TIIK HKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1910. "CALL 0!l ME TO HEAR OF TAIILAC" Shooting Gallery Man Invites All Interested in The Tonic ? to near His Results. He, Wishes to Aid Sufferers Flint, bllnc, blln the bell Bounded In rapid euccaalon. 8. I. Rose waa try Ir.n out his favorite rifle on one of the lilg bull' ryes In hla shooting gallery. Ho la' a crack ahot and like to give ex hibitions ft Ma skillful tnarksmanahlp. rll the boys are welcome. He will not only give tbem a few pointers on rifle practice, but he will "wine" them up on the health oueatlon, which he conatdera the most Important of all. 11 may be seen at 107 H N. ICth Street. Omaha. "I have had stomach trouble mora or lens for three years, but I hare been much worae since two weeks before Christmas,' Mr. Rose told the Tanlac nan yesterday. Tanlac. aatlsflea alck people. It la purely vegetable and aireea with the moat delicate atomach. It helps people with i)r digestions, who are rierrous, hare no appetite, do not Bleep well, have poor circulation, coM extremetlea, numb ness. ' dlssinese, biliousness, headache, coated tongue, shortnane of breath, pal pitation snd constipation. Tanlac over comes that tired feeling by making peo ple sleep well and thy bounce out of bed In the morning strong and refreshed. Tsn?ao Is a fins spring- tonle. "Tanlac has cured me of one of the wo rut cases of Indigestion that oyer existed,- stated Mr. Rose. "No one knows what I suffered but myself. I know, too. how good I feel now. Tan lac Is a marvelous medicine. "I make this statement for the bene fit of the suffering people of Omaha, ard I am' anxious for all of the people who are interested to call on ms and I will gladly tell vthem all about Tanlac snd my recovery'. Tanlac has mad a different man of me," Mr. Rose stated In conclusion. Tanlacl Is being apeclally Introduced at the drug store of Sherman McCon nell in Omaha by the Tanlac man, who explains Ita uses and makes known ths results thst may be expected. Tanlac may be obtained In the follow ing cities: Ashland. Cone's Pharmacy; Plus Springs. R N. Wonder; Benson, rVhlllsr-Beattle Pharmacy; Central City, PcMller Drug Store; rand Island, Clay ton's rharmacy: Weeping Water, Meyer Drug tore. Advertisement. FEEL YOUNG! It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabled For Von! Pews re of the habit of constipation. It develops from Just a few constipated days. ; unions you take yourself In hand. Coat the Joded bowel muscles back to normal action with Ir. Edwards' Gllvs Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Don't force thorn to unnatural aclloti with severe medicines or by merely (Pushing out the Intestines with nasty,- sickening cathartl'S. Dr. ; Kdwards believes In gentleness, Ierelfltency and Nature's assistance. Dr. Hiitwards' Olive Tablets open .the bowels; their action Is gentle, yet posi tive. There is never any pain or grip ing when Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are ucd. JuRt the kind of treatment (.Id persons should have. Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are a vege table compound mixed with olive oil, you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two occasionally and have no trouble with your liver, bowels or stomach. 10o and 'Jc per box. All drug tlsts. The Olive Tahiet Company, Columbus, Ohio. Easy. Way to Remove Freckles and Eruptions Soma women hara skin of such texture they ovcaaioiiaiiy are annoyed by int-lMi appearnnce of frecka, snsht eruptions or fine lines. March winds usually plsy havoo with skins of that ain. In such caeea If one will procure an ounce of cotnnuin mercoilsed wax at any drug store, apply a lltUaj of It be fore retiring, like cold cream, ahe can f sally overcome the trouble. When the wax is washed off next morning, flaky ekm particles come with It. The entire outer cuticle Is removed In this way in U Klk ir so. Willi ail its defects. Nil hlearh could so effectually remove froi-kle or blemishes. The new inr fa..- la smooth, clear, fresh looking. No psin or Inconvenience accompanies this simple treatment. In case of wrinkles which sink be neath the outer akin, a solution of pow dered aaxollla, 1 oa. dissolved in pL witch hasel makes a face bath which if wonderfully efiocUve. Advertisement, Tc:Ars mm vm It La not necessary to shampoo quite so frequently If your hair Is properly cleansed each time by use of a really good sham poo. The easiest to use and quickest dry- luff shampoo that we can recommend to our readers may be prepared very cheap ly by dissolving a teaspoonful of can throx, obtained from your druggist. In a cup of hot water. This rubbed into the scalp creates a thick lather, soothing and cooling In Its action, as well as very bnvflctal to scalp and hair. After rlns liitf the scalp Is fresh and clean, while the bulr dries qul'kly and evenly, developing a bright luater and a soft fluff loess that rnulie It seem very heavy. Advertise ment. " ' PTUR! We fcae a sucreanrul treatment for Rupture without resorting to a painful and uncertain surgical opetallon. VV'e tin tha only repuutMe pnyaiclans who will urn sui'h uum upon a guarantee te give stlsfctury results. W have 3e txlri iwit than twenty years to the ea iluKlve treatment of Rufiure, and we nv perf le beat treatment in ex- l icina today. We do not inject paref (ine or wa-, as It Is dangerous. . The ad tuniHgee of our treatment are: No loss ot time. No detection from tiualu. No damfe? from chloroform, shock and Vtood puison and no laying up lu a hoa- A Few ot Onr Hatlsftod Patients, Hr. I'eter Blsh, liarvard. Neb.; Arnold Purii. Nuifolk, Neb.; W. M. Uensllnger, I jrr, Sua.; C. 8. Juld. A vim a. I ; j,,hn H laarar, llisJr, Mcb.; C M. Harris. VUI--rn. la.; Orrln HaeS, rsaiMia, Nl AMn jl"ii. Onklana. tsoii.; lie. J. t. biuniirl. L'tica. Neb.; John Hohus, Wis er, JK -b. ; John Cos. tiloux Clly, la; Daa Murphy, lla N'orlh lt;h hi.. Ouii,. -'rt, fif1 rttin1reie rtf fvirs. -----t M or e '. 1. re. WUT as KlTgXgT, M'CLANAHAN RAPS BROTHER MEDICOS Sayi Medical Profeuioa ia at Fault Because Mothers Do Not Nurie Their Babiei. BOTTLE mJURES THE HEALTH "The medical profession is at fault bcaua more mothers do not nurse their babies at the breast," Dr. II. M. McClanahan told an au dience of Omaha mothers in a lec ture at the Boyd theater. The lec ture was delivered In connection with the "Baby Health week1 pro gram. Dr. McClanshsn's subject was "Breast Feeding of the Human In fant" He declared that nine out of ten mothers were willing to nurse their babies at the breast acd It was In most cases the fault of their medical advisers that they did not. "It Is the medical profession, not the mothers of America, to be blamed for this state of affairs. "It la a great fallacy that babies have ss good chances of living when nursed by the bottle aa at the breast," asserted Dr. McClanahan. '"There Is only one reason,' he con tinued, 'why a mother shouldn't nurse her baby at the breast. That, reason la her health. "I believe there It a day coming when the men of this country will not consent to their wives becoming mothers unless the baby ran be nursed at the breast A aether Prevailing Fallacy. "Another fallacy prevailing In the mind of the average person Is that, next to the mother's milk, cow'a milk is the best for babies. There are 'several animals' thst give better milk for the baby than cows. "Goat's milk, for Instance, Is better. The reeson cow'a milk Is ao generally used Is because they have become domes ticated. "The reason we don't have goat's milk si a general thing Is because the raising of goats for dairy purposes does not pay. 'If there was enough money In It, there would be plenty of dealers In goat's milk. Dr. McCIananhan was Introduced by Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm. Pleads Own Case in a Suit Against the Street Car Company Attllla Randolph, who aaya he Is an ssslstant ambassador of the Lord, scorns the services of attorneys In his $10,100 damage suit now on trial before Judgo Hedlck In district court. When he ap peared before the court alone, perm's. slon was granted him to plssd hla twn cause, which he did quite successfully. Randolph was put off street cara when be attempted to distribute a religious paper to the passengers, and though lie admits no violence wss shown and his money wsa returned, he asks damages for menial anguish and humiliation' suf fered. Improvers Begin , 1 to Make Plans for Independence Day .' Fourth of July la coming. The Northweat Federation of Improve ment club will meet "Tuesday evening In the office of City Commission Hummel to arrange for the third annual July Fourth celebration In Fontenella park. The club hopes to make the next cele bration, the best, they have held. Over 5,000 attended , the celebration last July. NATIONAL PLAYGROUND 7 V EXPERT VISITS HERE Charles F. Weller, associate secretary of tha Playground and Recreation asso ciation of America, la here on a "pas toral visit." aa he expressed It. "Commissioner Hummel and members of the Recmatlon board deserve much credit for what they have accomplished along lines of play and recreational activ ities In tha park. I regard Superintendent English aa a competent and progressive man In this line ef work and I feel that the future holds much for the Omaha Re creation board and its superintendent." aald Mr. Weller. YOUR SHARE OF THE BANK , DEPOSITS IS'ABOUT $600 ''Have you two in the savings bank or building and loan Company T" If not. maybe you are below the average- Omaha aavlng cltlasn In thrift. Tha average person In Omaha has about that amount aaved up. according te fig ures that are being compiled by the bureau of publicity of the Commercial club. The figures are not complete, but tha preliminary report ahowa that a very large peroentage of Omaha's cltlsena are savers, and that the savings of these will average aearly Ho per capita. CLUB WANTS TENTH STREET CAR LINE EXTENDED SOUTH . An extension of the Fa main atreet ear line from Tenth and Boulevard where It now ends to the Aibrlght line at Thr taenia and Atlas streets la an Improve ment which the Rivervlew Improvement club la seeking. They hold that tha pres ent facilities are entirely inadequate for the present traffto In the southeast reo- tion of the city.. The club haa resolved to ask the car company for the above mentioned extension. ADA BELLE AND JULIA SOON TO GO INTO SERVICE Much Ice flowed down the Missouri river yesterday , when the sum beamed warm and bright, and Indications are that not much more lea In large chunks la to coins. Reports received at ths Commer cial club show that the Ice la practlally all out of the river aa' far up as Tank ton.. Navigation Is soon to start up for the summer between Omaha and Decatur. The Ada Belle and the Julia have been wintering at Decatur. Maar ! Daa't kits A sluggish liver causes an awful lot of misery to keep tt active use Dr. King's New 'Life 'Fills, Onlr c All druggtsta Advertisement, , HEW DEPARTMENT MANAGERS AT HA YD EN BROS. 0. G.Erichson HEYtf TU0TO New furnishing goods buyer at llayden Bros. Is a man well known In Chicago department store circles, having been for years with Marshall Field, Chicago. Ho aaya Omaha certainly looks good to him, and that the outlook for a big aprlng and summer business la certainly promising. Fred WlDavis New buyer of men's, young men'a and boys' iclothlng at llayden Bros, la a man who is thoroughly acquainted with the clothing situation, having made the busi ness a life study. Mr. Davis was for Tears connected with Csrson, Plrle tt Ooott, Chicago. "I've hoard lota of Omaha In the past few years," said Mr. Davis, "and want to aay I'm not at all disappointed." It Is the Intention of Hayden Bros, to enlarge both these departments to a con slderabln extent, and . both these men are entering Into the preparations ( with great enthusiasm. School Board Now Knows Solution of Speaking Problem Warning to the publio: Don't be sur prised If members of the Board of Edu cation ahould auddemy display unuaual declamatory and recitative abilities. A concern In Atlantic City has offered to supply tli school officials speeches, addresses, short talks for the, dinner or breakfast table, or articles for any occa sion and on any subject.. It la agreed that If the speech or address should not set well upon an audience the money will be refunded to the board member. Dr. E. Ilolovtchiner believes this serv ice would he helpful In tlmea of need. He la wondering It the board could get club ratca. ALLEGES SHE RECEIVED VALUELESS LAND IN SWAP When tha husband of Ida May Cole went to Mississippi to look over some land which hla wire acquired a sight unseen trade for K.000 worth of good Florence property, he was shown estatss ether than the ones he was Interested in, la alleged In a suit brought -y Mra Cole against Arthur Jelley and I. N. Vogel, whom ahe charges with conspiracy. The. land she got for her Florence acres Is valueless, she asserts. BUT NINE NEW FEVER CASES IN LAST TWO DAYS The follomlng nine cases of , scsrlet fever were reported to the health office during the laat forty-eight hours: Mrs. Nlms. hospital. R. R. Ktrkham. !W17 Taylor. Marie Daley. 1M Houth Twenty-atxth. Hush Uuarfe, 22Lt Pierce. Ruth llrady, BU3 Marcy. Milton KdghUI. toil North Twenty eighth. Mruce Moredlck, Fowler avenue. Phena t'ormlglla, lilt Arbor. Will Daniels. Thirty-third and Brown. THREE OMAHA MEN JUDGE CAKE WALK IN MISSOURI Mayor Dahlman la back at hla desk. after a visit to Exoelslor Springs and Bt. Louia In the society columns of the Exoelsior Springs Dally Journal appears an account of a cake walk held at The Kims hotel laat Friday evening. Among the Judgea were Mayor Dahiman, Thomas J. Foley and Andrew hturpy of this city. The mayor reports having spent an so Joyabie evening at the cake walk. AWAKES JUST IN TIME TO FLEE FROM BURNING HOME Charles Lcighty. 60& Leavenworth atreet. awoke early Sunday morning to find hla house on fire. Both he and hla wife made their way safely from the 1 burning structure, which waa partially destroyed. 1 Ji ' V. ''-".: 9 Mary Page Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of :: Pictures by What Happened to Mary" :: Essanay (Copyright, 191B. by McClure Fubllratlonsi IYKOPSI. Mary rage, actress, is accused of the mirW nf lvld Pollock snd Is defended by hr lover, Philip linxdnn. Pollock whs Intoxlcnled. At Marv's trial she ad mlts she had the revolver. Her malil testifies thst Mary threstened Pollock Willi It previously, snd Mary's leading man Implicates I-nr)nn. How Mary die appeared from the scene of the crime la a myatery. .Brandon t-lls of a strange hand print he saw on Mary s shoulder. Further evidence snows that borrow of drink pro duces temporary Insanity In Mary. The defense is "repreKsed psychosis." Wit nesses deacrllod Msry's fllttht from her Intoxicated father and her father's sui cide. Nurse Walton dencrihes the kid naping of Msry hy Pollock, and Amy I'.nrton tells of Mary's striiKKles to be come sn actress, of Pollock's pursuit of nr snd or snather occasion when the swell of liquor drove Mary Insane. (Continued from Saturday.) CIIAPTF.R IX. A JVew t lae. , Nature with her prodlgnl creatlveness sends every human being Into the world differing in some fashion from his fel low men and women; not merely In fea ture, but In emotions and character. Tet taken In the aggregate all these contras ting personalities may be swayed aa one man. They may be played upon like an Instrument and roused to blind anger; to tenrful aympathy and even to panic, and therein Ilea the aecret of what scientists term "mob psychology," the blessing and equally the bane of the lawyer In the court room. It waa not merely aympathy for Mary that swayed the crowd on this partic ular morning however; -It waa expec tancya psychlo aense of something Impending and there was a whisper that might have been excitement or a mere composite. "I told youso," when Langdon, a bundle of papers. In hla hand, atepped. forward and addressed the court.. ' -our honor and gentlemen of the Jury." he said quietly, "It had been my Intention to call upon Mr. Daniels, man ager of the defendant, aa my next wit ness. But" ha Mutsd dramatically "Mr. Daniels has disappeared! And In searching for him such Important facta have come to light that I crave the in dulgence of the court to recall some former witnesses in order to Introduce fresh testimony for the defence. It has been learned t" at. unknown to Mlsa Page. David Pollock supplied the money to back 'The Seekers,' In which the de fendant was starred, and there are such auspicious features connected with the partnership of Daniels and Pollock that I" . "t object. Interrupted the District attorney hotly, leaping to hla feet. "If there are suspicious features or new facts let Mr. Langdon Introduce them aa testimony. Your Honor, this ia a palpable effort on the part ot my learned opponent to mislead . the Jury and to subtly direct evidence against a man who is 'missing' and cannot defend himself." ' "On the contrary," stormed Langdon, "I stand ready to bring out each one of these facta in tha testimony of my witnesses. I was merely anticipating the very natural query of your Honor, Why not call Mr. Daniels himself r by explaining the situation." ' "In that case," said the Judge quietly, "the court will sustain you. But I think It advisable for you simply to call such witnesses aa you have. In order that the proceedings may not be delayed." Langdon turned to the bailiff with a smile of aatlsfactlon. "Call Ooorge Brennan," he aald, and flashed " look of encouragement at Mary, whose eyea had opened wide in amasement . at hla apeeoh, an amass- DRINK A CLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Sjyn we will both look and foci clean, sweet and freak: and avoid lllnssa, Vanltary aclenre haa of late made rapid atridea with results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The lat est application of Its untiring research ia,tho recommendation that It la aa necessary to attend to Internal sanita tion of the drainage system of the hu man body as It la to the drains of the house. Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, atuffy from a cold, foul tongue, r.asty breath, acid stom ach, ran. inatead, feel aa fresh as a daisy by opening the alulcea of the ays tern each morning and flushing out tha whole of the Internal poisonous stag nant matter. Kveryone, whether ailing, alck or well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate li It to wash from the atomach, liver ant bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and prisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purify ing the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the atomach. The action of hot water and limestone phos phate on an empty atomach la wonder fully Invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentatlona, gases, waste and aridity and gtvea one a splendid ap petite for breakfaat While you are en Joying your breakfast the phnsphated hot water la quietly extracting a large volume ef water from the blood and getting ready for a thorough fluahlng of all the Inside organs. The mliltona of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatto etlffness; others who hsve sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are- urged to get a q.iarter pound of lime stone phosphsts from ths .drug store. This will cost very little, but Is suffi cient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the suhtect of Internal sanita tion. Advertisement. JOMIEB IROH Increasea strength el delicate, nervous, run-dowa people t vent In tea daS many tnetaaeca 11 M forfeit If it falls aa per full ex planation la las artlule see to ap pear to tills paper, A&ji rear Auelar IrugxUt about K. bi.'rfnan A Uc. nueil Urtwt sMutrea eJwaja arrg It la stuck. iimr i , ... . M,i i ment that was, however, tinned with the first dawn of a real hope. It didn't need the question as to his occupation to tell the spectators that I ho new witnens was a detective. It was somehow written all over his clean shaven, square-Jawed face. "Mr. Brennan," aald Langdon, when the witness had given his age as SO and his state as unmarried, "will you please tell the court the result of your Inves'.l gatlons into uie disappearance of Will Ism Daniels, following your failure to arrve subpoena upon him?" "I called at the Daniels apartment," aald the detective quietly, . "t Mr. Lang don's request. He wanted Mr. Danlela as a witness and also wanted him to call at his (Mr. Langdon's) office be fore coming Into court." "Who was In the apartment when you called?" "Mrs. Daniels and her daughter. A young girl of 1 or 17." "Did you notice anything unusual in their behavior?" . "Well, I don't know ss I'd call It un usual, sir, In ths circumstances, but they were terribly upset. Mrs. Daniels aald that her husband had gone out two days before and nobody had seen him since." "Had she no Inkling of his where abouts?" "No. Phe said he had left as usual to go to his office In the Covington theater and that was the last they had -seen of him. Then I asked her if she had noti fied the police, and when she said. 'No,' I told her I was a detective, and had come seeking her husband as a witness In this trial. She said that he couldn't tell anything, she was sure, but that the murder of David Pollock had Irtlled him too. 'I'm sure that It's Just the murder and the trial that have driven him sway," she said. 'He's been almost in sane ever since It happened.' With the help of Mrs. Daniels and the daughter 1 went through his papers there at tho honse, and then Mrs. Daniels and I went to the theater and got the watchman to open his office." (To Ho Continued Tomorrow.) PRIZE FIGHTER EVANGELIST AT THE PEOPLE'S CHURCH Alfred Allen, the prize fighter evange list, preached to a large audience boll in the morning and evening services at i I. M r1 5 FAST SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED TRAIXS CMcag and the East Over a double track system with automatic electric safety signals all the way from Omaha to Chicago. 7 DAILY TIIAIRIS--7 all arriving in the new Passenger Terminal of the CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. at Chicago. DAILY SERVICE! . Leava Omaha. . 7:30 a. n. " M ..12:30 p.m. .. 6:00 p. m. M M .. cU32 p. m. - .. 9:00 p. sn. " ..10:10 p.m. - " " 1:20 Parlor Car on 7:30 a. m. train. Observation and Sleeping Cars on other trains. Overland Limited 9:00 p. m. extra-fare train lor first-class sleep ing car passengers only. Los Angeles Limited 10:10 p. m. train for sleeping car pas sengers only. v ' The Chicago Paassnf er Terminal Chicago at North Western Railway j tho Peoples church, B15 North FJghteenih street. Five young people hit the trait The church has lhvtted him to hold a series of meetings throughout the we?k. beginning at 7; o'clock each evening. FUNERAL OF A.W.PARKER TO BE THIS AFTERNOON Abram W. Parker died at hla residence, 9r North Twenty-seventh atreet. Sunday morning. He had been confined to hla home for the last four months, although he had been In falling health for over a year. Mr. Parker waa a native of Par kersburg, Va., where he waa born In 1S5, the son of a prominent Baptist minister, and had resided In Omaha for the last thirty-eight years. He waa appointed In spector of weights and measures by Mayor Cushlng. holding this position for two years. This was the first political appointment to be given a colored man In the city. For many years Mr. Parker waa In the coal and feed business. For some years prior to hla Illness he was In the employ of the Union Paclflo railway. He Is survived by his widow, three eons, Oeorge W Abram W Jr.. and Lawrence A., and two daughters, Mrs. W. J. John son and Mra Chester A. Williams, all of thia city. 1 The funeral will be held this after noon at 1 o'clock from the Church of Bt Philip the Deacon on Twenty-flrat atreet near Paul, with Interment In Forest Lawn. Rev. John Albert Williams will officiate. Ouch! Pain, Pain. Rub Rheumatic, Aching Joints Rub pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's OiLM , Rheumatism la "pain only." Not one case In fifty requires Internal treat ment Stop drugging. Rub soothing, penetrating "St Jacobs Oil" right Into ycur sore, stiff, aching Joints and mus cles, and relief cornea instantly. "St. Jacobs OH" Is a harmless rheumatism lure which never disappoints and .car. lot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St lacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in iust a moment you'll be free from rheu matic pain, soreness,- stiffness and swelling. Don't auffer! Relief awaits you. "St Jacobs OH" has cured mil- Ions of rheumatism aufferera In the ast half century,, and la Just aa good or sciatica, neuralgia, fcimbago, back iche, sprains. Advertisement. Arrlre Chicago. . 8:4S p. m, " .. &4S a. aa. ' - .. 7:34 a.m. M ..11:00 a.m. M - 8:30 a. m. M - ..11:30 a. n. " .. 2.-00 p. m Best of Everything Tkketa. reearvstioas and information mt City Tick OtfieM, 1401-3 Faraam St.. TeL Douglas 2740. 'chics n North Wexera Ry. H NWS041 H hThe Dread Prob lem" is not a problem in the home where Shredded Wheat is known. The whole wheat grain is the real -staff of life, and you have it iin Shredded Wheat Biscuit, , prepared in a digestible form. jit contains more real, body i building material than meat for eggs, is more easily digest jed and costs much less. The food for the crp-ond-coming man who does things with hand or brain for the kid dies that need a well-balanced food for study or play for the housewife who must save herself from kitchen drudgery. Delicious; for breakfast, or any meaL' with milk or cream. Madq (at NiagaraFall3, N. HAIR GROWS OR 110 PAY yoar hair talis out, thara la lack of aatura'a nourlahment, which cornea from the blood. Tha Modarn Vacuum Cap drawi tb blood to tha hair rnota and alvaa U HbiNKWEO 11 FK. Thla la trrc4 circulatloo. which diitmida tha mall blood voaaala ramorrnc mil tha cloairM and aluiratth blood Oom around tha h(r roota and aupplta frovh aw blood. Tha balr taka n naw life, ptahaa yaor hatr hava a healthy rIow, Htopa It from fallng otit and raaawa the Ufa In tha dormant hair folliclaa ao that thay agala row a baaithy had of hatr. Wa tend our enpa out on SIXTY DAYS' FREE TRIAL In jrour on horn. W. let yon be th )uds. It yu ara not aatlattcS wits ths sbowlne ma(i ynu rvturn ths Cap. snd th.r era no ehs.i-K. Vi run i ths risk that to" will ba sl4 to purrhu rh t'sp at tha n4 of slnr Imyt. or WK IjOSE. Tharc ia no ptibltrttr or uuplaaaant notnrlaty sa alt aMpmnta ara mad by Parcal Pont without ad- v.rti.lna Writ. todA for our Sonklat aji4 rt. r titulars, sent aea4ad la plats aayvlopa. . . (. .. . Modern Wuuni Cap Co. 043 Barclay Block, v Ieuver, Colo. i i Rheumatism! 1 Acute Muscular Chronic Sciatica Rheumatic pains of sot nature disappear under the soothing and warming influence of Sloan's Liniment.' Apply it lightly no need to rub It in it penetrates and brings relief at once. Sloan's a a n H H M I Liniment s ( KILLS rAIN M ( "Keep bottle In your home. H V Price tSc too, llM M IXJCClTirsTMlIlIMHMJeMHMe' TWENTIETH CUmiKT FARMER The Missouri Valley's Greatest Farm Paper. OMAHA 110,000 Copies Weekly TS.009 artftia ISIauItseOssaae HOTELS AND RESORTS. Making Hotel History Every Room at the Fort Dearborn Hotel, Chica go, is now $1.50 per day no higher. Tou don't hare to aak the clerk the rate when you reg ister. 600 rooms with pri vate bath or private toilet all with outside air and light. Erery Room $lQ per Day No Higher FORT DEARBORN HOTEL CHICAGO La Salle Street at Van Ilaiwa Dlreotloa ef Xeiel Compear. T0CR0yfi4JAS5IST AIR KpvjijRf