si; !! i ! 5 A A TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 12, 191b. PDAWOS Lowest Prices Ever Quoted Only "Two Days' Sals ' Listen We must dispose of our large stork of discontinued Mylrs and used IMnnog and Player Pianos, regardless of profit and terms. ' Among these sale pianos you will find such pianos as Stria- way. Weber. Emerson, Ftcger ' At Sons, Knahe, ChlrVerlnc. .Ludwlg, Erbe, Mueller, Vose & Sons. nle lnt only two dnjs., ' tn (i11 Tomorrow. PRESIDENT BUTLER OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AND OMAHA ALUMNI AT UNIVERSITY CLUB Bottom 'row, left to right: John El Summers, P. & S.t '81; Charles S. Saunders, L., '82; Harley O. Moorhead, L., '02; President Butler; Victor Rosewater, C, '91. Second row: Hiram A. Salisbury, F. A., '15; Norman R. Brigham, F. A., '13; Louis J. Te PoeL L '05; Dr. Andrew B. Somers, P. & S., 72; Robert W. Patrick, L., '82; Dr. Charles W. Pollard, P. & S., '99. Top row: Rev. O. A. Hulbert, 03; Charles F. McLaughlin, L., '10; Dr. James S. Foote, P. & S., '81; Walter M. Stillman, C, '15; Frank Latenser, F. A., '11 Frei 20 Diys in Your Heme FREE 1 Rl5S!5!S!y'' $ 47 .$ 98 $122 $128 $118 .XOTICE Cut In price, for thw ' next two jlny.' Sf 50 Upright, :obony ease, now. 300 Upright, ebony rase, now , . $325 Upright. walnut case, now. $350 Upright. t oak esse, now.''. '. $4 00 Upright, rose wood case, now;. $300 Upright, nm- djIO hogany case, now, "P X tCj : $1000 Grand, rose- " f - f( ' wood case, no , V P 1 VJl $700 Player, oak, &OGfl case, now..;.t. .. se7vJ Terms 81 82 .pwvweck. Free Stool, ( . ;rce, Hrarfs,, Free LU3 loHnrance. . Schnioller G H iscUer ';Pi2n3.Xo:v:v';: 1.111-13f3 Fiwnam Mrts' ) rr'pX' . ... l:-:tmfT M at"' ' v ,.; ' ."4 ' I j j - . j . . .... ' : : ! i- v-vv.r- ' r .. l r : l,v .V 1 AfJ - ' a v. '. s ii i '.'ii oi rii iij i t I it i y M. !A liM DEPARTMENT; MOVING f. STORAGE' vt iti: 7PACKIHB," SHIPPIK8 ftHD 7: ;f!EPAI!li!IGiisid j In connection wltv'cur bl storage .warvhouae w hav livsUIled a num JImt of ' inovThn . varia" and auto piano ;waon . wnlcn ara. . aauippea wun very ccmvwlcni "and have heavy Jrubtip'r' lire., Wa ara therefore In a JpoBltlpn to niovo any and all kinds or hnimehold roixw ,anl ,piano ai a jtvery'.modorate priei ',.-f;." " l Our Vans and Waaoiia ara In char iof tlicrons'iiy enpfrioncfd men who 'Jcon, alriil. will,' move" ; your houachuld ijxoodfi with to mams ertromd. car aa i hriuiJli' iitx woro dt'liverbnr a conv itulete. outfit "which had J't bcen: pnr IJi'hmod from ua ' - I ! Cur, tfrBe warebouae, which l a .;Uior'ouithly moJprn . build Inar, Is J-(Hilppi!d , with automatic eprlnHlur aud airanKed so that household goods, I !imioi, to., can be handlrd "an! ntoi-d In a very fconomloal way, plant In connection with our blr etoraxs we fcava excellent facilities for .parking and chipping aa well aa for rfpalring-, rcfininlilus and upholater !ng. Those departments ttfo In charm lot flint claea mechanics who av ex Jperta In their particular line of worK. ur rfiaraes In this department, as w ll 'a all other departments In nertlon with our blj atomife plant, are Jvery, modorate. ,''' " IT you Intend moving;, having your I furniture stored, shipped or rcpalifd, J phone I touRlns 77S5 or call at this Blo-e when we wi be pleased to elve yo.t I any and all Information In regard to Jour warehouse or any. department In conmHtlon 1th it. ; CICNTHAL. FTR.VITl'KE STORE. a me when I say .lt. I. am nly 29 going on 'W. but when I want your counsel I will phono you." "I didn't mean no harm." snld ths Head Barber, "but you are ny friend and I don't like to have anybody put anything over on a friend of mlna." "You have got a loyal heart, George," aid the Manicure Lady, kindly. "A loyal heart and a honest mind, only a little alow and dull. If you waa as bright as me and If I was aa good looking as you, we would' be a grand team." Ww wouldn't never pull together.", de clared tho Head Barber. "You gt too fresh. Tou are all theT time talkltur to fresh sports, and It has took away part of your girlish reserve, or something.' I've got my girlish reserva all right enough when , a gent gets flirtatious: declared the Manicure Lady. ; "If . you doubt that. George, wait till some gay old dog comes In to have hie nails did. Then watch little Iceberg Ida. Stop gab bing now. George, I want to read about this soolety wedding." Liven tp Tear Torpid Liver. Tq keep yo liver active use Pr. King's New Life Pills. They tnsuro' guod diges tion and relieve constipation.' At drug gists, 26o. Advertisement. BREAK UW 6,000 YEARS OLD Babylomlaa Deere Bet Aaltfe for m tklld by MlaeoarVa 11 1 ah dcfriradesj-frpni beta ambJshed ha t V"ili'i. i. "?$" tiH ''JJ II Yea Have a , . . IVcak Stomech ; Use Du!(yfs If you have stomach trouble and your food does not digest easily and well you should act at once before your aUment lead 'to further organic complications. Duffy's If taken in tn.bleSDOonful donna In JexiUttJ. amounts of water or ml Id be , iniMila aiwl on retiring stimulate ttlie mut'oua surfacea of the atointu-h and activates the glands that rut rate .the natural rilxttitlve Julrae l'nlti I, there la a sufficient flww of saetriu h)ul-e your atonuu-h cannot proiwrly haiK-t the food you eat and ferumn- Uition roJowa. Oaaea artae and P"l ona are created In the ayatnen. The Mood beroinea affected and through the blood the whole ayatem bet onica Involved. Avoid theae condition: take Duffy'a as directed and yuur health will invariably ba improved. "Get Duffy's and Keep Wall". . At most drugplats irrocere and dJ era, 1.00. If tliey can't supply ' ' h write ua. tTe ful houjMthold booklet fra The Dtiffy MaH Whlekey Co.. IUic healer, N. Y. The Manicure Lady - l She Discourses on the Folly of 1 Discourse. , By 'WILLIAM F. KIRK. ''Vdon't know for sure If that ant which just . went out waa' stringing me or not."' snld tho Manicure Lady, "but he told me that he waa In the secret service." . "I guess he was bluffing," aald the 1 i lleud. Barber. "Them spies don't often tip their mitts like that. Part of a spy's job Is to keep his mouth shut. You would never ma So a good syp." "There , Is , others, Oeorge," said f.the Manicure, Lady cuttingly, "Barbers, for instants. 'VVho ever heard of a barber that woutif keep tils mouth shutT 'Nice morning', plr.' 'Does the rasor hurt you, sir?' and tU that chatter. I can hear you springing It all day long. Don't talk to me about talking, Oeorge I' "But. aa I was saying, Oeorge, that gent- Is a secret service man. Gee, how romantic! And Just to think that I fixed the nails of a gent that Is all the time face to face with grim danger! I guess he's the first hero I ever seen face to (ace." VYou might b-aveaaWi-av lot of , heroes ajKt never knew. it," said the Head Barber, -"Heal heroes- never says' much shout "Hi -and hardly an of them looks tha part, oldest brothel saved three Spanish waiV Jiut yoft .couldn'L.y to talk about It, unless be was kind of lit up, " . 'Heroes Is mostly Quiet, gents, klddo. You'll always notice that..'Jf you know many heroes.. .That's why.I think 'ihs .j gent that just went out must have been handing you 'something. I know he didn't' hand you no tip." ' " 'I "Giving a tip wouldn't prove anything," said tho Manlcuro Lady. "Nobody tips ma as as much aa Joe Blow, and good ness knows,. Oeorjre. Joe Blow ain't a' brave man. J beHrvo If a newsboy; slapped him, he would holler .'Pollcel' I sometimes think- that It takes a brave man to keep from tipping, especially In little old New York." - ; "You jdon't want to believe everything your 'customers ftn yon." an viae a tne lliaanicj', , oomo' men i unloss they ar; strtntftng some young, Innocent, gtrl 'like you.'''--' Tea' bee!'!, said; the Manicure Lady. "Tee hWvGeorge Ypu erc;a comical per son soincUmtia. Just whcn'I think I sm grown !,iitq ablo , to paddle myMlttle oanoe.!Hlinjrityoui(eoma with your, ath erlv ajvloi' and makai .me feel like one of them .c'lriiilng'. chicken ypu see pic turcs ofon . the. society, page them debutants1 nean. . ".,'. . '-.tit There. I lots of --things. I don't know, Goorse','b"l there' is lots of nthor things I am .w ise toN and hope you will believe TO LECTJJEE TO SACHET HEART ALUMNAE MONDAY. son was born Jn 190G. Later his father died, and a year later the latter a foster mother died, leaving the boy only 1.0,0)0. The court here holds that hs possesses all the rights In law of a natural child to Inherit. The circuit court of Ft. Louts, which decided tha suit to break the will of the foster grandmother adveriely to the child, unable to find any lster precedent