THE REE: OMAHA, MARCH 191r. IVant-Ad Rates - MU WITI OBO AC par word ,..v.ecll Insert! o peeiai atawei Farm and Ranch Landa. per line asulnaarO-J (Count six word ( the line.) FOREIGN AI)VERTIHOTu WOO AGENTS OR HK.I.P WANTbO CLASSIFICATIONS! H par word ,fl,'i 1U per word consecoti tun CXAAOa BATK8. te Mar Una 1 per Una ....three consecutive til (Count six word to the una., no ad tkw rom . ta A TOTAt. OF oo !. fllM 1M M PAT. CARD OF THANKS, PATH AND rUNERAti NOTICES: It per line each tnsortloa) (Minimum charge 30 cents.) Monthly Rate for standing ad A" hsnge of ropy) T Ud (Count six words-to the Une. OosteMt rates e application. l"HB PER will not bo rwinlMl for more than ona Incorrect Insertion of ah advertisement ordered for mora tnaa ona time. APVKRTISITOS ehenld rstaln rsestpfg 1ren by Tha Be In payment for Want As., aa no mistake can bs ractiflad without them. t'BW TMB TELETHONS) If Too ahuinsH conveniently bring or ssnd In your eda. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive th Kama rooo. service aa wheal delivering your ad at tha of flea. PHONE TYLER liM. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSS rnrWINO EDITION". l:t M. MORNING EDITIONS, ...... .lit P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANOKTD DAILY. Answer tn question Wbrt to ko tonlitat." Downtown. EMPRESS. 16TH & DOUGLAS. "Tha Cruise of Fate," featuring tha trior t beautiful, of actresses, Valkyrlen. Eighth episode, "Tho Strange CaM of Mary Page," featuring Kdna Mayo and Edward II. Walthal. "Mora Mirth Than Poetry." real fun In real life. Mutual Weekly.' Princess. ToTt-19 DOUGLAS. Twelfth Chapter. TJIrl and the Game." "Freddy's Little Predicament," some comedy. "The Night Watch," Heart Interest drama. latest Helig Tr.bunt currentevent weekly. rim FARNAM 1415 FARHaST FIRST RUN of UNIVERSAL PROGRAM. GOOD MUSIC.-6 CD NTS. J.'E OAHDEN. 15 18 FARNAM "The Perilous Swing," t-reel Kalem. "From Out the paet,'' 3-reel VU. "A f-ie;-al Delivery, ' Vim. M 'enta. ITopram S-Cente. North. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY. tAielUe Nelaon In "Lovea Oruclbte," 5-reel World feature. COTHROP. 24tlfaVXOTHUOP. Marrarlte Clark In "Tha Pretty Sister of Joee. ' . ' tnlk. APOLLOl 224 L E XV K N W 6 R T I i . "The Moth and the fitar." -ree Kal. ,"The Praicciman," J-reel Ijiih. "Dreamy Iud Ixrnt at fcSea," Kea. "Tha Artful ArtlKt, ' Kal. bOULEVARD. 33d & Leavenworth,! TonlRht at T:15 and :. Albert Ch e va in r and Jane UhII In America moat be loved drenia. "The Middleman." !i;UllLVF. 2ool LEAVENWORTH Harry P. Carey In a "Knlsrht of the Iinf,'' Unlvrieia! I'.id Feather feature. Aninmtcd Weekly. Vnt, .SON ROE. 2S6S FARNAM. fhnrlea 3. Rnoe In a visualisation of Wdimy ltoeenfeld'a drama of poti teal elrifK, "The Eenator," alao a uoJ Cfinipdy. MomM hide. lfKSSEfTnfiiATElC 2 Tth and n. 'The Sm-ltchman'a ptory," Kal. I. a, J'aioma, 3--reel Vita. "Ulllle'a Jtoveng:e," lyUllill. 0RP11EUM. 24TU AND N. Marie Toro In "The Whlta rearl.' "All tfalled Up," comedy. C tar Features lh4 Thee are Special Extra-Hoel J Kt at urea now appearing at tha V following Theatara. Ai'uLUJ. 24 LfciAVKNWOH'ni. ; "The Moth and the Star." ii&Bsii. " iTrn AND N. . "La Paloma." HOL'LbVAHO, )P A LtAVEN WUHTU. . "The Middleman." Impress. . isth and p6uulas. "The Cruise of Fate," featuring the most beautiful actress. Valkyrlen. GRAND. HTll AND BlNA I-m.-P.le Nelaon In "Ive'a Crucible." lAjfHROP. 34TH AND UJTHHOP. J.I at ga t lte Clark In "Th Pretty (ilster of Joe." SlMNUuK. tsii FARNAM. t'liarles J. Ross In a visualisation of Kidney Rosenfeld's drama of political lrlfe. OlU'itr.l M. 24TH AND M. Msrle Poro In 'The White Pearl." PHlNCbnS. 117-19 DOUULAa. l?ih chapter of "The Girl ' and the Game." T' i:: j2 rKATIiaAWT rt'F.R tiLroTlcra. OUT M AN-Genc'vievef "agt oftl, MUrch if. 1914. Funeral from family residence, 2141 8. 3ld St.. Wednesday. 8:15 a. m., to St. Mary Mssdallria church, 9;W a. in. In terment Heritwi Catholic cemetery, Iu;.NlJ. Mra. Arthur-il., agrd U ear, died at noon Mnrf.-h.13. Hrlcf rrvli-e lll be held at Burlft Chnprl Wrdnesdey afternoon at 4 30 o'clock. Interment at Mlnneapolla, Thura dny. H YTlv -fJeortfe, 43 year. March 12. J- tinerai jueKdny afternoon from fen tleman'a Chanel at 2 o'clock. Interment Went Ijtwn cemetery. HOXUMBIITI AND CEMETERIES. MAVSOLKUM. MIT hury your tlead In tha cold rroiinl In atormy weather hea you can buy a tomb In a marble build. n at reaaonab'a rrli-ef Tel. MAUSOLKliM CO. D. iUA HhimihiIkIit Moniiin.-tit V orka, nmiian leuma, all kinds marker, ldth A Charlea. ri.oniWTa. BlCKT WIAl.l I fl 'I KI.UWKKS or planta, Art Cnmhlnatlona, ehlpped every where. Excellent arvlre to our cua tomera In past yeara recommenda nwiniiii'A. Ul.i Karnntn Kt. I. l.vtl. liATH. florlKt. m4 Kerniini Ht. I . " . L. HKNLiKKSUN, Jttl4 i'ougl. V. IU Member FlorlHte Telenraph kf. Am i. A. LlONAUiiUK. 1J tiamey. lxu. lun. BIRTH AND DKATI19. Heaths Oundnlype Oerdle, Jfi, honpltal; Arthur Uuetafnnn, 22, 324 Kouth Twotny elxth; M. K. L.und, m. Twenty-fifth and II; Jceae I'. Heller, X7, hoHpltal; Carl A. MetnlK, J, Thirty-ninth and Hinney; Ro maln 1'almer, 79, 4418 Km met: Anna JMory, 46. 17 IK Houth Fourteenth; Mjniiim Dnn lelnnn, 61, IV703 North Thirty-fourth; Thonma Uneran, 14 days, hoepltnl; AH.s. iAiira A. ThraHher, f7, hoepital; A. W. barker, 69, 25 North Twcnty-eeventh. Mirths Kred and Violet MaRidrick, U2 South Hlxteeenth, (till; l'eter and N'-llle Hhomnk, ia Woolworth avenue, bov; Robert and Catherine McOaffln, AlOflnuth Thlrty-firth, boy; Hurry and Nellie Oliken, 716 North sixteenth, boy; Alola and Mona Hohejbal, IKI5 Houth Four teenth, boy; Aloya and Hose Abersfellcr, Kouth Ninth, Ktrl: Fllndelfo and Co neetta Caselo, 311) wotilwnrth avenue, lv: John If. and Mary Anderson, W Undue, boy; KtiReno and Klla linker, !lt I'rexel, boy; Henrv ami Kllxabeth 1)1 Ins, W0 Houth Thirtieth, -lrl; tai-lnv and i:mlli Cabrnoch, 6701 Pouth Fifteenth, loy; J Mm and Victoria Herdxtna, 41.H M, boy; William W. and Ixiulaa Jenks, .Vi2 North Twenty-ninth, boy; Krland and Mabel I.anls, 2436 I.arlmore, girl; Joseph and Carmella, Pacitlc, girl; William and Anna OrlHham. 2Sl I'nrker, br"; Frank and Mary Vanek, 1H2 Houth Thirteenth, joy; lo A. ami Madeline Paly, 27K Hamilton, jrlrl; Pon and Ruth Peho. 141H Archer. MAnRlAGR LICENSE. The following permlU to wed been Issued: , Name and Residence. Christian P. H. Faber, Omaha Mary I'etereen, Fremont Harry R. Milder, Omaha Father Iluchman, Ht. Loula Niels Oulnt, llenson Catherine Mortcnsen, llenson Ana-elo Nlirero, Omaha Chimela ManKlnmella, Omaha Frank Orover, Valley Kdlth Mljrphy. Valley Julius G. Humke, Missouri Valley, Lucretla Klrke, Woodbine, la , 80I Hherman, Sioux City, la Jennie Frit-den, Omaha Frank Clifford, Omaha Catharine I. Monroe, Omaha Walter 1,. Monroe, Omnha Adella Thompson, Madison, Neb..., I.lndney Irvine, Jr., Carney, la...., Minnie McQoughey, Carney, la William I.umley, jr.. Grant, la Minnie Velter, Elliott, la have Age. ... 39 ... 31 ... 29 ... i ... 30 ... 19 25 22 22 17 24 2D Ia. ... 21 ... 21 ... 27 ... 23 ... 2fl ... 20 ... 40 ... 84 ... 2t ... BUILDING PERMITS. Jullua K. Ran, 1MI7 Houih Thlrt v-thlrd, addition, 31.0iK; Jullua Altman 2il Pnv enport, repairs to dwelling, 11,000: Arthur H. Anderson, 2i4 Mary, frame dwelllntf. $:!.60O: Alflo Catanlo, 1,113'4 line, frame dwelling-, ll.WM; Frank Kchwenk, fxilO Bouth Seventeenth, frame dwclllnic, 3500. LOST FOUND REWARDS DM AHA COUNCIL rtUlVXa UiHKL'I Peraona having lo some article would do wall to can up the office of the Omaha A Council bluff Street Hallway company to aavrtaln whether tliey left It In the atreut cars. Many articles aacn day are turned la and tha company la aaxloue to lest or them to tue rltuiful owners. Call 1I.I! if. VF Vol) Km surtsxis mat vriia it kir. a will (un-ir raeuw It It fous4 b? a huM treoa &iniarlitil ieovnti are bruttaal about tvvrr dar tnrousb tbia aoluma IH IJ1W raopl. ao Iln4 ivM artlalaa ars lalaraatad la kaoarias that lha a la laar u ai.rtt-t la faquir. B tkaa In aaak tk awnar tferuat atlvartlaaaiaot an4 ottMrwkaa nn4 U)al a lauure to 4a ao, II uai aaa ke 9reaa. la vol a awi-are twualt. IA .1ST KiihiIbIi bull pup, about 7 months out, color brmuiH, ears cut to point, mil about 6 Inches lonil, cut square, wclithl shout 40 pounds. Reward If returned to liIH H. 81'd Ave. Telephone Harney 2Ti.V.. Lust. Plamond oval shape Pin. Finder will receive extra liberal reward. Return to 11. H. AniBieln, care Guarantee Clothing f o., lKiir I'QUKiua ft j(H I Heiween Pundee and Florence, Goodyear tire, 34x4 on rlin. Reward. Phone Walnut 170. -r-3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Purnltere aid Household 6111.1I1, OMAHA I'llXOW CO. Felt and hair man reuses made oxer In new ticks at halt the price of new ones. Phone ua for sample of ticking, stall orders f iled. lu Qamlng St. pouglus 24iiV. Fi)R room set, good as new: cost S.W1O: will sell very cheap will break up the set to aell If nocex- sary. Call Harney iM between k and 7 o clock AL.I. Rfcl-AlKj Water fronts, furnace coils, etc. Wulck service. Omaha Slovo Repair Works.13i-s Ootiglas. Tyler 20. FURNITUKU bargains: beds, 31; tables. onalra, rugs, m stoves, i; necninKS 01 all kin.ia. 1H. N. Wth. W'ebaler 117. 'plasm and Msale Isalrssiasu. Vfc. VKin ii4V II. o.iiiuis tu void f r lltu nume of a piuspvctlva piano or player pluiio puif nuser RORlNSiiN PIANO COMPANY, Factory Ptstrlbutera for Cable Pianos. Tyler lvi. 214 H. isth tit. Vr!J2iL"U!Ai. lR,8pnj. lui- Po'nyli tore aadjUfflee Klxtarea. iTlrtKS, safes, ac.ileH, siiowcases, shelv- Ing. etc. We buy, sell. maha fixture th r-ni ply t o.. 414-lti-IS r. l'ltl. I long. r?4 Jrwrlri, Ptamoada, Welches. - UltiiPKGAARP'H "iucky wedding ruigs' st Hth and IVUKlas Ms. Mewia- MirtlKri. SEWLNU MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts or all sewing macnutr MICHEL'S NEBKASKA C1CUE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts. Poug. 1S2. TELEPHONE Your Want-Ads to In order to make a good service better THE BEE allows the CASH RATE of one cent per word on phone orders all-you have to do is to pay the collector when he calls. Phone Tyler 1000 Put that Ad in Now Results FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Typewriters and Swppl lee Mllr.ANTTKriilT;J A.l CAltRON o. Wo make them In flrnsha. Whet? Typewriter ribbons. Supplies for the offl'e. PonMns 2147. ?? ne Hld(t. t-f'l I A I 5-in - -i nteeil tiewriter rib bons I for tl. Reliance Ribbon A t'arbon Co.. Po'inlas 34.'