xhs reserve for doubt ful accounts 6.SS9.44 S.W7.M Net income from operation gt36.94J.04 Add Interest on In vestments, deposits, etc I 42.722.31 Income from other sources ,86S.7 1119.291 .( Total net Income I&M.134 OS Deduct- Interest on bonds, exchange 133.,14A.2S IVduct reserve for bond sinking fund... 150,034.49 Net Income added to surplus.... $X7,9ul.Ltl Income from Operation. Mr. Pe Prance shows the Income from operation from the following sources: 1'nmetered water I 14.RS4.20 Metered water 603.260. 17 TO BE GIVEN AWAY A8S0 iZ LDTELY FREE I ci:" :: 111 111 , i i , ;; t:,,,:-;:i:-zzz3 : Read Over This Fine List off Prizes. Think of Getting One off Them Abso lutely FREE I Someone Will Get Them; Why Not You? Try It Nowl In A&itien to the f.hin Prizes, a Valuabls Premium Wall Be Given to Every Ccntcsfent FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE a -o flf AEOLIAU U0CA1MI 3 11 jj il M IS 11 O The World'g Create Phonograph. All other correct answer will receive si Beautiful Iremium and a Credit (or 970.00. TKE ABOVE PRIZES will be given to the neat est, correct and most ar tistio answers. SPEND A FEW MOMENTS OF YOUR TIME AND WIN ONE OF THESE BEAU. TIFUL PREMIUMS. A VALUABLE PREMIUM FOR EVERYONE. - Ton do not hase to boy anything to win one of the above prlaea, simply solve the "Georg-e , Wash ington Puxsle" and tend lis your answer. REASON FOR THIS GREAT OFFER Hundred of families are com. Ing weat daily to make new homes. We want everyone of these good people to know the Schmoller & Mueller Pisno Co. Its finest Pianos, Player Planoe and Phonographs, nd Its money, saving fartlitiea to the buyer, Just aa the old families have for many years known them. We want to greatly Increase our sales this year and jointly with number of America's leading Piano Manufacturers, we have set aside a large fund to bring this bouse to the attention of every home, old and new. Only one member of a fam ily ran compete, and If more than one answer Is sent in by the same family they will be disqualified and the answers thrown out. (Contest Closes-on Tuesday. March 28. at 6 O'clock P. M. Address All Answers to Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Contest Department A. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. lAi SOLD EVERYWHERE. Nebraska Hydrant lax, omnha U4.S06.41 llyilmnt tax. louth 8lle, lun- ilee and I'lorence ., 9.3KI T.? lYIvatn lidmnl 11.270 w I'rtviilo fire line connections. .. . M"i W Water used In construction &,7.'i&.43 Total I774.SS0.&J Oprrntlna I'iprnira, Operating expenses covering the above are as folions: I'mnplnir stntli.n expenses flll.S.ta.01 M. ..V,,, ,.Micn,(. :2,7t2...1 Maintenance M,M.ll iii.mmi,(in on plant and Im provements K",737.G9 i i reei itltMi on miscellaneous nwhlnciy and tools I,&t5.44 i discount, rash, water rate reduction 4.2'lO.fil Other discount J, 1 1.1 51 tleneral expenses M.Rio.No Total HCS.0.7 5 Other Income. Income from other sources Is nlven as IH9.2M.flo. Interest on bonds Is shown to le HT7.600; exrhnnge, commission on bond Interest coupons, $MS.2S, and deduc tion for bond sinking fund. 1130,034.49. The treasurer's financial statement shows cash on band and on deposit to be ..A,!.-2.7S; secnrltle' ti2,M0.7l; reg istered county warrants, sl,tio3.1l; bond redemption fund, $lir,,,,C.jri. 8tatlon expenses are shown to lie 1111, .Tio.OI, divided as follows: Florence, S:l, 790.97; river, SH.KTl.Rfi; Toppleton avenue, S14.3SS.08; Walnut 11111. I-'.MT.IO. Meter shop expenses are shown to bo IL'2,570.78; maintenance, SXH14.il; salaries, hoard of directors, 3,000; general manager, S4.9!t.2; attorney, H.HSW.W; general of fices. S2l.e21.74i engineering, S".3jS.01; superintending and purchasing depart ment, S4.!0; other xenses, I la, 490. 7t. Incidentally it will cost less than half the amount to audit the books this year by the state accountant than it has cost in years previous by accountants em ployed by the Water board. WOMAN FAILS TO APPEAR IN MINISTER'S CASE HASTINGS. Neb.. March H.Spcdal Telegram.) The failure of the complain ing witness, Mrs. May Title, to appear In federal court yesterday at the tint." set for the hearing of the case of the Rev. John J. Ramsey, charged with white slavery, necoseltatt d the rearrest of Ram sey on tho same charge to be tried later. The federal grand Jury will not m.ei until September, so until that time at least, Ramsey will remain In Jail. great Publicity 6ontes George Washington Puzzle TUT IT YOU CAN HOIA'E IT. There Are Ten Faces in This Picture, t axi You rind Keven of Thorn? STATISTIC BLANK A t I herewith submrt my answer to your Publicity Campaign Contest ana agre to abide by decisions of the judges. Nam No. of Faces No Street 'ou now PlanoT City Playsr PlanoT Btate ti onncraph ? WRITE TOM. C. JARVIS, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Old Folks Need "Cascarets" for Liver, Bowels Salts, calomel, pills act on bow els like pepper acts in nostrils. Enjoy life! Don't stay billons, sick, headachy and constipated. Most old people must give to the bowels some regular help, else they suffer from constipation. The condition is perfectly natural. It Is Just as natural as It Is for old people to walk slowly. For age la never so active as youth. The muscles aro leas clastic. And the bowels are muscles. So all old people need Cascarets. One mltrht aa well refuse to aid weak eyes with glasses as to neglect this gentle aid to weak bowels. The bowels must be kept active. This Is Important at all ages, but never so much aa at fifty. Ago la not a time for harsh physics. Touth may occasionally whip the bowels Into activity. Rut a lash can't be used every day. What the bowels of the old need Is a gentle and natural tonic. One that can be constantly ' used without harm. The only such tonic Is Cascarets, and they cost only 10 cents per box at any drug store. Advertisement THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER , y