7-A OBSERYE HEALTH WEEK FOR BABIES (Exhibit Assembled by Omaha and Lincoln Woman' Clubs Opens in Court House. SPEAKER AT BABY WEEK LIS PLAY AT COURT HOUSE. The Wealth of New Style ideas is legion--Smartly featured in Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Millinery, Fabrics, Weaves and all manner of Dress Accesories. FLIT awitwixb You keep in direct touch with the Authentic Changes in Fashion from day to day, by watching the dis plays in Omaha 's Fashion Center. U JLitO W DODGE aDOU0LA$ STREETS EXTENSIVE PROGRAM OUTLINED TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 12, 3) It la Ba.br Health tk In Omaha. Help celebrate It! A baby health exhibit, assembled by tha Lincoln and Omaha Woman'a clr.he. opened tn the court house Saturday and will be maintained until Friday evening. Tha exhibit cornea to Omaha from lAt. coin, where It was ihown Inst week, and from Omaha, will travel through the prin cipal towna of tha atate. Mrs. K. R. J. Kdholm. Mrs. Hugh L Master of Te. cumaeh and Mr. Emma Reed Davisson of Lincoln, representing; the health, clv Ira and home economies department of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Club, were tnatmmentat In making up the program for the statewide observance of baby health week. Locally Mra. Kd holm, Mre. F. J. Blrsa and Mra. F. J. Burnett have the exhibit In charge. Lectures by Aathorltlea. Lecturea covering every phnee of child life will be given by authorities on the reapectlve subjects, and apodal musle aonga of childhood haa been arranged by Mrs. John B. Haarmann, leader of the music department of the Woman'a club. A morality play for children will be an other feature of the exhibit, to be pre sented Tuesday evening. Hosteaaea will be on hand each day vfrom every woman'a organisation In the city, from 10 o'clock : the morning until the same hour In the evening. Today alone the exhibit will cloae at 6 o'clock and there will be no lectures. The program for the week la as follows: MONDAY AFTERNOON, 2: O'CIjOCK. Dundee and North Side Child Conser vation clrclea. Mrs. N. K. Sype and Mra. K- R- Ogden, presidents, presiding. Music. Nebraska Rlrth Regiatratlon Test," Mrs. K. R. J, Edholm. special agent fed eral children's bureau. "Pre-Natal Influences." Dr. A. B. 8om era. "Orthopedics " Dr. John P. Lord. MONDAY FTVF.VTvn a m-l .tm-i.- Mr. Ellla IT. Graff, superintendent piib- n(iinuuuuun, uinann, preaiaing. Music. "The Father Club Idea." Mr. Stymeat J " Prel""eni reaeratea fathers club. Council Bluffs. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. S.30 O'CLOCK. A"aclton of .Colleziate Alumnae, Miss Bess I. Dumont. president, prcsld- Mualc. StMtney,r0blern f MMwlfery'" D"- Olga r, vol,o,na-l AiHJtudes In Children." Miss Myrtle Fits Roberts, director of Association of Cnllen-ut a i. .,.,,. cation bureau. ' SSmA?FT!:Kn of th Phy-loal Welfare of the Child," Mlaa Bess I Dumont. head of department pf physical training. Cen tral High school. Discussion. TUESDAY EVENING, ft O'CLOCK. .M.i"' c,Vb"' Mr- Oeorge Mickel, presiding, assisted by Meartame T. P. barth' A- McF'rlan1 and Charlea Zle Play. "The Theft of Thistledown." A morality Interlude for children, written especially for health week observances. Kesponslbilty of Pnrenta 'n Eduea ?nJt chlld Through Play Life." Mr. C. H. English, superintendent public recrea tion. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. 2 30 Motion pictures, "Method of Producing and Diatributlng Milk," courtesy of the Alamlto Sanitary company. Speakers, Mrs.- Harriet' MarMurpnv. hostess, and Charles F. Bchwager,, presi dent. ( ; i Discussion. - ' WEDNESDAY EVENING. 8 O'CLOCrf. Public health meeting, Mra. H. C. Sum ney, presiding. Speakera Mayor J. C. Dahlman. Dr. R. W. Connell, health officer; W. II. Dunn, chief of police; Dr. H. M. McClanahan; Colonel J. M. Banister, U. 8. A. medical corpa, retired. (Auapicea American Medi cal association). THURSDAY AFTERNOON 2:fK. Department of home economlca, Mra. F. J. Burnett presiding. Music. Story, "Ba-Ba Black Sheep." (Kipling). Mrs. C. W. Pollard. Omaha Story Tellers' league, "Food Values as Applied to Children," Dr. Newell Jones. THURSDAY EVENING S. Woman's Christian Temperance unions: Mrs J. H.MeKlttrlck. Omaha: Mrs. C. J. Roberts Frances Wills rd: Mra. Olive lascm. Ticfi Diui', iTira. wuuani otrrry, South Sides, M'-s. F. C. Jennings, North Bide. Mrs. C. W. Hayes, presiding. "Practices Which Cause Physical De generacy in Our Children." br. J. M. Ikpn "In herited Tendencies." Dr. M. L. Arthur. FRIDAY AFTERNOON 3. Civics committee Omaha Woman's club. Mrs. F. J. Blrsa. presiding. Music. 