tut: iw.v.t omaiia, Tuesday, mahch (i MANIFESTO GIYEN OUT BYJARRANZA President Says U. S. Cannot Enter Mexico Without Granting Reciprocal Bight NATION WILL DEFEND RIGHTS MEXICO CITY, March 13. The General Carranca last night Issued a manifesto to the nation declaring that under no circumstances would the Mexican government grant the right to the United States to violate Mexican territory by sending In an armed force In pursuit of Villa with out consent and reciprocal prlvllige being first obtained and admitted. It was sent to confidential agents of the Mexican government In Wash ington with instructions to make im mediate representations to this ef fect. fpealca for Mexicans. General Carranza says In his manifesto: "I am sure that I interpret In this matter the national statement, and that the Mexican people will com ply in a dignified manner with their duty, be the sacrifices what they may, to sustain their rights and sovereignty, if unfortunately this drags us Into a war a war which the United States can never justify We will not be responsible for the disastrous consequence and upon the heads of the. traitorous Mexicans who, within and without this country, have labored to produce this result, will fall the inexorable Justice of the people." . Tho full taxt of General Carranta's manifesto follows: ' Itaatlon Very Delicate. "Because of the assult which Fran rtco Villa and the bandits who accom panied htm made on the town of Colum bus, In American territory, burning houses and killing some of the lnhabl, tants, soldiers as well as civilians, the international-situation In these momenta is very delicate, as the North American prees have excited their people against Mexico, and the government of that country has ' discussed the situation in the American congress, members of which have advised Intervention. "The constitutional government, which I have the honor to represent. Is also occupied diligently in an effort to solve this delicate situation, trying at all costs to maintain the dignity and sovereignty of Mexico, and we yet hope that this lamentable Incident may be arranged and that there will be no reason for an Inter national conflict. Addresses Washlagloa. "I have addressed the government of the United States, through the foreign office, stating that the Invasion of Villa haa historical precedents, as In the years 1880 and 1888 two parties of Indiana com ing from the United States invaded Son ora and Chlhuamia, committing crimes and depredations on the lives and prop erties of the Mexicans. "It was agreed then between the gov ernments of the two countries to permit the respective passage of armed forces,'' resulting In the extermination of the In dians.! I have asked the American gov ernment to pursue a like course in order to solve future difficulties should they arise, noting that Villa and his com panions are a group of bandits whose acta the Mexican government or reople would not be responsible for, and that hla reproachable conduct Is due to instiga tion of' the reactionary element, that; lacking patriotism and convinced of Its Sefeat, Is trying by all means to bring on armed intervention. Answer Not Received. "I hav not yet received the answer of the American government and from the reports of my chiefs along the frontier learn that the American forces are mobi lising to pursue and capture and deliver him to the Mexican authorities; that the expedition la In the nature of a punitive campaign and that the sovereignty of Mexico will be respected. "The constitutional government has given instructions to Its confidential agent at Washington Immediately to make representations that under- no cir cumstance will any motive, be the reasons of the United Statea government wi.ai mey may. justiry the armed In vasion pf Mexican territory without re ciprocal right, being granted to the Mexi cans, and that not for an instant will the Invasion of Mexican territory or an out rage to its dignity be tolerated. "I am sure that in this I Interpret the national sentiment and that the Mexican people will readily comply with their duty, be the sacrifices what they may to maintain their rlghta and sovereignity if. unfortunately, we are dragged Into a war. which the United States never can Justify, we will not be responsible for the drastic consequences, but will serve as instruments for Mexican traitors, within and without our country, who have labored long to produce this result, and upon their heads will fall the Inexorlble Justice of the Mexican people.'' Consul at Havre's Repor.t Shows Silius Sunk by Submarine PARIS, .March 13-J. B. Osborne, A merl in consul at Havre, in his report to Washington on the slnklas of the Nor wegian bark Silius. Is understood to bring out clearly that the SiUus was torpedoei tV a submarine. The seven Americans on the bark were looking after a cargo of oaU which was consigned to the French government. There men and the members of the crew have been questioned by the consul who has cabled a summery of their testimony to Washington. Their testimony. It It said, leave, no doubt that the Slllua was torpedoed without warning. A full re port on the sinking of the vessel will be mailed to Washington. Four German submarines are reported to be in the Knglish channel, prepared to enforce rigidly Germany, recently an nounced policy of naval warfare. The French pre. Is en-roii.erf ,u. battle of Verdun and publishes without comment the latest German memorandum regaidlng submarine warfare and tha ,"w. or the sinking of the Stilus. The emps. however, remark, that th pedolng of tho Hllu. cannot fail to ... open the entire conflict between fie Unit-d Ha es and Gtrmany. In Mentally It remarks that the Incursion of Mexi cans into American teriltory bears thj "1enca of German complicity. TAKES TEXT FROM PARADOXICAL VERSE Dr. L. Groh Ketiewi Christ's Min ister'. Duties in Service at Lutheran Church. PITFALLS OF SHALLOW-MINDED Rev. tr. L, Oroh. at St. Mark s Knglish Lutheran church, took as hla text Sun day morning the verse that la perhaps the most paradoxical one In the Plble. He was assisted In the rervlce by Rev. J. A. Lowe. Ph.. P.. of McOool. Neb., chaplain of the Nebraska Lutheran synod. Dr. Qroh's text was the tenth verse of the sixth chanter of the second epistle to the Corinthians: 'As sorrowing, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich: as having nothing, and yet possessing all things." "I'aul, in this chapter, reviews th duties of ministers of Christ and enum erates tha afflictions that they must be prepared to suffer for tho rake of the sospcl." said the sneaker. "This verse la w paradox, a trlrl paradox. And as such It Illustrates well the pltfnlls into which the shallow mlndfd foil when they presume to criti cise God's word and plan. A superficial person, looking at this verse in his char-' aeterletle euperflclal manner would Im mediately curl a scornful Up and Bay It was false on the face of it. Rorrnnlagi Yet Rejoicing. "But a little analysis shows In. thlj verse the rich gold that a study uncovers In any part of the Bible. How. then, can a person be sorrowing yet always rejoicing? Luther, when he stood by the body of his dead daughter knew pro foundest sorrow; yet at the same time ho professed the aupremeat Joy because hf knew that she was saved and happy and safe. "The Christian may always be In sor row for the sin and Iniquity which he sees in tha world all about him. and yet sees the peace and Joy of God because he tealizea that Christ haa saved the world. "How ran one be poor and make many rich? Paul speaks here of worldly poverty and spiritual riches. Paul ha1 nothing. He had given up all his material riches. Tet he made many rich by ret son of the fact that he preached Christ's salvation to them. "And so with the final apparent paradox, as having nothing and yet possessing all things. The apostles had nothing in worldly goods, yet they possessed all. things because they hai what la worth Immeasurably more than earthly riches." merclal and Agricultural body, (Aitonr-I Roosevelt said: "If a nation is powerless either to hold Ita own or to secure respects of others or to do right within ita own holders: It It falls Into a con iltlort of misrule and anarchy, then It has no right to be treated as a self-resiiecting and Inde pem'ent poer. The international traders we shall hae to tske steps with rvRard to disorderly nations that do not behave themselves and are festering sores In the International body politically. ' Japaa Firm for Allies. TOKIO. March 1.1. The tecent crlllclsm In the press of the Atiglo-.lapHiiose nl-ii-mce Induced Premier Count Okuma to lv to alve an Interview. In which he condemned what he charHctorixol as petty efforts to create an agitation against (trest Hrltaln. The premier de clared unequivocally Hint there would bo no wavering In Japan's fidelity to the alKance. American Wounded. 'OTTAWA. Ont.. Mar-h 11 -William T Rowlnnd of MtnnrnpolK Minn., wss rl ported wounHed and TNvvns Wilkinson f Sheridan, Wyo., was listed ns seriously HI In the Overseas casualties ninrto militt'. here tonight by the Militia department. MEXICO CITY HEARS "THE GRINGO COMES" Official Orjran Publishes News Villa Raid and American Move After Him. of HARSH WORDS FOR BANDITS MKXICO riTY. Mexico. March 13. news of the attack on Columbus hy Villa and hla followers was first made public here this morning when the official organ Kl Pueblo pub lished the text of the note of tho Mexican government asking the gov ernment at Washington to permit the passage of Mextran soldiers Into American territory, If such became necessary. In the pursuit of Villa and at the same time granting to the I'nlted Plates the reciprocal privilege of entering Mexican territory for the same purpose. Harsh Wards. I'ndrr the caption, "The Columbus Case." "Itoguery of Natives and For eigners." Kl Pueblo says editorially: X "The Infamous traitorous work of the Villa band In the t'nited Plates has fin ally reached Ita most abhorent strength. Recause they were Impotent lo etem the military political triumphs of constitu tionalism they have tried to force armed Intervention hy the I'nlted States In the affairs In Mexico In nn endeavor to gain the most power. "These enemies of civilisation and lib erty conspire against the harmony and peace that ought to prevail between the two peoples, who, because of their In clinations, culture. Ideals and geograph ical position, are called upon Jointly to share the task of working out the des tinies of this western hemisphere. "We are profoundly convinced that the American government maintaining that scrutiny and Judgment so necessary In this tinhsppy event will follow Its In itial policy of respect towsrd the Mexi can government, and will combine with It to take such action as such circum stances warrant. ot Hera te fe Slaves. "In this way the misery of war thus provoked by the criminal maneuvers of the enemies of both governments and both peoples will have been averted. At any rate, we assure tne whole world that Mexico will never lose her international cltlsenshlp. but that she would pre fer to succomb gloriously In the rough sea of heroic struggle the supreme re course of a reople born never to be staves." General Carranta arrived at Queretsro last night to which Uwn he hurried with his cabinet from Guadalajara. He will remain In the provisional capital until the crisis Is past. Moose Preset Delegates. Tni:.VTON. Jf. J., March U.-The pro- - . -, j ,i -w iirrney Tonay se- rcien nee-s()s and a ternntea-si. ri-iew q'-miPB ana aiternntes-si.Tsnro ""ii i""mi urii-Riipn, to tne nnttnnal convention of that party to be held at ' m June, i ne delegate, are Instructed. till- Bryan Says Wilson Has Done Just Right' ' In Ecgard to Pancho CHICAGO. March U. William Jennings Rryan gave his approval to the course of President Wilson on the Mexican allu, atlon In two addresses here today, and later epitomised hla remarkes In the foU lowing statement: "I think the president Is entirely right In the two positions he haa taken on the Mexican situation. "First, the pursuing Of the outlawa whi perpetrated the outrage on Colunw bus, N. M. "Second, that congress decided that thla was not Intervention or Invasion, but merely enforcing Justice In a section where the Mexican government la not able to enforce Justice. "I am glad the president la resisting; the demands of those who want inter ventlon. "I think the country will support the president in his refusal to regard this) new cause as a sufficient excuse for ln terventlon." Several Mexicans in Nogales Arrested As Villa Adherents NOQAliES, "Aria.. March 13.-Several Mexicans, suspected of being Villa adher ents, were taken Into custody and ques tioned here today by United States mili tary authorities acting upon Information supplied by deputy sheriffs. Considerable arms and ammunition in their possession was confiscated. Among those appre hended was General Camberls, a former VUla general. A condition of subdued excitement. prevailed here today, marked by activity , on the part of Amqrlcan troops. A heavy guard patrolled the border. while patrols kept constant vigil through out the streets of the town. Late last night the sound of American cavalry patrols moving about were heard and shortly afterwards bugle calls on the Mexican side of Nogales Increased the excitement until it waa learned that the bugle waa calling for the assembling of a company of Mexican artillery pre paratory to Its departure for Naco. Aalde from the searching of homes. nothing occurred. The streets of the Mexican town were deserted early In the night and by midnight not a person was to be seen below the international line. ROOSEVELT LAYS DOWN . LAW FOR THE NATIONS PORT Or SPAIN. Trinidad. March 17. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt have been busy the last week visiting places of interest in Trinidad. They have been everywhere gladly re ceived. At a banquet at the Union club, a com- Put Stomach in Order and Stop Gas Indigestion 'Tape's Diapepsin" regulates , disordered stomachs in five minutes. No more dyspepsia, sourness, heartburn, pain, belching;, . or acidity. 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