ap plicable to the case, went back to the code of tho Babylonian . King Ham murabi, who died In ?1S5 B. C. Thla Baby lonian code provided that the child of an adopted child had no rights as an heir after the death of the adopted child. Su Louis Republic ' Read Bee Want them for result. Ads for. profit Use The supreme court, has declared void a Babylonian law of nss B. C, which pro vided that the child of an adopted per son had no rights as an heir after tho death' of - the- parent, decreeing Loula Lornero, 11 ,-yeara old, a heir to property said to be , worth I2,000,000.' Tha court announced the . new doctrine that tho natural child of an adopted, child Inherits from the adopting parents. The father of the boy, was brought, to Ft. Louis from Italy by Louis Bernero snd his wife In If0 on the promise to hls'parenls thn,t .they would adopt, him snd make him their heir. They had no children of their own. Tha husband died In fit, Louis In 190 and the following year his ) wife T adopted the young , man and made him her heir. - II married and his Need Not Tight if ' It Hurts Conscience (Correspondence of the Aaaoclated Press.) LONDON. Feb? 29. The position of the conscientious objector under the new mll Hsry compulsion act is thus stated In a circular Issued to tha local authorities: "Tha man who honestly and aa, a mat ter of conscience ' objects to, combatant service Is -entitled to exemption. While cars wUl ba taken that 'tha man .who shirks his duty to his country does not find unwoithr shelter behind .this pro- t vision. vVry considers tfoit will' be given to tha man. whose objections genuinely rest on religious or moral convictions. "Tha local authority, in making ap pointments to the exemption tribunal, should besr in mind that the -tribunal will have to hear, among tha applications. those mads 'on the ground of conscientious objection. 5 Men who apply on this ground should be able to feel that they are being judged by a tribunal that will deal fairly with thelf casep." " Ths Instructions go on to say that "the certificate' of exemption may be from combatant service only. In which case tha man would not be exempt from serV' ice In, for Instance, tho Iloyal Army Med leal corps. The exemption should be the minimum required to meet the con' sclenttous scruples of the applicant." WESTERN SOLDIERS READY FOR ACTION Railroads Get Information to Have Transportation Facilities at Hand Immed'afly. MOVE WEST FROM HERE everything Indicates that perhaps within a few hours the regular soldiers of tha Department of the Missouri will be an route to the Mexican border to take a hand In quelling the disturbance there and avenging the death of tha Amer ican citizens killed by the Mexicans. This afternoon Northwestern railroad officials received from the War depart ment Instructions to assemble equipment at Fort Meade, S. D., and Fort Robin son, Neb., preparatory to moving tha troops at these two points on short notice. The movement if it ocours will cnslst of two trains, one of tourist cars for the officers and soldiers and the other a freight for carrying tha animals. The movement will ba by way of Ortn Junction, Cheyenne and Denver.' At about he same time that the North western officials received their notice o move the soldiers from Forts Meads and Robineem. Union Pactfte officials re ceived instructions to assemble equipment for the movement of the regulars from Fort Ruusell. near Cheyenne. To handle this movement will require probably four trains, two of tourist sleepers for the officers and men and two freights for tho animals and camp equipment. The movement over the Union Pacific will be by way of Denver, out on what road the trains will ba operated south to tho Mexican border Is not known. Koy to tha Situation Bee Want Ads. Germaa Cora Reserve. BKRLIN, March 11. (By Wireless to flayvtlle.) Althoush It had been calcu lated that the German corn reserve would not total more than 260.000 tons, it is now atated by the official census bureau that It will reach i0.O00 tons, aays the Over seas News atjency. '1 ylEAD THE BEE WANT APS THE IIOME PAPER f..;. : A'. : A'A ' 'A; ;' . -' .... . . ,s " i- "'' ' ' A. U' LOUI9 1L WETMORK. Louis A. Wetmore, former literary ad' Itor of the New York Times and well known as a student and writer, will lec ture Monday afternoon at the Acadumy of the Bacred Heart. Thirty-sixth and Burt streets, on "Heretics and Orthodox in Modern Literature,'' ; Mr. Wetmore spent many years abroad, first aa a stu dont at Oxford and later in travel and association with great writers. His Omaha lecture will Include criticisms of Helalre Belloc, G. K. Chesterton, Rob ert Hugh Benson, Q. W. Wslls, Oeorge liernard Ehaw and Francis Thompson. the Drug, Caff sine, In Coffee Is A Habit-Forming Agent 'VmW.