'The Bachelor's Baby Hospital, Mem phis, Tenn., Mrs. Draper Smith. cugenica, " illustrated wun cnaris Rev. John Alber, South Side. Sears Will Go Over Testimony Taken in Trial of Art Hauser Whether or not the evidence and testi mony given In the trial of Art Hauser, convicted of the murder of A. H. Smith, was sufficient to prove his guilt, la the point upon which he has a chance for a new trial. It developed during the argu ments presented by his attorneys before District Judge Scars, In criminal court. This single point will be decided upon probably next Saturday morning, after Judge Sears has had an opportunity to read the transcript of testimony taken at Mauser's trial before the late Judge English. During the diacuaalon, Hauser aat be tween Deputy Sheriffs Larry FHnn and TJndaey, idly twirling hla thumbs earing an indifferent exprcaaion. zr. : ill BKS5&53ES&B8SI jBHOBSBSSERSy 0 Our Initial Display of Authentic Spring Apparel Styles Offers to buyers Monday assortments which in freshness and charming individ- l?j i 1 1 i i t r i i i r-ft uanty were never surpassea in me nistory 01 umana mercnanaisin. r or eign models, to be sure, are represented, but the American productions will not take second place in the favor of American women, whose taste in matters of Smart Dressing are unquestioned. We cordially invite you to Inspect the Exquisite New Creations for Spring Beautiful Dinner Gowns ALICE LOOM IS. Of University of Nebraska. Villa Says He Will Pay El Paso Office of Railroad a Visit Ross Secord of the Mlasourl Pacific of fices in Omaha Is in receipt of a letter from his brother, F. A. Secord, superin tendent of the El Paso A Southwestern, with hendquarters at El Paao, Tex. Therein F. A. Secord tells what Villa asserts that he la going to do in the way of dealing with the railroad. F. A. Secord for many year was con nected with the telegraph department of the Union Pacific. Some four years ago he left Omaha and went to Texas to take the superlntendency of the telegraph lines of the El Paso & Southwestern road. The El Paso operate a line of road through Texas, close to the Mexican bor der, for a distance of some ,10c miles. During the last couple of months Villa, according to Mr. Secord, haa been mak ing raids across the border, tearing up the railroad track and destroying tho telegraph line. When men have been sent out to make repairs from the Mexican side, Villa's men have taken potshots at them with fatal results. Now Villa, according to the letter from Superintendent Secord, has sent word to the officials of the El Paso & South western that he Is going to destroy both railroad and telegraph lines, and that he la going to get all men sent out ' to reconstruct or make repairs. Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Heney. For your celd and tronohlal cough use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It cuts the i phlegm, relieves congestion. Only 23c At Ml druggists. Advertisement. i tso Read' Bee Want them for results. Ads for profit. ELK CITY ENDORSES GOOD ROADS BONDS FOR COUNTY The proposed bond Issue for good roads was endorsed Friday ' at Elk City by about 130 citlzena who met and formed a community club. Regular meetings will be held ' to discuss und pass on timely subjects of Interest to the community. James Mactier, president, and R. F. Far ley, corresponding secretary, were tha offlcere elected. Pure Blood Brings Beauty Mm pie, Blackheads, Boils and Poor Complexion Vanish by Using -Stuart's Cilcium Wafers. WAX VACXAOB KAXLSD ZS. All your dreams of a beautiful, clear complexion csn be made to come true. It makes no difference how spotted and disfigured your face may be with pim ples, blackheads, eczema or liver-spots, you may reclaim your heritage of good and TAKES POISON DRUG FOR COUGH MEDICINE; WILL LIVE Mrs. Peter Peterson. K!9 North Eight eenth street narrowly escaped death about 4 o'clock yesterday, when she took lysol, mistaking the poisonous drug (or cough medicine. As soon as she wallowed the lysol she became aware of her mistake and tha city physician waa notified, coming to the stricken woman's rescue Just In time to save her from the effects of the slow poisoning. Dr. Miller, city physician, who attended her, stated this morning that her condi tion at present Is nit serious and rapid recovery Is expected. MANY COWS CONDEMNED UNDER TUBERCULAR TEST Dairy Inspector Bosnia reports that t.071 cows of seventy-five