T1IK rKK: OMAHA, MOXPAY, MARCH 13, 1918. HELP WANTED FEMALE anlrevtiMnea and SoTTc 1 1 ors. r . . UA I U ( turn money and enioy rl ItrtK or tin of fancy and staple wash fahrlca tmonf friends anil nelnhbors; na noney required; references necesary; Mir scents enthusiastic- over our beauti ful Una anil results; send Immediately tor particular; secure your territory before it's taken. Old Colony Textile Co.. .) (A H)Proadway, New York. fT'K wonifn solicitors for ladiea' suits, coats anil dmwri; mint be hustlers and have experience and furnish , refer ences; salary and commission. Apply Pedfleo, 1417 Douglss St, fl'E bright. ca"ablo ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $?S to U0 Per week; rsllrosd fare paid. Goodrich I'rng Com panv. lept. 40. Omaha, Nob. HonsehoM and Itonieetle. frek. Ads tor servant girls accepted threa Oreater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to TUB BEE office. Phone Tyler 1000. ' EXPERIENCED while girl for general housework; references required. Mrs. T V. Dwver. 407 N. S!tth St. HiniA I'Vt WANTLW-A good white girl for general housework; no cooking or washing; good wagee. Call at once, 1335 8. 3oth Ave., or phone Ha r. A'tili. WANTED comp. maid for cooking and general housework; family of four; no washing; references required. 131 8. 38th -St. Phone Harney flag KfPERlTsNCKU white girl for general housework, family of 3; no washing. References required. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. rial ngy tim. -WANTED A competent white girl lit family of 3; good wages. Call Colfax or'call In person. 724 Ppanldlng St VaNTED Experienced girl for general housework; small apartment; no wash In?, is Colhett A ps rtmen t. CAPABLE experienced girl for general housework; 3 children, 3 adults. 3511 lifsyette Ave. Wal. 92S. WANTED Neat whTta girl for general housework; no wsshlng. Residence 4.103 potiglaa St. Phone Walnut Uhl. WANTED Housekeeper; middle - aged Indy preferred; no washing. Doug. 7f49. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Phone Harney W2. VA'TED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. E. A. Merrttt. 803 3d Ave.. Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED girl for general hnuse . work. Mrs. Uoo. E. Mlcket. 3331 Harney l. narney zw.w. V A N' T KI ClTrl for general housework WANTED til rl for general housework. urn ait. rianicy w.o. COMPETENT woman for general house worn, iwn r. tqn, namcy nil. COAiiJ'ETENT liousc maid; good wages. Colfax 99?. Hotels and Restaurants. .WANTED chambermaids! Apply House keeper, Hotel Bomo. r . . J AGENTS AND CANVASSERS KIN 13 opening for & few ambitious ladies or gentlemen. Big money, quick: sales and steady employment. H. & 8. Sales Co., 22 Franklin Rldg., Pueblo. Colo. OARTSIDE'8 Iron Rust Soap Co., 10M Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Oart side's Iron Kusi Snap (trade mark, print and copyright registered In the U. 8. patent office) removes Iron rust. Ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, msrhle, etc. Good seller, big margins, agents wanted. The original. 2.V? a tube. ' Beware of Infringements and the penalty for making. Selling and using ' n lnfrlnped article. OPPORTUNITY worth while for people of gumption with some means for back ing; exclusive rights; local or states; ' no competition: prcduet creates own de mand whenever offered, hence highly profitable; business especially anneals to men or women past their 8)s. Elman M f g, Co., 142 Curtis. Denver. Colo. CtVK energetic agents make big money handling fast Selling specialty for of fice and home. Particulars free. Na tional Merchandising Co., 1416 llebcrt m., tx. iioma. mo. f ORTRAlT men, write quick for new catalogue; ' 14-hour shipments, prints or . finished work - expenses advanced Telia " ble men. Roberts, Wholesale Portraits, ' Kansas- City. Mo. " ' AN vXs 9 ERS wanted. Apply Palace Barber Shop, '24th and Davenport, eve nlngs. . ilCl monev for vou aellinir our household1 specialties. Established reputation. Write L. W. Myers, Iowa Dlstrlbutltig " Haw AUt k. , . . .... 1. liAROE manufacturer wants repreaenta- tlvfut tn sell ahirta underwear, hntserv. dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. ' Write for free samples. Madison Mills, B9 Broadway. New Tor City. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE - STUDENTS SAVB MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course in m reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. Jf you are considering taking a caurse Investigate this at once, since Eprlng Term begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. FOR sale, the following scholarships In a f list-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited oomblcatlon business and shorthand course. . One unlimited stenographlo course. One three-months' business or steno rsphto course. Will be sold at a discount at the office, or i nw ima n v re. DA dCltOOl. BOTLE3 OOLLBOE. NIOKT SCHOOU Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotype, Type writing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat. aloguo Tree. BOTLEB COLLEOB. th a.id Harney fits. Tel. Douglas 155. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL 8TENOGRAFHT BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Toung Women. Evoning School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class in typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. ea a nth Bt Omnha. SCHOOL. OF MODERN LANGUAGES Class or private lessons, towntown STiKitr). i'note wen. th. FAXTON Blk. School of lettering and Art teaches paying trades privately. R, II U PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured, write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRT. S40 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver ' and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and asthma SJftciers are suc cesafttlly restored to health by me Examination n'ree. Call Sulu til Bee Bldg. DR. W. II. K.NOLLENBERO. Chiropractor, Tyler 1334. 13.000 TO PENSION INVil.inn The Ladles Home Journal 11.1 The Saturday Evening Poet 31. M Tbe Country Gentleman 11. W wj auDacripiions Dy April earns that . ior im invauar tension Ass n. rnone uougias itu. or address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, x- 'rnn riB. in vd. WILLIAM HKNRV ELDRIDOki. Twin Kalis. Idaho, is preparing the genealogy of the El1red-Eldredge-Eldnlge family and would like to hear from all d K'endania who have not already com- iiiiintcsten wiin nun. 'i'tnAW hats (Tyed, I. .ok like Dew. P!umu Paraolse and aigrettes cleaned and dved. Dora felsole. V. 3t32. IU City Nat l ilk. PERSONAL Vol'NU women roming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Ixmk for our travelers' guide at the Union Ptstlon THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furnlrure, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41.16 and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect our new home. 1 liUllk!1 M Podge St MEN" wanted to learn merits of wonder ful discovered Cure for liquor and drug hsbltw; no cure, no pay. Booklet free. The Turley, HloT Farnsir.. Omaha. bl(S. JOHNSTON. T Chiropractors of Sheldon, la , wish to announce their location at 24T N S. S. O. Cons'iltstlon free snd Invited. Phone South 41 DO not send money If you are adic 7e3 to drink, hut write for booklet. No cure, no pay. The Furley. la! Farnam, Omsha. rhone Harney ,4; SOTICE Is hereby given Miat 1 will not he responsible for sny credit extended to my wife, Dora Foley Signed, Chas. Foley. Xl T7 P T II It V) "u--sfullr treated UU1 1 U Xfc Jii wtthout a surgloal eperatlon. Call or write Drs. Wrey Matheny, Kt Pee Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated auccessfullv, re sults gusrant'd. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg. UaSSAOE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chiropody. Misses Orsy and Head. Jio V J,'rl Plk - 17,n Poog'ss. D. S4H. PERRONAL Misses StapTea and ShaFfer bath, electrlo treatment. Open I a. ra. to . p. m. Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUUMAN. steam and shower baths. Massage. Red tT27. Room m. Karbach Blk, MASSAOE-Miss Vebeter. SI? Pax to s hik. i xl-Ti. ornee hours 10 to . SCIENTIFIC insssage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6371 ADVERTISE your property aa thnush f ou believed Its sale or rental to be m port ant. by keeping It listed In the Pig House. Home and Real Kitate Guide TH E BEE FOR TENT ROOMS Karalahed Hoonta. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS: If you fail to find the room you deslro among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. A SNAP East room with sleeping porch. Call Colfax 4-K6. Fl'RNlSHED room to let; east front ; two windows; something above the average: reasonable rent- 610 N. 2HU St. Tel. Douglas rS53. ATTACTi VK modern roof- full length of front; new furnishing; would like two young ladies. narney Hiss. 2M DOlxiE Have four new housekeep- ing rooms on tirst noor; win rent rea sonable; laundry privileges. Te l H. il'K. lbJl EMMET I'rlvate family would rent two furnished rooms to deslratile peo ple. Call Webster S213 for Information. fTlE BUFFXNatpN K84 Harney .C i-room apaitnicnt, well equipped, water In kitchen, tanitor service, modern. DOl'ULA.s Two newly furnishc rooms in modern noma and nice neign- oorhood: suitable for two gentlemen. 6o3 S. 2HTH ST. Elrst-class rooms; all muuvfrn; private iiill.iiy; warning uid tance. Phone Harney 1"W ami .ST , 313 N Two well furnished rooms in a nice home. Everything modern. all Douglas ft-"!. MODERN beautiful room In West Far" nam district for rent; to business gen- tieman. iiarney 619a. tXl RENT 2 modern moms, reasonable; private family. Meals next door. ui neorgia Ave. narney zv.) 1(6 PARK AVE. larga room, modern. private tamuy; two people preterrea. Harney 1S23. CAPITOL, 2411 Pleasant room; always clean and quiet; reaaonsnie rent NiCELY furnished room; private family. s:3 St. Mary's, it. wz 2!ia l)ODO10 - Nicely furnlahud rooma. In private family; close In NICELY furnished room, close in; all modern. 631 8. 22 St. BO. 2TH AVE. Nicely furnished room. Douglas 1V4. Hoaiekecplag Rooms. LARGH outside rooois, fumlsbed for housekeeping, S3.60 and It per week; steam heat.- Lincoln Apartments, 31U2 t hicagn. Tyler M. GHT. clean, whole top floor, furnished. nouaegeemng. cm in Kitcnen. closets t rooms and hath. Stove beat; 114. &C2 N. 81st St. Webster 20. NEWLY furnished modern housekeeping rooms, on car line, in fine nelKhhor- nooo: very ressonsnie. Hsrnev ";. SKI DODGE Suite of light housekepeing rooms, soutn iront, walking distance. Reasonable rate. Harney 6.133. N. 22d, 614 Nicely furnished front room with alcove and gas range on bam room noor. MASON, 2917 Two pleasant south rooms for housekeeping. Harney sou. Bt'RT, 1711 Modern light housekeeping rooms, private home. FURNISHED IlKht housekeeping rooms: moflern. ZUin Davenport rt. i ROOMS and hath. 2115 Emmet St. Board and Rooms.' LARUE comfortable room In private home, breakfast and evening dinner; on Firnam line; references exchanged. Douglas 6?"2. JS67 FARNAM ST., first class board and room within walking distance. Men preferred. ROOM and board for one gentleman; close in. 818 B. zath. Harney mm. 2wi DO DUE Front room, modern, board; walking distance. ONE large room, suitable for two, with noart. fTZ N . ltn. imuf. s.-i. Vafarmtahesl Rooms- FDR RENT Three rooma and bath; up stalrs: $10. 3ms leaven worth. Hooau WsaUa, YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT AD I'EIT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that is helping many people rent their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. H oases. 2 ROOMS, mod., porch. Phone Har. 4M. HOTELS K6f EL flAN-FORP. " HOTEL HARLEM litth and Farnara. tilth m l Farnam, bpeclal Rates to Permanent U nests. FOR RENT-HOUSES Weal. 114 NORTH aith. brick. 12 rooms, 185. 2oS Douglas, modern, I rooms, .f. 1125 South 31st, modern, I rooms, t.li. JOHN N. FRBNZKR. Douglas 6M. Hi N. 38 AVE.. rooms; 2 baths; April 1st: ul lOUg. E5i LINCOLN bL.VT. ll-rofm iuK, strictly modern, with hot water beat Price j0. Douglas 1811. forth. t-ROOM house, all modern, In first class condition. 291 'J Weuster St., a. and tenant to pay for water. CHRIS BOYER. Telephone Douglas H9. ;i23 Cuming St. a u u 1 vi nAst 1.1s Kr ir.tt. a. at? 'j.il Cuming St.,' t-roora modern except beat. i. B. ROBINSON. U1 Bve BMs. CLEAN, newly decora.ed. I rooma, mod ern except heat; gord neighborhood ; reduced to 11. ifs 'd-hv St Well ir.V TIlMOM modern flat. Spencer. U cu rler 127$. FOR RENT HOUSES .fort a. Suit. MIAMI ST. f-room, all mod. house; half block frrin car; cheap at iJu. l-hone Webster 7is. SM SEWARD St.. I rooms, modern, tJni food lawn and shade. Phone Douglas Is or Walnut T" Ml CA I J)V KU 6-riHin, partly modern, 114; 3K1 Calrtvell, 7-roome. modern ex- rept heat. l.tV Webster tr.. com.. tn Tern, I A T. F. Hall. 4WRamgeHl.l Doug t-ROOM" modorn bouse. 1615 N. 4"itlt" I'hone Walnut K14. 4-K(K'AI cti(je, i.VfO., Davtnport. Phone Hart.ey nil. i-n. mod.. IC2-!anaers..n. Webster J"! Soath. "OR RENT May 1. strictly modem house, three bedrooma, sleeping porch, first block south Hanscom park, west aide car line. Telephone Harney ran, 6-R, house, sleeping porch; Fle'.d Club lust. S. H.iin Ave. Ilsrney N KAT 6-rooni cottage, f aclngTiouTevardT ' inquire 2411 S. 24th St. PROOM house, modern except furnaoe. 6:'3 8. I4lh Ave. Har. 43H. I ItOOM, all modern, large lot. 2.'33 3. Pth St t-UOOX motlern house, big yard. 'Mi S. 6-ROO.M modern except heat, 2Ta Pierce. "-HUOM modern house, 2iH Marcy St. Tvler 2220 M laeej la neons. 17 MM CAST ELLA K St., -r.. water. 111 ii7 n, l7tn t., 4-r., mon. ex. nt. 112 ISM N. l'ith, s-r., mod. ex. ht. 11 ??1 Chsrles St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht. 1)3-2513 Jones St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht. , .42lt Wirt St., 6-r., new bungalow. US 41(17 Lafayette Ave., -r., newly dec orated. Jl isth and Lothrop, 7-r., all modern. -'5 On Prettiest Mile Blvd., -r., all modern. IS!v-2ith and Fort Fts., 7-r., all modern. .in -r. vt. ljouls flat; Hanscom Park. thb West Farnam District. 13 rooms. Call us. Have large list. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT. M7 Omsha Nat. Bk. Hldg D. 171. o. $13 TH R EE-ROOM COTTAQE. $1TH REE-ROOM BRICK FIATS. Separate entrances, one story, gas, elec. It., sink, toilet, wster pd. Very neat, clean, quiet, respectshle; lawns, garhsce, etc. cared for. So'. S. Isth, 2 blks. .. Vinton on 18th. Red 4!3. FOR OAR DEN I NO AND POULTRY. 6-r.. downtown, colored; $12. Also a t snd a 3 (like bungalow) and ACRR GROUND. W and V. Also 6-r.. Call fornia bungalow and acre. 114. Tel. T. 2117. Evenings. Wsl 2T.7. 4os .NORTH 3mh St.. new. modern. 7 room residence; rent very reasonable to right party. ia:i S. 31st ft . Hanscom park; rent cheap; now ready for tonsnta. Phone Hsrnev 41M. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH. SONS A CO. W RKK PI. DO. DOUO. 2fA FOR RENT AP'TS MiD FLATS West. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam heated apartment, on West Fsrnam Bt. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1H02 FARNAM ST. MODERN 6-room apartmeut. Including sleeping porch. Wll located. Harney STORK "building, living rooms rear. JoOj N. 20th D. 11. Worth. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very desirable: the Chula Vista, SiHh and Toppleton Ave.. 42..rA 822 Bran- oeis -rnenter Hidg. Dong. 16T1. I'K.MHAHLK six-room flat, steam heateo, 2'' Iavenworth St. Rent, $rw. Conrad Young. 322 Brnndela Thea. Bldg.. D. 157i. hil'll and 6-room flats, 31st and Ames: water free and reasonable rent. I'hone Wnlntit 278:. ST. CLAIRE :4th and Harney, 3-room apnrtiTnt. Harney f47. Sonth. NEW H-room brick" entirely modern, and first-class: located 1417 S. 10th. Phone mucins 4X70, iU6oTl Si dTlpITcaTe fTaT extra ffiTa! Worthlngton Place. Douglas 7211. Mlierilssrasi. MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. S-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. except heat: good neighborhood; $12. M. D. E. BUCK, 812 Omaha Nat. D. 6228. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores. - moves, packs, ships; S-horsa van and Z men. 11.26 per hour; storage, $3 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 4.t v and Tvler rto. FiSEFllOOF WAREHOUSE. ' ' Separate, locked roomi, for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. m S. Ifth Bt. Douglas 411$. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 213. N. Utb St. Phone IKiu glas 834 or H arney 1931. M O VINO AND STORAGE. PACKING. SHIPPINO AND FURNITURE REI'AIRINU, PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE. Douglas 77S6. OMAHA Truck, Tan and Storag Co., moving, packing, storage And shipping. Phone Douglas 14W. FIDELITY service FKEE Phone Douglas tki for complete list of vacant houses and apartmenta; also for lorMce. moving, mth snd .isckson Ms, FERlilN VAN & STORAGE Packing storage, 15 Cap. Ave. Tyler l-tw. Jf' I!""!' Il Express' Co. Moving, AVIXjIJ pRPgnl? and storage. 1207 Farnam fit. Douglas flit. FOR RENT BUSINESS PRTY tores. VERT desirable stores In Grain Exchange building, fire proof, In Una with growth of business center. Make a selection to day. F. D. WUAD, Sib S. Utb St., W eed Bldg FO R RENT OR SALE. Building, 46x110, maple floors, good for Implements or manufacturing concern; been used as a skating rink. Inquire of J. P. Johnson, Geneva. Neb. STORE TO RENT. 1411 Harney St. store good, l'ith and Harney. Doug. 789. CITY TRUST COMPANY. STORE ROOMld nt lMA-l1-!! Farnaiu f-t. Thos. F. Hall. 471 Ramte Bldcr. I. 74l. STORE building, living rooms In rear, Hhi is wn. 1 'ougiss t3. &FIkQttMK7iiCk. Harney 24S6. WANTED TO RENT Let" us rent your vacant property. PATNiS INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fir. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1711. I'aforalahed lloaaes ssd Flats. rROPERtY OWN'ERa ATTkKjflM.T We have had 300 calls for rentals since stinoay, and must have houses for our clients: let us know what you have va cant. Call Douglas 4246. Shnpen 4 Com pany, 234 Keellne Building. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West. BARGAIN 320 California St. A beautiful, well finished, 7-room strictly modern home that Is too large for present owner. Offering trils splendid noma at a bar gain If taken at once. Lot alone worth THOS. L. McGARRY, 42l Keellne Hldg ltd 4344 WEST FARNAM". Elegant new 10-room house on Mth Ave., oak flnUh tliroughout, vapor hesung system; bufftt kin 1, en, sleeinni; porc'.i. owner baa been asking $lo.00n, l.it Mill tlil.H week tor .;.. Tills is e hii 1 ctlit h mhi' nnd s bnr'.iin. I'A'M-: INVl SI V. iCXT COM PAN' Y. 6th Fl. Omaha Nut. Bk l:ld-. D. 17l. o REAL ESTATE IMPROVED WMl. CLoSK-iN SNAP,' ,6.o0.0v 2024 Davenport St. A corner lot. sTvV, with a l-room houe. Now rented for $1'W per month. 33 feet Is vacant. This Is a snap; easy temis. II. A. WOLF, fit Wars Block. Deng sort. V HAT he had to sell: An automobile, a motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morris chslr. And he sold -hem through Tils' PF"K Want Ad olumoa REAL ESTATE, Fire and Oeneral In surance. Art Thatcher. K17-W City Nstionsl Bank Bldr. Douglas StOI. Worth. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room rottsge with bath; large lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees. Price $2,350. located 4107 North fth St. Norris & Norris, 4fl0 Pee Bldg Phone v,n! tr. XltEAL BARGAIN. $3.sn0 will buy the t-room modern house at 2."2S California St. Hot water heat; close to Crrlghton college and ess" walking distance. Splendid loca tion for reining rooma. $ down, bal ance at $30 per month. A real bargain. Benson Myers Co., 424 Omaha Nat'l nana hik "lW CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT. 6 rooms, strictly modern, paved street, t blocks from car line, near 27th and Fowler; a verv nice home PAVNP. INVESTMENT COMPANY. Mh Fl. Omaha Nat. Hk Bldg. D. 17M. o iVUl ..M.K J A K iv HI NUALOW, J2.3U). 6-room, strictly modern bunaalow, nearly new. on N. Joth St. boulevard. PAfNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Mh Fl. Omaha Nat. Hk Bldg. D. 1781 o 6-R., nearly new cottnge. mod. ex. heat, full slse lot, full basement. 2 Isrge cherry trees, grapes all cement walks: owner left cllv, said to sell; $:,i00. $ down. 2S13 Ruggles. Chean at $3.on'. TOUNOMAV. 301 uni. Nat. Bnk. D. 147 CHOICE " room, new, modem home; H block Miller park: snsp. See me "now." R. if LAN DERYOU, Neville Block. Tel. D. ETAS. D"ECATCK"sr. between 'SY anTTlTth. 8 room house; will sell cheap; part cash, balnnce, n.o mcnts monthly. Call Owner. Webster ALL MODERN "-room house for sale by owner chenp for quick sale. Colfax 2i8 GOOD" HOME, ft-room bungalow; all modern. 4109 N. 1st. Phone owner. Colfax 23.'J' WEST-Farns'iirhoitie. 8-r.. i baths; value .non; will sell tor $il.on. Dotig. 2S47. $1,900. A splendid 7-r. home on 2th St., near Pratt. Verv easy terms. C. D. HUTi'lllNSON CO. l-yi Fsrnwm. 6-hoom" Horsk S yesrs pld. Lot Wxl'tn, near Fonte nelle park; a bargain for $2,. Address il 6!W. Bee. Snath. ajf FlEIJl Club, Hanscom park, new setnl hungalow home. Six largn rtKims ana hath, oak finish, fireplace; dandy tllco. kltrhen with all built-in features. 3 large bedrooms finished In white en amel and mahogany doors. Full brick foundation. White enamel laundry tuba. This home la beautifully decorated and complete In every detail. Choice south front lot. Wxl2S. Price reduced to $,'n0. OSBORNE RKALTY v-O., 701 -702-703 m, Nat. Hk. Bldg, D. 1474. A SNAP IN HELD CLUB DISTRICT 7-room atrtetly modern stucco house, with enclosed steeping porch, Just com pleted; mske, arrangementa with owner and builder to this home today. Phone Harney 7519. . FIELD CLUB. t-room. strictly modem, nearly new house on 3Th St.; hot water heat; oak finish. Price, $7,250; owner leaving town and will consider offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 5th Fl. Omsha Nat. H Hldg. D. 17SL FOR SALE Strictly modern . "-room nouae, nearly new, i-ieiu ciuo nistrici: faces east on the boulevard. Will sell cheap If tsken at once. Owner, Phone tisrnev iios 3318 8. 20TH i-roo.n modern except heat; Prlca cut Vi0; owner must sell; want offer fct once. PERK A MT'SIL. D. VH. FOR SALE Nice 6-rootn modern bunga low In Hanscom park district: finished in oak, partly stucco. Call Owner, Har ney ldvt. S-ROOM house, electrlo 11. (lit and gas' rent $12. 1124 S. Mat. Call liarncy Sola or 1023 s. 41st. FOR SALE t-room house, partly mnd- ern: $1.2u0. 2312 Kim St. Douglas l3. 6-ROOM house, modern except furnaoe. TT.rj S. nth Bt. Douglas U4H. M tacr.1 1 rneona. UNUSUAL BARGAIN PRICE REDUCED. For quick sale, t-r. strictly mod. house, having reception hall, living room, din ing room, kitchen, pantry and entry way, on 1st floor; t Isrge bedrooms and bath room on 2d floor. Beautifully decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Brick foundation, full basement ce mented, cement walks; guaranteed fomace. Full else lot, east front, paved street, also a good gixed chicken house. Regular price $4,260, redurcd price $3,600. See us at once In regard to this place as It will go quick. SCOTT & HILL CO. Douglas 1000. Ground Fl.. McCague Bldg. ATTENTION. I do not care what you want to buy In the real estate !luo. Improved or un improved, so It is located in Omaha, I will find It for you. Only give me the opportunity. Phone Doug. 1S10, ask for me. and we will arrange a meeting place and talk tne situation over. Many people object to calling in down town offices and waiting. I will call at your residence or business address during the day or In the evening. If we cannot agree there will be no charges attached and no regrets. Try me. Only tell me about what you want and how you want to pay for It. This means you. wimam i-oirax. neeuno Bldg., 17th and Harney. TTaROAINS IN HOMES. We have It beautiful bunxalowa and houses in Hanscom Park and Field dis tricts, ranging in price from $3.2W to $7.ScO, on very EASY terms, frorp $JO to $1,000 cash, bulance to suit purchaser. Phone Douglas ittf or South 2S1 for ap pointment. VOOEL REALTY AOENCT, 1015-1S W. O. W. Hldg. CIPPTV ITT PUT FOR RELIABLE AND PAFH FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE, SEE vvs-.TT.'S Tt V. AV TNB. AOFNCY. 34 Brandels Thester Bldg. Tyler 1C4 i.viinm' iiABOAlN NkW. e-ROOM. TORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT $3,400; REASONABLE PAYMENT. BENSON St CARMICHAEU DOUOIJIS ITS. 4I PAXTON BLK. REAl ESTATE-UNIMPROVED Nona. WILL BUILD -Hit AND MAPLE. Have two fine south front lots on Maple St., near 23d, on which will build cottages to suit purchaser and sell on terms. W T. ORAHAM. PEK BLDO. $ ACRES iiVt miles N. W. P. O.. $1,200. it cash; cost $2,400. other acreage, near car, cbesp. Doug. g47. Issik. BUY tbia lot at your own price, 3,".th Ave., one block south of Leavenworth, ixl-f.; west front. Phone Ronk, all ft. rtd Bt PTN E lots. Bancroft and sth, wuiklng dls-tanc-, only v": essy terms. Colfax I.Vi, Mlseell aaeoaa. RICHARD EVERETT, ARCHITECT. M No. I .'ii nt. rnone io'igias nw. HALF-PRICE If you wa'ca the "For Fale. Miscellaneous" columns of Till p.KE. you'll often see articles which are for all practical purposes aliooag aa good as new advertised for bali Us original price in tllU BEtt. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Reaaem. START 1 OUR IK'M h! IN HKN80NI BUY THIS LOT! $10 0. down and $10 00 per month: pries $:.VVf, slue, N'13X; located on lxvust St. between Clark and Burnham: not far from school and car line. Geo. R. W right. Bee office. Omaha t oaaell Blaits. MIOOM house oak finish, with garage, 10 Oakland Drive, f-room cottage, f.a N. M h St. Phone lied 233. I'M E. Broadway. W. H Hansen, Co. Bluffs, la Dnndee. DUN PEE. SOMETHING NEW AND NIFTT. -room, modern, oak finished bunga low; corner lot; beam ceilings In par lor and drawing room: built In book cases, built-in osk kitchen cupboard, glsss-flnlshed hardware: all walls deoo rated In flsttone colors. 3-ooet work; floors highly polished and very costly electric light fixtures, full cement basement. Rogers' hot-air furnace. To appreciate this property you should look It over. No. 4W Cuming street. Open Sunday from 1 to p. m. Prlca. $4.oii0; terms, V cash, balance can be arranged same as rent. This price to Include sodding and sidewalks. . Call owner. If Interested, sny evening. Col fax 300. or call In davtims Doualaa 1V Xrs' N fH'XCK M ENTT'he s-r. cottaia- N. KHh St., Dundee, la not ready to sell, but will be open for Inspection all dav Sunday, from 10 to $ o'clock, as so many have requested to see the plan and the unusual kitchen and deeora tions. W, L. SELBY SON". DfNDEE home of six rooms and slsep- ing porcn: tnoroughly modem, with all built-in features, on lot 80x13$. Call owner, wwinut 1141. DUNDEE lot for sale by owner, Wxl, one-half block from car, near church, school and storss. Phone Walnut ?0s. Flore ace. FOR SALE North of Florence. 4 Iota, with all kinds of fruit: ISO peona plants: T-rooni house, fine well of water, small outbuildings. Call Florence 140. Baa e. FOR SALE C I EA ! 4-riwm house, modf em, east front, sewer and paved: terms; near JOth and O, Owner. 80. MIL Miscellaneous. ONE ACRE, nearly all In fruit, four room house, cheap at $1,(100. 10 scree, T-room house, good Improve, ments, fine location, on good road. $4.2.4). I to 10 acres, on paved road and ear tine: rtett son. non better for gardening. j. it. AorifcTZ. s. xtui St., Omaha. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Flat or Apartment Site We hsve 110 feet south front on Cali fornia, between 3M and Mth. This Is an exceptionally good location for either flats or a small apartment house. Price only $3,000. Terms If desired. A., P. Tukey & Son, r?!nJ!!lr,.0iifi!? mUH- w. q. W, Bldg. FARMERS V hen you want help write or call Empire !.abor Agency, $09 j. l-'h. Phone Doug. 100, CORNER, close In; renfo. price. 11SC6. 8. P. BOSTWICK tt SON. 300 Bee Uldg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES FOR SALE or exchange, ltio acres fiT Mellette county. South Dakota, for Omaha property. I'hone Red 834.V 4.1 ACRK.H Tripp county. South Dakota. Will take good diamond. 73$ Keellne Bldg. Doug. 21T0. SIX houses and farm to exchange Neb. farm. Toland AV Trumbull. Bee Bldg. ' FARM EXCHANGES. J. A. OLSON. Bee Bldg., Omaha. OHALM ER8- lKlfi touring, smooth rnnT nlng, 1o exchange for vacant lots. D. 2MT (TAN sell or exchange anything you have to offer. C. J. Canan. McCague Hldg. FINE lot, north side, for horses, or what have you? D. S78. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROPTY K FEET, lath St., 3 blks. from viaduct, $6j0. McCague lnv. Co.. MoCagus Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED I will buy your real estate for cash If you will sell It at a bargain figure. Nothing else considered. Close-In property, single cottages or rows of collages preferred. . Address It MA, ears Bee. WANTED To buy on monihly payments! mall store room, with living rooms above. U, Central school district. I'hone Red 7sM. WHEN the renting problem is under con slderatlon either from the standpoint Of the tenant or landlord the Real Es tate and Want Ad Oulde to all of Greater Omaha The Bee Is the best medium for sura and satisfactory re sults. FINANCIAL teal Katate, Lnsai, Mertajasjee. LOANS ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE. QUICK SERVICE. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT, Omaha National Bank Building. WK ars ready at all Utua to tuftk logos on flrit-clus elty property and oaatara Nabnukg farms. Rates oa raquast. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. til 60. 17th 8L fARTY with L!,2X), can get rirsl mort gage on acreage worth double, and In terest in manufacturing business. Want g per cenu aoqrese ni aoa, tiee. $ TO lor loans ou beat oUaa cits realdcnces in ainounu $2.UM up. also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST OO,. ua Farnam BL NO 1ELAY W. T. ORAHAM. BEE MM. VloNEY to loan on Improved farms an3 ranches, we aiso our gooa rarm mort sages. Kloke lnv. Co., Omaha. OMAI AHA homes. East Neoraaka faima J4h$ Omaha National. Phone taaeglas ffy MONET TO LOAN, for years. oa improved pro parries. BHOPEhf A CO., Doug. U4M. " MoNV eo lind tor tliy and farm lons. Ii. W. fclndur. City J H I ' Tl PA I II t II gt -J HI ft. uAitviNBRos. wy srmJ tlCi TO $10,000 made oromply. F. D. VVeadi tt ran t'in., 3' i t mM la. CITY properly. Laige loans a sueclalur. V. If. Thomas. 2.S State Bank Bidg. - i . -i :-rr. - n - C.vr CITY UOAl, W. U. larlUarg. Ii. 0 13 Brandcis Theater Bldg. C1TV al farm louiia, 6. sS. Ii por cent. J. H. Dumont at Co., 416 Keellne B dg. or MONES. HARRISON MORtOwT 111 Omaha N .t. Bank Bldg. a. ... I. - '" .. A - W A N T K 1 ' A bout four oung men to take some stock, and active manage ment In manufacturing company: brains and enemy required more than capital. HAVE two $l,uoO iitorlgaso diawlng $ per cent Interast; secured on Tennessee land; due In $ end 4 yeara; will trada for good automobile, or what nave your Address C Sir,. Omaha Bee. $,0o0 6-Y EAR. o1 '"'r l"t- mortgage on T7 acrea Douglas county land worth $7,700. For sale at prtr and Interest. J. H. DUMlJNT A CO.. tl(-l$ Keellne Bldg. Tel. Douglas 690. FINANCIAL d" iTorTJaT FOR SALE. Ouaranatsed mortgage on Improved elty pmierly, amounts $ann to $l.soo, in terest 7 per cent or better. Address rv-M- rim $rfliX)0f) FARM mortgage bearing 7 ler $i,X00. Tslmage-Loomls lnv. Co., W. O, W. Bldg Ptaaaelal Waate. WANTED. CITY LOANS. Immediate closing. Lowest rates. Residence, loans a specialty. Interest paid but twice, each year, FIRST TRUST COMPANY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Abstract of Title. flimrnnlro Abstract Co. Ws can bring VtUhVI down your abstract on short notice, r. t, Patterson Hlrtg I KMT, TvI'Rli Title guarantee and KlXU. Co i mod. a bat' $01 S. 17th Si. Tsl . $4J?. Abstract abstract offlo RKKD ABS TRACT 0 , oldest abstract office In Nebraska. V Brandela Thee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkaaaaa Lands, JuriRf!'r"AriMJ isi AinnTTjrxs; 10,1N acres of government Isnd open for homestead April 30; located along and near the Missouri and North Ar kansas railroad. Ideal for fruit, poultry, stock or general farming: some timber. Write for particulars. J. C. Murray. O. P. A., Desk K Harrison. Arkansas, atitortita Lands. X" LtTTTTlTfaTniirijrA Easv terms. Csli fornia Imports carloads of chickens and eggs. Here's a chanoe for poultrymen. My t-acre tracts are just big enough for chickens and are close to town con veniences and market canters. Writs owner for full Information. P. B. Ooaa, Sheridan. Placer county. California. o Colorado ITeada. Free govrS-men'I- La KM'. Colorado; fine soil and climate; tin usual opportunity; official pamphlets free. Manager Immigration Depart ment, Clason Bldg.. Denver. ItTabo Laads. WANT MONEY f Let ms tell you how to get It. Tdaht land is full of It, and the land Isn't very high-priced, either. Cllmatta and living conditions are excellent electrlo Ity used for cooking, lighting and heat ing on many farms educational advan tages unexcelled. There are many tracts of land Irri gated and non-Irrigated editable for all kinds of farming, for sals cheap and on reasonable terms. Seed raising highly fTofltable. I will give complete Informa lon to you free for the asking. R. A. SMITH, Colonisation Industrial Agent Union Paclflo System. Room $09, Union Pactilo Headquarters, timasa. rteorassa MIcsTass l.a C-AN locate fen people on 3Vacre home, steads In southern Montana, Locating fee $100. Addreas Farnsworth A Pucy, Dillon, Mont. Minnesota l.tands. 140 ACRES. 44 miles from Minneapolis, nenr iwa sooti muroao towna; ons half under cultivation, balance use for pasture and hay; can practically all be rutlvated: good soil, good set of buildings; this land will produce tt bushels of corn per aore; country Is thlctly settled; complete set of ma chinery; $7 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balanee 1 and 1-yeer-olda: 4 good horses, 26 hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $S per acre, immediate possession can be bad. SCHWAB BROS.. 10M Plymouth Hldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Is THERE a spot on earth you can cail your ownr ji not, puv a rarm In the Red River valley, Minnesota. Writs your wants. Agents wanted. J. E. Car penter Itnd Co., L. Crookston. Mnn Missouri lasdi. ien-ACRE (arm, lnt Co., Mb,; 1 nil. vll. age, u nu. ironi talcm; highly Im proved; fine bam and silo, good build ings meadow, wheat, plenty water; 110 cultivated, all tillable; pries $30 per acre; terms. W. 8. FRANK. $01 Neville Block, Omaha. UREAT B A rUaTN S $4 downT $6 monthly. uuya eu acres, goo a rruu ana poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only 1TS. Address Box 80s, E ceiemr nnrings. sio. MTaaTaalnnl I.anda ElClf upland imp. farms, $10 aore up. warns, com, cotton, airans, cattle, hogs; large and small tracts; easy terms, mild climate. Stebhlns, 10)0 Chicago. o Sehraaka Lanila, YIELDS $100 1 R North Platte valley, Nebraska, lands last year paid to owners who leaaed them for sugar-beet raising over $30 per acre based on one-fifth of the crop and the best tons. You can buy these diversified farming landa at reasonable prices snd on sxeeptlnnally easy terms. Do not let this real opportunity pass, but ask me TODAY for reliable In. formation about these landa. R, A. SMITH. Colonization and Industrial Agent, Union Pacific t-ystem. Room KPV40S Union Paclflo Head quarters, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Landa. NoTHifJ'o Better inn. w. neb. ' 2.040 acres. cultivated, 0 alfalfa. well located, extenalvely Improved; $IT per. Owner desires to retire. Rnlyea mi i org, din nanie mag., iimsna, ieo. FOR SALE &40 acius two inllaa west of Pierce. Neb.; very well Improved: acres under cultivation, 30 acrea alfalfa. 30 s 'res clover; lots of bluegras in pas ture. wll tske some exchange; priced low for .ulck sale. Address Owner, Box 491, Wlnnsr, S D. .J t rtb link ms l.ainla. tM ACRES, near Fargo. 1 luUea town, ready for crops; rented this year for one-third clear to owner. Per acre. $4$. Hodgson Realty Co., Sta. C, Fargo, N. D. Noata Hahwta I, a a Ja il ACRES, Improved.-Hyde county. S. D., good well, house, barn. Hisp If taken at once. M. U. Waicii. Monona, la. Lock Box 97. Wasblnurtan $aads. BIG Indian reservation toopen. TSO.OjO acres for settlement. Wheat, fruit, gen eral farm lands, $1.60 per sere. Open coming summer. Homes for 10.000. H-nd lfcc at ones for copies with rel'able Infor mation regarding this great region. We patches W ash. ) Pall y World, tH-pt 11. Wtseaaala I.anda VPPEH vv lacue at a sst deny soil general crop slats in the unlou; sattlers wanted: lauds for sale st low prices oa sasy terms. Ask for booklet $4 oo Wis consin Central Land -rant. Excellent lands for stock raising If Ictsrestad lo fruit landa ak for booklet en apple orchards. Address I -end and Industrial Dept.. eoo Line Railway. -UnucaieaUa, Minn. WloCCNlN clay loam land within drlv Ing distance of Superior; attractive prices and terms; write for information. Farmers' lnd and Cattle Co., Owners, Ht. Paul, Minn. M Iscellaaeaaa UaH Vou a fahu for alj Write a good descripuon of your land snd send It to the Sioux city (la.) Jour nal, "lowa'S Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday fer one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different da for $3; or $0 words, $4. er tt words, $ Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; UuO.uOO readers daily In four great tales. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlareltaweowe. puyPrh with the monk y TO INVE.T. Farm land arts placed In these ent limns resch the kind of people all 'T the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lands gualltv and n'antity are both found In THE BBK 8 country circulation. Although the s ibs ilptlnn rate Is higher, TUB HER has a greater coun try circulation dnllv and Sunday than Ha nearest Omaha cnmpattior. Send In your ad and reach some real buyers NOTICK TO FARMERS. When In need of help of any kind write, telephone or osll nn us. CUNN1 NOH AM LABOR AOENCT. Ill S. 13th St. . Omaha, Neb. "FARMS, acreage snl city property for sale and exrhanue. C. R. Combs, ST Brandels Thenter tldg. Dong. 1A. OOIINIZATION lands.lnrgelracTs.Fla . Ala.. Miss., Mo and Ark. ttreat bai galns tl. P. Stebhlns. ltflO