. Si N'T an O'lver tyrearlter 3 mo. for ti. Oliver Typewriter Aseny, V1 Farnsm. tvl'l- HWri'l-H-V 'old. renteo repslrad. Centrel TypewV'ter Kir. 18" Fsrnatn. Ri-.NT a ' Remluston " not Just a type- writer. Low rent Csil Io.i.;)ns 14. ric !, Pnrs. Kte." MAIM M K MICH AI-.I.H Gowns, Hulls and Wraps. 11 Po. St. fall Poiiu. 72. WK buy and sell tailor mnde suits and of-errnnts. Krtertmn 1?1t l.mielns St. Marhlnrry and EnflnM. 26 ft 1-fCt ),l illAN t motors, various slse.-", fine condition, very cheip. See nnlll KlectrlP Co.. Roe Hide;. Tel. P. 379. TcT.'AC Hecond-hsnd motirs, dynamos, maprnetos. I Bron Electrle Works. P. 12th Ht. I.nmher, RulMtnar -Materials. Al.Ii KINP8 OF UfMHFR FOR fiALll T'sed In construction of buildlnir; In first class condition. Call Iou. 21ll Illlllard aarl Iool Tahlea. FOR BALRV-New and seeond-haod earoraj and pocket bl'llard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; send for eats, (oKue; enay iymenta. The Hrunslca I Ralke-Collenrler Co.. 407-409 S. 10th Wu AwninHSf Tenia anti ( anvas. l'K'TL'KK allow tent, 'Mlx'tO, uaed una sea eon. Ai1dres Ron f4. Relvldere, Neb. Prlntlna; anrl flfflee Happllea. OMi wilier pi, ms for pnntiiiK irliitatlon typewriter fcliers: one Invalid eanllarv i h.-ilr; one col lnpH ble go-cart. Tel. W.7169 V7ATKR8-II A UN HART fig. Co.. quality printtnu. Tel. Doug. '.'I'). f,?4 H. 11th Hi CUNTRAI, I'I'IiiIiiik fo I inl'lll.AS 37b4T I"-(i),A8 I'r luting Co. Tel. 1 .Olivias 844. Mlnce.llnnet,ns. THK EXCKL8IOII. 'Te Olde Whifky Hhop." We sell atandnrd bottled in bond whlakles; 10 and 12- year-old whisky a specialty. 111 Po. 15th Pt, Folt HAi.K C1IKA.1'. Ruslries.4 ('lie( Course. Full and complete schnlarslilp In ona of the best Omaha business schools. Good reaon for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he sold very reasonably. If Interested Invea titrate at once, because spring term ticKlna soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire st tho office The Omaha Hce. aTt Mh standard of rjuailty will Ke maintained: 4 quarts of Old Fontenalle whisky, 3.; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Poug. 7163; 122-174 N. rth Ft. ALEX JETES' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth and Pouglas. Boltled-ln-bond whisky, Hue, 11.00, 11.25, full quart. FOR .HAI.K Pry, clean, kindling wood, delivered to all parts of the city. Phono Ponelns 12S7. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COI'NTY TREASURER" EMMET O. SOLOMON FROOICUAAkirS 'Lucky Wedding R'nrs" at :rtth and Pouarlas Hte. CART1- "R Sheet Metal. 110 H. i:.ih fit fcFhrTSF AT V M.O A. Itus'inapa merT iCverythlner for Mi omen. laCCORPION, aide, knife, sunburst, bog , plt n(r. covered buttons, all sixes and .styles: hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., iuo Pouglaa block. PntiKlas les , Cue tames THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Tht-o. Ufbcn Hon, 1514 Howard. I). 4115. l"H EATH1CA1. owns, full dress suits, for rent, as in. win Bt. jonn reioman. llnttona and Pleatlas. Q. V. VAN AltNAM Preas Pleating and jsuiton CO., s.iu-7 laxion IJIk. North east corner 16th and Farnam Hts. Phone 1 'otigins 3109 Cleaners and Uffrs, STATE Pry Clnif. Co. 120 N. 12th. D. mt X li I r r m y t o r t I im AaJniintf nU, 1)11. DUUllUHN, 414 Hiwu lilug. U. 647. 1 Palmer Hchool grad. Consultation free. Xr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 liaird Ulilg, V, g4a. Urauuisklus' ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Rox Pleating, nvereci iiiiiinnH. iieiiiHiiicning, Neb. Pleating & Itution Co.. 4.,l-3 I'axton Rik iH clava ladles' tailoring. H. F.scher, r i mr i iuici X-lfJa-, J1 r. It in. lier X-tf, LaI'Ic. o mum 1 eiiiuueieu in the latest atyle. 1911 Farnam. Pouglas 2S3. Fl R.-T-f. IjAH.s ut-eHHitmKiiitf. Hed tyvV r fiwh. drexHiimhum, alteralions. P. 87N5T llAV Work. V a.-iii lliil. aewin'iT Red k,iM etater'a Piessmaklng Col. Mtti City Nat. ll....m..t.'.. ...II..... M.i. OL i. blrtUUtftillaltas. CarHw J. Biiford. fti Vax. H.k. Rod 4Ef7. Ikaaa Taa KM ttaa liearll.iiaii Jr rw i r Ql tj 1f r tlT araa si - '.!' au uui jr t ''""" "z r -' a "CI . A aABl lsM lea i ta -aah m am. IT. 11. CLAIUOUNK, 12 Jxton Bile. IU4 fAAl Nnlurv miblie- ,l...iblli.,n 1 tT"W. HKlTl'j am liaiker 11 luck. -,r ' Drags. PRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on fit oraera; rataioKues nee. bnermaa A Mc Ccnnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. t-'lslut'ca autl VVirlusj. TlTTTfTv TM Electric washing machines. v a-a.' atectrlo Irons aad reading lamps, vuminjg rr. ijoux. ati. Aaassaissia, E. A. dwohak, a P. A 4S1-4S7 Ramge HUlg. Tel. iwiglae T40C roeerles. .Ul'UULXS. fruits and veuelaile an.