local dailies have been given the tuberculin test and 144 animals were condemned since the first of the year. The last of the tests will be made this month. Tonll Sanee With Joy te Bee Kw Easy and Quick Stuart's Calotun Wafers Clears Tour kia! looks. There are thousands of people today whoso fresh, clear faces are a liv ing proof that Stuart's Calcium Wafers do cure pimples and curs them to stay. In only a few days. Stuart's Calcium Wafers curs pimples and similar eruptions by thoroughly cleansing the blood of all impurities. With a pure blood supply. It Is simply impossible for a pimple to remain on your face. And the Invigorated blood will replare your dead, sallow skin with the glowing colors of a perfect complex ion. Your self-respect demands that you avail yourcelf of this remedy that thous ands have proved before yo. Get a too box of Stuart's Calcium Wafers of your druggi.it today. Make your dream of beauty come true. Also malt coupon to day for free trial package. 'J RECTORS OF JEWISH CHARITfES MEET SUNDAY rv rea-ular monthly meeting of tha board ct directors of the Associated Jew ish Charities will be held at the o fries In the Brandeis building Sunday morning a IS o'clock. Free Trial Coupon T. A. Stuart Co., 303 Btusrt lg., Marshall. Mloh.1 Sen.l me at on. . , hy return mall, a fr trial package of Stuart's t'alclum Wafers. Name . Street City .. Stfct $35, $45, $55, 65, $75 Elegant New Street Dresses $25, $35, $39.75, $45, $49 Dainty New Dancing Dresses Handsome Coats for all Occasions $19.50, $25, $29.75, $35 to $59 $19.50, $25, $29.50, $35 to $59 The G reatest Variety of Classy Suits Shown in Omaha So Beautiful, so Varied, so Attractively Priced, that an attempt to describe them here would be waste of time and space. We know we have exceeded all previous efforts in this display and want you to critically inspect and pass judgment. Elegant Silk Suits, the Popular Semi-Tailleur Street Suits; in fact, every clever suit style that Dame Fashion has approved for Spring; Rich, plain colorings, checks, stripes, fancies in every most desirable weave and :X,..$25, $29.50, $35, $39.75 $45 up to $75 Charming New Waists, $5.00 to 1B.OO. Matt hie Skirt Values, $18.75 to "25.00. 4 Spring Millinery Openin Monday, March Thirteenth or We want you to attend this superb display of correct Spring Millinery. Showing for the; first time-exquisite Pattern Hats, im ported and productions by America s most talented artists. This season offers an unusually wide range of becoming styles. From the mis season oners an unusually wide range 01 oecoming styles, rromthe quaint bonnet, trimmed high with montures of beautiful flowers, to ex- tremeiy large, picture saue sauors witn a toucn 01 a ieatner or novelty to give them that much-wan ted smart appearance. Exquisite colors from the soft-toned dove gray to the vivid hues of scarlet and purple. . Silver-and bronze are also shown. Thousands of new hats nod you welcome here tomorrow. Pattern Hats, $15 to $60 Dress Hats, $10 to $30 Street Hats, $5 to $15 Sport Hats, $2.98 to $12.50 The most complete showing in Omaha of Flowers, Feath ers and Trimmings. . Hayden's Famous for Silks The New Spring rinp davit. ailk section Is crowded with an immense Tarlety of new weaves and colors. With the price ot silks going steadily higher we are for tunate in being able to offer our customers splend.d assortments at no advance In prices. AMAZON CORDUROYS FOR RKIRTS AND OOATS Just received 10 pieces of Cheviot Rough Cords In the new shades. Old Rose. Peach, Danube, Canary, etc., at 31.50 20 pieces of Lyons Crepe Georgette in street and evening shades. A line, firm quality, at 81.50 60 pieces of 36-inch exquisite Satin Taffetas aud Gross de Londre, two special favorites for spring Suits, at 31.75 Novelty Btriped Chiffon Taffetaa are In great demand, tee our special' showing of thne new aulte Monday. The latest atylea In neat aubdued effecta, also the more elaborate novel tlea. at tSo, $1.85, gl.80 ?00 pieces of yard-wide Chiffon Dreae Taffetas In every new color, fine supple quality that ivea aatiafartlun. Street ahades and the delicate evening- tlnta. They are worth a third more than we aak. See them Monday. at "l-60 200 pieces of 3 and 40-Inch Dreas Rilka In all silk crepe de chine, ailk poplins, chiffon. tafftaa, radium, nov elty satins, aatin state tub silks and alilrtinga. .T8o-Sft Dress Goods 3hown In our daylight section Include all the wanted weaves, French Velours, Gabardines, Bchudda Cloths ("Priestley's"), Broadcloths, Trench Bergee) and Epingles Arm ores. Coverts and Scotch Mixtures at 81.00. 