Chicago. o FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR Itl'.N f-liti-HiTP farm; general store Ihns ixstof(cci, nig chance for man with f.imily Weston. N. D.,$1.foo pays rnt and stock; investigate. Postmaster. Hndln i d. N. D ; Foil RENT or sule. 1 0 acres of 1m rroved lend. 3 miles from Calhoun, Neb. Inquire T. F. Wulnlon. care Brandels Stores. Sv-ACH 15 farm for renl; fair Improve ments; close tn good town; cash and grain rent. Box Ml W, Bee. FARM LAND WANTED II A VIC cash buyers for Iowa or tern Nebraska improve terms. W. K. CRAiq;Jl7Citv Nst Ty1r Hi. WXKt'ErwVarmsrhavelTTfH buyers; da scribe your unsold property. C3 Farm ers' Exchange, Denver. Colo. HORSES-LIYESTOCK-VEHICLES For Sale. MUST SELL HARNESS. $3,700 worth of double harness lo c'os out at a discount of one-third from reg. nlsr price; $1.0no worth of single har ness to close out at one-half regular price. Harnesa shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNHON-DANFORTH CO., 15J-31-33 N. IMh Ft . Near Clark i. HARNESS, SADDLES AND TRUNfRX We make them ourselves and sell them direct to the consumer. W hy pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high-grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH & CO., 1110 Farnam St.. Omaha. nH 7-vcar-oid mare. wt. x- l,4i0; one year-old mare, wt. i.sno; neat farm team in the country. Also one 9-month-old mare colt. One set of double harness, almost new. Forest Farm, $ miles west. mile south of Benson. Call Benson INTELLIGENT and persistent adverlis- Ing will ' sen - any aaiaoie real eaiate, and the largest number of prospective buyers can te reached through the Real Estate and Want-Ad Oulde to all of Oreatsr Omaha THE BFg. I'ViR SALE Brood sows and a thorough bred Chester w nue noar; goon cow and calf. A. A. Linstrom, Sarpy county. Tel. South 2004 UaY pacing mare, welahs 1.17K1 lbs. Sli lisvenwortn. t.'su I'oug. vi. HORSESLIYESTOCK-VEHICLES ' U.- M-.t-a ONE pmall tcalr, Tiprin wagon, 1 luin- 1.-.- -a 1 AfwO U 1 .'. s. LA HiK7younK, bUoK team. ilU ftara- in -i. e IloKHE ntl Unlit -.(.'livery wagon for . i ir a unif. v r i'fi -T- t. HAY-47.00 ton. A. W. Wagner, $01 N. la. POULTRY AND PET STOCK fctiCid For hatching; will sell a few set tings from my pen of prise winners, Sliver-Spangled Hamburgs, most beau tiful, and esgs the year around. Call and see. $411 laurel Ave. Tel. Col. 10IO, MONET In chickens: Vtlte for Johnson's free catalogue. Poultry Know-How, about the pay-for-ltself Old Trusty In cubator. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Ctn- r r. nrn. X" FEW matched pens F. C. White lg- knrm Vmin.'i alrain sara-a for hatch inn. nainiii a.n. J"UHTreoelved smell shipment "Chines fanatics, " M for slttser. ing. Walnut 431. MAX UHSLI1 n w , inn rarnac mriiMJIU.l Llllvsniia, w una ur ouii, setting eggs, $1; also Pekln duck eggs, $1. Phone South 2M. Si. rnoiin ut S. C. WlTluTXeg horn hatching eggs and t. .,! iqiA FINE, white, mammoth, ducks, 10 Cass el. ri arney wi. to PAIR of plgsons for sale, cheap. Call nils wv. PURE bred Buff Orpington nens, i4c a lb. it'.i..t Amt TToVdAn egits. ao! KY'iTth. coUaxaTn: vtmitni -! . HXD grain. 100 lbs.. sl.Te. Wagner. $01N.1 AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE CLASST CARS. Chalmers Roadster. Eoiger "(." practically new. ' I l5ls Maxwell touring cars, slightly used, at a bargain. IMS Ford, st If -starter, slip covers good as new bargain. 1914 Ford touring, good shape. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO.. MA Farnam. Douglas W. llilC DODGE tourtn.' 1910 moniior xouriita;. uian't new an o Klaael Kar speedster, fast, a bargain. 1K14 Ford delivery enclnaed bsdy ... Overland touring, electrlo equipped. .$.'173 1913 Cadillao touring, perfect Auto Clearing House. 2.ta Farnam. P. $1 WHV YOU PLAN TO KELL THAT REAL ESTATE WH ATT List your property In TrTB BEE'S Big House. Homo and Real Estate Guide. Buyers tf real es tate are exacting usually. Value must be there, and apparent fries should be en Inducement, but make tbs iniorinanon oennue and you will get responses from pcrMins reallv Interested In your e 1 fer. If you run tt In THE BE 8 lTsED CARS. We buy for cash. We carry W) or more In stock. Industrial Oar age. 20li and Harney. OKI bit auto truck i. In good running or p. Phone Web. 7.21. dcr. for sue men Aato l.lvery and Oaraaes. LA ROE, new garage, lent reasonable. '.i'llt Wirt. Webster 2-V3. Aato We aalrlaaT mm Pal a $a w. 110 rewanl for inanocto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Haysdorfer. 3i0 N. 18th. KEB Auto Radiator Rupa.r Service. auJ ,, rl cf s rlxbt. -IH S 1"th Ht. D. 7330 JTiEMURFliT-Auto reparlnx. 113 S. 17U, St. Tyler 207. night, Red tTOi fTmatia Radiator Rep- Co.. ,gg Far. D. jJT. Aata Tires sad gaaallee. &xi ' TIRES. with tubca, complete, Standard brand, guaranteed. i 50. r,?jrV?yinn co.. PF.PTD- S.71- AUTO "Tl REi REBUILT. 2.0i TO $6.00. pTo TIRE CO., bill Chicago St. Electrle Aetomoblles. Walter Anderson. "eap't fi-'n eiet-trlce A batteries. Hiora-re. VM Farnam. D. 43'7. Mlsoellaaeoas. AUTOMOBILE INSX'RANCH. Firs Theft. Liability end Property Damage at Lowest Rates. KILLY. LLLIS A THOMPSON. 13-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 3119. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES irARLj-x-DAViO-ON HOTORCYCLIC-. Bargain in used machines, Vlo'.or Haul, "The Motorvvcle Van-" Ti't' Utttnwnnh. UofORCYlUJi fur sule cheap. tail 1 mUKlaa 'e ' It taksi but a minute of time to save dollars when you read The Be Want Ad columns. t