-";-;. V rssaas' auixsYtN. wv sf';: y. J. . ' ' I VSE-A MENACt : ' . Bulletin 393, U. S. Department of Agriculture, entitled "Habit- , Forming Agents," referring to caf feine and other ingredients used in the -manufacture of certain soft drinks, headache mixtures, etc., my : V Until recently it was claimed by , 'some that' these, agents were harmless and did not belong to the habif oraing group. . ' Later investigations, however, clearly show that this position is . unwarranted. The average cup of coffee contains about grains of caffeine. Mothers give it to their children and wives give it to their husbandi3 unconscious of the harm coffee does to health. ' A "pf mi iwiiswiiiwArt '?lrk?-W:i USE-A MENACt TO TDK ' V:.5,? v MM "Vhcn the nerves cry out, or indigestion, biliousness, headache or heart flutter begin to trouble, it's time to look to the cause. An easy, sure way out of oof fee troubles is to quit the coffee, and use FOSTUM f the pure cereal food-drink. There are two forms of Postum. The original Postum Cereal must be boiled; Instant Postum i quickly soluble in hot water, more convenient to prepare, and has the same rich flavour as the original Postum. Some prefer one form, some the other; both are freo from the habit-forming drug, caffeine, or any other harmful substance, and the cost per cup is about the same. 'There's a Reason" for POSTUM If every woman who is thinking of paying a high price for a Suit, will look at these most moderately priced offerings, she is sure to find what she wants at a much smaller cost. SUITS in serge, wool poplin, gabardine, Poiret twill, broken plaids and black and white checks, having such characteristic style ten dencies as high military necks, full sleeves with flare cuffs, rippling peplums and small capes; skirts that follow the individuality of the suit. Many are silk trimmed. It's the strongest line we have ever carried, and has earned a shower of compliments. ' $ 1 9.50 $25.00 $29.50 i . JUNIOR SUITS designed for the immature and growing girl's figure. Sizes 15 to 17 $15.00 nd $19.50 Jaunty Spring Coats A multitude of new and original ideas in French genre, soft wool good 8, In putty and oyster grey, black and white checks and overlaid plaids. Many coats are lined through out with rich, lustrous satin. Fresh from the best New . York houses. i ' Two High Water Marks of Value, $17.50-$19.75 M riaTBSl S A -. t A . 1516-18-20 Farnam Street. , "Xa nts Glasses" vs. jerr!i 3. M. VMiUlri, Registered Opto. metrlst. Phillips "Change of Location" Otter Twelve years in the Brandels Stores. Now In new quarters In the Brandels Building. In order to properly acquaint you with my new location I will accept thla card as a v 10 Discount on Any Pair of Eye Glasses or Spectacles If Thla Card Is Presented Within M Says. PHILLIPS OPTICAL CO., Oatha rnoae lUd 3416. 807-e Braadala Bldg. Takes Home m Paf d)U )) Oil a Full Gallon CEDAR BROOK OLD TAYLOR. CLARK'S RTB. OLD CROW A rtj-ft msanv ri hsrs m It O yers old. only... ...... QUART WHISKEY 2 Quart Bottles of Beer. 25c 98c FULL Cackley Bros. lflth and Capitol Ave. fiend Us Your Mail Orders. Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Colds, Influenza, i" "" ri i"" " v mUlA t6o and 1. at all druggists or by msll. TonicTablets A Useful Tonic For AFTER EFFECTS FROM GRIP Loss of strength; Loss of Appetlto; Weak or Impaired Digestion. Con tains nothing harmful nor injurioua. Large Flask $1.00. ror sal. by all Drug gists or wtmt; celpt of th. price. HUMPHREYS HOMEO. MED. CO., Corner WlUuun and Ann Streets. New Torn. Chicago. Memphis, New Orleans And ALL POINTS EAST Via Illinois CENTRAL Two Solid Steel Trains Daily. Tickets and Information at CITY TICKET OFFICE 407 South 16th St. S. NORTH, . District Passenger Afent. Phone Douglas 204. I ' S Mm?k i 3 i i i i I i A.