- f..l..W t....u ..14... . Tom Johnson's liianch Store, b&ii U. Hth St. Phone Colfux 15C Moving Pic tare Machines. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo- tlon picture machine ana film nargalna. Hatha. DR. BEND A Sulphur. Steam, Modern Turkish, Flectrlo BATHS and MAtt- SAGK for tired nerves and rheumatism. Private apartment for ladlea with lady attendants. 11 Farnam. 1'hone P. 34.(7. Patents. r. O. Barnell. Paxton Rlk. Tel. Red 711?. 1. A. Stuiges. t. liraiiileis '1 heater Ulilg, Wlara and Llfara. 8UT your family liquors at Klien'a t.iquor nouBe. bss in. lfttn. Iiouglas I Csruestrra and luslrsctora, fLMaI2L S"n. 1 n) Capitol Ave. T. 1W2 C VV. liukanson. 2,s l.vnwtU. Tyl. 2l;.j; J. J. Yul NG. ?K5 Mii.-nl. Web. 1737. I'lriMH mm ilanart. BABERSTROH. . Hamilton. Wat 71. ANNOUNCEMENTS Deleft Ives. JAM FIB ALLAN, til Neville Ploek. r. drnce secured In all cases Tyler 11 0 LANO Nat l Detective Amy., Inc.. Kee- line Rldir. P. 4M. Htrietly eonf.dnilal. Vaeanm (lessen. CI.F.AV QCICKI.Y and THt iRorOHI.T WITH F'I.IPSK Kl.lX'TRIf; RF.NT II anh n.w i-i:r rAV. Poroi.AS itx. "" iaVsTrMae7: FIRE and tornado Ins. Myrtle Peuel, ll'l N. 23d. Phone Coifs P2 nfter ! a. m Architects, Everett S. Todd. t2 Paxton Blk. P. ?n. I'laao laatrartloa. Ragtime piano playing guaranteed In 10 to zo less'inn. rrot. Jlaynes for Orimiic.l Fystem. 2"0 Hnrney. .V.i'l. tlagtline piano playing positive In 20 lessons. 422S Cumlne. IV lAUffht Val. 3.T79. I'alallnu and Paper lltailag, FOR painting and paperhanglnw, call rr..,i,. qiio 1 1 m 1.-. .. . i J 1,1 A-.- W Bll-I V ,1,, rlin, IIBH work: lowest ririees. HIGH CI.AHH "work, low ml-e. Tvler 1112. . . . . . . . . . . . ! filOH-CPASH work. lw nrl: e. Weh. 7')2. Tailoring;. H. MARCI'S. tailor and cleaner, pressing snd repairing. 32" N. Ikth St. P. Mr, Chimney and Karnace I Iraalns, Work guaranteed. F. Horneman. p. 72.'!. Towel aavpll'i. OMAHA Towel Supply. 2n7 S. 11th. P. 321. Tranks and gait lain, rBF.LING cTF.IM.E Tc, Farnam St Wntrb Bnrelitllala. Christiansen. 2d fl., Paxton Rk.. 1 yr. ep. Wedding; Stationers. rWeddlngannonncements. Ponglaa Ptg.Cn. Advrrtlalaar sarrltiai. V. F. Fhafer A Co , 12th-rarnam. P. T474. Attorneys, C T. Pdcklnson. 511 Paxton Blk. D. Iaj Ilakertes. t. 7T RKEDKR. 1501 N. 1th. Web 3?t7. liraas and Iron Funudrles. fsyton-Mitchell Co.. 27lh and Martha sta. bssrlas At-afleuiles. tT. LUX ACAPEMT. ill 8. ISth St Eleetrolysla ITloa Allen der. C24 Uee Bldg. Red 3053 WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN MITCHELL touring car: 45-horse power. In fine condition and newly painted; to trade for horses weighing 1.2U0 lba up. Prefer sound horses or nearly so; will consider plugs. Also have two Ford cars to trade. Address 8. C. 103, Bee. ROADS'IKIt. lightweight, two-paseeHKeri IKK modol, lust overhauled and fully equipped, will swan for the best 1911 model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get: but It rauirt p A t condition. Address 8. C. 72R. Uee. RKM1NGTON typewriter, $15; Kdison phonograph, playing 2 and 4-mlnute records, large 3300 Rcgina music box, with big bunch of tune sheets; all In fine shape; want a good small car. Ad dress H. C. 1(160, Ree. AUTO. 7-passenKer Abbott-Detroit tour Ing car, first-class .ihape and running order, fully equipped, extra tire on de mountable rim, klaxon horn, etc., val ued at 3700. What have you? Address B. p. 1045, Bee. 14 VOUj.Mt.S American law and proce dure text hooks, 38-callber Special re volver. Will trade for motorcycle, roll top desk, or what have you? Address S. C. NWS, Bee. WANTED To exchange foe anything In valuo one 1900 water motor wanner, one 22 Remington auto, loading rlflo with 1.000 shells, one Beach special fielder's imp p.iun m. rnii.nii, rs. , , w I , llAVK small diamond ring to swap tor typewriter; must be In good condition; wont consider anvthing but an even exchange; ring valued at $23. Address H C, bi42. Ree. ERlTANNIA, 11th edition. India paper, cloth, 3.1) cash, or something useful worth $a; have paid $. WIU ship set to anyone willing to keep up monthly ynymenia or ai. Aonress r jam. rice. KKVOLVHH-3.vcai., biue steel, hammer- less revolver, nesy, to trade for hammer revolver In same condition. Ktate make and slie of your hammer revolver. Ad dress B. C. 1074, Bee. 'lOLIN Full size violin, 30 years old; will trade for violin three-quarters size, or anything of equal value 1 can use. AddreNS 8. C. 1W7, Bee. AUTO family touring car, 46-H. P., nuienoer engine, in pertect condition, fully equipped, mean business- what have you In personal property? 8. C. 1O09. Bee. t W A N T to trade for a 2-cylinder Mason car; engine must be in good condition. Pon't answer this ad unless you own a Mason car. Address 8. C. 1075, Bee. 32 OAS runge and household furniture to trade tor any kind of poultry chick ens, geese, ducks, pigeons Belgian hares or a horse. Address H. t". 1100. Hee. HAVK two thoroughbred silver apangiei iiamDurg oocKereis. worth 110. will swap for hens, or what have you. Ad dress h. o. luis, nee. HAVK new Remington 22 haminerloas re- beater mie to trade for bicycle; must be In good condition. Address 8. C. ttH, itee Foil SALE OR TRADE S-room buiia- low, ttio w. uroadway. i'hone Red 26:13. William Hansen, 104 E. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. HAVE two thoroughbred Jersey sow pigs. form ao cavil, wriji ov 1UB. a piece. Will swap for what rrive you? Address S. P. 1047. Bee. NO. Remington typewriter, in perfect conauion, tor rugs or omer personal property I can use, or anything to eat. o. f . iiti, nee. Vv'ISH to trade upright piano for late niooei viciroia. rma piano has excep tionally fine tone. Address 8. C. 1UG6, Bee. HAVK Cramer upright piano will swap for auto chassis, or what have you? Address 8. C. 104J. Bee. HAVE repairs of any kind for a Cutting 30 auto or a Pullman 40. at half the list price, to swap for what have you? Ad dress S. C. 1H44. Bee. FOR SALE or trade, popcorn and peanut machine; In good condition. What have you? Address T. C. Christensen, Scotlu. Neb. I HAVE several things that 1 will swap ior a canoe or motor noai; must be tn good condition. Address 8. C. lt0. Bee. 1911 CHALMERS to trade for Ford, or will aell cheap for cash. All new tired and newly painted, t all r lorenee PI SANITARY couch and new mullresa to trade for rocker, dresser or what have von T Address 8. C. 1040. Bee. l-SWAP, buy and aell kodaks; flims lisveloped free. KASE STUDIO. Ne ville Hlk., ltii and Harney sts. OAK dining room table, round, 48 In., will trade for good Incubator, or what have you. Address 8. C. l'ttx. Bee. DIAMONDS, value .K)J, to exchange for automobile, must be In rirst class con dltion. Address C. lf. Bee. IAItlSE. massive, fiuartt-rsawed oak XT- brary table, cost 345, same aa new; want Vict cola or what? Box ti. C. 1069, Bee. SWAPPERS COLUMN t "L,L'M,HIA grsphaphone, fine records, for a nood riir. oriental pattern, or nlre of furniture. Tyler 15 .)AK siclelM.iird and book case, good con ilitlon, to trade. What have you? Ad i1tf H. C P'-2. Pee. Wll.l, trade Oliver typewriter, in good condition, for shotgun or chicken house. l o P, No. 4, and Bmiih I're- roier, i, i or nni im.,; vu. rl re as S. C. 1T7, Bee. (KHIli small cook etove. tra.le for hlck- - . , I . 1 . .1 .. Sj ens. nine rn uru, tir wnni. . fluuirpa C. W. Pee GOOD roll top desk ana chair, to swap for what hove you? Address 8. C. "Tl. Ree. H.,1. traue my new typewriter for health Insurance A'tdress S ('. 1"t. B 1IAVK one Kcupse gas ranne; will trade for bird'seye maple chiffonier and two Fairs of girls' ball-bearing roller skates or one Plymouth Rock cockerel. 8. C. Rot Hee. WANTKP to trade, diamond rimr. worth 32"". for Ford runabout. . Address 8. C. 'Ml V .. LA R K Wardrobe trunk 10 trade for In cubator, or will sell cheap. J 851. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES THl'liTKE'rt halk. The undeislKned, trustee for the es tate of the Sargent Hdw. A Fur. Co. of Sargent, Custer county. Nebraska, will offer for sale, and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. subject to the approval of the under signed, the stork of hardware, furni ture and fixtures and tools, that will invoice about six thousand ($i,OU0.O0 dol lars, said sale to "alio place in the store room where said property la located, on Wednesday, the 22d day of March, A. V. 1916, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. The undersigned trustee reserves tha right to reject any or all bids at said sale. There !a only one other hardware store outside of this one being operated In Sargent, fnd this affords a good op portunity for anyone desiring to en gage in the hardware business. Any one desiring to examine said hardware stock before sale date can do so by call ing on the undersigned at Sargent, Neb. HEMKMBER PATE- OF BALK, WKPNESDAT, MARCH 22D, AT SAR GENT, NEBRASKA, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. ' A. F. T'TITTrirS. Trustee. WIND MILL and Implement business, es tablished 20 years ago; only business of this claas in good town, near Nebraska Wyoming line; for sale very cheap, and fine opportunity for progressive man: best location In the town, and will sell the real estate right; exceptional oppor tunity for right man. THOMAS CAMPBELL. Pouglas 4K23. Keeline Building. CAPITAL. There are mighty few openings In the business world for the man without capital, but here Is one If you are that man. Our club plan will make you money without capital. Call or write. W. T. SMITH CO., City National Bank Bldg. FOR .SALE GOOD FEED, FUEL BUSI NESS WITH BUILDINGS AND LOTS IN RAPIDLY DEVELOPING ORANGE AND LEMON DISTRICT. IN TULARE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA. STRATH MORE FEED AND FUEL COMPANY, HTRATHMORKs CALIF. WE" need a good, active man, who cart Invest 31.000 to 31,600 In a corporation with his services. Salary commensurate with his ability and Investment. Good chance for advancement. Address J 694, care Bee. FOR SALE, at a bargain figure, a restaurant property and lease, having the best location In town; an unusual offer for a purchaser at 31,200 cash. Address Box 37ti. Manlv. I a. FOR SALE m. one-third interest In the best paying jobbing business In Omaha, rapid growth requires additional capital ' of a few thousand dollars. Satisfactory security guaranteed. Address B 8til, Bee. SNAP 3975 cash takes $L.KK clean variety and art stock and fixtures; best loca tion, In thriving town of 2,500. Going on ranch. Wire. Gordon Johnstone, Ioug;las, Wyo, MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, tiew and second-hand. See i. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Toug. 8550. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard- ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad dress. Y 257. Bee. FOR SALE Infants, children s and la dles' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a bargain: best location In town: doing aa excellent buaineas; want te retire. Box No. 338. Pavld rity. Neb. TO LEASE Qanue. to naht uartv: will invoice one thousand dollars; the ,only one in town; money-maker. Jeff M. Williams. May Stirmgs. Neb. FOR SALE Country store building and residence, northwest Nebraska; about 34,000 required. For particulars, write f . o. f ry, oien. Neb. FOR SALE -lable billiard parlor In A. a rttui . v. . . . . i ...... - . u n i . w . u.wv, M . ' , to 1 1 , ii BUI quick. Write box 5ns. Chadron Neb. tHEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Fx. Cc. 1408 Farnam. T. i7. Do wd Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have ciosea out more muse, stocks than any other firm In U. 8. Write for terms. SMALL CIGAR FACTORY tor sale. Go ing concern. Good reason ror selling. R. A. Simpson. Blue Hill. Neb. WILLIAMS, established 29 years, to buy or sen Dustncss; see mm. til mccague Bldg.. reference U. S. Nat. Bank. CFFICE tor real estate or Insurance; same rtoor aa xtee errtce; isxzt rest; sMi The Bee Bldg.. Office Room 103. FOR SALE Good, clean meat market in town of 2,00). Will sell right for cash. Andreas ww, ee. RESTAURANT for sale, in a good town, doing good business. Will sell cheap. Address Y. 2. Bee. FOR SALE Best billiard parlor, .cigar stand and bowling ulley in southern NcnrasKa. not 211. Red Cloud. Neb. RXSTAURANT for aale, doing good busi ness; good reasons. 91S N. lttn. it SELL or buy a business! call ca wuscn a norgnoff. rrenaer Big, u. xn TO GET In or eut of business call on UANUKSTAD. 4x1 Bee Bldg. POtlg. 3477. Rosuilsg llonsea. 6PRING BARGAINS U roonx modern rooming house. If taken at once. St. Marrs Ave. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. POSITION aa bartender, checker, stock man or caretaker hotel, club or buffet, 17 years' experience; reliable, active, mixer and above all, sober; best of references; will except any offer In city or out. Ed Johnson, 2614 St. Mary's Ave. Vhone Re4 602'. YOUNG reliable man wants position in automobile business. Has had four years' experience in thla line as repair man and chauffeur. Can furnish best ef refere-eea. I PoUC 35.12. YOUNG man wants position in automo . bile business aa repair man. Has hal 6 years' experience as mechanist. Can furnish the best of references. Phone poiis-las 6357. FARMERS W lieu you want help write or call Empire I.abor Agency, 309 S. 12th. Phone Doug. 1006. The telephone way is the easy way. Saves you time saves the bother and trouble of coming to THE BEE of f ice in fact, more convenient in every way. SITUATIONS WANTED FIRST-CLASS tractor engineer wants Job to run a plowing outfit for the spring. Phone Harney 1rtl2. or write N. !l"!'!,'kij:s S. 2ii h St. Omaha. and shrubbery to trim, bulbs lo plant or any work abo-Jt lawn. Phone DntiKias SV16 and ask for John h!e; COMBINATION telesrapher and ticket clerk, six years' experience, all around man. Address operator, Goodrich hotel, , ,i ii i i r.i ii I i r . I ix. MARRIED man. ers illy Salesman ; also experienced as bookkeeper snd col lector: references f umlhed. Wrjh? t. WANTKW- Ry experienced" salesman, road job or work In wholesale house; beat reference Adres Y 3 '4 Ree. VOIAHIKI) man wonlu like wore; as ' houscmnn !n hospMsl or institute of any kind. Call Webster 24:11. REFINED lady wants position as house keeper: nest and good cook. Reliable. Room i;r.. Hensbaw Hotel. female. HUl SEK t-M'ftll-l.auy desires place as housekeeper; now living near Corad. Neb., and would prefer place In that vicinity; will go en farm; 1 am a widow with chlblrrn. Address K f-47. Bee. RELIABLE colored woman wants gen eral housework, who can go home nlchls. With good references. Pouglas 74. ltHMlToN wanted aa cooK in boarding house or private family by competent woman cook, iioiiit. xir). A N T E 1 1 A pontoon as housekeeper or nurse maid. Reliable. Address Mrs. M. A I wood. Gen. Pel., Omaha. Neb. EXPhlKIKNCiD colored woman would like a place as chambermaid to work afternoons. Web. 1219. NEAT colored gin wants position, ex perienced cook, in small family. 11. 3"S5 2701 Podee. LADY woUid like position where she would only have to work rrom 1 to 6 n. m. 1915 S. 11th St. EXPERIENCED colored girl with refer ences defires worn as cnambermald. Pouglas fsfi4. WANTED By colored lady, position f.s chambermaid. References. Phone Tyler 25-1. RELIABLK, colored girl wants work Of snv Kind, t'bone Webster 1S12. TYPIST wants few hours' work a day. Marcy Ht. Practical nurse. Ty. ;92 W. 1711 Burt 8t Ussdrr and Day "vara:. EXPER1ENCEP woman wants work cleaning or laundress. Tyler 2ti98. PERFECT bundle washing, reasonable. Ila.nau Qf!1 tperienced laundry or cleaning. W. 7014. 6 m all family & bundle washing. Web.l&39T BUNDLE washing wanted. Web. 1H52. WASHING, lace curtains done Tyler 1144. BUNDLE washing and day work. W. 2128. ITAUNDRY. washing, cleaning, liar. 96 L LA1NDRY. Ironing, f-.r. S. S"h. II. 4WL LAUNDRY and day worK. Dnu!as 7144. WOMAN wantw day work. 1IE0 8. 16th! ANTK1) Day work. Call Tyler 250tl. ,NY kind of day work. Harney 17W. BUNDLE weshlni and dnv work. II. 1049. DAY work wanted of any kind. Dg. 5536. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. ST ENG., private sec .15.00 STENOGRAPHER 76.00 STENO., comptometer opr 75.00 8TENO., beginner 60.00 LEDGER CLERK, good penman.... 66.00 SOLICITOR 50.00 SALESMAN, specialties 85.00 THE PA NO AGENCY. 00 BEE BLDG. SALES' mgr., 31uO-3l75; sales mgr., small business, iwo, grocery buyer 3175, trav eling sslesman grocery specialties, 3125; bkpr., grain, 3100: bkpr., bank, 36)); steno and clerk. 365: steno.. 350. Western Reference & Bond Assn., Inc. Originators of the Reference Business. ini Omaha National Bank Building. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAGER. Traffic managers are In demand. The field Is moat fertile for an ambitious man to rise into a high salaried posi tion. 3200 per mo. and up. Special coach ing and training. 14"! W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMAN, auto supplies, tltiu.e - , Bkkpr., mfg. experience, 370 to ISO.-' Solicitors, city, 350 to 300. Bkkpr., small amount steno work, 365. Office clerk. 355: office boy. 3-5. WATTS RK'F. CO.. 840-43 Brandels Thea. BOOKKEEPER, quick, accurate, 375. Floor salesman, automobile. - book. keeper, rate experience, 385. Salesman, real estate, experience. Co-Operative Reference Co., 1016-16 City National. BOOKKEEPER, grain up,, ffT. Bienograpner .. no. Advertising solicitor, salary and com. We have many others, calL phone or write. THE MARTI CO. 1327 VvY O. W. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, 30. vimana pee. Professions and Trsdrs. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBlXE SCHOOL has moved from 2403 Leavenworth St. to 3026-28 Farnam St. WANTED A good horsehoer and black smith to go Into business for himself; good location and large building (down town). I can furnish some tools; rent very cheap. R. Rumbel, 1424 Gust St., Omaha. ELDERLY gentleman to tend yard. In exebsnee for pleasant room. Got. Z236. Dreg Horo .maps, lobs Knei"t. Bee Bldg. Rale men and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL HIGH GRADE 8TAPLE LINE. ONE ACQUAINTED WITH CITY GRO CERY, DRUG AND CONFECTION ERY TRADE. APPLY IN OWN HANDWRITING, GIVING EXPER IENCE. AGE. SALARY. MUST BE ABLE TO GIVE SECURITY. ADDRESS F 862. BEE. ADVERTISING SALESMEN. Young men who think they are salesmen and can sell advertising space to merchants can land a perma nent position with good future if they can make good. . Want clean-cut,' live, wide-awake . and aggressive men who ran get in terviews with business men and tell their story In sn Intelligent manner. SALARY AND COMMISSION. Tell all about yourself In first letter. . A -l..-e ;. AGENTS make quick money selling . "USALYTE." strongest gas mantle In the world. Johnson Lamp Company, (19 H. 161 h St. SALam N Two young men to travel went; big commissions; leave city today. Cell Mr. Matteson. Csstle Hotel. 1-3. W A N T E D S lock and bond salesman. . Standard Security At Investment Co., 1207 W. O. W. Bldir., Omaha SALESMAN WANTED Call t3 S, 16th. THE BE are sure to come HELP WANTED MALE Moirl and Kiatssranla, IKLIAHI.K employment asency, i, j Psvenport St., hesduuarters for hotel help: spec, sttenticn to ri I at a nee order.. 'I rattle (CMVWlaVa MOLEIt I3ARBER- COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have oiiginate.1 a plan to teach It quickly and earn tacit tuition wh'le lea i inn. T'Hihf Included. Open lo every one. Write Tor catalogue, 110 So. 14lh t. Omaha. Neb LEARN barber trade, more than make Jour tuition while learn ng. Ket of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue, ltua Podge. TR1-C1TT BARBER COLLEGE. STt-.N wanted to learn the lather trade. Tuition, $Jo- HiOS Chss St., Omaha, OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring ruph. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN Aul'U COLLEGE. ")3 Farnam Bt. '. Omaha. Neb. Ho? s. WANTEl ott.te loy; must write a goocj nand. Apply to Mrs. Ogden, Koom swi Kennedy Bldg.. 218 lith St. M lsre.l In LOCOMOTIVE -firemen, train brakemen; JILO monthly. Experience unnecessary. T'nilwnv, Y ?-!. Ree. WANTED An experienced man as ele vator mananer to buy and sell grain at Cbslco. Neb. V. O. Schmidt, Pres.. Mil liA-d, Meb ' WANTE1 Voun men as ra"ii-sy mall clerks. 375 month; sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221-N, Rochester. N. Y. W A . T ED N a mot of ambiiloua men. It or over, wanttng Railway Mall clerk po sitions. 375.00 month. Answer lmmedl nreiv Y 241. Pee. yVAlTEP Experienced farm hand for general farm work. F. C. Bliss. ?54 Ex change Bldg., Union Stock Yards. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS Make a dollar an hour. Sell Mendets, a patent patch for instantly mending leaks In all utensils. Sample package and catalogue of household specialties free. Collette Mfg. Co., pept. . 1 . . . -KT V BIG money for you selling our houSJSld nil rt . iiiHiriunin. n . x. specialties. r.siaousnea rnpuisny.. Write L. W. Myers, Iowa Distributing f. o.. box :u. jmumwii. m A UTOZENE Equals gasolene at 6 cents a gallon; make it yourself. Treehold, Areata, Calif CANVASSERS wanted. Apply Palace Barber Shop, Z4th and Davenport, eve . nlngs. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WE have a large list of stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks. Tell us your needs. No charge for this service. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Douglas 1284. STENO. and dictaphone opr., 3.. Steno., 366; Bteno., 355. Steno. and bkkpr., 340; order clerk, 340. Stenographer, 335. WATTS REF. CO., 840-42 Brandels Thea. AN experienced stenographer. Willing worker. Pleasing personality. To take managers dictation and do detail cleri cal work. 350. Q 637, Omaha Bee. COMPTOMETER OPR. 360.00 STENOGRAPHER, Insurance 35.01 STENOGRAPHER 40.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. TYPIST, AT ONCE 33&7X THE MARTI CO.. 1327 W. O. W. Professions and Tradea. , 20 OPERATORS FOR POWER SEWING MACHINE IN SHIRT AND OVERALL FACTORY. IDEAL WORKING CON DITIONS. EXCELLENT WAGES AND - PERMJANENT POSITIONS GUAR , ANTEED. SEE MRS. DOBECK AT M. is. SMITH CO., TH & DOUGLAS. WANTED An experienced hairdresser at once. 1001 W. O. W. Bldg. LEARN halrdresslng at The Qppenheim. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADY traveler to demonstrate for lead ing drug stores In Nebraska and Iowa; good references essential, but not ex perienced; salary and traveling ex penses. Sales Manager, 1622 Chicago St. LADY SOLICITORS For high grade work. Very lucrative proposition. Room 1201. W. O. W. Bldg. W ANTElkmxperleneed saleslady; none but experienced need apply. Parisian ' (look Co., 318 and 320 8. 16th St. Household and Domestic. WANTED Housemaid, refined and ex perlenced Protestant woman or girl for general housework In private family; washing done by extra help. References required. Good wages. Call Walnut 3076. FREls. Ada for servant girls accepted three days free of chargo for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone vour ad to THE BEE office. Phone Tyler 1000. WANTED Good white girl for general house work; good home for right girl; family of three; plain cooking; no wash ing; good wage. Call at 3821 Farnam St. Harney 6250. MIDDLE-AGED lady or girl to work for room and board and be company for another lady. No wages -need be ex pected. 2764 Grant St. Webster 3135. WANTED corn p. maid for cooking and general housework; family of four; no washing; references required. 131 S. 3Sth St. Phone Harney 2152. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework, family of 3; no washing. References required. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. Harney 4760. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; references required. Harney 220. Mrs T .1. Dwver 4i7 TC With St WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small apartment; no wash In 16ChetaUriet: WANTED Neat white girl for general housework; no washing. Residence HS03 Douglas St. Phone Walnut 1182. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; small family; good w a e s Phone Harney 1582. WANTED Competent girt for general housework; no washing. Mrs. E. A. flierntt. kh aa Ave.. Council Bluffs. WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 in family, references required. 6114 Un derwood Ave. Walnut 2530. WANTED White woman for general housework. Apply at once. 8603 N. kith St. Phone Webster iXl. APPLY for general housework; no wash ing; small family; while preferred. Call 611 N. 3nth St. COM PETENT girl for general house work: no washing. 60S 8. 40th St. Tel. Harney 171. W A NT ED A girl for general housework. 13u2 Park Ave. Call Harney 8366. IF c iLah. Per Word ) asst s'