81.50. 81.03 25 pieces of 6 -inch Eplnlss Cords. This is one, of the very best materials for dresses and suits, in a full line of new colors. Specially prioed at 8150 100 pieces of Spring Dreea materials in a variety of weaves; Melrose Cloths, Poplins, French Serges, 42 and 46 Inches wide. Monday, at.. 81.00 Have our tailors make your new Spring Suit. A large and select stock of new Spring suitings at your disposal. A first class suit in every respect. Perfectly fitted and finished, at 825.00 Skirts made to your measure in any style you wish by first class tailors. A perfect fit In every case. Bee the new Spring Models In our daylight dress goods ectlon Monday. For the making 82.00 Starting the Youthful Form Aright To the YOUNO GIRLS belong the BIRTH RIGHT of BEAUTY, the LIFE LONG CHARM of the CORRECT FIGURE that comes only of PERFECT CORSETING from the VERY START. Warner designers hare taken PARTICU LAR CARE to meet the NEEDS of the growing form. We take pleasure In announcing that a complete assortment of the newest front or back lacing models are now on display In Corset Department. Ask to see the . newest in Warner Corsets and Bras- V fill sleree. This model, style 900-C. Price V" W " Warner's Brassieres 50c to $2.00 New Laces Our new Spring and Summer Laces now In stock. K special lot of Oriental and Fine Point de Paris Laces; worth 25c yard. On sale Mon day, yard 15o A beautiful line of Callis and Notingham Wash Lace; worth up to 35c. On sale Monday, st, rard Ic A special line of Val and Tor chons; worth 6c to 15c yard, at, yard . . . .3c. 0 and 7Hc Three special counters of new Laces, at . . .40c, 98c and fl.4t Dress Nets A special line of fine Dreso Nets and All-Over Laces: worm up to 12.00 yard. On sale Mon day, at Wo The New Wash Goods Are Receiving High Oommendatior Crepe de Chine, Georgette weave (ailk and cotton). In 20 shades, also black or white, 86-ln. fabric, yard 4Ac Bilk Stripe Shimmer Voile, woven colored stripes on white and col ored grounds, 40-lnch fabrics, yard Pompadour Marquisette, 36-inch floral printed wash fabrics, unusu ally attractive designs, yard..85o Silk Finish Dress Linens, the new Roee shades, new greys, mariner blue, also white, yard 49c Curtain Materials, Muslins and Wash Drets Goods We invite you to share In an attractive collection of Household Cottons offered at reei sale prlcas Monday. Mercerised Marquisette, IS to 40 In., plain ribbon edge, colors ecrue, white and cream. Tho standard 26c grades, yard. . ...llc Embroidered Ikrtted Swiss, 40 Inches wide, different site dots. This 26c fabric In Mondays saK rard I" Bleached Muslin and fine quality Cambric, choice of thee 10o and le trade, rarj... Arnoakear ll-ln. Zephyr and Nure etrtp Olngnam, at, yard 10e Unbleached YwUl Toweling, Mon day's sale, yard. , The Newest Embroidered White Fabrics Are Here Marqnieetta Sl-tn. embroidered, all white or dainty colored figures. Her at, yard .50c Voile 40-inch all white or with colored figures. Special designs confined to this store, yard.. 98a Organdie -4 0-lnch all . white, neat embroidered effects, small or medium, also new stripes. yd.98 Fin Long Cloth, sealed packages, tu stamping. These are all of fin est finish, 10-yd. bolt. . .Sl.llMtSo EXTRA SPECIALS for MONDA Y 25c Silk Veilings, st, )urd $1.00 Spotlena Hair Brushes P. K. C. Crochet Cotton, ball Ladies' Pad Hose Supporters, pair. . . . Children's Lisle Hose Supporters, pair. 7-plece Stamped Linen Table Bets, set. lOr . joe lOt? s? 150 11.00 Ladles' Hand Bags, at. f 2.00 Ladies' Hand nags, at. $1.50 Thermos Bottles 13.60 Thermos Bottles f 1.60 Chiffon Auto Veils, at 39? 81.10 81.75 700 Spring Embroideries BOc Embroidery, Per Yard, 15c A big line of fine 18-idcn skirt flounclngs and corset cover embroidery, only, yd. 13c 10c Embroidery, 5 This lot Includes edges, inserting, head ings and galloons; worth up to 16o yard. On saleonly, yd. .Oc 2.00 Flounrings, B8c This s a remarkable line of very fine 40-inch flouncluas. suitable for fancy frocks, party dresses, graduation towns, first oom munlon gowns, etc Special Monday, only, y&rd B&o BOe Embroidery at B5c Yard- This Is a fine line of ft to 17 inch flounclngs In beautiful patterns, excellent quality, new designs. A big bargain, only, rard 2-Vo A speclsl lot of 4 4 -yard strips of very fine hand loom em broidery on sale at Be, TH., 10c, 12 He, 13c. BOe, 23 yard. TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYJ l